Collaborated with:
C.Lagoze J.C.French ∅ D.B.Krafft T.Cornwell D.Eckstrom J.Saylor
Talks about:
digit (4) librari (3) distribut (2) metadata (2) experi (2) retrospect (1) structur (1) predict (1) perform (1) content (1)
Person: Naomi Dushay
DBLP: Dushay:Naomi
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECDL-1999-DushayFL #distributed #library #performance #predict
- Predicting Indexer Performance in a Distributed Digital Library (ND, JCF, CL), pp. 142–166.
- DL-1999-DushayFL #distributed #library #query #using
- Using Query Mediators for Distributed Searching in Federated Digital Libraries (ND, JCF, CL), pp. 171–178.
- JCDL-2002-Dushay #experience #metadata
- Localizing experience of digital content via structural metadata (ND), pp. 244–252.
- JCDL-2006-LagozeKCDES #automation #experience #library #metadata
- Metadata aggregation and “automated digital libraries”: a retrospective on the NSDL experience (CL, DBK, TC, ND, DE, JS), pp. 230–239.