Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × France
1 × Norway
1 × Singapore
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Heiler M.Winslett ∅ D.S.Reiner F.Manola G.Wiederhold L.J.Seligman C.A.Galindo-Legaria U.S.Chakravarthy B.T.Blaustein M.Sayyadian A.Doan L.Seligman Y.Lee S.Chakravarthy J.A.Blakeley U.Dayal A.Chapman M.D.Allen X.Chai S.Tsur J.D.Ullman S.Abiteboul C.Clifton R.Motwani S.Nestorov A.Y.Halevy N.Ashish D.Bitton M.J.Carey D.Draper J.Pollock V.Sikka
Talks about:
queri (7) data (6) research (3) system (3) recurs (3) integr (3) secur (3) larg (3) outerjoin (2) knowledg (2)
Person: Arnon Rosenthal
DBLP: Rosenthal:Arnon
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- VLDB-2011-BlausteinCSAR #graph
- Surrogate Parenthood: Protected and Informative Graphs (BTB, AC, LS, MDA, AR), pp. 518–527.
- VLDB-2008-ChaiSDRS #integration
- Analyzing and revising data integration schemas to improve their matchability (XC, MS, AD, AR, LS), pp. 773–784.
- SIGMOD-2005-HalevyABCDPRS #challenge #enterprise #integration
- Enterprise information integration: successes, challenges and controversies (AYH, NA, DB, MJC, DD, JP, AR, VS), pp. 778–787.
- VLDB-2005-SayyadianLDR #using
- Tuning Schema Matching Software using Synthetic Scenarios (MS, YL, AD, AR), pp. 994–1005.
- SIGMOD-2004-RosenthalW #research #scalability #security #state of the art
- Security of Shared Data in Large Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions (AR, MW), pp. 962–964.
- VLDB-2004-RosenthalW #research #scalability #security #state of the art
- Security of Shared Data in Large Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions (AR, MW), p. 1242.
- CIKM-2001-Rosenthal #documentation #question #security #what
- What Can Researches Do to Improve Security of Data and Documents? (AR), p. 593.
- CIKM-2001-RosenthalW #data access #documentation #question
- Document Release versus Data Access Controls: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (AR, GW), pp. 544–546.
- SIGMOD-1998-TsurUACMNR #mining #query
- Query Flocks: A Generalization of Association-Rule Mining (ST, JDU, SA, CC, RM, SN, AR), pp. 1–12.
- VLDB-1994-RosenthalS #challenge #in the large #integration #reuse
- Data Integration in the Large: The Challenge of Reuse (AR, LJS), pp. 669–675.
- SIGMOD-1992-Rosenthal #what
- What Can We Do to Strengthen the Connection Between Theory and System Builders (AR), p. 101.
- SIGMOD-1990-RosenthalG #graph #implementation #query
- Query Graphs, Implementing Trees, and Freely-Reorderable Outerjoins (AR, CAGL), pp. 291–299.
- VLDB-1989-RosenthalCBB #database #monitoring
- Situation Monitoring for Active Databases (AR, SC, BTB, JAB), pp. 455–464.
- VLDB-1988-RosenthalC #multi #query
- Anatomy of a Mudular Multiple Query Optimizer (AR, USC), pp. 230–239.
- DAC-1987-RosenthalH #approach #knowledge-based #query
- Querying Part Hierarchies: A Knowledge-Based Approach (AR, SH), pp. 328–334.
- SIGMOD-1986-RosenthalHDM #approach #recursion #traversal
- Traversal Recursion: A Practical Approach to Supporting Recursive Applications (AR, SH, UD, FM), pp. 166–176.
- VLDB-1985-HeilerR #functional #interface #recursion #visual notation
- G-WHIZ, a Visual Interface for the Functional Model with Recursion (SH, AR), pp. 209–218.
- VLDB-1984-RosenthalHM #knowledge-based #query
- An Example of Knowledge-Based Query Processing in a CAD/CAM DBMS (AR, SH, FM), pp. 363–370.
- VLDB-1984-RosenthalR #algebra #framework #query
- Extending the Algebraic Framework of Query Processing to Handle Outerjoins (AR, DSR), pp. 334–343.
- SIGMOD-1982-RosenthalR #architecture #optimisation #query
- An Architecture for Query Optimization (AR, DSR), pp. 246–255.