Travelled to:
1 × Spain
2 × Greece
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ R.Duh W.Schnyder E.Specker
Talks about:
complex (3) graph (3) determinist (2) algorithm (2) approxim (2) hamiltonian (1) intersect (1) inequival (1) hierarchi (1) weisfeil (1)
Person: Martin Fürer
DBLP: F=uuml=rer:Martin
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- STOC-2007-Furer #integer #multi #performance
- Faster integer multiplication (MF), pp. 57–66.
- ICALP-2001-Furer #linear #refinement
- Weisfeiler-Lehman Refinement Requires at Least a Linear Number of Iterations (MF), pp. 322–333.
- STOC-2000-Furer #approximate #matrix
- Approximating permanents of complex matrices (MF), pp. 667–669.
- STOC-1997-DuhF #approximate #optimisation
- Approximation of k-Set Cover by Semi-Local Optimization (RcD, MF), pp. 256–264.
- ICALP-1991-Furer #algorithm #graph #performance
- An Efficient NC Algorithm for Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in Dense Directed Graphs (MF), pp. 429–440.
- STOC-1987-Furer #communication #complexity #power of
- The Power of Randomness for Communication Complexity (MF), pp. 178–181.
- ICALP-1985-Furer #algorithm #testing
- Deterministic and Las Vegas Primality Testing Algorithms (MF), pp. 199–209.
- STOC-1983-FurerSS #bound #graph #normalisation
- Normal Forms for Trivalent Graphs and Graphs of Bounded Valence (MF, WS, ES), pp. 161–170.
- STOC-1982-Furer
- The Tight Deterministic Time Hierarchy (MF), pp. 8–16.
- ICALP-1980-Furer #complexity #problem #regular expression
- The Complexity of the Inequivalence Problem for Regular Expressions with Intersection (MF), pp. 234–245.