Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Schader R.Gitzel A.Korthaus C.Tapper D.Domis S.Sehestedt T.Gamer H.Koziolek
Talks about:
system (2) corba (2) interchang (1) middlewar (1) interoper (1) distribut (1) industri (1) softwar (1) potenti (1) generat (1)
Person: Markus Aleksy
DBLP: Aleksy:Markus
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SPLC-2014-DomisSGAK #analysis #case study #experience #industrial #reuse
- Customizing domain analysis for assessing the reuse potential of industrial software systems: experience report (DD, SS, TG, MA, HK), pp. 310–319.
- SAC-2005-AleksyKS #concept #corba
- Realizing the leasing concept in CORBA-based applications (MA, AK, MS), pp. 706–712.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-AleksyG #code generation #distributed
- Code Generation for Distributed Systems (MA, RG), pp. 313–318.
- EDOC-1999-AleksyST #component #middleware #state of the art
- Interoperability and interchangeability of middleware components in a three-tier CORBA-environment-state of the art (MA, MS, CT), pp. 204–213.