Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Martí-Oliet I.Pita J.Meseguer L.Aguirre G.Santos-García A.Verdejo M.Clavel
Talks about:
logic (6) rewrit (4) equat (3) narrow (2) modulo (2) condit (2) maud (2) bibliographi (1) membership (1) properti (1)
Person: Miguel Palomino
DBLP: Palomino:Miguel
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- WRLA-2014-AguirreMPP #logic #maude
- Conditional Narrowing Modulo in Rewriting Logic and Maude (LA, NMO, MP, IP), pp. 80–96.
- WRLA-J-2010-Marti-OlietPV12 #logic #overview #topic
- Rewriting logic bibliography by topic: 1990-2011 (NMO, MP, AV), pp. 782–815.
- WRLA-2006-Santos-GarciaP07
- Solving Sudoku Puzzles with Rewriting Rules (GSG, MP), pp. 79–93.
- WRLA-2004-PalominoP05 #maude #model checking #proving
- Proving VLRL Action Properties with the Maude Model Checker (MP, IP), pp. 113–133.
- CADE-2003-MeseguerPM #abstraction #equation
- Equational Abstractions (JM, MP, NMO), pp. 2–16.
- WRLA-2002-ClavelMP #equation #logic #similarity
- Reflection in Membership Equational Logic, Many-Sorted Equational Logic, Horn Logic with Equality, and Rewriting Logic (MC, JM, MP), pp. 110–126.
- PPDP-2017-AguirreMPP #axiom #smt
- Conditional narrowing modulo SMT and axioms (LA, NMO, MP, IP), pp. 17–28.