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Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.S.Foster Y.P.Khoo P.Pratikakis M.A.Hammer A.Miller J.Katz E.Shi S.Magill S.Subramanian K.S.McKinley N.Swamy N.Guts D.Leijen J.(.An A.Chaudhuri K.Ma V.Sazawal I.Neamtiu C.M.Hayden E.K.Smith M.Denchev J.Martin M.Costa P.Akritidis M.Castro
Talks about:
dynam (5) softwar (3) program (3) updat (3) concurr (2) static (2) infer (2) lightweight (1) transform (1) scriptabl (1)

Person: Michael Hicks

DBLP DBLP: Hicks:Michael

Facilitated 1 volumes:

POPL 2012Ed

Contributed to:

PLDI 20142014
POPL 20142014
ICSE 20132013
OOPSLA 20122012
ICFP 20112011
POPL 20112011
SAS 20112011
POPL 20102010
PASTE 20082008
POPL 20082008
SAS 20062006

Wrote 12 papers:

PLDI-2014-HammerKHF #adaptation #composition #incremental #named
Adapton: composable, demand-driven incremental computation (MAH, YPK, MH, JSF), p. 18.
POPL-2014-MillerHKS #authentication #data type
Authenticated data structures, generically (AM, MH, JK, ES), pp. 411–424.
ICSE-2013-KhooFH #debugging #named
Expositor: scriptable time-travel debugging with first-class traces (YPK, JSF, MH), pp. 352–361.
OOPSLA-2012-HaydenSDHF #c #named #performance
Kitsune: efficient, general-purpose dynamic software updating for C (CMH, EKS, MD, MH, JSF), pp. 249–264.
OOPSLA-2012-MagillHSM #automation
Automating object transformations for dynamic software updating (SM, MH, SS, KSM), pp. 265–280.
ICFP-2011-SwamyGLH #lightweight #ml #monad #programming
Lightweight monadic programming in ML (NS, NG, DL, MH), pp. 15–27.
POPL-2011-AnCFH #ruby #static typing
Dynamic inference of static types for ruby (Jh(A, AC, JSF, MH), pp. 459–472.
SAS-2011-MaKFH #execution #symbolic computation
Directed Symbolic Execution (KKM, YPK, JSF, MH), pp. 95–111.
POPL-2010-MartinHCAC #c #c++ #concurrent #policy #source code
Dynamically checking ownership policies in concurrent c/c++ programs (JPM, MH, MC, PA, MC), pp. 457–470.
PASTE-2008-KhooFHS #static analysis #tool support
Path projection for user-centered static analysis tools (YPK, JSF, MH, VS), pp. 57–63.
POPL-2008-NeamtiuHFP #concurrent #programming
Contextual effects for version-consistent dynamic software updating and safe concurrent programming (IN, MH, JSF, PP), pp. 37–49.
SAS-2006-PratikakisFH #reachability
Existential Label Flow Inference Via CFL Reachability (PP, JSF, MH), pp. 88–106.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.