Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Weber A.Aue M.Häfner R.Breu G.Leonardi B.P.d.Sert L.Barengo M.Pfeiffer J.Utter
Talks about:
architectur (2) distribut (2) librari (2) system (2) inform (2) secur (2) model (2) digit (2) workflow (1) structur (1)
Person: Michael Breu
DBLP: Breu:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICEIS-v3-2005-HafnerBB #architecture #security #standard #web #web service #workflow
- A Security Architecture for Inter-Organizational Workflows: Putting Security Standards for Web Services Together (MH, RB, MB), pp. 128–135.
- ECDL-1997-BreuW #cost analysis #library #modelling
- Charging for a Digital Library — The Business Model and the Cost Models of the MeDoc Digital Library (MB, RW), pp. 375–385.
- CAiSE-1993-BreuLSBPU #approach #architecture #development #distributed #information management
- The BOS-Method Architecture: An Improved Structured Approach for the Development of Distributed Information Systems (MB, GL, BPdS, LB, MP, JCU), pp. 221–233.
- ESEC-1993-AueB #distributed #information management
- Distributed Information Systems: An Advanced Methology (AA, MB), pp. 263–282.