Travelled to:
1 × Turkey
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Ito Y.Matsumoto M.Saerens Y.Kobayashi Y.M.0001 S.García-Díez F.Fouss L.Yen A.Mantrach T.Kudo
Talks about:
recommend (2) distanc (2) analysi (2) measur (2) kernel (2) path (2) link (2) dissimilar (1) represent (1) distribut (1)
Person: Masashi Shimbo
DBLP: Shimbo:Masashi
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICPR-2010-DiezFSS #edit distance #normalisation
- Normalized Sum-over-Paths Edit Distances (SGD, FF, MS, MS), pp. 1044–1047.
- KDD-2008-YenSMS #difference #metric #product line
- A family of dissimilarity measures between nodes generalizing both the shortest-path and the commute-time distances (LY, MS, AM, MS), pp. 785–793.
- KDD-2005-ItoSKM #analysis #kernel
- Application of kernels to link analysis (TI, MS, TK, YM), pp. 586–592.
- JCDL-2007-ShimboIM #analysis #evaluation #kernel #metric #recommendation #research
- Evaluation of kernel-based link analysis measures on research paper recommendation (MS, TI, YM), pp. 354–355.
- JCDL-2018-KobayashiS0 #distributed #recommendation #representation #using
- Citation Recommendation Using Distributed Representation of Discourse Facets in Scientific Articles (YK, MS, YM0), pp. 243–251.