Stem retrospect$ (all stems)
93 papers:
WICSA-2014-KnodelN #architecture #evaluation #industrial- Software Architecture Evaluation in Practice: Retrospective on More Than 50 Architecture Evaluations in Industry (JK, MN), pp. 115–124.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-KnodelN #architecture #industrial- Mitigating the Risk of software change in practice: Retrospective on more than 50 architecture evaluations in industry (Keynote paper) (JK, MN), pp. 2–17.
ICSME-2014-Bettenburg #communication #developer #evolution #quality- Studying the Impact of Developer Communication on the Quality and Evolution of a Software System: A Doctoral Dissertation Retrospective (NB), pp. 651–656.
HIMI-AS-2014-Coelho #analysis- Association of CCR and BCC Efficiencies to Market Variables in a Retrospective Two Stage Data Envelope Analysis (DAC), pp. 151–159.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ChuangH #case study #difference- A Study on Time Differences between Actual Advertisement Viewing and Retrospective Perception (MHC, CH), pp. 455–464.
HCI-AS-2013-HuaG #comprehension #difference #evaluation #predict #protocol #safety #usability- Usability Evaluation of a Voluntary Patient Safety Reporting System: Understanding the Difference between Predicted and Observed Time Values by Retrospective Think-Aloud Protocols (LH, YG), pp. 94–100.
ICPC-2012-RajlichW #comprehension #concept- A retrospective view on: The role of concepts in program comprehension: (MIP award) (VR, NW), pp. 12–13.
CSCW-2012-NguyenF #analysis #how- How did you feel during our conversation?: retrospective analysis of intercultural and same-culture instant messaging conversations (DTN, SRF), pp. 117–126.
CSEET-2011-Roach #experience #re-engineering #student- Retrospectives in a software engineering project course: Getting students to get the most from a project experience (SR), pp. 467–471.
CSMR-2011-MendeKP #case study #fault #integration #on the #predict #testing- On the Utility of a Defect Prediction Model during HW/SW Integration Testing: A Retrospective Case Study (TM, RK, JP), pp. 259–268.
CHI-2011-EllingLJ #eye tracking #using- Retrospective think-aloud method: using eye movements as an extra cue for participants’ verbalizations (SE, LL, MdJ), pp. 1161–1170.
RE-2010-Stanbridge #analysis #test coverage #testing #user interface #using- Retrospective Requirement Analysis Using Code Coverage of GUI Driven System Tests (CS), pp. 411–412.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-SethiCWGS #architecture #composition- From retrospect to prospect: Assessing modularity and stability from software architecture (KS, YC, SW, AG, CS), pp. 269–272.
CSEET-2009-KrogstieD #experience #re-engineering #student #timeline- Shared Timeline and Individual Experience: Supporting Retrospective Reflection in Student Software Engineering Teams (BRK, MD), pp. 85–92.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Soderston #experience #tool support #user interface- A Retrospective and Prospective View of Information Technology Professionals’ Use of Tools: Maturing the User Experience (CS), pp. 306–315.
SIGAda-2009-Schmidt #ada #maturity #reliability #scalability- An ada retrospective: developing large, mature, reliable systems (RBS), pp. 21–22.
ICSM-2008-Chu #evolution #industrial #maintenance- Retrospect of Taiwan’s software industry and issues of software maintenance and evolution (WCCC), pp. 480–481.
SIGAda-2008-Brosgol08a #ada- From strawman to Ada 2005: a socio-technical retrospective (BMB), pp. 13–14.
HCI-IDU-2007-Jensen #comparison #concurrent- Evaluating in a Healthcare Setting: A Comparison Between Concurrent and Retrospective Verbalisation (JJJ), pp. 508–516.
CSEET-2006-ComerE #development #evaluation #process #student- Students Managing the Software Development Process: A Meta-Level Retrospective Evaluation (AC, HME), pp. 167–174.
CHI-2006-GuanLCR #eye tracking- The validity of the stimulated retrospective think-aloud method as measured by eye tracking (ZG, SL, EC, JR), pp. 1253–1262.
LSO-2005-Fajtak #learning- Kick-off Workshops and Project Retrospectives: A Good Learning Software Organization Practice (FFF), pp. 112–114.
SIGIR-2005-LiWLM #detection #probability- A probabilistic model for retrospective news event detection (ZL, BW, ML, WYM), pp. 106–113.
SIGIR-2005-WuLWKL #probability #retrieval- A retrospective study of probabilistic context-based retrieval (HCW, RWPL, KFW, KLK, WJL), pp. 663–664.
ECIR-2002-Sormunen #evaluation #interactive #performance #query- A Retrospective Evaluation Method for Exact-Match and Best-Match Queries Applying an Interactive Query Performance Analyser (ES), pp. 334–352.
DATE-2001-Hartenstein #configuration management- A decade of reconfigurable computing: a visionary retrospective (RWH), pp. 642–649.
WCRE-2001-Blaha #database #industrial #reverse engineering- A Retrospective on Industrial Database Reverse Engineering Projects. Part 1 (MRB), pp. 136–146.
WCRE-2001-Blaha01a #database #industrial #reverse engineering- A Retrospective on Industrial Database Reverse Engineering Projects. Part 2 (MRB), p. 147–?.
ICPR-v3-2000-TomazevicLP #comparison- A Comparison of Retrospective Shading Correction Techniques (DT, BL, FP), pp. 3568–3571.
Best-of-PLDI-1999-BlellochC99a #bound #garbage collection #multi #on the- On bounding time and space for multiprocessor garbage collection (with retrospective) (GEB, PC), pp. 626–641.
Best-of-PLDI-1999-Frigo99a #compilation #fourier #performance- A fast Fourier transform compiler (with retrospective) (MF), pp. 642–655.
Best-of-PLDI-1999-GrantPMCE99a #evaluation #optimisation #runtime #staged- An evaluation of staged run-time optimizations in DyC (with retrospective) (BG, MP, MM, CC, SJE), pp. 656–669.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Emiliani #research- Accessing the information society: a retrospective of research efforts in Europe (PLE), pp. 893–897.
Best-of-PLDI-1998-AmmonsL98a #analysis #data flow- Improving data-flow analysis with path profiles (with retrospective) (GA, JRL), pp. 568–582.
Best-of-PLDI-1998-BaconKMS98a #java- Thin locks: featherweight Synchronization for Java (with retrospective) (DFB, RBK, CM, MJS), pp. 583–595.
Best-of-PLDI-1998-BodikGS98a- Complete removal of redundant expressions (with retrospective) (RB, RG, MLS), pp. 596–611.
Best-of-PLDI-1998-NeculaL98a #compilation #design #implementation- The design and implementation of a certifying compiler (with retrospective) (GCN, PL), pp. 612–625.
SIGIR-1998-YangPC #case study #detection #online- A Study of Retrospective and On-Line Event Detection (YY, TP, JGC), pp. 28–36.
HPDC-1998-Johnston #data-driven #performance- High-Speed, Wide Area, Data Intensive Computing: A Ten Year Retrospective (WEJ), pp. 280–291.
ICALP-1997-Papadimitriou #named- NP-Completeness: A Retrospective (CHP), pp. 2–6.
HCI-CC-1997-StephanidisAZF #standard #user interface- User Interface Accessibility: A Retrospective of Current Standardisation Efforts (CS, DA, JZ, KPF), pp. 469–472.
Best-of-PLDI-1996-LeeL96a #code generation #ml #optimisation #runtime- Optimizing ML with run-time code generation (with retrospective) (PL, ML), pp. 540–553.
Best-of-PLDI-1996-TarditiMCSHL96a #compilation #ml #named #optimisation- TIL: a type-directed, optimizing compiler for ML (with retrospective) (DT, JGM, PC, CAS, RH, PL), pp. 554–567.
STOC-1994-Chazelle #geometry- Computational geometry: a retrospective (BC), pp. 75–94.
Best-of-PLDI-1994-SrivastavaE94a #named #program analysis #tool support- ATOM: a system for building customized program analysis tools (with retrospective) (AS, AE), pp. 528–539.
ICSE-1994-GarlanHR #research- Nico Habermann’s Research: A Brief Retrospective (DG, JFH, DN), pp. 149–153.
Best-of-PLDI-1993-Boehm93a #garbage collection #performance- Space efficient conservative garbage collection (with retrospective) (HJB), pp. 490–501.
Best-of-PLDI-1993-FlanaganSDF93a #compilation #continuation- The essence of compiling with continuations (with retrospective) (CF, AS, BFD, MF), pp. 502–514.
Best-of-PLDI-1993-KernsE93a #latency #memory management #nondeterminism #scheduling- Balanced scheduling: instruction scheduling when memory latency is uncertain (with retrospective) (DRK, SJE), pp. 515–527.
Best-of-PLDI-1992-KnoopRS92a #lazy evaluation- Lazy code motion (with retrospective) (JK, OR, BS), pp. 460–472.
Best-of-PLDI-1992-LandiR92a #algorithm #alias #approximate #interprocedural #pointer- A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural pointer aliasing (with retrospective) (WL, BGR), pp. 473–489.
CHI-1992-Muller #design #using- Retrospective on a year of participatory design using the PICTIVE technique (MJM), pp. 455–462.
Best-of-PLDI-1991-CartwrightF91a #type system- Soft typing (with retrospective) (RC, MF), pp. 412–428.
Best-of-PLDI-1991-LamW #algorithm #locality #optimisation- A data locality optimizing algorithm (with retrospective) (MSL, MEW), pp. 442–459.
Best-of-PLDI-1991-Wall91a #behaviour #predict #using- Predicting program behavior using real or estimated profiles (with retrospective) (DWW), pp. 429–441.
CHI-1991-CurtisKHMC #interface- Retrospective on the MCC Human Interface Laboratory (BC, RK, JH, SJM, GC), pp. 373–376.
CHI-1991-FrishbergLDKK #interactive #multi- John Cocke: a retrospective by friends (an interactive multimedia scrapbook) (NJF, ML, MRD, WRK, JFK), pp. 423–424.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-CallahanCK90a- Improving register allocation for subscripted variables (with retrospective) (DC, SC, KK), pp. 328–342.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-ChaseWZ90a #analysis #pointer- Analysis of pointers and structures (with retrospective) (DRC, MNW, FKZ), pp. 343–359.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-Clinger90a #float #how- How to read floating point numbers accurately (with retrospective) (WDC), pp. 360–371.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-Kessler90a #design #implementation #performance- Fast breakpoints: design and implementation (with retrospective) (PBK), pp. 390–397.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-PettisHD- Profile guided code positioning (with retrospective) (KP, RCH, JWD), pp. 398–411.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-SteeleW90a #float #how- How to print floating-point numbers accurately (with retrospective) (GLSJ, JLW), pp. 372–389.
Best-of-PLDI-1989-BriggsCKT89a #heuristic- Coloring heuristics for register allocation (with retrospective) (PB, KDC, KK, LT), pp. 283–294.
Best-of-PLDI-1989-ChambersU89a #compilation #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #programming language- A retrospective on: “customization: optimizing compiler technology for self, a dynamically-typed object-oriented programming language” (with retrospective) (CC, DU), pp. 295–312.
Best-of-PLDI-1989-Schonberg89a #detection #on the fly- On-the-fly detection of access anomalies (with retrospective) (ES), pp. 313–327.
ICSE-1989-Tomayko #re-engineering- Twenty-Year Retrospective: The NATO Software Engineering Conferences (JET), p. 96.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-Appel #concurrent #multi #realtime- Real-time concurrent collection on stock multiprocessors (with retrospective) (AWA), pp. 205–216.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-CooperK88a #analysis #interprocedural #linear- Interprocedural side-effect analysis in linear time (with retrospective) (KDC, KK), pp. 217–228.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-HorwitzRB88a #dependence #graph #interprocedural #slicing #using- Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs (with retrospective) (SH, TWR, DB), pp. 229–243.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-Lam88a #effectiveness #pipes and filters #scheduling- Software pipelining: an effective scheduling technique for VLIW machines (with retrospective) (MSL), pp. 244–256.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-Shivers88a #analysis #control flow #higher-order #lessons learnt- Higher-order control-flow analysis in retrospect: lessons learned, lessons abandoned (with retrospective) (OS), pp. 257–269.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-Wall88a- Register windows vs. register allocation (with retrospective) (DWW), pp. 270–282.
Best-of-PLDI-1986-BurkeC #analysis #dependence #interprocedural #parallel- Interprocedural dependence analysis and parallelization (with retrospective) (MGB, RC), pp. 139–154.
Best-of-PLDI-1986-CallahanCKT #constant #interprocedural- Interprocedural constant propagation (with retrospective) (DC, KDC, KK, LT), pp. 155–166.
Best-of-PLDI-1986-KranzKRHPA #compilation #named #optimisation- Orbit: an optimizing compiler for scheme (with retrospective) (DAK, RK, JR, PH, JP, NA), pp. 175–191.
Best-of-PLDI-1986-MuchnickG #architecture #performance #pipes and filters #scheduling- Efficient instruction scheduling for a pipelined architecture (with retrospective) (SSM, PBG), pp. 167–174.
Best-of-PLDI-1986-Wall- Global register allocation at link time (with retrospective) (DWW), pp. 192–204.
Best-of-PLDI-1984-AllenK #automation- Automatic loop interchange (with retrospective) (RA, KK), pp. 75–90.
Best-of-PLDI-1984-ChowH- Register allocation by priority-based coloring (with retrospective) (FCC, JLH), pp. 91–103.
Best-of-PLDI-1984-DavidsonF #automation #generative #optimisation- Automatic generation of peephole optimizations (with retrospective) (JWD, CWF), pp. 104–111.
Best-of-PLDI-1984-FisherERN #compilation #parallel- Parallel processing: a smart compiler and a dumb machine (with retrospective) (JAF, JRE, JCR, AN), pp. 112–124.
Best-of-PLDI-1984-Johnsson #compilation #evaluation #lazy evaluation #performance- Efficient compilation of lazy evaluation (with retrospective) (TJ), pp. 125–138.
DAC-1983-RoseOP- N.mPc: A retrospective (CWR, GO, FIP), pp. 497–505.
DAC-1982-ONeill #automation #design #re-engineering- A retrospective on software engineering in design automation (LAO), pp. 10–14.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-AuslanderH #bibliography #compilation- An overview of the PL.8 compiler (with retrospective) (MAA, MH), pp. 38–48.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-Chaitin #graph- Register allocation and spilling via graph coloring (with retrospective) (GJC), pp. 66–74.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-GrahamKM #execution #graph #named #profiling- gprof: a call graph execution profiler (with retrospective) (SLG, PBK, MKM), pp. 49–57.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-MarksteinMC #optimisation- Optimization of range checking (with retrospective) (VM, PWM, JC), pp. 58–65.
ICSE-1982-HarslemN #development- A Retrospective on the Development of Star (EH, LEN), pp. 377–385.
Best-of-PLDI-1979-CattellNL #code generation #compilation #independence- Code generation in a machine-independent compiler (with retrospective) (RGGC, JMN, BWL), pp. 1–13.
Best-of-PLDI-1979-FabriA #automation #optimisation- Automatic storage optimization (with retrospective) (JF, FEA), pp. 28–37.
Best-of-PLDI-1979-PennelloD #lalr #performance #set- Efficient computation of LALR(1) look-ahead sets (with retrospective) (TJP, FD), pp. 14–27.