Collaborated with:
Luigi Barone R.L.While P.Hingston
Talks about:
program (2) spoof (2) learn (2) genet (2) adapt (2) game (2) use (2) evolutionari (1) comparison (1) teamwork (1)
Person: Mark Wittkamp
DBLP: Wittkamp:Mark
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIG-2006-WittkampB #adaptation #evolution #game studies #programming #search-based #using
- Evolving Adaptive Play for the Game of Spoof Using Genetic Programming (MW, LB), pp. 164–172.
- CIG-2007-WittkampBW #comparison #game studies #learning #programming #search-based
- A Comparison of Genetic Programming and Look-up Table Learning for the Game of Spoof (MW, LB, RLW), pp. 63–71.
- CIG-2008-WittkampBH #adaptation #using
- Using NEAT for continuous adaptation and teamwork formation in Pacman (MW, LB, PH), pp. 234–242.
- CIG-2012-WittkampBHW #learning #realtime
- Noise tolerance for real-time evolutionary learning of cooperative predator-prey strategies (MW, LB, PH, RLW), pp. 25–32.