Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
C.Chui M.Katsumi ∅ A.Hashemi T.Hahmann
Talks about:
ontolog (5) mereotopolog (1) repositori (1) character (1) lifecycl (1) theoret (1) theorem (1) modular (1) design (1) upper (1)
Person: Michael Grüninger
DBLP: Gr=uuml=ninger:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- KEOD-2014-ChuiG #ontology
- Merging the DOLCE and PSL Upper Ontologies (CC, MG), pp. 16–26.
- KEOD-2010-KatsumiG #lifecycle #ontology #proving #theorem proving
- Theorem Proving in the Ontology Lifecycle (MK, MG), pp. 37–49.
- KR-2010-Gruninger #ontology
- Ontologies for Dates and Duration (MG).
- KEOD-2009-HashemiG #composition #design #ontology #repository
- Ontology Design through Modular Repositories (AH, MG), pp. 192–199.
- KR-2008-HahmannG #ontology
- Model-Theoretic Characterization of Asher and Vieu’s Ontology of Mereotopology (TH, MG), pp. 263–273.