Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
J.Cruanes R.M.Guillena J.M.Hermida A.Montoyo M.Palomar
Talks about:
ontolog (2) pharmacotherapeut (1) methodolog (1) technolog (1) generat (1) develop (1) automat (1) propos (1) extens (1) domain (1)
Person: María Teresa Romá-Ferri
DBLP: Rom=aacute=-Ferri:Mar=iacute=a_Teresa
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- KEOD-2010-CruanesGR #automation #development #ontology
- Proposal of a Methodological and Technological Development for Automatic Ontology Extension (JC, RMG, MTRF), pp. 471–475.
- KEOD-2009-HermidaRMP #case study #modelling #ontology #owl #reuse #uml
- Reusing UML Class Models to Generate OWL Ontologies — A Use Case in the Pharmacotherapeutic Domain (JMH, MTRF, AM, MP), pp. 281–286.