Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Finland
1 × Hungary
1 × Israel
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
3 × Austria
3 × Canada
7 × USA
7 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Lonsing ∅ M.Seidl M.Heule A.Fröhlich M.Järvisalo R.Brummayer C.Artho E.M.Clarke A.Niemetz M.Preiner Y.Zhu G.Kovásznai V.Schuppan B.Kiesl T.Jussila C.Sinz J.Lagniez N.Sörensson N.Eén A.Cimatti H.Tompits A.Yamada T.Kitamura E.Choi A.Goultiaeva A.Nöhrer A.Egyed S.Honiden M.J.H.Heule K.Fazekas F.Bacchus A.Balint U.Schöning T.Balyo D.L.Berre E.Lonca N.Manthey T.Latvala K.Heljanko T.A.Junttila P.F.Williams A.Gupta R.Raimi C.Wolf D.Kröning C.M.Wintersteiger M.Fujita Y.Oiwa P.Eugster M.Baur B.Zweimüller M.Widl P.Brosch U.Egly G.Kappel
Talks about:
sat (11) qbf (9) model (8) check (8) effici (7) claus (7) symbol (6) base (6) solver (5) block (5)
Person: Armin Biere
DBLP: Biere:Armin
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 51 papers:
- ICST-2015-YamadaKACOB #combinator #incremental #optimisation #satisfiability #testing
- Optimization of Combinatorial Testing by Incremental SAT Solving (AY, TK, CA, EHC, YO, AB), pp. 1–10.
- SAT-2015-BiereF
- Evaluating CDCL Variable Scoring Schemes (AB, AF), pp. 405–422.
- IJCAR-2014-HeuleSB #preprocessor #proving
- A Unified Proof System for QBF Preprocessing (MH, MS, AB), pp. 91–106.
- SAT-2014-BalintBFS #heuristic #implementation #satisfiability
- Improving Implementation of SLS Solvers for SAT and New Heuristics for k-SAT with Long Clauses (AB, AB, AF, US), pp. 302–316.
- SAT-2014-BalyoFHB #afraid to ask #set
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Blocked Sets (But Were Afraid to Ask) (TB, AF, MH, AB), pp. 317–332.
- SAT-2014-BiereBLM #constraints #detection
- Detecting Cardinality Constraints in CNF (AB, DLB, EL, NM), pp. 285–301.
- CADE-2013-KovasznaiFB #quantifier
- : A Tool for Polynomially Translating Quantifier-Free Bit-Vector Formulas into (GK, AF, AB), pp. 443–449.
- DATE-2013-GoultiaevaSB
- Bridging the gap between dual propagation and CNF-based QBF solving (AG, MS, AB), pp. 811–814.
- SAT-2013-LagniezB
- Factoring Out Assumptions to Speed Up MUS Extraction (JML, AB), pp. 276–292.
- TAP-2013-ArthoBS #modelling #testing #verification
- Model-Based Testing for Verification Back-Ends (CA, AB, MS), pp. 39–55.
- IJCAR-2012-JarvisaloHB
- Inprocessing Rules (MJ, MH, AB), pp. 355–370.
- SAT-2012-NiemetzPLSB
- Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF — (AN, MP, FL, MS, AB), pp. 430–435.
- SLE-2012-WidlBBEHKST #diagrams #sequence chart
- Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams (MW, AB, PB, UE, MH, GK, MS, HT), pp. 164–183.
- SMT-2012-Biere #aspect-oriented #satisfiability
- Practical Aspects of SAT Solving (AB), p. 1.
- SMT-2012-KovasznaiFB #complexity #logic #on the
- On the Complexity of Fixed-Size Bit-Vector Logics with Binary Encoded Bit-Width (GK, AF, AB), pp. 44–56.
- SPLC-2012-NohrerBE #comparison #consistency #nondeterminism
- A comparison of strategies for tolerating inconsistencies during decision-making (AN, AB, AE), pp. 11–20.
- CADE-2011-BiereLS
- Blocked Clause Elimination for QBF (AB, FL, MS), pp. 101–115.
- SAT-2011-HeuleJB #graph #performance
- Efficient CNF Simplification Based on Binary Implication Graphs (MH, MJ, AB), pp. 201–215.
- SAT-2011-LonsingB #detection
- Failed Literal Detection for QBF (FL, AB), pp. 259–272.
- SAT-2010-BrummayerLB #automation #debugging #satisfiability #testing
- Automated Testing and Debugging of SAT and QBF Solvers (RB, FL, AB), pp. 44–57.
- SAT-2010-JarvisaloB
- Reconstructing Solutions after Blocked Clause Elimination (MJ, AB), pp. 340–345.
- SAT-2010-LonsingB #dependence #search-based
- Integrating Dependency Schemes in Search-Based QBF Solvers (FL, AB), pp. 158–171.
- TACAS-2010-JarvisaloBH
- Blocked Clause Elimination (MJ, AB, MH), pp. 129–144.
- SAT-2009-LonsingB #dependence #representation
- A Compact Representation for Syntactic Dependencies in QBFs (FL, AB), pp. 398–411.
- SAT-2009-SorenssonB
- Minimizing Learned Clauses (NS, AB), pp. 237–243.
- TACAS-2009-BrummayerB #array #named #performance #smt
- Boolector: An Efficient SMT Solver for Bit-Vectors and Arrays (RB, AB), pp. 174–177.
- SAT-2008-Biere #adaptation #satisfiability
- Adaptive Restart Strategies for Conflict Driven SAT Solvers (AB), pp. 28–33.
- SAT-2008-LonsingB #named
- Nenofex: Expanding NNF for QBF Solving (FL, AB), pp. 196–210.
- CAV-2007-BrummayerB #c #named #satisfiability
- C32SAT: Checking C Expressions (RB, AB), pp. 294–297.
- SAT-2007-JussilaBSKW #proving #towards
- A First Step Towards a Unified Proof Checker for QBF (TJ, AB, CS, DK, CMW), pp. 201–214.
- FM-2006-ArthoBH #injection #named #performance
- Enforcer — Efficient Failure Injection (CA, AB, SH), pp. 412–427.
- SAT-2006-JussilaSB #proving #quantifier #satisfiability
- Extended Resolution Proofs for Symbolic SAT Solving with Quantification (TJ, CS, AB), pp. 54–60.
- SAT-2005-EenB #effectiveness #preprocessor #satisfiability
- Effective Preprocessing in SAT Through Variable and Clause Elimination (NE, AB), pp. 61–75.
- TACAS-2005-SchuppanB #ltl #model checking
- Shortest Counterexamples for Symbolic Model Checking of LTL with Past (VS, AB), pp. 493–509.
- VMCAI-2005-LatvalaBHJ #bound #ltl #model checking #performance
- Simple Is Better: Efficient Bounded Model Checking for Past LTL (TL, AB, KH, TAJ), pp. 380–395.
- CAV-2004-ArthoSBEBZ #dynamic analysis #java #named #performance
- JNuke: Efficient Dynamic Analysis for Java (CA, VS, AB, PE, MB, BZ), pp. 462–465.
- SAT-2004-Biere
- Resolve and Expand (AB), pp. 238–246.
- SAT-J-2004-Biere05
- Resolve and Expand (AB), pp. 59–70.
- CAV-2000-WilliamsBCG #diagrams #model checking #performance #satisfiability
- Combining Decision Diagrams and SAT Procedures for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking (PFW, AB, EMC, AG), pp. 124–138.
- CAV-1999-BiereCRZ #model checking #safety #using
- Verifiying Safety Properties of a Power PC Microprocessor Using Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs (AB, EMC, RR, YZ), pp. 60–71.
- DAC-1999-BiereCCFZ #model checking #satisfiability #using
- Symbolic Model Checking Using SAT Procedures instead of BDDs (AB, AC, EMC, MF, YZ), pp. 317–320.
- TACAS-1999-BiereCCZ #model checking
- Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs (AB, AC, EMC, YZ), pp. 193–207.
- CAV-1997-Biere #calculus #model checking #named #performance #μ-calculus
- μcke — Efficient μ-Calculus Model Checking (AB), pp. 468–471.
- ASE-2016-YamadaBAKC #combinator #generative #satisfiability #testing #using
- Greedy combinatorial test case generation using unsatisfiable cores (AY, AB, CA, TK, EHC), pp. 614–624.
- CAV-2016-NiemetzPB #modulo theories #precise #satisfiability
- Precise and Complete Propagation Based Local Search for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (AN, MP, AB), pp. 199–217.
- IJCAR-2016-KieslSTB
- Super-Blocked Clauses (BK, MS, HT, AB), pp. 45–61.
- CADE-2017-HeuleKB #proving
- Short Proofs Without New Variables (MJHH, BK, AB), pp. 130–147.
- CAV-2018-NiemetzPWB
- Btor2 , BtorMC and Boolector 3.0 (AN, MP, CW, AB), pp. 587–595.
- IJCAR-2018-FazekasBB #algorithm #modulo theories #satisfiability #set
- Implicit Hitting Set Algorithms for Maximum Satisfiability Modulo Theories (KF, FB, AB), pp. 134–151.