Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Hungary
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
S.Ducasse M.Huchard N.Anquetil A.Rashid A.Hora C.Couto M.T.Valente J.Martins
Talks about:
procedur (2) orient (2) object (2) code (2) bug (2) interpret (1) reconsid (1) softwar (1) reengin (1) pattern (1)
Person: Muhammad Usman Bhatti
DBLP: Bhatti:Muhammad_Usman
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSMR-2012-HoraADBCVM #analysis #debugging #visual notation
- Bug Maps: A Tool for the Visual Exploration and Analysis of Bugs (AH, NA, SD, MUB, CC, MTV, JM), pp. 523–526.
- SEKE-2012-BhattiAHD #concept #re-engineering
- A Catalog of Patterns for Concept Lattice Interpretation in Software Reengineering (MUB, NA, MH, SD), pp. 118–123.
- ICPC-2008-BhattiDR #mining #object-oriented
- Aspect Mining in Procedural Object Oriented Code (MUB, SD, AR), pp. 230–235.
- WCRE-2008-BhattiDH #object-oriented
- Reconsidering Classes in Procedural Object-Oriented Code (MUB, SD, MH), pp. 257–266.