Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
Talks about:
coverag (2) test (2) use (2) unconstrain (1) criteria (1) meaning (1) branch (1) achiev (1) reduc (1) estim (1)
Person: Martina Marré
DBLP: Marr=eacute=:Martina
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSE-1996-MarreB #cost analysis #test coverage
- Reducing and Estimating the Cost of Test Coverage Criteria (MM, AB), pp. 486–494.
- ISSTA-1996-MarreB
- Unconstrained Duals and Their Use in Achieving All-Uses Coverage (MM, AB), pp. 147–157.
- ISSTA-1994-BertolinoM #bound #branch #testing
- A Meaningful Bound for Branch Testing (AB, MM), p. 202.