Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Ben-Eliyahu C.Zaniolo D.Saccà D.Ursino F.Angiulli R.Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary G.Ianni M.Cadoli A.Schaerf D.Vasile G.Lipari L.Abeni M.D.Natale P.Ancilotti F.Conticelli
Talks about:
problem (2) comput (2) model (2) polynomin (1) metaqueri (1) algorithm (1) techniqu (1) prototyp (1) properti (1) conflict (1)
Person: Luigi Palopoli
DBLP: Palopoli:Luigi
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- LCTES-OM-2001-PalopoliLANAC #embedded #performance #prototype #simulation
- A Tool for Simulation and Fast Prototyping of Embedded Control Systems (LP, GL, LA, MDN, PA, FC), pp. 73–81.
- PODS-2000-AngiulliBIP #problem
- Computational Properties of Metaquerying Problems (FA, RBEZ, GI, LP), pp. 237–244.
- PADL-1999-CadoliPSV #execution #named #problem #specification
- NP-SPEC: An Executable Specification Language for Solving All Problems in NP (MC, LP, AS, DV), pp. 16–30.
- CIKM-1998-PalopoliSU #automation #database #detection
- An Automatic Techniques for Detecting Type Conflicts in Database Schemes (LP, DS, DU), pp. 306–313.
- KR-1994-Ben-EliyahuP #algorithm #modelling #performance #reasoning
- Reasoning with Minimal Models: Efficient Algorithms and Applications (RBE, LP), pp. 39–50.
- ILPS-1993-PalopoliZ #modelling
- Polynominal Time Computable Stable Models (LP, CZ), p. 645.