Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Goyal F.B.Shepherd M.X.Goemans T.Rothvoß R.Zenklusen R.Cole J.R.Correa V.Gkatzelis V.S.Mirrokni
Talks about:
hypergraph (1) conjectur (1) steiner (1) product (1) matroid (1) coordin (1) mechan (1) integr (1) space (1) relax (1)
Person: Neil Olver
DBLP: Olver:Neil
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- STOC-2012-GoemansORZ
- Matroids and integrality gaps for hypergraphic steiner tree relaxations (MXG, NO, TR, RZ), pp. 1161–1176.
- STOC-2011-ColeCGMO #coordination
- Inner product spaces for MinSum coordination mechanisms (RC, JRC, VG, VSM, NO), pp. 539–548.
- STOC-2008-GoyalOS
- The vpn conjecture is true (NG, NO, FBS), pp. 443–450.