2923 papers:
CASE-2015-HeLG #graph #optimisation- Cycle time optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs (ZH, ZL, AG), pp. 274–279.
CASE-2015-KouiderHOO #approach #graph #integer #linear #scheduling #source code- Mixed integer linear programs and tabu search approach to solve mixed graph coloring for unit-time job shop scheduling (AK, HAH, SO, AO), pp. 1177–1181.
DAC-2015-HanF #analysis #approach #cpu #gpu #graph #scalability- Transient-simulation guided graph sparsification approach to scalable harmonic balance (HB) analysis of post-layout RF circuits leveraging heterogeneous CPU-GPU computing systems (LH, ZF), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SripadaP #approach #graph- A timing graph based approach to mode merging (SS, MP), p. 6.
HT-2015-SongFGWCZ #graph #microblog #word- Build Emotion Lexicon from Microblogs by Combining Effects of Seed Words and Emoticons in a Heterogeneous Graph (KS, SF, WG, DW, LC, CZ), pp. 283–292.
PODS-2015-GuhaMT #graph- Vertex and Hyperedge Connectivity in Dynamic Graph Streams (SG, AM, DT), pp. 241–247.
PODS-2015-MunroNV #data type #documentation #graph- Dynamic Data Structures for Document Collections and Graphs (JIM, YN, JSV), pp. 277–289.
PODS-2015-PraveenS #graph #how #question- Defining Relations on Graphs: How Hard is it in the Presence of Node Partitions? (MP, BS), pp. 159–172.
SIGMOD-2015-ArmenatzoglouPN #approach #clustering #game studies #graph #multi #realtime #social- Real-Time Multi-Criteria Social Graph Partitioning: A Game Theoretic Approach (NA, HP, VN, DP, CS), pp. 1617–1628.
SIGMOD-2015-HuangFL #graph- Minimum Spanning Trees in Temporal Graphs (SH, AWCF, RL), pp. 419–430.
SIGMOD-2015-PapailiouTKK #adaptation #query- Graph-Aware, Workload-Adaptive SPARQL Query Caching (NP, DT, PK, NK), pp. 1777–1792.
SIGMOD-2015-PerezSBPRSL #graph #interactive #named- Ringo: Interactive Graph Analytics on Big-Memory Machines (YP, RS, AB, RP, MR, PS, JL), pp. 1105–1110.
SIGMOD-2015-ShinJSK #approach #graph #named #random #scalability- BEAR: Block Elimination Approach for Random Walk with Restart on Large Graphs (KS, JJ, LS, UK), pp. 1571–1585.
SIGMOD-2015-SunFSKHX #graph #named #performance- SQLGraph: An Efficient Relational-Based Property Graph Store (WS, AF, KS, AK, GH, GTX), pp. 1887–1901.
SIGMOD-2015-YuanMYG #algorithm #graph- Updating Graph Indices with a One-Pass Algorithm (DY, PM, HY, CLG), pp. 1903–1916.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhangCPSX #graph #statistics #using- Private Release of Graph Statistics using Ladder Functions (JZ, GC, CMP, DS, XX), pp. 731–745.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhengZLYSZ #approach #graph #how #nondeterminism #rdf #similarity- How to Build Templates for RDF Question/Answering: An Uncertain Graph Similarity Join Approach (WZ, LZ, XL, JXY, SS, DZ), pp. 1809–1824.
VLDB-2015-CebiricGM #graph #query #rdf #summary- Query-Oriented Summarization of RDF Graphs (SC, FG, IM), pp. 2012–2023.
VLDB-2015-ChingEKLM #graph- One Trillion Edges: Graph Processing at Facebook-Scale (AC, SE, MK, DL, SM), pp. 1804–1815.
VLDB-2015-ChodpathumwanAT #graph #independence #named #representation #towards- Universal-DB: Towards Representation Independent Graph Analytics (YC, AA, AT, YS), pp. 2016–2027.
VLDB-2015-FanFTD #graph- Keys for Graphs (WF, ZF, CT, XLD), pp. 1590–1601.
VLDB-2015-FanWWX #graph- Association Rules with Graph Patterns (WF, XW, YW, JX), pp. 1502–1513.
VLDB-2015-HanD #execution #graph #parallel- Giraph Unchained: Barrierless Asynchronous Parallel Execution in Pregel-like Graph Processing Systems (MH, KD), pp. 950–961.
VLDB-2015-JayaramGL #graph #interactive #interface #named #query #visual notation- VIIQ: Auto-Suggestion Enabled Visual Interface for Interactive Graph Query Formulation (NJ, SG, CL), pp. 1940–1951.
VLDB-2015-KazemiHG #graph- Growing a Graph Matching from a Handful of Seeds (EK, SHH, MG), pp. 1010–1021.
VLDB-2015-KhanC #graph #modelling #nondeterminism #on the #query- On Uncertain Graphs Modeling and Queries (AK, LC), pp. 2042–2053.
VLDB-2015-KoutraJNF #graph #interactive #mining #named #scalability #visualisation- Perseus: An Interactive Large-Scale Graph Mining and Visualization Tool (DK, DJ, YN, CF), pp. 1924–1935.
VLDB-2015-LiuLYXW #graph #independence #set #towards- Towards Maximum Independent Sets on Massive Graphs (YL, JL, HY, XX, ZW), pp. 2122–2133.
VLDB-2015-MargoS #distributed #graph #scalability- A Scalable Distributed Graph Partitioner (DWM, MIS), pp. 1478–1489.
VLDB-2015-MitliagkasBDC #approximate #exclamation #graph #performance #rank- FrogWild! — Fast PageRank Approximations on Graph Engines (IM, MB, AGD, CC), pp. 874–885.
VLDB-2015-RenW #graph #morphism #scalability- Exploiting Vertex Relationships in Speeding up Subgraph Isomorphism over Large Graphs (XR, JW), pp. 617–628.
VLDB-2015-ShaoC0LX #framework #graph #performance #scalability #similarity- An Efficient Similarity Search Framework for SimRank over Large Dynamic Graphs (YS, BC, LC, ML, XX), pp. 838–849.
VLDB-2015-ShiokawaFO #algorithm #clustering #graph #performance #scalability- SCAN++: Efficient Algorithm for Finding Clusters, Hubs and Outliers on Large-scale Graphs (HS, YF, MO), pp. 1178–1189.
VLDB-2015-SundaramSPDAV0D #effectiveness #graph #named #performance- GraphMat: High performance graph analytics made productive (NS, NS, MMAP, SD, MJA, SGV, DD, PD), pp. 1214–1225.
VLDB-2015-Xirogiannopoulos #graph #named #relational- GraphGen: Exploring Interesting Graphs in Relational Data (KX, UK, AD), pp. 2032–2043.
VLDB-2015-ZhangC0 #approach #distributed #graph #set- Bonding Vertex Sets Over Distributed Graph: A Betweenness Aware Approach (XZ, HC, LC), pp. 1418–1429.
VLDB-2015-ZhouLLZ #graph #named #optimisation #performance- GraphTwist: Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Two-tier Optimizations (YZ, LL, KL, QZ), pp. 1262–1273.
MSR-2015-SchumacherA #framework #graph- An Enhanced Graph-Based Infrastructure for Software Search Engines (MS, CA), pp. 386–390.
SANER-2015-Abi-AntounWKGR #graph #impact analysis- Impact analysis based on a global hierarchical Object Graph (MAA, YW, EK, AG, VR), pp. 221–230.
SANER-2015-BezemerPG #comprehension #difference #graph #performance #using- Understanding software performance regressions using differential flame graphs (CPB, JP, BG), pp. 535–539.
SANER-2015-LaverdiereBM #analysis #composition #graph #using- Taint analysis of manual service compositions using Cross-Application Call Graphs (MAL, BJB, EM), pp. 585–589.
SANER-2015-QiuSM #graph #identification #library #morphism #using- Library functions identification in binary code by using graph isomorphism testings (JQ, XS, PM), pp. 261–270.
SANER-2015-SinghGN #data type #graph #memory management- MG++: Memory graphs for analyzing dynamic data structures (VS, RG, IN), pp. 291–300.
SCAM-2015-LudemannK #control flow #graph- From preprocessor-constrained parse graphs to preprocessor-constrained control flow (DL, RK), pp. 211–220.
PLDI-2015-JohnsonWMC #dependence #graph #security- Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs (AJ, LW, SM, SC), pp. 291–302.
PLDI-2015-PrountzosMP #automation #graph #parallel #source code- Synthesizing parallel graph programs via automated planning (DP, RM, KP), pp. 533–544.
STOC-2015-AlstrupKTZ #graph- Adjacency Labeling Schemes and Induced-Universal Graphs (SA, HK, MT, UZ), pp. 625–634.
STOC-2015-AlwenS #complexity #graph #parallel- High Parallel Complexity Graphs and Memory-Hard Functions (JA, VS), pp. 595–603.
STOC-2015-BansalGG #graph #independence #on the #set- On the Lovász Theta function for Independent Sets in Sparse Graphs (NB, AG, GG), pp. 193–200.
STOC-2015-Bresler #graph #learning #modelling- Efficiently Learning Ising Models on Arbitrary Graphs (GB), pp. 771–782.
STOC-2015-ChawlaMSY #algorithm #clustering #graph- Near Optimal LP Rounding Algorithm for CorrelationClustering on Complete and Complete k-partite Graphs (SC, KM, TS, GY), pp. 219–228.
STOC-2015-CzumajPS #clustering #graph #testing- Testing Cluster Structure of Graphs (AC, PP, CS), pp. 723–732.
STOC-2015-HalldorssonT #graph #how #question- How Well Can Graphs Represent Wireless Interference? (MMH, TT), pp. 635–644.
STOC-2015-KawarabayashiS #approximate #graph- Beyond the Euler Characteristic: Approximating the Genus of General Graphs (KiK, AS), pp. 675–682.
STOC-2015-KawarabayashiT #graph- Deterministic Global Minimum Cut of a Simple Graph in Near-Linear Time (KiK, MT), pp. 665–674.
STOC-2015-Lee #graph- Hardness of Graph Pricing Through Generalized Max-Dicut (EL), pp. 391–399.
ICALP-v1-2015-0001GR #graph #morphism- Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2 (AG, LAG, DR), pp. 642–653.
ICALP-v1-2015-BerkholzG #algebra #graph #morphism #testing- Limitations of Algebraic Approaches to Graph Isomorphism Testing (CB, MG), pp. 155–166.
ICALP-v1-2015-BernsteinS #graph- Fully Dynamic Matching in Bipartite Graphs (AB, CS), pp. 167–179.
ICALP-v1-2015-DoronT #approximate #graph #on the #probability #problem- On the Problem of Approximating the Eigenvalues of Undirected Graphs in Probabilistic Logspace (DD, ATS), pp. 419–431.
ICALP-v1-2015-Erlebach0K #graph #on the- On Temporal Graph Exploration (TE, MH, FK), pp. 444–455.
ICALP-v1-2015-FeldmannFKP #bound #graph- A (1+ε ) ( 1 + ε ) -Embedding of Low Highway Dimension Graphs into Bounded Treewidth Graphs (AEF, WSF, JK, IP), pp. 469–480.
ICALP-v1-2015-FominGKM #bound #graph #morphism #problem- Lower Bounds for the Graph Homomorphism Problem (FVF, AG, ASK, IM), pp. 481–493.
ICALP-v1-2015-GeorgiadisILP #graph- 2-Vertex Connectivity in Directed Graphs (LG, GFI, LL, NP), pp. 605–616.
ICALP-v1-2015-HenzingerKN #algorithm #graph #reachability- Improved Algorithms for Decremental Single-Source Reachability on Directed Graphs (MH, SK, DN), pp. 725–736.
ICALP-v1-2015-KannanM0 #complexity #graph #query- Near-Linear Query Complexity for Graph Inference (SK, CM, HZ), pp. 773–784.
ICALP-v1-2015-KawaseKY #graph- Finding a Path in Group-Labeled Graphs with Two Labels Forbidden (YK, YK, YY), pp. 797–809.
ICALP-v2-2015-AchlioptasS #graph #independence #symmetry- Symmetric Graph Properties Have Independent Edges (DA, PS), pp. 467–478.
ICALP-v2-2015-Feldmann #approximate #graph #parametricity #problem- Fixed Parameter Approximations for k-Center Problems in Low Highway Dimension Graphs (AEF), pp. 588–600.
ICALP-v2-2015-FriedrichK #graph #on the #random- On the Diameter of Hyperbolic Random Graphs (TF, AK), pp. 614–625.
ICALP-v2-2015-KawarabayashiK #graph #theorem #towards- Towards the Graph Minor Theorems for Directed Graphs (KiK, SK), pp. 3–10.
LATA-2015-CazauxLR #assembly #graph- Construction of a de Bruijn Graph for Assembly from a Truncated Suffix Tree (BC, TL, ER), pp. 109–120.
LATA-2015-DabrowskiHP #bound #clique #graph- Bounding Clique-Width via Perfect Graphs (KKD, SH, DP), pp. 676–688.
LATA-2015-MakowskyL #graph #matrix #word- Hankel Matrices: From Words to Graphs (Extended Abstract) (JAM, NL), pp. 47–55.
FM-2015-ZhuYGZZZ #data flow #graph #model checking #scheduling- Static Optimal Scheduling for Synchronous Data Flow Graphs with Model Checking (XZ, RY, YLG, JZ, WZ, GZ), pp. 551–569.
GaM-2015-BakFPR #graph #interpreter #programming language- A Reference Interpreter for the Graph Programming Language GP 2 (CB, GF, DP, CR), pp. 48–64.
GaM-2015-HeussnerPCM #concurrent #graph #object-oriented #towards #verification- Towards Practical Graph-Based Verification for an Object-Oriented Concurrency Model (AH, CMP, CC, BM), pp. 32–47.
GaM-2015-HochMS #graph #programming- Dynamic Programming on Nominal Graphs (NH, UM, MS), pp. 80–96.
GaM-2015-KissingerZ #exclamation- !-graphs with trivial overlap are context-free (AK, VZ), pp. 16–31.
GaM-2015-KulcsarDLVS #detection #graph transformation- Improved Conflict Detection for Graph Transformation with Attributes (GK, FD, ML, GV, AS), pp. 97–112.
GaM-2015-Moreau #graph- Aggregation by Provenance Types: A Technique for Summarising Provenance Graphs (LM), pp. 129–144.
GCM-2015-Flick #correctness #graph #on the #recursion #source code- On Correctness of Graph Programs Relative to Recursively Nested Conditions (NEF), pp. 97–112.
GCM-2015-MaignanS #graph transformation- Global Graph Transformations (LM, AS), pp. 34–49.
GCM-2015-PeuserH #category theory #composition #graph- Attribution of Graphs by Composition of M, N-adhesive Categories (CP, AH), pp. 66–81.
ICGT-2015-Bruggink0NZ #graph #graph transformation #proving #termination #using- Proving Termination of Graph Transformation Systems Using Weighted Type Graphs over Semirings (HJSB, BK, DN, HZ), pp. 52–68.
ICGT-2015-CorradiniDEPR #algebra #graph grammar #named- AGREE — Algebraic Graph Rewriting with Controlled Embedding (AC, DD, RE, FP, LR), pp. 35–51.
ICGT-2015-Horn #clojure #domain-specific language #embedded #graph #pattern matching- Graph Pattern Matching as an Embedded Clojure DSL (TH), pp. 189–204.
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAS #graph grammar #multi #tool support- Tool Support for Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS), pp. 257–265.
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAST #graph grammar #multi- Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS, GT), pp. 87–103.
ICGT-2015-Lowe #category theory #graph grammar #polymorphism- Polymorphic Sesqui-Pushout Graph Rewriting (ML), pp. 3–18.
ICGT-2015-MachadoRH #evolution #graph transformation- Characterizing Conflicts Between Rule Application and Rule Evolution in Graph Transformation Systems (RM, LR, RH), pp. 171–186.
ICGT-2015-Oliveira #graph transformation #reachability #slicing- Reachability in Graph Transformation Systems and Slice Languages (MdOO), pp. 121–137.
ICGT-2015-RadkeABHT #constraints #graph #invariant #ocl #set- Translating Essential OCL Invariants to Nested Graph Constraints Focusing on Set Operations (HR, TA, JSB, AH, GT), pp. 155–170.
ICGT-2015-Stuckrath #analysis #graph transformation #named #using #verification- Uncover: Using Coverability Analysis for Verifying Graph Transformation Systems (JS), pp. 266–274.
ICGT-2015-TaentzerG #analysis #confluence #graph transformation #towards- Towards Local Confluence Analysis for Amalgamated Graph Transformation (GT, UG), pp. 69–86.
ICGT-2015-WeberDP #formal method #graph transformation #monitoring #using- Using Graph Transformations for Formalizing Prescriptions and Monitoring Adherence (JHW, SD, MP), pp. 205–220.
CHI-2015-CaoLLT #graph #interactive #mining #multi #named #visual notation- g-Miner: Interactive Visual Group Mining on Multivariate Graphs (NC, YRL, LL, HT), pp. 279–288.
DUXU-UI-2015-AlacamAH #comprehension- Haptic Exploration Patterns in Virtual Line-Graph Comprehension (ÖA, CA, CH), pp. 403–414.
HIMI-IKD-2015-SharmaMMTD #graph #modelling- A Team Hiring Solution Based on Graph-Based Modelling of Human Resource Entities (AS, JM, AM, AT, PD), pp. 115–126.
HIMI-IKD-2015-YamashitaS #graph #multi- Edge Bundling in Multi-attributed Graphs (TY, RS), pp. 138–147.
ICEIS-v1-2015-BerroMT #graph #open data #process #statistics- Graph-based ETL Processes for Warehousing Statistical Open Data (AB, IM, OT), pp. 271–278.
ICEIS-v1-2015-FuD #graph #named #scalability #social- ROBE — Knitting a Tight Hub for Shortest Path Discovery in Large Social Graphs (LF, JD), pp. 97–107.
ICEIS-v1-2015-MpindaMSR #database #graph #simulation #using- Graph Database Application using Neo4j — Railroad Planner Simulation (SATM, LGM, MTPS, MXR), pp. 399–403.
ECIR-2015-MoranL #graph- Graph Regularised Hashing (SM, VL), pp. 135–146.
ECIR-2015-Peleja #graph #named #sentiment- PopMeter: Linked-Entities in a Sentiment Graph (FP), pp. 785–788.
ECIR-2015-RousseauV #keyword- Main Core Retention on Graph-of-Words for Single-Document Keyword Extraction (FR, MV), pp. 382–393.
ECIR-2015-SabetghadamLBR #analysis #graph #reachability- Reachability Analysis of Graph Modelled Collections (SS, ML, RB, AR), pp. 370–381.
ICML-2015-AsterisKDYC #graph- Stay on path: PCA along graph paths (MA, ATK, AGD, HGY, BC), pp. 1728–1736.
ICML-2015-Bai0ZH #graph #kernel- An Aligned Subtree Kernel for Weighted Graphs (LB, LR, ZZ, ERH), pp. 30–39.
ICML-2015-HegdeIS #framework- A Nearly-Linear Time Framework for Graph-Structured Sparsity (CH, PI, LS), pp. 928–937.
ICML-2015-LibbrechtHBN #graph- Entropic Graph-based Posterior Regularization (ML, MMH, JAB, WSN), pp. 1992–2001.
ICML-2015-LiuY #graph #learning #predict- Bipartite Edge Prediction via Transductive Learning over Product Graphs (HL, YY), pp. 1880–1888.
ICML-2015-Pouget-AbadieH #framework #graph- Inferring Graphs from Cascades: A Sparse Recovery Framework (JPA, TH), pp. 977–986.
ICML-2015-YangX15b #clustering #distributed #divide and conquer #framework #graph- A Divide and Conquer Framework for Distributed Graph Clustering (WY, HX), pp. 504–513.
KDD-2015-BeutelAF #behaviour #detection #graph #modelling #predict- Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling: From Prediction to Fraud Detection (AB, LA, CF), pp. 2309–2310.
KDD-2015-ElenbergSBD #distributed #framework #graph #scalability- Beyond Triangles: A Distributed Framework for Estimating 3-profiles of Large Graphs (ERE, KS, MB, AGD), pp. 229–238.
KDD-2015-FanEWAH #health #personalisation- Hierarchical Graph-Coupled HMMs for Heterogeneous Personalized Health Data (KF, ME, AW, AA, KAH), pp. 239–248.
KDD-2015-GleichM #algorithm #graph #learning #using- Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning Algorithms (DFG, MWM), pp. 359–368.
KDD-2015-HallacLB #clustering #graph #network #optimisation #scalability- Network Lasso: Clustering and Optimization in Large Graphs (DH, JL, SB), pp. 387–396.
KDD-2015-JohanssonD #geometry #graph #learning #similarity #using- Learning with Similarity Functions on Graphs using Matchings of Geometric Embeddings (FDJ, DPD), pp. 467–476.
KDD-2015-KuoWWCYD #graph #multi #segmentation- Unified and Contrasting Cuts in Multiple Graphs: Application to Medical Imaging Segmentation (CTK, XW, PBW, OTC, JY, ID), pp. 617–626.
KDD-2015-LimK #graph #named- MASCOT: Memory-efficient and Accurate Sampling for Counting Local Triangles in Graph Streams (YL, UK), pp. 685–694.
KDD-2015-LiuWHX #framework #graph #health- Temporal Phenotyping from Longitudinal Electronic Health Records: A Graph Based Framework (CL, FW, JH, HX), pp. 705–714.
KDD-2015-MaoWGS #graph #learning #reduction- Dimensionality Reduction Via Graph Structure Learning (QM, LW, SG, YS), pp. 765–774.
KDD-2015-MottinBG #graph #query- Graph Query Reformulation with Diversity (DM, FB, FG), pp. 825–834.
KDD-2015-ShahKZGF #graph #named #summary- TimeCrunch: Interpretable Dynamic Graph Summarization (NS, DK, TZ, BG, CF), pp. 1055–1064.
KDD-2015-Shun #algorithm #estimation #evaluation #graph #parallel- An Evaluation of Parallel Eccentricity Estimation Algorithms on Undirected Real-World Graphs (JS), pp. 1095–1104.
KDD-2015-SuYSSKVY #feedback #graph- Exploiting Relevance Feedback in Knowledge Graph Search (YS, SY, HS, MS, SK, MV, XY), pp. 1135–1144.
KDD-2015-TsengYHKC #detection #framework #named- FrauDetector: A Graph-Mining-based Framework for Fraudulent Phone Call Detection (VST, JCY, CWH, YK, KTC), pp. 2157–2166.
KDD-2015-YanardagV #graph #kernel- Deep Graph Kernels (PY, SVNV), pp. 1365–1374.
KDD-2015-ZhouLB #analysis #clustering #graph- Integrating Vertex-centric Clustering with Edge-centric Clustering for Meta Path Graph Analysis (YZ, LL, DB), pp. 1563–1572.
MLDM-2015-DhulekarNOY #graph #learning #mining #predict- Seizure Prediction by Graph Mining, Transfer Learning, and Transformation Learning (ND, SN, BO, BY), pp. 32–52.
MLDM-2015-FerrerSR #approximate #distance #edit distance #graph #heuristic #learning- Learning Heuristics to Reduce the Overestimation of Bipartite Graph Edit Distance Approximation (MF, FS, KR), pp. 17–31.
MLDM-2015-RiesenFDB #distance #edit distance #graph- Greedy Graph Edit Distance (KR, MF, RD, HB), pp. 3–16.
MLDM-2015-SejalSTAVIP #graph #query #similarity- Query Click and Text Similarity Graph for Query Suggestions (DS, KGS, VT, DA, KRV, SSI, LMP), pp. 328–341.
SEKE-2015-ZegarraCW #graph #learning #visualisation- Facilitating Peer Learning and Knowledge Sharing in STEM Courses via Pattern Based Graph Visualization (EZ, SKC, JW), pp. 284–289.
SIGIR-2015-Al-Dhelaan #graph #multi #named #summary- StarSum: A Simple Star Graph for Multi-document Summarization (MAD), pp. 715–718.
SIGIR-2015-GuoL #automation #generative #graph #music #recommendation- Automatic Feature Generation on Heterogeneous Graph for Music Recommendation (CG, XL), pp. 807–810.
SIGIR-2015-TrevisiolABB #problem #ranking- Local Ranking Problem on the BrowseGraph (MT, LMA, PB, RB), pp. 173–182.
SIGIR-2015-YuM #graph #quality #similarity- High Quality Graph-Based Similarity Search (WY, JAM), pp. 83–92.
MoDELS-J-2011-HermannEOCDXGE15 #correctness #graph grammar- Model synchronization based on triple graph grammars: correctness, completeness and invertibility (FH, HE, FO, KC, ZD, YX, SG, TE), pp. 241–269.
MoDELS-J-2011-HermannEOCDXGE15 #correctness #graph grammar- Model synchronization based on triple graph grammars: correctness, completeness and invertibility (FH, HE, FO, KC, ZD, YX, SG, TE), pp. 241–269.
BX-2015-AnjorinLKSS #approach #graph grammar #guidelines- A Systematic Approach and Guidelines to Developing a Triple Graph Grammar (AA, EL, RK, AS, PS), pp. 81–95.
BX-2015-HidakaBTM #analysis #approach #bidirectional #graph transformation- Trace-based Approach to Editability and Correspondence Analysis for Bidirectional Graph Transformations (SH, MB, QMT, KM), pp. 51–65.
MoDELS-2015-EichlerMSGD #graph grammar #term rewriting- Enhanced graph rewriting systems for complex software domains (SoSyM abstract) (CE, TM, PS, LAG, KD), p. 447.
POPL-2015-BonchiSZ #abstraction #graph- Full Abstraction for Signal Flow Graphs (FB, PS, FZ), pp. 515–526.
SAC-2015-CamaraHJJ #graph #modelling #persuasion #recommendation #social #using- Using graph-based models in a persuasive social recommendation system (JPC, SH, JJ, VJ), pp. 189–194.
SAC-2015-FerreiraPC #graph #matrix- Exploring graph topology via matrix factorization to improve wikification (RF, MdGCP, MC), pp. 1099–1104.
SAC-2015-GimenesGRG #analysis #graph #multimodal #repository- Multimodal graph-based analysis over the DBLP repository: critical discoveries and hypotheses (GPG, HG, JFRJ, MG), pp. 1129–1135.
SAC-2015-GuedesBOX #clustering #graph #multi- Exploring multiple clusterings in attributed graphs (GPG, EB, ESO, GX), pp. 915–918.
SAC-2015-HanHQY #clustering- Locality-preserving L1-graph and its application in clustering (SH, HH, HQ, DY), pp. 813–818.
SAC-2015-MiyashitaITK #distributed #graph #named #representation- Catalogue: graph representation of file relations for a globally distributed environment (YM, HI, FT, KK), pp. 806–809.
SAC-2015-SioutisSC #composition #graph #on the #reasoning- On the use and effect of graph decomposition in qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning (MS, YS, JFC), pp. 1874–1879.
ICSE-v1-2015-NguyenN #graph #statistics- Graph-Based Statistical Language Model for Code (ATN, TNN), pp. 858–868.
SLE-2015-Burger #attribute grammar #bibliography #graph grammar #motivation #perspective- Reference attribute grammar controlled graph rewriting: motivation and overview (CB), pp. 89–100.
ASPLOS-2015-HassaanNP #dependence #graph- Kinetic Dependence Graphs (MAH, DDN, KP), pp. 457–471.
CGO-2015-LeissaKH #graph #higher-order #representation- A graph-based higher-order intermediate representation (RL, MK, SH), pp. 202–212.
HPDC-2015-YangC #behaviour #benchmark #comprehension #graph #metric #robust- Understanding Graph Computation Behavior to Enable Robust Benchmarking (FY, AAC), pp. 173–178.
HPDC-2015-ZhouLLPZ #abstraction #graph #parallel #performance- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Resource Aware Graph Parallel Abstractions (YZ, LL, KL, CP, QZ), pp. 179–190.
LCTES-2015-0001HL #analysis #kernel #realtime- Cross-Kernel Control-Flow-Graph Analysis for Event-Driven Real-Time Systems (CD, MH, DL), p. 10.
PPoPP-2015-HarshvardhanAR #algorithm #approach #communication #graph #parallel- A hierarchical approach to reducing communication in parallel graph algorithms (H, NMA, LR), pp. 285–286.
PPoPP-2015-SeoKK #graph #named #scalability #streaming- GStream: a graph streaming processing method for large-scale graphs on GPUs (HS, JK, MSK), pp. 253–254.
PPoPP-2015-ShiLDHJLWLZ #gpu #graph #hybrid #optimisation- Optimization of asynchronous graph processing on GPU with hybrid coloring model (XS, JL, SD, BH, HJ, LL, ZW, XL, JZ), pp. 271–272.
PPoPP-2015-WangDPWRO #gpu #graph #library #named- Gunrock: a high-performance graph processing library on the GPU (YW, AAD, YP, YW, AR, JDO), pp. 265–266.
PPoPP-2015-XieCGZC #distributed- SYNC or ASYNC: time to fuse for distributed graph-parallel computation (CX, RC, HG, BZ, HC), pp. 194–204.
PPoPP-2015-ZhangCC- NUMA-aware graph-structured analytics (KZ, RC, HC), pp. 183–193.
SOSP-2015-0002BMZ #graph #named- Chaos: scale-out graph processing from secondary storage (AR, LB, JM, WZ), pp. 410–424.
SOSP-2015-TeixeiraFSSZA #distributed #graph #mining #named- Arabesque: a system for distributed graph mining (CHCT, AJF, MS, GS, MJZ, AA), pp. 425–440.
CAV-2015-ChatterjeeIP #algorithm #constant #graph #performance #verification- Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Verification in Constant Treewidth Graphs (KC, RIJ, AP), pp. 140–157.
CAV-2015-ErezN #automation #bound #graph #smt #using- Finding Bounded Path in Graph Using SMT for Automatic Clock Routing (AE, AN), pp. 20–36.
LICS-2015-FigueiraL #graph #logic #performance #query- Path Logics for Querying Graphs: Combining Expressiveness and Efficiency (DF, LL), pp. 329–340.
LICS-2015-Reiter #automaton #distributed #graph- Distributed Graph Automata (FR), pp. 192–201.
RTA-2015-Kirchner #data analysis #graph- Port Graphs, Rules and Strategies for Dynamic Data Analytics — Extended Abstract (Invited Talk) (HK), pp. 1–4.
VMCAI-2015-BackesR #abstraction #analysis #clustering #graph transformation #infinity- Analysis of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems by Cluster Abstraction (PB, JR), pp. 135–152.
QoSA-2014-JohnsenLPH #dependence #graph #modelling #slicing #verification- Regression verification of AADL models through slicing of system dependence graphs (AJ, KL, PP, KH), pp. 103–112.
CASE-2014-HeLG #graph #optimisation- Marking optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs (ZH, ZL, AG), pp. 413–418.
DAC-2014-AmaruGM #algorithm #graph #logic #novel #optimisation #performance- Majority-Inverter Graph: A Novel Data-Structure and Algorithms for Efficient Logic Optimization (LGA, PEG, GDM), p. 6.
DATE-2014-ChenHD #analysis #graph #modelling- May-happen-in-parallel analysis based on segment graphs for safe ESL models (WC, XH, RD), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-FrijnsASVGSC #analysis #graph- Timing analysis of First-Come First-Served scheduled interval-timed Directed Acyclic Graphs (RF, SA, SS, JV, MCWG, RRHS, HC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ParkYLL #graph #memory management #representation- Accelerating graph computation with racetrack memory and pointer-assisted graph representation (EP, SY, SL, HL), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-ZhuGBS #data flow #graph #scheduling- Memory-constrained static rate-optimal scheduling of synchronous dataflow graphs via retiming (XYZ, MG, TB, SS), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-LimaBFFLSR #graph- Transforming graph-based sentence representations to alleviate overfitting in relation extraction (RJL, JB, RF, FF, RDL, SJS, MR), pp. 53–62.
PODS-2014-Cohen #analysis #graph #sketching- All-distances sketches, revisited: HIP estimators for massive graphs analysis (EC), pp. 88–99.
SIGMOD-2014-AroraSB #graph #mining #statistics- Mining statistically significant connected subgraphs in vertex labeled graphs (AA, MS, AB), pp. 1003–1014.
SIGMOD-2014-CuiXWW #community #graph #scalability- Local search of communities in large graphs (WC, YX, HW, WW), pp. 991–1002.
SIGMOD-2014-Dev14a #community #detection #graph #precise #privacy #social- Privacy preserving social graphs for high precision community detection (HD), pp. 1615–1616.
SIGMOD-2014-FanWW #bound #graph #query- Querying big graphs within bounded resources (WF, XW, YW), pp. 301–312.
SIGMOD-2014-HuangCQTY #community #graph #query #scalability- Querying k-truss community in large and dynamic graphs (XH, HC, LQ, WT, JXY), pp. 1311–1322.
SIGMOD-2014-KimHLPY #framework #graph #named #parallel #scalability- OPT: a new framework for overlapped and parallel triangulation in large-scale graphs (JK, WSH, SL, KP, HY), pp. 637–648.
SIGMOD-2014-MondalD #graph #named #query #scalability- EAGr: supporting continuous ego-centric aggregate queries over large dynamic graphs (JM, AD), pp. 1335–1346.
SIGMOD-2014-PapailiouTKKK #data transformation #graph #performance #rdf- H2RDF+: an efficient data management system for big RDF graphs (NP, DT, IK, PK, NK), pp. 909–912.
SIGMOD-2014-ParchasGPB #graph #nondeterminism- The pursuit of a good possible world: extracting representative instances of uncertain graphs (PP, FG, DP, FB), pp. 967–978.
SIGMOD-2014-QinYCCZL #graph #pipes and filters #scalability- Scalable big graph processing in MapReduce (LQ, JXY, LC, HC, CZ, XL), pp. 827–838.
SIGMOD-2014-RanuHS #database #graph #query- Answering top-k representative queries on graph databases (SR, MXH, AKS), pp. 1163–1174.
SIGMOD-2014-SatishSPSPHSYD #dataset #framework #graph #navigation #using- Navigating the maze of graph analytics frameworks using massive graph datasets (NS, NS, MMAP, JS, JP, MAH, SS, ZY, PD), pp. 979–990.
SIGMOD-2014-ShaoCCMYX #graph #parallel #scalability- Parallel subgraph listing in a large-scale graph (YS, BC, LC, LM, JY, NX), pp. 625–636.
SIGMOD-2014-SricharanD #graph- Localizing anomalous changes in time-evolving graphs (KS, KD), pp. 1347–1358.
SIGMOD-2014-WuJZ #graph #nearest neighbour #performance #query #random #scalability- Fast and unified local search for random walk based k-nearest-neighbor query in large graphs (YW, RJ, XZ), pp. 1139–1150.
SIGMOD-2014-YangXWWSWY #graph #named #query- SLQ: a user-friendly graph querying system (SY, YX, YW, TW, HS, JW, XY), pp. 893–896.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhuGCL #analysis #clustering #graph #sentiment #social #social media- Tripartite graph clustering for dynamic sentiment analysis on social media (LZ, AG, JC, KL), pp. 1531–1542.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhuLWX #approach #graph #order #query #reachability #scalability- Reachability queries on large dynamic graphs: a total order approach (ADZ, WL, SW, XX), pp. 1323–1334.
SIGMOD-2014-ZouHWYHZ #approach #data-driven #graph #natural language #rdf- Natural language question answering over RDF: a graph data driven approach (LZ, RH, HW, JXY, WH, DZ), pp. 313–324.
VLDB-2014-ArenasDFKS #approach #graph- A Principled Approach to Bridging the Gap between Graph Data and their Schemas (MA, GID, AF, AK, KS), pp. 601–612.
VLDB-2014-ElseidyASK #graph #mining #named #scalability- GRAMI: Frequent Subgraph and Pattern Mining in a Single Large Graph (ME, EA, SS, PK), pp. 517–528.
VLDB-2014-FanWWD #distributed #graph #simulation- Distributed Graph Simulation: Impossibility and Possibility (WF, XW, YW, DD), pp. 1083–1094.
VLDB-2014-GuptaSGGZLL #detection #graph #online #realtime #recommendation #scalability #twitter- Real-Time Twitter Recommendation: Online Motif Detection in Large Dynamic Graphs (PG, VS, AG, SG, VZ, QL, JL), pp. 1379–1380.
VLDB-2014-HanDAOWJ #comparison #graph- An Experimental Comparison of Pregel-like Graph Processing Systems (MH, KD, KA, MTÖ, XW, TJ), pp. 1047–1058.
VLDB-2014-JindalR0MDS #exclamation #graph #named #relational- VERTEXICA: Your Relational Friend for Graph Analytics! (AJ, PR, EW, SM, AD, MS), pp. 1669–1672.
VLDB-2014-KhanE- Systems for Big-Graphs (AK, SE), pp. 1709–1710.
VLDB-2014-MaeharaAIK #graph #personalisation #rank- Computing Personalized PageRank Quickly by Exploiting Graph Structures (TM, TA, YI, KiK), pp. 1023–1034.
VLDB-2014-PetermannJMR #graph #integration- Graph-based Data Integration and Business Intelligence with BIIIG (AP, MJ, RM, ER), pp. 1577–1580.
VLDB-2014-QuamarDL #graph #named #scalability- NScale: Neighborhood-centric Analytics on Large Graphs (AQ, AD, JL), pp. 1673–1676.
VLDB-2014-SalihogluW #algorithm #graph #optimisation- Optimizing Graph Algorithms on Pregel-like Systems (SS, JW), pp. 577–588.
VLDB-2014-ShangY #approximate #graph- Auto-Approximation of Graph Computing (ZS, JXY), pp. 1833–1844.
VLDB-2014-SimmenSDHLMSTX #big data #graph #scalability- Large-Scale Graph Analytics in Aster 6: Bringing Context to Big Data Discovery (DES, KS, JD, YH, SL, AM, VS, MT, YX), pp. 1405–1416.
VLDB-2014-WuCHKLX #graph #problem- Path Problems in Temporal Graphs (HW, JC, SH, YK, YL, YX), pp. 721–732.
VLDB-2014-XuCC #clustering #graph #named- LogGP: A Log-based Dynamic Graph Partitioning Method (NX, LC, BC), pp. 1917–1928.
VLDB-2014-YanCLN #distributed #framework #graph #named- Blogel: A Block-Centric Framework for Distributed Computation on Real-World Graphs (DY, JC, YL, WN), pp. 1981–1992.
VLDB-2014-YanCXLNB #algorithm #graph #performance #problem- Pregel Algorithms for Graph Connectivity Problems with Performance Guarantees (DY, JC, KX, YL, WN, YB), pp. 1821–1832.
VLDB-2014-YangGYL #constraints #graph- Finding the Cost-Optimal Path with Time Constraint over Time-Dependent Graphs (YY, HG, JXY, JL), pp. 673–684.
VLDB-2014-YangWSY #graph #query- Schemaless and Structureless Graph Querying (SY, YW, HS, XY), pp. 565–576.
VLDB-2015-BuBJCC14 #data flow #graph #named- Pregelix: Big(ger) Graph Analytics on a Dataflow Engine (YB, VRB, JJ, MJC, TC), pp. 161–172.
VLDB-2015-LuCYW14 #distributed #evaluation #graph #scalability- Large-Scale Distributed Graph Computing Systems: An Experimental Evaluation (YL, JC, DY, HW), pp. 281–292.
VLDB-2015-ShenCJLOT14 #distributed #graph #performance- Fast Failure Recovery in Distributed Graph Processing Systems (YS, GC, HVJ, WL, BCO, BMT), pp. 437–448.
VLDB-2015-SongGCW14 #graph #pattern matching- Event Pattern Matching over Graph Streams (CS, TG, CXC, JW), pp. 413–424.
VLDB-2015-ThenKCHPK0V14 #graph #multi #performance #traversal- The More the Merrier: Efficient Multi-Source Graph Traversal (MT, MK, FC, TAHV, KP, AK, TN, HTV), pp. 449–460.
VLDB-2015-ZhouGSY14 #distributed #graph #named #online #scalability #using- MOCgraph: Scalable Distributed Graph Processing Using Message Online Computing (CZ, JG, BS, JXY), pp. 377–388.
VLDB-2015-ZhuYQ14 #graph #online- Leveraging Graph Dimensions in Online Graph Search (YZ, JXY, LQ), pp. 85–96.
CSEET-2014-Steppe #analysis #dependence #design #education #graph #using- Teaching analysis of software designs using dependency graphs (KS), pp. 65–73.
FASE-2014-AnjorinSLS #graph grammar #refinement #using- Modularizing Triple Graph Grammars Using Rule Refinement (AA, KS, ML, AS), pp. 340–354.
FASE-2014-GomesPG #bytecode #control flow #graph #java #source code- Sound Control Flow Graph Extraction from Incomplete Java Bytecode Programs (PdCG, AP, DG), pp. 215–229.
FASE-2014-KrauseTG #graph transformation #implementation #parallel- Implementing Graph Transformations in the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model (CK, MT, HG), pp. 325–339.
FASE-2014-LoweKS #category theory #graph transformation #polymorphism- Polymorphic Single-Pushout Graph Transformation (ML, HK, CS), pp. 355–369.
FoSSaCS-2014-Lang #automaton #game studies #graph #reachability- Resource Reachability Games on Pushdown Graphs (ML0), pp. 195–209.
TACAS-2014-DudkaPV #contest #graph #memory management #named- Predator: A Shape Analyzer Based on Symbolic Memory Graphs — (Competition Contribution) (KD, PP, TV), pp. 412–414.
WRLA-2014-Duran #composition #domain-specific language- Composition of Graph-Transformation-Based DSL Definitions by Amalgamation (FD), pp. 1–20.
ICSME-2014-BhattacharyaNF #approach #developer #graph- Determining Developers’ Expertise and Role: A Graph Hierarchy-Based Approach (PB, IN, MF), pp. 11–20.
SCAM-2014-Abi-AntounCVG #abstract interpretation #graph #question #using- Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? (MAA, SC, RV, AG), pp. 245–254.
STOC-2014-AbrahamGGNT #composition #graph- Cops, robbers, and threatening skeletons: padded decomposition for minor-free graphs (IA, CG, AG, ON, KT), pp. 79–88.
STOC-2014-AndoniNOY #algorithm #geometry #graph #parallel #problem- Parallel algorithms for geometric graph problems (AA, AN, KO, GY), pp. 574–583.
STOC-2014-ElberfeldK #bound #graph- Embedding and canonizing graphs of bounded genus in logspace (ME, KiK), pp. 383–392.
STOC-2014-GroheKS #first-order #graph- Deciding first-order properties of nowhere dense graphs (MG, SK, SS), pp. 89–98.
STOC-2014-HenzingerKN #algorithm #graph #reachability- Sublinear-time decremental algorithms for single-source reachability and shortest paths on directed graphs (MH, SK, DN), pp. 674–683.
FLOPS-2014-Bahr #compilation #correctness #graph #proving #using- Proving Correctness of Compilers Using Structured Graphs (PB), pp. 221–237.
DLT-J-2013-TanV14 #graph #query #regular expression- Regular Expressions for Querying Data graphs (TT, DV), pp. 971–986.
DLT-2014-BerdinskyK #automation #graph #on the #transitive- On Automatic Transitive Graphs (DB, BK), pp. 1–12.
DLT-2014-Sinya #automaton #finite #graph- Graph Spectral Properties of Deterministic Finite Automata — (Short Paper) (RS), pp. 76–83.
ICALP-v1-2014-AngeliniLBFPR #graph- Morphing Planar Graph Drawings Optimally (PA, GDL, GDB, FF, MP, VR), pp. 126–137.
ICALP-v1-2014-BaswanaK #algorithm #graph #incremental #maintenance- Incremental Algorithm for Maintaining DFS Tree for Undirected Graphs (SB, SK), pp. 138–149.
ICALP-v1-2014-BevernBBCFNW #graph- Star Partitions of Perfect Graphs (RvB, RB, LB, JC, VF, RN, GJW), pp. 174–185.
ICALP-v1-2014-Biedl #graph #on the- On Area-Optimal Planar Graph Drawings (TCB), pp. 198–210.
ICALP-v1-2014-FialaKKN #algorithm #aspect-oriented #graph- Algorithmic Aspects of Regular Graph Covers with Applications to Planar Graphs (JF, PK, JK, RN), pp. 489–501.
ICALP-v1-2014-KrawczykW #game studies #graph #online- Coloring Relatives of Interval Overlap Graphs via On-line Games (TK, BW), pp. 738–750.
ICALP-v1-2014-Lampis #approximate #graph #using- Parameterized Approximation Schemes Using Graph Widths (ML), pp. 775–786.
ICALP-v1-2014-MakarychevM #clustering #graph- Nonuniform Graph Partitioning with Unrelated Weights (KM, YM), pp. 812–822.
ICALP-v1-2014-ReingoldRW #data type #graph #pseudo- Pseudorandom Graphs in Data Structures (OR, RDR, UW), pp. 943–954.
ICALP-v1-2014-TulsianiWZ #game studies #graph #parallel #rank- Optimal Strong Parallel Repetition for Projection Games on Low Threshold Rank Graphs (MT, JW, YZ), pp. 1003–1014.
ICALP-v1-2014-Wulff-Nilsen #approximate #distance #graph #performance- Faster Separators for Shallow Minor-Free Graphs via Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles (CWN), pp. 1063–1074.
ICALP-v1-2014-Yin #graph #random- Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs (YY), pp. 1075–1086.
ICALP-v2-2014-AdjiashviliR #bound #graph- Labeling Schemes for Bounded Degree Graphs (DA, NR), pp. 375–386.
ICALP-v2-2014-GiakkoupisSS #graph #random- Randomized Rumor Spreading in Dynamic Graphs (GG, TS, AS), pp. 495–507.
ICALP-v2-2014-KopelowitzKPS #bound #graph #worst-case- Orienting Fully Dynamic Graphs with Worst-Case Time Bounds (TK, RK, EP, SS), pp. 532–543.
LATA-2014-BeerenwinkelBBDP #graph- Covering Pairs in Directed Acyclic Graphs (NB, SB, PB, RD, YP), pp. 126–137.
LATA-2014-BestD #bound #graph #petri net- Characterisation of the State Spaces of Live and Bounded Marked Graph Petri Nets (EB, RRD), pp. 161–172.
LATA-2014-DasST #encoding #graph #morphism- Succinct Encodings of Graph Isomorphism (BD, PS, JT), pp. 285–296.
FM-2014-RinastSG #graph #performance #reduction- A Graph-Based Transformation Reduction to Reach UPPAAL States Faster (JR, SS, DG), pp. 547–562.
GRAPHITE-2014-BlancoBM- Entity-Linking via Graph-Distance Minimization (RB, PB, AM), pp. 30–43.
GRAPHITE-2014-DelzannoRT #analysis #protocol- Graph- versus Vector-Based Analysis of a Consensus Protocol (GD, AR, RT), pp. 44–57.
GRAPHITE-2014-FernandezKP #analysis #framework #graph grammar #interactive #modelling- Strategic Port Graph Rewriting: An Interactive Modelling and Analysis Framework (MF, HK, BP), pp. 15–29.
GRAPHITE-2014-Ziegert #abstraction #graph transformation- Graph Transformation Planning via Abstraction (SZ), pp. 71–83.
GT-VMT-2014-DeckwerthV #constraints #generative #graph transformation #higher-order- Generating Preconditions from Graph Constraints by Higher Order Graph Transformation (FD, GV).
GT-VMT-2014-LeblebiciASHRG #comparison #graph grammar #incremental #tool support- A Comparison of Incremental Triple Graph Grammar Tools (EL, AA, AS, SH, JR, JG).
GT-VMT-2014-WangBL #alloy #graph #model transformation #using #verification- Verification of Graph-based Model Transformations Using Alloy (XW, FB, YL).
ICGT-2014-AnjorinLST #graph grammar #model transformation #performance #static analysis- A Static Analysis of Non-confluent Triple Graph Grammars for Efficient Model Transformation (AA, EL, AS, GT), pp. 130–145.
ICGT-2014-ArendtHRT #constraints #graph #invariant #ocl- From Core OCL Invariants to Nested Graph Constraints (TA, AH, HR, GT), pp. 97–112.
ICGT-2014-BelhaouariAGB #geometry #graph transformation #library #modelling #named- Jerboa: A Graph Transformation Library for Topology-Based Geometric Modeling (HB, AA, PLG, TB), pp. 269–284.
ICGT-2014-Bruggink #graph transformation #mining #process #towards- Towards Process Mining with Graph Transformation Systems (HJSB), pp. 253–268.
ICGT-2014-DeckwerthV #constraints #generative #graph- Attribute Handling for Generating Preconditions from Graph Constraints (FD, GV), pp. 81–96.
ICGT-2014-JansenN #generative #graph #pointer #source code #summary- Generating Abstract Graph-Based Procedure Summaries for Pointer Programs (CJ, TN), pp. 49–64.
ICGT-2014-KonigLSW #graph transformation- Van Kampen Squares for Graph Transformation (HK, ML, CS, UW), pp. 222–236.
ICGT-2014-KreowskiKLL #evaluation #generative #graph transformation #synthesis- Graph Transformation Meets Reversible Circuits: Generation, Evaluation, and Synthesis (HJK, SK, AL, ML), pp. 237–252.
ICGT-2014-LambersO #graph #reasoning- Tableau-Based Reasoning for Graph Properties (LL, FO), pp. 17–32.
ICGT-2014-PoskittP #graph #higher-order #monad #source code #verification- Verifying Monadic Second-Order Properties of Graph Programs (CMP, DP), pp. 33–48.
ICGT-2014-SelimLCDO #graph #model transformation #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Graph-Based Model Transformation Properties (GMKS, LL, JRC, JD, BJO), pp. 113–129.
DUXU-DI-2014-AcarturkAH #comprehension #graph- Developing a Verbal Assistance System for Line Graph Comprehension (CA, ÖA, CH), pp. 373–382.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-FloraB #behaviour #energy #feedback #graph- Energy Graph Feedback: Attention, Cognition and Behavior Intentions (JAF, BB), pp. 520–529.
VISSOFT-2014-BergelMDG #dependence #domain-specific language #graph #visualisation- A Domain-Specific Language for Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph (AB, SM, SD, TG), pp. 45–49.
VISSOFT-2014-MartinezZMBKT #constraints #graph #paradigm #product line #visualisation- Feature Relations Graphs: A Visualisation Paradigm for Feature Constraints in Software Product Lines (JM, TZ, RM, TFB, JK, YLT), pp. 50–59.
AdaEurope-2014-QamhiehM #analysis #graph #multi #scheduling- Schedulability Analysis for Directed Acyclic Graphs on Multiprocessor Systems at a Subtask Level (MQ, SM), pp. 119–133.
ICEIS-v1-2014-PinheiroCML #algorithm #graph- An Evolutionary Algorithm for Graph Planarisation by Vertex Deletion (RLP, AAC, CFXdM, DLS), pp. 464–471.
CIKM-2014-AgrawalGKK #concept #graph #similarity #using- Similarity Search using Concept Graphs (RA, SG, AK, KK), pp. 719–728.
CIKM-2014-LiakosPS #graph- Pushing the Envelope in Graph Compression (PL, KP, MS), pp. 1549–1558.
CIKM-2014-LiuTHLM #distributed #graph #summary- Distributed Graph Summarization (XL, YT, QH, WCL, JM), pp. 799–808.
CIKM-2014-LiuYGS #feedback #graph #pseudo #ranking #recommendation- Meta-Path-Based Ranking with Pseudo Relevance Feedback on Heterogeneous Graph for Citation Recommendation (XL, YY, CG, YS), pp. 121–130.
CIKM-2014-MassS #graph #information management #keyword- Knowledge Management for Keyword Search over Data Graphs (YM, YS), pp. 2051–2053.
CIKM-2014-SpirinHDKB #analysis #facebook #graph #network #online #people #query #scalability #social- People Search within an Online Social Network: Large Scale Analysis of Facebook Graph Search Query Logs (NVS, JH, MD, KGK, MB), pp. 1009–1018.
CIKM-2014-TongZC0 #graph #nondeterminism #performance #probability #scalability- Efficient Probabilistic Supergraph Search Over Large Uncertain Graphs (YT, XZ, CCC, LC), pp. 809–818.
CIKM-2014-YuanCS #graph #recommendation- Graph-based Point-of-interest Recommendation with Geographical and Temporal Influences (QY, GC, AS), pp. 659–668.
CIKM-2014-YuanW0 #graph #nondeterminism #query #scalability- Pattern Match Query in a Large Uncertain Graph (YY, GW, LC), pp. 519–528.
CIKM-2014-ZhangLLW #graph #multi #named- PatentDom: Analyzing Patent Relationships on Multi-View Patent Graphs (LZ, LL, TL, DW), pp. 1369–1378.
CIKM-2014-ZhangP #graph #nondeterminism #scalability- Scalable Vaccine Distribution in Large Graphs given Uncertain Data (YZ, BAP), pp. 1719–1728.
CIKM-2014-ZhengZLHZ #graph #performance #scalability- Efficient Subgraph Skyline Search Over Large Graphs (WZ, LZ, XL, LH, DZ), pp. 1529–1538.
ECIR-2014-GhamdiG #graph #retrieval #video- Video Clip Retrieval by Graph Matching (MAG, YG), pp. 412–417.
ICML-c1-2014-ChanA #consistency #graph #modelling- A Consistent Histogram Estimator for Exchangeable Graph Models (SHC, EA), pp. 208–216.
ICML-c1-2014-TandonR #graph #learning- Learning Graphs with a Few Hubs (RT, PDR), pp. 602–610.
ICML-c2-2014-BratieresQNG #graph #grid #predict #process #scalability- Scalable Gaussian Process Structured Prediction for Grid Factor Graph Applications (SB, NQ, SN, ZG), pp. 334–342.
ICML-c2-2014-ChenLX #clustering #graph #nondeterminism- Weighted Graph Clustering with Non-Uniform Uncertainties (YC, SHL, HX), pp. 1566–1574.
ICML-c2-2014-FangCL #graph #learning- Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning: Realizing Pointwise Smoothness Probabilistically (YF, KCCC, HWL), pp. 406–414.
ICML-c2-2014-JohanssonJDB #geometry #graph #kernel #using- Global graph kernels using geometric embeddings (FJ, VJ, DPD, CB), pp. 694–702.
ICML-c2-2014-KurrasLB #geometry #graph- The f-Adjusted Graph Laplacian: a Diagonal Modification with a Geometric Interpretation (SK, UvL, GB), pp. 1530–1538.
ICML-c2-2014-RavanbakhshSFG #graph #problem- Min-Max Problems on Factor Graphs (S(R, CS, BJF, RG), pp. 1035–1043.
ICML-c2-2014-ValkoMKK #graph- Spectral Bandits for Smooth Graph Functions (MV, RM, BK, TK), pp. 46–54.
ICPR-2014-AzizWH #graph #kernel #using- Graph Characterization Using Wave Kernel Trace (FA, RCW, ERH), pp. 3822–3827.
ICPR-2014-BaiBH #graph #kernel- An Attributed Graph Kernel from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence (LB, HB, ERH), pp. 88–93.
ICPR-2014-BaiHRE #complexity #graph- Directed Depth-Based Complexity Traces of Hypergraphs from Directed Line Graphs (LB, ERH, PR, FE), pp. 3874–3879.
ICPR-2014-BertonL #graph #learning- Graph Construction Based on Labeled Instances for Semi-supervised Learning (LB, AdAL), pp. 2477–2482.
ICPR-2014-BuiNK #graph #music #using- Staff Line Removal Using Line Adjacency Graph and Staff Line Skeleton for Camera-Based Printed Music Scores (HNB, ISN, SHK), pp. 2787–2789.
ICPR-2014-ChandrasekharTMLLL #clustering #graph #incremental #performance #retrieval #streaming #video- Incremental Graph Clustering for Efficient Retrieval from Streaming Egocentric Video Data (VC, CT, WM, LL, XL, JHL), pp. 2631–2636.
ICPR-2014-DiotFJMM #clustering #graph- Unsupervised Tracking from Clustered Graph Patterns (FD, ÉF, BJ, EM, OM), pp. 3678–3683.
ICPR-2014-DornaikaBSR #classification #encoding #graph #locality- Locality Constrained Encoding Graph Construction and Application to Outdoor Object Classification (FD, AB, HS, YR), pp. 2483–2488.
ICPR-2014-EscolanoH #graph- The Mutual Information between Graphs (FE, ERH), pp. 94–99.
ICPR-2014-FuGYGY #detection #graph- Graph Construction for Salient Object Detection in Videos (KF, IYHG, YY, CG, JY), pp. 2371–2376.
ICPR-2014-GauzereBV #encoding #graph #kernel- Graph Kernel Encoding Substituents’ Relative Positioning (BG, LB, DV), pp. 637–642.
ICPR-2014-GrenierBV #graph #kernel- A Graph Kernel Incorporating Molecule’s Stereisomerism Information (PAG, LB, DV), pp. 631–636.
ICPR-2014-GuoDM #graph #recognition- Graph-Based Kinship Recognition (YG, HD, LvdM), pp. 4287–4292.
ICPR-2014-HachaniZP #graph- Kinematic Reeb Graph Extraction Based on Heat Diffusion (MH, AOZ, WP), pp. 3981–3986.
ICPR-2014-Jain #graph- Margin Perceptrons for Graphs (BJJ), pp. 3851–3856.
ICPR-2014-KuangLJL #3d #graph- Graph Contexts for Retrieving Deformable Non-rigid 3D Shapes (ZK, ZL, XJ, YL), pp. 2820–2825.
ICPR-2014-LinnerS #alias #anti #distance #graph #implementation- A Graph-Based Implementation of the Anti-aliased Euclidean Distance Transform (EL, RS), pp. 1025–1030.
ICPR-2014-LiuLFQGT #geometry #graph #retrieval- Plane Geometry Figure Retrieval Based on Bilayer Geometric Attributed Graph Matching (LL, XL, SF, JQ, LG, ZT), pp. 309–314.
ICPR-2014-LiuZH #energy #graph #optimisation- Improved Optimization Based on Graph Cuts for Discrete Energy Minimization (KL, JZ, KH), pp. 2424–2429.
ICPR-2014-LuZXGW #approximate #morphism #quantum- Approximate Maximum Common Sub-graph Isomorphism Based on Discrete-Time Quantum Walk (KL, YZ, KX, YG, RCW), pp. 1413–1418.
ICPR-2014-ManfrediGC #energy #graph #image #learning #segmentation- Learning Graph Cut Energy Functions for Image Segmentation (MM, CG, RC), pp. 960–965.
ICPR-2014-MutimbuR #graph #image- Factor Graphs for Image Processing (LDM, ARK), pp. 1443–1448.
ICPR-2014-NaegelP #component #image- Colour Image Filtering with Component-Graphs (BN, NP), pp. 1621–1626.
ICPR-2014-NocetiO #classification #graph #kernel #process- A Spectral Graph Kernel and Its Application to Collective Activities Classification (NN, FO), pp. 3892–3897.
ICPR-2014-NourbakhshBP #approach #graph #matrix- A Matrix Factorization Approach to Graph Compression (FN, SRB, MP), pp. 76–81.
ICPR-2014-OskarssonAT #graph #multi #scalability- Prime Rigid Graphs and Multidimensional Scaling with Missing Data (MO, KÅ, AT), pp. 750–755.
ICPR-2014-PandaKC #graph #random #scalability #summary #using #video- Scalable Video Summarization Using Skeleton Graph and Random Walk (RP, SKK, ASC), pp. 3481–3486.
ICPR-2014-PhamKC #graph #image #learning- Semi-supervised Learning on Bi-relational Graph for Image Annotation (HDP, KHK, SC), pp. 2465–2470.
ICPR-2014-PuigcerverTV #keyword #query- Word-Graph-Based Handwriting Keyword Spotting of Out-of-Vocabulary Queries (JP, AHT, EV), pp. 2035–2040.
ICPR-2014-RiesenBF #approximate #distance #edit distance #graph #metric- Improving Graph Edit Distance Approximation by Centrality Measures (KR, HB, AF), pp. 3910–3914.
ICPR-2014-RozzaMP #graph #kernel #learning #novel- A Novel Graph-Based Fisher Kernel Method for Semi-supervised Learning (AR, MM, AP), pp. 3786–3791.
ICPR-2014-SilvaTT #approach #graph #named- BoG: A New Approach for Graph Matching (FBS, ST, RdST), pp. 82–87.
ICPR-2014-WangEGLLF #approach #distance #documentation #edit distance #graph #word- A Coarse-to-Fine Word Spotting Approach for Historical Handwritten Documents Based on Graph Embedding and Graph Edit Distance (PW, VE, CG, CL, JL, AF), pp. 3074–3079.
ICPR-2014-Wilson #graph #modelling #network- Graph Signatures for Evaluating Network Models (RCW), pp. 100–105.
ICPR-2014-YeWH #analysis #component #graph- Graph Characterization from Entropy Component Analysis (CY, RCW, ERH), pp. 3845–3850.
KDD-2014-AhmedDNK #framework #graph- Graph sample and hold: a framework for big-graph analytics (NKA, NGD, JN, RRK), pp. 1446–1455.
KDD-2014-BonchiGKV #composition #graph #nondeterminism- Core decomposition of uncertain graphs (FB, FG, AK, YV), pp. 1316–1325.
KDD-2014-BordesG #graph #mining #tutorial- Constructing and mining web-scale knowledge graphs: KDD 2014 tutorial (AB, EG), p. 1967.
KDD-2014-BourseLV #graph- Balanced graph edge partition (FB, ML, MV), pp. 1456–1465.
KDD-2014-ChenN #detection #graph #parametricity #social #social media #statistics- Non-parametric scan statistics for event detection and forecasting in heterogeneous social media graphs (FC, DBN), pp. 1166–1175.
KDD-2014-DuanSLL #community #correlation #detection #graph- Community detection in graphs through correlation (LD, WNS, YL, HL), pp. 1376–1385.
KDD-2014-GaddeAO #graph #learning #using- Active semi-supervised learning using sampling theory for graph signals (AG, AA, AO), pp. 492–501.
KDD-2014-JiangCBFY #behaviour #graph #named #scalability- CatchSync: catching synchronized behavior in large directed graphs (MJ, PC, AB, CF, SY), pp. 941–950.
KDD-2014-LofgrenBGC #estimation #graph #named #personalisation #rank #scalability- FAST-PPR: scaling personalized pagerank estimation for large graphs (PL, SB, AG, SC), pp. 1436–1445.
KDD-2014-LuM #difference #estimation #exponential #graph #privacy #random- Exponential random graph estimation under differential privacy (WL, GM), pp. 921–930.
KDD-2014-PerozziASM #clustering #detection #graph #scalability- Focused clustering and outlier detection in large attributed graphs (BP, LA, PIS, EM), pp. 1346–1355.
KDD-2014-TamersoyRC #detection #graph #mining #scalability- Guilt by association: large scale malware detection by mining file-relation graphs (AT, KAR, DHC), pp. 1524–1533.
KDD-2014-ZhouT #graph #multi- Multi-task copula by sparse graph regression (TZ, DT), pp. 771–780.
KDIR-2014-CastelltortL #analysis #graph- NoSQL Graph-based OLAP Analysis (AC, AL), pp. 217–224.
KDIR-2014-MohammadiMBRA #classification #graph #parametricity- A Noise Resilient and Non-parametric Graph-based Classifier (MM, SAM, EB, BR, AA), pp. 170–175.
KEOD-2014-SurynekS #big data #challenge #graph #information management #logic #perspective #reasoning- Theoretical Challenges in Knowledge Discovery in Big Data — A Logic Reasoning and a Graph Theoretical Point of View (PS, PS), pp. 327–332.
KR-2014-FiondaGP #graph #web- Knowledge Maps of Web Graphs (VF, CG, GP).
KR-2014-Schuller #formal method #graph- Tackling Winograd Schemas by Formalizing Relevance Theory in Knowledge Graphs (PS).
MLDM-2014-SchraagenK #consistency #graph #using- Record Linkage Using Graph Consistency (MS, WAK), pp. 471–483.
RecSys-2014-PetroniQ #clustering #distributed #graph #matrix #named #probability- GASGD: stochastic gradient descent for distributed asynchronous matrix completion via graph partitioning (FP, LQ), pp. 241–248.
RecSys-2014-TrevisiolASJ #graph #recommendation- Cold-start news recommendation with domain-dependent browse graph (MT, LMA, RS, AJ), pp. 81–88.
SEKE-2014-WanZWS #analysis #graph #performance #points-to- Efficient Points-To Analysis for Partial Call Graph Construction (ZW, BZ, YW, YS), pp. 416–421.
SIGIR-2014-GrausDTWR #communication #email #enterprise #graph #recommendation #using- Recipient recommendation in enterprises using communication graphs and email content (DG, DvD, MT, WW, MdR), pp. 1079–1082.
SIGIR-2014-YuM #graph #named- Sig-SR: SimRank search over singular graphs (WY, JAM), pp. 859–862.
SIGIR-2014-Zhang #graph #rdf #scalability- Graph-based large scale RDF data compression (WEZ), p. 1276.
SIGIR-2014-ZhangLLZ #evolution #graph #multi #named- PatentLine: analyzing technology evolution on multi-view patent graphs (LZ, LL, TL, QZ), pp. 1095–1098.
AMT-2014-RichaBPBR #algebra #graph transformation #model transformation #testing #towards #using- Towards Testing Model Transformation Chains Using Precondition Construction in Algebraic Graph Transformation (ER, EB, LP, MB, JFR), pp. 34–43.
ECMFA-2014-AnjorinRDS #graph grammar #performance- Efficient Model Synchronization with View Triple Graph Grammars (AA, SR, FD, AS), pp. 1–17.
ICMT-2014-BlouinPDSD #case study #experience #graph grammar #modelling- Synchronization of Models of Rich Languages with Triple Graph Grammars: An Experience Report (DB, AP, PD, FS, JPD), pp. 106–121.
ICMT-2014-ErginS #design pattern #graph #model transformation #towards- Towards a Language for Graph-Based Model Transformation Design Patterns (HE, ES), pp. 91–105.
ICMT-2014-HermannGNEBMPEE #graph grammar #in the large- Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures (FH, SG, NN, HE, BB, GM, AP, TE, CE), pp. 122–137.
ICMT-2014-OrejasP #correctness #graph grammar #incremental- Correctness of Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (FO, EP), pp. 74–90.
MoDELS-2014-Bergmann #graph #ocl- Translating OCL to Graph Patterns (GB), pp. 670–686.
MoDELS-2014-Bergmann #graph #ocl- Translating OCL to Graph Patterns (GB), pp. 670–686.
ECOOP-2014-AliRLDT #graph #scala #source code- Constructing Call Graphs of Scala Programs (KA, MR, OL, JD, FT), pp. 54–79.
POPL-2014-BeyeneCPR #approach #constraints #game studies #graph #infinity- A constraint-based approach to solving games on infinite graphs (TAB, SC, CP, AR), pp. 221–234.
SAC-2014-MaAS #graph- Project centralization based on graph coloring (LM, CA, HS), pp. 1086–1093.
SAC-2014-SaSCTMR #graph #named- LEGi: context-aware lexicon consolidation by graph inspection (GS, TS, RC, FT, FM, LCdR), pp. 302–307.
SAC-2014-SeelandKK #clustering #graph- Structural clustering of millions of molecular graphs (MS, AK, SK), pp. 121–128.
FSE-2014-JaffarM #control flow #graph #slicing- A path-sensitively sliced control flow graph (JJ, VM), pp. 133–143.
FSE-2014-NguyenKN #embedded #graph #web- Building call graphs for embedded client-side code in dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 518–529.
FSE-2014-XuanODF #congruence #developer #graph- Focus-shifting patterns of OSS developers and their congruence with call graphs (QX, AO, PTD, VF), pp. 401–412.
ICSE-2014-LeP #control flow #graph #interprocedural #multi #verification- Patch verification via multiversion interprocedural control flow graphs (WL, SDP), pp. 1047–1058.
SLE-2014-Hills #control flow #graph- Streamlining Control Flow Graph Construction with DCFlow (MH), pp. 322–341.
SPLC-2014-AngererPLGG #dependence #graph #identification #product line- Identifying inactive code in product lines with configuration-aware system dependence graphs (FA, HP, DL, AG, PG), pp. 52–61.
CGO-2014-HongSWO #domain-specific language #graph #scalability- Simplifying Scalable Graph Processing with a Domain-Specific Language (SH, SS, JW, KO), p. 208.
HPCA-2014-LakshminarayanaK #algorithm #graph- Spare register aware prefetching for graph algorithms on GPUs (NBL, HK), pp. 614–625.
HPDC-2014-ChenDWCZG #communication #distributed #graph #performance #perspective- Computation and communication efficient graph processing with distributed immutable view (RC, XD, PW, HC, BZ, HG), pp. 215–226.
HPDC-2014-KhorasaniVGB #graph #named- CuSha: vertex-centric graph processing on GPUs (FK, KV, RG, LNB), pp. 239–252.
HPDC-2014-XueYQHD #concurrent #graph #low cost #named #performance- Seraph: an efficient, low-cost system for concurrent graph processing (JX, ZY, ZQ, SH, YD), pp. 227–238.
ISMM-2014-RatnakarN #analysis #constraints #graph #performance #points-to- Push-pull constraint graph for efficient points-to analysis (BR, RN), pp. 25–33.
OSDI-2014-GonzalezXDCFS #data flow #distributed #framework #graph #named- GraphX: Graph Processing in a Distributed Dataflow Framework (JEG, RSX, AD, DC, MJF, IS), pp. 599–613.
CAV-2014-WijsKB #component #composition #graph- GPU-Based Graph Decomposition into Strongly Connected and Maximal End Components (AW, JPK, DB), pp. 310–326.
ICLP-J-2014-CabalarFF #graph #logic programming #source code- Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs (PC, JF, MF), pp. 603–618.
ICLP-J-2014-CruzRGP #concurrent #graph #linear #logic programming #programming language- A Linear Logic Programming Language for Concurrent Programming over Graph Structures (FC, RR, SCG, FP), pp. 493–507.
LICS-CSL-2014-BarceloM #combinator #graph #logic #word- Graph logics with rational relations: the role of word combinatorics (PB, PM), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-Chen #first-order #query #set- The tractability frontier of graph-like first-order query sets (HC), p. 9.
LICS-CSL-2014-ChenM #classification #complexity #graph #query- One hierarchy spawns another: graph deconstructions and the complexity classification of conjunctive queries (HC, MM), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-Williams #first-order #graph #performance- Faster decision of first-order graph properties (RW), p. 6.
ASE-2013-IzsoSBHR #graph #metric #performance #precise #predict #query #towards- Towards precise metrics for predicting graph query performance (BI, ZS, GB, ÁH, IR), pp. 421–431.
CASE-2013-LuSXPO #automation #graph #multi #using- Automatic building exterior mapping using multilayer feature graphs (YL, DS, YX, AGAP, SO), pp. 162–167.
DAC-2013-BenazouzKHB #data flow #evaluation #graph #liveness- Liveness evaluation of a cyclo-static DataFlow graph (MB, AMK, TH, BB), p. 7.
DATE-2013-Pomeranz #equivalence #fault #graph #on the #set- On candidate fault sets for fault diagnosis and dominance graphs of equivalence classes (IP), pp. 1083–1088.
DocEng-2013-SrivastavaSM #graph #interactive #topic- A graph-based topic extraction method enabling simple interactive customization (AS, AJS, EEM), pp. 71–80.
DRR-2013-ZanibbiMV #graph #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Evaluating structural pattern recognition for handwritten math via primitive label graphs (RZ, HM, CVG).
HT-2013-LeginusDL #generative #graph- Graph based techniques for tag cloud generation (ML, PD, RL), pp. 148–157.
ICDAR-2013-0001LBP #approximate #documentation #graph #string #visual notation- Near Convex Region Adjacency Graph and Approximate Neighborhood String Matching for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents (AD, JL, HB, UP), pp. 1078–1082.
ICDAR-2013-GotoIFU #graph #scalability #set #using- Analyzing the Distribution of a Large-Scale Character Pattern Set Using Relative Neighborhood Graph (MG, RI, YF, SU), pp. 3–7.
ICDAR-2013-HerzogSN #graph #retrieval #using- Using Harris Corners for the Retrieval of Graphs in Historical Manuscripts (RH, AS, BN), pp. 1295–1299.
PODS-2013-Baeza #database #graph #query- Querying graph databases (PBB), pp. 175–188.
PODS-2013-BaezaRV #database #graph #semantics- Semantic acyclicity on graph databases (PBB, MR, MYV), pp. 237–248.
PODS-2013-BaganBG #graph #query- A trichotomy for regular simple path queries on graphs (GB, AB, BG), pp. 261–272.
PODS-2013-LibkinRV #adaptation #graph #query #rdf- Trial for RDF: adapting graph query languages for RDF data (LL, JLR, DV), pp. 201–212.
SIGMOD-2013-ArmstrongPBC #benchmark #database #facebook #graph #metric #named #social- LinkBench: a database benchmark based on the Facebook social graph (TGA, VP, DB, MC), pp. 1185–1196.
SIGMOD-2013-ChangYQLLL #component #composition #graph- Efficiently computing k-edge connected components via graph decomposition (LC, JXY, LQ, XL, CL, WL), pp. 205–216.
SIGMOD-2013-ChengHWF #graph #named #query #reachability #scalability- TF-Label: a topological-folding labeling scheme for reachability querying in a large graph (JC, SH, HW, AWCF), pp. 193–204.
SIGMOD-2013-ChoudhuryHCRBF #graph #named- StreamWorks: a system for dynamic graph search (SC, LBH, GCJ, AR, SB, JF), pp. 1101–1104.
SIGMOD-2013-HanLL #database #graph #morphism #named #robust #scalability #towards- Turboiso: towards ultrafast and robust subgraph isomorphism search in large graph databases (WSH, JL, JHL), pp. 337–348.
SIGMOD-2013-HuTC #graph- Massive graph triangulation (XH, YT, CWC), pp. 325–336.
SIGMOD-2013-ShaoWL #distributed #graph #memory management #named- Trinity: a distributed graph engine on a memory cloud (BS, HW, YL), pp. 505–516.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhangYQCL #graph #performance- I/O efficient: computing SCCs in massive graphs (ZZ, JXY, LQ, LC, XL), pp. 181–192.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhuZQ #approach #graph #mining #performance- A direct mining approach to efficient constrained graph pattern discovery (FZ, ZZ, QQ), pp. 821–832.
VLDB-2013-0007TR #effectiveness #graph #keyword #performance #probability #query- Probabilistic Query Rewriting for Efficient and Effective Keyword Search on Graph Data (LZ, TT, AR), pp. 1642–1653.
VLDB-2013-BambaRHA #geometry #graph #performance #statistics- Statistics Collection in Oracle Spatial and Graph: Fast Histogram Construction for Complex Geometry Objects (BB, SR, YH, RA), pp. 1021–1032.
VLDB-2013-CurtissBBDGJKLPSSWYZ #graph #named #social- Unicorn: A System for Searching the Social Graph (MC, IB, TB, SD, LG, TJ, SK, SL, PP, SS, GS, GW, CY, NZ), pp. 1150–1161.
VLDB-2013-FanWW #graph #pattern matching- Diversified Top-k Graph Pattern Matching (WF, XW, YW), pp. 1510–1521.
VLDB-2013-KhanWAY #graph #named #performance #similarity- NeMa: Fast Graph Search with Label Similarity (AK, YW, CCA, XY), pp. 181–192.
VLDB-2013-LeeL #clustering #graph #query #rdf #scalability #semantics- Scaling Queries over Big RDF Graphs with Semantic Hash Partitioning (KL, LL), pp. 1894–1905.
VLDB-2013-PavanTTW #graph- Counting and Sampling Triangles from a Graph Stream (AP, KT, ST, KLW), pp. 1870–1881.
VLDB-2013-QiaoQCYT #graph #keyword #scalability- Top-K Nearest Keyword Search on Large Graphs (MQ, LQ, HC, JXY, WT), pp. 901–912.
VLDB-2013-SarwatEHM #declarative #distributed #graph #query #reachability- Horton+: A Distributed System for Processing Declarative Reachability Queries over Partitioned Graphs (MS, SE, YH, MFM), pp. 1918–1929.
VLDB-2013-SeoPSL #analysis #distributed #graph #scalability- Distributed SociaLite: A Datalog-Based Language for Large-Scale Graph Analysis (JS, JP, JS, MSL), pp. 1906–1917.
VLDB-2013-ShkapskyZZ #datalog #graph #query- Graph Queries in a Next-Generation Datalog System (AS, KZ, CZ), pp. 1258–1261.
VLDB-2013-WuYSIY #graph #keyword #query- Summarizing Answer Graphs Induced by Keyword Queries (YW, SY, MS, AI, XY), pp. 1774–1785.
VLDB-2013-XieWBDG #graph #performance- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Block Updates (WX, GW, DB, AJD, JG), pp. 2014–2025.
VLDB-2013-YuanMG #graph #mining- Mining and Indexing Graphs for Supergraph Search (DY, PM, CLG), pp. 829–840.
VLDB-2013-ZengYWSW #distributed #graph #rdf #web- A Distributed Graph Engine for Web Scale RDF Data (KZ, JY, HW, BS, ZW), pp. 265–276.
VLDB-2013-ZhengZF0Z #graph #performance #scalability #similarity- Efficient SimRank-based Similarity Join Over Large Graphs (WZ, LZ, YF, LC, DZ), pp. 493–504.
VLDB-2013-ZhongH #graph #parallel- Parallel Graph Processing on Graphics Processors Made Easy (JZ, BH), pp. 1270–1273.
VLDB-2014-QiXSW13 #distance #graph #towards- Toward a Distance Oracle for Billion-Node Graphs (ZQ, YX, BS, HW), pp. 61–72.
VLDB-2014-TianBCTM13 #graph- From “Think Like a Vertex” to “Think Like a Graph” (YT, AB, SAC, ST, JM), pp. 193–204.
FASE-2013-BapodraH #abstraction #graph transformation #probability- Abstraction and Training of Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems (MB, RH), pp. 312–326.
FoSSaCS-2013-HaymanH #graph #modelling #rule-based #semantics- Pattern Graphs and Rule-Based Models: The Semantics of Kappa (JH, TH), pp. 1–16.
FoSSaCS-2013-OrejasBGM #graph transformation #similarity- Checking Bisimilarity for Attributed Graph Transformation (FO, AB, UG, NM), pp. 113–128.
ICPC-2013-FalconeS #diagrams #eclipse #graph #named #plugin #uml #visualisation- OnionUML: An Eclipse plug-in for visualizing UML class diagrams in onion graph notation (MF, BS), pp. 233–235.
MSR-2013-WagstromJS #dataset #graph #network #ruby- A network of rails: a graph dataset of ruby on rails and associated projects (PW, CJ, AS), pp. 229–232.
WCRE-2013-BernardiCL #approach #design pattern #detection #graph #modelling- A model-driven graph-matching approach for design pattern detection (MLB, MC, GADL), pp. 172–181.
PEPM-2013-Hu #aspect-oriented #bidirectional #graph transformation- Practical aspects of bidirectional graph transformations (ZH), pp. 1–2.
PEPM-2013-OliveiraL #domain-specific language #graph #syntax- Abstract syntax graphs for domain specific languages (BCdSO, AL), pp. 87–96.
PLDI-2013-JohnsonOZA #dependence #graph #performance- Fast condensation of the program dependence graph (NPJ, TO, AZ, DIA), pp. 39–50.
STOC-2013-Bernstein #graph #maintenance- Maintaining shortest paths under deletions in weighted directed graphs: [extended abstract] (AB), pp. 725–734.
STOC-2013-ChekuriC #graph- Large-treewidth graph decompositions and applications (CC, JC), pp. 291–300.
STOC-2013-EisenstatK #algorithm #graph #linear #multi- Linear-time algorithms for max flow and multiple-source shortest paths in unit-weight planar graphs (DE, PNK), pp. 735–744.
STOC-2013-GuptaTW #algorithm #bound #graph- Sparsest cut on bounded treewidth graphs: algorithms and hardness results (AG, KT, DW), pp. 281–290.
STOC-2013-KawarabayashiY #graph #testing- Testing subdivision-freeness: property testing meets structural graph theory (KiK, YY), pp. 437–446.
STOC-2013-KleinMS #graph #linear #recursion- Structured recursive separator decompositions for planar graphs in linear time (PNK, SM, CS), pp. 505–514.
STOC-2013-Miller #graph #optimisation #problem #scalability #using- Solving large optimization problems using spectral graph theory (GLM), p. 981.
STOC-2013-RodittyW #algorithm #approximate #graph #performance- Fast approximation algorithms for the diameter and radius of sparse graphs (LR, VVW), pp. 515–524.
DLT-2013-LibkinTV #database #graph #query #regular expression #word- Regular Expressions with Binding over Data Words for Querying Graph Databases (LL, TT, DV), pp. 325–337.
ICALP-v1-2013-BlasiusRW #graph #orthogonal- Optimal Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Convex Bend Costs (TB, IR, DW), pp. 184–195.
ICALP-v1-2013-BringmannF #generative #geometry #graph #performance #random- Exact and Efficient Generation of Geometric Random Variates and Random Graphs (KB, TF), pp. 267–278.
ICALP-v1-2013-ChekuriNS #graph- Maximum Edge-Disjoint Paths in k-Sums of Graphs (CC, GN, FBS), pp. 328–339.
ICALP-v1-2013-CyganP #algorithm #bound #graph #performance- Faster Exponential-Time Algorithms in Graphs of Bounded Average Degree (MC, MP), pp. 364–375.
ICALP-v1-2013-Lampis #bound #graph #model checking- Model Checking Lower Bounds for Simple Graphs (ML), pp. 673–683.
ICALP-v1-2013-LauriaPRT #complexity #graph #proving- The Complexity of Proving That a Graph Is Ramsey (ML, PP, VR, NT), pp. 684–695.
ICALP-v1-2013-LeviR #graph- A Quasi-Polynomial Time Partition Oracle for Graphs with an Excluded Minor (RL, DR), pp. 709–720.
ICALP-v1-2013-MathieuZ #distance #graph #re-engineering- Graph Reconstruction via Distance Oracles (CM, HZ), pp. 733–744.
ICALP-v1-2013-WeimannY #approximate #graph #linear- Approximating the Diameter of Planar Graphs in Near Linear Time (OW, RY), pp. 828–839.
ICALP-v2-2013-DereniowskiDKPU #collaboration #graph #performance- Fast Collaborative Graph Exploration (DD, YD, AK, DP, PU), pp. 520–532.
ICALP-v2-2013-GanianHKOST #graph #model checking- FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs (RG, PH, DK, JO, JS, JT), pp. 250–262.
ICALP-v2-2013-HartungNNS #analysis #complexity #graph- A Refined Complexity Analysis of Degree Anonymization in Graphs (SH, AN, RN, OS), pp. 594–606.
ICALP-v2-2013-LeivantM #complexity #evolution- Evolving Graph-Structures and Their Implicit Computational Complexity (DL, JYM), pp. 349–360.
ICALP-v2-2013-Marx #graph- The Square Root Phenomenon in Planar Graphs (DM), p. 28.
ICALP-v2-2013-PettieS #algorithm #distributed #graph #performance- Fast Distributed Coloring Algorithms for Triangle-Free Graphs (SP, HHS), pp. 681–693.
ICALP-v2-2013-SpirakisNR #graph #random- A Guided Tour in Random Intersection Graphs (PGS, SEN, CR), pp. 29–35.
LATA-2013-AlurKTY #complexity #graph #on the #problem- On the Complexity of Shortest Path Problems on Discounted Cost Graphs (RA, SK, KT, YY), pp. 44–55.
LATA-2013-Blanchet-SadriBFH #approach #graph #polynomial- A Graph Polynomial Approach to Primitivity (FBS, MB, NF, JH), pp. 153–164.
SEFM-2013-PerceboisST #graph transformation #invariant #transitive #verification- Rule-Level Verification of Graph Transformations for Invariants Based on Edges’ Transitive Closure (CP, MS, HNT), pp. 106–121.
ICFP-2013-HidakaAHKN #graph #order #query #recursion- Structural recursion for querying ordered graphs (SH, KA, ZH, HK, KN), pp. 305–318.
GCM-J-2012-ErmlerKLT #graph transformation #reduction- A Graph Transformational View on Reductions in NP (ME, SK, ML, CvT).
GCM-J-2012-Flick #graph grammar- Derivation Languages of Graph Grammars (NEF).
GCM-J-2012-Hoffmann #graph grammar #refinement- Graph Rewriting with Contextual Refinement (BH).
GCM-J-2012-KniemeyerK #graph transformation #model transformation #named- XL4C4D — Adding the Graph Transformation Language XL to CINEMA 4D (OK, WK).
GCM-J-2012-MantzTL #co-evolution #graph- Co-Transformation of Type and Instance Graphs Supporting Merging of Types and Retyping (FM, GT, YL).
GCM-J-2012-PoskittP #correctness #graph #source code #verification- Verifying Total Correctness of Graph Programs (CMP, DP).
GCM-J-2012-Radke #graph #higher-order #monad- HR* Graph Conditions Between Counting Monadic Second-Order and Second-Order Graph Formulas (HR).
GCM-J-2012-SmolenovaKC #graph grammar #parallel #performance- Parallel Graph Grammars with Instantiation Rules Allow Efficient Structural Factorization of Virtual Vegetation (KS, WK, PHC).
GT-VMT-2013-AlshanqitiHK #graph transformation #learning- Learning Minimal and Maximal Rules from Observations of Graph Transformations (AMA, RH, TAK).
GT-VMT-2013-Giese #behaviour #graph transformation #probability- Invited Talk: Extensions of Graph Transformation Systems for Timed, Continuous, and Probabilistic Behavior (HG).
GT-VMT-2013-WinetzhammerW #behaviour #emf #modelling #rule-based- ModGraph meets Xcore: Combining Rule-Based and Procedural Behavioral Modeling for EMF (SW, BW).
CHI-2013-AlperBRIF #analysis #comparison #graph- Weighted graph comparison techniques for brain connectivity analysis (BA, BB, NHR, TI, JDF), pp. 483–492.
CHI-2013-PerinVF #graph #interactive #multi #visualisation- Interactive horizon graphs: improving the compact visualization of multiple time series (CP, FV, JDF), pp. 3217–3226.
DUXU-WM-2013-Rafelsberger #evolution #graph #interactive #visualisation- Interactive Visualization of Evolving Force-Directed Graphs (WR), pp. 553–559.
HCI-UC-2013-KuramochiOTHN #analysis #community #graph #network #semantics #twitter #using- Applying to Twitter Networks of a Community Extraction Method Using Intersection Graph and Semantic Analysis (TK, NO, KT, YH, SN), pp. 314–323.
EDOC-2013-MukkamalaHS #adaptation #graph #towards- Towards Trustworthy Adaptive Case Management with Dynamic Condition Response Graphs (RRM, TTH, TS), pp. 127–136.
EDOC-2013-PlataniotisKP #architecture #design #enterprise #graph #using- Relating Decisions in Enterprise Architecture Using Decision Design Graphs (GP, SdK, HAP), pp. 139–146.
ICEIS-J-2013-BouneffaA13a #approach #graph grammar #impact analysis #ontology- The Change Impact Analysis in BPM Based Software Applications: A Graph Rewriting and Ontology Based Approach (MB, AA), pp. 280–295.
ICEIS-J-2013-SuB13a #fine-grained #graph #identification #security- Foundation for Fine-Grained Security and DRM Control Based on a Service Call Graph Context Identification (ZS, FB), pp. 226–241.
ICEIS-v2-2013-SuB #analysis #composition #data flow #graph #web #web service- Service Call Graph (SCG) — Information Flow Analysis in Web Service Composition (ZS, FB), pp. 17–24.
CIKM-2013-ChanLKLBR #graph #matrix #using- Discovering latent blockmodels in sparse and noisy graphs using non-negative matrix factorisation (JC, WL, AK, CL, JB, KR), pp. 811–816.
CIKM-2013-FangYZ #graph #scalability- Active exploration: simultaneous sampling and labeling for large graphs (MF, JY, XZ), pp. 829–834.
CIKM-2013-FiondaP #graph #query- Querying graphs with preferences (VF, GP), pp. 929–938.
CIKM-2013-GuoZ #classification #comprehension #empirical #graph #perspective- Understanding the roles of sub-graph features for graph classification: an empirical study perspective (TG, XZ), pp. 817–822.
CIKM-2013-HanW #graph #mining #scalability- Mining frequent neighborhood patterns in a large labeled graph (JH, JRW), pp. 259–268.
CIKM-2013-HermanssonKJJD #ambiguity #graph #kernel #using- Entity disambiguation in anonymized graphs using graph kernels (LH, TK, FJ, VJ, DPD), pp. 1037–1046.
CIKM-2013-LuoFHWB #bisimulation #graph #memory management #reduction- External memory K-bisimulation reduction of big graphs (YL, GHLF, JH, YW, PDB), pp. 919–928.
CIKM-2013-MackoMS #clustering #graph- Local clustering in provenance graphs (PM, DWM, MIS), pp. 835–840.
CIKM-2013-MalliarosV #graph #modelling #social- To stay or not to stay: modeling engagement dynamics in social graphs (FDM, MV), pp. 469–478.
CIKM-2013-ParkC #algorithm #graph #performance #pipes and filters #scalability- An efficient MapReduce algorithm for counting triangles in a very large graph (HMP, CWC), pp. 539–548.
CIKM-2013-RousseauV #ad hoc #approach #information retrieval- Graph-of-word and TW-IDF: new approach to ad hoc IR (FR, MV), pp. 59–68.
CIKM-2013-ShaoYCM #graph #named- PAGE: a partition aware graph computation engine (YS, JY, BC, LM), pp. 823–828.
CIKM-2013-TangwongsanPT #graph #parallel #streaming- Parallel triangle counting in massive streaming graphs (KT, AP, ST), pp. 781–786.
CIKM-2013-WangLZ #approach #graph #metric #multi #random #towards- Towards metric fusion on multi-view data: a cross-view based graph random walk approach (YW, XL, QZ), pp. 805–810.
CIKM-2013-YuanWJL #clustering #graph #performance #streaming- Efficient processing of streaming graphs for evolution-aware clustering (MY, KLW, GJS, YL), pp. 319–328.
CIKM-2013-ZhangKGCZH #graph- Map search via a factor graph model (QZ, JK, YG, HC, YZ, XH), pp. 69–78.
ECIR-2013-CarpinetoR #concept #graph #query #semantics- Semantic Search Log k-Anonymization with Generalized k-Cores of Query Concept Graph (CC, GR), pp. 110–121.
ECIR-2013-ZhuGCLN #graph #query #recommendation- Recommending High Utility Query via Session-Flow Graph (XZ, JG, XC, YL, WN), pp. 642–655.
ICML-c1-2013-KumarB #bound #graph #learning- Convex Relaxations for Learning Bounded-Treewidth Decomposable Graphs (KSSK, FRB), pp. 525–533.
ICML-c2-2013-Tran-DinhKC #framework #graph #learning #matrix- A proximal Newton framework for composite minimization: Graph learning without Cholesky decompositions and matrix inversions (QTD, ATK, VC), pp. 271–279.
ICML-c3-2013-AilonCX #clustering #graph- Breaking the Small Cluster Barrier of Graph Clustering (NA, YC, HX), pp. 995–1003.
KDD-2013-AnchuriZBGS #approximate #graph #mining- Approximate graph mining with label costs (PA, MJZ, OB, SG, MS), pp. 518–526.
KDD-2013-ChengZGWSW #clustering #flexibility #graph #multi #robust- Flexible and robust co-regularized multi-domain graph clustering (WC, XZ, ZG, YW, PFS, WW), pp. 320–328.
KDD-2013-FriezeGT #algorithm #graph #mining #modelling #scalability- Algorithmic techniques for modeling and mining large graphs (AMAzING) (AMF, AG, CET), p. 1523.
KDD-2013-GuALH #classification #graph- Selective sampling on graphs for classification (QG, CCA, JL, JH), pp. 131–139.
KDD-2013-HanLPL0KY #graph #named #parallel #performance- TurboGraph: a fast parallel graph engine handling billion-scale graphs in a single PC (WSH, SL, KP, JHL, MSK, JK, HY), pp. 77–85.
KDD-2013-MorenoNK #graph #learning #modelling- Learning mixed kronecker product graph models with simulated method of moments (SM, JN, SK), pp. 1052–1060.
KDD-2013-NishimuraU #algorithm #clustering #graph- Restreaming graph partitioning: simple versatile algorithms for advanced balancing (JN, JU), pp. 1106–1114.
KDD-2013-ShenY #difference #graph #mining #privacy- Mining frequent graph patterns with differential privacy (ES, TY), pp. 545–553.
KDD-2013-UganderKBK #clustering #graph #multi #network- Graph cluster randomization: network exposure to multiple universes (JU, BK, LB, JMK), pp. 329–337.
KDD-2013-WangGS #graph- Active search on graphs (XW, RG, JGS), pp. 731–738.
KDD-2013-ZhuXWL #distance #graph #performance #query #scalability- Efficient single-source shortest path and distance queries on large graphs (ADZ, XX, SW, WL), pp. 998–1006.
RecSys-2013-AhnPLL #graph #recommendation- A heterogeneous graph-based recommendation simulator (YA, SP, SL, SgL), pp. 471–472.
RecSys-2013-BlankRS #graph #keyword #recommendation- Leveraging the citation graph to recommend keywords (IB, LR, GS), pp. 359–362.
RecSys-2013-Shi #approach #graph #recommendation #similarity- Trading-off among accuracy, similarity, diversity, and long-tail: a graph-based recommendation approach (LS), pp. 57–64.
RecSys-2013-TianJ #graph #recommendation #using- Recommending scientific articles using bi-relational graph-based iterative RWR (GT, LJ), pp. 399–402.
SEKE-2013-CorreaOW #co-evolution #evolution #graph #metamodelling #modelling #towards #traceability- Towards Coupled Evolution of Metamodels, Models, Graph-Based Transformations and Traceability Links (S) (CKFC, TCO, CW), pp. 747–752.
SEKE-2013-LiLJJ #communication #comprehension #concurrent #debugging #graph- Locating and Understanding Concurrency Bugs Based on Edge-labeled Communication Graphs (S) (HL, ML, TJ, ZJ), pp. 525–530.
SIGIR-2013-FreitasFOC #approach #graph #linked data #natural language #open data #query #semantics- Answering natural language queries over linked data graphs: a distributional semantics approach (AF, FFdF, SO, EC), pp. 1107–1108.
AMT-2013-Gottmann0NBEEE #concurrent #correctness #graph grammar- Correctness and Completeness of Generalised Concurrent Model Synchronisation Based on Triple Graph Grammars (SG, FH, NN, BB, CE, HE, TE), pp. 62–71.
BX-2013-HildebrandtLGRGSLAS #bibliography #graph grammar #tool support- A Survey of Triple Graph Grammar Tools (SH, LL, HG, JR, JG, WS, ML, AA, AS), pp. 1–17.
ICMT-2013-HermannGNBMPE #automation #graph grammar #on the #using- On an Automated Translation of Satellite Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars (FH, SG, NN, BB, GM, AP, TE), pp. 50–51.
ICMT-2013-KrauseDG #co-evolution #evolution #graph transformation #metamodelling- Metamodel-Specific Coupled Evolution Based on Dynamically Typed Graph Transformations (CK, JD, HG), pp. 76–91.
ICMT-2013-MannEF #framework #graph grammar #library #term rewriting- The Graph Grammar Library — A Generic Framework for Chemical Graph Rewrite Systems (MM, HE, CF), pp. 52–53.
ICMT-2013-WieberS #approach #graph transformation #testing- Systematic Testing of Graph Transformations: A Practical Approach Based on Graph Patterns (MW, AS), pp. 205–220.
MoDELS-2013-RajbhojR #approach #detection #metamodelling #version control- A Graph-Pattern Based Approach for Meta-Model Specific Conflict Detection in a General-Purpose Model Versioning System (AR, SR), pp. 422–435.
MoDELS-2013-SemerathHV #constraints #domain-specific language #graph #query #validation- Validation of Derived Features and Well-Formedness Constraints in DSLs — By Mapping Graph Queries to an SMT-Solver (OS, ÁH, DV), pp. 538–554.
MoDELS-2013-RajbhojR #approach #detection #metamodelling #version control- A Graph-Pattern Based Approach for Meta-Model Specific Conflict Detection in a General-Purpose Model Versioning System (AR, SR), pp. 422–435.
MoDELS-2013-SemerathHV #constraints #domain-specific language #graph #query #validation- Validation of Derived Features and Well-Formedness Constraints in DSLs — By Mapping Graph Queries to an SMT-Solver (OS, ÁH, DV), pp. 538–554.
ECOOP-2013-AuerbachBCFR #compilation #configuration management #graph #hardware- The Shape of Things to Run — Compiling Complex Stream Graphs to Reconfigurable Hardware in Lime (JSA, DFB, PC, SF, RMR), pp. 679–706.
ECOOP-2013-CoxCS #generative #graph #invariant #relational- QUIC Graphs: Relational Invariant Generation for Containers (AC, BYEC, SS), pp. 401–425.
OOPSLA-2013-BalatsourasS #graph- Class hierarchy complementation: soundly completing a partial type graph (GB, YS), pp. 515–532.
OOPSLA-2013-BoisSEE #concurrent #graph #multi #scalability #thread #visualisation- Bottle graphs: visualizing scalability bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications (KDB, JBS, SE, LE), pp. 355–372.
PPDP-2013-AsadaHKHN #branch #calculus #finite #graph #graph transformation #monad- A parameterized graph transformation calculus for finite graphs with monadic branches (KA, SH, HK, ZH, KN), pp. 73–84.
PPDP-2013-LamoMRL #approach #bidirectional #declarative #graph #model transformation- A declarative and bidirectional model transformation approach based on graph co-spans (YL, FM, AR, JdL), pp. 1–12.
POPL-2013-FarzanKP #data flow #graph #induction- Inductive data flow graphs (AF, ZK, AP), pp. 129–142.
SAC-2013-HassanzadehN #algorithm #detection #graph- A semi-supervised graph-based algorithm for detecting outliers in online-social-networks (RH, RN), pp. 577–582.
SAC-2013-LiZSL #approach #graph #mining #named #novel- WAVE-CIA: a novel CIA approach based on call graph mining (BL, QZ, XS, HL), pp. 1000–1005.
SAC-2013-MaunzVH #graph #mining- Out-of-bag discriminative graph mining (AM, DV, CH), pp. 109–114.
SAC-2013-SeelandKP #graph #kernel #learning- Model selection based product kernel learning for regression on graphs (MS, SK, BP), pp. 136–143.
SAC-2013-Serafino #clustering #composition #graph- Speeding up graph clustering via modular decomposition based compression (PS), pp. 156–163.
SAC-2013-SrivastavaSM #clustering #graph #using- Text clustering using one-mode projection of document-word bipartite graphs (AS, AJS, EEM), pp. 927–932.
ICSE-2013-FeldthausSSDT #approximate #graph #ide #javascript #performance- Efficient construction of approximate call graphs for JavaScript IDE services (AF, MS, MS, JD, FT), pp. 752–761.
SLE-2013-BatoryGMS #automation #design #graph grammar- Dark Knowledge and Graph Grammars in Automated Software Design (DSB, RG, BM, JS), pp. 1–18.
CGO-2013-YanTZYS #algorithm #fine-grained #graph #named #parallel #traversal- Vlock: Lock virtualization mechanism for exploiting fine-grained parallelism in graph traversal algorithms (JY, GT, XZ, EY, NS), p. 10.
ISMM-2013-LiCK #analysis #graph #pointer #precise #scalability- Precise and scalable context-sensitive pointer analysis via value flow graph (LL, CC, NK), pp. 85–96.
LCTES-2013-BouakazT #data flow #graph #scheduling- Buffer minimization in earliest-deadline first scheduling of dataflow graphs (AB, JPT), pp. 133–142.
LCTES-2013-HuberPP #analysis #control flow #graph #using- Combined WCET analysis of bitcode and machine code using control-flow relation graphs (BH, DP, PPP), pp. 163–172.
PPoPP-2013-EdmondsWL #algorithm #graph #using- Expressing graph algorithms using generalized active messages (NE, JW, AL), pp. 289–290.
PPoPP-2013-ShunB #framework #graph #lightweight #memory management #named- Ligra: a lightweight graph processing framework for shared memory (JS, GEB), pp. 135–146.
SOSP-2013-NguyenLP #framework #graph #lightweight- A lightweight infrastructure for graph analytics (DN, AL, KP), pp. 456–471.
SOSP-2013-RoyMZ #graph #named #streaming #using- X-Stream: edge-centric graph processing using streaming partitions (AR, IM, WZ), pp. 472–488.
CAV-2013-HaaseIOP #graph #logic #named #reasoning- SeLoger: A Tool for Graph-Based Reasoning in Separation Logic (CH, SI, JO, MJP), pp. 790–795.
LICS-2013-EickmeyerKK #first-order #graph #invariant #logic #model checking- Model Checking for Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Minor-Closed Graph Classes (KE, KiK, SK), pp. 134–142.
SAT-2013-Toran #complexity #graph #morphism #on the- On the Resolution Complexity of Graph Non-isomorphism (JT), pp. 52–66.
QoSA-2012-Abi-AntounAH #case study #experience #graph #object-oriented- Extraction of ownership object graphs from object-oriented code: an experience report (MAA, NA, ZH), pp. 133–142.
DAC-2012-ChoiOKH #architecture #data flow #graph #manycore- Executing synchronous dataflow graphs on a SPM-based multicore architecture (JC, HO, SK, SH), pp. 664–671.
DATE-2012-DamavandpeymaSBGC #data flow #graph #modelling- Modeling static-order schedules in synchronous dataflow graphs (MD, SS, TB, MG, HC), pp. 775–780.
DATE-2012-LiuTW #analysis #approach #graph #parallel #statistics- Parallel statistical analysis of analog circuits by GPU-accelerated graph-based approach (XL, SXDT, HW), pp. 852–857.
DATE-2012-MeissnerMLH #framework #graph #morphism #performance #synthesis #testing- Fast isomorphism testing for a graph-based analog circuit synthesis framework (MM, OM, LL, LH), pp. 757–762.
DATE-2012-ThieleE #analysis #data flow #graph #optimisation #performance- Optimizing performance analysis for synchronous dataflow graphs with shared resources (DT, RE), pp. 635–640.
DATE-2012-YangGBSC #game studies #graph #policy #resource management- Playing games with scenario- and resource-aware SDF graphs through policy iteration (YY, MG, TB, SS, HC), pp. 194–199.
DocEng-2012-ChuangW #documentation #graph #morphism #xml- Structure-conforming XML document transformation based on graph homomorphism (TRC, HYW), pp. 99–102.
HT-2012-ChairunnandaFD #graph #modelling #network #online #social- Graph data partition models for online social networks (PC, SF, KD), pp. 175–180.
HT-2012-KontopoulouPKG #graph #matrix #metric- Graph and matrix metrics to analyze ergodic literature for children (EMK, MP, TK, EG), pp. 133–142.
PODS-2012-AhnGM #graph #sketching- Graph sketches: sparsification, spanners, and subgraphs (KJA, SG, AM), pp. 5–14.
PODS-2012-ChoromanskiM #algorithm #database #graph #power of #privacy #statistics- The power of the dinur-nissim algorithm: breaking privacy of statistical and graph databases (KC, TM), pp. 65–76.
SIGMOD-2012-AkogluCKKF #graph #mining #named #scalability #visualisation- OPAvion: mining and visualization in large graphs (LA, DHC, UK, DK, CF), pp. 717–720.
SIGMOD-2012-AndersonTBRV #graph #named- PAnG: finding patterns in annotation graphs (PA, AT, JB, LR, MEV), pp. 677–680.
SIGMOD-2012-ChengKCC #approach #distance #graph #performance #query #scalability- Efficient processing of distance queries in large graphs: a vertex cover approach (JC, YK, SC, CC), pp. 457–468.
SIGMOD-2012-FaloutsosK #algorithm #graph #mining #scalability- Managing and mining large graphs: patterns and algorithms (CF, UK), pp. 585–588.
SIGMOD-2012-FanLWW #graph #query- Query preserving graph compression (WF, JL, XW, YW), pp. 157–168.
SIGMOD-2012-JinRDY #graph #named #reachability #scalability- SCARAB: scaling reachability computation on large graphs (RJ, NR, SD, JXY), pp. 169–180.
SIGMOD-2012-JinRXL #approach #distance #graph #query #scalability- A highway-centric labeling approach for answering distance queries on large sparse graphs (RJ, NR, YX, VEL), pp. 445–456.
SIGMOD-2012-MondalD #graph #scalability- Managing large dynamic graphs efficiently (JM, AD), pp. 145–156.
SIGMOD-2012-ShaoWX #graph #implementation #mining #scalability- Managing and mining large graphs: systems and implementations (BS, HW, YX), pp. 589–592.
SIGMOD-2012-VenkataramaniABCCDDFGHKLMPP #facebook #graph #how #named #social- TAO: how facebook serves the social graph (VV, ZA, NB, GCI, PC, PD, HD, JF, AG, JH, SK, NL, MM, DP, LP), pp. 791–792.
SIGMOD-2012-XuKWCC #approach #clustering #graph #modelling- A model-based approach to attributed graph clustering (ZX, YK, YW, HC, JC), pp. 505–516.
SIGMOD-2012-YangYZK #effectiveness #graph #scalability #towards- Towards effective partition management for large graphs (SY, XY, BZ, AK), pp. 517–528.
VLDB-2012-AgarwalRB #clustering #graph #identification #realtime- Real Time Discovery of Dense Clusters in Highly Dynamic Graphs: Identifying Real World Events in Highly Dynamic Environments (MKA, KR, MB), pp. 980–991.
VLDB-2012-BoldiBGT #graph #injection #nondeterminism #obfuscation- Injecting Uncertainty in Graphs for Identity Obfuscation (PB, FB, AG, TT), pp. 1376–1387.
VLDB-2012-GuanYK #correlation #graph- Measuring Two-Event Structural Correlations on Graphs (ZG, XY, LMK), pp. 1400–1411.
VLDB-2012-GuhaM #bibliography #graph #sketching- Graph Synopses, Sketches, and Streams: A Survey (SG, AM), pp. 2030–2031.
VLDB-2012-LowGKBGH #distributed #framework #in the cloud #machine learning- Distributed GraphLab: A Framework for Machine Learning in the Cloud (YL, JG, AK, DB, CG, JMH), pp. 716–727.
VLDB-2012-PrakashF #comprehension #graph #scalability- Understanding and Managing Cascades on Large Graphs (BAP, CF), pp. 2024–2025.
VLDB-2012-SilvaMZ #correlation #graph #mining #scalability- Mining Attribute-structure Correlated Patterns in Large Attributed Graphs (AS, WMJ, MJZ), pp. 466–477.
VLDB-2012-SunWWSL #graph #performance- Efficient Subgraph Matching on Billion Node Graphs (ZS, HW, HW, BS, JL), pp. 788–799.
VLDB-2012-YuanWCW #database #graph #performance #probability #scalability #similarity- Efficient Subgraph Similarity Search on Large Probabilistic Graph Databases (YY, GW, LC, HW), pp. 800–811.
VLDB-2012-ZengJZ #logic #query- Adding Logical Operators to Tree Pattern Queries on Graph-Structured Data (QZ, XJ, HZ), pp. 728–739.
VLDB-2013-CalvaneseGLV12 #database #graph #query #relational- Query Processing under GLAV Mappings for Relational and Graph Databases (DC, GDG, ML, MYV), pp. 61–72.
VLDB-2013-LeeHKL12 #algorithm #comparison #database #graph #morphism- An In-depth Comparison of Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithms in Graph Databases (JL, WSH, RK, JHL), pp. 133–144.
ITiCSE-2012-Gibson #algorithm #education #graph- Teaching graph algorithms to children of all ages (JPG), pp. 34–39.
FASE-2012-HermannEEO #concurrent #graph grammar- Concurrent Model Synchronization with Conflict Resolution Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, CE, FO), pp. 178–193.
FASE-2012-MolRH #graph #java- Graph Transforming Java Data (MdM, AR, JJH), pp. 209–223.
FASE-2012-SilvaTT #dependence #erlang #graph- System Dependence Graphs in Sequential Erlang (JS, ST, CT), pp. 486–500.
CSMR-2012-HottaHK #dependence #graph #identification #refactoring- Identifying, Tailoring, and Suggesting Form Template Method Refactoring Opportunities with Program Dependence Graph (KH, YH, SK), pp. 53–62.
WCRE-2012-TeytonFB #graph #library #migration #mining- Mining Library Migration Graphs (CT, JRF, XB), pp. 289–298.
WCRE-2012-VanciuA #data flow #graph- Ownership Object Graphs with Dataflow Edges (RV, MAA), pp. 267–276.
STOC-2012-AbrahamCG #approximate #distance #graph- Fully dynamic approximate distance oracles for planar graphs via forbidden-set distance labels (IA, SC, CG), pp. 1199–1218.
STOC-2012-AlonMS #graph #scalability- Nearly complete graphs decomposable into large induced matchings and their applications (NA, AM, BS), pp. 1079–1090.
STOC-2012-Chuzhoy12a #constant #graph- Routing in undirected graphs with constant congestion (JC), pp. 855–874.
STOC-2012-GroheM #graph #morphism #theorem- Structure theorem and isomorphism test for graphs with excluded topological subgraphs (MG, DM), pp. 173–192.
STOC-2012-KaufmanL #graph #symmetry #transitive- Edge transitive ramanujan graphs and symmetric LDPC good codes (TK, AL), pp. 359–366.
STOC-2012-Molloy #graph #random- The freezing threshold for k-colourings of a random graph (MM), pp. 921–930.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChekuriEV #design #graph #network #product line- Node-Weighted Network Design in Planar and Minor-Closed Families of Graphs (CC, AE, AV), pp. 206–217.
ICALP-v1-2012-CyganKPPW #clique #graph- Clique Cover and Graph Separation: New Incompressibility Results (MC, SK, MP, MP, MW), pp. 254–265.
ICALP-v1-2012-FeigeJ #graph- Universal Factor Graphs (UF, SJ), pp. 339–350.
ICALP-v1-2012-JefferyKM #complexity #graph #matrix #multi #quantum #query #using- Improving Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Matrix Multiplication Using Graph Collision (SJ, RK, FM), pp. 522–532.
ICALP-v1-2012-KratschPPW #graph #multi #parametricity- Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Multicut in Directed Acyclic Graphs (SK, MP, MP, MW), pp. 581–593.
ICALP-v2-2012-ArrighiD #graph- Causal Graph Dynamics (PA, GD), pp. 54–66.
ICALP-v2-2012-Elbassioni #graph- A QPTAS for ε-Envy-Free Profit-Maximizing Pricing on Line Graphs (KME), pp. 513–524.
ICALP-v2-2012-GugelmannPP #clustering #graph #random #sequence- Random Hyperbolic Graphs: Degree Sequence and Clustering — (Extended Abstract) (LG, KP, UP), pp. 573–585.
ICALP-v2-2012-KosowskiLNS #graph- k-Chordal Graphs: From Cops and Robber to Compact Routing via Treewidth (AK, BL, NN, KS), pp. 610–622.
ICALP-v2-2012-Spielman #algorithm #equation #graph #linear- Algorithms, Graph Theory, and the Solution of Laplacian Linear Equations (DAS), pp. 24–26.
LATA-2012-MiasnikovS #automation #graph- Cayley Graph Automatic Groups Are Not Necessarily Cayley Graph Biautomatic (AM, ZS), pp. 401–407.
SEFM-2012-AmighiGGH #control flow #exception #graph #java #source code- Sound Control-Flow Graph Extraction for Java Programs with Exceptions (AA, PdCG, DG, MH), pp. 33–47.
SFM-2012-GieseLBHNVW #adaptation #graph transformation #modelling #runtime- Graph Transformations for MDE, Adaptation, and Models at Runtime (HG, LL, BB, SH, SN, TV, SW), pp. 137–191.
ICFP-2012-OliveiraC #functional #graph #programming- Functional programming with structured graphs (BCdSO, WRC), pp. 77–88.
GRAPHITE-2012-BeckmannFKM #analysis #graph- A structural analysis of the A5/1 state transition graph (AB, JF, JK, UM), pp. 5–19.
GRAPHITE-2012-ZambonR #graph- Graph Subsumption in Abstract State Space Exploration (EZ, AR), pp. 35–49.
GT-VMT-2012-AnjorinOZS #graph transformation #modelling #optimisation #product line #testing- Optimizing Model-Based Software Product Line Testing with Graph Transformations (AA, SO, IZ, AS).
GT-VMT-2012-ArijoH #generative #graph transformation #modelling- View-based Modelling and State-Space Generation for Graph Transformation Systems (NA, RH).
GT-VMT-2012-BottoniP #graph #modelling- Modeling context with graph annotations (PB, FPP).
GT-VMT-2012-BrugginkHK #automaton #graph #towards- Towards Alternating Automata for Graph Languages (HJSB, MH, BK).
GT-VMT-2012-GhamarianR #graph transformation- Graph Passing in Graph Transformation (AHG, AR).
GT-VMT-2012-Heussner #communication #graph #graph grammar #model checking #process- Model Checking Communicating Processes: Run Graphs, Graph Grammars, and MSO (AH).
GT-VMT-2012-NatschlagerS #algebra #approach #graph #graph transformation #inheritance- A Flattening Approach for Attributed Type Graphs with Inheritance in Algebraic Graph Transformation (CN, KDS).
GT-VMT-2012-Taentzer #generative #graph #multi- Instance Generation from Type Graphs with Arbitrary Multiplicities (GT).
ICGT-2012-AnjorinST #graph grammar- Construction of Integrity Preserving Triple Graph Grammars (AA, AS, GT), pp. 356–370.
ICGT-2012-BergmannHH #database #graph transformation #incremental #modelling #relational- Applying Incremental Graph Transformation to Existing Models in Relational Databases (GB, DH, ÁH), pp. 371–385.
ICGT-2012-BlumeBEK #automaton #graph #implementation #invariant #performance- Efficient Symbolic Implementation of Graph Automata with Applications to Invariant Checking (CB, HJSB, DE, BK), pp. 264–278.
ICGT-2012-DuvalEP #graph transformation- Graph Transformation with Focus on Incident Edges (DD, RE, FP), pp. 156–171.
ICGT-2012-GhamarianR #composition #graph transformation- Generalised Compositionality in Graph Transformation (AHG, AR), pp. 234–248.
ICGT-2012-GolasLEG #flexibility #formal method #graph grammar #towards- Toward Bridging the Gap between Formal Foundations and Current Practice for Triple Graph Grammars — Flexible Relations between Source and Target Elements (UG, LL, HE, HG), pp. 141–155.
ICGT-2012-HeckelEGH #concurrent #graph transformation #parallel #probability- Parallelism and Concurrency of Stochastic Graph Transformations (RH, HE, UG, FH), pp. 96–110.
ICGT-2012-KonigS #graph transformation- Well-Structured Graph Transformation Systems with Negative Application Conditions (BK, JS), pp. 81–95.
ICGT-2012-KrauseG #graph transformation #probability- Probabilistic Graph Transformation Systems (CK, HG), pp. 311–325.
ICGT-2012-LauderAVS #graph grammar #performance #precedence- Efficient Model Synchronization with Precedence Triple Graph Grammars (ML, AA, GV, AS), pp. 401–415.
ICGT-2012-LopesF #design #framework #graph- A Graph-Based Design Framework for Services (AL, JLF), pp. 1–19.
ICGT-2012-Lowe #algebra #framework #graph grammar #graph transformation- Refined Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories — A Framework for Algebraic Graph Transformation (ML), pp. 111–125.
ICGT-2012-Ong #graph transformation #multi #programming language #rule-based #using- Multi-scale Rule-Based Graph Transformation Using the Programming Language XL (YO), pp. 417–419.
ICGT-2012-OrejasBM #graph- Borrowed Contexts for Attributed Graphs (FO, AB, NM), pp. 126–140.
ICGT-2012-Poskitt #graph #source code #verification- Verification of Graph Programs (CMP), pp. 420–422.
ICGT-2012-RensinkZ #abstraction #graph- Pattern-Based Graph Abstraction (AR, EZ), pp. 66–80.
ICGT-2012-SerbanutaR #concurrent #framework #graph transformation #semantics #𝕂- A Truly Concurrent Semantics for the 𝕂 Framework Based on Graph Transformations (TFS, GR), pp. 294–310.
ICGT-2012-TaentzerML #co-evolution #graph- Co-transformation of Graphs and Type Graphs with Application to Model Co-evolution (GT, FM, YL), pp. 326–340.
ICGT-2012-WestfechtelN #evolution #graph transformation- Graph Transformations for Evolving Domain Knowledge (BW, MN), pp. 341–355.
CHI-2012-DunneRLMR #multi #named #network #scalability- GraphTrail: analyzing large multivariate, heterogeneous networks while supporting exploration history (CD, NHR, BL, RAM, GGR), pp. 1663–1672.
CHI-2012-ZiemkiewiczGL #analysis #graph #visualisation- Analysis within and between graphs: observed user strategies in immunobiology visualization (CZ, SRG, DHL), pp. 1655–1658.
CSCW-2012-LungE #collaboration #graph #named #reasoning- Inflo: collaborative reasoning via open calculation graphs (JL, SME), pp. 1199–1202.
EDOC-2012-BinzLNS #analysis #enterprise #graph transformation #segmentation- Improving the Manageability of Enterprise Topologies Through Segmentation, Graph Transformation, and Analysis Strategies (TB, FL, AN, DS), pp. 61–70.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ChenFZ #3d #graph #visualisation #web- Exploring Structural Properties of Web Graphs through 3D Visualization (ZC, AF, KZ), pp. 233–238.
CIKM-2012-BodenGS #clustering #evolution #graph- Tracing clusters in evolving graphs with node attributes (BB, SG, TS), pp. 2331–2334.
CIKM-2012-BohmKN #topic- Latent topics in graph-structured data (CB, GK, FN), pp. 2663–2666.
CIKM-2012-CaoYDWW #graph #modelling #process #recommendation #workflow- Graph-based workflow recommendation: on improving business process modeling (BC, JY, SD, DW, ZW), pp. 1527–1531.
CIKM-2012-CreceliusS #graph #maintenance #nearest neighbour #scalability- Pay-as-you-go maintenance of precomputed nearest neighbors in large graphs (TC, RS), pp. 952–961.
CIKM-2012-DuanWZS #classification #graph #twitter- Graph-based collective classification for tweets (YD, FW, MZ, HYS), pp. 2323–2326.
CIKM-2012-DurakPKS #graph #modelling #network- Degree relations of triangles in real-world networks and graph models (ND, AP, TGK, CS), pp. 1712–1716.
CIKM-2012-EldardiryN #analysis #classification #graph #how #predict- An analysis of how ensembles of collective classifiers improve predictions in graphs (HE, JN), pp. 225–234.
CIKM-2012-EmrichKNRSZ #graph #monte carlo #nondeterminism #probability #query- Exploration of monte-carlo based probabilistic query processing in uncertain graphs (TE, HPK, JN, MR, AS, AZ), pp. 2728–2730.
CIKM-2012-GaoCK #graph #keyword #scalability- Information-complete and redundancy-free keyword search over large data graphs (BJG, ZC, QK), pp. 2639–2642.
CIKM-2012-Gomez-RodriguezR #graph #online #social- Bridging offline and online social graph dynamics (MGR, MR), pp. 2447–2450.
CIKM-2012-GubichevN #approximate #graph #performance #scalability- Fast approximation of steiner trees in large graphs (AG, TN), pp. 1497–1501.
CIKM-2012-KimCS #graph- Impact neighborhood indexing (INI) in diffusion graphs (JHK, KSC, MLS), pp. 2184–2188.
CIKM-2012-LeePKL #graph #named #novel #ranking #recommendation- PathRank: a novel node ranking measure on a heterogeneous graph for recommender systems (SL, SP, MK, SgL), pp. 1637–1641.
CIKM-2012-LiuCBLR #graph #mining- Utilizing common substructures to speedup tensor factorization for mining dynamic graphs (WL, JC, JB, CL, KR), pp. 435–444.
CIKM-2012-LiuKCBLPR #graph #on the- On compressing weighted time-evolving graphs (WL, AK, JC, JB, CL, JP, KR), pp. 2319–2322.
CIKM-2012-LiYWK #graph #proximity #scalability- Density index and proximity search in large graphs (NL, XY, ZW, AK), pp. 235–244.
CIKM-2012-LuYW #framework #graph #image #named #novel #social- SRGSIS: a novel framework based on social relationship graph for social image search (BL, YY, GW), pp. 2615–2618.
CIKM-2012-MeleBG #graph #recommendation- The early-adopter graph and its application to web-page recommendation (IM, FB, AG), pp. 1682–1686.
CIKM-2012-MendesMZB #graph #similarity #using- Measuring website similarity using an entity-aware click graph (PNM, PM, HZ, RB), pp. 1697–1701.
CIKM-2012-PanZ #correlation #data type #graph #named #query- CGStream: continuous correlated graph query for data streams (SP, XZ), pp. 1183–1192.
CIKM-2012-PanZ12a #graph #query- Continuous top-k query for graph streams (SP, XZ), pp. 2659–2662.
CIKM-2012-RahmanBH #algorithm #analysis #approximate #graph #named #scalability- GRAFT: an approximate graphlet counting algorithm for large graph analysis (MR, MB, MAH), pp. 1467–1471.
CIKM-2012-RamachandranG #graph #identification #representation- A word-order based graph representation for relevance identification (LR, EFG), pp. 2327–2330.
CIKM-2012-SakrEH #graph #hybrid #named #query #scalability- G-SPARQL: a hybrid engine for querying large attributed graphs (SS, SE, YH), pp. 335–344.
CIKM-2012-ShenWLW #approach #graph #ontology- A graph-based approach for ontology population with named entities (WS, JW, PL, MW), pp. 345–354.
CIKM-2012-TongPEFF #graph #scalability- Gelling, and melting, large graphs by edge manipulation (HT, BAP, TER, MF, CF), pp. 245–254.
CIKM-2012-WangWLL #graph #keyword #ranking #using #wiki- Exploring simultaneous keyword and key sentence extraction: improve graph-based ranking using wikipedia (XW, LW, JL, SL), pp. 2619–2622.
CIKM-2012-WeningerBH #documentation #graph #topic- Document-topic hierarchies from document graphs (TW, YB, JH), pp. 635–644.
CIKM-2012-YangYGL #graph #multi- Finding the optimal path over multi-cost graphs (YY, JXY, HG, JL), pp. 2124–2128.
CIKM-2012-ZhukovskiyVPOGGSR #empirical #graph #validation #web- Empirical validation of the buckley-osthus model for the web host graph: degree and edge distributions (MZ, DV, YP, LO, EG, GG, PS, AMR), pp. 1577–1581.
CIKM-2012-ZhuYCQ #approach #classification #feature model #graph- Graph classification: a diversified discriminative feature selection approach (YZ, JXY, HC, LQ), pp. 205–214.
ECIR-2012-Bloom #analysis #graph- Applying Power Graph Analysis to Weighted Graphs (NB), pp. 548–551.
ICML-2012-AlamgirL #distance #graph #nearest neighbour #random- Shortest path distance in random k-nearest neighbor graphs (MA, UvL), p. 163.
ICML-2012-BorboudakisT #constraints #graph #information management #network- Incorporating Causal Prior Knowledge as Path-Constraints in Bayesian Networks and Maximal Ancestral Graphs (GB, IT), p. 59.
ICML-2012-HaiderS #clustering #graph #using- Finding Botnets Using Minimal Graph Clusterings (PH, TS), p. 37.
ICML-2012-JalaliS #dependence #graph #learning- Learning the Dependence Graph of Time Series with Latent Factors (AJ, SS), p. 83.
ICML-2012-KimL #graph #multi- Latent Multi-group Membership Graph Model (MK, JL), p. 124.
ICML-2012-KriegeM #graph #kernel- Subgraph Matching Kernels for Attributed Graphs (NK, PM), p. 42.
ICML-2012-QuadriantoCL #clique #graph #persistent #set- The Most Persistent Soft-Clique in a Set of Sampled Graphs (NQ, CC, CHL), p. 32.
ICPR-2012-AlbarelliBRVT #graph #higher-order #recognition #representation- A stable graph-based representation for object recognition through high-order matching (AA, FB, LR, SV, AT), pp. 3341–3344.
ICPR-2012-BaiHHR #clustering #complexity #graph #using- Graph clustering using graph entropy complexity traces (LB, ERH, LH, PR), pp. 2881–2884.
ICPR-2012-BaiHR #graph #kernel #using- Jensen-Shannon graph kernel using information functionals (LB, ERH, PR), pp. 2877–2880.
ICPR-2012-BarducciM #component #graph #recognition- Object recognition in floor plans by graphs of white connected components (AB, SM), pp. 298–301.
ICPR-2012-ChenWY #clustering #dataset #graph- Centroid-based clustering for graph datasets (LC, SW, XY), pp. 2144–2147.
ICPR-2012-ChowdhuryKPD #design #graph #using #video- Video storyboard design using Delaunay graphs (ASC, SKK, RP, MND), pp. 3108–3111.
ICPR-2012-DuttaGLBP #documentation #graph #kernel #random #visual notation- Combination of product graph and random walk kernel for symbol spotting in graphical documents (AD, JG, JL, HB, UP), pp. 1663–1666.
ICPR-2012-GaoTLW #graph #re-engineering- A graph-based method of newspaper article reconstruction (LG, ZT, XL, YW), pp. 1566–1569.
ICPR-2012-GauzereBVB #graph #kernel- Graph kernels based on relevant patterns and cycle information for chemoinformatics (BG, LB, DV, MB), pp. 1775–1778.
ICPR-2012-GhoseMOMLFVCSM12a #3d #energy #framework #graph #learning #probability #segmentation- Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning framework for 3D prostate segmentation in MRI (SG, JM, AO, RM, XL, JF, JCV, JC, DS, FM), pp. 125–128.
ICPR-2012-HanWHBR #generative #graph #probability- Sampling graphs from a probabilistic generative model (LH, RCW, ERH, LB, PR), pp. 1643–1646.
ICPR-2012-HidoK #graph #learning #similarity- Hash-based structural similarity for semi-supervised Learning on attribute graphs (SH, HK), pp. 3009–3012.
ICPR-2012-HouHZQ #named #paradigm #retrieval- Bag-of-feature-graphs: A new paradigm for non-rigid shape retrieval (TH, XH, MZ, HQ), pp. 1513–1516.
ICPR-2012-ItohTA #3d #graph #image #sequence #using- 3D tracking of soccer players using time-situation graph in monocular image sequence (HI, TT, YA), pp. 2532–2536.
ICPR-2012-LiuLLC #graph #image #reduction- Graph-based dimensionality reduction for KNN-based image annotation (XL, RL, FL, QC), pp. 1253–1256.
ICPR-2012-LiuSZ #feature model #graph- Sparsity Score: A new filter feature selection method based on graph (ML, DS, DZ), pp. 959–962.
ICPR-2012-NarayanamN #algorithm #community #detection #distributed #game studies #graph #information management #social- A game theory inspired, decentralized, local information based algorithm for community detection in social graphs (RN, YN), pp. 1072–1075.
ICPR-2012-OuYCPGJ #image #representation- Structured sparse coding for image representation based on L1-graph (WO, XY, YmC, QP, MG, XJ), pp. 3220–3223.
ICPR-2012-PourdamghaniRZ #estimation #graph #learning #metric- Metric learning for graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation (NP, HRR, MZ), pp. 3386–3389.
ICPR-2012-RebagliatiSPS #distance #edit distance #graph #set #using- Computing the graph edit distance using dominant sets (NR, ASR, MP, FS), pp. 1080–1083.
ICPR-2012-RubioSLP #graph #higher-order #image #representation- Image contextual representation and matching through hierarchies and higher order graphs (JCR, JS, AML, NP), pp. 2664–2667.
ICPR-2012-SerratosaCS #graph #interactive- Interactive graph matching by means of imposing the pairwise costs (FS, XC, ASR), pp. 1298–1301.
ICPR-2012-ShenMZ #analysis #graph #learning #online- Unsupervised online learning trajectory analysis based on weighted directed graph (YS, ZM, JZ), pp. 1306–1309.
ICPR-2012-ValevY #classification #clustering #graph #using- Classification using graph partitioning (VV, NY), pp. 1261–1264.
ICPR-2012-WahlbergB #graph #segmentation- Graph based line segmentation on cluttered handwritten manuscripts (FW, AB), pp. 1570–1573.
ICPR-2012-WangAG #adaptation #feature model #graph #matrix- Adaptive graph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via feature selection (JW, IA, XG), pp. 963–966.
ICPR-2012-WeibelDWR #detection #graph #using- Contrast-enhancing seam detection and blending using graph cuts (TW, CD, DW, RR), pp. 2732–2735.
ICPR-2012-WongLTYCCBW #approach #automation #graph #locality- Automatic localization of the macula in a supervised graph-based approach with contextual superpixel features (DWKW, JL, NMT, FY, XC, CMGC, MB, TYW), pp. 2063–2066.
ICPR-2012-YiP #classification #graph- Sparse Granger causality graphs for human action classification (SY, VP), pp. 3374–3377.
ICPR-2012-ZhangCYLS #constraints #graph- Stereo matching with Global Edge Constraint and Graph Cuts (HZ, FC, DY, YL, MS), pp. 372–375.
ICPR-2012-ZhaoZWL #detection #graph #mobile #robust- Robust mobile spamming detection via graph patterns (YZ, ZZ, YW, JL), pp. 983–986.
KDD-2012-BahmaniKMU #evolution #graph #rank- PageRank on an evolving graph (BB, RK, MM, EU), pp. 24–32.
KDD-2012-BodenGHS #graph #mining #multi- Mining coherent subgraphs in multi-layer graphs with edge labels (BB, SG, HH, TS), pp. 1258–1266.
KDD-2012-ChanLLBR #graph #mining #multi #named- SeqiBloc: mining multi-time spanning blockmodels in dynamic graphs (JC, WL, CL, JB, KR), pp. 651–659.
KDD-2012-ChauAVTF #graph #interactive #named #scalability #visualisation- TourViz: interactive visualization of connection pathways in large graphs (DHC, LA, JV, HT, CF), pp. 1516–1519.
KDD-2012-CorreaL #clustering #graph #using- Locally-scaled spectral clustering using empty region graphs (CDC, PL), pp. 1330–1338.
KDD-2012-FengHKBP #graph #mining- Summarization-based mining bipartite graphs (JF, XH, BK, CB, CP), pp. 1249–1257.
KDD-2012-GiatsidisBTV #collaboration #graph #network #visual notation- Visual exploration of collaboration networks based on graph degeneracy (CG, KB, DMT, MV), pp. 1512–1515.
KDD-2012-HendersonGETBAKFL #graph #mining #named #scalability- RolX: structural role extraction & mining in large graphs (KH, BG, TER, HT, SB, LA, DK, CF, LL), pp. 1231–1239.
KDD-2012-Li12b #algorithm #graph #mining #nondeterminism- Algorithms for mining uncertain graph data (JL), p. 813.
KDD-2012-SeelandKK #clustering #graph #kernel #learning- A structural cluster kernel for learning on graphs (MS, AK, SK), pp. 516–524.
KDD-2012-SondhiSTZ #framework #graph #mining #named- SympGraph: a framework for mining clinical notes through symptom relation graphs (PS, JS, HT, CZ), pp. 1167–1175.
KDD-2012-StantonK #clustering #distributed #graph #scalability #streaming- Streaming graph partitioning for large distributed graphs (IS, GK), pp. 1222–1230.
KDD-2012-YangYLSWY #graph- Feature grouping and selection over an undirected graph (SY, LY, YCL, XS, PW, JY), pp. 922–930.
MLDM-2012-ToussaintB #comparison #empirical #learning- Proximity-Graph Instance-Based Learning, Support Vector Machines, and High Dimensionality: An Empirical Comparison (GTT, CB), pp. 222–236.
RecSys-2012-BelloginP #clustering #collaboration #graph #using- Using graph partitioning techniques for neighbour selection in user-based collaborative filtering (AB, JP), pp. 213–216.
RecSys-2012-Heitmann #framework #graph #multi #personalisation #semantics- An open framework for multi-source, cross-domain personalisation with semantic interest graphs (BH), pp. 313–316.
SEKE-2012-QiXW #concurrent #graph #interprocedural #reachability #slicing #source code- Slicing Concurrent Interprocedural Programs Based on Program Reachability Graphs (XQ, XX, PW), pp. 293–298.
SEKE-2012-ZhangLS #graph #impact analysis #mining- Mining Call Graph for Change Impact Analysis (QZ, BL, XS), pp. 7–12.
SIGIR-2012-FangHC #graph- Confidence-aware graph regularization with heterogeneous pairwise features (YF, BJPH, KCCC), pp. 951–960.
SIGIR-2012-GaoWL #graph #information retrieval #learning #mining #scalability- Large-scale graph mining and learning for information retrieval (BG, TW, TYL), pp. 1194–1195.
SIGIR-2012-KahngL #graph #rdf- Exploiting paths for entity search in RDF graphs (MK, SgL), pp. 1027–1028.
SIGIR-2012-YangLLR #analysis #graph #twitter- Finding interesting posts in Twitter based on retweet graph analysis (MCY, JTL, SWL, HCR), pp. 1073–1074.
AMT-2012-HildebrandtLG #development #framework #graph grammar #model transformation- The MDELab tool framework for the development of correct model transformations with triple graph grammars (SH, LL, HG), pp. 33–34.
BX-2012-LambersHGO #bidirectional #graph grammar #model transformation- Attribute Handling for Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Triple Graph Grammar Case (LL, SH, HG, FO), pp. 84–99.
ECMFA-2012-LauderAVS #bidirectional #graph grammar #model transformation #precedence- Bidirectional Model Transformation with Precedence Triple Graph Grammars (ML, AA, GV, AS), pp. 287–302.
ECOOP-2012-AliL #graph- Application-Only Call Graph Construction (KA, OL), pp. 688–712.
OOPSLA-2012-PrountzosMP #concurrent #graph #named #source code- Elixir: a system for synthesizing concurrent graph programs (DP, RM, KP), pp. 375–394.
LOPSTR-2012-GieslSSEF #evaluation #graph #logic programming #source code #symbolic computation #term rewriting- Symbolic Evaluation Graphs and Term Rewriting — A General Methodology for Analyzing Logic Programs (JG, TS, PSK, FE, CF), p. 1.
PPDP-2012-GieslSSEF #evaluation #graph #logic programming #source code #symbolic computation #term rewriting- Symbolic evaluation graphs and term rewriting: a general methodology for analyzing logic programs (JG, TS, PSK, FE, CF), pp. 1–12.
PADL-2012-Lesniak #algorithm #graph #haskell #named- Palovca: Describing and Executing Graph Algorithms in Haskell (ML), pp. 153–167.
SAC-2012-BenreguiaK #consistency #graph #morphism #problem- A consistency rule for graph isomorphism problem (BB, HK), pp. 906–911.
SAC-2012-BrandnerC #data flow #dependence #graph- Copy elimination on data dependence graphs (FB, QC), pp. 1916–1918.
SAC-2012-KokaANSY #graph #grid- Row manipulation in the heterogeneous tabular forms with a hexadecimal grid graph model (SK, KA, KN, YS, TY), pp. 792–793.
SAC-2012-NagarAB #functional #graph #similarity #using- Computing gene functional similarity using combined graphs (AN, HAM, SB), pp. 1381–1386.
SAC-2012-PriamiQZ #biology #graph #imperative #self- An imperative language of self-modifying graphs for biological systems (CP, PQ, RZ), pp. 1903–1909.
SAC-2012-VirgilioR #approximate #biology #graph #rdf- Approximate matching over biological RDF graphs (RDV, SER), pp. 1413–1414.
SAC-2012-YanCY #composition #optimisation #web #web service- Anytime QoS optimization over the PlanGraph for web service composition (YY, MC, YY), pp. 1968–1975.
ICSE-2012-BhattacharyaINF #analysis #evolution #graph #predict- Graph-based analysis and prediction for software evolution (PB, MI, IN, MF), pp. 419–429.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNN12a #code completion #graph #named- GraPacc: A graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive code completion tool (ATN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1407–1410.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNTNAN #code completion #graph #source code- Graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive source code completion (ATN, TTN, HAN, AT, HVN, JMAK, TNN), pp. 69–79.
ASPLOS-2012-HongCSO #analysis #domain-specific language #graph #named #performance- Green-Marl: a DSL for easy and efficient graph analysis (SH, HC, ES, KO), pp. 349–362.
CGO-2012-ParkCA #graph #modelling #predict #using- Using graph-based program characterization for predictive modeling (EP, JC, MAA), pp. 196–206.
HPDC-2012-UenoS #benchmark #graph #metric #scalability- Highly scalable graph search for the Graph500 benchmark (KU, TS), pp. 149–160.
ISMM-2012-Nasre #analysis #constraints #graph #performance #points-to- Exploiting the structure of the constraint graph for efficient points-to analysis (RN), pp. 121–132.
OSDI-2012-GonzalezLGBG #distributed #graph #named- PowerGraph: Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation on Natural Graphs (JEG, YL, HG, DB, CG), pp. 17–30.
OSDI-2012-KyrolaBG #graph #named #scalability- GraphChi: Large-Scale Graph Computation on Just a PC (AK, GEB, CG), pp. 31–46.
PPoPP-2012-MerrillGG #gpu #graph #scalability #traversal- Scalable GPU graph traversal (DM, MG, ASG), pp. 117–128.
PPoPP-2012-ZhongH #bibliography #graph- An overview of Medusa: simplified graph processing on GPUs (JZ, BH), pp. 283–284.
CSL-2012-KotekM #graph #matrix #parametricity- Connection Matrices and the Definability of Graph Parameters (TK, JAM), pp. 411–425.
CSL-2012-Makowsky #complexity #graph #parametricity- Definability and Complexity of Graph Parameters (Invited Talk) (JAM), pp. 14–15.
ICST-2012-DengJ #dependence #graph- Weighted System Dependence Graph (FD, JAJ), pp. 380–389.
ICST-2012-MalikK #analysis #graph #using- Dynamic Shape Analysis Using Spectral Graph Properties (MZM, SK), pp. 211–220.
ICST-2012-MeszarosL #graph transformation- Verified Operational Patterns with Graph Transformation (TM, TL), pp. 954–961.
ICST-2012-TranP #framework #graph transformation #towards #verification- Towards a Rule-Level Verification Framework for Property-Preserving Graph Transformations (HNT, CP), pp. 946–953.
LICS-2012-BarceloFL #graph #logic #problem- Graph Logics with Rational Relations and the Generalized Intersection Problem (PB, DF, LL), pp. 115–124.
RTA-2012-Bahr #graph grammar- Infinitary Term Graph Rewriting is Simple, Sound and Complete (PB), pp. 69–84.
RTA-2012-BertrandDKSS #decidability #graph transformation #on the #reachability- On the Decidability Status of Reachability and Coverability in Graph Transformation Systems (NB, GD, BK, AS, JS), pp. 101–116.
CASE-2011-TalpasanuK #analysis #approach- Exoskeleton systems kinematics analysis with graph-matroid approach (IT, SK), pp. 822–827.
DATE-2011-HausmansBC #data flow #graph- Resynchronization of Cyclo-Static Dataflow graphs (JPHMH, MJGB, HC), pp. 1315–1320.
DATE-2011-KumarRPB #3d #clustering #testing- Hyper-graph based partitioning to reduce DFT cost for pre-bond 3D-IC testing (AK, SMR, IP, BB), pp. 1424–1429.
ICDAR-2011-CelikY #2d #graph grammar #probability #recognition #using- Probabilistic Mathematical Formula Recognition Using a 2D Context-Free Graph Grammar (MC, BAY), pp. 161–166.
ICDAR-2011-DuttaLP #graph- Symbol Spotting in Line Drawings through Graph Paths Hashing (AD, JL, UP), pp. 982–986.
ICDAR-2011-LiuLS #graph #image #retrieval #using- Retrieval of Envelope Images Using Graph Matching (LL, YL, CYS), pp. 99–103.
ICDAR-2011-LuqmanRLB #documentation #graph #image- Subgraph Spotting through Explicit Graph Embedding: An Application to Content Spotting in Graphic Document Images (MML, JYR, JL, TB), pp. 870–874.
ICDAR-2011-ManoharVCPN #clustering #graph #segmentation- Graph Clustering-Based Ensemble Method for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation (VM, SNPV, HC, RP, PN), pp. 574–578.
ICDAR-2011-Saund #approach #graph #image #maintenance- A Graph Lattice Approach to Maintaining Dense Collections of Subgraphs as Image Features (ES), pp. 1069–1074.
ICDAR-2011-WangWZ #graph #online #using #verification- On-line Signature Verification Using Segment-to-Segment Graph Matching (KW, YW, ZZ), pp. 804–808.
PODS-2011-BarceloLR #graph #query- Querying graph patterns (PB, LL, JLR), pp. 199–210.
SIGMOD-2011-FanLLTWW #graph #incremental #pattern matching- Incremental graph pattern matching (WF, JL, JL, ZT, XW, YW), pp. 925–936.
SIGMOD-2011-GuanWZSY #correlation #graph #ranking- Assessing and ranking structural correlations in graphs (ZG, JW, QZ, AKS, XY), pp. 937–948.
SIGMOD-2011-HanPLKY #analysis #graph #performance- iGraph in action: performance analysis of disk-based graph indexing techniques (WSH, MDP, JL, RK, JXY), pp. 1241–1242.
SIGMOD-2011-KhanLYGCT #graph #network #performance #scalability- Neighborhood based fast graph search in large networks (AK, NL, XY, ZG, SC, ST), pp. 901–912.
SIGMOD-2011-KonstantinidisA #approach #graph #query #scalability- Scalable query rewriting: a graph-based approach (GK, JLA), pp. 97–108.
SIGMOD-2011-LianC #graph #performance #probability #query #rdf- Efficient query answering in probabilistic RDF graphs (XL, LC), pp. 157–168.
SIGMOD-2011-SatuluriPR #clustering #graph #scalability- Local graph sparsification for scalable clustering (VS, SP, YR), pp. 721–732.
SIGMOD-2011-ZhaoLXH #graph #multi #network- Graph cube: on warehousing and OLAP multidimensional networks (PZ, XL, DX, JH), pp. 853–864.
VLDB-2011-BlausteinCSAR #graph- Surrogate Parenthood: Protected and Informative Graphs (BTB, AC, LS, MDA, AR), pp. 518–527.
VLDB-2011-Cudre-MaurouxE #data transformation #graph- Graph Data Management Systems for New Application Domains (PCM, SE), pp. 1510–1511.
VLDB-2011-HuangAR #graph #query #rdf #scalability- Scalable SPARQL Querying of Large RDF Graphs (JH, DJA, KR), pp. 1123–1134.
VLDB-2011-JinLDW #constraints #graph #nondeterminism #reachability- Distance-Constraint Reachability Computation in Uncertain Graphs (RJ, LL, BD, HW), pp. 551–562.
VLDB-2011-KargarA #clique #graph #keyword- Keyword Search in Graphs: Finding r-cliques (MK, AA), pp. 681–692.
VLDB-2011-KarwaRSY #analysis #graph- Private Analysis of Graph Structure (VK, SR, AS, GY), pp. 1146–1157.
VLDB-2011-ParameswaranSGPW #graph- Human-assisted graph search: it’s okay to ask questions (AGP, ADS, HGM, NP, JW), pp. 267–278.
VLDB-2011-RenLKZC #evolution #graph #on the #query #sequence- On Querying Historical Evolving Graph Sequences (CR, EL, BK, XZ, RC), pp. 726–737.
VLDB-2011-YangPS #graph #mining #multi #performance- Fast Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on GPUs: Implications for Graph Mining (XY, SP, PS), pp. 231–242.
VLDB-2011-YangPS11a #database #graph #relational #summary- Summary Graphs for Relational Database Schemas (XY, CMP, DS), pp. 899–910.
VLDB-2011-YuanWWC #graph #nondeterminism #performance #scalability- Efficient Subgraph Search over Large Uncertain Graphs (YY, GW, HW, LC), pp. 876–886.
VLDB-2012-GaoJZYJW11 #approach #graph #relational #scalability- Relational Approach for Shortest Path Discovery over Large Graphs (JG, RJ, JZ, JXY, XJ, TW), pp. 358–369.
VLDB-2012-MaCFHW11 #graph #pattern matching- Capturing Topology in Graph Pattern Matching (SM, YC, WF, JH, TW), pp. 310–321.
VLDB-2012-ZhaoAW11 #estimation #graph #named #query #sketching- gSketch: On Query Estimation in Graph Streams (PZ, CCA, MW), pp. 193–204.
ITiCSE-2011-Buck #diagrams #editing #generative #named #user interface- GUIGraph: editing live object diagrams for GUI generation enables new pedagogy in CS1/2 (DB), pp. 193–197.
FASE-2011-EhrigET #graph #using #version control- A Formal Resolution Strategy for Operation-Based Conflicts in Model Versioning Using Graph Modifications (HE, CE, GT), pp. 202–216.
FASE-2011-ZhangZL #api #complexity #graph- Flow-Augmented Call Graph: A New Foundation for Taming API Complexity (QZ, WZ, MRL), pp. 386–400.
CSMR-2011-BelderrarKGAG #architecture #evolution #identification #mining #object-oriented- Sub-graph Mining: Identifying Micro-architectures in Evolving Object-Oriented Software (AB, SK, YGG, GA, PG), pp. 171–180.
ICSM-2011-PaymalPBS #evolution #graph #metric #process #using- Measuring disruption from software evolution activities using graph-based metrics (PP, RP, SB, HPS), pp. 532–535.
ICSM-2011-SunKZ #api #detection #graph #library- Graph-based detection of library API imitations (CS, SCK, SJZ), pp. 183–192.
SCAM-2011-PavluSK #alias #analysis #comparison #graph #precise #set- Computation of Alias Sets from Shape Graphs for Comparison of Shape Analysis Precision (VP, MS, AK), pp. 25–34.
SCAM-2011-SawinR #algorithm #graph- Assumption Hierarchy for a CHA Call Graph Construction Algorithm (JS, AR), pp. 35–44.
WCRE-2011-WangLJ #code search #dependence #graph #topic- Code Search via Topic-Enriched Dependence Graph Matching (SW, DL, LJ), pp. 119–123.
PEPM-J-2007-MollerS11 #graph #program analysis #xml- XML graphs in program analysis (AM, MIS), pp. 492–515.
PLDI-2011-TristanGM #validation- Evaluating value-graph translation validation for LLVM (JBT, PG, GM), pp. 295–305.
STOC-2011-BodirskyP #graph #theorem- Schaefer’s theorem for graphs (MB, MP), pp. 655–664.
STOC-2011-ChristianoKMST #approximate #graph #performance- Electrical flows, laplacian systems, and faster approximation of maximum flow in undirected graphs (PC, JAK, AM, DAS, SHT), pp. 273–282.
STOC-2011-Chuzhoy #algorithm #graph #problem- An algorithm for the graph crossing number problem (JC), pp. 303–312.
STOC-2011-DemaineHK #algorithm #composition #graph- Contraction decomposition in h-minor-free graphs and algorithmic applications (EDD, MH, KiK), pp. 441–450.
STOC-2011-FungHHP #framework #graph- A general framework for graph sparsification (WSF, RH, NJAH, DP), pp. 71–80.
STOC-2011-ItalianoNSW #algorithm #graph- Improved algorithms for min cut and max flow in undirected planar graphs (GFI, YN, PS, CWN), pp. 313–322.
STOC-2011-KawarabayashiW #algorithm #composition #graph #proving- A simpler algorithm and shorter proof for the graph minor decomposition (KiK, PW), pp. 451–458.
STOC-2011-NewmanS #graph- Every property of hyperfinite graphs is testable (IN, CS), pp. 675–684.
CIAA-J-2010-BujtasDINT11 #problem- The Graph-Bin Packing Problem (CB, GD, CI, JNG, ZT), pp. 1971–1993.
DLT-J-2010-YuanCL11 #fault #graph- Linearly Many Faults in (n, k)-Star Graphs (AY, EC, LL), pp. 1729–1745.
AFL-2011-LoeligerN #design #graph #user interface- Affordance Graphs for User Interface Design: Application of Category-theoretic Constructs (EAL, CLN), pp. 392–394.
DLT-2011-KitaevSSU #graph #on the- On the Representability of Line Graphs (SK, PS, CS, HÚ), pp. 478–479.
ICALP-v1-2011-AdlerKKLST #bound #graph- Tight Bounds for Linkages in Planar Graphs (IA, SGK, PKK, DL, SS, DMT), pp. 110–121.
ICALP-v1-2011-BordewichK #agile #bound #graph #set- Rapid Mixing of Subset Glauber Dynamics on Graphs of Bounded Tree-Width (MB, RJK), pp. 533–544.
ICALP-v1-2011-ChengMS #graph- Center Stable Matchings and Centers of Cover Graphs of Distributive Lattices (CTC, EM, IS), pp. 678–689.
ICALP-v1-2011-FarzanK #distance #graph #navigation- Compact Navigation and Distance Oracles for Graphs with Small Treewidth (AF, SK), pp. 268–280.
ICALP-v1-2011-KawarabayashiKS #approximate #bound #distance #graph- Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus and Minor-Free Graphs (KiK, PNK, CS), pp. 135–146.
ICALP-v1-2011-KuhnM #graph- Vertex Cover in Graphs with Locally Few Colors (FK, MM), pp. 498–509.
ICALP-v1-2011-Moldenhauer #algorithm #approximate #graph- Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithms for Node-Weighted Steiner Forest on Planar Graphs (CM), pp. 748–759.
ICALP-v1-2011-Nonner #clique #clustering #graph- Clique Clustering Yields a PTAS for max-Coloring Interval Graphs (TN), pp. 183–194.
ICALP-v2-2011-Chechik #fault tolerance #graph- Fault-Tolerant Compact Routing Schemes for General Graphs (SC), pp. 101–112.
ICALP-v2-2011-HermelinLWY #distance #graph- Distance Oracles for Vertex-Labeled Graphs (DH, AL, OW, RY), pp. 490–501.
ICALP-v2-2011-MegowMS #algorithm #graph #online- Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms (NM, KM, PS), pp. 478–489.
GCM-2010-GolasBEE11 #graph transformation #interpreter #semantics #visual notation- A Visual Interpreter Semantics for Statecharts Based on Amalgamated Graph Transformation (UG, EB, HE, CE).
GCM-2010-GolasEH11 #graph grammar #model transformation #specification- Formal Specification of Model Transformations by Triple Graph Grammars with Application Conditions (UG, HE, FH).
GCM-2010-HoffmannM11 #adaptation #diagrams #generative #graph- Generating Instance Graphs from Class Diagrams with Adaptive Star Grammars (BH, MM).
GCM-2010-PicardM11 #embedded #graph #induction #problem #representation- Coinductive Graph Representation: the Problem of Embedded Lists (CP, RM).
GCM-2010-PlumpSS11 #automaton #finite #graph #source code- Minimizing Finite Automata with Graph Programs (DP, RS, AS).
AGTIVE-2011-BuchmannWW #case study #configuration management #graph transformation- The Added Value of Programmed Graph Transformations — A Case Study from Software Configuration Management (TB, BW, SW), pp. 198–209.
AGTIVE-2011-ErmlerKKT #graph transformation- From Graph Transformation Units via MiniSat to GrGen.NET (ME, HJK, SK, CvT), pp. 153–168.
AGTIVE-2011-FurstMM #graph grammar #heuristic #induction #process- Graph Grammar Induction as a Parser-Controlled Heuristic Search Process (LF, MM, VM), pp. 121–136.
AGTIVE-2011-GalvaoZRWA #analysis #graph #knowledge-based- Knowledge-Based Graph Exploration Analysis (IG, EZ, AR, LW, MA), pp. 105–120.
AGTIVE-2011-HildebrandtLGPR #automation #consistency #graph grammar #implementation #testing- Automatic Conformance Testing of Optimized Triple Graph Grammar Implementations (SH, LL, HG, DP, IR), pp. 238–253.
AGTIVE-2011-LaraG #graph transformation #reuse- Reusable Graph Transformation Templates (JdL, EG), pp. 35–50.
AGTIVE-2011-MantzJT #concept #consistency #evolution #graph transformation #metamodelling #migration- Graph Transformation Concepts for Meta-model Evolution Guaranteeing Permanent Type Conformance throughout Model Migration (FM, SJ, GT), pp. 3–18.
AGTIVE-2011-RossiniLGRL #graph transformation #metamodelling #semantics- A Graph Transformation-Based Semantics for Deep Metamodelling (AR, JdL, EG, AR, YL), pp. 19–34.
AGTIVE-2011-RungeET #algebra #graph transformation #specification- AGG 2.0 — New Features for Specifying and Analyzing Algebraic Graph Transformations (OR, CE, GT), pp. 81–88.
AGTIVE-2011-Strecker #graph transformation #locality #reasoning- Locality in Reasoning about Graph Transformations (MS), pp. 169–181.
AGTIVE-2011-StroblM #diagrams #editing #generative #graph transformation #state machine- Generating Graph Transformation Rules from AML/GT State Machine Diagrams for Building Animated Model Editors (TS, MM), pp. 65–80.
AGTIVE-2011-TichyK #adaptation #graph transformation #self- Planning Self-adaption with Graph Transformations (MT, BK), pp. 137–152.
GT-VMT-2011-BrugginkH #decidability #graph- Decidability and Expressiveness of Finitely Representable Recognizable Graph Languages (HJSB, MH).
GT-VMT-2011-DuvalEP #category theory #graph transformation #term rewriting- Categorical Abstract Rewriting Systems and Functoriality of Graph Transformation (DD, RE, FP).
GT-VMT-2011-EhrigHSB #constraints #graph grammar #model transformation- Propagation of Constraints along Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, FH, HS, CB).
GT-VMT-2011-VandinL #graph #maude #model checking #towards- Towards a Maude Tool for Model Checking Temporal Graph Properties (AV, ALL).
CHI-2011-GuyPDGT #crowdsourcing #game studies #graph #social- Guess who?: enriching the social graph through a crowdsourcing game (IG, AP, TD, OG, IT), pp. 1373–1382.
HCD-2011-NazemiBK #graph #taxonomy #visual notation #visualisation- User-Oriented Graph Visualization Taxonomy: A Data-Oriented Examination of Visual Features (KN, MB, AK), pp. 576–585.
HCI-DDA-2011-HeL #graph #image #modelling #segmentation- An Image Segmentation Method for Chinese Paintings by Combining Deformable Models with Graph Cuts (NH, KL), pp. 571–579.
HCI-ITE-2011-AbushamB #graph #recognition #using- Face Recognition Using Local Graph Structure (LGS) (EEAA, HKB), pp. 169–175.
HIMI-v2-2011-SagaTKTM #analysis #comparison #using- Comparison Analysis for Text Data by Using FACT-Graph (RS, ST, KK, HT, KM), pp. 75–83.
VISSOFT-2011-ErdemirTB #graph #named #object-oriented #quality #visualisation- E-Quality: A graph based object oriented software quality visualization tool (UE, UT, FB), pp. 1–8.
VISSOFT-2011-LonnbergBM #concurrent #dependence #graph #source code #visualisation- Visualising concurrent programs with dynamic dependence graphs (JL, MBA, LM), pp. 1–4.
CAiSE-2011-GuabtniNB #correlation #graph #interactive #using- Using Graph Aggregation for Service Interaction Message Correlation (AG, HRMN, BB), pp. 642–656.
EDOC-2011-HildebrandtMS #design #graph #using- Designing a Cross-Organizational Case Management System Using Dynamic Condition Response Graphs (TTH, RRM, TS), pp. 161–170.
CIKM-2011-CaoCS #graph #named- Skynets: searching for minimum trees in graphs with incomparable edge weights (HC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1775–1784.
CIKM-2011-ClaudeL #graph #social #web- Practical representations for web and social graphs (FC, SL), pp. 1185–1190.
CIKM-2011-DavisLMR #detection #graph- Detecting anomalies in graphs with numeric labels (MD, WL, PCM, GR), pp. 1197–1202.
CIKM-2011-DengLPCX #ad hoc #database #graph #predict #query #reachability- Predicting the optimal ad-hoc index for reachability queries on graph databases (JD, FL, YP, BC, JX), pp. 2357–2360.
CIKM-2011-ElbassuoniB #graph #keyword #rdf- Keyword search over RDF graphs (SE, RB), pp. 237–242.
CIKM-2011-KermarrecLT #distributed #graph #social- Distributed social graph embedding (AMK, VL, GT), pp. 1209–1214.
CIKM-2011-KimJHSZ #approach #corpus #graph #mining- Mining entity translations from comparable corpora: a holistic graph mapping approach (JK, LJ, SwH, YIS, MZ), pp. 1295–1304.
CIKM-2011-MalikMOSS #ecosystem #graph- Exploring the corporate ecosystem with a semi-supervised entity graph (HHM, IM, MOO, SS, SS), pp. 1857–1866.
CIKM-2011-NiuLX #graph #named #ranking #using- DIGRank: using global degree to facilitate ranking in an incomplete graph (XN, LL, KX), pp. 2297–2300.
CIKM-2011-ShiLY #graph #predict- Collective prediction with latent graphs (XS, YL, PSY), pp. 1127–1136.
CIKM-2011-TretyakovAGVD #estimation #graph #performance #scalability- Fast fully dynamic landmark-based estimation of shortest path distances in very large graphs (KT, AAC, LGB, JV, MD), pp. 1785–1794.
CIKM-2011-WangNSTC #clustering #dependence #documentation #graph #representation- Representing document as dependency graph for document clustering (YW, XN, JTS, YT, ZC), pp. 2177–2180.
CIKM-2011-WangWLZZ #analysis #approach #classification #graph #hashtag #sentiment #topic #twitter- Topic sentiment analysis in twitter: a graph-based hashtag sentiment classification approach (XW, FW, XL, MZ, MZ), pp. 1031–1040.
CIKM-2011-XieY #graph #named #performance #scalability- CP-index: on the efficient indexing of large graphs (YX, PSY), pp. 1795–1804.
CIKM-2011-XuZYCXZ #constraints #graph #reachability #scalability- Answering label-constraint reachability in large graphs (KX, LZ, JXY, LC, YX, DZ), pp. 1595–1600.
CIKM-2011-YangZJ #graph #multi #named #query- DELTA: indexing and querying multi-labeled graphs (JY, SZ, WJ), pp. 1765–1774.
CIKM-2011-ZhouPW #constraints #graph #keyword #performance #scalability- Efficient association discovery with keyword-based constraints on large graph data (MZ, YP, YW), pp. 2441–2444.
CIKM-2011-ZhuQYKL #graph #performance #quality #scalability- High efficiency and quality: large graphs matching (YZ, LQ, JXY, YK, XL), pp. 1755–1764.
ICML-2011-JalaliCSX #clustering #graph #optimisation- Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization (AJ, YC, SS, HX), pp. 1001–1008.
ICML-2011-LiuWKC #graph- Hashing with Graphs (WL, JW, SK, SFC), pp. 1–8.
ICML-2011-LuoDNH #graph- Cauchy Graph Embedding (DL, CHQD, FN, HH), pp. 553–560.
ICML-2011-WickRBCM #graph #named- SampleRank: Training Factor Graphs with Atomic Gradients (MLW, KR, KB, AC, AM), pp. 777–784.
KDD-2011-AoyamaSSU #approximate #graph #performance #similarity- Fast approximate similarity search based on degree-reduced neighborhood graphs (KA, KS, HS, NU), pp. 1055–1063.
KDD-2011-BifetHPG #data type #evolution #graph #mining- Mining frequent closed graphs on evolving data streams (AB, GH, BP, RG), pp. 591–599.
KDD-2011-ChauKHF #graph #interactive #machine learning #named #scalability #visualisation- Apolo: interactive large graph sensemaking by combining machine learning and visualization (DHC, AK, JIH, CF), pp. 739–742.
KDD-2011-DubeyCB #graph #ranking- Diversity in ranking via resistive graph centers (AD, SC, CB), pp. 78–86.
KDD-2011-GaoLWWL #graph #metadata #ranking #scalability- Semi-supervised ranking on very large graphs with rich metadata (BG, TYL, WW, TW, HL), pp. 96–104.
KDD-2011-HendersonGLAETF #graph #mining #recursion #using- It’s who you know: graph mining using recursive structural features (KH, BG, LL, LA, TER, HT, CF), pp. 663–671.
KDD-2011-JiangFH #data type #graph #locality #network- Anomaly localization for network data streams with graph joint sparse PCA (RJ, HF, JH), pp. 886–894.
KDD-2011-JinLA #graph #nondeterminism #reliability- Discovering highly reliable subgraphs in uncertain graphs (RJ, LL, CCA), pp. 992–1000.
KDD-2011-KangTSLF #graph #named #scalability- GBASE: a scalable and general graph management system (UK, HT, JS, CYL, CF), pp. 1091–1099.
KDD-2011-KongFY #classification #graph- Dual active feature and sample selection for graph classification (XK, WF, PSY), pp. 654–662.
KDD-2011-NamataKG #graph #identification- Collective graph identification (GN, SK, LG), pp. 87–95.
KDD-2011-ShiFZY #evolution #graph- Discovering shakers from evolving entities via cascading graph inference (XS, WF, JZ, PSY), pp. 1001–1009.
KDD-2011-ToivonenZHH #graph- Compression of weighted graphs (HT, FZ, AH, AH), pp. 965–973.
KDD-2011-TongHWKL #graph #optimisation #ranking #scalability- Diversified ranking on large graphs: an optimization viewpoint (HT, JH, ZW, RK, CYL), pp. 1028–1036.
KDD-2011-ZhouBS #approach #graph #ranking- An iterated graph laplacian approach for ranking on manifolds (XZ, MB, NS), pp. 877–885.
KDIR-2011-ClariziaCSGN #graph #novel #query- A Novel Query Expansion Technique based on a Mixed Graph of Terms (FC, FC, MDS, LG, PN), pp. 84–93.
KDIR-2011-DeruyverH #approach #consistency #graph #image #information management #semantics- Semantic Graphs and Arc Consistency Checking — The Renewal of an Old Approach for Information Extraction from Images (AD, YH), pp. 515–522.
KDIR-2011-LiVM #graph #learning #relational #using #visual notation- Unsupervised Handwritten Graphical Symbol Learning — Using Minimum Description Length Principle on Relational Graph (JL, CVG, HM), pp. 172–178.
KDIR-2011-SanJuan #graph- Mapping Knowledge Domains — Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory (ES), pp. 527–536.
KDIR-2011-Vanetik #algorithm #graph #mining #performance- A Fast Algorithm for Mining Graphs of Prescribed Connectivity (NV), pp. 5–13.
KEOD-2011-CruzN #graph #ontology #xml- A Graph-based Tool for the Translation of XML Data to OWL-DL Ontologies (CC, CN), pp. 361–364.
KEOD-2011-FukumotoS #classification #clustering #graph #semantics #word- Semantic Classification of Unknown Words based on Graph-based Semi-supervised Clustering (FF, YS), pp. 37–46.
KEOD-2011-YamasakiS #graph- A Graph Manipulation System Abstracted from e-Learning (SY, MS), pp. 466–469.
RecSys-2011-LeeSKLL #graph #multi #random #ranking #recommendation- Random walk based entity ranking on graph for multidimensional recommendation (SL, SiS, MK, DL, SgL), pp. 93–100.
SEKE-2011-RoudakiK #grammarware #graph grammar #web- Graph Grammar Based Web Data Extraction (AR, JK), pp. 373–378.
SIGIR-2011-HanSZ #graph #web- Collective entity linking in web text: a graph-based method (XH, LS, JZ), pp. 765–774.
SIGIR-2011-Jiang #graph #query #semantics- Query expansion based on a semantic graph model (XJ), pp. 1315–1316.
SIGIR-2011-JiYGHHZC #graph #learning #query #web- Learning search tasks in queries and web pages via graph regularization (MJ, JY, SG, JH, XH, WVZ, ZC), pp. 55–64.
SIGIR-2011-LeeHWHS #dataset #graph #image #learning #multi #pipes and filters #scalability #using- Multi-layer graph-based semi-supervised learning for large-scale image datasets using mapreduce (WYL, LCH, GLW, WHH, YFS), pp. 1121–1122.
SIGIR-2011-Li #graph #learning- Learning for graphs with annotated edges (FL), pp. 1259–1260.
SIGIR-2011-QianH- Graph-cut based tag enrichment (XQ, XSH), pp. 1111–1112.
SIGIR-2011-TangLWWL #ambiguity #graph #network #social- A bipartite graph based social network splicing method for person name disambiguation (JT, QL, TW, JW, WL), pp. 1233–1234.
ICMT-J-2010-GronmoM11 #diagrams #graph transformation #sequence chart #state machine #uml- From UML 2 Sequence Diagrams to State Machines by Graph Transformation (RG, BMP), pp. 182–203.
BX-2011-Brandt #enterprise #graph grammar #modelling #on the #requirements- On the role of Triple Graph Grammars Concerning Requirements for Enterprise Modeling (CB), p. 54.
BX-2011-Hidaka #bidirectional #graph transformation #recursion- Bidirectional Graph Transformations based on Structural Recursion (SH), p. 59.
BX-2011-Kindler #concept #graph grammar #implementation- Triple Graph Grammars: Concepts, Extensions, Implementations, and Application Scenarios (EK), p. 60.
BX-2011-Schuerr #graph grammar #in a nutshell- Triple Graph Grammars in a Nutshell (AS), p. 51.
ICMT-2011-BergmannURV #emf #graph #modelling #query- A Graph Query Language for EMF Models (GB, ZU, IR, DV), pp. 167–182.
MoDELS-2011-HermannEOCDX #correctness #graph grammar- Correctness of Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, FO, KC, ZD, YX), pp. 668–682.
MoDELS-2011-HermannEOCDX #correctness #graph grammar- Correctness of Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, FO, KC, ZD, YX), pp. 668–682.
LOPSTR-2011-FernandezKN #graph grammar- A Strategy Language for Graph Rewriting (MF, HK, ON), pp. 173–188.
LOPSTR-2011-HidakaHIKMNS #graph transformation #optimisation- Marker-Directed Optimization of UnCAL Graph Transformations (SH, ZH, KI, HK, KM, KN, IS), pp. 123–138.
PPDP-2011-InabaHHKN #higher-order #logic #monad #using #verification- Graph-transformation verification using monadic second-order logic (KI, SH, ZH, HK, KN), pp. 17–28.
POPL-2011-PrountzosMPM #analysis #graph #optimisation #parallel #source code- A shape analysis for optimizing parallel graph programs (DP, RM, KP, KSM), pp. 159–172.
SAC-2011-Jamil #graph #query #unification #using- Computing subgraph isomorphic queries using structural unification and minimum graph structures (HMJ), pp. 1053–1058.
SAC-2011-KostakisKMM #comparison #graph #using- Improved call graph comparison using simulated annealing (OK, JK, HM, KM), pp. 1516–1523.
SAC-2011-WangJZO #database #graph #keyword- Exact top-k keyword search on graph databases (MW, LJ, LZ, TO), pp. 985–986.
SAC-2011-Zhang #analysis #constraints #geometry #graph #problem- Well-constrained completion for under-constrained geometric constraint problem based on connectivity analysis of graph (GFZ), pp. 1094–1099.
SAC-2011-ZouaqGH #concept #graph #using- Ontologizing concept maps using graph theory (AZ, DG, MH), pp. 1687–1692.
ESEC-FSE-2011-RamamurthiRS #analysis #data flow #graph #probability #using- Probabilistic dataflow analysis using path profiles on structure graphs (AR, SR, YNS), pp. 512–515.
ICSE-2011-KumarKRL #graph #mining #sequence- Mining message sequence graphs (SK, SCK, AR, DL), pp. 91–100.
ICSE-2011-Malik #analysis #graph #using- Dynamic shape analysis of program heap using graph spectra (MZM), pp. 952–955.
CGO-2011-ChakrabartiBBJS #graph #memory management #optimisation #runtime #transaction- The runtime abort graph and its application to software transactional memory optimization (DRC, PB, HJB, PGJ, RSS), pp. 42–53.
PPoPP-2011-GrossetZLVH #graph- Evaluating graph coloring on GPUs (AVPG, PZ, SL, SV, MWH), pp. 297–298.
PPoPP-2011-HongKOO #algorithm #graph- Accelerating CUDA graph algorithms at maximum warp (SH, SKK, TO, KO), pp. 267–276.
CSL-2011-Kartzow #automaton #graph- A Pumping Lemma for Collapsible Pushdown Graphs of Level 2 (AK), pp. 322–336.
RTA-2011-Bahr #convergence #graph grammar- Modes of Convergence for Term Graph Rewriting (PB), pp. 139–154.
RTA-2011-GrathwohlKPS #graph #named #reduction #term rewriting #visualisation #λ-calculus- Anagopos: A Reduction Graph Visualizer for Term Rewriting and λ Calculus (NBBG, JK, JDP, JGS), pp. 61–70.
SAT-2011-HeuleJB #graph #performance- Efficient CNF Simplification Based on Binary Implication Graphs (MH, MJ, AB), pp. 201–215.
SAT-2011-SpeckenmeyerWP #approach #graph #satisfiability- A Satisfiability-Based Approach for Embedding Generalized Tanglegrams on Level Graphs (ES, AW, SP), pp. 134–144.
ASE-2010-Letarte #analysis #graph #interprocedural #model checking #precise #representation- Model checking graph representation of precise boolean inter-procedural flow analysis (DL), pp. 511–516.
ASE-2010-WangLCZMY #dependence #graph #query- Matching dependence-related queries in the system dependence graph (XW, DL, JC, LZ, HM, JXY), pp. 457–466.
DAC-2010-LinL #graph- Double patterning lithography aware gridless detailed routing with innovative conflict graph (YHL, YLL), pp. 398–403.
DAC-2010-ParkBWM #debugging #graph #locality #named #using- BLoG: post-silicon bug localization in processors using bug localization graphs (SBP, AB, HW, SM), pp. 368–373.
DATE-2010-HuanYCM #energy #graph- Energy-oriented dynamic SPM allocation based on time-slotted Cache conflict graph (WH, ZY, MC, LM), pp. 598–601.
DATE-2010-PerezSF #data flow #graph #optimisation #relational- Optimizing Data-Flow Graphs with min/max, adding and relational operations (JP, PS, VF), pp. 1361–1364.
DATE-2010-SrinivasJ #clustering #graph #performance- Clock gating approaches by IOEX graphs and cluster efficiency plots (JS, SJ), pp. 638–641.
DATE-2010-WiggersBGB #graph- Simultaneous budget and buffer size computation for throughput-constrained task graphs (MW, MB, MG, TB), pp. 1669–1672.
HT-2010-CartledgeN #analysis #graph- Analysis of graphs for digital preservation suitability (CLC, MLN), pp. 109–118.
PODS-2010-BarceloHLW #query- Expressive languages for path queries over graph-structured data (PB, CAH, LL, PTW), pp. 3–14.
SIGMOD-2010-AchiezraGKS #graph #keyword- Exploratory keyword search on data graphs (HA, KG, BK, YS), pp. 1163–1166.
SIGMOD-2010-ChengKFYZ #clique #network- Finding maximal cliques in massive networks by H*-graph (JC, YK, AWCF, JXY, LZ), pp. 447–458.
SIGMOD-2010-ChenWHY #graph #in the cloud #scalability- Large graph processing in the cloud (RC, XW, BH, MY), pp. 1123–1126.
SIGMOD-2010-JinBXCC #database #graph #named #query #towards #visual notation- GBLENDER: towards blending visual query formulation and query processing in graph databases (CJ, SSB, XX, JC, BC), pp. 111–122.
SIGMOD-2010-JinHWRX #constraints #database #graph #reachability- Computing label-constraint reachability in graph databases (RJ, HH, HW, NR, YX), pp. 123–134.
SIGMOD-2010-JinYW #classification #graph #named #using- GAIA: graph classification using evolutionary computation (NJ, CY, WW), pp. 879–890.
SIGMOD-2010-KhanYW #graph #mining #proximity #scalability #towards- Towards proximity pattern mining in large graphs (AK, XY, KLW), pp. 867–878.
SIGMOD-2010-MalewiczABDHLC #graph #named #scalability- Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing (GM, MHA, AJCB, JCD, IH, NL, GC), pp. 135–146.
SIGMOD-2010-TaoSL #graph- Finding maximum degrees in hidden bipartite graphs (YT, CS, JL), pp. 891–902.
SIGMOD-2010-Wei #graph #named #performance #query- TEDI: efficient shortest path query answering on graphs (FW0), pp. 99–110.
VLDB-2010-AggarwalLYJ #graph #mining #on the- On Dense Pattern Mining in Graph Streams (CCA, YL, PSY, RJ), pp. 975–984.
VLDB-2010-FanLMTWW #graph #pattern matching #polynomial- Graph Pattern Matching: From Intractable to Polynomial Time (WF, JL, SM, NT, YW, YW), pp. 264–275.
VLDB-2010-FanLMWW #graph #morphism- Graph Homomorphism Revisited for Graph Matching (WF, JL, SM, HW, YW), pp. 1161–1172.
VLDB-2010-HanLPY #framework #graph #named- iGraph: A Framework for Comparisons of Disk-Based Graph Indexing Techniques (WSH, JL, MDP, JXY), pp. 449–459.
VLDB-2010-MacropolS #clustering #graph #scalability- Scalable Discovery of Best Clusters on Large Graphs (KM, AKS), pp. 693–702.
VLDB-2010-PotamiasBGK #graph #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism- k-Nearest Neighbors in Uncertain Graphs (MP, FB, AG, GK), pp. 997–1008.
VLDB-2010-WickMM #database #graph #probability #scalability- Scalable Probabilistic Databases with Factor Graphs and MCMC (MLW, AM, GM), pp. 794–804.
VLDB-2010-YildirimCZ #graph #named #reachability #scalability- GRAIL: Scalable Reachability Index for Large Graphs (HY, VC, MJZ), pp. 276–284.
VLDB-2010-ZhangYJ #approximate #graph #named #scalability- SAPPER: Subgraph Indexing and Approximate Matching in Large Graphs (SZ, JY, WJ), pp. 1185–1194.
VLDB-2010-ZhaoH #graph #network #on the #optimisation #query #scalability- On Graph Query Optimization in Large Networks (PZ, JH), pp. 340–351.
VLDB-2011-RiceT10 #graph #network #query #strict- Graph Indexing of Road Networks for Shortest Path Queries with Label Restrictions (MNR, VJT), pp. 69–80.
VLDB-2011-WangZTT10 #graph #on the- On Triangulation-based Dense Neighborhood Graphs Discovery (NW, JZ, KLT, AKHT), pp. 58–68.
ITiCSE-2010-Kasyanov #graph #tool support- Support tools for graphs in computer science (VNK), p. 315.
ESOP-2010-BlazyRA #graph #verification- Formal Verification of Coalescing Graph-Coloring Register Allocation (SB, BR, AWA), pp. 145–164.
ESOP-2010-LavironCR #graph- Separating Shape Graphs (VL, BYEC, XR), pp. 387–406.
FASE-2010-TorriniHR #graph transformation #probability #simulation- Stochastic Simulation of Graph Transformation Systems (PT, RH, IR), pp. 154–157.
ICPC-2010-ChenR #case study #dependence #feature model #graph #using- Case Study of Feature Location Using Dependence Graph, after 10 Years (KC, VR), pp. 1–3.
ICSM-2010-BhattacharyaN #debugging #fine-grained #graph #incremental #learning #multi- Fine-grained incremental learning and multi-feature tossing graphs to improve bug triaging (PB, IN), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-LiQJW #automation #generative #graph #testing- Automatic test case selection and generation for regression testing of composite service based on extensible BPEL flow graph (BL, DQ, SJ, DW), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-SaleckerG #graph #testing #using- Pairwise test set calculation using k-partite graphs (ES, SG), pp. 1–5.
SCAM-2010-AllierVDS #graph #metric- Deriving Coupling Metrics from Call Graphs (SA, SV, BD, HAS), pp. 43–52.
PEPM-2010-Miljenovic- The SourceGraph program (ILM), pp. 151–154.
STOC-2010-BateniHM #approximate #bound #graph- Approximation schemes for steiner forest on planar graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth (MB, MH, DM), pp. 211–220.
STOC-2010-BayatiGT #approach #combinator #graph #random #scalability- Combinatorial approach to the interpolation method and scaling limits in sparse random graphs (MB, DG, PT), pp. 105–114.
STOC-2010-DuanP #graph- Connectivity oracles for failure prone graphs (RD, SP), pp. 465–474.
STOC-2010-GoelKK #graph- Perfect matchings in o(n log n) time in regular bipartite graphs (AG, MK, SK), pp. 39–46.
STOC-2010-KawarabayashiW #algorithm #graph #proving #theorem- A shorter proof of the graph minor algorithm: the unique linkage theorem (KiK, PW), pp. 687–694.
STOC-2010-Madry #algorithm #approximate #graph #multi #performance #problem- Faster approximation schemes for fractional multicommodity flow problems via dynamic graph algorithms (AM), pp. 121–130.
STOC-2010-RaghavendraS #game studies #graph- Graph expansion and the unique games conjecture (PR, DS), pp. 755–764.
STOC-2010-RaghavendraST #approximate #graph #parametricity- Approximations for the isoperimetric and spectral profile of graphs and related parameters (PR, DS, PT), pp. 631–640.
FLOPS-2010-AvanziniM #analysis #complexity #graph grammar- Complexity Analysis by Graph Rewriting (MA, GM), pp. 257–271.
CIAA-2010-EpifanioFGMS #graph #lazy evaluation #on the- On Lazy Representations and Sturmian Graphs (CE, CF, AG, FM, JS), pp. 125–134.
CIAA-2010-Neider #automation #game studies #graph #reachability- Reachability Games on Automatic Graphs (DN), pp. 222–230.
DLT-2010-HalldorssonKP #graph #word- Graphs Capturing Alternations in Words (MMH, SK, AVP), pp. 436–437.
DLT-2010-HauboldLM #graph #morphism #problem #word- Compressed Conjugacy and the Word Problem for Outer Automorphism Groups of Graph Groups (NH, ML, CM), pp. 218–230.
ICALP-v1-2010-CaiCL #graph #morphism #theorem- Graph Homomorphisms with Complex Values: A Dichotomy Theorem (JyC, XC, PL), pp. 275–286.
ICALP-v1-2010-KoblerKLV #canonical #graph #representation- Interval Graphs: Canonical Representation in Logspace (JK, SK, BL, OV), pp. 384–395.
ICALP-v1-2010-RueST #graph #programming- Dynamic Programming for Graphs on Surfaces (JR, IS, DMT), pp. 372–383.
ICALP-v2-2010-ChechikEPP #graph #reliability- Sparse Reliable Graph Backbones (SC, YE, BPS, DP), pp. 261–272.
ICALP-v2-2010-Rensink #composition #graph transformation- Compositionality in Graph Transformation (AR), pp. 309–320.
SEFM-2010-BarrosCHP #graph #slicing- Assertion-based Slicing and Slice Graphs (JBB, DCdC, PRH, JSP), pp. 93–102.
ICFP-2010-HidakaHIKMN #bidirectional #graph transformation- Bidirectionalizing graph transformations (SH, ZH, KI, HK, KM, KN), pp. 205–216.
GT-VMT-2010-BlumeBK #graph #invariant- Recognizable Graph Languages for Checking Invariants (CB, HJSB, BK).
GT-VMT-2010-GrohmannM #algebra #graph- Graph Algebras for Bigraphs (DG, MM).
GT-VMT-2010-HermannCEK #analysis #equivalence #graph #performance #permutation #petri net- Efficient Analysis of Permutation Equivalence of Graph Derivations Based on Petri Nets (FH, AC, HE, BK).
GT-VMT-2010-HoffmannM #graph grammar #metamodelling #modelling- Defining Models — Meta Models versus Graph Grammars (BH, MM).
GT-VMT-2010-MolR #graph #on the #order- On A Graph Formalism for Ordered Edges (MdM, AR).
GT-VMT-2010-TorriniHRB #graph transformation #probability- Stochastic Graph Transformation with Regions (PT, RH, IR, GB).
ICGT-2010-BaldanBCKS #graph grammar #on the- On the Computation of McMillan’s Prefix for Contextual Nets and Graph Grammars (PB, AB, AC, BK, SS), pp. 91–106.
ICGT-2010-Biermann #emf #formal method #graph transformation #model transformation- EMF Model Transformation Based on Graph Transformation: Formal Foundation and Tool Environment (EB), pp. 381–383.
ICGT-2010-Blume #graph #verification- Recognizable Graph Languages for the Verification of Dynamic Systems (CB), pp. 384–387.
ICGT-2010-BrandtH #enterprise #graph transformation #how #modelling #question- How Far Can Enterprise Modeling for Banking Be Supported by Graph Transformation? (CB, FH), pp. 3–26.
ICGT-2010-HermannEOG #analysis #behaviour #formal method #functional #graph grammar #model transformation- Formal Analysis of Functional Behaviour for Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, FO, UG), pp. 155–170.
ICGT-2010-Hulsbusch #bisimulation #graph transformation- Bisimulation Theory for Graph Transformation Systems (MH), pp. 391–393.
ICGT-2010-Jurack #emf #graph #inheritance #modelling- Composite EMF Modeling Based on Typed Graphs with Inheritance and Containment Structures (SJ), pp. 397–399.
ICGT-2010-JurackT #component #concept #graph #inheritance- A Component Concept for Typed Graphs with Inheritance and Containment Structures (SJ, GT), pp. 187–202.
ICGT-2010-Kahl #category theory #graph transformation- Amalgamating Pushout and Pullback Graph Transformation in Collagories (WK), pp. 362–378.
ICGT-2010-KonigE #graph transformation #specification #verification- Verification of Graph Transformation Systems with Context-Free Specifications (BK, JE), pp. 107–122.
ICGT-2010-KreowskiKW #graph transformation #satisfiability- Graph Transformation Units Guided by a SAT Solver (HJK, SK, RW), pp. 27–42.
ICGT-2010-LaraGBHT #graph transformation #simulation- Graph Transformation for Domain-Specific Discrete Event Time Simulation (JdL, EG, AB, RH, PT), pp. 266–281.
ICGT-2010-Lowe #graph grammar- Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories (ML), pp. 218–233.
ICGT-2010-OrejasL #constraints #graph transformation #theorem proving- Delaying Constraint Solving in Symbolic Graph Transformation (FO, LL), pp. 43–58.
ICGT-2010-PoskittP #calculus #graph #hoare #source code- A Hoare Calculus for Graph Programs (CMP, DP), pp. 139–154.
ICGT-2010-Qayum #automation #graph transformation #refactoring #search-based #using- Automated Assistance for Search-Based Refactoring Using Unfolding of Graph Transformation Systems (FQ), pp. 407–409.
ICGT-2010-Radke #correctness #graph #source code- Correctness of Graph Programs Relative to HR + Conditions (HR), pp. 410–412.
ICGT-2010-TaentzerELW #detection #graph #version control- Conflict Detection for Model Versioning Based on Graph Modifications (GT, CE, PL, MW), pp. 171–186.
ICGT-2010-Zambon #abstraction #graph transformation #using #verification- Using Graph Transformations and Graph Abstractions for Software Verification (EZ), pp. 416–418.
CHI-2010-McGookinRB #graph #interactive #using- Clutching at straws: using tangible interaction to provide non-visual access to graphs (DKM, ER, SAB), pp. 1715–1724.
SOFTVIS-2010-MedaniHBKLMPSY #graph #visualisation- Graph works — pilot graph theory visualization tool (DM, GH, CB, PK, NL, TM, SP, RS, AY), pp. 205–206.
CAiSE-2010-LyRD #design #graph #information management #verification- Design and Verification of Instantiable Compliance Rule Graphs in Process-Aware Information Systems (LTL, SRM, PD), pp. 9–23.
EDOC-2010-Gronmo #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #question- Can Graph Transformation Make Aspect Languages for BPEL Redundant? (RG), pp. 153–162.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-Chein #graph #information management #reasoning #representation- Graph-based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (MC), pp. 17–21.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-ArtignanH #graph #named #tool support #visualisation- STOOG — Style-Sheets-based Toolkit for Graph Visualization (GA, MH), pp. 123–131.
CIKM-2010-CaiP #graph #named #query #reachability #scalability- Path-hop: efficiently indexing large graphs for reachability queries (JC, CKP), pp. 119–128.
CIKM-2010-ChengOWZ #graph #named #web #web service- WS-GraphMatching: a web service tool for graph matching (QC, MO, JW, AZ), pp. 1949–1950.
CIKM-2010-DeyJ #approach #database #graph #query #reachability #scalability- A hierarchical approach to reachability query answering in very large graph databases (SKD, HMJ), pp. 1377–1380.
CIKM-2010-GaoQJWY #graph #performance- Fast top-k simple shortest paths discovery in graphs (JG, HQ, XJ, TW, DY), pp. 509–518.
CIKM-2010-GubichevBSW #estimation #graph #performance #scalability- Fast and accurate estimation of shortest paths in large graphs (AG, SJB, SS, GW), pp. 499–508.
CIKM-2010-HuangSN #graph #query #refinement #using #word- Query model refinement using word graphs (YH, LS, JYN), pp. 1453–1456.
CIKM-2010-PobleteBMB #graph #image #query #retrieval #semantic gap #using #web- Visual-semantic graphs: using queries to reduce the semantic gap in web image retrieval (BP, BB, MM, JMB), pp. 1553–1556.
CIKM-2010-SongH #graph #independence #rdf- Domain-independent entity coreference in RDF graphs (DS, JH), pp. 1821–1824.
CIKM-2010-SunPL #graph- Support elements in graph structured schema reintegration (XS, RP, MKL), pp. 1361–1364.
CIKM-2010-ZhangLY #graph #named- SUMMA: subgraph matching in massive graphs (SZ, SL, JY), pp. 1285–1288.
CIKM-2010-ZhengGYXBSHY #community #graph #interactive #topic- A topical link model for community discovery in textual interaction graph (GZ, JG, LY, SX, SB, ZS, DH, YY), pp. 1613–1616.
ICML-2010-Cesa-BianchiGVZ #graph #predict #random- Random Spanning Trees and the Prediction of Weighted Graphs (NCB, CG, FV, GZ), pp. 175–182.
ICML-2010-GavishNC #graph #learning #multi #theory and practice- Multiscale Wavelets on Trees, Graphs and High Dimensional Data: Theory and Applications to Semi Supervised Learning (MG, BN, RRC), pp. 367–374.
ICML-2010-LiuHC #graph #learning #scalability- Large Graph Construction for Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning (WL, JH, SFC), pp. 679–686.
ICML-2010-LiuNLL #analysis #graph #learning #relational- Learning Temporal Causal Graphs for Relational Time-Series Analysis (YL, ANM, ACL, YL), pp. 687–694.
ICML-2010-LiuY #graph #robust- Robust Graph Mode Seeking by Graph Shift (HL, SY), pp. 671–678.
ICML-2010-TingHJ #analysis #convergence #graph- An Analysis of the Convergence of Graph Laplacians (DT, LH, MIJ), pp. 1079–1086.
ICPR-2010-AslanAFRAX #3d #graph #segmentation #using- 3D Vertebral Body Segmentation Using Shape Based Graph Cuts (MSA, AMA, AAF, HMR, BA, PX), pp. 3951–3954.
ICPR-2010-BaldacciBD #3d #algorithm #bound #design #framework #graph #segmentation- Oriented Boundary Graph: A Framework to Design and Implement 3D Segmentation Algorithms (FB, AJPB, JPD), pp. 1116–1119.
ICPR-2010-BardajiFS #distance #edit distance #graph- Computing the Barycenter Graph by Means of the Graph Edit Distance (IB, MF, AS), pp. 962–965.
ICPR-2010-BauerEOBKFHN #approach #bound #estimation #graph #performance #robust- A Fast and Robust Graph-Based Approach for Boundary Estimation of Fiber Bundles Relying on Fractional Anisotropy Maps (MHAB, JE, TO, SB, JK, BF, HKH, CN), pp. 4016–4019.
ICPR-2010-BonevEGB #feature model #graph- Information-theoretic Feature Selection from Unattributed Graphs (BB, FE, DG, SB), pp. 930–933.
ICPR-2010-ChenF #graph #learning- Semi-supervised Graph Learning: Near Strangers or Distant Relatives (WC, GF), pp. 3368–3371.
ICPR-2010-ChowdhuryCGR #graph #using #video- Cell Tracking in Video Microscopy Using Bipartite Graph Matching (ASC, RC, MG, NR), pp. 2456–2459.
ICPR-2010-CordellaSMS #graph #order #traversal- Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Graph Traversal (LPC, CDS, AM, AS), pp. 1896–1899.
ICPR-2010-FerrerB #algorithm #approximate #graph- An Iterative Algorithm for Approximate Median Graph Computation (MF, HB), pp. 1562–1565.
ICPR-2010-FreireCF #approach #generative #graph #problem- A Column Generation Approach for the Graph Matching Problem (ASF, RMCJ, CEF), pp. 1088–1091.
ICPR-2010-HaugeardPG #graph #image #kernel #retrieval #taxonomy- Kernel on Graphs Based on Dictionary of Paths for Image Retrieval (JEH, SPF, PHG), pp. 2965–2968.
ICPR-2010-IgelmoSF #graph #representation- A Conductance Electrical Model for Representing and Matching Weighted Undirected Graphs (MI, AS, MF), pp. 958–961.
ICPR-2010-JainO #consistency #graph- Consistent Estimator of Median and Mean Graph (BJJ, KO), pp. 1032–1035.
ICPR-2010-JouiliTL #algorithm #clustering #graph- Median Graph Shift: A New Clustering Algorithm for Graph Domain (SJ, ST, VL), pp. 950–953.
ICPR-2010-LeeCL #algorithm #data-driven #graph #markov #monte carlo #using- A Graph Matching Algorithm Using Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling (JL, MC, KML), pp. 2816–2819.
ICPR-2010-LeskoKNGTVV #graph #segmentation- Live Cell Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy via Graph Cut (ML, ZK, AN, IG, ZT, LVJ, LV), pp. 1485–1488.
ICPR-2010-RevaudLAB #graph #learning #performance #recognition #robust- Learning an Efficient and Robust Graph Matching Procedure for Specific Object Recognition (JR, GL, YA, AB), pp. 754–757.
ICPR-2010-RichiardiVRB #classification #graph #sequence- Vector Space Embedding of Undirected Graphs with Fixed-cardinality Vertex Sequences for Classification (JR, DVDV, KR, HB), pp. 902–905.
ICPR-2010-SanromaAS #approach #graph #using- A Discrete Labelling Approach to Attributed Graph Matching Using SIFT Features (GS, RA, FS), pp. 954–957.
ICPR-2010-WangLR #clustering #graph- Combining Real and Virtual Graphs to Enhance Data Clustering (LW, CL, KR), pp. 790–793.
ICPR-2010-ZhangK10a #detection #graph #using- Text Detection Using Edge Gradient and Graph Spectrum (JZ, RK), pp. 3979–3982.
ICPR-2010-ZhangYWWXHY #graph #multi #recognition- Multi-class Graph Boosting with Subgraph Sharing for Object Recognition (BZ, GY, YW, WW, JX, GH, YY), pp. 1541–1544.
ICPR-2010-ZhouZP #approach #graph #named- Lipreading: A Graph Embedding Approach (ZZ, GZ, MP), pp. 523–526.
KDD-2010-FeiH #classification #functional #graph- Boosting with structure information in the functional space: an application to graph classification (HF, JH), pp. 643–652.
KDD-2010-HeFLC #graph #parallel #scalability- Parallel SimRank computation on large graphs with iterative aggregation (GH, HF, CL, HC), pp. 543–552.
KDD-2010-HendersonEFALMPT #approach #forensics #graph #metric #mining #multi- Metric forensics: a multi-level approach for mining volatile graphs (KH, TER, CF, LA, LL, KM, BAP, HT), pp. 163–172.
KDD-2010-KongY #classification #feature model #graph- Semi-supervised feature selection for graph classification (XK, PSY), pp. 793–802.
KDD-2010-MaxwellBR #graph #memory management #mining #using- Diagnosing memory leaks using graph mining on heap dumps (EKM, GB, NR), pp. 115–124.
KDD-2010-RothBDFHLLMM #graph #social #using- Suggesting friends using the implicit social graph (MR, ABD, DD, GF, IH, AL, NL, YM, RM), pp. 233–242.
KDD-2010-SarkarM #graph #nearest neighbour #performance- Fast nearest-neighbor search in disk-resident graphs (PS, AWM), pp. 513–522.
KDD-2010-TanTSLW #graph #social- Social action tracking via noise tolerant time-varying factor graphs (CT, JT, JS, QL, FW), pp. 1049–1058.
KDD-2010-XiangYZCZYS #graph #recommendation- Temporal recommendation on graphs via long- and short-term preference fusion (LX, QY, SZ, LC, XZ, QY, JS), pp. 723–732.
KDD-2010-ZouGL #database #graph #nondeterminism #probability #semantics- Discovering frequent subgraphs over uncertain graph databases under probabilistic semantics (ZZ, HG, JL), pp. 633–642.
KDIR-2010-KKD #graph #keyword #rdf- Answer Graph Construction for Keyword Search on Graph Structured(RDF) Data (PK, SPK, DD), pp. 162–167.
KDIR-2010-MuA #classification #graph #multi- Proximity-based Graph Embeddings for Multi-label Classification (TM, SA), pp. 74–84.
KR-2010-Li #graph #representation- A Layered Graph Representation for Complex Regions (SL).
RecSys-2010-DesarkarSM #collaboration #graph #predict #rating- Aggregating preference graphs for collaborative rating prediction (MSD, SS, PM), pp. 21–28.
RecSys-2010-MoldvayBFS #clustering #graph #named #recommendation #semantics #social- Tagmantic: a social recommender service based on semantic tag graphs and tag clusters (JM, IB, AF, MS), pp. 345–346.
SIGIR-2010-BordinoCDG #graph #query #similarity- Query similarity by projecting the query-flow graph (IB, CC, DD, AG), pp. 515–522.
SIGIR-2010-PhamMM #categorisation #graph #image #modelling #visual notation- Spatial relationships in visual graph modeling for image categorization (TTP, PM, LM), pp. 729–730.
ICMT-2010-CabotCGL #graph transformation #ocl #synthesis- Synthesis of OCL Pre-conditions for Graph Transformation Rules (JC, RC, EG, JdL), pp. 45–60.
ICMT-2010-GronmoM #diagrams #graph transformation #sequence chart #state machine- From Sequence Diagrams to State Machines by Graph Transformation (RG, BMP), pp. 93–107.
ICMT-2010-VoigtH #distance #edit distance #graph #metamodelling- Metamodel Matching Based on Planar Graph Edit Distance (KV, TH), pp. 245–259.
OOPSLA-2010-NguyenNWNKN #adaptation #api #approach #graph- A graph-based approach to API usage adaptation (HAN, TTN, GWJ, ATN, MK, TNN), pp. 302–321.
LOPSTR-2010-DanvyZ #combinator #graph #reduction- Three Syntactic Theories for Combinatory Graph Reduction (OD, IZ), pp. 1–20.
LOPSTR-2010-GiorginoSMP #algorithm #graph #verification- Verification of the Schorr-Waite Algorithm — From Trees to Graphs (MG, MS, RM, MP), pp. 67–83.
LOPSTR-2010-LlorensOST #csp #generative #graph #process- Graph Generation to Statically Represent CSP Processes (ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 52–66.
PPDP-2010-TekleGL #datalog #graph #optimisation #query- Graph queries through datalog optimizations (KTT, MG, YAL), pp. 25–34.
SAC-2010-AminBJ #framework #interactive #performance- A cytoscape based framework for efficient sub-graph isomorphic protein-protein interaction motif lookup (MSA, AB, HMJ), pp. 1572–1576.
SAC-2010-CiraciBA #constraints #graph #verification- Graph-based verification of static program constraints (SC, PvdB, MA), pp. 2265–2272.
SAC-2010-JanssenPW #graph #similarity- Estimating node similarity from co-citation in a spatial graph model (JJ, PP, RW), pp. 1329–1333.
SAC-2010-LeeJL #detection #graph #using- Detecting metamorphic malwares using code graphs (JL, KJ, HL), pp. 1970–1977.
SAC-2010-LlorensOST #algorithm #control flow #graph- An algorithm to generate the context-sensitive synchronized control flow graph (ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 2144–2148.
SAC-2010-OssaPSG #algorithm #graph #low cost #predict #web- Referrer graph: a low-cost web prediction algorithm (BdlO, AP, JS, JAG), pp. 831–838.
SAC-2010-PortugalR #algorithm #clustering #graph #multi #using- MSP algorithm: multi-robot patrolling based on territory allocation using balanced graph partitioning (DP, RPR), pp. 1271–1276.
SAC-2010-ZhouCS #consistency #linear #source code- Reparameterization based consistent graph-structured linear programs (HZ, QC, ZS), pp. 974–978.
LDTA-2010-CortesiH #dependence #graph #semantics #slicing- Dependence condition graph for semantics-based abstract program slicing (AC, RH), p. 4.
SLE-2010-BraatzB #algebra #domain-specific language #graph transformation #modelling #rdf- Domain-Specific Modelling Languages with Algebraic Graph Transformations on RDF (BB, CB), pp. 82–101.
PLEASE-2010-MamanB #graph #named #product line #towards- SPLGraph: towards a graph-based formalism for software product lines (IM, GB), pp. 40–47.
CGO-2010-OdairaNIKN #graph- Coloring-based coalescing for graph coloring register allocation (RO, TN, TI, HK, TN), pp. 160–169.
HPDC-2010-LiewAHH #data type #distributed #graph #optimisation #parallel #streaming #towards #using- Towards optimising distributed data streaming graphs using parallel streams (CSL, MPA, JIvH, LH), pp. 725–736.
ISMM-2010-BegB #approach #graph- A graph theoretic approach to cache-conscious placement of data for direct mapped caches (MB, PvB), pp. 113–120.
PPoPP-2010-BuehrerPT #distributed- A distributed placement service for graph-structured and tree-structured data (GB, SP, ST), pp. 355–356.
CAV-2010-KahlonW #concurrent #debugging #detection #graph #precise #source code- Universal Causality Graphs: A Precise Happens-Before Model for Detecting Bugs in Concurrent Programs (VK, CW), pp. 434–449.
ICST-2010-NguyenWR #graph #named- GraphSeq: A Graph Matching Tool for the Extraction of Mobility Patterns (MDN, HW, NR), pp. 195–204.
IJCAR-2010-BensaidCP #graph #integer- Perfect Discrimination Graphs: Indexing Terms with Integer Exponents (HB, RC, NP), pp. 369–383.
LICS-2010-Grohe #fixpoint #graph #polynomial- Fixed-Point Definability and Polynomial Time on Graphs with Excluded Minors (MG), pp. 179–188.
LICS-2010-Laubner #graph #polynomial- Capturing Polynomial Time on Interval Graphs (BL), pp. 199–208.
CASE-2009-AlenljungL #graph #using #verification- Formal verification of PLC controlled systems using Sensor Graphs (TA, BL), pp. 164–170.
DAC-2009-Falk #graph- WCET-aware register allocation based on graph coloring (HF), pp. 726–731.
DAC-2009-Geilen #data flow #graph #reduction- Reduction techniques for synchronous dataflow graphs (MG), pp. 911–916.
DAC-2009-JainC #graph #performance #satisfiability #using- Efficient SAT solving for non-clausal formulas using DPLL, graphs, and watched cuts (HJ, EMC), pp. 563–568.
DAC-2009-WangCSC #graph #power management #synthesis #using- Low power gated bus synthesis using shortest-path Steiner graph for system-on-chip communications (RW, NCC, BS, CKC), pp. 166–171.
DATE-2009-DasV #approach #automation #design #grammarware #graph grammar #multi- A graph grammar based approach to automated multi-objective analog circuit design (AD, RV), pp. 700–705.
DATE-2009-Gomez-PradoRCGB #data flow #graph #hardware #implementation #optimisation- Optimizing data flow graphs to minimize hardware implementation (DGP, QR, MJC, JG, EB), pp. 117–122.
DocEng-2009-Hassan09a #documentation #graph #interactive #named #using- GraphWrap: a system for interactive wrapping of pdf documents using graph matching techniques (TH), pp. 247–248.
ICDAR-2009-BodicLAHLK #detection #graph #integer #linear #programming #using- Symbol Detection Using Region Adjacency Graphs and Integer Linear Programming (PLB, HL, SA, PH, YL, AK), pp. 1320–1324.
ICDAR-2009-GacebELE #automation #documentation #graph #recognition- Graph b-Coloring for Automatic Recognition of Documents (DG, VE, FL, HE), pp. 261–265.
ICDAR-2009-Hassan #documentation #graph #using- User-Guided Wrapping of PDF Documents Using Graph Matching Techniques (TH), pp. 631–635.
ICDAR-2009-LuqmanBR #classification #graph #network #recognition #using- Graphic Symbol Recognition Using Graph Based Signature and Bayesian Network Classifier (MML, TB, JYR), pp. 1325–1329.
ICDAR-2009-Schambach #graph #recognition- Recurrent HMMs and Cursive Handwriting Recognition Graphs (MPS), pp. 1146–1150.
ICDAR-2009-SidereHR #classification #graph #representation- Vector Representation of Graphs: Application to the Classification of Symbols and Letters (NS, PH, JYR), pp. 681–685.
SIGMOD-2009-NeumannW #graph #rdf #scalability- Scalable join processing on very large RDF graphs (TN, GW), pp. 627–640.
VLDB-2009-AggarwalXY #graph #named- GConnect: A Connectivity Index for Massive Disk-resident Graphs (CCA, YX, PSY), pp. 862–873.
VLDB-2009-BrauerBHSMF #documentation #graph #named #retrieval- RankIE: Document Retrieval on Ranked Entity Graphs (FB, WMB, GH, MS, AM, FF), pp. 1578–1581.
VLDB-2009-ChenLFCYH #graph #mining #random #summary- Mining Graph Patterns Efficiently via Randomized Summaries (CC, CXL, MF, MC, XY, JH), pp. 742–753.
VLDB-2009-CormodeSBK #graph #network #social- Class-based graph anonymization for social network data (GC, DS, SB, BK), pp. 766–777.
VLDB-2009-HasanZ #graph- Output Space Sampling for Graph Patterns (MAH, MJZ), pp. 730–741.
VLDB-2009-ZengTWFZ #approximate #distance #edit distance #graph- Comparing Stars: On Approximating Graph Edit Distance (ZZ, AKHT, JW, JF, LZ), pp. 25–36.
VLDB-2009-ZhouCY #clustering #graph- Graph Clustering Based on Structural/Attribute Similarities (YZ, HC, JXY), pp. 718–729.
VLDB-2009-ZouCO #database #graph #named #query #scalability- DistanceJoin: Pattern Match Query In a Large Graph Database (LZ, LC, MTÖ), pp. 886–897.
ITiCSE-2009-BryfczynskiP #graph #named- GraphPad: a graph creation tool for CS2/CS7 (SPB, RPP), p. 389.
FASE-2009-HermannEE #graph #inheritance #network #security- Transformation of Type Graphs with Inheritance for Ensuring Security in E-Government Networks (FH, HE, CE), pp. 325–339.
FoSSaCS-2009-AntonopoulosD #graph #logic- Separating Graph Logic from MSO (TA, AD), pp. 63–77.
CSMR-2009-BittencourtG #algorithm #architecture #clustering #comparison #graph- Comparison of Graph Clustering Algorithms for Recovering Software Architecture Module Views (RAB, DDSG), pp. 251–254.
ICPC-2009-SamiaL #architecture #graph #scalability #towards #visualisation- Towards pie tree visualization of graphs and large software architectures (MS, ML), pp. 301–302.
ICPC-2009-SimRC #comprehension #graph #question- Structure transition graphs: An ECG for program comprehension? (SES, SR, LC), pp. 303–304.
ICSM-2009-LinZZ #aspectj #graph #incremental- Incremental call graph reanalysis for AspectJ software (YL, SZ, JZ), pp. 306–315.
ICSM-2009-WangLSKKL #approach #combinator #graph #navigation #web- A combinatorial approach to building navigation graphs for dynamic web applications (WW, YL, SS, RK, RK, JL), pp. 211–220.
WCRE-1999-HigoK99a #clone detection #dependence #detection #graph #quality- Enhancing Quality of Code Clone Detection with Program Dependency Graph (YH, SK), pp. 315–316.
WCRE-1999-Kpodjedo99a #approximate #graph #re-engineering- Approximate Graph Matching in Software Engineering (SK), pp. 295–298.
SAS-2009-WehrleH #graph #model checking- The Causal Graph Revisited for Directed Model Checking (MW, MH), pp. 86–101.
STOC-2009-ChalopinG #graph- Every planar graph is the intersection graph of segments in the plane: extended abstract (JC, DG), pp. 631–638.
STOC-2009-ChechikLPR #fault tolerance #graph- Fault-tolerant spanners for general graphs (SC, ML, DP, LR), pp. 435–444.
STOC-2009-KolaitisK #graph #quantifier #random- Random graphs and the parity quantifier (PGK, SK), pp. 705–714.
STOC-2009-LeeS #geometry #graph #on the- On the geometry of graphs with a forbidden minor (JRL, AS), pp. 245–254.
CIAA-2009-Fujiyoshi #automaton #graph #recognition- Recognition of a Spanning Tree of Directed Acyclic Graphs by Tree Automata (AF), pp. 105–114.
DLT-2009-CampanoniC #control flow #graph- Traces of Control-Flow Graphs (SC, SCR), pp. 156–169.
ICALP-v1-2009-AroraSW #case study #graph #towards- Towards a Study of Low-Complexity Graphs (SA, DS, AW), pp. 119–131.
ICALP-v1-2009-ChekuriK #graph #reduction- A Graph Reduction Step Preserving Element-Connectivity and Applications (CC, NK), pp. 254–265.
ICALP-v1-2009-DemaineHK #algorithm #approximate #graph- Approximation Algorithms via Structural Results for Apex-Minor-Free Graphs (EDD, MH, KiK), pp. 316–327.
ICALP-v1-2009-DemaineHK09a #graph- Node-Weighted Steiner Tree and Group Steiner Tree in Planar Graphs (EDD, MH, PNK), pp. 328–340.
ICALP-v1-2009-WeimannY #graph- Computing the Girth of a Planar Graph in O(n logn) Time (OW, RY), pp. 764–773.
ICALP-v1-2009-YeB #graph- Elimination Graphs (YY, AB), pp. 774–785.
ICALP-v2-2009-AhnG #graph- Graph Sparsification in the Semi-streaming Model (KJA, SG), pp. 328–338.
ICALP-v2-2009-CooperIKK #graph #random #using- Derandomizing Random Walks in Undirected Graphs Using Locally Fair Exploration Strategies (CC, DI, RK, AK), pp. 411–422.
ICALP-v2-2009-KorulaP #algorithm #graph #problem- Algorithms for Secretary Problems on Graphs and Hypergraphs (NK, MP), pp. 508–520.
LATA-2009-Courcelle #algorithm #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- Monadic Second-Order Logic for Graphs: Algorithmic and Language Theoretical Applications (BC), pp. 19–22.
IFM-2009-LangariT #graph transformation #verification- Application of Graph Transformation in Verification of Dynamic Systems (ZL, RJT), pp. 261–276.
SEFM-2009-DangG #graph #metamodelling #modelling #precise- Precise Model-Driven Transformations Based on Graphs and Metamodels (DHD, MG), pp. 307–316.
CEFP-2009-TothBHLTK #behaviour #dependence #erlang #graph #impact analysis #source code #using- Impact Analysis of Erlang Programs Using Behaviour Dependency Graphs (MT, IB, ZH, LL, MT, TK), pp. 372–390.
GT-VMT-2009-BergmannRV #graph transformation #incremental #parallel #pattern matching- Parallelization of Graph Transformation Based on Incremental Pattern Matching (GB, IR, DV), pp. 100–114.
GT-VMT-2009-BruniL #graph- Ten virtues of structured graphs (RB, ALL), pp. 3–22.
GT-VMT-2009-EhrigHS #correctness #graph grammar #model transformation- Completeness and Correctness of Model Transformations based on Triple Graph Grammars with Negative Application Conditions (HE, FH, CS), pp. 67–84.
GT-VMT-2009-MachadoFR #aspect-oriented #graph grammar- Aspects for Graph Grammars (RM, LF, LR), pp. 115–127.
GT-VMT-2009-RensinkK #graph transformation- Repotting the Geraniums: On Nested Graph Transformation Rules (AR, JHK), pp. 23–37.
GT-VMT-2009-SchimmelGS #graph grammar #term rewriting- Gene Expression with General Purpose Graph Rewriting Systems (JS, TG, CS), pp. 202–212.
GT-VMT-2009-WestK #editing #framework #graph transformation #haskell #visualisation- A Generic Graph Transformation, Visualisation, and Editing Framework in Haskell (SW, WK), pp. 171–188.
CHI-2009-HoltenW #case study #graph #visualisation- A user study on visualizing directed edges in graphs (DH, JJvW), pp. 2299–2308.
CHI-2009-Stewarts #graph #sketching- Graph sketcher: extending illustration to quantitative graphs (RS, MMCS), pp. 1113–1116.
HCI-NIMT-2009-ItoMT #3d #graph #visualisation- Sphere Anchored Map: A Visualization Technique for Bipartite Graphs in 3D (TI, KM, JT), pp. 811–820.
HCI-NT-2009-EfeO #effectiveness #interface- Evaluating User Effectiveness in Exploratory Search with TouchGraph Google Interface (KE, SO), pp. 405–412.
HIMI-DIE-2009-VandrommeDPC #graph #interactive #semantics- An Interactive System Based on Semantic Graphs (JV, SD, PP, CC), pp. 638–647.
HIMI-II-2009-SagaTT #analysis #mining #named- Loopo: Integrated Text Miner for FACT-Graph-Based Trend Analysis (RS, HT, KT), pp. 192–200.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-YangLSKCGP #graph #learning- Graph Structure Learning for Task Ordering (YY, AL, HS, BK, CMC, RG, KP), pp. 164–169.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Chen #graph- Directed Acyclic Graphs and Disjoint Chains (YC), pp. 17–24.
CIKM-2009-AnastasakosHKR #approach #collaboration #graph #recommendation #using- A collaborative filtering approach to ad recommendation using the query-ad click graph (TA, DH, SK, HR), pp. 1927–1930.
CIKM-2009-BaragliaCDNPS #graph #query- Aging effects on query flow graphs for query suggestion (RB, CC, DD, FMN, RP, FS), pp. 1947–1950.
CIKM-2009-ChengKN #graph #performance #query #scalability- Efficient processing of group-oriented connection queries in a large graph (JC, YK, WN), pp. 1481–1484.
CIKM-2009-ElbassuoniRSSW #query #ranking- Language-model-based ranking for queries on RDF-graphs (SE, MR, RS, MS, GW), pp. 977–986.
CIKM-2009-FeiH #graph #kernel- L2 norm regularized feature kernel regression for graph data (HF, JH), pp. 593–600.
CIKM-2009-FletcherB #graph #performance #rdf #scalability- Scalable indexing of RDF graphs for efficient join processing (GHLF, PWB), pp. 1513–1516.
CIKM-2009-HeLL #graph #learning- Graph-based transfer learning (JH, YL, RDL), pp. 937–946.
CIKM-2009-HuangSN #documentation #graph #word- Smoothing document language model with local word graph (YH, LS, JYN), pp. 1943–1946.
CIKM-2009-JinYW #classification #graph- Graph classification based on pattern co-occurrence (NJ, CY, WW), pp. 573–582.
CIKM-2009-KimPDG #classification #graph #web- Improving web page classification by label-propagation over click graphs (SMK, PP, LD, SG), pp. 1077–1086.
CIKM-2009-PattanasriMM #comprehension #graph #named #random- ComprehEnRank: estimating comprehension in classroom by absorbing random walks on a cognitive graph (NP, MM, MM), pp. 1769–1772.
CIKM-2009-SunMG #graph #independence #information retrieval #mining- Independent informative subgraph mining for graph information retrieval (BS, PM, CLG), pp. 563–572.
CIKM-2009-SunMG09a #graph #learning #online #rank- Learning to rank graphs for online similar graph search (BS, PM, CLG), pp. 1871–1874.
CIKM-2009-TongQJF #graph #interactive #named #performance #proximity #query- iPoG: fast interactive proximity querying on graphs (HT, HQ, HJ, CF), pp. 1673–1676.
CIKM-2009-ZhengDG #crawling #graph- Graph-based seed selection for web-scale crawlers (SZ, PD, CLG), pp. 1967–1970.
CIKM-2009-ZhongL #graph #named #semistructured data- 3se: a semi-structured search engine for heterogeneous data in graph model (MZ, ML), pp. 1405–1408.
CIKM-2009-ZouLGZ #graph #mining #nondeterminism- Frequent subgraph pattern mining on uncertain graph data (ZZ, JL, HG, SZ), pp. 583–592.
ECIR-2009-Pablo-SanchezM #classification #graph- Building a Graph of Names and Contextual Patterns for Named Entity Classification (CdPS, PM), pp. 530–537.
ECIR-2009-PapadopoulosMKB #graph #recommendation- Lexical Graphs for Improved Contextual Ad Recommendation (SP, FM, YK, BB), pp. 216–227.
ICML-2009-BuhlerH #clustering #graph- Spectral clustering based on the graph p-Laplacian (TB, MH), pp. 81–88.
ICML-2009-DaitchKS #graph- Fitting a graph to vector data (SID, JAK, DAS), pp. 201–208.
ICML-2009-JacobOV #graph- Group lasso with overlap and graph lasso (LJ, GO, JPV), pp. 433–440.
ICML-2009-JebaraWC #graph #learning- Graph construction and b-matching for semi-supervised learning (TJ, JW, SFC), pp. 441–448.
ICML-2009-KunegisL #graph transformation #learning #predict- Learning spectral graph transformations for link prediction (JK, AL), pp. 561–568.
ICML-2009-MesmayRVP #graph #library #optimisation #performance- Bandit-based optimization on graphs with application to library performance tuning (FdM, AR, YV, MP), pp. 729–736.
ICML-2009-NowozinJ #clustering #graph #learning #linear #programming- Solution stability in linear programming relaxations: graph partitioning and unsupervised learning (SN, SJ), pp. 769–776.
KDD-2009-AsurP #analysis #approach #graph #interactive- A viewpoint-based approach for interaction graph analysis (SA, SP), pp. 79–88.
KDD-2009-DengLK #algorithm #graph- A generalized Co-HITS algorithm and its application to bipartite graphs (HD, MRL, IK), pp. 239–248.
KDD-2009-LiuKJ #graph #learning #monitoring- Learning dynamic temporal graphs for oil-production equipment monitoring system (YL, JRK, OJ), pp. 1225–1234.
KDD-2009-Macskassy #empirical #graph #learning #metric #using- Using graph-based metrics with empirical risk minimization to speed up active learning on networked data (SAM), pp. 597–606.
KDD-2009-MaunzHK #graph #mining #refinement #scalability #using- Large-scale graph mining using backbone refinement classes (AM, CH, SK), pp. 617–626.
KDD-2009-McGlohonBASF #detection #graph #named- SNARE: a link analytic system for graph labeling and risk detection (MM, SB, MGA, DMS, CF), pp. 1265–1274.
KDD-2009-SatuluriP #clustering #community #graph #probability #scalability #using- Scalable graph clustering using stochastic flows: applications to community discovery (VS, SP), pp. 737–746.
KDD-2009-TsourakakisKMF #graph #named- DOULION: counting triangles in massive graphs with a coin (CET, UK, GLM, CF), pp. 837–846.
KDD-2009-YinLMH #classification #graph #social #web- Exploring social tagging graph for web object classification (ZY, RL, QM, JH), pp. 957–966.
KDIR-2009-BalujaRS #classification #graph #performance- Text Classification through Time — Efficient Label Propagation in Time-Based Graphs (SB, DR, DS), pp. 174–182.
KEOD-2009-ThwaitesFS #graph- Chain Event Graph Map Model Selection (PAT, GF, JQS), pp. 392–395.
MLDM-2009-GoncalvesQ #classification #kernel #semantics #using- Using Graph-Kernels to Represent Semantic Information in Text Classification (TG, PQ), pp. 632–646.
MLDM-2009-RiesenB #difference #graph #prototype #reduction #using- Dissimilarity Based Vector Space Embedding of Graphs Using Prototype Reduction Schemes (KR, HB), pp. 617–631.
SEKE-2009-MajumdarB #graph- Separating The Scattered Concerns: A Graph Based Model (DM, SB), pp. 715–720.
SEKE-2009-MomeniRSR #approach #graph transformation #network- A Graph Transformation-based Approach to Task Allocation in Wireless Sensor Actor Networks (HM, VR, MS, ATR), pp. 609–612.
SEKE-2009-RusNSC #algorithm #clustering #fault #graph #using- Clustering of Defect Reports Using Graph Partitioning Algorithms (VR, XN, SGS, YC), pp. 442–445.
SEKE-2009-SarkarCCB #concept #graph #multi #specification- Object Specification Language for Graph Based Conceptual level Multidimensional Data Model (AS, SC, NC, SB), pp. 694–607.
SIGIR-2009-DengKL #graph #modelling #query #representation- Entropy-biased models for query representation on the click graph (HD, IK, MRL), pp. 339–346.
SIGIR-2009-GuanBMCW #graph #multi #personalisation #ranking #recommendation #using- Personalized tag recommendation using graph-based ranking on multi-type interrelated objects (ZG, JB, QM, CC, CW), pp. 540–547.
SIGIR-2009-SakumaK #analysis #graph- Link analysis for private weighted graphs (JS, SK), pp. 235–242.
SIGIR-2009-SeoJ #graph #precise #retrieval #using- High precision retrieval using relevance-flow graph (JS, JJ), pp. 694–695.
SIGIR-2009-YeHL #approach #graph #mining #multi #wiki #word- A graph-based approach to mining multilingual word associations from wikipedia (ZY, XH, HL), pp. 690–691.
ICMT-2009-GronmoKM #graph transformation- A Collection Operator for Graph Transformation (RG, SK, BMP), pp. 67–82.
MoDELS-2009-EhrigEHP #correctness #graph grammar #model transformation #on the fly- On-the-Fly Construction, Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, CE, FH, UP), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2009-JurackT #concept #distributed #graph transformation #model transformation #towards #using- Towards Composite Model Transformations Using Distributed Graph Transformation Concepts (SJ, GT), pp. 226–240.
MoDELS-2009-EhrigEHP #correctness #graph grammar #model transformation #on the fly- On-the-Fly Construction, Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, CE, FH, UP), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2009-JurackT #concept #distributed #graph transformation #model transformation #towards #using- Towards Composite Model Transformations Using Distributed Graph Transformation Concepts (SJ, GT), pp. 226–240.
OOPSLA-2009-PluquetLW #graph #in memory #performance #version control- Executing code in the past: efficient in-memory object graph versioning (FP, SL, RW), pp. 391–408.
SAC-2009-DungDH #constraints #framework #graph #optimisation- LS(graph & tree): a local search framework for constraint optimization on graphs and trees (PQD, YD, PVH), pp. 1402–1407.
SAC-2009-GaoS #graph #performance- Characterizing 1-dof Henneberg-I graphs with efficient configuration spaces (HG, MS), pp. 1122–1126.
SAC-2009-HendersonE #graph #scalability- Applying latent dirichlet allocation to group discovery in large graphs (KH, TER), pp. 1456–1461.
SAC-2009-IdaT #algebra #graph grammar- Origami fold as algebraic graph rewriting (TI, HT), pp. 1132–1137.
SAC-2009-KumarZ #clustering #graph #visualisation- Visualization of clustered directed acyclic graphs with node interleaving (PK, KZ), pp. 1800–1805.
SAC-2009-LimaH #approach #using- Computing data cubes using exact sub-graph matching: the sequential MCG approach (JdCL, CMH), pp. 1541–1548.
ESEC-FSE-2009-JeongKZ #debugging #graph- Improving bug triage with bug tossing graphs (GJ, SK, TZ), pp. 111–120.
ESEC-FSE-2009-NguyenNPAN #graph #mining #multi- Graph-based mining of multiple object usage patterns (TTN, HAN, NHP, JMAK, TNN), pp. 383–392.
ICSE-2009-GhezziMM #behaviour #graph transformation #modelling- Synthesizing intensional behavior models by graph transformation (CG, AM, MM), pp. 430–440.
ICSE-2009-PhamNNAN #clone detection #detection #graph #modelling- Complete and accurate clone detection in graph-based models (NHP, HAN, TTN, JMAK, TNN), pp. 276–286.
HPDC-2009-QinFP #approach #automation #composition #graph #grid #novel #quality #workflow- A novel graph based approach for automatic composition of high quality grid workflows (JQ, TF, RP), pp. 167–176.
HPDC-2009-SaballusF #distributed #graph #maintenance- Maintaining reference graphs of globally accessible objects in fully decentralized distributed systems (BS, TF), pp. 59–60.
LCTES-2009-ZouABL #embedded #flexibility #graph #realtime #theory and practice- PTIDES on flexible task graph: real-time embedded systembuilding from theory to practice (JZ, JSA, DFB, EAL), pp. 31–40.
PPoPP-2009-KangB #algorithm #graph #memory management #performance #transaction- An efficient transactional memory algorithm for computing minimum spanning forest of sparse graphs (SK, DAB), pp. 15–24.
PPoPP-2009-YangWXDZ #graph #optimisation- Comparability graph coloring for optimizing utilization of stream register files in stream processors (XY, LW, JX, YD, YZ), pp. 111–120.
SOSP-2009-DunaganZS #combinator #graph #named #optimisation #using- Heat-ray: combating identity snowball attacks using machinelearning, combinatorial optimization and attack graphs (JD, AXZ, DRS), pp. 305–320.
CADE-2009-KorpM #dependence #graph- Beyond Dependency Graphs (MK, AM), pp. 339–354.
ICLP-2009-Raiser #constraints #graph transformation #research #summary #using- Analysing Graph Transformation Systems Using Extended Methods from Constraint Handling Rules (Research Summary) (FR), pp. 540–541.
ICST-2009-GligoricGLMK #generative #graph #java #optimisation- Optimizing Generation of Object Graphs in Java PathFinder (MG, TG, SL, DM, SK), pp. 51–60.
ISSTA-2009-ChengLZWY #debugging #graph #identification #mining #using- Identifying bug signatures using discriminative graph mining (HC, DL, YZ, XW, XY), pp. 141–152.
LICS-2009-Tan #automaton #graph #infinity #reachability- Graph Reachability and Pebble Automata over Infinite Alphabets (TT), pp. 157–166.
MBT-2009-SchumannSH #graph #nondeterminism #testing #using- Computing Optimal Tests for Non-deterministic Systems Using DNNF Graphs (AS, MS, JH), pp. 87–99.
RTA-2009-DuvalEP #approach #category theory #graph transformation- A Heterogeneous Pushout Approach to Term-Graph Transformation (DD, RE, FP), pp. 194–208.
CASE-2008-AddadA #algebra #architecture #evaluation #graph #modelling #using- Modeling and response time evaluation of ethernet-based control architectures using timed event graphs and Max-Plus algebra (BA, SA), pp. 418–423.
CASE-2008-Balasundaram #graph #mining- Cohesive subgroup model for graph-based text mining (BB), pp. 989–994.
DAC-2008-HsuPB #data flow #graph #parallel #simulation #thread- Multithreaded simulation for synchronous dataflow graphs (CJH, JLP, SSB), pp. 331–336.
DATE-2008-GhamarianGBS #analysis #data flow #graph #parametricity #throughput- Parametric Throughput Analysis of Synchronous Data Flow Graphs (AHG, MG, TB, SS), pp. 116–121.
DATE-2008-HosseinabadyKMP #architecture #energy #graph #latency #performance #scalability- De Bruijn Graph as a Low Latency Scalable Architecture for Energy Efficient Massive NoCs (MH, MRK, JM, DKP), pp. 1370–1373.
DATE-2008-MokhovY #configuration management #graph #partial order #synthesis- Conditional Partial Order Graphs and Dynamically Reconfigurable Control Synthesis (AM, AY), pp. 1142–1147.
DocEng-2008-Al-SaffarH #graph #semantics- Semantic impact graphs for information valuation (SAS, GLH), pp. 209–212.
DRR-2008-GacebELE #graph #locality- Address block localization based on graph theory (DG, VE, FL, HE), p. 68150.
PODS-2008-SarmaGP #graph #rank- Estimating PageRank on graph streams (ADS, SG, RP), pp. 69–78.
SIGMOD-2008-BollackerEPST #database #graph #named- Freebase: a collaboratively created graph database for structuring human knowledge (KDB, CE, PP, TS, JT), pp. 1247–1250.
SIGMOD-2008-GolenbergKS #graph #keyword #proximity- Keyword proximity search in complex data graphs (KG, BK, YS), pp. 927–940.
SIGMOD-2008-GouC #algorithm #graph #pattern matching #performance- Efficient algorithms for exact ranked twig-pattern matching over graphs (GG, RC), pp. 581–594.
SIGMOD-2008-HeS #data access #database #graph #named #query- Graphs-at-a-time: query language and access methods for graph databases (HH, AKS), pp. 405–418.
SIGMOD-2008-JinXRW #graph #query #reachability #scalability- Efficiently answering reachability queries on very large directed graphs (RJ, YX, NR, HW), pp. 595–608.
SIGMOD-2008-LiuT #graph #towards- Towards identity anonymization on graphs (KL, ET), pp. 93–106.
SIGMOD-2008-NavlakhaRS #bound #fault #graph #summary- Graph summarization with bounded error (SN, RR, NS), pp. 419–432.
SIGMOD-2008-TianHP #graph #performance #summary- Efficient aggregation for graph summarization (YT, RAH, JMP), pp. 567–580.
SIGMOD-2008-VuOPT #database #graph #keyword- A graph method for keyword-based selection of the top-K databases (QHV, BCO, DP, AKHT), pp. 915–926.
SIGMOD-2008-YanCHY #graph #mining- Mining significant graph patterns by leap search (XY, HC, JH, PSY), pp. 433–444.
VLDB-2008-AntonellisGC #analysis #graph #query- Simrank++: query rewriting through link analysis of the click graph (IA, HGM, CCC), pp. 408–421.
VLDB-2008-CormodeSYZ #graph #using- Anonymizing bipartite graph data using safe groupings (GC, DS, TY, QZ), pp. 833–844.
VLDB-2008-DalviKS #graph #keyword #memory management- Keyword search on external memory data graphs (BBD, MK, SS), pp. 1189–1204.
VLDB-2008-TianPNMK #graph #named #query #tool support- Periscope/GQ: a graph querying toolkit (YT, JMP, VN, SM, MK), pp. 1404–1407.
VLDB-2008-WangLLG #documentation #query #xml- Hash-base subgraph query processing method for graph-structured XML documents (HW, JL, JL, HG), pp. 478–489.
FASE-2008-OrejasEP #constraints #graph #logic- A Logic of Graph Constraints (FO, HE, UP), pp. 179–198.
TACAS-2008-SaksenaWJ #ad hoc #graph grammar #modelling #protocol #verification- Graph Grammar Modeling and Verification of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols (MS, OW, BJ), pp. 18–32.
CSMR-2008-Ebert #approach #metamodelling- Metamodels Taken Seriously: The TGraph Approach (JE), p. 2.
ICPC-2008-Quante #comprehension #empirical #graph #process- Do Dynamic Object Process Graphs Support Program Understanding? — A Controlled Experiment (JQ), pp. 73–82.
ICSM-2008-LinZKM #editing #graph #visualisation- A domain-customizable SVG-based graph editor for software visualizations (TL, FZ, HMK, HAM), pp. 466–467.
SCAM-2008-GermanRH #graph #impact analysis- Change Impact Graphs: Determining the Impact of Prior Code Changes (DMG, GR, AEH), pp. 184–193.
SCAM-2008-ScholzZC #analysis #dependence #graph #reachability- User-Input Dependence Analysis via Graph Reachability (BS, CZ, CC), pp. 25–34.
WCRE-2008-KpodjedoRGA #evolution #fault #graph- Error Correcting Graph Matching Application to Software Evolution (SK, FR, PG, GA), pp. 289–293.
WCRE-2008-YuW #comprehension #evolution #tool support- Graph-Centric Tools for Understanding the Evolution and Relationships of Software Structures (YY, MW), pp. 329–330.
PLDI-2008-HackG #graph- Copy coalescing by graph recoloring (SH, GG), pp. 227–237.
STOC-2008-AroraKKSTV #constraints #game studies #graph- Unique games on expanding constraint graphs are easy: extended abstract (SA, SK, AK, DS, MT, NKV), pp. 21–28.
STOC-2008-BartoKN #complexity #graph #morphism #problem- Graphs, polymorphisms and the complexity of homomorphism problems (LB, MK, TN), pp. 789–796.
STOC-2008-Ben-AroyaT #combinator #graph #using- A combinatorial construction of almost-ramanujan graphs using the zig-zag product (ABA, ATS), pp. 325–334.
STOC-2008-BenjaminiSS #graph- Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable (IB, OS, AS), pp. 393–402.
STOC-2008-ChoiK #bound #complexity #graph #query- Optimal query complexity bounds for finding graphs (SSC, JHK), pp. 749–758.
STOC-2008-FriezeVV #graph #random- Logconcave random graphs (AMF, SV, JV), pp. 779–788.
STOC-2008-KawarabayashiM #graph #linear #morphism- Graph and map isomorphism and all polyhedral embeddings in linear time (KiK, BM), pp. 471–480.
STOC-2008-OrecchiaSVV #clustering #graph #on the- On partitioning graphs via single commodity flows (LO, LJS, UVV, NKV), pp. 461–470.
STOC-2008-SpielmanS #effectiveness #graph- Graph sparsification by effective resistances (DAS, NS), pp. 563–568.
AFL-2008-KuskeL #automation #graph #recursion- Euler paths and ends in automatic and recursive graphs (DK, ML), pp. 245–256.
ICALP-A-2008-AvinKL #evolution #graph #how #random- How to Explore a Fast-Changing World (Cover Time of a Simple Random Walk on Evolving Graphs) (CA, MK, ZL), pp. 121–132.
ICALP-A-2008-BaswanaGSU #constant #distance #fault #graph #polynomial- Distance Oracles for Unweighted Graphs: Breaking the Quadratic Barrier with Constant Additive Error (SB, AG, SS, JU), pp. 609–621.
ICALP-A-2008-BjorklundHKK #bound #graph #problem- The Travelling Salesman Problem in Bounded Degree Graphs (AB, TH, PK, MK), pp. 198–209.
ICALP-A-2008-BlellochVW #approach #combinator #graph #problem- A New Combinatorial Approach for Sparse Graph Problems (GEB, VV, RW), pp. 108–120.
ICALP-A-2008-BorradaileK #graph #network #problem- The Two-Edge Connectivity Survivable Network Problem in Planar Graphs (GB, PNK), pp. 485–501.
ICALP-A-2008-CheboluFM #graph #random- Finding a Maximum Matching in a Sparse Random Graph in O(n) Expected Time (PC, AMF, PM), pp. 161–172.
ICALP-A-2008-ChierichettiV #graph- The Local Nature of List Colorings for Graphs of High Girth (FC, AV), pp. 320–332.
ICALP-A-2008-Courcelle #aspect-oriented #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- Graph Structure and Monadic Second-Order Logic: Language Theoretical Aspects (BC), pp. 1–13.
ICALP-A-2008-DraganFG #graph- Spanners in Sparse Graphs (FFD, FVF, PAG), pp. 597–608.
ICALP-A-2008-KaleS #bound #graph- An Expansion Tester for Bounded Degree Graphs (SK, CS), pp. 527–538.
ICALP-A-2008-YoshidaI #graph #testing- Property Testing on k-Vertex-Connectivity of Graphs (YY, HI), pp. 539–550.
LATA-2008-BrijderH #assembly #graph- Extending the Overlap Graph for Gene Assembly in Ciliates (RB, HJH), pp. 137–148.
ICFP-2008-AdamsD #graph #performance #similarity- Efficient nondestructive equality checking for trees and graphs (MDA, RKD), pp. 179–188.
GT-VMT-2006-BaldanCDFGR08 #graph grammar #towards #transaction- Towards a Notion of Transaction in Graph Rewriting (PB, AC, FLD, LF, FG, LR), pp. 39–50.
GT-VMT-2006-DarabosPV08 #graph transformation #implementation #testing #towards- Towards Testing the Implementation of Graph Transformations (AD, AP, DV), pp. 75–85.
GT-VMT-2006-HermannET08 #diagrams #graph grammar #inheritance #sequence chart #syntax #uml- A Typed Attributed Graph Grammar with Inheritance for the Abstract Syntax of UML Class and Sequence Diagrams (FH, HE, GT), pp. 261–269.
GT-VMT-2006-JakobS08 #graph grammar #metamodelling #modelling #using- View Creation of Meta Models by Using Modified Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AS), pp. 181–190.
GT-VMT-2006-KonigK08 #analysis #graph transformation- Augur 2 — A New Version of a Tool for the Analysis of Graph Transformation Systems (BK, VK), pp. 201–210.
GT-VMT-2006-LambersEO08 #detection #graph transformation #performance- Efficient Conflict Detection in Graph Transformation Systems by Essential Critical Pairs (LL, HE, FO), pp. 17–26.
GT-VMT-2006-Lanese08 #graph transformation- Exploiting User-definable Synchronizations in Graph Transformation (IL), pp. 27–38.
GT-VMT-2006-MinasH08 #graph transformation #programming- An Example of Cloning Graph Transformation Rules for Programming (MM, BH), pp. 241–250.
GT-VMT-2006-RensinkN08 #graph transformation #qvt #semantics- Graph Transformation Semantics for a QVT Language (AR, RN), pp. 51–62.
GT-VMT-2006-Varro08 #database #graph transformation #implementation #independence #plugin #query #using- Implementing an EJB3-Specific Graph Transformation Plugin by Using Database Independent Queries (GV), pp. 121–132.
GT-VMT-2006-WinkelmannTEK08 #constraints #generative #graph grammar #metamodelling #ocl #strict- Translation of Restricted OCL Constraints into Graph Constraints for Generating Meta Model Instances by Graph Grammars (JW, GT, KE, JMK), pp. 159–170.
GT-VC-2007-BaresiRRS08 #graph transformation #model checking #performance- An Efficient Solution for Model Checking Graph Transformation Systems (LB, VR, ATR, PS), pp. 3–21.
GT-VC-2007-Bruggink08 #graph transformation #proving #termination #towards- Towards a Systematic Method for Proving Termination of Graph Transformation Systems (HJSB), pp. 23–38.
GT-VC-2007-BruniBGM08 #architecture #graph grammar #modelling #using- Modelling Dynamic Software Architectures using Typed Graph Grammars (RB, AB, SG, HCM), pp. 39–53.
GT-VMT-2008-AzabP #c++ #graph #source code #type checking- Type Checking C++ Template Instantiation by Graph Programs (KA, KHP).
GT-VMT-2008-BaresiGMM #abstraction #graph transformation #using #verification- Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions (LB, CG, AM, MM).
GT-VMT-2008-BraatzB #framework #graph transformation- Graph Transformations for the Resource Description Framework (BB, CB).
GT-VMT-2008-BrielerM #ambiguity #analysis #diagrams #graph grammar #sketching #syntax- Ambiguity Resolution for Sketched Diagrams by Syntax Analysis Based on Graph Grammars (FB, MM).
GT-VMT-2008-EhrigEH #algebra #approach #graph grammar #integration #model transformation- From Model Transformation to Model Integration based on the Algebraic Approach to Triple Graph Grammars (HE, KE, FH).
GT-VMT-2008-Gruner #graph transformation #mobile #network- Graph Transformation Model of a Triangulated Network of Mobile Units (SG).
GT-VMT-2008-MazanekM #combinator #graph #parsing- Parsing of Hyperedge Replacement Grammars with Graph Parser Combinators (SM, MM).
GT-VMT-2008-RensinkK #diagrams #graph #on the #semantics #uml- On a Graph-Based Semantics for UML Class and Object Diagrams (AR, AK).
GT-VMT-2008-Weinell #graph #query #reduction- Extending Graph Query Languages by Reduction (EW).
GT-VMT-2008-Xing #graph #representation- A Graph-Based Type Representation for Objects (CCX).
ICGT-2008-BauerBKR #abstraction #graph- A Modal-Logic Based Graph Abstraction (JB, IB, MEK, AR), pp. 321–335.
ICGT-2008-BergmannHRV #benchmark #evaluation #graph transformation #incremental #metric #pattern matching- A Benchmark Evaluation of Incremental Pattern Matching in Graph Transformation (GB, ÁH, IR, DV), pp. 396–410.
ICGT-2008-BrugginkK #graph #on the- On the Recognizability of Arrow and Graph Languages (HJSB, BK), pp. 336–350.
ICGT-2008-CenciarelliGT #bisimulation #graph #network- Network Applications of Graph Bisimulation (PC, DG, ET), pp. 131–146.
ICGT-2008-ChalopinMM #graph #problem- Labelled (Hyper)Graphs, Negotiations and the Naming Problem (JC, AWM, YM), pp. 54–68.
ICGT-2008-Dang #behaviour #graph grammar #ocl #validation- Triple Graph Grammars and OCL for Validating System Behavior (DHD), pp. 481–483.
ICGT-2008-DerbelMG #graph #implementation #mobile- Mobile Agents Implementing Local Computations in Graphs (BD, MM, SG), pp. 99–114.
ICGT-2008-DrewesHM #adaptation #graph #modelling- Adaptive Star Grammars for Graph Models (FD, BH, MM), pp. 442–457.
ICGT-2008-Echahed #graph grammar #term rewriting- Inductively Sequential Term-Graph Rewrite Systems (RE), pp. 84–98.
ICGT-2008-EhrigE #correctness #graph #model transformation #semantics #using- Semantical Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Using Graph and Rule Transformation (HE, CE), pp. 194–210.
ICGT-2008-EhrigP #analysis #formal method #graph #kernel #model transformation- Formal Analysis of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Rules with Kernels (HE, UP), pp. 178–193.
ICGT-2008-Heckel #graph transformation #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation (RH), pp. 458–459.
ICGT-2008-Horvath #approach #graph transformation #towards #verification- Towards a Two Layered Verification Approach for Compiled Graph Transformation (ÁH), pp. 499–501.
ICGT-2008-JelinkovaK #graph #on the- On Switching to H-Free Graphs (EJ, JK), pp. 379–395.
ICGT-2008-Khan #analysis #configuration management #graph transformation #modelling #network #using- Model-Based Analysis of Network Reconfigurations Using Graph Transformation Systems (AK), pp. 502–504.
ICGT-2008-KonigK #graph transformation #towards #verification- Towards the Verification of Attributed Graph Transformation Systems (BK, VK), pp. 305–320.
ICGT-2008-KreowskiK #framework #graph #parallel- Graph Multiset Transformation as a Framework for Massively Parallel Computation (HJK, SK), pp. 351–365.
ICGT-2008-LambersEPO #confluence #graph transformation- Embedding and Confluence of Graph Transformations with Negative Application Conditions (LL, HE, UP, FO), pp. 162–177.
ICGT-2008-Orejas #constraints #graph- Attributed Graph Constraints (FO), pp. 274–288.
ICGT-2008-Pennemann08a #development #graph transformation- Development of Correct Graph Transformation Systems (KHP), pp. 508–510.
ICGT-2008-PoudretACG #graph transformation #modelling- Graph Transformation for Topology Modelling (MP, AA, JPC, PLG), pp. 147–161.
ICGT-2008-RensinkG #contest #graph #tool support- Graph-Based Tools: The Contest (AR, PVG), pp. 463–466.
ICGT-2008-SchurrK #graph grammar- 15 Years of Triple Graph Grammars (AS, FK), pp. 411–425.
ICGT-2008-Striewe #graph grammar #implementation #state machine #using- Using a Triple Graph Grammar for State Machine Implementations (MS), pp. 514–516.
ICGT-2008-Weinell #graph- Transformation-Based Operationalization of Graph Languages (EW), pp. 520–522.
ICGT-2008-YuH #graph transformation #query #semantics #web- Graph Transformation for the Semantic Web: Queries and Inference Rules (HY, YH), pp. 511–513.
SOFTVIS-2008-DietrichYMJD #analysis #clustering #dependence #graph #java- Cluster analysis of Java dependency graphs (JD, VY, CM, GJ, MD), pp. 91–94.
SOFTVIS-2008-ParduhnSW #algorithm #graph #using #visualisation- Algorithm visualization using concrete and abstract shape graphs (SAP, RS, RW), pp. 33–36.
SOFTVIS-2008-PichNR #analysis #dependence #graph #visual notation- Visual analysis of importance and grouping in software dependency graphs (CP, LN, GGR), pp. 29–32.
SOFTVIS-2008-ZeckzerKSHK #3d #clustering #communication #graph #reliability #using #visualisation- Analyzing the reliability of communication between software entities using a 3D visualization of clustered graphs (DZ, RK, LS, HH, TK), pp. 37–46.
EDOC-2008-SommestadEJ #analysis #architecture #enterprise #graph #modelling #security- Combining Defense Graphs and Enterprise Architecture Models for Security Analysis (TS, ME, PJ), pp. 349–355.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-BainaT #algorithm #graph #hybrid #towards #verification #workflow- Toward a Hybrid Algorithm for Workflow Graph Structural Verification (FT, KB, WG), pp. 442–447.
CIKM-2008-BoldiBCDGV #graph- The query-flow graph: model and applications (PB, FB, CC, DD, AG, SV), pp. 609–618.
CIKM-2008-ChenLYH #approach #effectiveness #graph #on the- On effective presentation of graph patterns: a structural representative approach (CC, CXL, XY, JH), pp. 299–308.
CIKM-2008-DaoudTB #graph #ontology #personalisation #using- Using a graph-based ontological user profile for personalizing search (MD, LTL, MB), pp. 1495–1496.
CIKM-2008-FanWLZH #effectiveness #framework #graph #named- GHOST: an effective graph-based framework for name distinction (XF, JW, BL, LZ, WH), pp. 1449–1450.
CIKM-2008-FeiH #classification #feature model #graph- Structure feature selection for graph classification (HF, JH), pp. 991–1000.
CIKM-2008-HerschelN #detection #graph #scalability- Scaling up duplicate detection in graph data (MH, FN), pp. 1325–1326.
CIKM-2008-Ibekwe-SanjuanSV #composition #graph #information management- Decomposition of terminology graphs for domain knowledge acquisition (FIS, ES, MSEV), pp. 1463–1464.
CIKM-2008-ModaniD #clique #graph #scalability- Large maximal cliques enumeration in sparse graphs (NM, KD), pp. 1377–1378.
CIKM-2008-PobleteCG #graph- Dr. Searcher and Mr. Browser: a unified hyperlink-click graph (BP, CC, AG), pp. 1123–1132.
ECIR-2008-HannahMO #analysis #graph- Analysis of Link Graph Compression Techniques (DH, CM, IO), pp. 596–601.
ECIR-2008-NaderiR #evaluation #graph #similarity- Graph-Based Profile Similarity Calculation Method and Evaluation (HN, BR), pp. 637–641.
ECIR-2008-StathopoulosUJ #automation #graph #image #multi #semantics- Semantic Relationships in Multi-modal Graphs for Automatic Image Annotation (VS, JU, JMJ), pp. 490–497.
ECIR-2008-ValletHJ #evaluation #graph #recommendation- Use of Implicit Graph for Recommending Relevant Videos: A Simulated Evaluation (DV, FH, JMJ), pp. 199–210.
ECIR-2008-WeiLLH #clustering #graph #multi #query #summary- A Cluster-Sensitive Graph Model for Query-Oriented Multi-document Summarization (FW, WL, QL, YH), pp. 446–453.
ICML-2008-Bach #graph #kernel- Graph kernels between point clouds (FRB), pp. 25–32.
ICML-2008-KondorB #graph- The skew spectrum of graphs (RK, KMB), pp. 496–503.
ICML-2008-RavikumarAW #convergence #linear #message passing #source code- Message-passing for graph-structured linear programs: proximal projections, convergence and rounding schemes (PDR, AA, MJW), pp. 800–807.
ICML-2008-SarkarMP #graph #incremental #performance #proximity #scalability- Fast incremental proximity search in large graphs (PS, AWM, AP), pp. 896–903.
ICML-2008-WangJC #graph- Graph transduction via alternating minimization (JW, TJ, SFC), pp. 1144–1151.
ICPR-2008-EmmsHW #graph #quantum #using- Graph drawing using quantum commute time (DE, ERH, RCW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-FerrerVSRB #algorithm #approximate #graph #using- An approximate algorithm for median graph computation using graph embedding (MF, EV, FS, KR, HB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-FundanaHGS #graph #segmentation- Continuous graph cuts for prior-based object segmentation (KF, AH, CG, CS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GhoniemCE #graph #video- Video denoising via discrete regularization on graphs (MG, YC, AE), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GongC #graph #learning #online #optimisation #realtime #segmentation #using- Real-time foreground segmentation on GPUs using local online learning and global graph cut optimization (MG, LC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Gonzalez-AguirreABD #geometry #graph #modelling #self #using #visual notation- Model-based visual self-localization using geometry and graphs (DIGA, TA, EBC, RD), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-GuimaraesPP #approach #detection #difference #distance #graph #using #video- An approach for video cut detection using bipartite graph matching as dissimilarity distance (SJFG, ZKGdPJ, HBdP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KokiopoulouPF #classification #graph #multi- Graph-based classification for multiple observations of transformed patterns (EK, SP, PF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LebrunPG #graph #image #kernel #retrieval- Image retrieval with graph kernel on regions (JL, SPF, PHG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LeKM #clustering #graph- Coring method for clustering a graph (TVL, CAK, IBM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LezorayTE #clustering #graph- Impulse noise removal by spectral clustering and regularization on graphs (OL, VTT, AE), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LezorayTE08a #graph #image- Nonlocal graph regularization for image colorization (OL, VTT, AE), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiuLLJT #graph #probability #representation- Layered shape matching and registration: Stochastic sampling with hierarchical graph representation (XL, LL, HL, HJ, WT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MakiharaY #segmentation- Silhouette extraction based on iterative spatio-temporal local color transformation and graph-cut segmentation (YM, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MooreSLD #image #segmentation #top-down #using- Top down image segmentation using congealing and graph-cut (DM, JS, SL, BAD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RothausJ #clustering #distance #graph #novel- Constrained clustering by a novel graph-based distance transformation (KR, XJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SanromaSA #clique #graph- Improving the matching of graphs generated from shapes by the use of procrustes distances into a clique-based MAP formulation (GS, FS, RA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShiS #graph #recognition- A symbol graph based handwritten math expression recognition (YS, FKS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SugaFTA #graph #recognition #segmentation #using- Object recognition and segmentation using SIFT and Graph Cuts (AS, KF, TT, YA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TaEL #difference #equation #graph- Nonlocal morphological levelings by partial difference equations over weighted graphs (VTT, AE, OL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TangG #constraints #graph #segmentation #video- Video object segmentation based on graph cut with dynamic shape prior constraint (PT, LG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TorselloD #generative #graph #learning- Supervised learning of a generative model for edge-weighted graphs (AT, DLD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WhiteW #generative #graph #modelling- Parts based generative models for graphs (DHW, RCW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-XiaoWH #graph #invariant #recognition #using- Object recognition using graph spectral invariants (XB, RCW, ERH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZitouniSOD #algorithm #graph #image #ranking #using #web- Re-ranking of web image search results using a graph algorithm (HZ, SGS, DO, PD), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-BecchettiBCG #algorithm #graph #performance- Efficient semi-streaming algorithms for local triangle counting in massive graphs (LB, PB, CC, AG), pp. 16–24.
KDD-2008-HwangKRZ #graph #mining- Bridging centrality: graph mining from element level to group level (WH, TK, MR, AZ), pp. 336–344.
KDD-2008-McGlohonAF #component #generative #graph- Weighted graphs and disconnected components: patterns and a generator (MM, LA, CF), pp. 524–532.
KDD-2008-SaigoKT #graph #mining- Partial least squares regression for graph mining (HS, NK, KT), pp. 578–586.
KDD-2008-SatoYN #graph #information management #parametricity #semantics #using #word- Knowledge discovery of semantic relationships between words using nonparametric bayesian graph model (IS, MY, HN), pp. 587–595.
KDD-2008-SeshadriMSBFL #graph #mobile- Mobile call graphs: beyond power-law and lognormal distributions (MS, SM, AS, JB, CF, JL), pp. 596–604.
KDD-2008-TongPSYF #graph #mining #named #performance #scalability- Colibri: fast mining of large static and dynamic graphs (HT, SP, JS, PSY, CF), pp. 686–694.
KDD-2008-YangAPM #graph #interactive #tool support- A visual-analytic toolkit for dynamic interaction graphs (XY, SA, SP, SM), pp. 1016–1024.
KR-2008-MotikGHS #graph #representation #using- Representing Structured Objects using Description Graphs (BM, BCG, IH, US), pp. 296–306.
KR-2008-Rintanen #graph- Planning Graphs and Propositional Clause-Learning (JR), pp. 535–543.
RecSys-2008-HadzicO #graph #navigation- Critique graphs for catalogue navigation (TH, BO), pp. 115–122.
SEKE-2008-AltahatET #analysis #detection #diagrams #graph transformation #interactive #uml- Applying Critical Pair Analysis in Graph Transformation Systems to Detect Syntactic Aspect Interaction in UML State Diagrams (ZA, TE, LT), pp. 905–911.
SEKE-2008-KraftW #eclipse #graph- Evaluating the Accuracy of Call Graphs Extracted with the Eclipse CDT (NAK, KSW), pp. 85–90.
SIGIR-2008-BenderskyK #graph #ranking #using- Re-ranking search results using document-passage graphs (MB, OK), pp. 853–854.
SIGIR-2008-LiWA #graph #learning #query- Learning query intent from regularized click graphs (XL, YYW, AA), pp. 339–346.
SIGIR-2008-MeiZZ #framework #graph #modelling #optimisation- A general optimization framework for smoothing language models on graph structures (QM, DZ, CZ), pp. 611–618.
BX-2008-Hidaka1 #bidirectional #graph transformation #using- Bidirectional Graph Transformation using UnCAL (SH), p. 43.
BX-2008-Schuerr1 #graph grammar #tutorial- Triple Graph Grammar (tutorial) (AS), p. 29.
ICMT-2008-CabotCGL #graph transformation #ocl- Analysing Graph Transformation Rules through OCL (JC, RC, EG, JdL), pp. 229–244.
ICMT-2008-SyrianiV #design #graph grammar- Programmed Graph Rewriting with Time for Simulation-Based Design (ES, HV), pp. 91–106.
MoDELS-2008-BiermannET #emf #graph transformation #model transformation #precise #semantics- Precise Semantics of EMF Model Transformations by Graph Transformation (EB, CE, GT), pp. 53–67.
MoDELS-2008-BiermannET #emf #graph transformation #model transformation #precise #semantics- Precise Semantics of EMF Model Transformations by Graph Transformation (EB, CE, GT), pp. 53–67.
SAC-2008-AbedMS #analysis #graph #multi #proving #reachability #theorem proving #using- Reachability analysis using multiway decision graphs in the HOL theorem prover (SA, OAM, GAS), pp. 333–338.
SAC-2008-BaF #composition #dependence #graph #web #web service- Dependence graphs for verifications of web service compositions with PEWS (CB, MHF), pp. 2387–2391.
SAC-2008-BussBSE #analysis #flexibility #graph #pointer #using- Flexible pointer analysis using assign-fetch graphs (MB, DB, VCS, SAE), pp. 234–239.
SAC-2008-NaderiRP #collaboration #graph #information retrieval #similarity- A graph-based profile similarity calculation method for collaborative information retrieval (HN, BR, JMP), pp. 1127–1131.
SAC-2008-RamanathanKGJ #framework #graph #named #testing- PHALANX: a graph-theoretic framework for test case prioritization (MKR, MK, AG, SJ), pp. 667–673.
SAC-2008-ZhouTBAG #ambiguity #graph #named #query- Gcon: a graph-based technique for resolving ambiguity in query translation candidates (DZ, MT, TJB, HA, JG), pp. 1566–1573.
ICSE-2008-ZimmermannN #analysis #dependence #fault #graph #network #predict #using- Predicting defects using network analysis on dependency graphs (TZ, NN), pp. 531–540.
CC-2008-MarronHKS #analysis #graph #modelling #performance- Efficient Context-Sensitive Shape Analysis with Graph Based Heap Models (MM, MVH, DK, DS), pp. 245–259.
CC-2008-WurthingerWM #dependence #graph #visualisation- Visualization of Program Dependence Graphs (TW, CW, HM), pp. 193–196.
HPCA-2008-ChenMP #constraints #graph #memory management #runtime #using #validation- Runtime validation of memory ordering using constraint graph checking (KC, SM, PP), pp. 415–426.
LCTES-2008-AuerbachBGSV #concurrent #flexibility #graph #java #programming #strict #thread- Flexible task graphs: a unified restricted thread programming model for java (JSA, DFB, RG, JHS, JV), pp. 1–11.
LCTES-2008-EbnerBSKWK #using- Generalized instruction selection using SSA-graphs (DE, FB, BS, AK, PW, AK), pp. 31–40.
CAV-2008-JoshiK #graph transformation #theorem #verification- Applying the Graph Minor Theorem to the Verification of Graph Transformation Systems (SJ, BK), pp. 214–226.
ISSTA-2008-BaahPH #dependence #fault #graph #probability- The probabilistic program dependence graph and its application to fault diagnosis (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 189–200.
RTA-2008-BallandM #graph grammar- Term-Graph Rewriting Via Explicit Paths (EB, PEM), pp. 32–47.
RTA-2008-MazanekM #combinator #functional #graph #parsing- Functional-Logic Graph Parser Combinators (SM, MM), pp. 261–275.
RTA-2008-Ueda #encoding #graph grammar #λ-calculus- Encoding the Pure λ Calculus into Hierarchical Graph Rewriting (KU), pp. 392–408.
DAC-2007-Levitan #graph #random- You Can Get There From Here: Connectivity of Random Graphs on Grids (SPL), pp. 272–273.
DAC-2007-StuijkBGC #data flow #graph #multi #resource management- Multiprocessor Resource Allocation for Throughput-Constrained Synchronous Dataflow Graphs (SS, TB, MG, HC), pp. 777–782.
DAC-2007-WiggersBS #data flow #graph #performance- Efficient Computation of Buffer Capacities for Cyclo-Static Dataflow Graphs (MW, MB, GJMS), pp. 658–663.
DATE-2007-SatishRK #approach #communication #constraints #graph #multi #optimisation #scheduling- A decomposition-based constraint optimization approach for statically scheduling task graphs with communication delays to multiprocessors (NS, KR, KK), pp. 57–62.
DATE-2007-SchlieckerSE #analysis #composition #data flow #graph #integration #performance- Performance analysis of complex systems by integration of dataflow graphs and compositional performance analysis (SS, SS, RE), pp. 273–278.
DATE-2007-ZhuP #algorithm #graph #probability #random- Random sampling of moment graph: a stochastic Krylov-reduction algorithm (ZZ, JRP), pp. 1502–1507.
SIGMOD-2007-ChengKNL #database #graph #named #query #towards- Fg-index: towards verification-free query processing on graph databases (JC, YK, WN, AL), pp. 857–872.
SIGMOD-2007-FaloutsosKS #graph #matrix #mining #scalability #tool support #using- Mining large graphs and streams using matrix and tensor tools (CF, TGK, JS), p. 1174.
SIGMOD-2007-HeWYY #graph #keyword #named- BLINKS: ranked keyword searches on graphs (HH, HW, JY, PSY), pp. 305–316.
SIGMOD-2007-TrisslL #graph #performance #query #scalability- Fast and practical indexing and querying of very large graphs (ST, UL), pp. 845–856.
VLDB-2007-ChenYYHZG #graph #towards- Towards Graph Containment Search and Indexing (CC, XY, PSY, JH, DQZ, XG), pp. 926–937.
VLDB-2007-QiCS #graph #query- Sum-Max Monotonic Ranked Joins for Evaluating Top-K Twig Queries on Weighted Data Graphs (YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 507–518.
VLDB-2007-ZhaoYY #graph- Graph Indexing: Tree + Delta >= Graph (PZ, JXY, PSY), pp. 938–949.
ITiCSE-2007-Sanchez-TorrubiaTC #algorithm #graph #interactive #learning #tool support- New interactive tools for graph algorithms active learning (MGST, CTB, JC), p. 337.
FASE-2007-RangerH #consistency #distributed #graph transformation- Ensuring Consistency Within Distributed Graph Transformation Systems (UR, TH), pp. 368–382.
TACAS-2007-ManevichBCRS #analysis #composition #graph- Shape Analysis by Graph Decomposition (RM, JB, BC, GR, MS), pp. 3–18.
CSMR-2007-Quante #graph #online #process- Online Construction of Dynamic Object Process Graphs (JQ), pp. 113–122.
CSMR-2007-Quante07a #comprehension #graph #process #protocol- Dynamic Object Process Graph Extraction for Program Understanding and Protocol Recovery (JQ), pp. 345–348.
ICSM-2007-BernardiL #aspect-oriented #control flow #graph #interprocedural #maintenance- An Interprocedural Aspect Control Flow Graph to Support the Maintenance of Aspect Oriented Systems (MLB, GADL), pp. 435–444.
PASTE-2007-Lhotak #graph- Comparing call graphs (OL), pp. 37–42.
SCAM-2007-LochbihlerS #dependence #graph #on the- On Temporal Path Conditions in Dependence Graphs (AL, GS), pp. 49–58.
PEPM-2007-MollerS #graph #program analysis #xml- XML graphs in program analysis (AM, MIS), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2007-AnshelevichK #3d #graph #polynomial- Terminal backup, 3D matching, and covering cubic graphs (EA, AK), pp. 391–400.
STOC-2007-BrinkmanKL #graph #random #reduction- Vertex cuts, random walks, and dimension reduction in series-parallel graphs (BB, AK, JRL), pp. 621–630.
STOC-2007-Chan #algorithm #graph- More algorithms for all-pairs shortest paths in weighted graphs (TMC), pp. 590–598.
STOC-2007-ChuzhoyGKT #graph- Hardness of routing with congestion in directed graphs (JC, VG, SK, KT), pp. 165–178.
STOC-2007-HariharanKPB #algorithm #graph- An Õ(mn) Gomory-Hu tree construction algorithm for unweighted graphs (RH, TK, DP, AB), pp. 605–614.
STOC-2007-HayesVV #graph- Randomly coloring planar graphs with fewer colors than the maximum degree (TPH, JCV, EV), pp. 450–458.
STOC-2007-MooreRS #algorithm #graph #morphism #on the #quantum- On the impossibility of a quantum sieve algorithm for graph isomorphism (CM, AR, PS), pp. 536–545.
STOC-2007-VassilevskaWY #graph- All-pairs bottleneck paths for general graphs in truly sub-cubic time (VV, RW, RY), pp. 585–589.
DLT-2007-BrijderH #assembly #graph #reduction- Characterizing Reduction Graphs for Gene Assembly in Ciliates (RB, HJH), pp. 120–131.
ICALP-2007-AlonCHKRS #algorithm #graph- Quasi-randomness and Algorithmic Regularity for Graphs with General Degree Distributions (NA, ACO, HH, MK, VR, MS), pp. 789–800.
ICALP-2007-BergerG #graph- Minimum Weight 2-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Planar Graphs (AB, MG), pp. 90–101.
ICALP-2007-Coja-OghlanPS #graph #on the #random- On the Chromatic Number of Random Graphs (ACO, KP, AS), pp. 777–788.
ICALP-2007-FellowsFHV #graph- Sharp Tractability Borderlines for Finding Connected Motifs in Vertex-Colored Graphs (MRF, GF, DH, SV), pp. 340–351.
ICALP-2007-FraigniaudGIP #distributed #graph- Distributed Computing with Advice: Information Sensitivity of Graph Coloring (PF, CG, DI, AP), pp. 231–242.
ICALP-2007-GuoN #graph #kernel #linear #np-hard #problem- Linear Problem Kernels for NP-Hard Problems on Planar Graphs (JG, RN), pp. 375–386.
LATA-2007-Diekert #equation #graph #named #word- Equations: From Words to Graph Products (VD), pp. 1–6.
LATA-2007-LohreyS #graph #problem #set- The submonoid and rational subset membership problems for graph groups (ML, BS), pp. 367–378.
ICFP-2007-Sereni #analysis #functional #graph #higher-order #source code #termination- Termination analysis and call graph construction for higher-order functional programs (DS), pp. 71–84.
IFL-2007-MazanekM #combinator #graph #parsing- Graph Parser Combinators (SM, MM), pp. 1–18.
IFL-2007-NaylorR #graph #reduction #using- The Reduceron: Widening the von Neumann Bottleneck for Graph Reduction Using an FPGA (MN, CR), pp. 129–146.
AGTIVE-2007-AmelunxenLSS #graph transformation #guidelines #modelling- Checking and Enforcement of Modeling Guidelines with Graph Transformations (CA, EL, AS, IS), pp. 313–328.
AGTIVE-2007-AnandK #assembly #generative #graph transformation- Code Graph Transformations for Verifiable Generation of SIMD-Parallel Assembly Code (CKA, WK), pp. 217–232.
AGTIVE-2007-AschenbrennerG #graph #graph grammar #using- Transforming Scene Graphs Using Triple Graph Grammars — A Practice Report (NA, LG), pp. 32–43.
AGTIVE-2007-BatzKG #evaluation #graph #pattern matching- A First Experimental Evaluation of Search Plan Driven Graph Pattern Matching (GVB, MK, RG), pp. 471–486.
AGTIVE-2007-BuchmannDUW #case study #comparative #development #graph transformation #modelling- Model-Driven Software Development with Graph Transformations: A Comparative Case Study (TB, AD, SU, BW), pp. 345–360.
AGTIVE-2007-DrewesHJME #graph transformation- Shaped Generic Graph Transformation (FD, BH, DJ, MM, NVE), pp. 201–216.
AGTIVE-2007-FussT #algorithm #graph transformation #model transformation #simulation- Simulating Set-Valued Transformations with Algorithmic Graph Transformation Languages (CF, VET), pp. 442–455.
AGTIVE-2007-GeissK #graph grammar #performance- GrGen.NET: A Fast, Expressive, and General Purpose Graph Rewrite Tool (RG, MK), pp. 568–569.
AGTIVE-2007-GogollaBD #graph transformation #ocl #using- From Graph Transformation to OCL Using USE (MG, FB, DHD), pp. 585–586.
AGTIVE-2007-HeerRK #algorithm #graph grammar #integration #ontology- Algorithm and Tool for Ontology Integration Based on Graph Rewriting (TH, DR, BK), pp. 577–582.
AGTIVE-2007-KniemeyerBHK #approach #architecture #biology #graph transformation #parallel #relational- Relational Growth Grammars — A Parallel Graph Transformation Approach with Applications in Biology and Architecture (OK, GB, RH, WK), pp. 152–167.
AGTIVE-2007-LeenheerM #collaboration #evolution #graph transformation #ontology #using- Using Graph Transformation to Support Collaborative Ontology Evolution (PDL, TM), pp. 44–58.
AGTIVE-2007-MatznerMS #automation #graph #performance- Efficient Graph Matching with Application to Cognitive Automation (AM, MM, AS), pp. 297–312.
AGTIVE-2007-MolEP #proving #reduction- A Single-Step Term-Graph Reduction System for Proof Assistants (MdM, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 184–200.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerGH #graph #interface- Defining Abstract Graph Views as Module Interfaces (UR, KG, MH), pp. 120–135.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerW #graph grammar- The Graph Rewriting Language and Environment PROGRES (UR, EW), pp. 575–576.
AGTIVE-2007-RensinkDEJKLMSZ #case study #graph transformation #named #tool support- Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (AR, AD, CE, SJ, OK, JdL, SM, TS, AZ), pp. 493–513.
AGTIVE-2007-RensinkT #contest #graph transformation- AGTIVE 2007 Graph Transformation Tool Contest (AR, GT), pp. 487–492.
AGTIVE-2007-SchosserG #graph grammar #hardware #optimisation- Graph Rewriting for Hardware Dependent Program Optimizations (AS, RG), pp. 233–248.
AGTIVE-2007-SyrianiV #graph grammar- Programmed Graph Rewriting with DEVS (ES, HV), pp. 136–151.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerBBBBBGGHKMNPV #case study #generative #graph transformation #tool support- Generation of Sierpinski Triangles: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (GT, EB, DB, BB, IB, AB, LG, RG, ÁH, OK, TM, BN, DP, TV), pp. 514–539.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerMM #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Domain-Specific Refactorings for AndroMDA Based on Graph Transformation (GT, DM, TM), pp. 104–119.
AGTIVE-2007-VarroABBDGGGKNRW #case study #csp #graph transformation #modelling #tool support #uml- Transformation of UML Models to CSP: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (DV, MA, DB, AB, DHD, RG, JG, PVG, OK, AN, ER, EW), pp. 540–565.
AGTIVE-2007-VarroHV #graph #pattern matching #recursion- Recursive Graph Pattern Matching (GV, ÁH, DV), pp. 456–470.
AGTIVE-2007-Weber-Jahnke #graph grammar #information management #modelling- Modelling of Longitudinal Information Systems with Graph Grammars (JHWJ), pp. 59–65.
AGTIVE-2007-Weinell #adaptation #query- Adaptable Support for Queries and Transformations for the DRAGOS Graph-Database (EW), pp. 394–409.
GT-VMT-2007-BalasubramanianNNSTK #graph transformation #model transformation- A Subgraph Operator for Graph Transformation Languages (DB, AN, SN, FS, RT, GK).
GT-VMT-2007-BonevaHKR #graph transformation #multi #simulation #using- Simulating Multigraph Transformations Using Simple Graphs (IB, FH, HK, AR).
GT-VMT-2007-GuerraL #graph transformation #recursion- Adding Recursion to Graph Transformation (EG, JdL).
GT-VMT-2007-HorvathVV #graph- Generic Search Plans for Matching Advanced Graph Patterns (ÁH, GV, DV).
GT-VMT-2007-KohlerLT #constraints #graph #model transformation- Ensuring Containment Constraints in Graph-based Model Transformation Approaches (CK, HL, GT).
GT-VMT-2007-LaraGB #generative #graph grammar #specification- Triple Patterns: Compact Specifications for the Generation of Operational Triple Graph Grammar Rules (JdL, EG, PB).
GT-VMT-2007-Paun #graph transformation- Membrane computing [and graph transformation] (GP).
GT-VMT-2007-SheehanGQ #graph- Imposing Hierarchy on a Graph (BS, BG, AJQ).
GT-VMT-2007-WorzbergerHH #graph #tool support #workflow- Evaluating Workflow Definition Language Revisions with Graph-Based Tools (RW, MH, FWH).
GT-VMT-2007-WrobelEP #framework #graph #product line- Graph-Based Engineering Systems — A Family of Software Applications and their Underlying Framework (GW, REE, MP).
HCI-IPT-2007-Misue #graph #visualisation- Anchored Maps: Visualization Techniques for Drawing Bipartite Graphs (KM), pp. 106–114.
VISSOFT-2007-BohnetD #2d #graph #source code #visualisation- Facilitating Exploration of Unfamiliar Source Code by Providing 21/2D Visualizations of Dynamic Call Graphs (JB, JD), pp. 63–66.
VISSOFT-2007-BohnetD07a #compilation #comprehension #graph- CGA Call Graph Analyzer — Locating and Understanding Functionality within the Gnu Compiler Collection’s Million Lines of Code (JB, JD), pp. 161–162.
VISSOFT-2007-KagdiM #diagrams #graph #uml- Onion Graphs for Focus+Context Views of UML Class Diagrams (HHK, JIM), pp. 80–87.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-FurstT #concept #graph #ontology- Heavyweight Ontology Matching — A Method and a Tool based on the Conceptual Graphs Model (FF, FT), pp. 265–270.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-TraversD #graph #optimisation #perspective #xquery- An extensible rule transformation model for XQuery optimization — rules pattern for XQuery tree graph view (NT, TTDN), pp. 351–358.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-BabaianLT #approach #graph #process #visualisation- Visualizing the Process — A Graph-Based Approach to Enhancing System-User Knowledge Sharing (TB, WTL, HT), pp. 123–128.
CIKM-2007-BrinkmeierWR #community #graph- Communities in graphs and hypergraphs (MB, JW, SR), pp. 869–872.
CIKM-2007-LangA #graph- Finding dense and isolated submarkets in a sponsored search spending graph (KJL, RA), pp. 613–622.
CIKM-2007-Martinez-BazanMGNSL #graph #information retrieval #named #scalability- Dex: high-performance exploration on large graphs for information retrieval (NMB, VMM, SGV, JN, MASM, JLLP), pp. 573–582.
CIKM-2007-YangQZGL #analysis #graph #using #web- Link analysis using time series of web graphs (LY, LQ, YPZ, BG, TYL), pp. 1011–1014.
ICML-2007-AgarwalC #graph #learning #random #rank- Learning random walks to rank nodes in graphs (AA, SC), pp. 9–16.
ICML-2007-JohnsM #approximate #graph- Constructing basis functions from directed graphs for value function approximation (JJ, SM), pp. 385–392.
ICML-2007-LeskovecF #graph #modelling #multi #scalability #using- Scalable modeling of real graphs using Kronecker multiplication (JL, CF), pp. 497–504.
ICML-2007-RattiganMJ #clustering #graph #network- Graph clustering with network structure indices (MJR, MEM, DJ), pp. 783–790.
ICML-2007-Tsuda #graph- Entire regularization paths for graph data (KT), pp. 919–926.
KDD-2007-AsurPU #behaviour #framework #graph #interactive- An event-based framework for characterizing the evolutionary behavior of interaction graphs (SA, SP, DU), pp. 913–921.
KDD-2007-JoLG #correlation #detection #graph #research #topic- Detecting research topics via the correlation between graphs and texts (YJ, CL, CLG), pp. 370–379.
KDD-2007-KeCN #correlation #database #graph- Correlation search in graph databases (YK, JC, WN), pp. 390–399.
KDD-2007-SunFPY #graph #mining #named #scalability- GraphScope: parameter-free mining of large time-evolving graphs (JS, CF, SP, PSY), pp. 687–696.
KDD-2007-TongFGE #graph #pattern matching #performance #scalability- Fast best-effort pattern matching in large attributed graphs (HT, CF, BG, TER), pp. 737–746.
KDD-2007-TongFK #graph #mining #performance #proximity- Fast direction-aware proximity for graph mining (HT, CF, YK), pp. 747–756.
MLDM-2007-RiesenKB #graph- Reducing the Dimensionality of Vector Space Embeddings of Graphs (KR, VK, HB), pp. 563–573.
MLDM-2007-WuW #graph #kernel #parametricity- Choosing the Kernel Parameters for the Directed Acyclic Graph Support Vector Machines (KPW, SDW), pp. 276–285.
MLDM-2007-YuL #approach #classification #graph #named- PE-PUC: A Graph Based PU-Learning Approach for Text Classification (SY, CL), pp. 574–584.
SEKE-2007-KoskerB #graph transformation #refactoring #uml- Synchronization of UML Based Refactoring with Graph Transformation (YK, ABB), pp. 232–237.
SIGIR-2007-Broschart #graph #integration #performance #proximity #retrieval- Efficient integration of proximity for text, semi-structured and graph retrieval (AB), p. 917.
SIGIR-2007-CraswellS #graph #random- Random walks on the click graph (NC, MS), pp. 239–246.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LohmannGJS #graph grammar #model transformation #workflow- Applying Triple Graph Grammars For Pattern-Based Workflow Model Transformations (CL, JG, JJ, TS), pp. 253–273.
LOPSTR-2007-NguyenGSS #analysis #dependence #graph #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination Analysis of Logic Programs Based on Dependency Graphs (MTN, JG, PSK, DDS), pp. 8–22.
QAPL-2007-BistarelliMRS #constraints #graph #logic programming #modelling #multi #using- Modelling Multicast QoS Routing by using Best-Tree Search in And-or Graphs and Soft Constraint Logic Programming (SB, UM, FR, FS), pp. 111–127.
SAC-2007-FrancisS #constraints #graph- Constraint propagation for loose constraint graphs (KF, PJS), pp. 334–335.
SAC-2007-GooneratneTH #algorithm #graph #traversal #using #verification #web #web service- Verification of web service descriptions using graph-based traversal algorithms (NG, ZT, JH), pp. 1385–1392.
SAC-2007-JinC #graph- Hierarchical alignment graph for gene teams finding on whole genomes (HJJ, HGC), pp. 113–117.
SAC-2007-JinS #graph #information management #representation- Graph-based text representation and knowledge discovery (WJ, RKS), pp. 807–811.
SAC-2007-YuSZX #graph #named #semantics #web #web service- SNet: skip graph based semantic web services discovery (JY, HS, GZ, KX), pp. 1393–1397.
GTTSE-2007-SeguraBCT #automation #feature model #graph transformation #modelling #using- Automated Merging of Feature Models Using Graph Transformations (SS, DB, ARC, PT), pp. 489–505.
CC-2007-LeeRBM #constraints #control flow #graph #using- Correcting the Dynamic Call Graph Using Control-Flow Constraints (BL, KR, MDB, KSM), pp. 80–95.
CGO-2007-CodinaSG #clustering #graph #scheduling- Virtual Cluster Scheduling Through the Scheduling Graph (JMC, FJS, AG), pp. 89–101.
CGO-2007-DrewekeWFSMP #abstraction #graph- Graph-Based Procedural Abstraction (AD, MW, IF, DS, TM, MP), pp. 259–270.
LCTES-2007-0002NX #graph- Scratchpad allocation for data aggregates in superperfect graphs (LL, QHN, JX), pp. 207–216.
ICLP-2007-Palshikar #execution #graph grammar #prolog #representation- Representation and Execution of a Graph Grammar in Prolog (GKP), pp. 442–443.
ICLP-2007-Raiser #graph transformation- Graph Transformation Systems in CHR (FR), pp. 240–254.
RTA-2007-DuvalEP #garbage collection #graph grammar- Adjunction for Garbage Collection with Application to Graph Rewriting (DD, RE, FP), pp. 122–136.
CASE-2006-AlenljungL #graph #semantics- Semantics of Sensor Activation Graphs (TA, BL), pp. 419–424.
CASE-2006-LeeLS #clustering #graph- Token delays and generalized workload balancing for timed event graphs with application to cluster tool operation (TEL, HYL, RSS), pp. 93–99.
CASE-2006-LiLWC #automation #component #equation #generative #graph #linear #using- Automatic Generation of Component-level Dynamic Equations Using Extensible Element Linear Graph Method (YL, ZL, HW, YC), pp. 118–123.
DAC-2006-HsuRKPB #data flow #graph #performance #simulation- Efficient simulation of critical synchronous dataflow graphs (CJH, SR, MYK, JLP, SSB), pp. 893–898.
DAC-2006-StuijkGB #constraints #data flow #graph #requirements #throughput #trade-off- Exploring trade-offs in buffer requirements and throughput constraints for synchronous dataflow graphs (SS, MG, TB), pp. 899–904.
DRR-2006-LoprestiNJ #correlation #generative #graph- Match graph generation for symbolic indirect correlation (DPL, GN, AJ).
PODS-2006-MotwaniX #evolution #graph #modelling #random #web- Evolution of page popularity under random web graph models (RM, YX), pp. 134–142.
SIGMOD-2006-BorgwardtBK #graph #mining #named #visual notation- VGM: visual graph mining (KMB, SB, HPK), pp. 733–735.
SIGMOD-2006-SpiegelP #estimation #graph #relational- Graph-based synopses for relational selectivity estimation (JS, NP), pp. 205–216.
VLDB-2006-RodriguesTTFL #graph #interactive #mining #named #scalability #visualisation- GMine: A System for Scalable, Interactive Graph Visualization and Mining (JFRJ, HT, AJMT, CF, JL), pp. 1195–1198.
ITiCSE-2006-Snapp06a #algorithm #education #graph- Teaching graph algorithms in a corn maze (RRS), p. 347.
FASE-2006-TaentzerC #approach #documentation #graph #xml- A Graph-Based Approach to Transform XML Documents (GT, GTC), pp. 48–62.
FoSSaCS-2006-Serre #game studies #graph #process- Parity Games Played on Transition Graphs of One-Counter Processes (OS), pp. 337–351.
TACAS-2006-KonigK #abstraction #analysis #graph transformation #refinement- Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement for the Analysis of Graph Transformation Systems (BK, VK), pp. 197–211.
TACAS-2006-LeueW #approach #graph #proving #termination- A Region Graph Based Approach to Termination Proofs (SL, WW), pp. 318–333.
TACAS-2006-SokolskyKL #graph #similarity- Simulation-Based Graph Similarity (OS, SK, IL), pp. 426–440.
CSMR-2006-QuanteK #graph #process- Dynamic Object Process Graphs (JQ, RK), pp. 81–90.
ICSM-2006-ByersASD #graph #modelling- Modeling Software Vulnerabilities With Vulnerability Cause Graphs (DB, SA, NS, CD), pp. 411–422.
ICSM-2006-NeginhalK #c #comprehension #graph #reduction- Event Views and Graph Reductions for Understanding System Level C Code (SN, SK), pp. 279–288.
SCAM-2006-BeszedesGG #algorithm #dependence #slicing- Graph-Less Dynamic Dependence-Based Dynamic Slicing Algorithms (ÁB, TG, TG), pp. 21–30.
SCAM-2006-SawinR #algorithm #graph #runtime- Estimating the Run-Time Progress of a Call Graph Construction Algorithm (JS, AR), pp. 53–62.
SCAM-2006-ZhangR #graph #java #library- Constructing Accurate Application Call Graphs For Java To Model Library Callbacks (WZ, BGR), pp. 63–74.
WCRE-2006-CleveHH #dependence #graph #reverse engineering #using- Data Reverse Engineering using System Dependency Graphs (AC, JH, JLH), pp. 157–166.
WCRE-2006-FischerG #analysis #approach #lightweight #named #scalability- EvoGraph: A Lightweight Approach to Evolutionary and Structural Analysis of Large Software Systems (MF, HG), pp. 179–188.
WCRE-2006-Krinke #control flow #graph #mining- Mining Control Flow Graphs for Crosscutting Concerns (JK), pp. 334–342.
PEPM-2006-HammerGK #dependence #graph- Dynamic path conditions in dependence graphs (CH, MG, JK), pp. 58–67.
STOC-2006-BansalCES #graph- A quasi-PTAS for unsplittable flow on line graphs (NB, AC, AE, BS), pp. 721–729.
STOC-2006-BarakRSW #graph- 2-source dispersers for sub-polynomial entropy and Ramsey graphs beating the Frankl-Wilson construction (BB, AR, RS, AW), pp. 671–680.
STOC-2006-BorgsCLSSV #graph #parametricity #testing- Graph limits and parameter testing (CB, JTC, LL, VTS, BS, KV), pp. 261–270.
STOC-2006-ChekuriKS #constant #graph- Edge-disjoint paths in Planar graphs with constant congestion (CC, SK, FBS), pp. 757–766.
STOC-2006-ChuzhoyK #graph #problem- Hardness of cut problems in directed graphs (JC, SK), pp. 527–536.
STOC-2006-HallgrenMRRS #graph #morphism #quantum- Limitations of quantum coset states for graph isomorphism (SH, CM, MR, AR, PS), pp. 604–617.
STOC-2006-KawarabayashiM #approximate #graph- Approximating the list-chromatic number and the chromatic number in minor-closed and odd-minor-closed classes of graphs (KiK, BM), pp. 401–416.
STOC-2006-KhandekarRV #clustering #graph #using- Graph partitioning using single commodity flows (RK, SR, UVV), pp. 385–390.
STOC-2006-Klein #graph #set- A subset spanner for Planar graphs, : with application to subset TSP (PNK), pp. 749–756.
STOC-2006-Shapira #all about #combinator #graph- A combinatorial characterization of the testable graph properties: it’s all about regularity (NA, EF, IN, AS), pp. 251–260.
ICALP-v1-2006-CarrollGM #bound #graph- Embedding Bounded Bandwidth Graphs into l1 (DEC, AG, AM), pp. 27–37.
ICALP-v1-2006-Coja-Oghlan #adaptation #clustering #graph #heuristic #random- An Adaptive Spectral Heuristic for Partitioning Random Graphs (ACO), pp. 691–702.
ICALP-v1-2006-Coja-OghlanL #graph #random- The Spectral Gap of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees (ACO, AL), pp. 15–26.
ICALP-v1-2006-DjidjevV #graph- Planar Crossing Numbers of Genus g Graphs (HD, IV), pp. 419–430.
ICALP-v1-2006-DyerGP #graph #morphism #on the- On Counting Homomorphisms to Directed Acyclic Graphs (MED, LAG, MP), pp. 38–49.
ICALP-v1-2006-GroheV #game studies #graph #morphism #parallel #testing- Testing Graph Isomorphism in Parallel by Playing a Game (MG, OV), pp. 3–14.
ICALP-v1-2006-HariharanKM #algorithm #graph #performance- A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Bases in Directed Graphs (RH, TK, KM), pp. 250–261.
ICALP-v1-2006-HeZ #graph- Nearly Optimal Visibility Representations of Plane Graphs (XH, HZ), pp. 407–418.
ICALP-v1-2006-KormanP #graph- Dynamic Routing Schemes for General Graphs (AK, DP), pp. 619–630.
ICALP-v1-2006-RaoZ #graph- Edge Disjoint Paths in Moderately Connected Graphs (SR, SZ), pp. 202–213.
ICALP-v1-2006-VassilevskaWY #graph #problem- Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems (VV, RW, RY), pp. 262–273.
FM-2006-LangariT #communication #formal method #graph transformation #modelling #protocol- Formal Modeling of Communication Protocols by Graph Transformation (ZL, RJT), pp. 348–363.
SEFM-2006-DSouzaG #graph- Computing Complete Test Graphs for Hierarchical Systems (DD, MG), pp. 70–79.
ICGT-2006-BaldanCFG #graph #process #transaction- Graph Transactions as Processes (PB, AC, LF, FG), pp. 199–214.
ICGT-2006-BaresiS #alloy #graph transformation #on the- On the Use of Alloy to Analyze Graph Transformation Systems (LB, PS), pp. 306–320.
ICGT-2006-BerwangerJ #automaton #graph- Automata on Directed Graphs: Edge Versus Vertex Marking (DB, DJ), pp. 46–60.
ICGT-2006-BruniM #graph transformation- Dynamic Graph Transformation Systems (RB, HCM), pp. 230–244.
ICGT-2006-ButtnerG #graph transformation #sequence- Realizing Graph Transformations by Pre- and Postconditions and Command Sequences (FB, MG), pp. 398–413.
ICGT-2006-DoddsP #constant #graph transformation- Graph Transformation in Constant Time (MD, DP), pp. 367–382.
ICGT-2006-EdelkampJL #analysis #graph #heuristic- Heuristic Search for the Analysis of Graph Transition Systems (SE, SJ, ALL), pp. 414–429.
ICGT-2006-EhrigHL #analysis #graph transformation- Molecular Analysis of Metabolic Pathway with Graph Transformation (KE, RH, GL), pp. 107–121.
ICGT-2006-EhrigOP #category theory #distributed #graph transformation- Categorical Foundations of Distributed Graph Transformation (HE, FO, UP), pp. 215–229.
ICGT-2006-EngelsLSH #contract #design #graph transformation #modelling #monitoring- Model-Driven Monitoring: An Application of Graph Transformation for Design by Contract (GE, ML, SS, RH), pp. 336–350.
ICGT-2006-GeissBGHS #graph grammar #named #performance- GrGen: A Fast SPO-Based Graph Rewriting Tool (RG, GVB, DG, SH, AS), pp. 383–397.
ICGT-2006-GuerraL #graph transformation- Model View Management with Triple Graph Transformation Systems (EG, JdL), pp. 351–366.
ICGT-2006-Heckel #graph transformation #tutorial- Introductory Tutorial on Foundations and Applications of Graph Transformation (RH), pp. 461–462.
ICGT-2006-JakobKS #graph grammar #specification- Non-materialized Model View Specification with Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AK, AS), pp. 321–335.
ICGT-2006-LambersEO #detection #graph transformation- Conflict Detection for Graph Transformation with Negative Application Conditions (LL, HE, FO), pp. 61–76.
ICGT-2006-MendizabalD #analysis #distributed #graph grammar #non-functional #probability #using- Non-functional Analysis of Distributed Systems in Unreliable Environments Using Stochastic Object Based Graph Grammars (OMM, FLD), pp. 275–290.
ICGT-2006-Rensink #graph transformation #quantifier- Nested Quantification in Graph Transformation Rules (AR), pp. 1–13.
ICGT-2006-RotschkeS #evolution #graph #query- Temporal Graph Queries to Support Software Evolution (TR, AS), pp. 291–305.
ICGT-2006-VelascoL #approach #graph transformation #matrix #sequence- Matrix Approach to Graph Transformation: Matching and Sequences (PPPV, JdL), pp. 122–137.
CHI-2006-Adar #graph #interface #named- GUESS: a language and interface for graph exploration (EA), pp. 791–800.
CHI-2006-WallB #feedback #graph #navigation #what- Feeling what you hear: tactile feedback for navigation of audio graphs (SAW, SAB), pp. 1123–1132.
CHI-2006-Wattenberg #graph #multi #visual notation- Visual exploration of multivariate graphs (MW), pp. 811–819.
CSCW-2006-JacoviSGUSM #analysis #graph- The chasms of CSCW: a citation graph analysis of the CSCW conference (MJ, VS, GGF, SU, ES, NM), pp. 289–298.
SOFTVIS-2006-BohnetD #feature model #graph #visual notation- Visual exploration of function call graphs for feature location in complex software systems (JB, JD), pp. 95–104.
SOFTVIS-2006-Jucknath-JohnG #evolution #graph #modelling #scalability #visualisation- Icon graphs: visualizing the evolution of large class models (SJJ, DG), pp. 167–168.
SOFTVIS-2006-Pietriga #graph #semantics #visualisation #web- Semantic web data visualization with graph style sheets (EP), pp. 177–178.
CIKM-2006-BerberichBW #graph #performance #rank #web- Rank synopses for efficient time travel on the web graph (KB, SJB, GW), pp. 864–865.
CIKM-2006-NanavatiGDCDMJ #graph #on the- On the structural properties of massive telecom call graphs: findings and implications (AAN, SG, GD, DC, KD, SM, AJ), pp. 435–444.
CIKM-2006-TheodoratosSDPS #graph #heuristic #query- Heuristic containment check of partial tree-pattern queries in the presence of index graphs (DT, SS, TD, PP, TKS), pp. 445–454.
ICML-2006-Agarwal #graph #ranking- Ranking on graph data (SA0), pp. 25–32.
ICML-2006-AgarwalBB #graph #higher-order #learning- Higher order learning with graphs (SA, KB, SB), pp. 17–24.
ICML-2006-BezakovaKS #graph #using- Graph model selection using maximum likelihood (IB, AK, RS), pp. 105–112.
ICML-2006-Hanneke #analysis #graph #learning- An analysis of graph cut size for transductive learning (SH), pp. 393–399.
ICML-2006-TsudaK #clustering #graph #mining- Clustering graphs by weighted substructure mining (KT, TK), pp. 953–960.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChenCLT #algorithm #automation #graph #image #segmentation #using- Automatic Segmentation of Lung Fields from Radiographic Images of SARS Patients Using a New Graph Cuts Algorithm (SC, LC, JL, XT), pp. 271–274.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChiaHL #graph #multi #representation- Multiple Objects Tracking with Multiple Hypotheses Graph Representation (AYSC, WH, LL), pp. 638–641.
ICPR-v1-2006-WuW #graph #using- Stereo Correspondence Using Stripe Adjacency Graph (CCW, ZFW), pp. 123–126.
ICPR-v2-2006-AhnKB #estimation #graph #robust #segmentation #using- Robust Object Segmentation Using Graph Cut with Object and Background Seed Estimation (JHA, KCK, HB), pp. 361–364.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenS #graph #verification- A New Off-line Signature Verification Method based on Graph (SC, SNS), pp. 869–872.
ICPR-v2-2006-HaxhimusaIK #graph #segmentation- Evaluating Hierarchical Graph-based Segmentation (YH, AI, WGK), pp. 195–198.
ICPR-v2-2006-KimK06b #estimation #graph #modelling #monte carlo #multi #online- Multi-modal Sequential Monte Carlo for On-Line Hierarchical Graph Structure Estimation in Model-based Scene Interpretation (SK, ISK), pp. 251–254.
ICPR-v2-2006-KirkegaardM #graph- Bin-Picking based on Harmonic Shape Contexts and Graph-Based Matching (JK, TBM), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-v2-2006-VanhamelSP #graph #image #multi #segmentation- Nonlinear Multiscale Graph Theory based Segmentation of Color Images (IV, HS, IP), pp. 407–411.
ICPR-v3-2006-BarbuRLAHT #algorithm #classification #graph #recognition #search-based #using- Graph Classification Using Genetic Algorithm and Graph Probing Application to Symbol Recognition (EB, RR, HL, SA, PH, ÉT), pp. 296–299.
ICPR-v3-2006-DePieroC #graph- Structural Matching Via Optimal Basis Graphs (FWD, JKC), pp. 449–452.
ICPR-v3-2006-EmmsHW #graph #quantum #using- Graph Matching using Interference of Coined Quantum Walks (DE, ERH, RCW), pp. 133–136.
ICPR-v3-2006-PozdnoukhovB #graph #invariant #kernel #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Graph-based transformation manifolds for invariant pattern recognition with kernel methods (AP, SB), pp. 1228–1231.
ICPR-v3-2006-QiuH #graph #using- Graph Matching using Commute Time Spanning Trees (HQ, ERH), pp. 1224–1227.
ICPR-v3-2006-XuL06a #graph #recognition #sketching- Face Recognition by Expression-Driven Sketch Graph Matching (ZX, JL), pp. 1119–1122.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhaoY #graph #incremental #reduction- Incremental Construction of Neighborhood Graphs for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction (DZ, LY), pp. 177–180.
ICPR-v4-2006-FengL #clustering #graph #self- Self-Validated and Spatially Coherent Clustering with Net-Structured MRF and Graph Cuts (WF, ZQL), pp. 37–40.
ICPR-v4-2006-NeuhausB #graph #kernel- A Convolution Edit Kernel for Error-tolerant Graph Matching (MN, HB), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v4-2006-PozdnoukhovB06a #graph #invariant #kernel #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Graph-based transformation manifolds for invariant pattern recognition with kernel methods (AP, SB), p. 956.
ICPR-v4-2006-QiuH06a #graph #using- Graph Matching using Commute Time Spanning Tr (HQ, ERH), p. 955.
ICPR-v4-2006-SunYMW #energy #segmentation- Better Foreground Segmentation for Static Cameras via New Energy Form and Dynamic Graph-cut (YS, BY, ZM, CW), pp. 49–52.
ICPR-v4-2006-WhiteW #graph- Mixing spectral representations of graphs (DHW, RCW), pp. 140–144.
ICPR-v4-2006-Yang #graph #linear- Building Connected Neighborhood Graphs for Locally Linear Embedding (LY), pp. 194–197.
ICPR-v4-2006-YuH #graph #kernel #string- String Kernels for Matching Seriated Graphs (HY, ERH), pp. 224–228.
KDD-2006-HorvathRW #graph #mining- Frequent subgraph mining in outerplanar graphs (TH, JR, SW), pp. 197–206.
KDD-2006-LeskovecF #graph #scalability- Sampling from large graphs (JL, CF), pp. 631–636.
KDD-2006-LiuCHY #analysis #dependence #detection #graph #named- GPLAG: detection of software plagiarism by program dependence graph analysis (CL, CC, JH, PSY), pp. 872–881.
KDD-2006-LongWZY #graph #learning- Unsupervised learning on k-partite graphs (BL, XW, Z(Z, PSY), pp. 317–326.
KDD-2006-SunTF #analysis #graph- Beyond streams and graphs: dynamic tensor analysis (JS, DT, CF), pp. 374–383.
KDD-2006-YooHS #clustering #graph #integration #refinement #representation #semantics- Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering (IY, XH, IYS), pp. 791–796.
KDD-2006-ZengWZK #clique #database #graph #scalability- Coherent closed quasi-clique discovery from large dense graph databases (ZZ, JW, LZ, GK), pp. 797–802.
KDD-2006-ZhangPD #categorisation #graph #linear #modelling #predict- Linear prediction models with graph regularization for web-page categorization (TZ, AP, BD), pp. 821–826.
KR-2006-CroitoruC #algorithm #composition #concept #graph- A Tree Decomposition Algorithm for Conceptual Graph Projection (MC, EC), pp. 271–276.
KR-2006-WachterH #graph #representation- Propositional DAGs: A New Graph-Based Language for Representing Boolean Functions (MW, RH), pp. 277–285.
SIGIR-2006-AngelovaW #classification #graph- Graph-based text classification: learn from your neighbors (RA, GW), pp. 485–492.
SIGIR-2006-MinkovCN #ambiguity #email #graph #using- Contextual search and name disambiguation in email using graphs (EM, WWC, AYN), pp. 27–34.
SIGIR-2006-VassilvitskiiB #distance #feedback #using #web- Using web-graph distance for relevance feedback in web search (SV, EB), pp. 147–153.
SIGIR-2006-WuJ #framework #graph #learning #multi- A graph-based framework for relation propagation and its application to multi-label learning (MW, RJ), pp. 717–718.
ECMDA-FA-2006-AmelunxenKRS #framework #graph transformation #metamodelling #named #standard- MOFLON: A Standard-Compliant Metamodeling Framework with Graph Transformations (CA, AK, TR, AS), pp. 361–375.
MoDELS-2006-GieseW #graph grammar #incremental- Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (HG, RW), pp. 543–557.
MoDELS-2006-GieseW #graph grammar #incremental- Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (HG, RW), pp. 543–557.
LOPSTR-2006-ArroyoRSV #graph #partial evaluation #using- Improving Offline Narrowing-Driven Partial Evaluation Using Size-Change Graphs (GA, JGR, JS, GV), pp. 60–76.
PPDP-2006-CaferraEP- Rewriting term-graphs with priority (RC, RE, NP), pp. 109–120.
PADL-2006-LiuS #graph #query- Querying Complex Graphs (YAL, SDS), pp. 199–214.
SAC-2006-AgostiFO #automation #graph #image- Graph-based automatic suggestion of relationships among images of illuminated manuscripts (MA, NF, NO), pp. 1063–1067.
SAC-2006-HorvathHW #effectiveness #graph #induction- Effective rule induction from labeled graphs (TH, SH, SW), pp. 611–616.
SAC-2006-PettovelloF #graph #named #xml #xpath- MTree: an XML XPath graph index (PMP, FF), pp. 474–481.
SAC-2006-ZhangG #composition #constraints #geometry #graph #theorem proving- Spatial geometric constraint solving based on k-connected graph decomposition (GFZ, XSG), pp. 979–983.
ICSE-2006-JorgesMS #generative #graph #modelling #named- FormulaBuilder: a tool for graph-based modelling and generation of formulae (SJ, TMS, BS), pp. 815–818.
CGO-2006-CooperD #compilation #graph #runtime- Tailoring Graph-coloring Register Allocation For Runtime Compilation (KDC, AD), pp. 39–49.
CAV-2006-ManoliosV #analysis #graph #termination- Termination Analysis with Calling Context Graphs (PM, DV), pp. 401–414.
CSL-2006-Marcinkowski #graph #logic #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Graph Logic (JM), pp. 486–500.
IJCAR-2006-NipkowBS #graph- Flyspeck I: Tame Graphs (TN, GB, PS), pp. 21–35.
CASE-2005-AlenljungL #graph #modelling- Simplified modeling of manufacturing systems: an introduction to sensor activation graphs (TA, BL), pp. 261–266.
CASE-2005-LeeP #analysis #constraints #graph- Steady state analysis of a timed event graph with time window constraints (TEL, SHP), pp. 404–409.
DAC-2005-GeilenBS #data flow #graph #model checking #requirements- Minimising buffer requirements of synchronous dataflow graphs with model checking (MG, TB, SS), pp. 819–824.
DATE-2005-HanlaiMJ #control flow #graph #memory management #optimisation #performance #using- Extended Control Flow Graph Based Performance Optimization Using Scratch-Pad Memory (PH, LM, JJ), pp. 828–829.
DATE-2005-LiuFYO #analysis #correlation #graph #modelling- Hierarchical Variance Analysis for Analog Circuits Based on Graph Modelling and Correlation Loop Tracing (FL, JJF, DVY, SO), pp. 126–131.
DATE-2005-TeslenkoD #algorithm #graph #performance- An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Double-Vertex Dominators in Circuit Graphs (MT, ED), pp. 406–411.
HT-2005-ToyodaK #evolution #graph #visualisation #web- A system for visualizing and analyzing the evolution of the web with a time series of graphs (MT, MK), pp. 151–160.
ICDAR-2005-ArrivaultRB #approach #fuzzy #graph- A Fuzzy Hierarchical Attributed Graph Approach for Handwritten Egyptian Hieroglyphs description and matching (DA, NR, PB), pp. 898–903.
ICDAR-2005-HaritJC #geometry #graph #image #independence #representation #retrieval #word- Improved Geometric Feature Graph: A Script Independent Representation of Word Images for Compression, and Retrieval (GH, RJ, SC), pp. 421–425.
ICDAR-2005-SternbyF #adaptation #graph #independence #online #recognition- The Recognition Graph — Language Independent Adaptable On-line Cursive Script Recognition (JS, CF), pp. 14–18.
ICDAR-2005-Suwa #graph #representation #segmentation- Segmentation of Connected Handwritten Numerals by Graph Representation (MS), pp. 750–754.
SIGMOD-2005-LeeOH #database #graph #named #scalability #video- STRG-Index: Spatio-Temporal Region Graph Indexing for Large Video Databases (JL, JHO, SH), pp. 718–729.
SIGMOD-2005-WangWZSPYH #database #graph #named #scalability- GraphMiner: a structural pattern-mining system for large disk-based graph databases and its applications (WW, CW, YZ, BS, JP, XY, JH), pp. 879–881.
SIGMOD-2005-YanYH #database #graph #similarity- Substructure Similarity Search in Graph Databases (XY, PSY, JH), pp. 766–777.
VLDB-2005-GibsonKT #graph #scalability- Discovering Large Dense Subgraphs in Massive Graphs (DG, RK, AT), pp. 721–732.
VLDB-2005-KacholiaPCSDK #bidirectional #database #graph #keyword- Bidirectional Expansion For Keyword Search on Graph Databases (VK, SP, SC, SS, RD, HK), pp. 505–516.
WRLA-2004-CenciarelliTT05 #graph grammar- Ambient Graph Rewriting (PC, IT, AT), pp. 335–351.
FASE-2005-ReussnerHH #component #contract #graph grammar #modelling #parametricity- Modelling Parametric Contracts and the State Space of Composite Components by Graph Grammars (RHR, JH, AH), pp. 80–95.
FASE-2005-TaentzerR #constraints #graph #inheritance #modelling- Ensuring Structural Constraints in Graph-Based Models with Type Inheritance (GT, AR), pp. 64–79.
SCAM-2005-BermudoKH #assembly #control flow #graph #re-engineering #source code- Control Flow Graph Reconstruction for Assembly Language Programs with Delayed Instructions (NB, AK, RNH), pp. 107–118.
STOC-2005-AchlioptasCKM #bias #graph #on the- On the bias of traceroute sampling: or, power-law degree distributions in regular graphs (DA, AC, DK, CM), pp. 694–703.
STOC-2005-AlonMMN #graph #polynomial- Quadratic forms on graphs (NA, KM, YM, AN), pp. 486–493.
STOC-2005-AlonS #graph- Every monotone graph property is testable (NA, AS), pp. 128–137.
STOC-2005-BarakKSSW #graph #independence #simulation- Simulating independence: new constructions of condensers, ramsey graphs, dispersers, and extractors (BB, GK, RS, BS, AW), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2005-FischerN #estimation #graph #testing- Testing versus estimation of graph properties (EF, IN), pp. 138–146.
STOC-2005-Garg #approximate #graph #problem- Saving an epsilon: a 2-approximation for the k-MST problem in graphs (NG), pp. 396–402.
STOC-2005-Goncalves #graph- Edge partition of planar sraphs into two outerplanar graphs (DG0), pp. 504–512.
STOC-2005-HajiaghayiKLR #graph #random- Oblivious routing in directed graphs with random demands (MTH, JHK, TL, HR), pp. 193–201.
CIAA-2005-Rytter #fibonacci #graph #word- The Structure of Subword Graphs and Suffix Trees of Fibonacci Words (WR), pp. 250–261.
DLT-2005-Karianto #automaton #graph- Adding Monotonic Counters to Automata and Transition Graphs (KW), pp. 308–319.
ICALP-2005-AvinE #geometry #graph #on the #random- On the Cover Time of Random Geometric Graphs (CA, GE), pp. 677–689.
ICALP-2005-CohenFIKP #automaton #finite #graph- Label-Guided Graph Exploration by a Finite Automaton (RC, PF, DI, AK, DP), pp. 335–346.
ICALP-2005-DimitrovP #graph #process- Optimal Cover Time for a Graph-Based Coupon Collector Process (NBD, CGP), pp. 702–716.
ICALP-2005-EfthymiouS #graph #on the #random- On the Existence of Hamiltonian Cycles in Random Intersection Graphs (CE, PGS), pp. 690–701.
ICALP-2005-FialaGK #bound #distance #graph- Distance Constrained Labelings of Graphs of Bounded Treewidth (JF, PAG, JK), pp. 360–372.
ICALP-2005-GuT #graph- Optimal Branch-Decomposition of Planar Graphs in O(n3) Time (QPG, HT), pp. 373–384.
ICALP-2005-Kavitha #algorithm #graph #random- An Õ(m2n) Randomized Algorithm to Compute a Minimum Cycle Basis of a Directed Graph (TK), pp. 273–284.
ICALP-2005-KowalukL #graph #query- LCA Queries in Directed Acyclic Graphs (MK, AL), pp. 241–248.
ICALP-2005-RodittyZ #graph- Replacement Paths and k Simple Shortest Paths in Unweighted Directed Graphs (LR, UZ), pp. 249–260.
SOFTVIS-2005-GhoniemCFJ #constraints #graph #programming #using #visualisation- Peeking in solver strategies using explanations visualization of dynamic graphs for constraint programming (MG, HC, JDF, NJ), pp. 27–36.
SOFTVIS-2005-NoackL #graph #layout #modelling- A space of layout styles for hierarchical graph models of software systems (AN, CL), pp. 155–164.
VISSOFT-2005-BalzerD #graph #using- Exploring Relations within Software Systems Using Treemap Enhanced Hierarchical Graphs (MB, OD), pp. 89–94.
CAiSE-2005-TheodoratosD #graph #query #using- Querying Tree-Structured Data Using Dimension Graphs (DT, TD), pp. 201–215.
ICEIS-v1-2005-YangLOA #generative #graph #named #xml- DWG2XML: Generating XML Nested Tree Structure from Directed Weighted Graph (KYY, ACWL, TÖ, RA), pp. 19–26.
CIKM-2005-HeWYY #reachability- Compact reachability labeling for graph-structured data (HH, HW, JY, PSY), pp. 594–601.
CIKM-2005-SrihariLB #approach #concept #graph- Unapparent information revelation: a concept chain graph approach (RKS, SL, AB), pp. 329–330.
ICML-2005-FrohlichWSZ #graph #kernel- Optimal assignment kernels for attributed molecular graphs (HF, JKW, FS, AZ), pp. 225–232.
ICML-2005-HerbsterPW #graph #learning #online- Online learning over graphs (MH, MP, LW), pp. 305–312.
ICML-2005-KulisBDM #approach #clustering #graph #kernel- Semi-supervised graph clustering: a kernel approach (BK, SB, ISD, RJM), pp. 457–464.
ICML-2005-LiuXC #graph #predict #using- Predicting protein folds with structural repeats using a chain graph model (YL, EPX, JGC), pp. 513–520.
ICML-2005-SimsekWB #clustering #graph #identification #learning- Identifying useful subgoals in reinforcement learning by local graph partitioning (ÖS, APW, AGB), pp. 816–823.
ICML-2005-ZhouHS #graph #learning- Learning from labeled and unlabeled data on a directed graph (DZ, JH, BS), pp. 1036–1043.
ICML-2005-ZhuL #graph #induction #learning #modelling #scalability- Harmonic mixtures: combining mixture models and graph-based methods for inductive and scalable semi-supervised learning (XZ, JDL), pp. 1052–1059.
KDD-2005-DhillonGK #algorithm #clustering #graph #kernel #multi #performance- A fast kernel-based multilevel algorithm for graph clustering (ISD, YG, BK), pp. 629–634.
KDD-2005-GaoLZCM #clustering #consistency #graph #higher-order #semistructured data- Consistent bipartite graph co-partitioning for star-structured high-order heterogeneous data co-clustering (BG, TYL, XZ, QC, WYM), pp. 41–50.
KDD-2005-GoethalsHB #graph #mining #query- Mining tree queries in a graph (BG, EH, JVdB), pp. 61–69.
KDD-2005-JinWPPA #dataset #graph- Discovering frequent topological structures from graph datasets (RJ, CW, DP, SP, GA), pp. 606–611.
KDD-2005-LeskovecKF #graph- Graphs over time: densification laws, shrinking diameters and possible explanations (JL, JMK, CF), pp. 177–187.
KDD-2005-PeiJZ #clique #mining #on the- On mining cross-graph quasi-cliques (JP, DJ, AZ), pp. 228–238.
KDD-2005-Yang #graph- Building connected neighborhood graphs for isometric data embedding (LY), pp. 722–728.
KDD-2005-YanZH #constraints #graph #mining #relational- Mining closed relational graphs with connectivity constraints (XY, XJZ, JH), pp. 324–333.
MLDM-2005-BarbuHAT #clustering #documentation #graph #image #summary #using- Clustering Document Images Using Graph Summaries (EB, PH, SA, ÉT), pp. 194–202.
MLDM-2005-BunkeDIK #analysis #graph #learning #predict- Analysis of Time Series of Graphs: Prediction of Node Presence by Means of Decision Tree Learning (HB, PJD, CI, MK), pp. 366–375.
MLDM-2005-FerrandizB #graph #multi #recursion- Multivariate Discretization by Recursive Supervised Bipartition of Graph (SF, MB), pp. 253–264.
SIGIR-2005-ZhangLLJXFCM #graph #using #web- Improving web search results using affinity graph (BZ, HL, YL, LJ, WX, WF, ZC, WYM), pp. 504–511.
ECMDA-FA-2005-GrunskeGL #graph grammar #model transformation #specification #visual notation- A Graphical Specification of Model Transformations with Triple Graph Grammars (LG, LG, ML), pp. 284–298.
OOPSLA-2005-GregorL #algorithm #graph #parallel- Lifting sequential graph algorithms for distributed-memory parallel computation (DG, AL), pp. 423–437.
SAC-2005-BaresiQ #documentation #graph transformation #xml- Graph transformation to infer schemata from XML documents (LB, EQ), pp. 642–646.
SAC-2005-JayadevaprakashMP #generative #graph #transitive #using- Generating association graphs of non-cooccurring text objects using transitive methods (NJ, SM, MJP), pp. 141–145.
SAC-2005-LimZLR #graph #heuristic #problem- Heuristic methods for graph coloring problems (AL, YZ, QL, BR), pp. 933–939.
SAC-2005-McPhersonMO #clustering #graph #parametricity #social- Discovering parametric clusters in social small-world graphs (JM, KLM, MO), pp. 1231–1238.
GTTSE-2005-Mens #graph transformation #on the #refactoring- On the Use of Graph Transformations for Model Refactoring (TM), pp. 219–257.
CGO-2005-ArnoldG #graph #virtual machine- Collecting and Exploiting High-Accuracy Call Graph Profiles in Virtual Machines (MA, DG), pp. 51–62.
CSL-2005-CourcelleD #composition #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- The Modular Decomposition of Countable Graphs: Constructions in Monadic Second-Order Logic (BC, CD), pp. 325–338.
ICLP-2005-SahaR #data type #evaluation #graph #incremental #performance- Symbolic Support Graph: A Space Efficient Data Structure for Incremental Tabled Evaluation (DS, CRR), pp. 235–249.
DAC-2004-KwonKK #functional #graph #metric #synthesis- Systematic functional coverage metric synthesis from hierarchical temporal event relation graph (YSK, YIK, CMK), pp. 45–48.
DATE-v1-2004-KwonK #functional #generative #graph #metric- Functional Coverage Metric Generation from Temporal Event Relation Graph (YSK, CMK), pp. 670–671.
DATE-v1-2004-MishraD #functional #generative #graph #pipes and filters- Graph-Based Functional Test Program Generation for Pipelined Processors (PM, ND), pp. 182–187.
DATE-v1-2004-RamaniAMS #graph #independence #symmetry- Breaking Instance-Independent Symmetries in Exact Graph Coloring (AR, FAA, ILM, KAS), pp. 324–331.
SIGMOD-2004-YanYH #approach #graph- Graph Indexing: A Frequent Structure-based Approach (XY, PSY, JH), pp. 335–346.
ESOP-2004-Rensink #canonical #graph- Canonical Graph Shapes (AR), pp. 401–415.
FASE-2004-BardohlELT #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #metamodelling #performance #visual notation- Integrating Meta-modelling Aspects with Graph Transformation for Efficient Visual Language Definition and Model Manipulation (RB, HE, JdL, GT), pp. 214–228.
FoSSaCS-2004-EhrigK #approach #bisimulation #graph grammar- Deriving Bisimulation Congruences in the DPO Approach to Graph Rewriting (HE, BK), pp. 151–166.
TACAS-2004-MailundW #graph #reachability #using- Obtaining Memory-Efficient Reachability Graph Representations Using the Sweep-Line Method (TM, MW), pp. 177–191.
ICSM-2004-Balmas #data flow #graph #named #visualisation- DDFgraph: A Tool for Dynamic Data Flow Graphs Visualization (FB), p. 516.
ICSM-2004-IshioKI #aspect-oriented #debugging #graph #slicing- Debugging Support for Aspect-Oriented Program Based on Program Slicing and Call Graph (TI, SK, KI), pp. 178–187.
ICSM-2004-LuoJZMS #analysis #case study #component #graph #object-oriented- An Experimental Study of Two Graph Analysis Based Component Capture Methods for Object-Oriented Systems (JL, RJ, LZ, HM, JS), pp. 390–398.
ICSM-2004-RaghavanRLPA #difference #named #scalability #semantics- Dex: A Semantic-Graph Differencing Tool for Studying Changes in Large Code Bases (SR, RR, DL, AP, VA), pp. 188–197.
PLDI-2004-SmithRH #algorithm #graph- A generalized algorithm for graph-coloring register allocation (MDS, NR, GHH), pp. 277–288.
SAS-2004-HymansU #data flow #dependence #graph #static analysis- Static Analysis of Gated Data Dependence Graphs (CH, EU), pp. 197–211.
STOC-2004-AchlioptasN #graph #random- The two possible values of the chromatic number of a random graph (DA, AN), pp. 587–593.
STOC-2004-AroraRV #clustering #geometry #graph- Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning (SA, SR, UVV), pp. 222–231.
STOC-2004-CorreaG #approximate #graph #theorem- An approximate König’s theorem for edge-coloring weighted bipartite graphs (JRC, MXG), pp. 398–406.
STOC-2004-Feige #bound #graph #independence #on the #random- On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance, and estimating the average degree in a graph (UF), pp. 594–603.
STOC-2004-Fischer #graph #morphism #testing- The difficulty of testing for isomorphism against a graph that is given in advance (EF), pp. 391–397.
STOC-2004-GoelRK #geometry #graph #random- Sharp thresholds For monotone properties in random geometric graphs (AG, SR, BK), pp. 580–586.
STOC-2004-Kelner #bound #clustering #graph- Spectral partitioning, eigenvalue bounds, and circle packings for graphs of bounded genus (JAK), pp. 455–464.
STOC-2004-KortsarzN #algorithm #approximate #graph- Approximation algorithm for k-node connected subgraphs via critical graphs (GK, ZN), pp. 138–145.
STOC-2004-RodittyZ #algorithm #graph #linear #reachability- A fully dynamic reachability algorithm for directed graphs with an almost linear update time (LR, UZ), pp. 184–191.
STOC-2004-SpielmanT #algorithm #clustering #graph #linear- Nearly-linear time algorithms for graph partitioning, graph sparsification, and solving linear systems (DAS, SHT), pp. 81–90.
STOC-2004-Yao #graph #problem #quantum #sorting- Graph entropy and quantum sorting problems (ACCY), pp. 112–117.
FLOPS-2004-Ogawa #algebra #axiom #graph- Complete Axiomatization of an Algebraic Construction of Graphs (MO), pp. 163–179.
CIAA-2004-Shan #graph grammar #modelling #probability- Stochastic Context-Free Graph Grammars for Glycoprotein Modelling (BS), pp. 247–258.
DLT-2004-Courcelle #bibliography #graph #relational #set- Recognizable Sets of Graphs, Hypergraphs and Relational Structures: A Survey (BC), pp. 1–11.
DLT-2004-EpifanioMSV #graph- Sturmian Graphs and a Conjecture of Moser (CE, FM, JS, IV), pp. 175–187.
ICALP-2004-ArgeMT #algorithm #graph #memory management- External Memory Algorithms for Diameter and All-Pairs Shortest-Paths on Sparse Graphs (LA, UM, LT), pp. 146–157.
ICALP-2004-Coja-Oghlan #graph- Coloring Semirandom Graphs Optimally (ACO), pp. 383–395.
ICALP-2004-DurrHHM #complexity #graph #problem #quantum #query- Quantum Query Complexity of Some Graph Problems (CD, MH, PH, MM), pp. 481–493.
ICALP-2004-FeigenbaumKMSZ #graph #on the #problem- On Graph Problems in a Semi-streaming Model (JF, SK, AM, SS, JZ), pp. 531–543.
ICALP-2004-FominT #algorithm #exponential #graph #kernel #linear #performance- Fast Parameterized Algorithms for Graphs on Surfaces: Linear Kernel and Exponential Speed-Up (FVF, DMT), pp. 581–592.
ICALP-2004-HalevyK #graph #testing- Testing Monotonicity over Graph Products (SH, EK), pp. 721–732.
ICALP-2004-KavithaMMP #algorithm #graph #performance- A Faster Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs (TK, KM, DM, KEP), pp. 846–857.
ICALP-2004-NikoletseasRS #graph #independence #performance #random #scalability #set- The Existence and Efficient Construction of Large Independent Sets in General Random Intersection Graphs (SEN, CR, PGS), pp. 1029–1040.
ICGT-2004-BaldanKS #code generation #generative #graph transformation #testing- Generating Test Cases for Code Generators by Unfolding Graph Transformation Systems (PB, BK, IS), pp. 194–209.
ICGT-2004-BaresiH #graph transformation #perspective #re-engineering #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective (LB, RH), pp. 431–433.
ICGT-2004-BeckerLW #execution #graph #incremental #integration #interactive #tool support- Rule Execution in Graph-Based Incremental Interactive Integration Tools (SMB, SL, BW), pp. 22–38.
ICGT-2004-BohlenR #concept #graph transformation #specification- Concepts for Specifying Complex Graph Transformation Systems (BB, UR), pp. 96–111.
ICGT-2004-CherchagoH #graph transformation #specification #using #web #web service- Specification Matching of Web Services Using Conditional Graph Transformation Rules (AC, RH), pp. 304–318.
ICGT-2004-CorradiniDFR #graph transformation #java- Translating Java Code to Graph Transformation Systems (AC, FLD, LF, LR), pp. 383–398.
ICGT-2004-EetveldeJ #graph grammar #refactoring- Extending Graph Rewriting for Refactoring (NVE, DJ), pp. 399–415.
ICGT-2004-EhrigEHP #constraints #graph- Constraints and Application Conditions: From Graphs to High-Level Structures (HE, KE, AH, KHP), pp. 287–303.
ICGT-2004-EhrigPT #graph transformation- Fundamental Theory for Typed Attributed Graph Transformation (HE, UP, GT), pp. 161–177.
ICGT-2004-FerreiraR #graph grammar #object-oriented- Derivations in Object-Oriented Graph Grammars (APLF, LR), pp. 416–430.
ICGT-2004-GuerraL #graph transformation #integration #metamodelling #towards- Event-Driven Grammars: Towards the Integration of Meta-modelling and Graph Transformation (EG, JdL), pp. 54–69.
ICGT-2004-HabelH #graph transformation #independence #parallel- Parallel Independence in Hierarchical Graph Transformation (AH, BH), pp. 178–193.
ICGT-2004-HarjuPR #graph transformation #tutorial- Tutorial on DNA Computing and Graph Transformation (TH, IP, GR), pp. 434–436.
ICGT-2004-HeckelLM #graph transformation #probability- Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems (RH, GL, SM), pp. 210–225.
ICGT-2004-Klempien-HinrichsKK #graph transformation #type system- Typing of Graph Transformation Units (RKH, HJK, SK), pp. 112–127.
ICGT-2004-PlumpS #algorithm #graph #source code #towards- Towards Graph Programs for Graph Algorithms (DP, SS), pp. 128–143.
ICGT-2004-Rensink #first-order #graph #logic #representation #using- Representing First-Order Logic Using Graphs (AR), pp. 319–335.
ICGT-2004-RensinkSV #comparison #graph transformation #model checking- Model Checking Graph Transformations: A Comparison of Two Approaches (AR, ÁS, DV), pp. 226–241.
ICGT-2004-RosselloV #analysis #graph transformation- Analysis of Metabolic Pathways by Graph Transformation (FR, GV), pp. 70–82.
ICGT-2004-Sandhu #data access #graph #modelling- A Perspective on Graphs and Access Control Models (RSS), pp. 2–12.
ICGT-2004-YadavKS #graph transformation- The Potential of a Chemical Graph Transformation System (MKY, BPK, SMS), pp. 83–95.
CSCW-2004-SaltzHT #graph #network #online #social #student #visualisation- Student social graphs: visualizing a student’s online social network (JSS, SRH, MT), pp. 596–599.
ICEIS-v1-2004-JuniorV #algorithm #graph #relational #xml- Keys Graph — Based Relational to XML Translation Algorithm (WMdAJ, CV), pp. 142–148.
ICEIS-v2-2004-BendouM #graph #learning #network- Learning Bayesian Networks with Largest Chain Graphs (MB, PM), pp. 184–190.
CIKM-2004-ChitrapuraK #graph #ranking- Node ranking in labeled directed graphs (KPC, SRK), pp. 597–606.
CIKM-2004-TomitaNI #graph #representation #similarity #using- Calculating similarity between texts using graph-based text representation model (JT, HN, MI), pp. 248–249.
ICML-2004-FernB #clustering #graph #problem- Solving cluster ensemble problems by bipartite graph partitioning (XZF, CEB).
ICML-2004-KashimaT #algorithm #graph #kernel #learning #sequence- Kernel-based discriminative learning algorithms for labeling sequences, trees, and graphs (HK, YT).
ICML-2004-MaheUAPV #graph #kernel- Extensions of marginalized graph kernels (PM, NU, TA, JLP, JPV).
ICPR-v1-2004-KimYL #algorithm #distance #graph #relational #using- A New Attributed Relational Graph Matching Algorithm Using the Nested Structure of Earth Mover’s Distance (DHK, IDY, SUL), pp. 48–51.
ICPR-v1-2004-VirmajokiF #algorithm #clustering #divide and conquer #graph- Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Creating Neighborhood Graph for Clustering (OV, PF), pp. 264–267.
ICPR-v1-2004-Yang04a #distance #estimation #graph- k-Edge Connected Neighborhood Graph for Geodesic Distance Estimation and Nonlinear Data Projection (LY), pp. 196–199.
ICPR-v2-2004-LourakisAM #approach #graph #information management #similarity #using- A Graph-Based Approach to Corner Matching Using Mutual Information as a Local Similarity Measure (MIAL, AAA, KM), pp. 827–830.
ICPR-v2-2004-LuCY #approach #composition #graph- A Graph Decomposition Approach to Least Squares Attributed Graph Matching (JL, TC, JYY), pp. 471–474.
ICPR-v2-2004-SukF #generative #graph #invariant- Graph Method for Generating Affine Moment Invariants (TS, JF), pp. 192–195.
ICPR-v2-2004-TabboneW04a #graph #image #relational- Retrieving Images by Content from Strong Relational Graph Matching (ST, LW), pp. 951–954.
ICPR-v2-2004-UnslanB #development #graph #metric- A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Graph Theoretical Measures for Land Development in Satellite Imagery (CÜ, KLB), pp. 64–67.
ICPR-v2-2004-WilsonH #distance #graph- Levenshtein Distance for Graph Spectral Features (RCW, ERH), pp. 489–492.
ICPR-v2-2004-YuXA #graph #sequence #using #video- Reconstructing a Dynamic Surface from Video Sequences Using Graph Cuts in 4D Space-Time (TY, NX, NA), pp. 245–248.
ICPR-v3-2004-BaiYH #graph #using- Graph Matching using Spectral Embedding and Alignment (XB, HY, ERH), pp. 398–401.
ICPR-v3-2004-DePiero #bound #graph #memory management #polynomial #worst-case- Structural Graph Matching With Polynomial Bounds On Memory and on Worst-Case Effort (FWD), pp. 379–382.
ICPR-v3-2004-GoriMS #graph #random #using- Graph matching using Random Walks (MG, MM, LS), pp. 394–397.
ICPR-v3-2004-HautamakiKF #detection #graph #nearest neighbour #using- Outlier Detection Using k-Nearest Neighbour Graph (VH, IK, PF), pp. 430–433.
ICPR-v3-2004-IrnigerB #database #graph #using- Graph Database Filtering Using Decision Trees (CI, HB), pp. 383–388.
ICPR-v3-2004-JiangN #graph #image- Graph Based Image Matching (HJ, CWN), pp. 658–661.
ICPR-v3-2004-LiSH #estimation #feedback #graph #image #retrieval- Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation (CYL, MCS, CTH), pp. 842–845.
ICPR-v3-2004-LuoWH #graph- Graph Manifolds from Spectral Polynomials (BL, RCW, ERH), pp. 402–405.
ICPR-v3-2004-NeuhausB #approach #distance #edit distance #graph #learning #probability- A Probabilistic Approach to Learning Costs for Graph Edit Distance (MN, HB), pp. 389–393.
ICPR-v4-2004-FigueroaLBCM #graph #representation #using- Tracking Soccer Players using the Graph Representation (PJF, NJL, RMLB, IC, GGM), pp. 787–790.
ICPR-v4-2004-HeroorC #detection #graph #segmentation- Affine Layer Segmentation and Adjacency Graphs for Vortex Detection (SH, IC), pp. 223–226.
ICPR-v4-2004-ParkJZK #clustering #graph- Support Vector Clustering Combined with Spectral Graph Partitioning (JHP, XJ, HZ, RK), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-v4-2004-XuTAA #generative #graph #image #using- Generating Omnifocus Images Using Graph Cuts and a New Focus Measure (NX, KHT, HA, NA), pp. 697–700.
ICPR-v4-2004-ZhangKZ #graph #image #retrieval #semantics- Region Based a-Semantics Graph Driven Image Retrieval (RZ, SK, Z(Z), pp. 909–912.
KDD-2004-HorvathGW #graph #kernel #mining #predict- Cyclic pattern kernels for predictive graph mining (TH, TG, SW), pp. 158–167.
KDD-2004-HuanWPY #database #graph #mining #named- SPIN: mining maximal frequent subgraphs from graph databases (JH, WW, JP, JY), pp. 581–586.
KDD-2004-JehW #graph #mining- Mining the space of graph properties (GJ, JW), pp. 187–196.
KDD-2004-KumarMS #approach #graph- A graph-theoretic approach to extract storylines from search results (RK, UM, DS), pp. 216–225.
KDD-2004-WangWPZS #database #graph #mining #scalability- Scalable mining of large disk-based graph databases (CW, WW, JP, YZ, BS), pp. 316–325.
KR-2004-Baget #algorithm #concept #graph- Improving the Forward Chaining Algorithm for Conceptual Graphs Rules (JFB), pp. 407–414.
KR-2004-Geffner #compilation #graph- Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation (HG), pp. 662–672.
TOOLS-USA-2003-ArdourelH04 #eiffel #graph- Class-based Visibility from an MDA Perspective: From Access Graphs to Eiffel Code (GA, MH), pp. 177–195.
GPCE-2004-HauserK #compilation #execution #graph #process- Compiling Process Graphs into Executable Code (RH, JK), pp. 317–336.
LOPSTR-2004-WellsY #graph #proving #synthesis- Graph-Based Proof Counting and Enumeration with Applications for Program Fragment Synthesis (JBW, BY), pp. 262–277.
SAC-2004-ChenC #database #graph #object-oriented- Signature file hierarchies and signature graphs: a new index method for object-oriented databases (YC, YC), pp. 724–728.
SAC-2004-Hosobe04a #approach #graph #interactive #visualisation- A high-dimensional approach to interactive graph visualization (HH), pp. 1253–1257.
SAC-2004-QianZ #automation #clustering #named #performance- GraphZip: a fast and automatic compression method for spatial data clustering (YQ, KZ), pp. 571–575.
SAC-2004-RahmaniK #graph #strict- Degree restricted spanning trees of graphs (MSR, AK), pp. 225–228.
SAC-2004-RuckertK #graph- Frequent free tree discovery in graph data (UR, SK), pp. 564–570.
LCTES-2004-ZengSE #concurrent #dependence #generative #graph #performance- Generating fast code from concurrent program dependence graphs (JZ, CS, SAE), pp. 175–181.
CSL-2004-Gimbert #game studies #graph #infinity- Parity and Exploration Games on Infinite Graphs (HG), pp. 56–70.
LICS-2004-BucciarelliS #graph #λ-calculus- The Sensible Graph Theories of λ Calculus (AB, AS), pp. 276–285.
LICS-2004-Bulatov #constraints #graph #problem #relational- A Graph of a Relational Structure and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AAB), pp. 448–457.
LICS-2004-DalmauKL #first-order #graph #problem #reflexive- First-Order Definable Retraction Problems for Posets and Reflexive Graph (VD, AAK, BL), pp. 232–241.
VMCAI-2004-Etessami #analysis #data flow #equation #game studies #graph #recursion #using- Analysis of Recursive Game Graphs Using Data Flow Equations (KE), pp. 282–296.
ASE-2003-Agrawal #graph grammar- Graph Rewriting And Transformation (GReAT): A Solution For The Model Integrated Computing (MIC) Bottleneck (AA), pp. 364–368.
ASE-2003-SabetzadehE #analysis #approach #consistency #graph #nondeterminism- Analysis of Inconsistency in Graph-Based Viewpoints: A Category-Theoretic Approach (MS, SME), pp. 12–21.
DAC-2003-BozorgzadehGTS #graph #integer- Optimal integer delay budgeting on directed acyclic graphs (EB, SG, AT, MS), pp. 920–925.
DAC-2003-MemikMJK #data flow #graph #resource management #synthesis- Global resource sharing for synthesis of control data flow graphs on FPGAs (SOM, GM, RJ, EK), pp. 604–609.
DAC-2003-SzymanekK #constraints #graph- Partial task assignment of task graphs under heterogeneous resource constraints (RS, KK), pp. 244–249.
DATE-2003-KimSLLNN #data flow #distributed #graph- Distributed Synchronous Control Units for Dataflow Graphs under Allocation of Telescopic Arithmetic Units (EK, HS, JGL, DIL, HN, TN), pp. 10276–10281.
DATE-2003-WuAE #embedded #graph #power management #scheduling #synthesis- Scheduling and Mapping of Conditional Task Graphs for the Synthesis of Low Power Embedded Systems (DW, BMAH, PE), pp. 10090–10095.
ICDAR-2003-AmanoA #analysis #documentation #grammarware #graph grammar- Graph Grammar Based Analysis System of Complex Table Form Document (AA, NA), pp. 916–920.
ICDAR-2003-SchenkerLBK #classification #documentation #graph #using #web- Classification of Web Documents Using a Graph Model (AS, ML, HB, AK), pp. 240–244.
SIGMOD-2003-QunLO #adaptation #summary- D(k)-Index: An Adaptive Structural Summary for Graph-Structured Data (CQ, AL, KWO), pp. 134–144.
TACAS-2003-AlurTM #composition #game studies #graph #recursion- Modular Strategies for Recursive Game Graphs (RA, SLT, PM), pp. 363–378.
ICSM-2003-SartipiK #architecture #graph #modelling #on the- On Modeling Software Architecture Recovery as Graph Matching (KS, KK), pp. 224–234.
IWPC-2003-ChiricotaJM #clustering #component #graph #using- Software Components Capture Using Graph Clustering (YC, FJ, GM), pp. 217–226.
IWPC-2003-HopfnerSG #graph #visualisation #xml- Comprehending and Visualizing Software Based on XML — Representations and Call Graphs (MH, DS, JWvG), pp. 290–291.
SCAM-2003-BinkleyH #algorithm #analysis #graph #optimisation #performance #reachability #scalability #source code- Results from a Large-Scale Study of Performance Optimization Techniques for Source Code Analyses Based on Graph Reachability Algorithms (DB, MH), p. 203–?.
SCAM-2003-WalkinshawRW #dependence #graph #java- The Java System Dependence Graph (NW, MR, MW), pp. 55–64.
SAS-2003-BaldanKK #abstraction #graph transformation #logic- A Logic for Analyzing Abstractions of Graph Transformation Systems (PB, BK, BK), pp. 255–272.
STOC-2003-AlonS #graph #testing- Testing subgraphs in directed graphs (NA, AS), pp. 700–709.
STOC-2003-AmirKR #approximate #constant #graph- Constant factor approximation of vertex-cuts in planar graphs (EA, RK, SR), pp. 90–99.
STOC-2003-DietzfelbingerW #graph #random- Almost random graphs with simple hash functions (MD, PW), pp. 629–638.
STOC-2003-GaoZ #composition #graph #metric- Well-separated pair decomposition for the unit-disk graph metric and its applications (JG, LZ), pp. 483–492.
STOC-2003-Hayes #graph- Randomly coloring graphs of girth at least five (TPH), pp. 269–278.
STOC-2003-KimV #generative #graph #random- Generating random regular graphs (JHK, VHV), pp. 213–222.
STOC-2003-KowalikK #constant #graph #query- Short path queries in planar graphs in constant time (LK, MK), pp. 143–148.
STOC-2003-KrauthgamerL #graph- The intrinsic dimensionality of graphs (RK, JRL), pp. 438–447.
STOC-2003-SauerhoffW #bound #graph #integer #multi #trade-off- Time-space tradeoff lower bounds for integer multiplication and graphs of arithmetic functions (MS, PW), pp. 186–195.
CIAA-2003-MiyamotoITS #graph #word- Ternary Directed Acyclic Word Graphs (SM, SI, MT, AS), pp. 120–130.
ICALP-2003-BaswanaS #algorithm #graph #linear- A Simple Linear Time Algorithm for Computing a (2k-1)-Spanner of O(n1+1/k) Size in Weighted Graphs (SB, SS), pp. 384–296.
ICALP-2003-BlondelD #graph #matrix #similarity- Similarity Matrices for Pairs of Graphs (VDB, PVD), pp. 739–750.
ICALP-2003-BodirskyGK #generative #graph #random- Generating Labeled Planar Graphs Uniformly at Random (MB, CG, MK), pp. 1095–1107.
ICALP-2003-Cachat #automaton #game studies #graph #higher-order- Higher Order Pushdown Automata, the Caucal Hierarchy of Graphs and Parity Games (TC), pp. 556–569.
ICALP-2003-ChenKPSX #complexity #graph #problem- Genus Characterizes the Complexity of Graph Problems: Some Tight Results (JC, IAK, LP, ES, GX), pp. 845–856.
ICALP-2003-Coja-OghlanMS #approximate #graph #random- MAX k-CUT and Approximating the Chromatic Number of Random Graphs (ACO, CM, VS), pp. 200–211.
ICALP-2003-DemaineFHT #algorithm #graph #parametricity- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for the (k, r)-Center in Planar Graphs and Map Graphs (EDD, FVF, MTH, DMT), pp. 829–844.
ICALP-2003-GarganoH #graph #how- There Are Spanning Spiders in Dense Graphs (and We Know How to Find Them) (LG, MH), pp. 802–816.
ICALP-2003-IkedaKOY #finite #graph #random- Impact of Local Topological Information on Random Walks on Finite Graphs (SI, IK, NO, MY), pp. 1054–1067.
ICALP-2003-Mutzel #data type #graph- The SPQR-Tree Data Structure in Graph Drawing (PM), pp. 34–46.
FME-2003-ArmandoCG #analysis #graph #model checking #protocol #satisfiability #security #using- SAT-Based Model-Checking of Security Protocols Using Planning Graph Analysis (AA, LC, PG), pp. 875–893.
AGTIVE-2003-AmselJ #aspect-oriented #component #graph transformation- Expressing Component-Relating Aspects with Graph Transformations (AA, DJ), pp. 149–162.
AGTIVE-2003-AssmannL #graph grammar #standard #tool support- Integrating Graph Rewriting and Standard Software Tools (UA, JL), pp. 134–148.
AGTIVE-2003-BakewellPR #graph #pointer #reduction #specification- Specifying Pointer Structures by Graph Reduction (AB, DP, CR), pp. 30–44.
AGTIVE-2003-Bohlen #graph #modelling- Specific Graph Models and Their Mappings to a Common Model (BB), pp. 45–60.
AGTIVE-2003-BottoniPT #distributed #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Integrated Refactoring with Distributed Graph Transformations (PB, FPP, GT), pp. 220–235.
AGTIVE-2003-DepkeHH #design #graph transformation #modelling- Design of an Agent-Oriented Modeling Language Based on Graph Transformation (RD, JHH, RH), pp. 106–119.
AGTIVE-2003-DottiRS #analysis #behaviour #fault #graph grammar #specification #using- Specification and Analysis of Fault Behaviours Using Graph Grammars (FLD, LR, OMdS), pp. 120–133.
AGTIVE-2003-GalaQT #graph transformation #navigation- Graph Transformation for Merging User Navigation Histories (MMG, EQ, LT), pp. 1–14.
AGTIVE-2003-Gatzemeier #authoring #graph transformation- Authoring Support Based on User-Serviceable Graph Transformation (FHG), pp. 170–185.
AGTIVE-2003-Gatzemeier03a #authoring #graph #named- CHASID — A Graph-Based Authoring Support System (FHG), pp. 420–426.
AGTIVE-2003-GeigerZ #graph transformation #testing- Transforming Graph Based Scenarios into Graph Transformation Based JUnit Tests (LG, AZ), pp. 61–74.
AGTIVE-2003-HaaseMBG #agile #architecture #graph grammar #prototype- A Domain Specific Architecture Tool: Rapid Prototyping with Graph Grammars (TH, OM, BB, FHG), pp. 236–242.
AGTIVE-2003-HellerJ #development #distributed #graph #process #tool support- Graph-Based Tools for Distributed Cooperation in Dynamic Development Processes (MH, DJ), pp. 352–368.
AGTIVE-2003-HellerSW #development #evolution #graph #process #specification- Graph-Based Specification of a Management System for Evolving Development Processes (MH, AS, BW), pp. 334–351.
AGTIVE-2003-KarsaiA #architecture #graph transformation #modelling- Graph Transformations in OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture: (Invited Talk) (GK, AA), pp. 243–259.
AGTIVE-2003-LaraGV #analysis #graph transformation #hybrid #metamodelling #model checking- Meta-Modelling, Graph Transformation and Model Checking for the Analysis of Hybrid Systems (JdL, EG, HV), pp. 292–298.
AGTIVE-2003-MarburgerW #analysis #behaviour #graph transformation- Behavioral Analysis of Telecommunication Systems by Graph Transformations (AM, BW), pp. 202–219.
AGTIVE-2003-QemaliT #graph transformation #towards #validation #web- Towards Validation of Session Management in Web Applications based on Graph Transformation (AQ, GT), pp. 15–29.
AGTIVE-2003-Rising #graph grammar #graph transformation #multi #semantics- MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions: Graph Transformations, Graph Grammars, and the Description of Multimedia (Invited Talk) (HKR), pp. 369–382.
AGTIVE-2003-Rotschke #graph transformation #re-engineering #using- Re-engineering a Medical Imaging System Using Graph Transformations (TR), pp. 185–201.
AGTIVE-2003-SzubaOS #concept #design #graph #on the- On Graphs in Conceptual Engineering Design (JS, AO, AS), pp. 75–89.
AGTIVE-2003-Taentzer #graph transformation #modelling #named #validation- AGG: A Graph Transformation Environment for Modeling and Validation of Software (GT), pp. 446–453.
SOFTVIS-2003-CollbergKNPW #evolution #graph #visualisation- A System for Graph-Based Visualization of the Evolution of Software (CSC, SGK, JN, JP, KW), pp. 77–86.
SOFTVIS-2003-ZhouSC #analysis #graph #visualisation- Graph Visualization for the Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Extreme-Scale Supercomputers (CZ, KLS, TPC), pp. 143–149.
VISSOFT-2003-HassanH #comprehension #dependence #graph #named- ADG: Annotated Dependency Graphs for Software Understanding (AEH, RCH), pp. 41–45.
ICEIS-v4-2003-SonneckM #graph #personalisation #using #web- One-To-One Personalization of Web Applications Using a Graph Based Model (GS, TAM), pp. 95–102.
CIKM-2003-AbelloK #graph- Hierarchical graph indexing (JA, YK), pp. 453–460.
ECIR-2003-MartinetOCM- A Weighting Scheme for Star-Graphs (JM, IO, YC, PM), pp. 546–554.
ICML-2003-Joachims #clustering #graph #learning- Transductive Learning via Spectral Graph Partitioning (TJ), pp. 290–297.
ICML-2003-KashimaTI #graph #kernel- Marginalized Kernels Between Labeled Graphs (HK, KT, AI), pp. 321–328.
ICML-2003-KubicaMCS #analysis #collaboration #graph #performance #query- Finding Underlying Connections: A Fast Graph-Based Method for Link Analysis and Collaboration Queries (JK, AWM, DC, JGS), pp. 392–399.
KDD-2003-NobleC #detection #graph- Graph-based anomaly detection (CCN, DJC), pp. 631–636.
KDD-2003-YanH #graph #mining #named- CloseGraph: mining closed frequent graph patterns (XY, JH), pp. 286–295.
MLDM-2003-Barsi #graph #self #using- Neural Self-Organization Using Graphs (AB), pp. 343–352.
MLDM-2003-Bunke #data mining #graph #machine learning #mining #tool support- Graph-Based Tools for Data Mining and Machine Learning (HB), pp. 7–19.
SEKE-2003-HuangL #abstraction #automation #graph #similarity #visualisation- Automatic Abstraction of Graphs Based on Node Similarity for Graph Visualization (XH, WL), pp. 111–118.
SEKE-2003-MaLCCZ #approach #architecture #distributed #implementation- A Graph-Oriented Approach to the Description and Implementation of Distributed and Dynamic Software Architecture (XM, JL, JC, ATSC, KZ), pp. 518–525.
SIGIR-2003-Broder #graph #modelling #using #web- Keynote Address — exploring, modeling, and using the web graph (AZB), p. 1.
POPL-2003-CarterFT #graph- Folklore confirmed: reducible flow graphs are exponentially larger (LC, JF, CDT), pp. 106–114.
ICSE-2003-BaniassadMS #design pattern #graph- Design Pattern Rationale Graphs: Linking Design to Source (ELAB, GCM, CS), pp. 352–362.
CC-2003-Andersson #graph- Register Allocation by Optimal Graph Coloring (CA), pp. 33–45.
CC-2003-JohnsonM #dependence #graph #using- Combined Code Motion and Register Allocation Using the Value State Dependence Graph (NJ, AM), pp. 1–16.
LCTES-2003-GuoSBH #algorithm #configuration management #graph- A graph covering algorithm for a coarse grain reconfigurable system (YG, GJMS, HB, PMH), pp. 199–208.
CADE-2003-Nelson #quantifier #reasoning- Reasoning about Quantifiers by Matching in the E-graph (GN), p. 166.
CAV-2003-AlurTM #composition #game studies #graph #infinity #recursion- Modular Strategies for Infinite Games on Recursive Graphs (RA, SLT, PM), pp. 67–79.
LICS-2003-Lynch #convergence #graph #random #sequence- Convergence Law for Random Graphs with Specified Degree Sequence (JFL), p. 301–?.
SAT-2003-MneimnehS #graph #scalability- Computing Vertex Eccentricity in Exponentially Large Graphs: QBF Formulation and Solution (MNM, KAS), pp. 411–425.
CBSE-2003-BaresiHTV #analysis #architecture #graph transformation #modelling- Modeling and Analysis of Architectural Styles Based on Graph Transformation (LB, RH, ST, DV), p. 12.
DAC-2002-MadesG #graph #modelling #using- Regularization of hierarchical VHDL-AMS models using bipartite graphs (JM, MG), pp. 548–551.
DAC-2002-MoonKB #graph #reduction- Timing model extraction of hierarchical blocks by graph reduction (CWM, HK, KPB), pp. 152–157.
DAC-2002-OhH #data flow #graph #multi #performance #synthesis- Efficient code synthesis from extended dataflow graphs for multimedia applications (HO, SH), pp. 275–280.
PODS-2002-ShashaWG #algorithm #graph- Algorithmics and Applications of Tree and Graph Searching (DS, JTLW, RG), pp. 39–52.
SIGMOD-2002-PolyzotisG #database #statistics #xml- Statistical synopses for graph-structured XML databases (NP, MNG), pp. 358–369.
VLDB-2002-PolyzotisG #graph #xml- Structure and Value Synopses for XML Data Graphs (NP, MNG), pp. 466–477.
FoSSaCS-2002-GodardM #graph #product line- A Characterization of Families of Graphs in Which Election Is Possible (EG, YM), pp. 159–172.
FoSSaCS-2002-Mossakowski #development #graph- Heterogeneous Development Graphs and Heterogeneous Borrowing (TM), pp. 326–341.
CSMR-2002-Baburin #graph #re-engineering #using- Using Graph Based Representations in Reengineering (DEB), pp. 203–206.
CSMR-2002-RaysideK #algorithm #graph #problem #program analysis #reachability- A Generic Worklist Algorithm for Graph Reachability Problems in Program Analysis (DR, KK), pp. 67–76.
IWPC-2002-WuHH #graph #using- Using Graph Patterns to Extract Scenarios (JW, AEH, RCH), pp. 239–247.
PASTE-2002-Fiskio-LasseterY #equation #graph #programming- Flow equations as a generic programming tool for manipulation of attributed graphs (JHEFL, MY), pp. 69–76.
SCAM-2002-Balmas #dependence #documentation #graph #source code #using- Using Dependence Graphs as a Support to Document Programs (FB), pp. 145–154.
SCAM-2002-BunusF #combinator #declarative #equation #graph transformation #semantics- Semantics Guided Filtering of Combinatorial Graph Transformations in Declarative Equation-Based Languages (PB, PF), pp. 163–172.
SCAM-2002-MilanovaRR #graph #pointer #precise- Precise Call Graph Construction in the Presence of Function Pointers (AM, AR, BGR), pp. 155–162.
SCAM-2002-RiccaT #dependence #graph #slicing #web- Construction of the System Dependence Graph for Web Application Slicing (FR, PT), pp. 123–132.
WCRE-2002-TahvildariK #graph #maintenance #using- A Methodology for Developing Transformations Using the Maintainability Soft-Goal Graph (LT, KK), p. 77–?.
PLDI-2002-KosekiKN #graph- Preference-Directed Graph Coloring (AK, HK, TN), pp. 33–44.
SAS-2002-Mine #abstract domain #graph #relational- A Few Graph-Based Relational Numerical Abstract Domains (AM), pp. 117–132.
STOC-2002-AchlioptasM #graph- Almost all graphs with average degree 4 are 3-colorable (DA, CM), pp. 199–208.
STOC-2002-ArgeBDHM #algorithm #graph #queue- Cache-oblivious priority queue and graph algorithm applications (LA, MAB, EDD, BHM, JIM), pp. 268–276.
STOC-2002-CooperF #crawling #graph #web- Crawling on web graphs (CC, AMF), pp. 419–427.
STOC-2002-Holmerin #approximate- Vertex cover on 4-regular hyper-graphs is hard to approximate within 2-epsilon (JH), pp. 544–552.
STOC-2002-KargerL #graph #random- Random sampling in residual graphs (DRK, MSL), pp. 63–66.
STOC-2002-Molloy #graph- The Glauber dynamics on colourings of a graph with high girth and maximum degree (MM), pp. 91–98.
STOC-2002-SchaeferSS #graph #string- Recognizing string graphs in NP (MS, ES, DS), pp. 1–6.
DLT-2002-Urvoy #graph #product line- Abstract Families of Graphs (TU), pp. 381–392.
ICALP-2002-AdlerRSSV #graph #random- Randomized Pursuit-Evasion in Graphs (MA, HR, NS, CS, BV), pp. 901–912.
ICALP-2002-Cachat #automaton #game studies #graph #synthesis- Symbolic Strategy Synthesis for Games on Pushdown Graphs (TC), pp. 704–715.
ICALP-2002-CardelliGG #graph #logic #query- A Spatial Logic for Querying Graphs (LC, PG, GG), pp. 597–610.
ICALP-2002-Colcombet #decidability #first-order #graph #on the #product line #reachability- On Families of Graphs Having a Decidable First Order Theory with Reachability (TC), pp. 98–109.
ICALP-2002-PapazianR #automaton #graph #recognition- Hyperbolic Recognition by Graph Automata (CP, ER), pp. 330–342.
ICALP-2002-Pettie #algorithm #graph #performance- A Faster All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm for Real-Weighted Sparse Graphs (SP), pp. 85–97.
ICALP-2002-Uehara #algorithm #graph #linear- Linear Time Algorithms on Chordal Bipartite and Strongly Chordal Graphs (RU), pp. 993–1004.
IFM-2002-KuskeGKK #diagrams #graph transformation #semantics #uml- An Integrated Semantics for UML Class, Object and State Diagrams Based on Graph Transformation (SK, MG, RK, HJK), pp. 11–28.
IFL-2002-BoisLT #concurrent #graph #migration #parallel #reduction #thread- Thread Migration in a Parallel Graph Reducer (ARDB, HWL, PWT), pp. 199–214.
ICGT-2002-BaldanK #approximate #behaviour #graph transformation- Approximating the Behaviour of Graph Transformation Systems (PB, BK), pp. 14–29.
ICGT-2002-BaresiH #graph transformation #perspective #re-engineering #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective (LB, RH), pp. 402–429.
ICGT-2002-BauderonC #graph #symmetry- Decomposing Graphs with Symmetries (MB, FC), pp. 45–59.
ICGT-2002-BeckPS #graph transformation #problem #scheduling- Graph Transformations for the Vehicle Routing and Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JCB, PP, ES), pp. 60–74.
ICGT-2002-FernandezM #call-by #graph grammar- Call-by-Value λ-Graph Rewriting Without Rewriting (MF, IM), pp. 75–89.
ICGT-2002-GodardMMS #algorithm #detection #distributed #graph #termination- Termination Detection of Distributed Algorithms by Graph Relabelling Systems (EG, YM, MM, AS), pp. 106–119.
ICGT-2002-GyapayHV #graph transformation #logic- Graph Transformation with Time: Causality and Logical Clocks (SG, RH, DV), pp. 120–134.
ICGT-2002-HabelP #graph transformation- Relabelling in Graph Transformation (AH, DP), pp. 135–147.
ICGT-2002-HageHW #graph- Euler Graphs, Triangle-Free Graphs and Bipartite Graphs in Switching Classes (JH, TH, EW), pp. 148–160.
ICGT-2002-HarjuPR #assembly #graph transformation #tutorial- Tutorial on DNA Computing and Graph Transformation — Computational Nature of Gene Assembly in Ciliates (TH, IP, GR), pp. 430–434.
ICGT-2002-HeckelKT #confluence #graph transformation- Confluence of Typed Attributed Graph Transformation Systems (RH, JMK, GT), pp. 161–176.
ICGT-2002-Hoffmann #abstraction #graph transformation- Abstraction and Control for Shapely Nested Graph Transformation (BH), pp. 177–191.
ICGT-2002-KnirschK #distributed #graph transformation- Distributed Graph Transformation Units (PK, SK), pp. 207–222.
ICGT-2002-KochP #constraints #graph #policy- Describing Policies with Graph Constraints and Rules (MK, FPP), pp. 223–238.
ICGT-2002-MarburgerW #graph #re-engineering- Graph-Based Reengineering of Telecommunication Systems (AM, BW), pp. 270–285.
ICGT-2002-MontanariR #algebra #graph grammar #linear #order- Linear Ordered Graph Grammars and Their Algebraic Foundations (UM, LR), pp. 317–333.
ICGT-2002-PadbergE #graph transformation #invariant #safety- Rule Invariants in Graph Transformation Systems for Analyzing Safety-Critical Systems (JP, BE), pp. 334–350.
ICGT-2002-ReisRASN #execution #graph transformation #process #semantics #using- Using Graph Transformation as the Semantical Model for Software Process Execution in the APSEE Environment (CALR, RQR, MMdA, HS, DJN), pp. 254–269.
ICGT-2002-SzubaSB #concept #design #graph #named- GraCAD — Graph-Based Tool for Conceptual Design (JS, AS, AB), pp. 363–377.
CAiSE-2002-AalstHV #graph #workflow- An Alternative Way to Analyze Workflow Graphs (WMPvdA, AH, EV), pp. 535–552.
CIKM-2002-RajaramanT #approach #concept #graph #information management- Knowledge discovery from texts: a concept frame graph approach (KR, AHT), pp. 669–671.
ICML-2002-GonzalezHC #concept #graph #learning #relational- Graph-Based Relational Concept Learning (JAG, LBH, DJC), pp. 219–226.
ICML-2002-KondorL #graph #kernel- Diffusion Kernels on Graphs and Other Discrete Input Spaces (RK, JDL), pp. 315–322.
ICPR-v2-2002-CardotL #graph #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Graph of Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (HC, OL), pp. 873–876.
ICPR-v2-2002-CesarBB #graph #optimisation #probability #recognition #using- Inexact Graph Matching Using Stochastic Optimization Techniques for Facial Feature Recognition (RMC, EB, IB), pp. 465–468.
ICPR-v2-2002-GiugnoS #graph #named #performance #query- GraphGrep: A Fast and Universal Method for Querying Graphs (RG, DS), pp. 112–115.
ICPR-v2-2002-LuoWH #component #graph #independence- The Independent and Principal Component of Graph Spectra (BL, RCW, ERH), pp. 164–167.
ICPR-v2-2002-RiviereMMTPF #graph #learning #markov #random #relational #using- Relational Graph Labelling Using Learning Techniques and Markov Random Fields (DR, JFM, JMM, FT, DPO, VF), pp. 172–175.
ICPR-v2-2002-SerratosaSA #3d #graph #modelling #multi #using- Modelling and Recognising 3D-Objects Described by Multiple Views Using Function-Described Graphs (FS, AS, RA), pp. 140–143.
ICPR-v3-2002-BadawyK #graph #representation #using- Shape Representation Using Concavity Graphs (OEB, MK), pp. 461–464.
ICPR-v3-2002-LuoWH02a #approach #graph #learning- Graph Spectral Approach for Learning View Structure (BL, RCW, ERH), pp. 785–788.
ICPR-v3-2002-MacriniSDSZ #3d #graph #recognition #using- View-Based 3-D Object Recognition using Shock Graphs (DM, AS, SJD, KS, SWZ), p. 24–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-Robles-KellyH #approach- A Graph-Spectral Approach to Surface Segmentatio (ARK, ERH), pp. 509–508.
ICPR-v4-2002-HlaouiW #algorithm #graph- A New Algorithm for Inexact Graph Matching (AH, SW), pp. 180–183.
ICPR-v4-2002-Robles-KellyH02a #approach- A Graph-Spectral Approach to Correspondence Matching (ARK, ERH), pp. 176–179.
KDD-2002-PalmerGF #data mining #graph #mining #named #performance #scalability- ANF: a fast and scalable tool for data mining in massive graphs (CRP, PBG, CF), pp. 81–90.
SIGIR-2002-ZhaJ #correlation #documentation #graph #modelling #multi- Correlating multilingual documents via bipartite graph modeling (HZ, XJ), pp. 443–444.
SAC-2002-ButenkoPSSS #graph #independence #set- Finding maximum independent sets in graphs arising from coding theory (SB, PMP, IS, VS, PS), pp. 542–546.
ICSE-2002-BlausteinOB #graph #sequence chart- Observing timed systems by means of message sequence chart graphs (SB, FO, VAB), p. 707.
ICSE-2002-EshuisW #design #graph #process #uml #verification #workflow- Verification support for workflow design with UML activity graphs (RE, RW), pp. 166–176.
ICSE-2002-HausmannHT #approach #case study #detection #functional #graph transformation #requirements #static analysis- Detection of conflicting functional requirements in a use case-driven approach: a static analysis technique based on graph transformation (JHH, RH, GT), pp. 105–115.
ICSE-2002-RobillardM #dependence #graph #using- Concern graphs: finding and describing concerns using structural program dependencies (MPR, GCM), pp. 406–416.
ICSE-2002-RobschinkS #dependence #graph #performance- Efficient path conditions in dependence graphs (TR, GS), pp. 478–488.
CC-2002-AgrawalLS #graph- Evaluating a Demand Driven Technique for Call Graph Construction (GA, JL, QS), pp. 29–45.
CC-2002-Mohnen #analysis #approach #data flow- A Graph-Free Approach to Data-Flow Analysis (MM), pp. 46–61.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-ChoPW #algorithm #architecture #graph #memory management #performance- Efficient register and memory assignment for non-orthogonal architectures via graph coloring and MST algorithms (JC, YP, DBW), pp. 130–138.
LICS-2002-HylandS #game studies #graph- Games on Graphs and Sequentially Realizable Functionals (MH, AS), pp. 257–264.
ASE-2001-ArdourelH #encapsulation #graph #tool support- AGATE, Access Graph-Based Tools for Handling Encapsulation (GA, MH), pp. 311–314.
DAC-2001-LinC #graph #named #representation #transitive- TCG: A Transitive Closure Graph-Based Representation for Non-Slicing Floorplans (JML, YWC), pp. 764–769.
DAC-2001-WolfeWP #clustering #graph- Watermarking Graph Partitioning Solutions (GW, JLW, MP), pp. 486–489.
DATE-2001-CasavantGLMWA #generative #graph #simulation- Property-specific witness graph generation for guided simulation (AEC, AG, SL, AM, KW, PA), p. 799.
DATE-2001-GaoW #algorithm #graph #modelling- A graph based algorithm for optimal buffer insertion under accurate delay models (YG, DFW), pp. 535–539.
DATE-2001-PasseroneWL #generative #graph #scheduling- Generation of minimal size code for scheduling graphs (CP, YW, LL), pp. 668–673.
DATE-2001-ThorntonD #diagrams #graph transformation #using- Spectral decision diagrams using graph transformations (MAT, RD), pp. 713–719.
DATE-2001-XieW #graph #hardware #scheduling- Allocation and scheduling of conditional task graph in hardware/software co-synthesis (YX, WW), pp. 620–625.
ICDAR-2001-BagdanovW #classification #documentation #fine-grained #first-order #graph #random #using- Fine-Grained Document Genre Classification Using First Order Random Graphs (ADB, MW), pp. 79–85.
ICDAR-2001-ElgammalI #framework #graph #recognition #segmentation- A Graph-Based Segmentation and Feature-Extraction Framework for Arabic Text Recognition (AME, MAI), pp. 622–626.
ICDAR-2001-LoprestiW #analysis #documentation #graph- Evaluating Document Analysis Results via Graph Probing (DPL, GTW), pp. 116–120.
ICDAR-2001-SanchezL #graph grammar- A Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols (GS, JL), pp. 465–469.
ICDAR-2001-XueG #feature model #graph #image- Building Skeletal Graphs for Structural Feature Extraction on Handwriting Images (HX, VG), pp. 96–100.
ITiCSE-2001-KhuriH #algorithm #education #graph #named- EVEGA: an educational visulalization environment for graph algorithms (SK, KH), pp. 101–104.
FASE-2001-MossakowskiAH #development #graph- Extending Development Graphs with Hiding (TM, SA, DH), pp. 269–283.
FoSSaCS-2001-Bojanczyk #automaton #finite #graph #problem- The Finite Graph Problem for Two-Way Alternating Automata (MB), pp. 88–103.
FoSSaCS-2001-HabelP #graph transformation #programming language- Computational Completeness of Programming Languages Based on Graph Transformation (AH, DP), pp. 230–245.
FoSSaCS-2001-KochMP #approach #data access #graph #policy #specification- Foundations for a Graph-Based Approach to the Specification of Access Control Policies (MK, LVM, FPP), pp. 287–302.
CSMR-2001-MorettiCO #algorithm #control flow #graph- New Algorithms for Control-Flow Graph Structuring (EM, GC, AO), pp. 184–187.
ICSM-2001-ByersKP #dependence #graph- Syntax-Directed Construction of Value Dependence Graphs (DB, MK, TP), p. 692–?.
ICSM-2001-SartipiK #approach #architecture #graph #pattern matching- A Graph Pattern Matching Approach to Software Architecture Recovery (KS, KK), p. 408–?.
ICSM-2001-SouterP #graph #incremental #maintenance #object-oriented- Incremental Call Graph Reanalysis for Object-Oriented Software Maintenance (ALS, LLP), pp. 682–691.
IWPC-2001-LangeWS #comprehension #graph #relational #tool support- Comparing Graph-Based Program Comprehension Tools to Relational Database-Based Tools (CL, AW, HMS), pp. 209–218.
WCRE-2001-Balmas #approach #dependence #game studies #graph- Displaying Dependence Graphs: A Hierarchical Approach (FB), pp. 261–270.
WCRE-2001-GannodG #dependence #graph- An Investigation into the Connectivity Properties of Source-Header Dependency Graphs (GCG, BDG), pp. 115–126.
WCRE-2001-Krinke #dependence #graph #identification- Identifying Similar Code with Program Dependence Graphs (JK), pp. 301–309.
STOC-2001-AmbainisKV #graph #quantum- Quantum walks on graphs (DA, AA, JK, UVV), pp. 50–59.
STOC-2001-ElkinP #graph- (1+ε,β)-Spanner Constructions for General Graphs (ME, DP), pp. 173–182.
STOC-2001-Kosaraju #graph #parallel- Euler paths in series parallel graphs (SRK), pp. 237–240.
STOC-2001-MolloyR #graph- Colouring graphs when the number of colours is nearly the maximum degree (MM, BAR), pp. 462–470.
STOC-2001-SchaeferS #decidability #graph #string- Decidability of string graphs (MS, DS), pp. 241–246.
CIAA-2001-FarreG #bound #parsing- Bounded-Graph Construction for Noncanonical Discriminating-Reverse Parsers (JF, JFG), pp. 101–114.
ICALP-2001-AlberFN #complexity #exponential #graph #problem- Parameterized Complexity: Exponential Speed-Up for Planar Graph Problems (JA, HF, RN), pp. 261–272.
ICALP-2001-AlurEY #graph #verification- Realizability and Verification of MSC Graphs (RA, KE, MY), pp. 797–808.
ICALP-2001-ChakrabartiK #bound #complexity #graph #random- Improved Lower Bounds on the Randomized Complexity of Graph Properties (AC, SK), pp. 285–296.
ICALP-2001-IsobeZN #graph- Total Colorings of Degenerated Graphs (SI, XZ, TN), pp. 506–517.
ICALP-2001-Madhusudan #behaviour #branch #graph #reasoning #sequence- Reasoning about Sequential and Branching Behaviours of Message Sequence Graphs (PM), pp. 809–820.
ICALP-2001-MargaraS #decidability #graph #network- Decidable Properties of Graphs of All-Optical Networks (LM, JS), pp. 518–529.
ICALP-2001-Thorup #graph- Quick k-Median, k-Center, and Facility Location for Sparse Graphs (MT), pp. 249–260.
CHI-2001-CardPWMRSB #analysis #behaviour #graph #protocol #usability #web- Information scent as a driver of Web behavior graphs: results of a protocol analysis method for Web usability (SKC, PP, MMVDW, JBM, RWR, PKS, JB), pp. 498–505.
SVIS-2001-Evstiougov-Babaev #control flow #developer #embedded #graph #visualisation- Call Graph and Control Flow Graph Visualization for Developers of Embedded Applications (AAEB), pp. 337–346.
SVIS-2001-GutwengerJKLM #algorithm #graph- Graph Drawing Algorithm Engineering with AGD (CG, MJ, GWK, SL, PM), pp. 307–323.
SVIS-2001-MutzelE #graph #visualisation- Graphs in Software Visualization — Introduction (PM, PE), pp. 285–294.
SVIS-2001-WinterKR #bibliography #graph- An Overview of the GXL Graph Exchange Language (AW, BK, VR), pp. 324–336.
SVIS-2001-ZimmermannZ #graph #memory management #visualisation- Visualizing Memory Graphs (TZ, AZ), pp. 191–204.
CIKM-2001-ZhaHDGS #clustering #graph- Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering (HZ, XH, CHQD, MG, HDS), pp. 25–32.
ICML-2001-BlumC #graph #learning #using- Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data using Graph Mincuts (AB, SC), pp. 19–26.
KDD-2001-Dhillon #clustering #documentation #graph #using #word- Co-clustering documents and words using bipartite spectral graph partitioning (ISD), pp. 269–274.
KDD-2001-DingHZ #component #graph #web- A spectral method to separate disconnected and nearly-disconnected web graph components (CHQD, XH, HZ), pp. 275–280.
KDD-2001-ShekharLZ #algorithm #detection #graph #summary- Detecting graph-based spatial outliers: algorithms and applications (a summary of results) (SS, CTL, PZ), pp. 371–376.
UML-2001-EshuisW #algorithm #execution #graph #process #uml- An Execution Algorithm for UML Activity Graphs (RE, RW), pp. 47–61.
UML-2001-Kuske #graph transformation #semantics #state machine #uml- A Formal Semantics of UML State Machines Based on Structured Graph Transformation (SK), pp. 241–256.
RE-2001-DelugachL #concept #graph #requirements- Acquiring Software Requirements As Conceptual Graphs (HSD, BEL), pp. 296–297.
SAC-2001-Comai #experience #graph #query #user interface #xml- Graph-based GUIs for querying XML data: the XML-GL experience (SC), pp. 269–274.
SAC-2001-DowellB #graph #mobile #monte carlo #network #random #simulation #validation- Connectivity of random graphs and mobile networks: validation of Monte Carlo simulation results (LJD, MLB), pp. 77–81.
SAC-2001-JulstromR #algorithm #graph #problem- Weight-biased edge-crossover in evolutionary algorithms for wto graph problems (BAJ, GRR), pp. 321–326.
ESEC-FSE-2001-WermelingerLF #architecture #graph- A graph based architectural (Re)configuration language (MW, AL, JLF), pp. 21–32.
ICSE-2001-DillonS #analysis #graph #specification #using- Leightweight Analysis of Operational Specifications Using Inference Graphs (LKD, KS), pp. 57–67.
CC-2001-FarreG #bound #parsing- A Bounded Graph-Connect Construction for LR-regular Parsers (JF, JFG), pp. 244–258.
HPCA-2001-AnnavaramPD #database #graph- Call Graph Prefetching for Database Applications (MA, JMP, ESD), pp. 281–290.
IJCAR-2001-Benedetti #graph- Conditional Pure Literal Graphs (MB), pp. 331–346.
IJCAR-2001-HahnleMR #graph #order- Ordered Resolution vs. Connection Graph Resolution (RH, NVM, ER), pp. 182–194.
IJCAR-2001-Jones #analysis #graph #termination- Program Termination Analysis by Size-Change Graphs (Abstract) (NDJ), pp. 1–4.
IJCAR-2001-Middeldorp #approximate #automaton #dependence #graph #using- Approximating Dependency Graphs Using Tree Automata Techniques (AM), pp. 593–610.
SAT-2001-RanderathSBHKMSC #graph #problem #satisfiability- A Satisfiability Formulation of Problems on Level Graphs (BR, ES, EB, PLH, AK, KM, BS, OC), pp. 269–277.
ASE-2000-FahmyH #architecture #graph grammar #using- Using Graph Rewriting to Specify Software Architectural Transformations (HF, RCH), pp. 187–196.
DAC-2000-BlaauwPD #graph- Removing user specified false paths from timing graphs (DB, RP, AD), pp. 270–273.
DAC-2000-HorstmannshoffM #code generation #data flow #graph #performance- Efficient building block based RTL code generation from synchronous data flow graphs (JH, HM), pp. 552–555.
DAC-2000-JainMMWL #analysis #canonical #complexity #composition #graph #how- Analysis of composition complexity and how to obtain smaller canonical graphs (JJ, KM, DM, IW, YL), pp. 681–686.
DATE-2000-KruseSJSN #bound #constraints #data flow #graph #power management- Lower Bounds on the Power Consumption in Scheduled Data Flow Graphs with Resource Constraints (LK, ES, GJ, AS, WN), p. 737.
PODS-2000-KumarRRSTU #graph #web- The Web as a Graph (RK, PR, SR, DS, AT, EU), pp. 1–10.
VLDB-2000-DiligentiCLGG #crawling #graph #using- Focused Crawling Using Context Graphs (MD, FC, SL, CLG, MG), pp. 527–534.
FASE-2000-Parisi-PresicceW #configuration management #graph transformation #policy #using- Foundations for Software Configuration Management Policies Using Graph Transformations (FPP, ALW), pp. 304–318.
FoSSaCS-2000-DrewesHP #graph transformation- Hierarchical Graph Transformation (FD, BH, DP), pp. 98–113.
FoSSaCS-2000-Morvan #graph #on the- On Rational Graphs (CM), pp. 252–266.
TACAS-2000-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #multi #tool support- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Tool Support for Integrating Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 43–47.
ICSM-2000-LukoitWSH #named #visual notation- TraceGraph: Immediate Visual Location of Software Features (KL, NW, SS, TH), pp. 33–39.
IWPC-2000-Anquetil #comparison #concept #graph #reverse engineering- A Comparison of Graphs of Concept for Reverse Engineering (NA), pp. 231–240.
IWPC-2000-ChenR #case study #dependence #feature model #graph #using- Case Study of Feature Location Using Dependence Graph (KC, VR), pp. 241–247.
IWPC-2000-RaysideRHK #algorithm #automation #clustering #graph #object-oriented #source code- The Effect of Call Graph Construction Algorithms for Object-Oriented Programs on Automatic Clustering (DR, SR, EH, KK), pp. 191–200.
SAS-2000-ClarkHH #analysis #graph grammar #safety #strict- Safety of Strictness Analysis via Term Graph Rewriting (DC, CH, SH), pp. 95–114.
STOC-2000-AielloCL #graph #random- A random graph model for massive graphs (WA, FRKC, LL), pp. 171–180.
STOC-2000-ChenX #graph #query- Shortest path queries in planar graphs (DZC, JX), pp. 469–478.
STOC-2000-EvenGS #approximate #graph- Improved approximations of crossings in graph drawings (GE, SG, BS), pp. 296–305.
STOC-2000-FederMS #graph- Finding long paths and cycles in sparse Hamiltonian graphs (TF, RM, CSS), pp. 524–529.
STOC-2000-Grohe #graph #morphism #testing- Isomorphism testing for embeddable graphs through definability (MG), pp. 63–72.
STOC-2000-MahajanV #graph- A new NC-algorithm for finding a perfect matching in bipartite planar and small genus graphs (extended abstract) (MM, KRV), pp. 351–357.
STOC-2000-Thorup #graph- Near-optimal fully-dynamic graph connectivity (MT), pp. 343–350.
ICALP-2000-BenderR #graph #sublinear #testing- Testing Acyclicity of Directed Graphs in Sublinear Time (MAB, DR), pp. 809–820.
ICALP-2000-Djidjev #graph- Computing the Girth of a Planar Graph (HD), pp. 821–831.
ICALP-2000-EngelsH #concept #evolution #framework #graph transformation #modelling- Graph Transformation as a Conceptual and Formal Framework for System Modeling and Model Evolution (GE, RH), pp. 127–150.
ICALP-2000-Grigni #approximate #graph- Approximate TSP in Graphs with Forbidden Minors (MG), pp. 869–877.
ICALP-2000-HenriksenMKT #graph #on the #sequence- On Message Sequence Graphs and Finitely Generated Regular MSC Languages (JGH, MM, KNK, PST), pp. 675–686.
ICALP-2000-Mehlhorn #algorithm #constraints #graph #programming- Constraint Programming and Graph Algorithms (KM), pp. 571–575.
IFM-2000-BoltonD #graph #process- Activity Graphs and Processes (CB, JD), pp. 77–96.
ICPR-v1-2000-KangCM #2d #graph- A Graph-Based Global Registration for 2D Mosaics (EYEK, IC, GGM), pp. 1257–1260.
ICPR-v2-2000-BartoliPSZ #graph #morphism #using- Attributed Tree Homomorphism Using Association Graphs (MB, MP, KS, SWZ), pp. 2133–2136.
ICPR-v2-2000-Bunke #graph- Recent Developments in Graph Matching (HB), pp. 2117–2124.
ICPR-v2-2000-CordellaFSV #component #detection #graph #image #performance- Fast Graph Matching for Detecting CAD Image Components (LPC, PF, CS, MV), pp. 6034–6037.
ICPR-v2-2000-KimK #estimation #graph #parametricity #random #recognition- Minimum Entropy Estimation of Hierarchical Random Graph Parameters for Character Recognition (HYK, JHK), pp. 6050–6053.
ICPR-v2-2000-LuoH #algorithm #composition #graph #using- Symbolic Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition (BL, ERH), pp. 2141–2144.
ICPR-v2-2000-PerchantB #fuzzy #graph #morphism- Graph Fuzzy Homomorphism Interpreted as Fuzzy Association Graphs (AP, IB), pp. 6042–6045.
ICPR-v2-2000-SanfeliuAS #clustering #graph #synthesis- Clustering of Attributed Graphs and Unsupervised Synthesis of Function-Described Graphs (AS, RA, FS), pp. 6022–6025.
ICPR-v2-2000-SerratosaAS #algorithm #graph #performance- Efficient Algorithms for Matching Attributed Graphs and Function-Described Graphs (FS, RA, AS), pp. 2867–2872.
ICPR-v3-2000-GrigorescuP #graph- Graph-Based Features for Texture Discrimination (CG, NP), pp. 7088–7091.
ICPR-v3-2000-Verges-LlahiSC #algorithm #clustering #constraints #graph #image #segmentation- Color Image Segmentation Solving Hard-Constraints on Graph Partitioning Greedy Algorithms (JVL, AS, JC), pp. 3629–3632.
ICPR-v4-2000-Lucas #graph #performance #taxonomy- Efficient Best-First Dictionary Search Given Graph-Based Input (SML), pp. 4434–4437.
OOPSLA-2000-TipP #algorithm #graph #scalability- Scalable propagation-based call graph construction algorithms (FT, JP), pp. 281–293.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-LiuJC #approach #graph- A Graph-Theoretic Approach for Recognizing the User Interpretation without Conflicts (GL, WJ, ZC), pp. 291–298.
POPL-2000-EsparzaP #algorithm #graph #interprocedural #parallel #performance- Efficient Algorithms for pre* and post* on Interprocedural Parallel Flow Graphs (JE, AP), pp. 1–11.
POPL-2000-SuFA #constraints #graph- Projection Merging: Reducing Redundancies in Inclusion Constraint Graphs (ZS, MF, AA), pp. 81–95.
SAC-2000-ColeZ #coordination #graph #independence #process- Activity Graphs: A Model-Independent Intermediate Layer for Skeletal Coordination (MC, AZ), pp. 255–261.
SAC-2000-KhuriWS #algorithm #graph #search-based- A Grouping Genetic Algorithm for Coloring the Edges of Graphs (SK, TW, YS), pp. 422–427.
CC-2000-Agrawal #graph- Demand-Driven Construction of Call Graphs (GA), pp. 125–140.
CC-2000-KnoopR #constant #graph- Constant Propagation on the Value Graph: Simple Constants and Beyond (JK, OR), pp. 94–109.
CSL-2000-MakowskyM #combinator #complexity #generative #graph #on the- On the Complexity of Combinatorial and Metafinite Generating Functions of Graph Properties in the Computational Model of Blum, Shub and Smale (JAM, KM), pp. 399–410.
CSL-2000-Vardi #automation #automaton #graph #logic #verification- Automated Verification = Graphs, Automata, and Logic (MYV), p. 139.
WICSA-1999-HirschIM #constraints #graph grammar #modelling #theorem proving- Modeling Software Architecutes and Styles with Graph Grammars and Constraint Solving (DH, PI, UM), pp. 127–144.
DAC-1999-Bergamaschi #behaviour #graph #logic #network #synthesis- Behavioral Network Graph: Unifying the Domains of High-Level and Logic Synthesis (RAB), pp. 213–218.
DAC-1999-PerkowskiMGBM #algorithm #evaluation #graph #performance- Graph Coloring Algorithms for Fast Evaluation of Curtis Decompositions (MAP, RM, SG, MB, AM), pp. 225–230.
DATE-1999-Kuchcinski #constraints #finite #graph #scheduling #using- Integrated Resource Assignment and Scheduling of Task Graphs Using Finite Domain Constraints (KK), pp. 772–773.
ICDAR-1999-ChenMM #algorithm #graph #performance #segmentation- An Efficient Algorithm for Matching a Lexicon with a Segmentation Graph (DYC, JM, KMM), pp. 543–546.
ICDAR-1999-KosmalaRLP #graph grammar #markov #modelling #online #recognition #using- On-Line Handwritten Formula Recognition using Hidden Markov Models and Context Dependent Graph Grammars (AK, GR, SL, LP), pp. 107–110.
FASE-1999-Tapken #implementation- Implementing Hierarchical Graph-Structures (JT), pp. 219–233.
FoSSaCS-1999-BaldranCM #graph grammar #semantics- Unfolding and Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars (PB, AC, UM), pp. 73–89.
CSMR-1999-AntoniolCT #graph #pointer- Impact of Function Pointers on the Call Graph (GA, FC, PT), pp. 51–61.
ICSM-1999-Agrawal #analysis #data flow #graph- Simultaneous Demand-Driven Data-Flow and Call Graph Analysis (GA), pp. 453–462.
PASTE-1999-Agrawal #graph #performance #testing #using- Efficient Coverage Testing Using Global Dominator Graphs (HA), pp. 11–20.
PLDI-1999-Vegdahl #graph #using- Using Node Merging to Enhance Graph Coloring (SRV), pp. 150–154.
SAS-1999-Mauborgne #graph- Binary Decision Graphs (LM), pp. 101–116.
SAS-1999-TakimotoH #graph #using- Partial Dead Code Elimination Using Extended Value Graph (MT, KH), pp. 179–193.
STOC-1999-CapalboK #graph- Small Universal Graphs (MRC, SRK), pp. 741–749.
STOC-1999-FederHKM #complexity #graph #problem- Complexity of Graph Partition Problems (TF, PH, SK, RM), pp. 464–472.
STOC-1999-KlivansM #graph #morphism #polynomial #proving- Graph Nonisomorphism has Subexponential Size Proofs Unless the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Collapses (AK, DvM), pp. 659–667.
STOC-1999-Schaefer #graph #polynomial- Graph Ramsey Theory and the Polynomial Hierarchy (MS), pp. 592–601.
ICALP-1999-DodisK #graph #trade-off- Space Time Tradeoffs for Graph Properties (YD, SK), pp. 291–300.
ICALP-1999-FlescaG #graph #order #query #regular expression- Partially Ordered Regular Languages for Graph Queries (SF, SG), pp. 321–330.
ICALP-1999-FrickG #first-order #graph- Deciding First-Order Properties of Locally Tree-Decomposalbe Graphs (MF, MG), pp. 331–340.
ICALP-1999-GavoilleH #bound #graph- Compact Routing Tables for Graphs of Bounded Genus (CG, NH), pp. 351–360.
AGTIVE-1999-BaresiP #analysis #graph grammar #programmable- A Formal Definition of Stuctured Analysis with Programmable Graph Grammars (LB, MP), pp. 193–208.
AGTIVE-1999-Cremer #graph #re-engineering #reverse engineering #tool support- Graph-Based Reverse Engineering and Reengineering Tools (KC), pp. 95–109.
AGTIVE-1999-DrewesKKK #composition #graph transformation- Graph Transformation Modules and Their Composition (FD, PK, HJK, SK), pp. 15–30.
AGTIVE-1999-EnglertK #graph #image- Image Structure from Monotonic Dual Graph Contraction (RE, WGK), pp. 297–308.
AGTIVE-1999-FischerKB #fuzzy #graph #learning- Learning and Rewriting in Fuzzy Rule Graphs (IF, MK, MRB), pp. 263–270.
AGTIVE-1999-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #integration #multi #tool support #towards- Tool Support for ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Towards Integration of Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 369–377.
AGTIVE-1999-Grosse-RhodePST #composition #distributed #graph transformation #modelling #refinement- Modeling Distributed Systems by Modular Graph Transformation Based on Refinement via Rule Expressions (MGR, FPP, MS, GT), pp. 31–45.
AGTIVE-1999-Gruner #approach #consistency #distributed #graph grammar #modelling- A Combined Graph Schema and Graph Grammar Approach to Consistency in Distributed Data Modeling (SG), pp. 247–254.
AGTIVE-1999-Hoffmann #diagrams #graph transformation #programming #rule-based- From Graph Transformation to Rule-Based Programming with Diagrams (BH), pp. 165–180.
AGTIVE-1999-HoffmannLS #composition #constraints #geometry #graph transformation- Planning Geometric Constraint Decomposition via Optimal Graph Transformations (CMH, AL, MS), pp. 309–324.
AGTIVE-1999-Jager #framework #graph #named #visual notation- UPGRADE — A Framework for Graph-Based Visual Applications (DJ), pp. 427–432.
AGTIVE-1999-JagerSW #development #graph #modelling #named #process- AHEAD: A Graph-Based System for Modeling and Managing Development Processes (DJ, AS, BW), pp. 325–339.
AGTIVE-1999-KnirschK #graph transformation #modelling- A Note on Modeling Agent Systems by Graph Transformation (PK, HJK), pp. 79–86.
AGTIVE-1999-Mens #evolution #graph grammar #independence- Conditional Graph Rewriting as a Domain-Independent Formalism for Software Evolution (TM), pp. 127–143.
AGTIVE-1999-Munch #graph grammar #term rewriting- PROgrammed Graph REwriting System PROGRES (MM), pp. 441–448.
AGTIVE-1999-PlasmeijerE #functional #graph grammar #mobile- Term Graph Rewriting and Mobile Expressions in Functional Languages (MJP, MCJDvE), pp. 1–13.
AGTIVE-1999-Radermacher #design pattern #graph transformation #tool support- Support for Design Patterns Through Graph Transformation Tools (AR), pp. 111–126.
AGTIVE-1999-Radermacher99a #graph grammar #named- DiTo — A Distribution Tool Based on Graph Rewriting (AR), pp. 465–472.
AGTIVE-1999-Rahgozar #documentation #graph grammar #recognition- Document Table Recognition by Graph Rewriting (MAR), pp. 279–295.
AGTIVE-1999-RibeiroC #composition #graph grammar #modelling #simulation #using- Compositional Construction of Simulation Models Using Graph Grammars (LR, BC), pp. 87–94.
AGTIVE-1999-RodgersV #algorithm #animation #graph- Graph Algorithm Animation with Grrr (PJR, NV), pp. 379–393.
AGTIVE-1999-RodgersV99a #graph grammar #programming language- A Demonstration of the Grrr Graph Rewriting Programming Language (PJR, NV), pp. 473–480.
AGTIVE-1999-Schleicher #formal method #graph transformation #modelling #process #uml #using- Formalizing UML-Based Process Models Using Graph Transformations (AS), pp. 341–357.
AGTIVE-1999-SzubaGB #graph #visualisation- Graph Visualization in ArchiCAD (JS, EG, AB), pp. 241–246.
AGTIVE-1999-Taentzer #algebra #graph transformation #named- AGG: A Tool Environment for Algebraic Graph Transformation (GT), pp. 481–488.
AGTIVE-1999-ZamperoniE #aspect-oriented #exclamation #experience #graph grammar #integration #re-engineering #term rewriting #using- Formal Integration of Software Engineering Aspects Using Graph Rewrite Systems — A Typical Experience?! (AZ, GE), pp. 359–367.
HCI-CCAD-1999-EvreinovAYE- PadGraph (GEE, AVA, AY, TE), pp. 985–989.
CAiSE-1999-SadiqO #graph #identification #modelling #process #reduction- Applying Graph Reduction Techniques for Identifying Structural Conflicts in Process Models (WS, MEO), pp. 195–209.
ICEIS-1999-AlvesHM #database #development #logic #named- DB-GRAPH — A Tool for Development of Database Systems Based on the Extended Entity Relationship Logical Model (MAA, MOH, FLM), pp. 3–6.
CIKM-1999-RadevPMP #approach #behaviour #graph #multi #object-oriented #representation- Graph-Based Object-Oriented Approach for Structural and Behavioral Representation of Multimedia Data (IR, NP, KM, EKP), pp. 522–530.
KDD-1999-AggarwalWWY #approach #collaboration #graph- Horting Hatches an Egg: A New Graph-Theoretic Approach to Collaborative Filtering (CCA, JLW, KLW, PSY), pp. 201–212.
OOPSLA-1999-LeeSL #component #graph #library- The Generic Graph Component Library (LQL, JGS, AL), pp. 399–414.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-ShenLG #graph #network #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Net Graph Model for Agent Group-Based Network Management (JS, JL, GG), pp. 126–132.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-ShenLSZ #algorithm #architecture #graph #object-oriented #using- An Algorithm for Describing Object-Oriented Software Architecture Using Graph (HHS, CL, MMS, WMZ), pp. 225–231.
GCSE-1999-AssmannL #aspect-oriented #graph grammar #weaving- Aspect Weaving with Graph Rewriting (UA, AL), pp. 24–36.
RE-1999-GoedickeMT #consistency #development #distributed #graph transformation #nondeterminism #towards- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development by Distributed Graph Transformation: Towards a Basis for Living with Inconsistencies (MG, TM, GT), pp. 92–99.
SAC-1999-Binkley #dependence #graph #slicing #using- Computing Amorphous Program Slices Using Dependence Graphs (DB), pp. 519–525.
ICSE-1999-MaruyamaS #automation #dependence #graph #refactoring #using- Automatic Method Refactoring Using Weighted Dependence Graphs (KM, KS), pp. 236–245.
ICSE-1999-SinhaHR #control flow #interprocedural #slicing #source code- System-Dependence-Graph-Based Slicing of Programs with Arbitrary Interprocedural Control Flow (SS, MJH, GR), pp. 432–441.
ICLP-1999-Muller #constraints #graph- Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views (TM), p. 615.
RTA-1999-Courcelle #graph #logic- Hierarchical Graph Decompositions Defined by Grammars and Logical Formulas (BC), pp. 90–91.
RTA-1999-VermaS #agile #graph grammar #named- LarrowR2: A Laboratory fro Rapid Term Graph Rewriting (RMV, SS), pp. 252–255.
DAC-1998-KirovskiP #graph #performance #scalability- Efficient Coloring of a Large Spectrum of Graphs (DK, MP), pp. 427–432.
DAC-1998-OhH #data flow #design #graph- Rate Optimal VLSI Design from Data Flow Graph (MO, SH), pp. 118–121.
DATE-1998-ElesKPDP #embedded #graph #process #scheduling #synthesis- Scheduling of Conditional Process Graphs for the Synthesis of Embedded Systems (PE, KK, ZP, AD, PP), pp. 132–138.
DATE-1998-Hetzel #graph #grid- A Sequential Detailed Router for Huge Grid Graphs (AH), pp. 332–338.
ITiCSE-1998-DagdilelisS #algorithm #education #graph #named- DIDAGRAPH: software for teaching graph theory algorithms (VD, MS), pp. 64–68.
FASE-1998-Heckel #composition #graph transformation #verification- Compositional Verification of Reactive Systems Specified by Graph Transformation (RH), pp. 138–153.
FASE-1998-Sucrow #graph grammar #interactive #specification- Refining Formal Specifications of Human Computer Interaction by Graph Rewrite Rules (BS), pp. 302–317.
FoSSaCS-1998-BottreauM #graph #normalisation- Minor Searching, Normal Forms of Graph Relabelling: Two Applications Based on Enumerations by Graph Relabelling (AB, YM), pp. 110–124.
ICSM-1998-LiangH #dependence #graph #slicing #using- Slicing Objects Using System Dependence Graphs (DL, MJH), pp. 358–367.
WCRE-1998-ValasareddiC #graph #identification #process #source code- A Graph-Based Object Identification Process for Procedural Programs (RRV, DLC), pp. 50–58.
PLDI-1998-FahndrichFSA #constraints #graph #online- Partial Online Cycle Elimination in Inclusion Constraint Graphs (MF, JSF, ZS, AA), pp. 85–96.
STOC-1998-BenderFRSV #graph #power of- The Power of a Pebble: Exploring and Mapping Directed Graphs (MAB, AF, DR, AS, SPV), pp. 269–278.
STOC-1998-ChenGP #graph- Planar Map Graphs (ZZC, MG, CHP), pp. 514–523.
STOC-1998-GoldreichR #graph #sublinear- A Sublinear Bipartiteness Tester for Bunded Degree Graphs (OG, DR), pp. 289–298.
STOC-1998-KargerL #graph- Finding Maximum Flows in Undirected Graphs Seems Easier than Bipartite Matching (DRK, MSL), pp. 69–78.
STOC-1998-LubyMSS #analysis #design #graph #using- Analysis of Low Density Codes and Improved Designs Using Irregular Graphs (ML, MM, MAS, DAS), pp. 249–258.
STOC-1998-PeinadoL #embedded #generative #graph #random- Random Generation of Embedded Graphs and an Extension to Dobrushin Uniqueness (Extended Abstract) (MP, TL), pp. 176–185.
STOC-1998-RaoS #approximate #geometry #graph- Approximating Geometrical Graphs via “Spanners” and “Banyans” (SR, WDS), pp. 540–550.
ICALP-1998-BaldanCM #graph #process- Concatenable Graph Processes: Relating Processes and Derivation Traces (PB, AC, UM), pp. 283–295.
ICALP-1998-ChuangGHKL #canonical #encoding #graph #multi #order- Compact Encodings of Planar Graphs via Canonical Orderings and Multiple Parentheses (RCNC, AG, XH, MYK, HIL), pp. 118–129.
WIA-1998-Velinov #graph #implementation #on the #semantics #syntax- On the Syntax, Semantics, and Implementation of a Graph-Based Computational Environment (YV), pp. 199–212.
TAGT-1998-BaldanCM #graph grammar- Unfolding of Double-Pushout Graph Grammars is a Coreflection (PB, AC, UM), pp. 145–163.
TAGT-1998-BusattoEMW #framework #graph transformation- A Framework for Adding Packages to Graph Transformation Approaches (GB, GE, KM, AW), pp. 352–367.
TAGT-1998-EhrenfeuchtHHR #complexity #graph- Complexity Issues in Switching of Graphs (AE, JH, TH, GR), pp. 59–70.
TAGT-1998-EhrigHLOPR #framework #graph #rule-based- Double-Pullback Graph Transitions: A Rule-Based Framework with Incomplete Information (HE, RH, ML, FO, JP, GR), pp. 85–102.
TAGT-1998-EngelfrietM #graph grammar- Tree Languages Generated be Context-Free Graph Grammars (JE, SM), pp. 15–29.
TAGT-1998-Faulstich #graph transformation #using- Using Graph Transformation Techniques for Integrating Information from the WWW (LF), pp. 426–441.
TAGT-1998-FischerNTZ #diagrams #graph grammar #java #modelling- Story Diagrams: A New Graph Rewrite Language Based on the Unified Modeling Language and Java (TF, JN, LT, AZ), pp. 296–309.
TAGT-1998-GadducciHK #logic- A Fully Abstract Model for Graph-Interpreted Temporal Logic (FG, RH, MK), pp. 310–322.
TAGT-1998-GodardMM #graph #power of- The Power of Local Computations in Graphs with Initial Knowledge (EG, YM, AM), pp. 71–84.
TAGT-1998-Grosse-RhodePS #graph transformation- Refinements of Graph Transformation Systems via Rule Expressions (MGR, FPP, MS), pp. 368–382.
TAGT-1998-Hrischuk #automation #graph grammar #process #using- A Model Making Automation Process (MMAP) Using a Graph Grammar Formalism (CEH), pp. 442–454.
TAGT-1998-KrappKSW #development #graph #modelling #process- Graph-Based Models for Managing Development Processes, Resources, and Products (CAK, SK, AS, BW), pp. 455–474.
TAGT-1998-PetriuW #design pattern #graph transformation #modelling #performance- Deriving Software Performance Models from Architectural Patterns by Graph Transformations (DCP, XW), pp. 475–488.
TAGT-1998-Rudolf #constraints #graph #pattern matching #performance- Utilizing Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Efficient Graph Pattern Matching (MR), pp. 238–251.
TAGT-1998-SchurrW #graph grammar #term rewriting #uml- UML Packages for PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems (AS, AJW), pp. 396–409.
TAGT-1998-Schuster #graph transformation #information management #representation- Knowledge Representation and Graph Transformation (SS), pp. 228–237.
TAGT-1998-TaentzerGM #configuration management #distributed #graph transformation #towards- Dynamic Change Management by Distributed Graph Transformation: Towards Configurable Distributed Systems (GT, MG, TM), pp. 179–193.
CHI-1998-TerveenH #graph #visualisation- Finding and Visualizing Inter-Site Clan Graphs (LGT, WCH), pp. 448–455.
ACIR-1998-OunisP #concept #effectiveness #graph #performance #query #relational #using- Effective and Efficient Relational Query Processing Using Conceptual Graphs (IO, MP).
ICML-1998-LiquiereS #graph #machine learning- Structural Machine Learning with Galois Lattice and Graphs (ML, JS), pp. 305–313.
ICPR-1998-CordellaFSTV #algorithm #evaluation #graph #performance- Graph matching: a fast algorithm and its evaluation (LPC, PF, CS, FT, MV), pp. 1582–1584.
ICPR-1998-FrydendalJ #graph #image #segmentation #using- Segmentation of sugar beets using image and graph processing (IF, RJ), pp. 1697–1699.
ICPR-1998-KangOC #3d #graph #using- Character grouping technique using 3D neighborhood graphs in raster map (YBK, SYO, HGC), pp. 1092–1094.
ICPR-1998-Kofler #graph- A topological net structure and a topological graph (HK), pp. 1449–1454.
ICPR-1998-MoriKTS #graph #using #visualisation- Visualization of the structure of classes using a graph (YM, MK, JT, MS), pp. 1724–1727.
ICPR-1998-Rizzi #approach #clustering #graph #search-based- A genetic approach to hierarchical clustering of Euclidean graphs (SR), pp. 1543–1545.
ICPR-1998-YamaguchiKI #graph #parametricity #relational #using- Stereo matching for stone statues using SRI parameters and relational graph (AY, KK, SI), pp. 785–787.
KR-1998-CheinMS #graph #information management #representation #semantics- Nested Graphs: A Graph-based Knowledge Representation Model with FOL Semantics (MC, MLM, GS), pp. 524–535.
SAC-1998-AhmedDR #fuzzy #graph #memory management #performance #reuse #using- Fast recall of reusable fuzzy plans using acyclic directed graph memory (MA, ED, DCR), pp. 272–276.
SAC-1998-KangH #algorithm #graph transformation #problem #search-based #using- Solving the rural postman problem using a genetic algorithm with a graph transformation (MJK, CGH), pp. 356–360.
CC-1998-CooperS #graph- Live Range Splitting in a Graph Coloring Register Allocator (KDC, LTS), pp. 174–187.
CC-1998-KnoopKS #graph #question- Basic-Block Graphs: Living Dinosaurs? (JK, DK, BS), pp. 65–79.
CAV-1998-XuCSCM #first-order #graph #logic #model checking #multi #using- Model Checking for a First-Order Temporal Logic Using Multiway Decision Graphs (YX, EC, XS, FC, OAM), pp. 219–231.
CSL-1998-KreidlerS #graph #monad- Monadic NP and Graph Minors (MK, DS), pp. 126–141.
JICSLP-1998-EchahedJ #graph grammar- Admissible Graph Rewriting and Narrowing (RE, JCJ), pp. 325–342.
LICS-1998-Grohe #fixpoint #graph #logic- Fixed-Point Logics on Planar Graphs (MG), pp. 6–15.
ASE-1997-Sucrow #graph grammar #human-computer #interactive #specification- Formal Specification of Human-Computer Interaction by Graph Grammars under Consideration of Information Resources (BS), pp. 28–35.
DAC-1997-AdeLP #data flow #graph #memory management- Data Memory Minimisation for Synchronous Data Flow Graphs Emulated on DSP-FPGA Targets (MA, RL, JAP), pp. 64–69.
DAC-1997-Coudert #graph- Exact Coloring of Real-Life Graphs is Easy (OC), pp. 121–126.
DAC-1997-YeR #algorithm #graph #network #synthesis- A Graph-Based Synthesis Algorithm for AND/XOR Networks (YY, KR), pp. 107–112.
EDTC-1997-BensoPRRU #approach #fault #graph #low level- A new approach to build a low-level malicious fault list starting from high-level description and alternative graphs (AB, PP, MR, MSR, RU), pp. 560–565.
EDTC-1997-ChiusanoCPR #graph #hybrid #problem- Hybrid symbolic-explicit techniques for the graph coloring problem (SC, FC, PP, MSR), pp. 422–426.
EDTC-1997-Coudert #graph #optimisation #problem- Solving graph optimization problems with ZBDDs (OC), pp. 224–228.
EDTC-1997-LiuS #graph #heuristic #multi #performance #using- Multi-layer chip-level global routing using an efficient graph-based Steiner tree heuristic (LCEL, CS), pp. 311–318.
EDTC-1997-ThoenSJGM #embedded #graph #multi #realtime #synthesis #thread- Multi-thread graph: a system model for real-time embedded software synthesis (FT, JVDS, GGdJ, GG, HDM), pp. 476–481.
ICDAR-1997-LiOHG #component #graph #relational- Recognizing components of handwritten characters by attributed relational graphs with stable features (XL, WGO, JH, WG), pp. 616–620.
TACAS-1997-BeeckBCDFKMSS #graph #morphism #polymorphism #power of- Graphs in METAFrame: The Unifying Power of Polymorphism (MvdB, VB, AC, AD, CF, DK, TMS, FS, BS), pp. 112–129.
ICSM-1997-Rajlich #co-evolution #graph grammar- A Model for Change Propagation Based on Graph Rewriting (VR), pp. 84–91.
STOC-1997-BroderFU #approach #graph #random- Static and Dynamic Path Selection on Expander Graphs: A Random Walk Approach (Preliminary Version) (AZB, AMF, EU), pp. 531–539.
STOC-1997-ChungY #graph- Eigenvalues, Flows and Separators of Graphs (FRKC, STY), p. 749.
STOC-1997-GoldreichR #bound #graph #testing- Property Testing in Bounded Degree Graphs (OG, DR), pp. 406–415.
STOC-1997-He #graph #on the- On Floorplans of Planar Graphs (XH), pp. 426–435.
STOC-1997-Karger #graph #random #using- Using Random Sampling to Find Maximum Flows in Uncapacitated Undirected Graphs (DRK), pp. 240–249.
DLT-1997-Kurerov #graph grammar- Resolution-Similar Graph Grammars (YNK), pp. 567–577.
ICALP-1997-AspertiL #graph #on the- On the Dynamics of Sharing Graphs (AA, CL), pp. 259–269.
ICALP-1997-Bar-NoyK #graph- The Minimum Color Sum of Bipartite Graphs (ABN, GK), pp. 738–748.
ICALP-1997-BroersmaKKM #graph #independence #set- Independent Sets in Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs (HB, TK, DK, HM), pp. 760–770.
ICALP-1997-CaceresDFFRRSS #algorithm #graph #parallel #performance- Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms For Coarse Grained Multicomputers and BSP (EC, FKHAD, AF, PF, IR, AR, NS, SWS), pp. 390–400.
ICALP-1997-Hagerup #algorithm #bound #graph- Dynamic Algorithms for Graphs of Bounded Treewidth (TH), pp. 292–302.
ICALP-1997-HenzingerK #graph #maintenance- Maintaining Minimum Spanning Trees in Dynamic Graphs (MRH, VK), pp. 594–604.
ICFP-1997-Claessen #compilation #graph- Graphs in Compilation (KC), p. 309.
ICFP-1997-Erwig #functional #graph #programming- Functional Programming with Graphs (ME), pp. 52–65.
ICFP-1997-LawallM #graph #on the #reduction- On Global Dynamics of Optimal Graph Reduction (JLL, HGM), pp. 188–195.
IFL-1997-Chakravarty #concurrent #lazy evaluation #parallel #thread- Lazy Thread and Task Creation in Parallel Graph-Reduction (MMTC), pp. 231–249.
IFL-1997-Erwig #graph #persistent #question- Fully Persistent Graphs — Which One To Choose? (ME), pp. 123–140.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-CorradiniMREHL #algebra #approach #category theory #concept #graph transformation- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part I: Basic Concepts and Double Pushout Approach (AC, UM, FR, HE, RH, ML), pp. 163–246.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-Courcelle #graph transformation #higher-order #logic #monad- The Expression of Graph Properties and Graph Transformations in Monadic Second-Order Logic (BC), pp. 313–400.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-DrewesKH #graph grammar- Hyperedge Replacement, Graph Grammars (FD, HJK, AH), pp. 95–162.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-EhrenfeuchtHR #composition #framework #graph #named- 2-Structures — A Framework For Decomposition And Transformation Of Graphs (AE, TH, GR), pp. 401–478.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-EhrigHKLRWC #algebra #approach #category theory #comparison #graph transformation- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part II: Single Pushout Approach and Comparison with Double Pushout Approach (HE, RH, MK, ML, LR, AW, AC), pp. 247–312.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-EngelfrietR #graph grammar- Node Replacement Graph Grammars (JE, GR), pp. 1–94.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-Schurr #graph transformation- Programmed Graph Replacement Systems (AS), pp. 479–546.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ibrahim #editing #optimisation- Optimizing Cut-and-Paste Operations in Directed-Graph Editing (BI), pp. 359–362.
HCI-SEC-1997-Yoshida #graph #induction #modelling- User Modeling by Graph-Based Induction (KY), pp. 23–26.
OOPSLA-1997-GroveDDC #graph #object-oriented- Call Graph Construction in Object-Oriented Languages (DG, GD, JD, CC), pp. 108–124.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-ChenWC #dependence #graph #object-oriented #slicing- An Object-Oriented Dependency Graph for Program Slicing (JLC, FJW, YLC), pp. 121–130.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WuW #algebra #database #graph #object-oriented- Directed Graph Based Association Algebra for Object-Oriented Databases (SW, NW), pp. 53–59.
ALP-1997-Ohlebusch #graph grammar- Conditional Term Graph Rewriting (EO), pp. 144–158.
PLILP-1997-Mossin #graph #higher-order- Higher-Order Value Flow Graphs (CM), pp. 159–173.
ESEC-FSE-1997-EngelsHTE #approach #graph transformation #modelling- A View-Oriented Approach to System Modelling Based on Graph Transformation (GE, RH, GT, HE), pp. 327–343.
CAV-1997-GrafS #graph- Construction of Abstract State Graphs with PVS (SG, HS), pp. 72–83.
CSL-1997-Schiering #approach #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- A Hierarchical Approach to Monadic Second-Order Logic over Graphs (IS), pp. 424–440.
ILPS-1997-Reps #graph #program analysis #reachability- Program Analysis via Graph Reachability (TWR), pp. 5–19.
LICS-1997-MatzT #graph #infinity #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Graphs is Infinite (OM, WT), pp. 236–244.
RTA-1997-Lynch #graph #using- Goal-Directed Completion Using SOUR Graphs (CL), pp. 8–22.
DAC-1996-ParulkarGB #bound #data flow #graph- Lower Bounds on Test Resources for Scheduled Data Flow Graphs (IP, SKG, MAB), pp. 143–148.
ICSM-1996-MancoridisH #clustering #graph #using- Recovering the Structure of Software Systems Using Tube Graph Interconnection Clustering (SM, RCH), p. 23–?.
PLDI-1996-SreedharGL #analysis #data flow #framework #graph #incremental #using- A New Framework for Exhaustive and Incremental Data Flow Analysis Using DJ Graphs (VCS, GRG, YFL), pp. 278–290.
STOC-1996-BabaiGKRSW #bound #graph #source code- Extremal Bipartite Graphs and Superpolynomial Lower Bounds for Monotone Span Programs (LB, AG, JK, LR, TS, AW), pp. 603–611.
STOC-1996-BartalFL #bound #graph #online #problem- Lower Bounds for On-line Graph Problems with Application to On-line Circuit and Optical Routing (YB, AF, SL), pp. 531–540.
STOC-1996-Mohar #graph #linear- Embedding Graphs in an Arbitrary Surface in Linear Time (BM), pp. 392–397.
STOC-1996-NagamochiI #graph- Deterministic Õ(nm) Time Edge-Splitting in Undirected Graphs (HN, TI), pp. 64–73.
STOC-1996-RobertsonSST #graph- Efficiently Four-Coloring Planar Graphs (NR, DPS, PDS, RT), pp. 571–575.
STOC-1996-Spielman #graph #morphism #performance #testing- Faster Isomorphism Testing of Strongly Regular Graphs (DAS), pp. 576–584.
ICALP-1996-Caucal #decidability #graph #infinity #monad #on the- On Infinite Transition Graphs Having a Decidable Monadic Theory (DC), pp. 194–205.
ICALP-1996-Chen #approximate #graph #problem- Practical Approximation Schemes for Maximum Induced-Subgraph Problems on K_{3, 3}-free or K_5-free Graphs (ZZC), pp. 268–279.
ICALP-1996-HenzingerT #algorithm #graph- Improved Sampling with Applications to Dynamic Graph Algorithms (MRH, MT), pp. 290–299.
ICALP-1996-KloksKW #graph- Minimum Fill-In on Circle and Circular-Arc Graphs (TK, DK, CKW), pp. 256–267.
ICALP-1996-KoutsoupiasPY #graph- Searching a Fixed Graph (EK, CHP, MY), pp. 280–289.
ICALP-1996-Senizergues #graph- Semi-Groups Acting on Context-Free Graphs (GS), pp. 206–218.
IFL-1996-LoidlH #communication #effectiveness #graph #parallel #reduction- Making a Packet: Cost-Effective Communication for a Parallel Graph Reducer (HWL, KH), pp. 184–199.
CIKM-1996-HuangJR #clustering #database #effectiveness #graph #query- Effective Graph Clustering for Path Queries in Digital Map Databases (YWH, NJ, EAR), pp. 215–222.
CIKM-1996-Pulido #graph #query #recursion #traversal #using- Recursive Query Processing Using Graph Traversal Techniques (EP), pp. 37–44.
ICPR-1996-Benois-PineauKB #graph #optimisation #problem- Coding of structure in the region-based coder as a problem of optimization on graphs (JBP, AK, DB), pp. 651–655.
ICPR-1996-CordellaFSV #algorithm #graph #performance #using- An efficient algorithm for the inexact matching of ARG graphs using a contextual transformational model (LPC, PF, CS, MV), pp. 180–184.
ICPR-1996-DelagnesB #graph #image #markov #random- Rectilinear structure extraction in textured images with an irregular, graph-based Markov random field model (PD, DB), pp. 800–804.
ICPR-1996-LiuCC #graph #online #order #recognition #relational #using- Stroke order and stroke number free on-line Chinese character recognition using attributed relational graph matching (JL, WkC, MMYC), pp. 259–263.
ICPR-1996-LladosLM #comprehension #documentation #graph #using- Hand drawn document understanding using the straight line Hough transform and graph matching (JL, JLK, EM), pp. 497–501.
ICPR-1996-WegnerHOF #graph #image #segmentation- The watershed transformation on graphs for the segmentation of CT images (SW, TH, HO, EF), pp. 498–502.
PLILP-1996-WeyerW #analysis #graph #prolog- Annotated Structure Shape Graphs for Abstract Analysis of Prolog (GW, WHW), pp. 92–106.
POPL-1996-GhiyaH #analysis #c #graph #pointer- Is it a Tree, a DAG, or a Cyclic Graph? A Shape Analysis for Heap-Directed Pointers in C (RG, LJH), pp. 1–15.
SAC-1996-LiK #c++ #case study #design #graph #implementation #object-oriented #reuse- An object-oriented design and implementation of reusable graph objects with C++: a case study (WNL, RK), pp. 510–514.
FSE-1996-Metayer #architecture #graph grammar- Software Architecture Styles as Graph Grammars (DLM), pp. 15–23.
ICSE-1996-MurphyNL #empirical #graph- An Empirical Study of Static Call Graph Extractors (GCM, DN, ESCL), pp. 90–99.
CC-1996-Assmann #graph grammar #how #program analysis #program transformation #term rewriting- How to Uniformly Specify Program Analysis and Transformation with Graph Rewrite Systems (UA), pp. 121–135.
CC-1996-Cifuentes #graph- Structuring Decompiled Graphs (CC), pp. 91–105.
CSL-1996-EekelenSP #functional #graph grammar #programming language #semantics- Graph Rewriting Semantics for Functional Programming Languages (MCJDvE, SS, MJP), pp. 106–128.
LICS-1996-McColm #graph #random- Zero-One Laws for Gilbert Random Graphs (GLM), pp. 360–369.
RTA-1996-Rao #composition #graph grammar #termination- Modularity of Termination in Term Graph Rewriting (MRKKR), pp. 230–244.
DAC-1995-BredenfeldC #design #graph #integration #tool support #using- Tool Integration and Construction Using Generated Graph-Based Design Representations (AB, RC), pp. 94–99.
DAC-1995-LiuKCH #approach #clustering #graph #replication #using- Performance-Driven Partitioning Using a Replication Graph Approach (LTL, MTK, CKC, TCH), pp. 206–210.
DAC-1995-ZepterGM #data flow #design #generative #graph #using- Digital Receiver Design Using VHDL Generation from Data Flow Graphs (PZ, TG, HM), pp. 228–233.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GrbavecB #graph grammar #recognition #using- Mathematics recognition using graph rewriting (AG, DB), pp. 417–421.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Ishitani #comprehension #graph #image- Model matching based on association graph for form image understanding (YI), pp. 287–292.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Baumann #graph grammar #music #recognition- A simplified attributed graph grammar for high-level music recognition (SB), pp. 1080–1083.
ICDAR-v2-1995-FilatovGK #graph #recognition #string- Graph-based handwritten digit string recognition (AF, AG, IK), pp. 845–848.
ICDAR-v2-1995-PavlidisSS #analysis #graph- Matching graph embeddings for shape analysis (TP, WJS, HS), pp. 729–733.
ICDAR-v2-1995-YangC #automation #concept #generative #graph #hypermedia- Automatic hypertext link generation based on conceptual graphs (GCY, KSC), pp. 702–705.
ICDAR-v2-1995-YuanTS #graph- Four directional adjacency graphs (FDAG) and their application in locating fields in forms (JY, YYT, CYS), pp. 752–755.
ICSM-1995-CanforaC #algorithm #dependence #graph- Algorithms for program dependence graph production (GC, AC), p. 157–?.
STOC-1995-BorchersD #graph- The k-Steiner ratio in graphs (AB, DZD), pp. 641–649.
STOC-1995-DinitzN #graph #incremental #maintenance- A 2-level cactus model for the system of minimum and minimum+1 edge-cuts in a graph and its incremental maintenance (YD, ZN), pp. 509–518.
STOC-1995-Feige #graph #random- Randomized graph products, chromatic numbers, and Lovasz theta-function (UF), pp. 635–640.
STOC-1995-HenzingerK #algorithm #graph #random- Randomized dynamic graph algorithms with polylogarithmic time per operation (MRH, VK), pp. 519–527.
STOC-1995-RaschleS #graph #recognition- Recognition of graphs with threshold dimension two (TR, KS), pp. 650–661.
ICALP-1995-Balcazar #complexity #graph- The Complexity of Searching Succinctly Represented Graphs (JLB), pp. 208–219.
ICALP-1995-BodlaenderF #graph- Intervalizing k-Colored Graphs (HLB, BdF), pp. 87–98.
ICALP-1995-CorneilOS #algorithm #graph #linear- Linear Time Algorithms for Dominating Pairs in Asteroidal Triple-free Graphs (DGC, SO, LS), pp. 292–302.
ICALP-1995-NikoletseasRSY #graph #memory management #probability- Stochastic Graphs Have Short Memory: Fully Dynamic Connectivity in Poly-Log Expected Time (SEN, JHR, PGS, MY), pp. 159–170.
ICALP-1995-ParraS #graph #how- How to Use the Minimal Separators of a Graph for its Chordal Triangulation (AP, PS), pp. 123–134.
ICALP-1995-Schwentick #graph #monad- Graph Connectivity, Monadic NP and Built-in Relations of Moderate Degree (TS), pp. 405–416.
AFP-1995-Launchbury95 #algorithm #functional #graph- Graph Algorithms with a Functional Flavous (JL), pp. 308–331.
CIKM-1995-ParkST #algorithm #concurrent #detection #distributed #generative #graph #hybrid- A Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution Algorithm Based on A Hybrid Wait-for Graph and Probe Generation Scheme (YCP, PS, HLT), pp. 378–386.
ICML-1995-OliveiraS #graph #order- Inferring Reduced Ordered Decision Graphs of Minimum Description Length (ALO, ALSV), pp. 421–429.
SEKE-1995-ArefiMW #automation #editing #graph- The Graph Editor of EdGen, A Tool to Aid the Automated Construction of Customized Graph Editors (FA, MM, AW), pp. 438–445.
SEKE-1995-CostagliolaLOT #data flow #graph #parsing #performance- Efficient Parsing of Data-Flow Graphs (GC, ADL, SO, GT), pp. 226–233.
SEKE-1995-Westfechtel #graph #process- A Graph-Based Model for Dynamic Process Nets (BW), pp. 126–130.
POPL-1995-RepsHS #analysis #data flow #graph #interprocedural #precise #reachability- Precise Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis via Graph Reachability (TWR, SH, SS), pp. 49–61.
SAC-1995-AbualiWS #encoding #graph #representation- Determinant factorization and cycle basis: encoding schemes for the representation of spanning trees on incomplete graphs (FNA, RLW, DAS), pp. 305–312.
SAC-1995-BanachP #behaviour #graph grammar #linear #source code- Linear behaviour of term graph rewriting programs (RB, GAP), pp. 157–163.
ESEC-1995-SchurrWZ #grammarware #graph grammar- Graph Grammar Engineering with PROGRES (AS, AJW, AZ), pp. 219–234.
ICLP-1995-Brand #algorithm #graph- A Decision Graph Algorithm for CCP Languages (PB), pp. 433–447.
LICS-1995-LynchT #graph #logic #random- The Infinitary Logic of Sparse Random Graphs (JFL, JT), pp. 46–53.
TLCA-1995-AspertiL #graph #λ-calculus- Comparing λ-calculus translations in Sharing Graphs (AA, CL), pp. 1–15.
DAC-1994-BaldwinC #design #graph grammar #using- Design Methodology Management Using Graph Grammars (RAB, MJC), pp. 472–478.
EDAC-1994-BanerjeeRCP #graph transformation- Signal Transition Graph Transformations for Initializability (SB, RKR, STC, DKP), p. 670.
EDAC-1994-DepuydtGGM #graph #optimisation #pipes and filters #scheduling- Optimal Scheduling and Software Pipelining of Repetitive Signal Flow Graphs with Delay Line Optimization (FD, WG, GG, HDM), pp. 490–494.
EDAC-1994-EsbensenM #algorithm #graph #problem #search-based- A Genetic Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in a Graph (HE, PM), pp. 402–406.
EDAC-1994-VanbekbergenYLM #graph #interface #specification- A Generalized Signal Transition Graph Model for Specification of Complex Interfaces (PV, CYC, BL, HDM), pp. 378–384.
PODS-1994-Afrati #bound #datalog #exclamation #graph #query- Bounded Arity Datalog (!=) Queries on Graphs (FNA), pp. 97–106.
VLDB-1994-GutierrezPST #database #graph #persistent- Database Graph Views: A Practical Model to Manage Persistent Graphs (AG, PP, HS, JMT), pp. 391–402.
VLDB-1994-Guting #database #graph #modelling #named #query- GraphDB: Modeling and Querying Graphs in Databases (RHG), pp. 297–308.
ICSM-1994-KinlochM #c #comprehension #graph #representation #source code #using- Understanding C Programs Using the Combined C Graph Representation (DAK, MM), pp. 172–180.
PLDI-1994-HentenryckCC #analysis #graph #prolog #using- Type Analysis of Prolog Using Type Graphs (PVH, AC, BLC), pp. 337–348.
PLDI-1994-NorrisP #dependence #graph- Register Allocation over the Program Dependence Graph (CN, LLP), pp. 266–277.
STOC-1994-AlonK #graph #random- A spectral technique for coloring random 3-colorable graphs (preliminary version) (NA, NK), pp. 346–355.
STOC-1994-AlonYZ #graph #named #scalability- Color-coding: a new method for finding simple paths, cycles and other small subgraphs within large graphs (NA, RY, UZ), pp. 326–335.
STOC-1994-DinitzV #graph #incremental #maintenance #set- The connectivity carcass of a vertex subset in a graph and its incremental maintenance (YD, AV), pp. 716–725.
STOC-1994-Gabow #algorithm #graph #performance- Efficient splitting off algorithms for graphs (HNG), pp. 696–705.
STOC-1994-HalldorssonR #approximate #bound #graph #independence #set- Greed is good: approximating independent sets in sparse and bounded-degree graphs (MMH, JR), pp. 439–448.
STOC-1994-KleinRRS #algorithm #graph #performance- Faster shortest-path algorithms for planar graphs (PNK, SR, MRH, SS), pp. 27–37.
ICALP-1994-Feige #algorithm #graph #performance #random- A Fast Randomized LOGSPACE Algorithm for Graph Connectivity (UF), pp. 499–507.
ICALP-1994-GargVY #graph #multi- Multiway Cuts in Directed and Node Weighted Graphs (NG, VVV, MY), pp. 487–498.
ICALP-1994-HoftingW #analysis #graph #polynomial- Polynomial Time Analysis of Torodial Periodic Graphs (FH, EW), pp. 544–555.
ICALP-1994-NikolestseasPSY #graph #multi #network #random #reliability- Short Vertex Disjoint Paths and Multiconnectivity in Random Graphs: Reliable Network Computing (SEN, KVP, PGS, MY), pp. 508–519.
TAGT-1994-AlberichBRVW #algebra #approach #graph transformation- A Partial Algebras Approach to Graph Transformation (RA, PB, FR, GV, BW), pp. 1–15.
TAGT-1994-ArnborgP #bound #graph #subclass- A Technique for Recognizing Graphs of Bounded Treewidth with Application to Subclasses of Partial 2-Paths (SA, AP), pp. 469–486.
TAGT-1994-Banach #algebra #graph grammar- The Contractum in Algebraic Graph Rewriting (RB), pp. 16–26.
TAGT-1994-Bauderon #approach #generative #graph #infinity- A Category-Theoretical Approach to Vertex Replacement: The Generation of Infinite Graphs (MB), pp. 27–37.
TAGT-1994-BlosteinFG #graph grammar- Issues in the Practical Use of Graph Rewriting (DB, HF, AG), pp. 38–55.
TAGT-1994-BrandenburgS #automaton #graph #linear- Graph Automata for Linear Graph Languages (FJB, KS), pp. 336–350.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMP #category theory #graph grammar- The Category of Typed Graph Grammars and its Adjunctions with Categories (AC, HE, ML, UM, JP), pp. 56–74.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMR #graph grammar #parallel #semantics- An Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars with Parallel Productions (AC, HE, ML, UM, FR), pp. 240–256.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniR #composition #graph grammar- Synchronized Composition of Graph Grammar Productions (AC, FR), pp. 257–270.
TAGT-1994-Courcelle #composition #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- The Definition in Monadic Second-Order Logic of Modular Decompositions of Ordered Graphs (BC), pp. 487–501.
TAGT-1994-CourcelleS #graph #set- The Obstructions of a Minor-Closed Set of Graphs Defined by Hyperedge Replacement can be Constructed (BC, GS), pp. 351–367.
TAGT-1994-DerkD #configuration management #fault tolerance #graph grammar #parallel- Reconfiguration Graph Grammar for Massively Parallel, Fault Tolerant Computers (MDD, LSD), pp. 185–195.
TAGT-1994-Drewes #algebra #graph #transducer- The Use of Tree Transducers to Compute Translations Between Graph Algebras (FD), pp. 196–210.
TAGT-1994-EhrenfeuchtHR #graph #graph transformation- Group Based Graph Transformations and Hierarchical Representations of Graphs (AE, TH, GR), pp. 502–520.
TAGT-1994-EhrigE #aspect-oriented #concept #graph transformation #semantics- Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of a Module Concept for Graph Transformation Systems (HE, GE), pp. 137–154.
TAGT-1994-EngelfrietV #graph- Concatenation of Graphs (JE, JJV), pp. 368–382.
TAGT-1994-KorffR #graph grammar #petri net- Formal Relationship between Graph Grammars and Petri Nets (MK, LR), pp. 288–303.
TAGT-1994-Maggiolo-SchettiniP #framework #graph grammar #semantics- A Graph Rewriting Framework for Statecharts Semantics (AMS, AP), pp. 107–121.
TAGT-1994-NaglS #graph grammar #integration #problem #specification- Software Integration Problems and Coupling of Graph Grammar Specifications (MN, AS), pp. 155–169.
TAGT-1994-Parisi-Presicce #graph grammar- Transformations of Graph Grammars (FPP), pp. 428–442.
TAGT-1994-PlumpH #graph #unification- Graph Unification and Matching (DP, AH), pp. 75–88.
TAGT-1994-Schurr #graph transformation- Programmed Graph Transformations and Graph Transformation Units in GRACE (AS), pp. 122–136.
TAGT-1994-SkodinisW #bound #graph grammar #problem- The Bounded Degree Problem for Non-Obstructing eNCE Graph Grammars (KS, EW), pp. 211–224.
TAGT-1994-Taentzer #distributed #graph transformation- Hierarchically Distributed Graph Transformation (GT), pp. 304–320.
TAGT-1994-Wills #graph #parsing #source code #using- Using Attributed Flow Graph Parsing to Recognize Clichés in Programs (LMW), pp. 170–184.
TAGT-1994-ZinssmeisterM #graph #graph grammar- Drawing Graphs with Attribute Graph Grammars (GZ, CM), pp. 443–453.
TAGT-1994-Zundorf #graph #pattern matching- Graph Pattern Matching in PROGRES (AZ), pp. 454–468.
CIKM-1994-ChenH #algorithm #graph #linear #source code #traversal- An Optimal Graph Traversal Algorithm for Evaluating Linear Binary-Chain Programs (YC, TH), pp. 34–41.
CIKM-1994-ZhaoZ #approach #database #graph #roadmap #traversal- Spatial Data Traversal in Road Map Databases: A Graph Indexing Approach (JLZ, AZ), pp. 355–362.
KR-1994-KoenigS #graph #probability- Risk-Sensitive Planning with Probabilistic Decision Graphs (SK, RGS), pp. 363–373.
ALP-1994-JonesR #functional #graph #higher-order- Higher-Order Minimal Functional Graphs (NDJ, MR), pp. 242–252.
PLILP-1994-MaraistS #functional #graph #reduction- A Graph Reduction Technique with Sharing across Narrowings for Functional-Logic Languages (JM, FSKS), pp. 355–369.
POPL-1994-WeiseCES #dependence #graph #representation- Value Dependence Graphs: Representation without Taxation (DW, RFC, MDE, BS), pp. 297–310.
SAC-1994-Li #equivalence #graph #on the- On the equivalence of pull-up transistor assignment in PLA folding and distribution graph (WNL), pp. 374–378.
SAC-1994-RayJD #algorithm #array #graph #linear #parallel- A parallel algorithm for mapping a special class of task graphs onto linear array multiprocessors (SR, HJ, JSD), pp. 473–477.
SAC-1994-Silva-Lepe #graph #object-oriented #source code #specification- Abstracting graph-based specifications of object-oriented programs (ISL), pp. 447–451.
SAC-1994-Takaoka #graph #parallel #verification- Parallel program verification with directed graphs (TT), pp. 462–466.
CC-1994-Binkley #constant #data flow #dependence #graph #interprocedural #using- Interprocedural Constant Propagation using Dependence Graphs and a Data-Flow Model (DB), pp. 374–388.
CC-1994-FauthHKM #graph- Global Code Selection of Directed Acyclic Graphs (AF, GH, AK, CM), pp. 128–142.
HPDC-1994-LeangsuksunPS #graph- A Task Graph Centroid (CL, JLP, SLS), pp. 219–225.
CAV-1994-HojatiMB #graph #using- Improving Language Containment Using Fairness Graphs (RH, RBMT, RKB), pp. 391–403.
LICS-1994-AriolaK #graph grammar- Cyclic λ Graph Rewriting (ZMA, JWK), pp. 416–425.
LICS-1994-Jeffrey #concurrent #graph #reduction #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for Concurrent Graph Reduction (AJ), pp. 82–91.
LICS-1994-RobinsonR #graph #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #reflexive- Reflexive Graphs and Parametric Polymorphism (EPR, GR), pp. 364–371.
DAC-1993-PanDL #constraints #graph #layout #reduction- Optimal Graph Constraint Reduction for Symbolic Layout Compaction (PP, SkD, CLL), pp. 401–406.
ICDAR-1993-AbuhaibaA #fuzzy #graph #recognition- Totally unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition via fuzzy graphs (ISIA, PA), pp. 846–849.
ICDAR-1993-DeseillignyMS #algorithm #comprehension #graph #network #re-engineering- Map understanding for GIS data capture: Algorithms for road network graph reconstruction (MPD, HLM, GS), pp. 676–679.
ICDAR-1993-HullL #database #documentation #graph #recognition #word- Interpreting word recognition decisions with a document database graph (JJH, YL), pp. 488–492.
ICDAR-1993-MonaganR #graph #representation #using- Appropriate base representation using a run graph (GM, MR), pp. 623–626.
PODS-1993-NodineGV #graph- Blocking for External Graph Searching (MHN, MTG, JSV), pp. 222–232.
SIGMOD-1993-GemisPTB #database #named- GOOD: AGraph-Oriented Object Database System (MG, JP, IT, JVdB), pp. 505–510.
PEPM-1993-Vasell #data flow #graph- A Partial Evaluator for Data Flow Graphs (JV), pp. 206–215.
STOC-1993-AlonCG #graph #permutation- Routing permutations on graphs via matchings (NA, FRKC, RLG), pp. 583–591.
STOC-1993-BarnesF #graph #random- Short random walks on graphs (GB, UF), pp. 728–737.
STOC-1993-BattistaV #graph- Angles of planar triangular graphs (GDB, LV), pp. 431–437.
STOC-1993-EppsteinGIS #algorithm #graph- Separator based sparsification for dynamic planar graph algorithms (DE, ZG, GFI, THS), pp. 208–217.
STOC-1993-Goldberg #algorithm #graph #polynomial #product line- Polynomial space polynomial delay algorithms for listing families of graphs (LAG), pp. 218–225.
STOC-1993-KenyonRS #graph- Matchings in lattice graphs (CK, DR, AS), pp. 738–746.
STOC-1993-ParkP #graph- Finding minimum-quotient cuts in planar graphs (JKP, CAP), pp. 766–775.
STOC-1993-SzegedyV #graph #locality- Locality based graph coloring (MS, SV), pp. 201–207.
DLT-1993-Roder #graph grammar #parallel- Parallel BNLC Graph Grammars (HJR), pp. 438–449.
ICALP-1993-BodlaenderKK #graph #permutation- Treewidth and Pathwidth of Permutation Graphs (HLB, TK, DK), pp. 114–125.
ICALP-1993-CzumajG #graph #problem- Problems on Pairs of Trees and the Four Colour Problem of Planar Graphs (AC, AG), pp. 88–101.
HCI-SHI-1993-ChenTW #automation #editing #graph #object-oriented #paradigm- Automated Construction of Application-Specific Graph Editors in an Object-Oriented Paradigm (MC, PT, CYW), pp. 415–420.
INTERCHI-1993-BrownMS #graph #using- Browsing graphs using a fisheye view (abstract) (MHB, JRM, MS), p. 516.
CIKM-1993-Mineau #documentation #multi- Facilitating the Creation of a Multiple Index on Graph-Described Documents by Transforming Their Descriptions (GWM), pp. 132–138.
PLILP-1993-ClarkH #graph- A Lattice of Abstract Graphs (DC, CH), pp. 318–331.
POPL-1993-BatesH #dependence #graph #incremental #testing #using- Incremental Program Testing Using Program Dependence Graphs (SB, SH), pp. 384–396.
POPL-1993-KlarlundS #graph- Graph Types (NK, MIS), pp. 196–205.
POPL-1993-Lakhotia #dependence #graph #multi #using- Constructing Call Multigraphs Using Dependence Graphs (AL), pp. 273–284.
ICRE-1993-AliagaS #composition #prototype #tool support #user interface- Prototyping of Graphing Tools by Direct GUI Composition (DGA, MSH), pp. 317–334.
RE-1993-RyanM #concept #graph #requirements- Matching conceptual graphs as an aid to requirements re-use (KR, BM), pp. 112–120.
SAC-1993-KountanisS #concept #graph #learning- Graphs as a Language to Describe Learning System Concepts (DIK, ES), pp. 469–475.
SAC-1993-WuD #database #interface #named #object-oriented #visual notation- InGRAPH: Graphical Interface for a Fully Object-Oriented Database System (XW, GD), pp. 318–325.
SAC-1993-YangO #concept #graph #information management #retrieval- Knowledge Acquisition and Retrieval Based on Conceptual Graphs (GCY, JO), pp. 476–481.
ICSE-1993-KleynB #graph #programming #specification- A High Level Language for Specifying Graph Based Languages and Their Programming Environments (MFK, JCB), pp. 324–335.
ISSTA-1993-HarroldMR #dependence #graph #performance- Efficient Construction of Program Dependence Graphs (MJH, BAM, GR), pp. 160–170.
IWPTS-1993-Drira #graph #trade-off #verification- The Refusal Graph: a Tradeoff between Verification and Test (KD), pp. 297–312.
RTA-1993-Ariola #graph #modelling #term rewriting- Relating Graph and Term Rewriting via Böhm Models (ZMA), pp. 183–197.
RTA-1993-Field #approach #graph #incremental #reduction #term rewriting- A Graph Reduction Approach to Incremental Term Rewriting (Preliminary Report) (JF), pp. 259–273.
RTA-1993-LoweB #algebra #graph grammar #implementation #named- AGG — An Implementation of Algebraic Graph Rewriting (ML, MB), pp. 451–456.
DAC-1992-Boyer #constraints #graph #independence #process- Process Independent Constraint Graph Compaction (DGB), pp. 318–322.
DAC-1992-KimLS #graph #layout #modelling #using- A New Hierarchical Layout Compactor Using Simplified Graph Models (WK, JL, HS), pp. 323–326.
DAC-1992-LavagnoMBS #graph #problem- Solving the State Assignment Problem for Signal Transition Graphs (LL, CWM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 568–572.
DAC-1992-WangW #graph #optimisation- A Graph Theoretic Technique to Speed up Floorplan Area Optimization (TCW, DFW), pp. 62–68.
HT-ECHT-1992-AmannS #graph #named #query- Gram: A Graph Data Model and Query Language (BA, MS), pp. 201–211.
ESOP-1992-Andersen #graph #model checking- Model Checking and Boolean Graphs (HRA), pp. 1–19.
STOC-1992-BroderFU #graph- Existence and Construction of Edge Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs (AZB, AMF, EU), pp. 140–149.
STOC-1992-DorT #composition #graph #proving- Graph Decomposition Is NPC-A Complete Proof of Holyer’s Conjecture (DD, MT), pp. 252–263.
STOC-1992-KhullerV #approximate #graph- Biconnectivity Approximations and Graph Carvings (SK, UV), pp. 759–770.
STOC-1992-MalitzP #graph #on the- On the Angular Resolution of Planar Graphs (SMM, AP), pp. 527–538.
STOC-1992-Rao #algorithm #graph #performance- Faster Algorithms for Finding Small Edge Cuts in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SR), pp. 229–240.
WSA-1992-MycroftR #graph- Minimal Function Graphs are not Instrumented (AM, MR), pp. 60–67.
ICALP-1992-Engelfriet #graph grammar #normalisation- A Greibach Normal Form for Context-free Graph Grammars (JE), pp. 138–149.
ICALP-1992-KhullerT #algorithm #approximate #graph- Approximation Algorithms for Graph Augmentation (SK, RT), pp. 330–341.
ICALP-1992-PatersonY #graph #nearest neighbour #on the- On Nearest-Neighbor Graphs (MP, FFY), pp. 416–426.
ICALP-1992-Poutre #component #graph #maintenance- Maintenance of Triconnected Components of Graphs (Extended Abstract) (JALP), pp. 354–365.
CHI-1992-SarkarB #graph #visual notation- Graphical Fisheye Views of Graphs (MS, MHB), pp. 83–91.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-MayrhauserH #ada #algorithm #communication #concurrent #graph #testing- An Ada Deadlock Testing Algorithm Based on Control and Communication Flow Graphs (AvM, SMSH), pp. 450–457.
CAiSE-1992-GhoshW #concept #database #deduction #framework #graph #object-oriented- Conceptual Graphs as a Framework for Deductive Object-Oriented Databases (BCG, VW), pp. 147–163.
SEKE-1992-KaoH #graph #logic #proving #realtime- A Graph Proof Procedure for Real Time Logic (JHK, LJH), pp. 300–306.
ICSE-1992-HorwitzR #dependence #graph #re-engineering- The Use of Program Dependence Graphs in Software Engineering (SH, TWR), pp. 392–411.
CC-1992-HendrenGAM #framework #graph- A Register Allocation Framework Based on Hierarchical Cyclic Interval Graphs (LJH, GRG, ERA, CM), pp. 176–191.
IWMM-1992-Rojemo #concurrent #garbage collection #graph #parallel #reduction- A Concurrent Generational Garbage Collector for a Parallel Graph Reducer (NR), pp. 440–453.
IWMM-1992-Seward #garbage collection #graph #lazy evaluation #reduction- Generational Garbage Collection for Lazy Graph Reduction (JS), pp. 200–217.
DAC-1991-Chen #clustering #concurrent #graph #scheduling- Graph Partitioning for Concurrent Test Scheduling in VLSI Circuit (CIHC), pp. 287–290.
PLDI-1991-CallahanK #graph- Register Allocation via Hierarchical Graph Coloring (DC, BK), pp. 192–203.
PLDI-1991-WilsonLM #effectiveness #garbage collection #locality- Effective “Static-Graph” Reorganization to Improve Locality in Garbage-Collected Systems (PRW, MSL, TGM), pp. 177–191.
STOC-1991-Babai #finite #generative #graph #random #transitive- Local Expansion of Vertex-Transitive Graphs and Random Generation in Finite Groups (LB), pp. 164–174.
STOC-1991-FederM #algorithm #clique #graph- Clique Partitions, Graph Compression, and Speeding-Up Algorithms (TF, RM), pp. 123–133.
STOC-1991-Harel #graph #infinity- Hamiltonian Paths in Infinite Graphs (DH), pp. 220–229.
ICALP-1991-BodlaenderK #algorithm #graph- Better Algorithms for the Pathwidth and Treewidth of Graphs (HLB, TK), pp. 544–555.
ICALP-1991-DjidjevPZ #graph- Computing Shortest Paths and Distances in Planar Graphs (HD, GEP, CDZ), pp. 327–338.
ICALP-1991-Furer #algorithm #graph #performance- An Efficient NC Algorithm for Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in Dense Directed Graphs (MF), pp. 429–440.
ICALP-1991-GalilI #component #graph #maintenance- Maintaining Biconnected Components of Dynamic Planar Graphs (ZG, GFI), pp. 339–350.
ICALP-1991-Loebl #graph #performance #polynomial- Efficient Maximal Cubic Graph Cuts (Extended Abstract) (ML), pp. 351–362.
ICALP-1991-RaviAK #approximate #graph #problem #scheduling- Ordering Problems Approximated: Single-Processor Scheduling and Interval Graph Completion (RR, AA, PNK), pp. 751–762.
CHI-1991-Lohse #comprehension #graph- A cognitive model for the perception and understanding of graphs (JL), pp. 137–144.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Wilk #co-evolution #dependence #graph- Change Propagation in Object Dependency Graphs (MRW), pp. 233–248.
POPL-1991-ChoiCF #automation #data flow #evaluation #graph- Automatic Construction of Sparse Data Flow Evaluation Graphs (JDC, RC, JF), pp. 55–66.
POPL-1991-PingaliBJMS #algebra #approach #dependence #graph- Dependence Flow Graphs: An Algebraic Approach to Program Dependencies (KP, MB, RJ, MM, PS), pp. 67–78.
CAV-1991-FinkelP #composition #graph- Avoiding State Exposion by Composition of Minimal Covering Graphs (AF, LP), pp. 169–180.
IWPTS-1991-CavalliK #consistency #generative #graph grammar #protocol #term rewriting #testing #using- Protocol Conformance Test Generation Using a Graph Rewriting System (ARC, SUK), pp. 285–288.
RTA-1991-Billaud #animation #graph grammar #interactive #named #term rewriting- ANIGRAF: An Interactive System for the Animation of Graph Rewriting Systems with Priorities (MB), pp. 437–438.
RTA-1991-Brandenburg #bound #confluence #equivalence #graph grammar- The Equivalence of Boundary and Confluent Graph Grammars on Graph Languages of Bounded Degree (FJB), pp. 312–322.
RTA-1991-ChabinR #graph- Narrowing Directed by a Graph of Terms (JC, PR), pp. 112–123.
RTA-1991-FarmerW #graph grammar- Redex Capturing in Term Graph Rewriting (Concise Version) (WMF, RJW), pp. 13–24.
PODS-1990-ConsensM #named #recursion #visual notation- GraphLog: a Visual Formalism for Real Life Recursion (MPC, AOM), pp. 404–416.
PODS-1990-FeketeLW #graph #transaction- A Serialization Graph Construction for Nested Transactions (AF, NAL, WEW), pp. 94–108.
PODS-1990-GyssensPG #database- A Graph-Oriented Object Database Model (MG, JP, DVG), pp. 417–424.
PODS-1990-Yannakakis #database #graph- Graph-Theoretic Methods in Database Theory (MY), pp. 230–242.
SIGMOD-1990-ConsensM #query #visual notation- The G+/GraphLog Visual Query System (MPC, AOM), p. 388.
SIGMOD-1990-GyssensPG #database #user interface- A Graph-Oriented Object Model for Database End-User Interfaces (MG, JP, DVG), pp. 24–33.
SIGMOD-1990-RosenthalG #graph #implementation #query- Query Graphs, Implementing Trees, and Freely-Reorderable Outerjoins (AR, CAGL), pp. 291–299.
VLDB-1990-PucheralTV #data transformation #in memory #memory management #performance #using- Efficient Main Memory Data Management Using the DBGraph Storage Model (PP, JMT, PV), pp. 683–695.
ESOP-1990-KuchenLMR #functional #graph #implementation #logic- Graph-based Implementation of a Functional Logic Langugage (HK, RL, JJMN, MRA), pp. 271–290.
ESOP-1990-SteffenKR #graph #program transformation #representation- The Value Flow Graph: A Program Representation for Optimal Program Transformations (BS, JK, OR), pp. 389–405.
PLDI-1990-Nickerson #graph #multi- Graph Coloring Register Allocation for Processors with Multi-Register Operands (BRN), pp. 40–52.
STOC-1990-AlonST #graph #theorem- A Separator Theorem for Graphs with an Excluded Minor and its Applications (NA, PDS, RT), pp. 293–299.
STOC-1990-CoppersmithDRS #algorithm #graph #online #random- Random Walks on Weighted Graphs, and Applications to On-line Algorithms (Preliminary Version) (DC, PD, PR, MS), pp. 369–378.
ICALP-1990-BattistaT #algorithm #graph #online- On-Line Graph Algorithms with SPQR-Trees (GDB, RT), pp. 598–611.
ICALP-1990-Blum #approach #graph- A New Approach to Maximum Matching in General Graphs (NB), pp. 586–597.
ICALP-1990-SavageW #clustering #heuristic #on the- On Parallelizing Graph-Partitioning Heuristics (JES, MGW), pp. 476–489.
GG-1990-ArnborgCPS #algebra #graph #reduction- An Algebraic Theory of Graph Reduction (SA, BC, AP, DS), pp. 70–83.
GG-1990-BaileyCF #graph #programming #scalability- Programming with Very Large Graphs (DAB, JEC, CDF), pp. 84–97.
GG-1990-Barthelmann #category theory #graph grammar- Describing Göttler’s Operational Graph Grammars with Pushouts (KB), pp. 98–112.
GG-1990-Boer #biology #graph grammar #modelling- Graph Grammars as a Modelling Tool in Developmental Biology (MJMdB), pp. 41–43.
GG-1990-Brandenburg #approach #graph grammar #layout- Layout Graph Grammars: The Placement Approach (FJB), pp. 144–156.
GG-1990-Bunke #graph grammar #pattern matching #pattern recognition #question #recognition- Graph Grammars — a Useful Tool for Pattern Recognition? (HB), pp. 43–46.
GG-1990-BunkeGT #algorithm #graph grammar #implementation #performance- An Efficient Implementation of Graph Grammars Based on the RETE Matching Algorithm (HB, TG, THT), pp. 174–189.
GG-1990-Caucal #graph grammar- An Application of Graph Grammars to the Elimination of Redundancy from Functions Defined by Schemes (DC), pp. 190–206.
GG-1990-CorradiniMREL #graph grammar #logic programming- Graph Grammars and Logic Programming (AC, UM, FR, HE, ML), pp. 221–237.
GG-1990-Courcelle #graph #logic- The Logical Exprssion of Graph Properties (Abstract) (BC), pp. 38–40.
GG-1990-Courcelle90a #algebra #approach #graph #logic #relational- Graphs as Relational Structures: An Algebraic an Logical Approach (BC), pp. 238–252.
GG-1990-Cuny #graph grammar #question #tool support- Graph Grammars as Tools in Applications Work? (JEC), pp. 46–47.
GG-1990-EhrigHKP #graph grammar- From Graph Grammars to High Level Replacement Systems (HE, AH, HJK, FPP), pp. 269–291.
GG-1990-EhrigKL #algebra #approach #category theory #graph grammar #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to the Algebraic Approach of Graph Grammars Based on Double and Single Pushouts (HE, MK, ML), pp. 24–37.
GG-1990-EhrigL #graph transformation- Computing by Graph Transformation: Overall Aims and New Results (HE, ML), pp. 688–703.
GG-1990-EhringP #algebra #graph grammar #specification- Algebraic Specification Grammars: A Junction between Module Specifications and Graph Grammars (HE, FPP), pp. 292–310.
GG-1990-Engelfriet #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- A Characterization of Context-Free NCE Graph Languages by Monadic Second-Order Logic on Trees (JE), pp. 311–327.
GG-1990-EngelfrietR #graph grammar- Graph Grammars Based on Node Rewriting: An Introduction to NLC Graph Grammars (JE, GR), pp. 12–23.
GG-1990-GlauertKS #graph grammar #named- Dactl: An Experimental Graph Rewriting Language (JRWG, RK, MRS), pp. 378–395.
GG-1990-Gottler #graph grammar- Usefulness of Graph Grammars in Applications (HG), pp. 48–49.
GG-1990-GottlerGN #design #exclamation #graph grammar- Use Graph Grammars to Design CAD-Systems! (HG, JG, GN), pp. 396–410.
GG-1990-Himsolt #graph grammar #interactive #named- GraphEd: An Interactive Tool For Developing Graph Grammars (MH), pp. 61–65.
GG-1990-JanssensR #graph- Structured Transformations and Computation Graphs for Actor Grammars (DJ, GR), pp. 446–460.
GG-1990-Kaplan #graph grammar #re-engineering- Applying Graph Grammars to Software engineering (SMK), pp. 49–51.
GG-1990-Kennaway #category theory #graph grammar #morphism- Graph Rewriting in Some Categories of Partial Morphisms (RK), pp. 490–504.
GG-1990-Korff #graph grammar #rule-based- Application of Graph Grammars to Rule-Based Systems (MK), pp. 505–519.
GG-1990-Kreowski #graph transformation- Applied Graph Transformation (HJK), pp. 51–52.
GG-1990-LitovskyM #graph- Computing with Graph Relabelling Systems with Priorities (IL, YM), pp. 549–563.
GG-1990-Mayoh #graph grammar #information management #representation- Graph Grammars for Knowledge Representation (BHM), p. 53.
GG-1990-Nagl #graph grammar- Graph Grammars which are Suitable for Applications (MN), pp. 54–56.
GG-1990-NaglS #graph grammar #specification- A Specification Environment for Graph Grammars (MN, AS), pp. 599–609.
GG-1990-Paz #graph grammar- Usefulness and Visibility of Graph Grammars (AP), p. 56.
GG-1990-Plump #term rewriting- Graph-Reducible Term Rewriting Systems (DP), pp. 622–636.
GG-1990-Rosenfeld #graph- A Note on Graph Decimation (AR), pp. 637–640.
GG-1990-Schurr90a #editing #graph grammar #hybrid #term rewriting- Presentation of the PROGRESS-Editor: A text-oriented hybrid editor for PROgrammed Graph REwriting SyStems (AS), p. 67.
GG-1990-Schurr90b #graph grammar #named- PROGRESS: A VHL-Language Based on Graph Grammars (AS), pp. 641–659.
GG-1990-Sleep #graph grammar #research- Applications of Graph Grammars and Directions for Research (MRS), pp. 57–60.
GG-1990-TaentzerS #graph grammar- Movement of Objects in Configuration Spaces modelled by graph Grammars (GT, HS), pp. 660–675.
GG-1990-Vogler #graph #polynomial- Recognizing Edge Replacement Graph Languages in Cubic Time (WV), pp. 676–687.
GG-1990-Wanke #graph grammar #named #tool support- PLEXUS: Tools for Analyzing Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 68–69.
CHI-1990-BohringerP #algorithm #automation #constraints #graph #layout #using- Using constraints to achieve stability in automatic graph layout algorithms (KFB, FNP), pp. 43–51.
ML-1990-Segen #clustering #graph #learning- Graph Clustering and Model Learning by Data Compression (JS), pp. 93–101.
SIGIR-1990-BooksteinK #graph- Construction of Optimal Graphs for Bit-Vector Compression (AB, STK), pp. 327–342.
ALP-1990-Han #graph #query #recursion- Recursive Query Processing in Predicate-Goal Graph (JLH), pp. 247–261.
ALP-1990-Moreno-NavarroKLR #graph #lazy evaluation- Lazy Narrowing in a Graph Machine (JJMN, HK, RL, MRA), pp. 298–317.
CAV-1990-JanickiK #graph #reachability #simulation #using- Using Optimal Simulations to Reduce Reachability Graphs (RJ, MK), pp. 166–175.
CLP-1990-SchreyeVB90 #detection #graph #horn clause #query #strict #using- A Practical Technique for Detecting Non-terminating Queries for a Restricted Class of Horn Clauses, Using Directed, Weighted Graphs (DDS, KV, MB), pp. 649–663.
CSL-1990-Ranaivoson #bound #graph #problem- Nontrivial Lower Bounds for some NP-Problems on Directed Graphs (SR), pp. 318–339.
LICS-1990-Courcelle #graph #higher-order #monad #on the #set- On the Expression of Monadic Second-Order Graph Properties Without Quantifications Over Sets of Edges (Extended Abstract) (BC), pp. 190–196.
NACLP-1990-KligerS #graph- From Decision Trees to Decision Graphs (SK, EYS), pp. 97–116.
DAC-1989-BuiHJL #algorithm #graph #performance- Improving the Performance of the Kernighan-Lin and Simulated Annealing Graph Bisection Algorithms (TNB, CH, CJ, FTL), pp. 775–778.
DAC-1989-Chowdhury #design #graph #network #reliability- Optimum Design of Reliable IC Power Networks Having General Graph Topologies (SC), pp. 787–790.
DAC-1989-LokanathanK #graph #performance- Performance optimized floor planning by graph planarization (BL, EK), pp. 116–121.
DAC-1989-PotkonjackR #algorithm #graph #resource management #scheduling- A Scheduling and Resource Allocation Algorithm for Hierarchical Signal Flow Graphs (MP, JMR), pp. 7–12.
HT-1989-ConsensM #hypermedia #query- Expressing Structural Hypertext Queries in GraphLog (MPC, AOM), pp. 269–292.
VLDB-1989-MendelzonW #database #graph- Finding Regular Simple Paths in Graph Databases (AOM, PTW), pp. 185–193.
PLDI-1989-KoopmanL #combinator #fresh look #graph #reduction- A Fresh Look at Combinator Graph Reduction (PJKJ, PL), pp. 110–119.
STOC-1989-AggarwalAK #graph #parallel- Parallel Depth-First Search in General Directed Graphs (Preliminary Version) (AA, RJA, MYK), pp. 297–308.
STOC-1989-ChandraRRST #graph- The Electrical Resistance of a Graph Captures its Commute and Cover Times (Detailed Abstract) (AKC, PR, WLR, RS, PT), pp. 574–586.
STOC-1989-CohenM #algorithm #detection #graph #polynomial- Strongly Polynomial-Time and NC Algorithms for Detecting Cycles in Dynamic Graphs (Preliminary Version) (EC, NM), pp. 523–534.
STOC-1989-FriedmanKS #graph #on the #random- On the Second Eigenvalue in Random Regular Graphs (JF, JK, ES), pp. 587–598.
STOC-1989-Motwani #algorithm #analysis #graph #problem- Expanding Graphs and the Average-case Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems (RM), pp. 550–561.
ICALP-1989-Courcelle #equation #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- The Definability of Equational Graphs in Monadic Second-Order Logic (BC), pp. 207–221.
ICALP-1989-Parisi-Presicce #composition #design #graph grammar- Modular System Design Applying Graph Grammars Techniques (FPP), pp. 621–636.
FPCA-1989-AugustssonJ #graph #parallel #reduction- Parallel Graph Reduction with the -Machine (LA, TJ), pp. 202–213.
FPCA-1989-George #automaton #graph #parallel #reduction- An Abstract Machine for Parallel Graph Reduction (LG), pp. 214–229.
KR-1989-Leishman #concept #graph- Analogy as a Constrained Partial Correspondence Over Conceptual Graphs (DL), pp. 223–234.
POPL-1989-BaxterB #dependence #graph- The Program Dependence Graph and Vectorization (WB, HRBI), pp. 1–11.
POPL-1989-Selke #dependence #graph #semantics- A Rewriting Semantics for Program Dependence Graphs (RPS), pp. 12–24.
ESEC-1989-Gottler #graph grammar #implementation #paradigm #visual notation- Graph Grammars, a new Paradigm for Implementing Visual Languages (HG), pp. 336–350.
ICSE-1989-LongC #analysis #concurrent #graph #interactive- Task Interaction Graphs for Concurrency Analysis (DLL, LAC), pp. 44–52.
RTA-1989-Gottler #graph grammar #implementation #visual notation- Graph Grammars, A New Paradigma for Implementing Visual Languages (HG), pp. 152–166.
DAC-1988-HarelK #approach #fault #graph #simulation- A Graph Compaction Approach to Fault Simulation (DH, BK), pp. 601–604.
DAC-1988-Jabri #automation #graph- Automatic Building of Graphs for Rectangular Dualisation (MAJ), pp. 638–641.
PODS-1988-Hadzilacos #algorithm #concurrent #graph #multi- Serialization Graph Algorithms for Multiversion Concurrency Control (TH), pp. 135–141.
ESOP-1988-KaplanK #abstraction #concurrent #graph #named #programming- Garp: Graph Abstractions for Concurrent Programming (SMK, GEK), pp. 191–205.
PLDI-1988-Callahan #analysis #data flow #graph #interprocedural #summary- The Program Summary Graph and Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis (DC), pp. 47–56.
PLDI-1988-HorwitzRB #dependence #graph #interprocedural #slicing #using- Interprocedural Slicing Using Dependence Graphs (SH, TWR, DB), pp. 35–46.
STOC-1988-FraysseixPP #graph #set- Small Sets Supporting Fáry Embeddings of Planar Graphs (HdF, JP, RP), pp. 426–433.
STOC-1988-HajnalMT #communication #complexity #graph #on the- On the Communication Complexity of Graph Properties (AH, WM, GT), pp. 186–191.
STOC-1988-KannanNR #graph #representation- Implicit Representation of Graphs (SK, MN, SR), pp. 334–343.
STOC-1988-King #bound #complexity #graph- Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Graph Properties (VK), pp. 468–476.
STOC-1988-KosarajuS #detection #graph #polynomial- Detecting Cycles in Dynamic Graphs in Polynomial Time (Preliminary Version) (SRK, GFS), pp. 398–406.
STOC-1988-VenkatesanL #graph #problem #random- Random Instances of a Graph Coloring Problem Are Hard (RV, LAL), pp. 217–222.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-HorwitzRB88a #dependence #graph #interprocedural #slicing #using- Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs (with retrospective) (SH, TWR, DB), pp. 229–243.
ICALP-1988-ArnborgLS #graph #problem- Problems Easy for Tree-Decomposable Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SA, JL, DS), pp. 38–51.
ICALP-1988-Bodlaender #bound #graph #programming- Dynamic Programming on Graphs with Bounded Treewidth (HLB), pp. 105–118.
ICALP-1988-Lautemann #algorithm #graph grammar #performance- Efficient Algorithms on Context-Free Graph Grammars (CL), pp. 362–378.
ICALP-1988-LengauerW #analysis #graph #performance- Efficient Analysis of Graph Properties on Context-free Graph Languages (Extended Abstract) (TL, EW), pp. 379–393.
ICALP-1988-LingasS #algorithm #graph #morphism #polynomial- A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism of Two-Connected Series-Parallel Graphs (AL, MMS), pp. 394–409.
ICALP-1988-Tamassia #data type #graph- A Dynamic Data Structure for Planar Graph Embedding (Extended Abstract) (RT), pp. 576–590.
ICALP-1988-VaziraniY #graph- Pfaffian Orientations, 0/1 Permanents, and Even Cycles in Directed Graphs (VVV, MY), pp. 667–681.
LFP-1988-Goldberg #graph #multi #named #reduction- Buckwheat: Graph Reduction on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor (BG), pp. 40–51.
ML-1988-Segen #graph #learning #modelling- Learning Graph Models of Shape (JS), pp. 29–35.
OOPSLA-1988-KleynG #comprehension #named #object-oriented #using- GraphTrace — Understanding Object-Oriented Systems Using Concurrently Animated Views (MFK, PCG), pp. 191–205.
POPL-1988-HorwitzPR88a #dependence #graph #on the #representation #source code- On the Adequacy of Program Dependence Graphs for Representing Programs (SH, JP, TWR), pp. 146–157.
CADE-1988-BlasiusS #equation #graph #reasoning #unification- Partial Unification for Graph Based Equational Reasoning (KHB, JHS), pp. 397–414.
CADE-1988-Moser #graph- A Decision Procedure for Unquantified Formulas of Graph Theory (LEM), pp. 344–357.
JICSCP-1988-BarklundHW88 #graph- Condition Graphs (JB, NH, MW), pp. 435–446.
STOC-1987-Frederickson #approach #graph- A New Approach to All Pairs Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (GNF), pp. 19–28.
STOC-1987-GoldbergPS #graph #parallel #symmetry- Parallel Symmetry-Breaking in Sparse Graphs (AVG, SAP, GES), pp. 315–324.
STOC-1987-HeathI #graph- The Pagenumber of Genus g Graphs is O(g) (LSH, SI), pp. 388–397.
STOC-1987-IwanoS #graph #infinity #testing- Testing for Cycles in Infinite Graphs with Periodic Structure (Extended Abstract) (KI, KS), pp. 46–55.
STOC-1987-MillerR #algorithm #graph #parallel- A New Graph Triconnectivity Algorithm and Its Parallelization (GLM, VR), pp. 335–344.
STOC-1987-NaorNS #algorithm #graph #parallel #performance- Fast Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs (Extended Abstract) (JN, MN, AAS), pp. 355–364.
STOC-1987-PelegU #graph- Constructing Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs (Extended Abstract) (DP, EU), pp. 264–273.
STOC-1987-ShelahS #graph #random- Threshold Spectra for Random Graphs (SS, JS), pp. 421–424.
ICALP-1987-CaiM #complexity #graph #on the- On the Complexity of Graph Critical Uncolorability (JyC, GEM), pp. 394–403.
ICALP-1987-HagerupCD #graph #parallel- Parallel 5-Colouring of Planar Graphs (TH, MC, KD), pp. 304–313.
ICALP-1987-Metivier #algorithm #automaton #graph- An Algorithm for Computing Asynchronous Automata in the Case of Acyclic Non-Commutation Graphs (YM), pp. 226–236.
VDME-1987-Bjorner #development #graph #metaprogramming- The Stepwise Development of Software Development Graphs: Meta-Programming VDM Developments (DB), pp. 77–96.
FPCA-1987-BrusELP #functional #graph #named- CLEAN: A language for functional graph writing (THB, MCJDvE, MOvL, MJP), pp. 364–384.
FPCA-1987-JonesCSH #architecture #graph #named #parallel #reduction- GRIP — A high-performance architecture for parallel graph reduction (SLPJ, CDC, JS, MH), pp. 98–112.
HCI-CE-1987-CampbellR #graph- Issues in Computer-Assisted Interpretation of Graphs and Quantitative Information (JAC, SPR), pp. 473–480.
ESEC-1987-TichyN #editing #graph #knowledge-based- Knowledge-based Editors for Directed Graphs (WFT, FJN), pp. 101–109.
DAC-1986-BhaskerS #algorithm #graph #linear- A linear algorithm to find a rectangular dual of a planar triangulated graph (JB, SS), pp. 108–114.
DAC-1986-OrailogluG #graph #representation- Flow graph representation (AO, DG), pp. 503–509.
VLDB-1986-ChakravarthyM #database #deduction #graph #multi #query #using- Multiple Query Processing in Deductive Databases using Query Graphs (USC, JM), pp. 384–391.
STOC-1986-GalilKS #graph #nondeterminism #on the #simulation #turing machine- On Nontrivial Separators for k-Page Graphs and Simulations by Nondeterministic One-Tape Turing Machines (ZG, RK, ES), pp. 39–49.
STOC-1986-Yannakakis #graph- Four Pages are Necessary and Sufficient for Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (MY), pp. 104–108.
ICALP-1986-Felice #finite #graph #set- Finite Biprefix Sets of Path in a Graph (CdF), pp. 89–94.
LFP-1986-Bawden #graph- Connection Graphs (AB), pp. 258–265.
LFP-1986-Scheevel #graph #named #reduction- NORMA: A Graph Reduction Processor (MS), pp. 212–219.
GG-1986-BaileyC #grammarware #graph grammar #parallel #specification- Graph Grammar Based Specification of Interconnection Structures for Massively Parallel Computation (DAB, JEC), pp. 73–85.
GG-1986-BoehmEHL #distributed #graph grammar #towards- Towards distributed graph grammars (PB, HE, UH, ML), pp. 86–98.
GG-1986-Brandenburg #graph grammar #on the #order- On Partially Ordered Graph Grammars (FJB), pp. 99–111.
GG-1986-Courcelle #algebra #graph #graph grammar #representation #term rewriting- A representation of graphs by algebraic expressions and its use for graph rewriting systems (BC), pp. 112–132.
GG-1986-Courcelle86a #graph #higher-order #monad #on the #set- On context-free sets of graphs and their monadic second-order theory (BC), pp. 133–146.
GG-1986-Ehrig #algebra #approach #graph grammar #tutorial- Tutorial introduction to the algebraic approach of graph grammars (HE), pp. 3–14.
GG-1986-EngelfrietLR #graph grammar- Apex Graph Grammars (JE, GL, GR), pp. 167–185.
GG-1986-EngelsLS #grammarware #graph grammar #specification- Graph Grammar Engineering: A Software Specification Method (GE, CL, WS), pp. 186–201.
GG-1986-Gottler #diagrams #editing #graph grammar- Graph grammars and diagram editing (HG), pp. 216–231.
GG-1986-Jackel #graph grammar- ADA-Concurrency specified by Graph Grammars (MJ), pp. 262–279.
GG-1986-JanssensR #graph grammar- Basic notions of actor grammars: A graph grammar model for actor computation (DJ, GR), pp. 280–298.
GG-1986-Jeffs #graph grammar #independence- Embedding Rule Independent Theory of Graph Grammars (JJ), pp. 299–308.
GG-1986-KaplanGC #development #graph grammar #process- Supporting the Software Development Process with Attributed NLC Graph Grammars (SMK, SKG, RHC), pp. 309–325.
GG-1986-Kaul #graph grammar #precedence- Practical Applications of Precedence Graph Grammars (MK), pp. 326–342.
GG-1986-Kreowski #concurrent #graph grammar #parallel- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 1: Derivations in graph grammars (HJK), pp. 343–360.
GG-1986-KreowskiW #concurrent #graph grammar #parallel #process- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 2: Non-sequential processes in graph grammars (HJK, AW), pp. 361–377.
GG-1986-MainR #graph grammar- Fundamentals of edge-label controlled graph grammars (MGM, GR), pp. 411–426.
GG-1986-MoldovanP #analysis #graph grammar #parallel #rule-based #using- Parallelism analysis in rule-based systems using graph grammars (DIM, FPP), pp. 427–439.
GG-1986-Nagl #graph grammar #set- Set theoretic approaches to graph grammars (MN), pp. 41–54.
GG-1986-Nagl86a #development #graph- A Software Development Environment based on Graph Technology (MN), pp. 458–478.
GG-1986-Parisi-PresicceEM #composition #graph grammar #unification- Graph rewriting with unification and composition (FPP, HE, UM), pp. 496–514.
GG-1986-Rozenberg #graph- An introduction to the NLC way of rewriting graphs (GR), pp. 55–66.
GG-1986-Wankmuller #graph grammar #music- Application of Graph Grammars in Music Composing Systems (FW), pp. 580–592.
GG-1986-Welzl #bound #graph grammar- Boundary NlC and partition controlled graph grammars (EW), pp. 593–609.
CRAI-1986-Bjorner #development #formal method #graph #metaprogramming #towards- Project Graphs and Meta-Programs. Towards a Theory of Software Development (DB), pp. 117–152.
POPL-1986-JonesM #analysis #data flow #graph #source code #using- Data Flow Analysis of Applicative Programs Using Minimal Function Graphs (NDJ, AM), pp. 296–306.
CADE-1986-Eisinger #graph #what- What You Always Wanted to Know About Clause Graph Resolution (NE), pp. 316–336.
CADE-1986-LoganantharajM #graph #parallel #proving #theorem proving- Parallel Theorem Proving with Connection Graphs (RL, RAM), pp. 337–352.
CADE-1986-MurrayR #graph #semantics- Theory Links in Semantic Graphs (NVM, ER), pp. 353–364.
DAC-1985-NgJ #approach #generative #graph- Generation of layouts from MOS circuit schematics: a graph theoretic approach (TKN, SLJ), pp. 39–45.
PODS-1985-AusielloDM #concept #graph #modelling #semantics- Chordality Properties on Graphs and Minimal Conceptual Connections in Semantic Data Models (GA, AD, MM), pp. 164–170.
STOC-1985-BollobasFF #algorithm #graph #random- An Algorithm for Finding Hamilton Cycles in a Random Graph (BB, TIF, AMF), pp. 430–439.
STOC-1985-Harel #algorithm #graph #linear #problem- A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Dominators in Flow Graphs and Related Problems (DH), pp. 185–194.
STOC-1985-RaghavanT #array #graph- Provably Good Routing in Graphs: Regular Arrays (PR, CDT), pp. 79–87.
STOC-1985-SuzukiNS #graph #multi- Multicommodity Flows in Planar Undirected Graphs and Shortest Paths (HS, TN, NS), pp. 195–204.
FPCA-1985-Kieburtz85 #performance- The G-Machine: A Fast, Graph-Reduction Evaluator (RBK), pp. 400–413.
FPCA-1985-SkedzielewskiW85 #data flow #graph #optimisation- Data Flow Graph Optimization in IF1 (SKS, MLW), pp. 17–34.
RTA-1985-Ait-Kaci #equation #graph grammar- Solving Type Equations by Graph Rewriting (HAK), pp. 158–179.
SLP-1985-GallierR85 #graph grammar #logic programming- Logic Programming and Graph Rewriting (JHG, SR), pp. 208–219.
DAC-1984-KorsI #graph #interactive- An interactive electrical graph extractor (JLK, MI), pp. 624–628.
DAC-1984-KozminskiK #algorithm #graph- An algorithm for finding a rectangular dual of a planar graph for use in area planning for VLSI integrated circuits (KK, EK), pp. 655–656.
PODS-1984-BuckleyS #concurrent #graph #protocol #using- Concurrency Control in Graph Protocols by Using Edge Locks (GNB, AS), pp. 45–50.
PODS-1984-CosmadakisK #approach #dependence #functional #graph- Functional and Inclusion Dependencies: A Graph Theoretic Approach (SSC, PCK), pp. 29–37.
VLDB-1984-Zhu #algorithm #database #graph #recognition- Line Graph of Gamma-Acyclic Database Schems and its Recognition Algorithm (YzZ), pp. 218–221.
STOC-1984-BussS #graph #on the- On the Pagenumber of Planar Graphs (JFB, PWS), pp. 98–100.
STOC-1984-HochbaumS #approximate #graph #problem- Powers of Graphs: A Powerful Approximation Technique for Bottleneck Problems (DSH, DBS), pp. 324–333.
STOC-1984-Miller #graph- Finding Small Simple Cycle Separators for 2-Connected Planar Graphs (GLM), pp. 376–382.
ICALP-1984-AfratiPP #complexity #graph- The Complexity of Cubical Graphs (Extended Abstract) (FNA, CHP, GP), pp. 51–57.
ICALP-1984-Welzl #encoding #formal method #graph #graph grammar- Encoding Graphs by Derivations and Implications for the Theory of Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 503–513.
SIGIR-1984-HahnR #algorithm #approach #generative #graph- Computing text Constituency: An Algorithmic Approach to the Generation of Text Graphs (UH, UR), pp. 343–368.
POPL-1984-Ossher #graph #named- Grids: A New Program Structuring Mechanism Based on Layered Graphs (HO), pp. 11–22.
ICSE-1984-Tai #complexity #data flow #graph #metric- A Program Complexity Metric Based on Data Flow Information in Control Graphs (KCT), pp. 239–249.
CADE-1984-Plaisted #analysis #dependence #graph #proving #theorem proving #using- Using Examples, Case Analysis, and Dependency Graphs in Theorem Proving (DAP), pp. 356–374.
DAC-1983-FukunagaYSK #approach #graph #using- Placement of circuit modules using a graph space approach (KF, SY, HSS, TK), pp. 465–471.
DAC-1983-KedemW #layout- Graph-optimization techniques for IC layout and compaction (GK, HW), pp. 113–120.
STOC-1983-BabaiL #canonical #graph- Canonical Labeling of Graphs (LB, EML), pp. 171–183.
STOC-1983-FurerSS #bound #graph #normalisation- Normal Forms for Trivalent Graphs and Graphs of Bounded Valence (MF, WS, ES), pp. 161–170.
ICALP-1983-HambruschS #bound #graph #problem- Lower Bounds for Solving Undirected Graph Problems on VLSI (SEH, JS), pp. 292–303.
ICALP-1983-YannakakisKCP #clustering #graph- Cutting and Partitioning a Graph aifter a Fixed Pattern (Extended Abstract) (MY, PCK, SSC, CHP), pp. 712–722.
POPL-1983-Wegman #graph #regular expression- Summarizing Graphs by Regular Expressions (MNW), pp. 203–216.
SCC-1982-Chaitin #graph- Register Allocation & Spilling via Graph Coloring (GJC), pp. 98–105.
SCC-1982-GrahamKM #execution #graph #named #profiling- gprof: a Call Graph Execution Profiler (SLG, PBK, MKM), pp. 120–126.
SCC-1982-Marshall #compilation #graph #linear- The Linear Graph Package, a Compiler Building Environment (HZM), pp. 294–300.
STOC-1982-AtallahK #array #graph #problem- Graph Problems on a Mesh-Connected Processor Array (Preliminary Version) (MJA, SRK), pp. 345–353.
STOC-1982-BabaiGM #bound #graph #morphism #multi- Isomorphism of Graphs with Bounded Eigenvalue Multiplicity (LB, DYG, DMM), pp. 310–324.
STOC-1982-Bar-YehudaE #approximate #graph #on the- On Approximating a Vertex Cover for Planar Graphs (RBY, SE), pp. 303–309.
STOC-1982-Wigderson #algorithm #approximate #graph- A New Approximate Graph Coloring Algorithm (AW), pp. 325–329.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-Chaitin #graph- Register allocation and spilling via graph coloring (with retrospective) (GJC), pp. 66–74.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-GrahamKM #execution #graph #named #profiling- gprof: a call graph execution profiler (with retrospective) (SLG, PBK, MKM), pp. 49–57.
GG-1982-Bartsch-Sporl #grammar inference #graph grammar #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Grammatical inference of graph grammars for syntactic pattern recognition (BBS), pp. 1–7.
GG-1982-Bunke #comprehension #generative #graph grammar #image- Graph Grammars as a generative tool in image understanding (HB), pp. 8–19.
GG-1982-CastellaniM #distributed #graph grammar- Graph Grammars for distributed systems (IC, UM), pp. 20–38.
GG-1982-Ehrig #aspect-oriented #concurrent #graph grammar- Aspects of concurrency in graph grammars (HE), pp. 58–81.
GG-1982-EhrigS #graph transformation- Church-Rosser properties for graph replacement systems with unique splitting (HE, JS), pp. 82–101.
GG-1982-GenrichJRT #graph grammar #petri net- Petri nets and their relation to graph grammars (HJG, DJ, GR, PST), pp. 115–129.
GG-1982-Gottler #graph grammar- Attributed graph grammars for graphics (HG), pp. 130–142.
GG-1982-Hoffmann #compilation #generative #graph grammar #modelling- Modelling compiler generation by graph grammars (BH), pp. 159–171.
GG-1982-JanssensR #generative #graph- Hypergraph systems generating graph languages (DJ, GR), pp. 172–185.
GG-1982-JanssensR82a #graph grammar- Graph grammars with node-label controlled rewriting and embedding (DJ, GR), pp. 186–205.
GG-1982-Kaul #graph #linear #parsing- Parsing of graphs in linear time (MK), pp. 206–218.
GG-1982-Meier #approach #database #graph- A graph-relational approach to geographic databases (AM), pp. 245–254.
GG-1982-Messerschmidt #automation #graph #natural language- Graph transductions in the field of automatic translation of natural languages (JM), pp. 255–266.
GG-1982-NagelEGS #graph grammar #specification- Software specification by graph grammars (MN, GE, RG, WS), pp. 267–287.
GG-1982-Nagl #bibliography #graph grammar #term rewriting- Bibliography on graph-rewriting systems (graph grammars) (MN), pp. 415–448.
GG-1982-Pratt #semantics #specification #using- Formal specification of software using H-graph semantics (TWP), pp. 314–332.
GG-1982-SanfeliuF #graph grammar #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Tree graph grammars for pattern recognition (AS, KSF), pp. 349–368.
GG-1982-Schnitzler #graph #morphism #problem- The isomorphism problem is polynomially solvable for certain graph languages (MS), pp. 369–379.
GG-1982-SiromoneyS #graph #infinity- Space-filling curves and infinite graphs (RS, KGS), pp. 380–391.
GG-1982-Wankmuller #graph #reduction- Characterization of graph classes by forbidden structures and reductions (FW), pp. 405–414.
ILPC-1982-SebelikS82 #graph #prolog #source code- Graphs as Data in Prolog Programs (JS, PS), pp. 105–109.
SIGMOD-1981-Levin #algebra #graph- Introduction to the DIAM Theory of Algebraic Access Graph (ML), pp. 40–48.
VLDB-1981-Chase #database #graph- Join Graphs and Acyclic Database Schemes (KC), pp. 95–100.
STOC-1981-HongR #graph- Graphs that Are Almost Binary Trees (Preliminary Version) (JWH, ALR), pp. 334–341.
STOC-1981-KleitmanLLM #graph- New Layouts for the Shuffle-Exchange Graph (Extended Abstract) (DJK, FTL, ML, GLM), pp. 278–292.
STOC-1981-MullerS #automaton #graph #higher-order #logic #problem #reachability- Pushdown Automata, Graphs, Ends, Second-Order Logic, and Reachability Problems (DEM, PES), pp. 46–54.
ICALP-1981-HongMR #graph #trade-off- Cost Tradeoffs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications (Preliminary Version) (JWH, KM, ALR), pp. 41–55.
POPL-1981-KuckKPLW #compilation #dependence #graph #optimisation- Dependence Graphs and Compiler Optimizations (DJK, RHK, DAP, BL, MW), pp. 207–218.
DAC-1980-CasavantGK #automation #dependence #design #graph- Automatic design with dependence graphs (AEC, DDG, DJK), pp. 506–515.
STOC-1980-CarlsonS #graph- Graph Pebbling with Many Free Pebbles can be Difficult (DAC, JES), pp. 326–332.
STOC-1980-FilottiM #algorithm #graph #morphism #polynomial- A Polynomial-time Algorithm for Determining the Isomorphism of Graphs of Fixed Genus (Working Paper) (ISF, JNM), pp. 236–243.
STOC-1980-Hoffmann #graph #morphism #testing- Testing Isomorphism on Cone Graphs (Extended Abstract) (CMH), pp. 244–251.
STOC-1980-Lichtenstein #graph #morphism- Isomorphism for Graphs Embeddable on the Projective Plane (DL), pp. 218–224.
STOC-1980-Miller #bound #graph #morphism #testing- Isomorphism Testing for Graphs of Bounded Genus (GLM), pp. 225–235.
STOC-1980-Storer #graph #grid- The Node Cost Measure for Embedding Graphs on the Planar Grid (Extended Abstract) (JAS), pp. 201–210.
STOC-1980-Strong #execution #graph- Vector Execution of Flow Graphs (Extended Abstract) (HRS), pp. 108–116.
DAC-1979-Lauther #algorithm #graph #representation- A min-cut placement algorithm for general cell assemblies based on a graph representation (UL), pp. 1–10.
STOC-1979-FilottiMR #graph #on the- On Determining the Genus of a Graph in O(v^O(g)) Steps (ISF, GLM, JHR), pp. 27–37.
STOC-1979-Kosaraju79a #algorithm #array #graph #parallel #performance #problem- Fast Parallel Processing Array Algorithms for some Graph Problems (Preliminary Version) (SRK), pp. 231–236.
ICALP-1979-Heide #comparison #game studies #graph- A Comparison Between Two Variations of a Pebble Game on Graphs (FMadH), pp. 411–421.
ICALP-1979-Karp #algorithm #analysis #graph #probability- Recent Advances in the Probabilistic Analysis of Graph-Theoretic Algorithms (Abstract) (RMK), pp. 338–339.
ICALP-1979-Schmidt #graph #source code- Investigating Programs in Terms of Partial Graphs (GS), pp. 505–519.
DAC-1978-Huey #graph #problem #reduction #using- Guiding sensitization searches using problem reduction graphs (BH), pp. 312–320.
DAC-1978-Ruch #approach #graph #interactive #layout- Interactive space layout: A graph theoretical approach (JR), pp. 152–157.
STOC-1978-Filotti #algorithm #graph #performance #polynomial- An Efficient Algorithm for Determining Whether a Cubic Graph is Toroidal (ISF), pp. 133–142.
STOC-1978-GabowK #algorithm #graph- Algorithms for Edge Coloring Bipartite Graphs (HNG, OK), pp. 184–192.
STOC-1978-Lueker #graph #problem- Maximization Problems on Graphs with Edge Weights Chosen from a Normal Distribution (Extended Abstract) (GSL), pp. 13–18.
ICALP-1978-ItaiR #graph- Covering a Graph by Circuits (AI, MR), pp. 289–299.
GG-1978-ArbibM #algebra #monad #recursion #semantics- Partially-Additive Monoids, Graph-Growing, and the Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Calls (MAA, EGM), pp. 127–138.
GG-1978-Bunke #graph grammar- Programmed Graph Grammars (HB), pp. 155–166.
GG-1978-Ehrig #algebra #bibliography #graph grammar- Introduction to the Algebraic Theory of Graph Grammars (A Survey) (HE), pp. 1–69.
GG-1978-EhrigL #graph grammar #parallel- Locally Star Sluing Formulas for a Class of Parallel Graph Grammars (HE, AL), pp. 206–223.
GG-1978-EhrigR #composition #graph grammar- Decomposition of Graph Grammar Productions and Derivations (HE, BKR), pp. 192–205.
GG-1978-GrotschN #graph #parallel- Explicit versus Implicit Parallel Rewriting on Graphs (EG, MN), pp. 237–254.
GG-1978-Hesse #graph grammar- Two-Level Graph Grammars (WH), pp. 255–269.
GG-1978-Kreowski #graph- A Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Graph Languages (HJK), pp. 270–283.
GG-1978-LuckL #2d #difference #generative #graph #parallel- Two-Dimensional, Differential, Intercalary Plant Tissue Growth and Parallel Graph Generating and Graph Recurrence Systems (JL, HBL), pp. 284–300.
GG-1978-Nagl #bibliography #graph grammar #tutorial- A Tutorial and Bibliographical Survey on Graph Grammars (MN), pp. 70–126.
GG-1978-Ollongren #graph grammar #multi #on the- On Multilevel-Graph Grammars (AO), pp. 341–349.
GG-1978-Padawitz #graph grammar #semantics- Graph Grammars and Operational Semantics (PP), pp. 350–366.
GG-1978-Pfaltz #2d #graph grammar #network #set- A Graph Grammar that Describes the Set of Two-Dimensional Surface Networks (JLP), pp. 379–388.
GG-1978-Pratt #graph #programming language #semantics #using- Definition of Programming Language Semantics Using Grammars for Hierarchical Graphs (TWP), pp. 389–400.
GG-1978-Savitch #graph- Graphs of Processors (WJS), pp. 418–425.
GG-1978-Sowa #concept #graph- Definitional Mechanisms for Conceptual Graphs (JFS), pp. 426–439.
GG-1978-Staples #reduction #λ-calculus- A Graph-Like λ Calculus for Which Leftmost-Overmost Reduction is Optimal (JS), pp. 440–455.
GG-1978-Wileden #analysis #concurrent #design #graph grammar- Relationships Between Graph Grammars and the Design and Analysis of Concurrent Software (JCW), pp. 456–463.
GG-1978-WuR #automaton #graph- Cellular Graph Automata (AYW, AR), pp. 464–475.
ICSE-1978-BrownF #approach #graph #verification- A Graph Theoretic Approach to the Verification of Program Structures (JRB, KFF), pp. 136–141.
STOC-1977-Itai #graph- Finding a Minimum Circuit in a Graph (AI), pp. 1–10.
STOC-1977-Miller #graph #morphism- Graph Isomorphism, General Remarks (GLM), pp. 143–150.
ICALP-1977-BackhouseL #graph- Factor Graphs, Failure Functions and BI-Trees (RCB, RKL), pp. 61–75.
ICALP-1977-Rajlich #data type #graph grammar #relational- Theory of Data Structures by Relational and Graph Grammars (VR), pp. 391–411.
POPL-1977-KennedyZ #analysis #control flow #graph grammar- Applications of Graph Grammar for Program Control Flow Analysis (KK, LZ), pp. 72–85.
POPL-1977-ReifL #evaluation #graph #symbolic computation- Symbolic Evaluation and the Global Value Graph (JHR, HRL), pp. 104–118.
STOC-1976-FongU #graph- Finding the Depth of a Flow Graph (ACF, JDU), pp. 121–125.
STOC-1976-PaulTC #bound #game studies #graph- Space Bounds for a Game of Graphs (WJP, RET, JRC), pp. 149–160.
ICALP-1976-Fontet #algorithm #graph #linear #morphism #testing- A Linear Algorithm for Testing Isomorphism of Planar Graphs (MF), pp. 411–424.
POPL-1976-Franck #2d #analysis #graph grammar #named #precedence- PLAN2D — Syntactic Analysis of Precedence Graph Grammars (RF), pp. 134–139.
STOC-1975-AhoU #graph- Node Listings for Reducible Flow Graphs (AVA, JDU), pp. 177–185.
STOC-1975-BoothL #algorithm #graph #linear- Linear Algorithms to Recognize Interval Graphs and Test for the Consecutive Ones Property (KSB, GSL), pp. 255–265.
DAC-1974-CleemputL #formal method #graph #layout #problem- An improved graph-theoretic model for the circuit layout problem (WMvC, JGL), pp. 82–90.
STOC-1974-HopcroftW #algorithm #graph #linear #morphism- Linear Time Algorithm for Isomorphism of Planar Graphs (Preliminary Report) (JEH, JKW), pp. 172–184.
STOC-1974-Kirkpatrick #graph #matrix- Determining Graph Properties from Matrix Representations (DGK), pp. 84–90.
STOC-1974-Tarjan #graph #testing- Testing Graph Connectivity (RET), pp. 185–193.
ICALP-1974-LipskiM #graph- File Organization, An Application of Graph Theory (WLJ, VWM), pp. 270–279.
ICALP-1974-PaciniMT #graph #recursion #representation- Graph Representation and Computation Rules for Typeless Recursive Languages (GP, CM, FT), pp. 157–169.
STOC-1973-Tarjan #graph #testing- Testing Flow Graph Reducibility (RET), pp. 96–107.
STOC-1972-HechtU #graph- Flow Graph Reducibility (MSH, JDU), pp. 238–250.
DAC-1971-Grason #approach #graph #using- An approach to computerized space planning using graph theory (JG), pp. 170–178.
STOC-1971-Rosenberg #graph- Addressable Data Graphs: Extended Abstract (ALR), pp. 138–150.
DAC-1970-Sr #analysis #clustering #graph #logic #reduction- Partitioning of logic graphs: A theoretical analysis of pin reduction (RBHS), pp. 54–63.
STOC-1970-Rosenberg #graph- Data Graphs and Addressing Schemes: Extended Abstract (ALR), pp. 48–61.
DAC-1968-Bernstein #analysis #graph #online- Electronic circuit analysis with on-line graphs via a time-sharing terminal (SB).
LISP-1963-Hearn #graph #lisp- LISP. Computation of Feynman Graphs (ACH), p. 6.