Tag #profiling
230 papers:
ASPLOS-2020-KarandikarOAMKN #co-evolution #design #hardware #named #performance- FirePerf: FPGA-Accelerated Full-System Hardware/Software Performance Profiling and Co-Design (SK, AJO, AA, HM, RHK, BN, KA), pp. 715–731.
CC-2020-ZhangHLBR #case study #difference #privacy- A study of event frequency profiling with differential privacy (HZ, YH, SL, RB, AR), pp. 51–62.
CoG-2019-MassoudBBGP #behaviour #game studies #using- Eco-driving Profiling and Behavioral Shifts Using IoT Vehicular Sensors Combined with Serious Games (RM, FB, RB, ADG, SP), pp. 1–8.
CoG-2019-RioCP #predict- Profiling Players with Engagement Predictions (AFdR, PPC, ÁP), pp. 1–4.
CoG-2019-WallnerKD #game studies #online #twitter- Tweeting your Destiny: Profiling Users in the Twitter Landscape around an Online Game (GW, SK, AD), pp. 1–8.
FDG-2019-AungDSTANRKSD #game studies- The trails of Just Cause 2: spatio-temporal player profiling in open-world games (MA, SD, YS, YT, YA, SN, SR, DK, RS, AD), p. 11.
CIKM-2019-LuoLM #community- Constrained Co-embedding Model for User Profiling in Question Answering Communities (YL, SL, ZM), pp. 439–448.
KDD-2019-WangFXL #learning #mobile #representation- Adversarial Substructured Representation Learning for Mobile User Profiling (PW, YF, HX, XL), pp. 130–138.
KDD-2019-YanLSZZ0 - Interview Choice Reveals Your Preference on the Market: To Improve Job-Resume Matching through Profiling Memories (RY0, RL, YS, TZ, XZ0, DZ0), pp. 914–922.
OOPSLA-2019-BenavidesV0 #distributed #named- DProf: distributed profiler with strong guarantees (ZB, KV, RG0), p. 24.
- ICSE-2019-JoshiFM #algorithm #approximate #random #source code #statistics
- Statistical algorithmic profiling for randomized approximate programs (KJ, VF, SM), pp. 608–618.
CASE-2019-Herazo-PadillaA - Screening a portfolio of pathologies by subject profiling and medical test rationing (NHP, VA, BD, XX, BB), pp. 424–430.
MSR-2018-Russo #mining- Profiling call changes via motif mining (BR), pp. 203–214.
AIIDE-2018-CanossaMTD #string- Like a DNA String: Sequence-Based Player Profiling in Tom Clancy's The Division (AC, SM, JT, AD), pp. 152–158.
CIKM-2018-0001RHZGHJL0 #corpus- Open-Schema Event Profiling for Massive News Corpora (QY0, XR, WH, CZ0, XG, LH, HJ, CYL, JH0), pp. 587–596.
KDD-2018-LiangZRK #twitter- Dynamic Embeddings for User Profiling in Twitter (SL, XZ0, ZR, EK), pp. 1764–1773.
CASE-2018-Herazo-PadillaA #health- Profiling health prevention population for hypertension screening and ECG test rationing (NHP, VA, BB, XX), pp. 371–377.
CGO-2018-ShenSLL #named #runtime- CUDAAdvisor: LLVM-based runtime profiling for modern GPUs (DS, SLS, AL, XL0), pp. 214–227.
SANER-2017-NucciPPPZL #android #energy #performance #question #reliability- Software-based energy profiling of Android apps: Simple, efficient and reliable? (DDN, FP, AP, AP, AZ, ADL), pp. 103–114.
CHI-PLAY-2017-SchaekermannRWK #behaviour #game studies #metric #motivation #self- Curiously Motivated: Profiling Curiosity with Self-Reports and Behaviour Metrics in the Game “Destiny” (MS, GR, GW, SK, DMJ0, AD, RS, LEN), pp. 143–156.
CIKM-2017-Berti-EquilleZ #data analysis #pipes and filters- Profiling DRDoS Attacks with Data Analytics Pipeline (LBÉ, YZ), pp. 1983–1986.
CIKM-2017-Mondal0L #distributed #email #privacy- Privacy Aware Temporal Profiling of Emails in Distributed Setup (SM, MS0, SL), pp. 1229–1238.
ESEC-FSE-2017-YogaN #parallel #performance #source code- A fast causal profiler for task parallel programs (AY, SN), pp. 15–26.
CGO-2017-DotM0 #performance- Removing checks in dynamically typed languages through efficient profiling (GD, AM, AG0), pp. 257–268.
JCDL-2016-NishiokaS #matter #question #recommendation #twitter #what- Profiling vs. Time vs. Content: What does Matter for Top-k Publication Recommendation based on Twitter Profiles? (CN, AS), pp. 171–180.
SCAM-2016-MingW #concurrent #control flow #multi #named #performance #thread- BinCFP: Efficient Multi-threaded Binary Code Control Flow Profiling (JM0, DW), pp. 61–66.
CIG-2016-DrachenGGHLSK #analysis #behaviour #clustering #comparative- Guns and guardians: Comparative cluster analysis and behavioral profiling in destiny (AD, JG, CG, EH, PL, RS, DK), pp. 1–8.
ICPR-2016-BartoliLSB #estimation #using- User interest profiling using tracking-free coarse gaze estimation (FB, GL, LS, ADB), pp. 1839–1844.
KDD-2016-HuLL #predict #social- Collective Sensemaking via Social Sensors: Extracting, Profiling, Analyzing, and Predicting Real-world Events (YH, YRL, JL), pp. 2127–2128.
KDD-2016-Law #behaviour #online #social- Profiling Users from Online Social Behaviors with Applications for Tencent Social Ads (CL), p. 409.
FSE-2016-Luo16a #automation #performance #testing #using- Automatic performance testing using input-sensitive profiling (QL), pp. 1139–1141.
FSE-2016-MiucinBF #behaviour #memory management- End-to-end memory behavior profiling with DINAMITE (SM, CB, AF), pp. 1042–1046.
GPCE-2016-RosaCB #execution- Actor profiling in virtual execution environments (AR, LYC, WB), pp. 36–46.
CGO-2016-RoyL #lightweight #named- StructSlim: a lightweight profiler to guide structure splitting (PR, XL0), pp. 36–46.
SIGMOD-2015-LiLHT - Linking Temporal Records for Profiling Entities (FL, MLL, WH, WCT), pp. 593–605.
TPDL-2015-AlamNSBSR #summary #web- Web Archive Profiling Through CDX Summarization (SA, MLN, HVdS, LB, HS, DSHR), pp. 3–14.
VLDB-2015-PapenbrockBFZN - Data Profiling with Metanome (TP, TB, MF, JZ, FN), pp. 1860–1871.
VLDB-2015-WangFWDM #fault- Error Diagnosis and Data Profiling with Data X-Ray (XW, MF, YW, XLD, AM), pp. 1984–1995.
EDM-2015-MostafaviLB #data-driven- Data-Driven Proficiency Profiling (BM, ZL, TB), pp. 335–341.
ICEIS-v2-2015-AlahmadiLN #detection #internet #process #using- Using Internet Activity Profiling for Insider-threat Detection (BAA, PAL, JRCN), pp. 709–720.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CanutMOPS #algorithm #case study #comparative #empirical- A Comparative Study of Two Egocentric-based User Profiling Algorithms — Experiment in Delicious (CMFC, MM, SOa, AP, FS), pp. 632–639.
CIKM-2015-DoanRSML #detection- Profiling Pedestrian Distribution and Anomaly Detection in a Dynamic Environment (MTD, SR, MS, MM, CL), pp. 1827–1830.
KDD-2015-UlanovaYCJKZ #performance #physics- Efficient Long-Term Degradation Profiling in Time Series for Complex Physical Systems (LU, TY, HC, GJ, EJK, KZ), pp. 2167–2176.
RecSys-2015-BansalDB #recommendation- Content Driven User Profiling for Comment-Worthy Recommendations of News and Blog Articles (TB, MKD, CB), pp. 195–202.
SEKE-2015-NoureddineJHKM #approach #correlation #named #research- CARP: Correlation Based Approach for Researcher Profiling (HN, IJ, HH, OAK, EM), pp. 461–464.
OOPSLA-2015-ZhengBB #compilation- Accurate profiling in the presence of dynamic compilation (YZ, LB, WB), pp. 433–450.
ESEC-FSE-2015-AfrazSK #named- P3: partitioned path profiling (MA, DS, AK), pp. 485–495.
ICSE-v2-2015-Salgado #behaviour #cpu #gpu #interactive #kernel- Profiling Kernels Behavior to Improve CPU / GPU Interactions (RS), pp. 754–756.
SAC-2015-BoitoKND #performance #towards- Towards fast profiling of storage devices regarding access sequentiality (FZB, RK, POAN, YD), pp. 2015–2020.
SAC-2015-JagroepWJFV #energy- Profiling energy profilers (EJ, JMEMvdW, SJ, MAF, JV), pp. 2198–2203.
CC-2015-St-AmourAF #feature model- Feature-Specific Profiling (VSA, LA, MF), pp. 49–68.
SOSP-2015-CurtsingerB #named- Coz: finding code that counts with causal profiling (CC, EDB), pp. 184–197.
ISSTA-2015-ShenLPG #automation #detection #performance #search-based #using- Automating performance bottleneck detection using search-based application profiling (DS, QL, DP, MG), pp. 270–281.
VLDB-2015-SridharanP14 - Profiling R on a Contemporary Processor (SS, JMP), pp. 173–184.
ILC-2014-LevineY #analysis #assessment- Leadership Trait Analysis and Threat Assessment with Profiler Plus (NL, MY), p. 50.
LCT-NLE-2014-MansorAA #design #personalisation- Slow Learner Children Profiling for Designing Personalized eBook (MM, WAWA, NA), pp. 302–311.
LCT-NLE-2014-WachtlerE #algorithm- Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-Based Lectures (JW, ME), pp. 358–367.
ICEIS-v2-2014-Chung #complexity #realtime #towards- Towards Real-time Static and Dynamic Profiling of Organisational Complexity (KSKC), pp. 466–471.
ECIR-2014-RybakBN - Temporal Expertise Profiling (JR, KB, KN), pp. 540–546.
KDD-2014-DerSSV #online- Knock it off: profiling the online storefronts of counterfeit merchandise (MFD, LKS, SS, GMV), pp. 1759–1768.
KDD-2014-LiLH - Entity profiling with varying source reliabilities (FL, MLL, WH), pp. 1146–1155.
OOPSLA-2014-DavidTLM - Continuously measuring critical section pressure with the free-lunch profiler (FD, GT, JL, GM), pp. 291–307.
POPL-2014-ChangF #lazy evaluation- Profiling for laziness (SC, MF), pp. 349–360.
SLE-J-2012-SloaneR #attribute grammar #domain-specific language #term rewriting- Domain-specific program profiling and its application to attribute grammars and term rewriting (AMS, MR), pp. 488–510.
OSDI-2014-ZhaoZLULYS #distributed #named- lprof: A Non-intrusive Request Flow Profiler for Distributed Systems (XZ, YZ, DL, MFU, YL, DY, MS), pp. 629–644.
PDP-2014-MalonyH #hybrid #parallel- General Hybrid Parallel Profiling (ADM, KAH), pp. 204–212.
TPDL-2013-AlsumWNS #web- Profiling Web Archive Coverage for Top-Level Domain and Content Language (AA, MCW, MLN, HVdS), pp. 60–71.
CAiSE-2013-PikaAFHW #process- Profiling Event Logs to Configure Risk Indicators for Process Delays (AP, WMPvdA, CJF, AHMtH, MTW), pp. 465–481.
KDD-2013-EmersonWN #data mining #mining- A data mining driven risk profiling method for road asset management (DE, JW, RN), pp. 1267–1275.
SEKE-2013-GomesPMFNO #comprehension #education #network #social- Group Profiling for Understanding Educational Social Networking (JG, RBCP, LM, AAF, ACAN, HO), pp. 101–106.
OOPSLA-2013-DEliaD #multi- Ball-Larus path profiling across multiple loop iterations (DCD, CD), pp. 373–390.
OOPSLA-2013-Xu #named #optimisation #source code- Resurrector: a tunable object lifetime profiling technique for optimizing real-world programs (G(X), pp. 111–130.
CGO-2013-ArthurMRAB #debugging #named #scalability #security- Schnauzer: scalable profiling for likely security bug sites (WA, BM, RR, TMA, VB), p. 11.
CGO-2013-ChoMHBM - Instant profiling: Instrumentation sampling for profiling datacenter applications (HKC, TM, REH, DB, SAM), p. 10.
CGO-2013-ChouhanRB #interactive- Pertinent path profiling: Tracking interactions among relevant statements (RC, SR, SB), p. 12.
CGO-2013-GartleyPSG #case study #design #experience #framework #interpreter #robust #scalability- Experiences in designing a robust and scalable interpreter profiling framework (IG, MP, VS, NG), p. 10.
VLDB-2012-LiWC #multi #network #social- Multiple Location Profiling for Users and Relationships from Social Network and Content (RL, SW, KCCC), pp. 1603–1614.
AIIDE-2012-SpronckBL - Player Profiling with Fallout 3 (PS, IB, GvL).
CIKM-2012-Jin #analysis #multi #process- User activity profiling with multi-layer analysis (HJ), pp. 2030–2034.
KDD-2012-LiWDWC #social #towards- Towards social user profiling: unified and discriminative influence model for inferring home locations (RL, SW, HD, RW, KCCC), pp. 1023–1031.
KDD-2012-ZhouJL #community #social- Community discovery and profiling with social messages (WZ, HJ, YL), pp. 388–396.
KDIR-2012-ArbelaitzGLMPP #adaptation #clustering #mining #navigation #using- Adaptation of the User Navigation Scheme using Clustering and Frequent Pattern Mining Techiques for Profiling (OA, IG, AL, JM, JMP, IP), pp. 187–192.
OOPSLA-2012-AusielloDFF - k-Calling context profiling (GA, CD, IF, DF), pp. 867–878.
PLDI-2012-CoppaDF - Input-sensitive profiling (EC, CD, IF), pp. 89–98.
PLDI-2012-ZaparanuksH #algorithm- Algorithmic profiling (DZ, MH), pp. 67–76.
ICSE-2012-YanXR #java #performance #problem- Uncovering performance problems in Java applications with reference propagation profiling (DY, G(X, AR), pp. 134–144.
ASPLOS-2012-OdairaN #memory management #optimisation- Continuous object access profiling and optimizations to overcome the memory wall and bloat (RO, TN), pp. 147–158.
CGO-2012-SembrantBH #modelling #performance- Phase guided profiling for fast cache modeling (AS, DBS, EH), pp. 175–185.
CGO-2012-VankaT #data flow #dependence #performance #using- Efficient and accurate data dependence profiling using software signatures (RV, JT), pp. 186–195.
ISSTA-2012-YuL #approach #data flow #dependence #named #parallel- Multi-slicing: a compiler-supported parallel approach to data dependence profiling (HY, ZL), pp. 23–33.
VLDB-2011-HerodotouB #cost analysis #optimisation #pipes and filters #source code- Profiling, What-if Analysis, and Cost-based Optimization of MapReduce Programs (HH, SB), pp. 1111–1122.
ICPC-2011-JurgensFHDVP #evolution #feature model- Feature Profiling for Evolving Systems (EJ, MF, MH, FD, RV, KHP), pp. 171–180.
ICSM-2011-MihaliczaPG #c++- Type-preserving heap profiler for C++ (JM, ZP, AG), pp. 457–466.
WCRE-2011-Raber #debugging #kernel- Stealthy Profiling and Debugging of Malware Trampolining from User to Kernel Space (JR), pp. 431–432.
CIG-2011-LankveldSHA #game studies #tool support- Games as personality profiling tools (GvL, PS, HJvdH, AA), pp. 197–202.
ECIR-2011-SerdyukovTVRW #automation #enterprise #people- Automatic People Tagging for Expertise Profiling in the Enterprise (PS, MT, VV, MR, RWW), pp. 399–410.
SEKE-2011-WangL #interprocedural- A Technology of Profiling Inter-procedural Paths (LW, BL), pp. 31–36.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BergelNRR - Domain-Specific Profiling (AB, ON, LR, JR), pp. 68–82.
PADL-2011-MeraTLH #debugging #logic programming #performance #runtime #source code- Profiling for Run-Time Checking of Computational Properties and Performance Debugging in Logic Programs (EM, TT, PLG, MVH), pp. 38–53.
PPoPP-2011-XiangBBDC #composition #modelling- All-window profiling and composable models of cache sharing (XX, BB, TB, CD, TMC), pp. 91–102.
DocEng-2010-GiannettiDLSC #estimation #on-demand #performance- PDF profiling for B&W versus color pages cost estimation for efficient on-demand book printing (FG, GD, RDL, GPeS, AC), pp. 177–180.
SOFTVIS-2010-LinTOB #comprehension #towards #using- Towards anomaly comprehension: using structural compression to navigate profiling call-trees (SL, FT, TCO, LJB), pp. 103–112.
CIKM-2010-KotovKDC #query #ranking #web- Temporal query log profiling to improve web search ranking (AK, PK, LD, YC), pp. 1149–1158.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-BergelRB #metric #visualisation- Visualizing Dynamic Metrics with Profiling Blueprints (AB, RR, WB), pp. 291–309.
ICSE-2010-MisailovicSHR #quality- Quality of service profiling (SM, SS, HH, MCR), pp. 25–34.
HPDC-2010-DunTY #data-driven #fine-grained #named #workflow- ParaTrac: a fine-grained profiler for data-intensive workflows (ND, KT, AY), pp. 37–48.
DocEng-2009-NunesGKNCF #performance- Job profiling in high performance printing (TN, FG, MLK, RN, AC, LGF), pp. 109–118.
ICDAR-2009-FairhurstA #predict- An Investigation of Predictive Profiling from Handwritten Signature Data (MCF, MCDCA), pp. 1305–1309.
SIGMOD-2009-ChaudhuriNS #static analysis #using- Bridging the application and DBMS divide using static analysis and dynamic profiling (SC, VRN, MS), pp. 1039–1042.
HCI-AUII-2009-AraseHN #biology #web- User Profiling for Web Search Based on Biological Fluctuation (YA, TH, SN), pp. 239–247.
HCI-NIMT-2009-AtiaTMT #gesture #named #ubiquitous- UbiGesture: Customizing and Profiling Hand Gestures in Ubiquitous Environment (AA, ST, KM, JT), pp. 141–150.
SIGIR-2009-Nomoto #library- Classifying library catalogue by author profiling (TN), pp. 644–645.
OOPSLA-2009-MytkowiczCD - Inferred call path profiling (TM, DC, AD), pp. 175–190.
PEPM-2009-MoretBV #execution #named- CCCP: complete calling context profiling in virtual execution environments (PM, WB, AV), pp. 151–160.
PLDI-2009-XuAMRS #runtime- Go with the flow: profiling copies to find runtime bloat (G(X, MA, NM, AR, GS), pp. 419–430.
ICSE-2009-ChilimbiLMNV #debugging #effectiveness #named #performance #statistics- HOLMES: Effective statistical debugging via efficient path profiling (TMC, BL, KKM, AVN, KV), pp. 34–44.
CASE-2009-ArcherSRR #automation #embedded- Profiling primitives of networked embedded automation (BA, SS, AR, RR), pp. 531–536.
CGO-2009-RoyS #algorithm- Profiling k-Iteration Paths: A Generalization of the Ball-Larus Profiling Algorithm (SR, YNS), pp. 70–80.
CGO-2009-ZhangNJ #dependence #distance #framework #named- Alchemist: A Transparent Dependence Distance Profiling Infrastructure (XZ, AN, SJ), pp. 47–58.
DAC-2009-ShankarL #multi- Non-intrusive dynamic application profiling for multitasked applications (KS, RLL), pp. 130–135.
PDP-2009-AnsariJKLKW #memory management #transaction- Profiling Transactional Memory Applications (MA, KJ, CK, ML, CCK, IW), pp. 11–20.
PDP-2009-BecerraCA #adaptation- Batch Job Profiling and Adaptive Profile Enforcement for Virtualized Environments (YB, DC, EA), pp. 414–418.
VLDB-2008-CheungM #framework #monitoring #performance- Performance profiling with EndoScope, an acquisitional software monitoring framework (AC, SM), pp. 42–53.
VLDB-2008-LupuT #data transformation #named- P3N: profiling the potential of a peer-based data management system (ML, YCT), pp. 1416–1419.
SCAM-2008-BoogerdM #analysis #data flow #on the #using- On the Use of Data Flow Analysis in Static Profiling (CB, LM), pp. 79–88.
ICFP-2008-SpoonhowerBHG #functional #parallel #source code- Space profiling for parallel functional programs (DS, GEB, RH, PBG), pp. 253–264.
CIKM-2008-ZhuangHSJ - Representative entry selection for profiling blogs (JZ, SCHH, AS, RJ), pp. 1387–1388.
ECMDA-FA-2008-MarzulloPLSB #approach #assessment #performance- A Practical MDA Approach for Autonomic Profiling and Performance Assessment (FPM, RNP, DGL, JMdS, JRB), pp. 110–120.
ICSE-2008-XuR #detection #java #memory management #precise #using- Precise memory leak detection for java software using container profiling (G(X, AR), pp. 151–160.
CGO-2008-ZhaoCW #analysis #manycore #named #pipes and filters- Pipa: pipelined profiling and analysis on multi-core systems (QZ, IC, WFW), pp. 185–194.
PPoPP-2008-DingC #concurrent- All-window profiling of concurrent executions (CD, TMC), pp. 265–266.
VLDB-2007-ChaudhuriNS #database #developer- Bridging the Application and DBMS Profiling Divide for Database Application Developers (SC, VRN, MS), pp. 1252–1262.
DiGRA-2007-BraggeS #game studies #mining #research #tool support #using- Profiling Academic Research on Digital Games Using Text Mining Tools (JB, JS).
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Custers #problem- Risk Profiling of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding — Practical Problems of Current Information Strategies (BHMC), pp. 90–94.
PADL-2007-MeraLPCH #execution #static analysis- Combining Static Analysis and Profiling for Estimating Execution Times (EM, PLG, GP, MC, MVH), pp. 140–154.
POPL-2007-VaswaniNC - Preferential path profiling: compactly numbering interesting paths (KV, AVN, TMC), pp. 351–362.
ASE-2007-RaysideM #memory management- Object ownership profiling: a technique for finding and fixing memory leaks (DR, LM), pp. 194–203.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ChilimbiNV #effectiveness #performance #testing- Quantifying the effectiveness of testing via efficient residual path profiling (TMC, AVN, KV), pp. 545–548.
CGO-2007-MoseleySRGP #parallel- Shadow Profiling: Hiding Instrumentation Costs with Parallelism (TM, AS, VJR, DG, RP), pp. 198–208.
DATE-2007-JangKL #fault #reduction #self- Error rate reduction in DNA self-assembly by non-constant monomer concentrations and profiling (BJ, YBK, FL), pp. 847–852.
SCAM-2006-BoogerdM #using- Prioritizing Software Inspection Results using Static Profiling (CB, LM), pp. 149–160.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-PetruzzellisLPSBP #personalisation- Personalized Incentive Plans through Employee Profiling (SP, OL, IP, GS, VB, CP), pp. 107–114.
CIKM-2006-ZigorisZ #adaptation #feedback- Bayesian adaptive user profiling with explicit & implicit feedback (PZ, YZ), pp. 397–404.
ICPR-v4-2006-Wang06d #classification #metric #process- From Blob Metrics to Posture Classification to Activity Profiling (LW0), pp. 736–739.
SEKE-2006-LiC - User Profiling in the Chronobot/Virtual Classroom System (XL, SKC), pp. 432–439.
ECOOP-2006-IbrahimC #architecture #automation #persistent #traversal- Automatic Prefetching by Traversal Profiling in Object Persistence Architectures (AI, WRC), pp. 50–73.
PLDI-2006-ZhuangSCC #adaptation #performance- Accurate, efficient, and adaptive calling context profiling (XZ, MJS, HWC, JDC), pp. 263–271.
QAPL-2006-BinderH06a #bytecode #using #virtual machine- Exact and Portable Profiling for the JVM Using Bytecode Instruction Counting (WB, JH), pp. 45–64.
CGO-2006-MysoreASSS #adaptation- Profiling over Adaptive Ranges (SM, BA, TS, NS, SS), pp. 147–158.
OSDI-2006-JoukovTIWZ #analysis #latency #operating system- Operating System Profiling via Latency Analysis (NJ, AT, RI, CPW, EZ), pp. 89–102.
ICLP-2006-MeraLPCH #estimation #execution #logic programming #static analysis #using- Using Combined Static Analysis and Profiling for Logic Program Execution Time Estimation (EM, PLG, GP, MC, MVH), pp. 431–432.
CBSE-2005-MeyerhoferV #enterprise #framework #java #memory management #named- EJBMemProf — A Memory Profiling Framework for Enterprise JavaBeans (MM, BV), pp. 17–32.
ICDAR-2005-YoonCCT #using- Writer Profiling Using Handwriting Copybook Styles (SY, SSC, SHC, CCT), p. 600.
PASTE-2005-KumarCS #monitoring- Low overhead program monitoring and profiling (NK, BRC, MLS), pp. 28–34.
OOPSLA-2005-HauswirthDSM #automation- Automating vertical profiling (MH, AD, PFS, MCM), pp. 281–296.
SAC-2005-WengW #network #parallel- Profiling and mapping of parallel workloads on network processors (NW, TW), pp. 890–896.
CGO-2005-BondM - Practical Path Profiling for Dynamic Optimizers (MDB, KSM), pp. 205–216.
CGO-2005-NagpurkarKS - Phase-Aware Remote Profiling (PN, CK, TS), pp. 191–202.
CGO-2005-VaswaniTS #hardware #programmable- A Programmable Hardware Path Profiler (KV, MJT, YNS), pp. 217–228.
DAC-2005-KaruriFKLAM #design #fine-grained #source code- Fine-grained application source code profiling for ASIP design (KK, MAAF, SK, RL, GA, HM), pp. 329–334.
ICEIS-v5-2004-RousseauBMFM #multi #personalisation #repository #resource management #using- Personalised Resource Discovery Searching over Multiple Repository Types: Using User and Information Provider Profiling (BR, PB, PM, PF, VM), pp. 35–43.
ICPR-v2-2004-XuanDKHCW #feature model #multi #predict #robust- Robust Feature Selection by Weighted Fisher Criterion for Multiclass Prediction in Gene Expression Profiling (JX, YD, JIK, EPH, RC, YJW), pp. 291–294.
OOPSLA-2004-HauswirthSDH #behaviour #comprehension- Vertical profiling: understanding the behavior of object-priented applications (MH, PFS, AD, MH), pp. 251–269.
LOPSTR-2004-BrasselHHSV #functional #logic programming #runtime #source code- Run-Time Profiling of Functional Logic Programs (BB, MH, FH, JS, GV), pp. 182–197.
SAC-2004-HarringtonC - Route profiling: putting context to work (AH, VC), pp. 1567–1573.
ASPLOS-2004-HauswirthC #adaptation #detection #memory management #statistics #using- Low-overhead memory leak detection using adaptive statistical profiling (MH, TMC), pp. 156–164.
CC-2004-ChenLDHY #data flow #dependence #optimisation- Data Dependence Profiling for Speculative Optimizations (TC, JL, XD, WCH, PCY), pp. 57–72.
CGO-2004-JoshiBZ #optimisation #staged- Targeted Path Profiling: Lower Overhead Path Profiling for Staged Dynamic Optimization Systems (RJ, MDB, CBZ), pp. 239–250.
CGO-2004-TallamZG #bound- Extending Path Profiling across Loop Backedges and Procedure Boundaries (ST, XZ, RG), pp. 251–264.
CGO-2004-WuPSRCA #memory management #using- Exposing Memory Access Regularities Using Object-Relative Memory Profiling (QW, AP, AS, ER, DWC, DIA), pp. 315–324.
DAC-2004-CaiGG #agile #design- Retargetable profiling for rapid, early system-level design space exploration (LC, AG, DG), pp. 281–286.
IWPC-2003-DuffyGM #object-oriented- Applying the Decorator Pattern for Profiling Object-Oriented Software (EBD, JPG, BAM), pp. 84–93.
ICEIS-v1-2003-EzeifeU #independence- Data Position and Profiling in Domain-Independent Warehouse Cleaning (CIE, AU), pp. 232–238.
CIKM-2003-ParkhomenkoLP #peer-to-peer #semantics #web- Ontology-driven peer profiling in peer-to-peer enabled semantic web (OP, YL, EKP), pp. 564–567.
ECIR-2003-HarperKY #documentation #evaluation- Query-Based Document Skimming: A User-Centred Evaluation of Relevance Profiling (DJH, IK, SY), pp. 377–392.
ECIR-2003-SemeraroDLTL #information management #personalisation #process- A Personalized Information Search Process Based on Dialoguing Agents and User Profiling (GS, MD, PL, UT, ML), pp. 613–621.
MLDM-2003-RodriguesDFVC #algorithm #analysis #clustering #comparative- A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms Applied to Load Profiling (FR, FJFD, VF, ZAV, MC), pp. 73–85.
OOPSLA-2003-MarinovO #similarity- Object equality profiling (DM, RO), pp. 313–325.
SAC-2003-BandiniMV #game studies #multi #testing- A Multi-Agent System for Remote Psychological Profiling with Role Playing Games Based Tests (SB, SM, GV), pp. 33–37.
CGO-2003-BerndlH #generative- Dynamic Profiling and Trace Cache Generation (MB, LJH), pp. 276–288.
LCTES-2003-SureshNVVS #clustering #embedded #hardware #tool support- Profiling tools for hardware/software partitioning of embedded applications (DCS, WAN, FV, JRV, GS), pp. 189–198.
JCDL-2002-HarperCY #approach #documentation #modelling- A language modelling approach to relevance profiling for document browsing (DJH, SC, SY), pp. 76–83.
VLDB-2002-CiliaHB #internet- Profiling and Internet Connectivity in Automotive Environments (MC, PH, APB), pp. 1071–1074.
PASTE-2002-ApiwattanapongH - Selective path profiling (TA, MJH), pp. 35–42.
ASE-2002-Hall #concurrent #java #multi #named #thread- CPPROFJ: Aspect-Capable Call Path Profiling of Multi-Threaded Java Applications (RJH), pp. 107–116.
SAC-2002-GarigipatiN #using- Evaluating the use of profiling by a region-based register allocator (KVG, CN), pp. 953–957.
CC-2002-OrenMS #online- Online Subpath Profiling (DO, YM, SS), pp. 78–94.
DAC-2002-LyseckyCV #memory management #performance- A fast on-chip profiler memory (RLL, SC, FV), pp. 28–33.
OSDI-2002-UrgaonkarSR #platform- Resource Overbooking and Application Profiling in Shared Hosting Platforms (BU, PJS, TR), pp. 239–254.
PDP-2002-GonzalezLRRRSP #parallel #source code- Model Oriented Profiling of Parallel Programs (JAG, CL, JLR, CR, JMR, FdS, MP), p. 39–?.
ISSTA-2002-LiangPH #analysis #precise #using- Evaluating the precision of static reference analysis using profiling (DL, MP, MJH), pp. 22–32.
SCAM-2001-HorganPW #analysis #java #metric #runtime #source code- Measurement and Analysis of Runtime Profiling Data for Java Programs (JH, JFP, JW), pp. 124–132.
KDD-2001-CadezSM #modelling #predict #probability #transaction #visualisation- Probabilistic modeling of transaction data with applications to profiling, visualization, and prediction (IVC, PS, HM), pp. 37–46.
LOPSTR-2001-AlbertV #declarative #multi- Symbolic Profiling for Multi-paradigm Declarative Languages (EA, GV), pp. 148–167.
PLDI-2001-ShahamKS #java- Heap Profiling for Space-Efficient Java (RS, EKK, SS), pp. 104–113.
CC-2001-WattersonD - Goal-Directed Value Profiling (SAW, SKD), pp. 319–333.
DAC-2001-SinhaC #energy #named #web- JouleTrack — A Web Based Tool for Software Energy Profiling (AS, AC), pp. 220–225.
HPCA-2001-ZillesS #programmable- A Programmable Co-Processor for Profiling (CBZ, GSS), pp. 241–252.
ECDL-2000-SemeraroEFF #interactive #learning #library #tool support- Interaction Profiling in Digital Libraries through Learning Tools (GS, FE, NF, SF), pp. 229–238.
ICPR-v3-2000-CiobanuSB - Contour Profiling by Dynamic Ellipse Fitting (AC, HS, JMHdB), pp. 3758–3761.
ASPLOS-2000-DuesterwaldB #less is more #predict- Software Profiling for Hot Path Prediction: Less is More (ED, VB), pp. 202–211.
ISMM-2000-HeilS #concurrent #garbage collection- Concurrent Garbage Collection UsingHardware-Assisted Profiling (THH, JES), pp. 80–93.
KDD-1999-AdomaviciusT #personalisation #validation- User Profiling in Personalization Applications Through Rule Discovery and Validation (GA, AT), pp. 377–381.
CC-1999-MelskiR #interprocedural- Interprocedural Path Profiling (DM, TWR), pp. 47–62.
IFL-1998-CharlesR #approach #functional #interactive #parallel #source code- An Interactive Approach to Profiling Parallel Functional Programs (NC, CR), pp. 20–37.
IFL-1998-KingHT #haskell #parallel- A Strategic Profiler for Glasgow Parallel Haskell (DJK, JGH, PWT), pp. 88–102.
POPL-1998-BallMS - Edge Profiling versus Path Profiling: The Showdown (TB, PM, SS), pp. 134–148.
CC-1998-Pettersson #debugging- Portable Debugging and Profiling (MP), pp. 279–293.
DATE-1998-AllaraFSS #analysis- A Model for System-Level Timed Analysis and Profiling (AA, WF, FS, DS), pp. 204–210.
PDP-1998-HillJSV #architecture #independence #parallel #performance #using- Portable and architecture independent parallel performance tuning using a call-graph profiling tool (JMDH, SAJ, CJS, VPV), pp. 286–294.
ACIR-1997-StewartD #overview #perspective- User Profiling Techniques: A Critical Review (SS, JD).
PLDI-1997-AmmonsBL #hardware #performance- Exploiting Hardware Performance Counters with Flow and Context Sensitive Profiling (GA, TB, JRL), pp. 85–96.
ESEC-FSE-1997-RepsBDL #maintenance #problem #using- The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem (TWR, TB, MD, JRL), pp. 432–449.
PPoPP-1997-XuLM #memory management #performance- Shared Memory Performance Profiling (ZX, JRL, BPM), pp. 240–251.
SOSP-1997-AndersonBDGHLSVWW #question- Continuous Profiling: Where Have All the Cycles Gone? (JAMA, LMB, JD, SG, MRH, STL, RLS, MTV, CAW, WEW), pp. 1–14.
SOSP-1997-ZhangWGCS #automation #optimisation- System Support for Automated Profiling and Optimization (XZ, ZW, NCG, JBC, MDS), pp. 15–26.
AFP-1996-RuncimanR96 #performance- Heap Profiling for Space Efficiency (CR, NR), pp. 159–183.
ICFP-1996-RojemoR #compilation #revisited- Lag, Drag, Void and Use — Heap Profiling and Space-Efficient Compilation Revisited (NR, CR), pp. 34–41.
IFL-1996-JarvisM #functional #lazy evaluation #scalability #source code- The Results of: Profiling Large-Scale Lazy Functional Programs (SAJ, RGM), pp. 200–221.
IFL-1996-RuncimanR #matter- Two-Pass Heap Profiling: A Matter of Life and Death (CR, NR), pp. 222–232.
KDD-1996-FawcettP #data mining #effectiveness #machine learning #mining- Combining Data Mining and Machine Learning for Effective User Profiling (TF, FJP), pp. 8–13.
POPL-1995-SansomJ #functional #higher-order #strict- Time and Space Profiling for Non-Strict Higher-Order Functional Languages (PMS, SLPJ), pp. 355–366.
TRI-Ada-1994-GuemhiouiDPE #ada #code generation #design #object-oriented- Profiling in an Object-Oriented Design Environment That Supports Ada 9X and Ada 83 Code Generation (KEG, SAD, TJP, HJCE), pp. 180–190.
SEKE-1992-SohnGG #interpreter #parallel- Parallelism Profiling of an Ops5 Production System Interpreter (AS, JLG, MG), pp. 534–543.
POPL-1992-BallL #source code- Optimally Profiling and Tracing Programs (TB, JRL), pp. 59–70.
ICSE-1992-Hall - Call Path Profiling (RJH), pp. 296–306.
PPEALS-1988-AralG #interactive- Non-Intrusive and Interactive Profiling in Parasight (ZA, IG), pp. 21–30.
ASPLOS-1987-CargillL #debugging #hardware- Cheap Hardware Support for Software Debugging and Profiling (TAC, BNL), pp. 82–83.
SCC-1982-GrahamKM #execution #graph #named- gprof: a Call Graph Execution Profiler (SLG, PBK, MKM), pp. 120–126.
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