158 papers:
CHI-2015-HoubenM #named #prototype #tool support- WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping Smartwatch-Centric Cross-Device Applications (SH, NM), pp. 1247–1256.
CHI-2015-VatavuW #analysis #elicitation #formal method #metric #tool support- Formalizing Agreement Analysis for Elicitation Studies: New Measures, Significance Test, and Toolkit (RDV, JOW), pp. 1325–1334.
CSCW-2015-FreitasD #collaboration #framework #tool support- The Group Context Framework: An Extensible Toolkit for Opportunistic Grouping and Collaboration (AAdF, AKD), pp. 1602–1611.
DUXU-DD-2015-Penzenstadler #design #tool support- A Toolkit for SE for Sustainability — A Design Fiction (BP), pp. 634–643.
SAC-2015-TriasCSM #migration #named #reverse engineering #tool support #web- RE-CMS: a reverse engineering toolkit for the migration to CMS-based web applications (FT, VdC, MLS, EM), pp. 810–812.
SIGMOD-2014-ParameswaranTGW #named #tool support- DataSift: a crowd-powered search toolkit (AGP, MHT, HGM, JW), pp. 885–888.
VLDB-2014-ShiZLCLW #named #optimisation #pipes and filters #tool support- MRTuner: A Toolkit to Enable Holistic Optimization for MapReduce Jobs (JS, JZ, JL, ZC, SL, CW), pp. 1319–1330.
VLDB-2014-WangKLW #multi #named- Terrain-Toolkit: A Multi-Functional Tool for Terrain Data (QW, MK, CL, RCWW), pp. 1645–1648.
DUXU-TMT-2014-MichailidouSKL #design #experience #tool support #user interface- A User Experience Design Toolkit (IM, CvS, SK, UL), pp. 163–172.
HCI-TMT-2014-Merlin #implementation #interactive #paradigm #tool support- IntNovate a Toolkit to Ease the Implementation of Every Interaction Paradigm on Every Device (BM), pp. 331–339.
RecSys-2014-SaidB14a #evaluation #named #recommendation #tool support- Rival: a toolkit to foster reproducibility in recommender system evaluation (AS, AB), pp. 371–372.
FSE-2014-Gui00ND #agile #analysis #named #nondeterminism #reliability #tool support- RaPiD: a toolkit for reliability analysis of non-deterministic systems (LG, JS, YL, TKN, JSD), pp. 727–730.
FSE-2014-JiangZZZLSSGS #embedded #modelling #multi #named #synthesis #tool support #validation- Tsmart-GalsBlock: a toolkit for modeling, validation, and synthesis of multi-clocked embedded systems (YJ, HZ, HZ, XZ, HL, CS, XS, MG, JGS), pp. 711–714.
ICSE-2014-OkurHDD #c# #case study #programming #tool support- A study and toolkit for asynchronous programming in c# (SO, DLH, DD, AvD), pp. 1117–1127.
TAP-2014-BardinCDK #automation #testing #tool support- An All-in-One Toolkit for Automated White-Box Testing (SB, OC, MD, NK), pp. 53–60.
CHI-2013-ZhuZ #agile #automation #low cost #named #prototype #tool support- AutoGami: a low-cost rapid prototyping toolkit for automated movable paper craft (KZ, SZ), pp. 661–670.
CSCW-2013-GenestGTKI #distributed #game studies #named #tool support- KinectArms: a toolkit for capturing and displaying arm embodiments in distributed tabletop groupware (AG, CG, AT, MK, ZI), pp. 157–166.
DUXU-WM-2013-BucchianicoCP #analysis #communication #towards #visual notation- Branding “for All”: Toward the Definition of Inclusive Toolkits of Analysis and Visual Communication for Brand Identities (GDB, SC, SP), pp. 23–29.
MoDELS-2013-FrancisKMP #spreadsheet #tool support- Adding Spreadsheets to the MDE Toolkit (MF, DSK, NDM, RFP), pp. 35–51.
MoDELS-2013-FrancisKMP #spreadsheet #tool support- Adding Spreadsheets to the MDE Toolkit (MF, DSK, NDM, RFP), pp. 35–51.
ICSE-2013-Carvalho #comprehension #concept #ontology #problem #tool support- An ontology toolkit for problem domain concept location in program comprehension (NRC), pp. 1415–1418.
TACAS-2012-VeanesB #automaton #tool support- Symbolic Automata: The Toolkit (MV, NB), pp. 472–477.
FM-2012-HojjatKGIKR #tool support #verification- A Verification Toolkit for Numerical Transition Systems — Tool Paper (HH, FK, FG, RI, VK, PR), pp. 247–251.
CHI-2012-FriedmanH #tool support- The envisioning cards: a toolkit for catalyzing humanistic and technical imaginations (BF, DGH), pp. 1145–1148.
CHI-2012-PiperWH #authoring #game studies #interactive #process #tool support- TAP & PLAY: an end-user toolkit for authoring interactive pen and paper language activities (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 149–158.
CHI-2012-WooL #named #smarttech #tool support- Clipoid: an augmentable short-distance wireless toolkit for “accidentally smart home” environments (JbW, YKL), pp. 1751–1754.
CSCW-2012-BartelD #collaboration #multi #towards- Towards multi-domain collaborative toolkits (JWB, PD), pp. 1297–1306.
CSCW-2012-RoyGG #named #plugin #realtime #tool support- DiscoTech: a plug-in toolkit to improve handling of disconnection and reconnection in real-time groupware (BR, TCNG, CG), pp. 1287–1296.
CIKM-2012-BaoKLRY #programmable #quality #tool support- Gumshoe quality toolkit: administering programmable search (ZB, BK, YL, SR, HY), pp. 2716–2718.
RE-2012-SupakkulC #modelling #multi #requirements #tool support- The RE-Tools: A multi-notational requirements modeling toolkit (SS, LC), pp. 333–334.
ITiCSE-2011-MeyerHST #collaboration #modelling #named #tool support- CoMoTo: the collaboration modeling toolkit (CM, CH, ES, JT), pp. 143–147.
TACAS-2011-SeshiaK #analysis #named #tool support- GameTime: A Toolkit for Timing Analysis of Software (SAS, JK), pp. 388–392.
SCAM-2011-CollardDM #fact extraction #lightweight #semiparsing #tool support- Lightweight Transformation and Fact Extraction with the srcML Toolkit (MLC, MJD, JIM), pp. 173–184.
ICFP-2011-FisherFWZ #named #programming #tool support- Forest: a language and toolkit for programming with filestores (KF, NF, DW, KQZ), pp. 292–306.
HIMI-v1-2011-ZhouDHY #industrial #interface #tool support- A Human Interface Toolkit for Developing Operation Support System of Complex Industrial Systems with IVI-COM Technology (YZ, YD, XH, HY), pp. 82–89.
KDD-2011-GhotingKPK #algorithm #data mining #implementation #machine learning #mining #named #parallel #pipes and filters #tool support- NIMBLE: a toolkit for the implementation of parallel data mining and machine learning algorithms on mapreduce (AG, PK, EPDP, RK), pp. 334–342.
SIGIR-2011-ChenTLJ #knowledge base #tool support- A toolkit for knowledge base population (ZC, ST, AL, HJ), pp. 1267–1268.
Onward-2011-AlabiG #tool support- The accessibility toolkit (HIA, BG), pp. 145–148.
SIGMOD-2010-SeligmanMHSCCWMKB #integration #named #open source #tool support- OpenII: an open source information integration toolkit (LS, PM, AYH, KPS, MJC, KC, CW, JM, AK, DB), pp. 1057–1060.
SEFM-2010-XuZC #context-free grammar #generative #tool support- A Toolkit for Generating Sentences from Context-Free Grammars (ZX, LZ, HC), pp. 118–122.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-ArtignanH #graph #named #tool support #visualisation- STOOG — Style-Sheets-based Toolkit for Graph Visualization (GA, MH), pp. 123–131.
SIGIR-2010-FetterlyM #information retrieval #tool support- A data-parallel toolkit for information retrieval (DF, FM), p. 701.
GPCE-2010-BordignonSS #composition #generative #modelling- Model-based kinematics generation for modular mechatronic toolkits (MB, UPS, KS), pp. 157–166.
ICDAR-2009-Guest #matlab #named #online #tool support- PENTOOLS — A MATLAB Toolkit for On-line Pen-Based Data Experimentation (RMG), pp. 1221–1225.
ICPC-J-2008-DaltonWDH09 #behaviour #embedded #network #runtime #tool support #visualisation- Visualizing the runtime behavior of embedded network systems: A toolkit for TinyOS (ARD, SKW, SD, JOH), pp. 446–469.
ICPC-2009-ZhangDH #aspectj #impact analysis #tool support #visualisation- Impact analysis and visualization toolkit for static crosscutting in AspectJ (DZ, EDE, LJH), pp. 60–69.
CIAA-2009-CleophasH #algorithm #automaton #tool support- Forest FIRE: A Taxonomy-based Toolkit of Tree Automata and Regular Tree Algorithms (LGC, KH), pp. 245–248.
CHI-2009-AppertZ #tool support #using- Using strokes as command shortcuts: cognitive benefits and toolkit support (CA, SZ), pp. 2289–2298.
ESEC-FSE-2009-PathakG #named #network #tool support #visual notation- Srijan: a graphical toolkit for sensor network macroprogramming (AP, MKG), pp. 301–302.
ASE-2008-GaffeR #tool support- The Clem Toolkit (DG, AR), pp. 495–496.
VLDB-2008-TianPNMK #graph #named #query #tool support- Periscope/GQ: a graph querying toolkit (YT, JMP, VN, SM, MK), pp. 1404–1407.
ICPC-2008-DaltonH #behaviour #runtime #tool support #visualisation- A Toolkit for Visualizing the Runtime Behavior of TinyOS Applications (ARD, JOH), pp. 43–52.
KDD-2008-YangAPM #graph #interactive #tool support- A visual-analytic toolkit for dynamic interaction graphs (XY, SA, SP, SM), pp. 1016–1024.
PADL-2008-FernandezFFGM #developer #ml #programming #tool support- A Generic Programming Toolkit for PADS/ML: First-Class Upgrades for Third-Party Developers (MFF, KF, JNF, MG, YM), pp. 133–149.
DATE-2007-BondarevCW #analysis #component #design #embedded #named #performance #tool support- CARAT: a toolkit for design and performance analysis of component-based embedded systems (ERVB, MRVC, PHNdW), pp. 1024–1029.
SIGMOD-2007-HeWCLR #automation #named #tool support- BIwTL: a business information warehouse toolkit and language for warehousing simplification and automation (BH, RW, YC, AL, JR), pp. 1041–1052.
CSMR-2007-Sartipi #evolution #integration #multi #tool support- A Multi-view Toolkit to Assist Software Integration and Evolution (KS), pp. 337–338.
ICSM-2007-RenC #named #testing #tool support #validation- ATTEST: A Testing Toolkit for Validating Software Properties (Y(R, FC), pp. 469–472.
SEFM-2007-FraserB #configuration management #proving #tool support- Configurable Proof Obligations in the Frog Toolkit (SF, RB), pp. 361–370.
AGTIVE-2007-LevendovszkyLMM #mobile #tool support- Introducing the VMTS Mobile Toolkit (TL, LL, GM, TM), pp. 587–592.
CHI-2007-FogartyH #modelling #statistics #tool support- Toolkit support for developing and deploying sensor-based statistical models of human situations (JF, SEH), pp. 135–144.
CHI-2007-LeclercPI #modelling #named #physics #tool support #visualisation- Senspectra: a computationally augmented physical modeling toolkit for sensing and visualization of structural strain (VL, AJP, HI), pp. 801–804.
HCI-IDU-2007-GeorgiakakisRPP #design #design pattern #tool support #usability- DEPTH TOOLKIT: A Web-Based Tool for Designing and Executing Usability Evaluations of E-Sites Based on Design Patterns (PG, SR, YP, GP), pp. 453–462.
HCI-MIE-2007-LyonsBWKS #gesture #named #process #recognition #tool support- GART: The Gesture and Activity Recognition Toolkit (KL, HB, TLW, JK, TS), pp. 718–727.
HCI-MIE-2007-RigasA #design #empirical #interface #multimodal #tool support- A Toolkit for Multimodal Interface Design: An Empirical Investigation (DIR, MMA), pp. 196–205.
OCSC-2007-ZhangYAQ #named #network #social #tool support- SISN: A Toolkit for Augmenting Expertise Sharing Via Social Networks (JZ, YY, MSA, YQ), pp. 491–500.
SIGIR-2007-ChenBLCZ #mobile #retrieval #tool support- A full-text retrieval toolkit for mobile desktop search (WC, JB, KL, CC, CZ), p. 905.
SIGMOD-2006-ZieglerKSDB #detection #ontology #similarity #tool support- Generic similarity detection in ontologies with the SOQA-SimPack toolkit (PZ, CK, CS, KRD, AB), pp. 751–753.
CSMR-2006-CugnoNSDT #automation #composition #semantics #tool support- Semantic-Based Toolkit for Automated Building Block Composition in SAP R/3 (FdC, TDN, EDS, FMD, ET), pp. 343–346.
ICPC-2006-SartipiYS #interactive #named #tool support- Alborz: An Interactive Toolkit to Extract Static and Dynamic Views of a Software System (KS, LY, HS), pp. 256–259.
CIAA-2006-MayK #automaton #named #tool support- Tiburon: A Weighted Tree Automata Toolkit (JM, KK), pp. 102–113.
IFL-2006-PlasmeijerA #tool support- A Conference Management System Based on the iData Toolkit (RP, PA), pp. 108–125.
SOFTVIS-2006-DemetrescuF #data-driven #tool support #visual notation #visualisation- A data-driven graphical toolkit for software visualization (CD, IF), pp. 57–66.
ICEIS-J-2006-EspirituST06a #tool support #topic- The ViskiMap Toolkit: Extending Mediawiki with Topic Maps (CE, ES, TT), pp. 420–438.
SAC-2006-KwonCC #grid #tool support- Light-weight service-oriented grid application toolkit (SK, JC, KC), pp. 1482–1486.
SAC-2006-SchiavoniQ #architecture #component #programming #tool support- A posteriori defensive programming: an annotation toolkit for DoS-resistant component-based architectures (VS, VQ), pp. 1734–1738.
ICSE-2006-SohnGSLCSC #case study #experience #open source #tool support- Experiences with place lab: an open source toolkit for location-aware computing (TS, WGG, JS, AL, YC, IES, MYC), pp. 462–471.
ASE-2005-ErikssonMBB #case study #modelling #product line #tool support- The PLUSS toolkit — extending telelogic DOORS and IBM-rational rose to support product line use case modeling (ME, HM, JB, KB), pp. 300–304.
ITiCSE-2005-WermelingerD #automaton #formal method #prolog #tool support- A prolog toolkit for formal languages and automata (MW, AMD), pp. 330–334.
SAS-2005-KodumalA #analysis #constraints #named #scalability #tool support- Banshee: A Scalable Constraint-Based Analysis Toolkit (JK, AA), pp. 218–234.
CHI-2005-HeerCL #interactive #named #tool support #visualisation- prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization (JH, SKC, JAL), pp. 421–430.
CHI-2005-HudsonMS #tool support- Extensible input handling in the subArctic toolkit (SEH, JM, IES), pp. 381–390.
ICEIS-v5-2005-BeaudouxB #named #tool support- OPENDPI: A Toolkit for Developing Document-Centered Environments (OB, MBL), pp. 39–47.
ATEM-2004-Lammel05c #tool support- The Amsterdam Toolkit for Language Archaeology (RL), pp. 43–55.
PASTE-2004-BusCSPB #design #flexibility #implementation #tool support- The design and implementation of FIT: a flexible instrumentation toolkit (BDB, DC, BDS, LVP, KDB), pp. 29–34.
AFP-2004-AchtenEPW04 #agile #interactive #named #prototype #tool support #type safety- GEC: A Toolkit for Generic Rapid Prototyping of Type Safe Interactive Applications (PA, MCJDvE, RP, AvW), pp. 210–244.
CHI-2004-KlemmerLLL #named #tool support- Papier-Mache: toolkit support for tangible input (SRK, JL, JL, JAL), pp. 399–406.
CHI-2004-ShenVFR #interactive #named #tool support- DiamondSpin: an extensible toolkit for around-the-table interaction (CS, FV, CF, MR), pp. 167–174.
ICEIS-v4-2004-FelfernigRW- Toolkits Supporting Open Innovation in E-Government (AF, CR, MW), pp. 296–302.
HPDC-2004-DahanTRSUWB #grid #tool support- Grid Portal Toolkit 3.0 (GridPort) (MD, MT, ER, AS, TU, DW, JRB), pp. 272–273.
DAC-2003-QinM #automation #performance #synthesis- Automated synthesis of efficient binary decoders for retargetable software toolkits (WQ, SM), pp. 764–769.
CHI-2003-BallagasRSB #named #physics #tool support #ubiquitous #user interface- iStuff: a physical user interface toolkit for ubiquitous computing environments (RB, MR, MCS, JOB), pp. 537–544.
EDOC-2003-MoonLPC #modelling #tool support- ebXML BP Modeling Toolkit (JM, DL, CP, HC), pp. 296–301.
GPCE-2003-ChibaN #bytecode #java #performance #tool support- An Easy-to-Use Toolkit for Efficient Java Bytecode Translators (SC, MN), pp. 364–376.
SIGMOD-2002-PhanN #analysis #named #tool support- GEA: a toolkit for gene expression analysis (JMP, RTN), p. 628.
ITiCSE-2002-Schreiner #algorithm #distributed #education #java #tool support- A java toolkit for teaching distributed algorithms (WS), pp. 111–115.
CSMR-2002-AlbaneseBGT #case study #migration #tool support- A Toolkit for Applying a Migration Strategy: A Case Study (CA, TB, EG, MT), pp. 154–163.
IWPC-2002-TeleaMR #architecture #tool support #visualisation- An Open Visualization Toolkit for Reverse Architecting (ACT, AM, CR), pp. 3–10.
ICEIS-2002-BodorikBJ #middleware #monitoring #tool support- Toolkit for QoS Monitoring in Middleware (PB, SB, DNJ), pp. 244–249.
HPDC-2002-AllenDDGKLNRRRSW #grid #tool support- The GridLab Grid Application Toolkit (GA, KD, TD, TG, IK, GL, JN, TR, KR, MR, ES, OW), p. 411.
OSDI-2002-QiePP #programming #tool support #using- Defensive Programming: Using an Annotation Toolkit to Build DoS-Resistant Software (XQ, RP, LLP), pp. 45–60.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Orchard #fuzzy #reasoning #tool support- Fuzzy Reasoning in JESS: The Fuzzyj Toolkit and Fuzzyjess (RO), pp. 533–542.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Devos #design #developer #tool support- A Whack on the Side of the Designer’s Head: A Toolkit for the Creative Developer (MMD), p. 391.
HPDC-2001-ThomasMDMSB #grid #tool support- The GridPort Toolkit: A System for Building Grid Portals (MT, SM, MD, KM, DS, JRB), pp. 216–227.
CAV-2001-BallR #tool support- The SLAM Toolkit (TB, SKR), pp. 260–264.
SIGMOD-2000-LiuPBHPT #adaptation #data-driven #distributed #middleware #named #query- AQR-Toolkit: An Adaptive Query Routing Middleware for Distributed Data Intensive Systems (LL, CP, DB, WH, HP, WT), p. 597.
TACAS-2000-DennisCNBSRGM #tool support- The PROSPER Toolkit (LAD, GC, MN, RJB, KS, GR, MJCG, TFM), pp. 78–92.
CHI-2000-MankoffHA #ambiguity #interface- Providing integrated toolkit-level support for ambiguity in recognition-based interfaces (JM, SEH, GDA), pp. 368–375.
CHI-2000-RosenbaumRH #tool support #usability- A toolkit for strategic usability: results from workshops, panels, and surveys (SR, JAR, JH), pp. 337–344.
PADL-2000-ChewHN #constraints #tool support- A Toolkit for Constraint-Based Inference Engines (TYC, MH, KBN), pp. 185–199.
ICSE-2000-Moore #education #lessons learnt #re-engineering #tool support #using- Lessons learned from teaching reflective software engineering using the Leap toolkit (CAM), pp. 672–675.
HPDC-2000-ThomasMB #development #web- Development of Web Toolkits for Computational Science Portals: The NPACI HotPage (MT, SM, JB), pp. 308–309.
SIGMOD-1999-AltinelABFSZ #adaptation #middleware #named #scalability- DBIS-Toolkit: Adaptable Middleware for Large Scale Data Delivery (MA, DA, TB, MJF, WS, SBZ), pp. 544–546.
CHI-1999-SalberDA #development #tool support- The Context Toolkit: Aiding the Development of Context-Enabled Applications (DS, AKD, GDA), pp. 434–441.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Steckler #interactive #named #tool support- MysterX: A Scheme Toolkit for Building Interactive Applications with COM (PAS), p. 364–?.
HPDC-1999-AllenGMS #distributed #tool support #using- The Cactus Computational Toolkit and using Distributed Computing to Collide Neutron Stars (GA, TG, JM, ES), pp. 57–61.
HPDC-1999-VillacisGSWBDTGB #architecture #component #distributed #grid #named #performance #tool support- CAT: A High Performance Distributed Component Architecture Toolkit for the Grid (JEV, MG, DS, AW, FB, PD, BT, DG, RB), pp. 125–132.
ASE-1998-Walenstein #comprehension #design #modelling #tool support- Developing the Designer’s Toolkit with Software Comprehension Models (AW), pp. 310–313.
SIGMOD-1998-LiuPTBBZBHY #monitoring #named #personalisation #tool support- CQ: A Personalized Update Monitoring Toolkit (LL, CP, WT, DB, JB, TZ, PB, WH, FY), pp. 547–549.
TOOLS-USA-1998-CalderoniM #multi #named #simulation #tool support- MUTANT: A MultiAgent Toolkit for Artificial Life Simulation (SC, PM), pp. 218–229.
SAC-1998-ZollerS #automation #database #named #taxonomy #tool support- WEBCON: a toolkit for an automatic, data dictionary based connection of databases to the WWW (PZ, US), pp. 706–711.
HPDC-1998-BrunettCFFJKLT #case study #experience #tool support- Application Experiences with the Globus Toolkit (SB, KC, SF, ITF, AEJ, CK, JL, ST), pp. 81–88.
SIGMOD-1997-GebhardtJJ #interface #multi #tool support- A Toolkit for Negotiation Support Interfaces to Multi-Dimensional Data (MG, MJ, SJ), pp. 348–356.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisS #integration #multi #tool support- Unifying and Merging Toolkits: A Multi-Purpose Toolkit Integration Engine (AS, CS), pp. 457–460.
CAiSE-1997-RuggiaA #concept #modelling #reuse #tool support- A Toolkit for Reuse in Conceptual Modelling (RR, APA), pp. 173–186.
KBSE-1996-SidarkeviciuteTK #knowledge-based #tool support #visualisation- A Knowledge-Based Toolkit For Software Visualisation (DS, ET, AK), p. 18.
VLDB-1996-McKennaBHT #named #query #tool support- EROC: A Toolkit for Building NEATO Query Optimizers (WJM, LB, CH, MT), pp. 111–121.
ESOP-1996-BergstraDFH #compilation #tool support- A Complete Transformational Toolkit for Compilers (JAB, TBD, JF, JH), pp. 92–107.
CSCW-1996-Dourish #collaboration #consistency #semantics #tool support- Consistency Guarantees: Exploiting Application Semantics for Consistency Management in a Collaboration Toolkit (PD), pp. 268–277.
TRI-Ada-1996-Westley #ada #development #independence #named #tool support #user interface #visual notation- TASH: A Free Platform-Independent Graphical User Interface Development Toolkit for Ada (TJW), pp. 165–178.
SEKE-1996-Robertson #empirical #specification #tool support- An Empirical Study of the LSS Specification Toolkit in Use (DSR), pp. 153–160.
ICDAR-v2-1995-DowntonHA #programming #recognition #tool support #visual notation- A visual programming toolkit demonstrator for offline handwritten forms recognition (ACD, SJH, AA), pp. 707–710.
SEKE-1995-WangCCCP #database #documentation #pattern matching #tool support- An Integrated Toolkit for Pattern Matching and Pattern Discovery in Scientific, Program, and Document databases (JTLW, GWC, CYC, GJSC, KP), p. 497.
SOSP-1995-JosephdTGK #information management #mobile #named #tool support- Rover: A Toolkit for Mobile Information Access (ADJ, AFd, JAT, DKG, MFK), pp. 156–171.
HT-ECHT-1994-RobertsonMG #authoring #hypermedia #research #tool support- The Hypermedia Authoring Research Toolkit (HART) (JR, EM, AG), pp. 177–185.
PEPM-1994-BerlinS #experience #partial evaluation #tool support- Partial Evaluation for Scientific Computing: The Supercomputer Toolkit Experience (AAB, RJS), pp. 133–141.
ECOOP-1994-FreemanM #object-oriented #tool support #user interface #video- Adding Digital Video to an Object-Oriented User Interface Toolkit (SMGF, MSM), pp. 493–512.
CADE-1994-HuangKKMNRS94a #automation #deduction #named #tool support- KEIM: A Toolkit for Automated Deduction (XH, MK, MK, EM, DN, JR, JHS), pp. 807–810.
HT-1993-Perlman #hypermedia #information retrieval #tool support- Information Retrieval Techniques for Hypertext in the Semi-Structured Toolkit (GP), pp. 260–267.
AdaEurope-1993-ThyseliusSS #ada #simulation #tool support- Adam, an Ada Simulation Toolkit (RT, MS, BS), pp. 298–313.
OOPSLA-1993-KovedW #3d #named #object-oriented #tool support- GROOP: An Object-Oriented Toolkit for Animated 3D Graphics (LK, WLW), pp. 309–325.
OOPSLA-1993-Strauss #3d #tool support- IRIS Inventor, A 3D Graphics Toolkit (PSS), pp. 192–200.
SAC-1993-BajajF #image #re-engineering #tool support- The VAIDAK Medical Image Model Reconstruction Toolkit (CLB, MCF), pp. 28–35.
ICLP-1993-GrantJ #modelling #prolog #tool support- A Prolog Toolkit for control System Models (PWG, CPJ), pp. 839–840.
CSCW-1992-RosemanG #named #realtime #tool support- GROUPKIT: A Groupware Toolkit for Building Real-Time Conferencing Applications (MR, SG), pp. 43–50.
PLILP-1992-Thiemann #bottom-up #evaluation #functional #named #source code #tool support- LaToKi: A Language Toolkit for Bottom-Up Evaluation of Functional Programs (PT), pp. 481–482.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Jones92 #interface #tool support- A Toolkit for Interposing User Code at the System Interface (Abstract) (MBJ), p. 21.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Marzullo92 #tool support- A Toolkit for Building Reactive Systems or A Minute on Meta (Abstract) (KM), p. 23.
CHI-1991-Tatsukawa #approach #interactive #tool support #visual notation- Graphical toolkit approach to user interaction description (KT), pp. 323–328.
OOPSLA-1991-HansonHR #case study #database #experience #implementation #object-oriented #persistent #programming language #tool support #using- Experiences in DBMS Implementation Using an Object-Oriented Persistent Programming Language and a Database Toolkit (ENH, TMH, MAR), pp. 314–328.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Joloboff #object-oriented #tool support- Invited Paper: OSF Motif: An Object-Oriented Toolkit (VJ), pp. 7–22.
ECHT-1990-PuttressG #approach #hypermedia #tool support- The Toolkit Approach to Hypermedia (JJP, NMG), pp. 25–37.
ECHT-1990-ShermanHMN #bibliography #hypermedia #multi #tool support- Building Hypertext on a Multimedia Toolkit: An Overview of Andrew Toolkit Hypermedia Facilities (MS, WJH, MM, TPN), pp. 13–24.
CSCW-1990-KnisterP #distributed #editing #multi #named #tool support- DistEdit: A Distributed Toolkit for Supporting Multiple Group Editors (MJK, AP), pp. 343–355.
CSCW-1990-ShepherdMK #named #tool support- Strudel — An Extensible Electronic Conversation Toolkit (AS, NM, AK), pp. 93–104.
VLDB-1989-KingN #database #design #interface #named #tool support- FaceKit: A Database Interface Design Toolkit (RK, MN), pp. 115–123.
CHI-1989-Gibbs #named #tool support- LIZA: an extensible groupware toolkit (SJG), pp. 29–35.
OOPSLA-1988-SzekelyM #constraints #tool support #user interface #visual notation- A User Interface Toolkit Based on Graphical Objects and Constraints (PAS, BAM), pp. 36–45.