Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
E.J.Keogh N.Begum J.Wang P.Bhattacharya I.Neamtiu S.C.Koduru T.Yan H.Chen G.Jiang K.Zhang
Talks about:
time (2) bug (2) strategi (1) complex (1) cluster (1) android (1) analysi (1) acceler (1) system (1) report (1)
Person: Liudmila Ulanova
DBLP: Ulanova:Liudmila
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- KDD-2015-BegumUWK #clustering #novel
- Accelerating Dynamic Time Warping Clustering with a Novel Admissible Pruning Strategy (NB, LU, JW, EJK), pp. 49–58.
- KDD-2015-UlanovaYCJKZ #performance #physics #profiling
- Efficient Long-Term Degradation Profiling in Time Series for Complex Physical Systems (LU, TY, HC, GJ, EJK, KZ), pp. 2167–2176.
- CSMR-2013-BhattacharyaUNK #analysis #android #debugging #empirical #open source
- An Empirical Analysis of Bug Reports and Bug Fixing in Open Source Android Apps (PB, LU, IN, SCK), pp. 133–143.