Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Belgium
1 × Estonia
1 × Germany
1 × Russia
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Italy
2 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
D.Kröning A.Holzer H.Veith C.Schallhart J.Alglave L.Maranget H.Gruber M.Holzer A.Bauer M.Pister V.Nimal D.Beyer V.D'Silva L.Haller L.Liang T.Melham P.Schrammel G.Basler A.F.Donaldson A.Kaiser T.Wahl B.Cook K.Khazem D.Kroening S.Tasiran M.R.Tuttle V.Januzaj S.Kugele B.Langer H.Chockler G.Denaro M.Ling G.Fedyukovich A.E.J.Hyvärinen L.Mariani A.Muhammad M.Oriol A.Rajan O.Sery N.Sharygina
Talks about:
model (6) test (5) softwar (4) contribut (3) competit (3) program (3) analysi (3) bound (3) reachabl (2) memori (2)
Person: Michael Tautschnig
DBLP: Tautschnig:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- DATE-2015-KroeningLMST #bytecode #effectiveness #low level #verification
- Effective verification of low-level software with nested interrupts (DK, LL, TM, PS, MT), pp. 229–234.
- PLDI-2014-AlglaveMT #memory management #modelling #simulation #testing
- Herding cats: modelling, simulation, testing, and data-mining for weak memory (JA, LM, MT), p. 7.
- TACAS-2014-KroeningT #bound #c #contest #model checking #named
- CBMC — C Bounded Model Checker — (Competition Contribution) (DK, MT), pp. 389–391.
- CAV-2013-AlglaveKT #bound #concurrent #model checking #partial order #performance
- Partial Orders for Efficient Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Software (JA, DK, MT), pp. 141–157.
- CSMR-2013-ChocklerDLFHMMORSST #named #validation
- PINCETTE — Validating Changes and Upgrades in Networked Software (HC, GD, ML, GF, AEJH, LM, AM, MO, AR, OS, NS, MT), pp. 461–464.
- ESOP-2013-AlglaveKNT #memory management #program transformation #verification
- Software Verification for Weak Memory via Program Transformation (JA, DK, VN, MT), pp. 512–532.
- ESOP-2013-BeyerHTV #analysis #multi #reachability #reuse
- Information Reuse for Multi-goal Reachability Analyses (DB, AH, MT, HV), pp. 472–491.
- TACAS-2012-BaslerDKKTW #c #contest #named #source code #verification
- satabs: A Bit-Precise Verifier for C Programs — (Competition Contribution) (GB, AFD, AK, DK, MT, TW), pp. 552–555.
- TACAS-2012-DSilvaHKT #analysis #bound #learning
- Numeric Bounds Analysis with Conflict-Driven Learning (VD, LH, DK, MT), pp. 48–63.
- TACAS-2012-HolzerKSTV #contest #proving #reachability #using
- Proving Reachability Using FShell — (Competition Contribution) (AH, DK, CS, MT, HV), pp. 538–541.
- FASE-2011-HolzerJKLSTV #modelling #testing
- Seamless Testing for Models and Code (AH, VJ, SK, BL, CS, MT, HV), pp. 278–293.
- ASE-2010-HolzerTVS #how #testing
- How did you specify your test suite (AH, CS, MT, HV), pp. 407–416.
- CIAA-2009-GruberHT #automaton #empirical #finite #regular expression
- Short Regular Expressions from Finite Automata: Empirical Results (HG, MH, MT), pp. 188–197.
- VMCAI-2009-HolzerSTV #testing
- Query-Driven Program Testing (AH, CS, MT, HV), pp. 151–166.
- CAV-2008-HolzerSTV #dynamic analysis #generative #metric #named #testing
- FShell: Systematic Test Case Generation for Dynamic Analysis and Measurement (AH, CS, MT, HV), pp. 209–213.
- DATE-2007-BauerPT #analysis #hybrid #modelling
- Tool-support for the analysis of hybrid systems and models (AB, MP, MT), pp. 924–929.
- CAV-2018-CookKKTTT #model checking
- Model Checking Boot Code from AWS Data Centers (BC, KK, DK, ST, MT, MRT), pp. 467–486.