Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Pfitzmann S.Lorenz S.Gerling M.Maffei M.Waidner C.Jacobi S.Lukas K.Pecina S.Mödersheim L.Viganò G.Karjoth W.Bagga M.Schunter C.Hammer P.v.Styp-Rekowsky
Talks about:
cryptograph (2) analysi (2) formal (2) secur (2) user (2) app (2) cryptographi (1) comparison (1) implement (1) enterpris (1)
Person: Michael Backes
DBLP: Backes:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SAC-2014-BackesGLL
- X-pire 2.0: a user-controlled expiration date and copy protection mechanism (MB, SG, SL, SL), pp. 1633–1640.
- TACAS-2013-BackesGHMS #android #named #requirements
- AppGuard — Enforcing User Requirements on Android Apps (MB, SG, CH, MM, PvSR), pp. 543–548.
- CAV-2008-BackesLMP #abstraction #analysis #protocol #security
- The CASPA Tool: Causality-Based Abstraction for Security Protocol Analysis (MB, SL, MM, KP), pp. 419–422.
- FM-2006-BackesPW #encryption #formal method
- Formal Methods and Cryptography (MB, BP, MW), pp. 612–616.
- FoSSaCS-2006-BackesMPV #analysis #encryption
- Symbolic and Cryptographic Analysis of the Secure WS-ReliableMessaging Scenario (MB, SM, BP, LV), pp. 428–445.
- SAC-2004-BackesKBS #comparison #enterprise #performance #policy #privacy
- Efficient comparison of enterprise privacy policies (MB, GK, WB, MS), pp. 375–382.
- FME-2002-BackesJP #bisimulation #composition #encryption #implementation #using
- Deriving Cryptographically Sound Implementations Using Composition and Formally Verified Bisimulation (MB, CJ, BP), pp. 310–329.