Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × United Kingdom
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Hall T.Miles-Board S.Hitchcock D.D.Roure S.Harnad A.Woukeu T.Brody G.V.Hughes C.Chen S.Kampa G.Wills D.Tarrant T.R.Payne M.Andric N.Walker S.R.El-Beltagy Deveril J.Lansdale S.Harris J.Hey M.Duke M.Day R.Heery S.J.Coles G.Power C.Bailey S.Grange Z.Jiao D.Bergmark C.Lagoze H.Besser M.Bieber P.D.Bra F.Dignum G.Hill N.A.Streitz S.J.DeRoss
Talks about:
link (8) hypertext (4) servic (4) archiv (3) web (3) knowledg (2) support (2) context (2) author (2) access (2)
Person: Les Carr
DBLP: Carr:Les
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- ECDL-2008-TarrantCP #metadata #network #power of #scalability
- Releasing the Power of Digital Metadata: Examining Large Networks of Co-related Publications (DT, LC, TRP), pp. 172–184.
- DocEng-2004-AndricHC #re-engineering #retrieval
- Assisting artifact retrieval in software engineering projects (MA, WH, LC), pp. 48–50.
- DocEng-2004-CarrMWWH #documentation
- The case for explicit knowledge in documents (LC, TMB, AW, GW, WH), pp. 90–98.
- HT-2004-CarrMWPBHG #library
- Extending the role of the digital library: computer support for creating articles (LC, TMB, GW, GP, CB, WH, SG), pp. 12–21.
- HT-2004-WoukeuCH #named
- WiCKEd: a tool for writing in the context of knowledge (AW, LC, WH), pp. 93–94.
- ECDL-2003-BrodyKHCH
- Digitometric Services for Open Archives Environments (TB, SK, SH, LC, SH), pp. 207–220.
- HT-2003-Miles-BoardGLCH #hypermedia
- Decentering the dancing text: from dance intertext to hypertext (TMB, D, JL, LC, WH), pp. 108–119.
- HT-2002-BrodyCH #hypermedia
- Evidence of Hypertext in the scholarly archive (TB, LC, SH), pp. 74–75.
- HT-2002-HughesC #question
- Microsoft smart tags: support, ignore or condemn them? (GVH, LC), pp. 80–81.
- HT-2002-Miles-BoardCH #web
- Looking for linking: associative links on the Web (TMB, LC, WH), pp. 76–77.
- HT-2001-El-BeltagyHRC
- Linking in context (SREB, WH, DDR, LC), pp. 151–160.
- HT-2001-Miles-BoardKCH #hypermedia #semantics #web
- Hypertext in the semantic web (TMB, SK, LC, WH), p. 237.
- HT-2000-RoureWC
- Investigating link service infrastructures (DDR, NW, LC), pp. 67–76.
- HT-1999-ChenC #analysis #hypermedia
- Trailblazing the Literature of Hypertext: Author Co-Citation Analysis (1989-1998) (CC, LC), pp. 51–60.
- HT-1998-CarrHH #question
- Link services or link agents? (LC, WH, SH), pp. 113–122.
- HT-1996-BesserBBDHCRHSD #authoring #collaboration #web
- World-Wide Web Authoring and Collaboration (HB, MB, PDB, FD, GH, LC, DDR, WH, NAS, SJD), p. 262.
- DL-1997-HitchcockCHHH #online
- Citation Linking: Improving Access to Online Journals (SH, LC, SH, JH, WH), pp. 115–122.
- DL-2000-HitchcockCJBHLH #integration
- Developing services for open eprint archives: globalisation, integration and the impact of links (SH, LC, ZJ, DB, WH, CL, SH), pp. 143–151.
- JCDL-2005-DukeDHCC #challenge #research
- Enhancing access to research data: the challenge of crystallography (MD, MD, RH, LC, SJC), pp. 46–55.