Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Turkey
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Shimbo ∅ F.Fouss P.Latinne C.Decaestecker J.Renders H.Bersini S.García-Díez L.Yen A.Mantrach S.Faulkner M.Kolp A.Pirotte
Talks about:
distanc (2) path (2) dissimilar (1) chainmodel (1) recommend (1) signific (1) shortest (1) criteria (1) classifi (1) accuraci (1)
Person: Marco Saerens
DBLP: Saerens:Marco
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICPR-2010-DiezFSS #edit distance #normalisation
- Normalized Sum-over-Paths Edit Distances (SGD, FF, MS, MS), pp. 1044–1047.
- KDD-2008-YenSMS #difference #metric #product line
- A family of dissimilarity measures between nodes generalizing both the shortest-path and the commute-time distances (LY, MS, AM, MS), pp. 785–793.
- ICEIS-v4-2005-FoussFKPS #recommendation #web
- Web Recommendation System Based on a Markov-Chainmodel (FF, SF, MK, AP, MS), pp. 56–63.
- ICML-2001-LatinneSD #classification #multi #problem
- Adjusting the Outputs of a Classifier to New a Priori Probabilities May Significantly Improve Classification Accuracy: Evidence from a multi-class problem in remote sensing (PL, MS, CD), pp. 298–305.
- ICML-1996-Saerens #fault #learning
- Non Mean Square Error Criteria for the Training of Learning Machines (MS), pp. 427–434.
- ICML-1993-RendersBS #adaptation #black box #how
- Adaptive NeuroControl: How Black Box and Simple can it be (JMR, HB, MS), pp. 260–267.