Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
2 × United Kingdom
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ I.Ounis E.Alfonseca E.Robledo-Arnuncio S.Ravi S.M.Harabagiu B.V.Durme N.Garera R.Martin-Brualla K.B.Hall Y.Chiaramella P.Mulhem M.Mechkour P.Venetis A.Y.Halevy J.Madhavan W.Shen F.Wu G.Miao C.Wu
Talks about:
web (10) attribut (6) search (6) queri (6) extract (5) use (4) instanc (3) text (3) hierarchi (2) question (2)
Person: Marius Pasca
DBLP: Pasca:Marius
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- CIKM-2011-Pasca #query #using #web #what
- Asking what no one has asked before: using phrase similarities to generate synthetic web search queries (MP), pp. 1347–1352.
- CIKM-2011-Pasca11a #information management
- Web-based open-domain information extraction (MP), pp. 2605–2606.
- VLDB-2011-VenetisHMPSWMW #semantics #web
- Recovering Semantics of Tables on the Web (PV, AYH, JM, MP, WS, FW, GM, CW), pp. 528–538.
- ECIR-2010-PascaARMH #query #web
- The Role of Query Sessions in Extracting Instance Attributes from Web Search Queries (MP, EA, ERA, RMB, KBH), pp. 62–74.
- SIGIR-2010-AlfonsecaPR
- Acquisition of instance attributes via labeled and related instances (EA, MP, ERA), pp. 58–65.
- SIGIR-2010-Pasca
- Extraction of open-domain class attributes from text: building blocks for faceted search (MP), p. 909.
- SIGIR-2009-PascaA #concept #information retrieval #web
- Web-derived resources for web information retrieval: from conceptual hierarchies to attribute hierarchies (MP, EA), pp. 596–603.
- CIKM-2008-RaviP #scalability #using
- Using structured text for large-scale attribute extraction (SR, MP), pp. 1183–1192.
- SAC-2008-Pasca #towards #web
- Towards temporal web search (MP), pp. 1117–1121.
- CIKM-2007-Pasca #lightweight #repository
- Lightweight web-based fact repositories for textual question answering (MP), pp. 87–96.
- CIKM-2007-Pasca07a #query #using #web
- Weakly-supervised discovery of named entities using web search queries (MP), pp. 683–690.
- CIKM-2007-PascaDG #documentation #query
- The role of documents vs. queries in extracting class attributes from text (MP, BVD, NG), pp. 485–494.
- CIKM-2004-Pasca #web
- Acquisition of categorized named entities for web search (MP), pp. 137–145.
- SIGIR-2001-PascaH #performance
- High Performance Question/Answering (MP, SMH), pp. 366–374.
- ACIR-1998-OunisP #concept #effectiveness #graph #performance #query #relational #using
- Effective and Efficient Relational Query Processing Using Conceptual Graphs (IO, MP).
- SIGIR-1998-ChiaramellaMMOP #image #performance #retrieval #towards
- Towards a Fast Precision-Oriented Image Retrieval System (YC, PM, MM, IO, MP), pp. 383–384.
- SIGIR-1998-OunisP #named
- RELIEF: Combining Expressiveness and Rapidity into a Single System (IO, MP), pp. 266–274.