Travelled to:
2 × China
Collaborated with:
G.Wesche T.Schlegel A.Srinivasan M.Bogen R.Narayanan D.d'Angelo G.Haidegger I.Mezgár J.Canou D.Sallé F.Meo J.A.Ibarbia A.H.Praturlon
Talks about:
interact (2) environ (2) distribut (1) movement (1) virtual (1) product (1) control (1) system (1) track (1) optic (1)
Person: Maxim Foursa
DBLP: Foursa:Maxim
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HCI-AS-2007-SchlegelSFBNdHMCSMIP #distributed #interactive #named
- INT-MANUS: Interactive Production Control in a Distributed Environment (TS, AS, MF, MB, RN, Dd, GH, IM, JC, DS, FM, JAI, AHP), pp. 1150–1159.
- HCI-MIE-2007-FoursaW #interactive
- Movement-Based Interaction and Event Management in Virtual Environments with Optical Tracking Systems (MF, GW), pp. 615–624.