Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Portugal
1 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
A.Biere M.Heule J.H.Korhonen R.Brummayer E.Oikarinen A.Belov J.Marques-Silva W.Dvorák J.P.Wallner S.Woltran P.Kaski M.Koivisto
Talks about:
techniqu (2) elimin (2) effici (2) claus (2) block (2) rule (2) reconstruct (1) preprocess (1) inprocess (1) tableaux (1)
Person: Matti Järvisalo
DBLP: J=auml=rvisalo:Matti
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- SAT-2014-JarvisaloK #bound
- Conditional Lower Bounds for Failed Literals and Related Techniques (MJ, JHK), pp. 75–84.
- TACAS-2013-BelovJM #preprocessor
- Formula Preprocessing in MUS Extraction (AB, MJ, JMS), pp. 108–123.
- IJCAR-2012-JarvisaloHB
- Inprocessing Rules (MJ, MH, AB), pp. 355–370.
- KR-2012-DvorakJWW
- Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation (WD, MJ, JPW, SW).
- SAT-2012-JarvisaloKKK #performance
- Finding Efficient Circuits for Ensemble Computation (MJ, PK, MK, JHK), pp. 369–382.
- SAT-2011-HeuleJB #graph #performance
- Efficient CNF Simplification Based on Binary Implication Graphs (MH, MJ, AB), pp. 201–215.
- ICLP-J-2010-BrummayerJ #debugging #development #testing
- Testing and debugging techniques for answer set solver development (RB, MJ), pp. 741–758.
- SAT-2010-JarvisaloB
- Reconstructing Solutions after Blocked Clause Elimination (MJ, AB), pp. 340–345.
- TACAS-2010-JarvisaloBH
- Blocked Clause Elimination (MJ, AB, MH), pp. 129–144.
- ICLP-2007-JarvisaloO #logic programming #source code
- Extended ASP Tableaux and Rule Redundancy in Normal Logic Programs (MJ, EO), pp. 134–148.