Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ Mark Wittkamp Luigi Barone R.Wilkinson Clare Bates Congdon Graham Kendall R.L.While
Talks about:
game (2) use (2) bot (2) evolutionari (1) hnefatafl (1) teamwork (1) strategi (1) intellig (1) document (1) network (1)
Person: Philip Hingston
DBLP: Hingston:Philip
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- SIGIR-1991-WilkinsonH #documentation #network #using
- Using the Cosine Measure in a Neural Network for Document (RW, PH), pp. 202–210.
- CIG-2007-Hingston #evolution #game studies
- Evolving Players for an Ancient Game: Hnefatafl (PH), pp. 168–174.
- CIG-2008-WittkampBH #adaptation #using
- Using NEAT for continuous adaptation and teamwork formation in Pacman (MW, LB, PH), pp. 234–242.
- CIG-2009-Hingston
- The 2K BotPrize (PH).
- CIG-2009-Hingston09a
- Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for species (PH), pp. 17–24.
- CIG-2010-Hingston #design
- A new design for a Turing Test for Bots (PH), pp. 345–350.
- CIG-2012-WittkampBHW #learning #realtime
- Noise tolerance for real-time evolutionary learning of cooperative predator-prey strategies (MW, LB, PH, RLW), pp. 25–32.
- CIG-2013-HingstonCK #game studies #mobile #question
- Mobile games with intelligence: A killer application? (PH, CBC, GK), pp. 1–7.