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191 papers:

ESOPESOP-2015-TerauchiU #approach #refinement
Relaxed Stratification: A New Approach to Practical Complete Predicate Refinement (TT, HU), pp. 610–633.
ICPCICPC-2015-BusjahnBBCPSST #eye tracking #linear #order
Eye movements in code reading: relaxing the linear order (TB, RB, AB, MEC, JHP, CS, BS, ST), pp. 255–265.
PLDIPLDI-2015-GammieHE #garbage collection #on the fly
Relaxing safely: verified on-the-fly garbage collection for x86-TSO (PG, ALH, KE), pp. 99–109.
PLDIPLDI-2015-ZhangKW #memory management #modelling #partial order #reduction
Dynamic partial order reduction for relaxed memory models (NZ, MK, CW), pp. 250–259.
STOCSTOC-2015-LeeRS #bound #programming
Lower Bounds on the Size of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations (JRL, PR, DS), pp. 567–576.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-KhotS #approximate #using
Approximating CSPs Using LP Relaxation (SK, RS), pp. 822–833.
Sherali-Adams Relaxations for Valued CSPs (JT, SZ), pp. 1058–1069.
HCIHIMI-IKD-2015-IwamotoH #induction #using
Induction of a Relaxed State Using a Vibration Stimulus Based on the Respiratory Cycle (NI, HH), pp. 386–395.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2015-PassosJ #process #verification #workflow
Relaxed Soundness Verification for Interorganizational Workflow Processes (LMSP, SJ), pp. 221–228.
POPLPOPL-2015-CraryS #calculus #memory management
A Calculus for Relaxed Memory (KC, MJS), pp. 623–636.
CGOCGO-2015-CampanoniHWB #named #parallel #semantics
HELIX-UP: relaxing program semantics to unleash parallelization (SC, GHH, GYW, DMB), pp. 235–245.
HPCAHPCA-2015-JaleelNMSE #latency
High performing cache hierarchies for server workloads: Relaxing inclusion to capture the latency benefits of exclusive caches (AJ, JN, AM, SCSJ, JSE), pp. 343–353.
HPCAHPCA-2015-JinPSCSZ #fault #hardware #named
FTXen: Making hypervisor resilient to hardware faults on relaxed cores (XJ, SP, TS, RC, ZS, YZ), pp. 451–462.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-0003GTT #queue
The lock-free k-LSM relaxed priority queue (MW, JG, JLT, PT), pp. 277–278.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-AlistarhKLS #queue #scalability
The SprayList: a scalable relaxed priority queue (DA, JK, JL, NS), pp. 11–20.
VMCAIVMCAI-2015-DanMVY #abstraction #effectiveness #memory management #modelling #verification
Effective Abstractions for Verification under Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 449–466.
Neuro Inspired Computing with Coupled Relaxation Oscillators (SD, NS, MC, AP, AR), p. 6.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-MottinMRDPV #interactive #named #problem #query
IQR: an interactive query relaxation system for the empty-answer problem (DM, AM, SBR, GD, TP, YV), pp. 1095–1098.
WRLAWRLA-2014-AlrahmanABL #concurrent #maude #memory management #modelling #question #source code
Can We Efficiently Check Concurrent Programs Under Relaxed Memory Models in Maude? (YAA, MA, AB, ALL), pp. 21–41.
Rounding sum-of-squares relaxations (BB, JAK, DS), pp. 31–40.
FMFM-2014-DerrickDSTTW #consistency #verification
Quiescent Consistency: Defining and Verifying Relaxed Linearizability (JD, BD, GS, BT, OT, HW), pp. 200–214.
Near-Optimal Joint Object Matching via Convex Relaxation (YC, LJG, QXH), pp. 100–108.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-HuangCG #estimation #scalability
Scalable Semidefinite Relaxation for Maximum A Posterior Estimation (QXH, YC, LJG), pp. 64–72.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-MuHWG #bound
Square Deal: Lower Bounds and Improved Relaxations for Tensor Recovery (CM, BH, JW, DG), pp. 73–81.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-SchwingHPU #algorithm #convergence #parallel #using
Globally Convergent Parallel MAP LP Relaxation Solver using the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm (AGS, TH, MP, RU), pp. 487–495.
ICPRICPR-2014-BorgiLEA14a #multi #recognition #using
Sparse Multi-regularized Shearlet-Network Using Convex Relaxation for Face Recognition (MAB, DL, ME, CBA), pp. 4636–4641.
ICPRICPR-2014-RenL14a #identification #matrix
Person Re-identification Based on Relaxed Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Regularizations (WR, GL), pp. 4654–4659.
KRKR-2014-EckePT #concept #query #similarity
Answering Instance Queries Relaxed by Concept Similarity (AE, RP, AYT).
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-VoraKG #algorithm #consistency #named #parallel #using
ASPIRE: exploiting asynchronous parallelism in iterative algorithms using a relaxed consistency based DSM (KV, SCK, RG), pp. 861–878.
PADLPADL-2014-SivaramakrishnanZJ #named
RCML: A Prescription for Safely Relaxing Synchrony (KCS, LZ, SJ), pp. 1–16.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2014-HonarmandT #multi #named
RelaxReplay: record and replay for relaxed-consistency multiprocessors (NH, JT), pp. 223–238.
DACDAC-2013-LuYHF0 #named
RISO: relaxed network-on-chip isolation for cloud processors (HL, GY, YH, BF, XL), p. 6.
DACDAC-2013-RamasubramanianVPR #design #energy #named
Relax-and-retime: a methodology for energy-efficient recovery based design (SGR, SV, AP, AR), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2013-FreitasRS #concurrent #consistency #memory management #on the fly #verification
On-the-fly verification of memory consistency with concurrent relaxed scoreboards (LSF, EAR, LCVdS), pp. 631–636.
DATEDATE-2013-LivramentoGGJ #performance
Fast and efficient lagrangian relaxation-based discrete gate sizing (VSL, CG, JLG, MOJ), pp. 1855–1860.
DATEDATE-2013-SauerRSPB #performance #satisfiability
Efficient SAT-based dynamic compaction and relaxation for longest sensitizable paths (MS, SR, TS, IP, BB), pp. 448–453.
ESOPESOP-2013-JagadeesanPPR #composition #memory management #modelling #reasoning
Quarantining Weakness — Compositional Reasoning under Relaxed Memory Models (Extended Abstract) (RJ, GP, CP, JR), pp. 492–511.
SASSAS-2013-DanMVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling
Predicate Abstraction for Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 84–104.
CSCWCSCW-2013-AgustinaS13a #3d #collaboration #design #named
Xpointer: an x-ray telepointer for relaxed-space-time wysiwis and unconstrained collaborative 3d design systems (A, CS), pp. 729–740.
HCIDUXU-NTE-2013-FeijsKSL #design #using
Design for Relaxation during Milk Expression Using Biofeedback (LMGF, JK, NHvS, MvL), pp. 494–503.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-SimrinAD #heuristic #problem #using
A Lagrangian Relaxation based Heuristic for the Static Berth Allocation Problem using the Cutting Plane Method (ASS, NNA, AHD), pp. 565–569.
ECIRECIR-2013-NishinoYHSN #multi #summary
Text Summarization while Maximizing Multiple Objectives with Lagrangian Relaxation (MN, NY, TH, JS, MN), pp. 772–775.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-KumarB #bound #graph #learning
Convex Relaxations for Learning Bounded-Treewidth Decomposable Graphs (KSSK, FRB), pp. 525–533.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-JancsaryNR #learning #predict
Learning Convex QP Relaxations for Structured Prediction (JJ, SN, CR), pp. 915–923.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2013-VafeiadisN #concurrent #logic
Relaxed separation logic: a program logic for C11 concurrency (VV, CN), pp. 867–884.
POPLPOPL-2013-HenzingerKPSS #concurrent #data type
Quantitative relaxation of concurrent data structures (TAH, CMK, HP, AS, AS), pp. 317–328.
HPCAHPCA-2013-QianHSQ #dependence #memory management #named #parallel #performance
Rainbow: Efficient memory dependence recording with high replay parallelism for relaxed memory model (XQ, HH, BS, DQ), pp. 554–565.
CASECASE-2012-Kim #analysis #fuzzy #robust
Robust stability analysis of T-S fuzzy systems with interval time-varying delays via a relaxation technique (SHK), pp. 829–832.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2012-JagadeesanPR #exclamation
Brookes Is Relaxed, Almost! (RJ, GP, JR), pp. 180–194.
PLDIPLDI-2012-CarbinKMR #approximate #nondeterminism #proving #source code
Proving acceptability properties of relaxed nondeterministic approximate programs (MC, DK, SM, MCR), pp. 169–180.
PLDIPLDI-2012-LiuNPVY #memory management #modelling #synthesis
Dynamic synthesis for relaxed memory models (FL, NN, NP, MTV, EY), pp. 429–440.
Matroids and integrality gaps for hypergraphic steiner tree relaxations (MXG, NO, TR, RZ), pp. 1161–1176.
ICMLICML-2012-JoulinB #classification
A convex relaxation for weakly supervised classifiers (AJ, FRB), p. 171.
ICMLICML-2012-NeufeldYZKS #reduction
Regularizers versus Losses for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction: A Factored View with New Convex Relaxations (JN, YY, XZ, RK, DS), p. 191.
ICPRICPR-2012-PaulhacTM #image #segmentation
Relaxed Cheeger Cut for image segmentation (LP, VTT, RM), pp. 3321–3324.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #nondeterminism #runtime
Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #nondeterminism #runtime
Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
DATEDATE-2011-MeyerGCLS #cost analysis #execution #safety #using
Reducing the cost of redundant execution in safety-critical systems using relaxed dedication (BHM, NJG, BHC, JL, KS), pp. 1249–1254.
TACASTACAS-2011-BurnimSS #consistency #memory management #modelling #monitoring
Sound and Complete Monitoring of Sequential Consistency for Relaxed Memory Models (JB, KS, CS), pp. 11–25.
PLDIPLDI-2011-KupersteinVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling
Partial-coherence abstractions for relaxed memory models (MK, MTV, EY), pp. 187–198.
STOCSTOC-2011-VondrakCZ #multi
Submodular function maximization via the multilinear relaxation and contention resolution schemes (JV, CC, RZ), pp. 783–792.
ICMLICML-2011-AgarwalNW #composition #matrix
Noisy matrix decomposition via convex relaxation: Optimal rates in high dimensions (AA, SN, MJW), pp. 1129–1136.
ICMLICML-2011-KamisettyXL #approximate #correlation #using
Approximating Correlated Equilibria using Relaxations on the Marginal Polytope (HK, EPX, CJL), pp. 1153–1160.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2011-FioravantiPPS #using
Using Real Relaxations during Program Specialization (FF, AP, MP, VS), pp. 106–122.
POPLPOPL-2011-SevcikVNJS #compilation #concurrent
Relaxed-memory concurrency and verified compilation (JS, VV, FZN, SJ, PS), pp. 43–54.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2011-DeviettiNBCG #consistency #named
RCDC: a relaxed consistency deterministic computer (JD, JN, TB, LC, DG), pp. 67–78.
HPCAHPCA-2011-SmullenMNGS #energy #performance
Relaxing non-volatility for fast and energy-efficient STT-RAM caches (CWSI, VM, AN, SG, MRS), pp. 50–61.
SOSPSOSP-2011-CuiWGGY #multi #performance #thread
Efficient deterministic multithreading through schedule relaxation (HC, JW, JG, HG, JY), pp. 337–351.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-BurnimSS #concurrent #memory management #modelling #source code #testing
Testing concurrent programs on relaxed memory models (JB, KS, CS), pp. 122–132.
CASECASE-2010-SunCL #algorithm #scheduling #using
Scheduling of steel-making and continuous casting system using the surrogate subgradient algorithm for lagrangian relaxation (LS, TC, PBL), pp. 885–890.
VLDBVLDB-2010-LiDHK #clustering #mining #named
Swarm: Mining Relaxed Temporal Moving Object Clusters (ZL, BD, JH, RK), pp. 723–734.
ESOPESOP-2010-AdjeGG #invariant #policy #static analysis
Coupling Policy Iteration with Semi-definite Relaxation to Compute Accurate Numerical Invariants in Static Analysis (AA, SG, EG), pp. 23–42.
ESOPESOP-2010-JagadeesanPR #generative #memory management #modelling #semantics
Generative Operational Semantics for Relaxed Memory Models (RJ, CP, JR), pp. 307–326.
SASSAS-2010-GawlitzaS #polynomial #semantics
Computing Relaxed Abstract Semantics w.r.t. Quadratic Zones Precisely (TMG, HS), pp. 271–286.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-ThorsenW #comprehension #consistency #interactive #memory management #visualisation
Understanding relaxed memory consistency through interactive visualization (ØT, CW), pp. 223–224.
ICMLICML-2010-GoldbergE #classification
Boosting Classifiers with Tightened L0-Relaxation Penalties (NG, JE), pp. 383–390.
Discovering significant relaxed order-preserving submatrices (QF, WN, JF), pp. 433–442.
CCCC-2010-BurckhardtMS #memory management #modelling #verification
Verifying Local Transformations on Relaxed Memory Models (SB, MM, VS), pp. 104–123.
ASEASE-2009-KimYS #concurrent #detection #heuristic #memory management #model checking #precise #using
Precise Data Race Detection in a Relaxed Memory Model Using Heuristic-Based Model Checking (KK, TYK, BAS), pp. 495–499.
Integrality gaps for Sherali-Adams relaxations (MC, KM, YM), pp. 283–292.
Sherali-adams relaxations of the matching polytope (CM, AS), pp. 293–302.
ICALPICALP-v1-2009-Jansen #constant #scheduling #using
An EPTAS for Scheduling Jobs on Uniform Processors: Using an MILP Relaxation with a Constant Number of Integral Variables (KJ), pp. 562–573.
FMFM-2009-BonakdarpourK #bound #complexity #on the
On the Complexity of Synthesizing Relaxed and Graceful Bounded-Time 2-Phase Recovery (BB, SSK), pp. 660–675.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-ChoB #query #retrieval #xml
Relaxing XML Preference Queries for Cooperative Retrieval (SC, WTB), pp. 160–171.
ICMLICML-2009-NowozinJ #clustering #graph #learning #linear #programming
Solution stability in linear programming relaxations: graph partitioning and unsupervised learning (SN, SJ), pp. 769–776.
ICMLICML-2009-PetrikZ #approximate #constraints #linear #source code
Constraint relaxation in approximate linear programs (MP, SZ), pp. 809–816.
RecSysRecSys-2009-Schubert #knowledge-based #personalisation #query #recommendation
Personalized query relaxations and repairs in knowledge-based recommendation (MS), pp. 409–412.
POPLPOPL-2009-BoudolP #approach #memory management #modelling
Relaxed memory models: an operational approach (GB, GP), pp. 392–403.
RERE-2009-WhittleSBCB #adaptation #named #nondeterminism #self #specification
RELAX: Incorporating Uncertainty into the Specification of Self-Adaptive Systems (JW, PS, NB, BHCC, JMB), pp. 79–88.
CAVCAV-2009-GuerraouiHS #memory management #modelling #transaction
Software Transactional Memory on Relaxed Memory Models (RG, TAH, VS), pp. 321–336.
ICSTSAT-2009-BertholdHP #optimisation #pseudo #question
Nonlinear Pseudo-Boolean Optimization: Relaxation or Propagation? (TB, SH, MEP), pp. 441–446.
ICSTSAT-2009-KrocSS #satisfiability
Relaxed DPLL Search for MaxSAT (LK, AS, BS), pp. 447–452.
CASECASE-2008-0001LYS #optimisation
An improved lagrangian relaxation method for discrete optimization applications (WW, PBL, JHY, GAS), pp. 359–364.
VLDBVLDB-2008-FontouraJKOTV #taxonomy #using
Relaxation in text search using taxonomies (MF, VJ, RK, CO, AT, SV), pp. 672–683.
VLDBVLDB-2008-XiaoT #query
Output perturbation with query relaxation (XX, YT), pp. 857–869.
CHICHI-2008-HeerAW #interactive #query
Generalized selection via interactive query relaxation (JH, MA, WW), pp. 959–968.
ICMLICML-2008-KumarT #estimation
Efficiently solving convex relaxations for MAP estimation (MPK, PHST), pp. 680–687.
ICPRICPR-2008-El-ZehiryE #constraints
Agraph cut based active contour without edges with relaxed homogeneity constraint (NYEZ, AE), pp. 1–4.
PPoPPPPoPP-2008-SandersK #memory management #modelling #reasoning
Assertional reasoning about data races in relaxed memory models (BAS, KK), pp. 267–268.
CAVCAV-2008-BurckhardtM #effectiveness #memory management #modelling #verification
Effective Program Verification for Relaxed Memory Models (SB, MM), pp. 107–120.
CAVCAV-2008-VakkalankaGK #order #reduction #source code #verification
Dynamic Verification of MPI Programs with Reductions in Presence of Split Operations and Relaxed Orderings (SSV, GG, RMK), pp. 66–79.
CASECASE-2007-NishiHI #problem #scheduling
A Successive Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Solving Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Total Weighted Tardiness (TN, YH, MI), pp. 875–880.
DACDAC-2007-ViswanathanNAVRC #named #polynomial
RQL: Global Placement via Relaxed Quadratic Spreading and Linearization (NV, GJN, CJA, PV, HR, CCNC), pp. 453–458.
DATEDATE-2007-LinXZ #design #network
Design closure driven delay relaxation based on convex cost network flow (CL, AX, HZ), pp. 63–68.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-ZhouGBN #query #using
Query relaxation using malleable schemas (XZ, JG, WTB, WN), pp. 545–556.
PLDIPLDI-2007-BurckhardtAM #concurrent #consistency #data type #memory management #modelling #named
CheckFence: checking consistency of concurrent data types on relaxed memory models (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 12–21.
Tight integrality gaps for Lovasz-Schrijver LP relaxations of vertex cover and max cut (GS, LT, MT), pp. 302–310.
Direct convex relaxations of sparse SVM (ABC, NV, GRGL), pp. 145–153.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-LiaoC #query #ranking
Applying ranking SVM in query relaxation (CL, TC), pp. 763–764.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-SculleyW #online
Relaxed online SVMs for spam filtering (DS, GW), pp. 415–422.
CASECASE-2006-ChenYY #algorithm #simulation
Backward-traversing Waveform Relaxation Algorithm for Circuit Simulation and Simulation on Demand (CJC, JLY, TNY), pp. 134–139.
CASECASE-2006-LamiriX #using
Operating Rooms Planning Using Lagrangian Relaxation Technique (ML, XX), pp. 176–181.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2006-BernsteinFGRT #replication
Relaxed-currency serializability for middle-tier caching and replication (PAB, AF, HG, RR, PT), pp. 599–610.
VLDBVLDB-2006-KoudasLTV #query
Relaxing Join and Selection Queries (NK, CL, AKHT, RV), pp. 199–210.
CIKMCIKM-2006-HoseLS #distributed #summary #using
Processing relaxed skylines in PDMS using distributed data summaries (KH, CL, KUS), pp. 425–434.
ICMLICML-2006-RavikumarL #estimation #markov #metric #polynomial #programming #random
Quadratic programming relaxations for metric labeling and Markov random field MAP estimation (PDR, JDL), pp. 737–744.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-WangH #equation #probability #using
Probabilistic Relaxation using the Heat Equation (HW, ERH), pp. 666–669.
POPLPOPL-2006-CohenDEPPP #network #realtime
N-synchronous Kahn networks: a relaxed model of synchrony for real-time systems (AC, MD, CE, CP, FP, MP), pp. 180–193.
CAVCAV-2006-BurckhardtAM #bound #case study #concurrent #data type #memory management #model checking #modelling
Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models: A Case Study (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 489–502.
ICLPICLP-2006-GuoLJ #optimisation
Relaxation on Optimization Predicates (HFG, ML, BJ), pp. 425–426.
CASECASE-2005-TanonkouBBX #approach #probability #problem #using
Solving a stochastic inventory-location problem using Lagrangian relaxation approach (GAT, LB, RB, XX), pp. 279–284.
DACDAC-2005-Li #analysis #grid #performance #power management #simulation
Power grid simulation via efficient sampling-based sensitivity analysis and hierarchical symbolic relaxation (PL), pp. 664–669.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-BrunoC #approach #automation #database #physics
Automatic Physical Database Tuning: A Relaxation-based Approach (NB, SC), pp. 227–238.
ICALPICALP-2005-KonemannLSZ #problem
From Primal-Dual to Cost Shares and Back: A Stronger LP Relaxation for the Steiner Forest Problem (JK, SL, GS, SHMvZ), pp. 930–942.
POPLPOPL-2005-LiZ #policy
Downgrading policies and relaxed noninterference (PL, SZ), pp. 158–170.
SACSAC-2005-OuajaR #composition #hybrid
Hybrid Lagrangian relaxation for bandwidth-constrained routing: knapsack decomposition (WO, BR), pp. 383–387.
VMCAIVMCAI-2005-Cousot #abstraction #parametricity #programming #proving #termination
Proving Program Invariance and Termination by Parametric Abstraction, Lagrangian Relaxation and Semidefinite Programming (PC), pp. 1–24.
DACDAC-2004-LiXLGP #approach #simulation
A frequency relaxation approach for analog/RF system-level simulation (XL, YX, PL, PG, LTP), pp. 842–847.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-GuoLRG #consistency #how #sql
Relaxed Currency and Consistency: How to Say “Good Enough” in SQL (HG, PÅL, RR, JG), pp. 815–826.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-GuoRLG #consistency #constraints
Support for Relaxed Currency and Consistency Constraints in MTCache (HG, PÅL, RR, JG), pp. 937–938.
FLOPSFLOPS-2004-Garrigue #strict
Relaxing the Value Restriction (JG), pp. 196–213.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-CaetanoCB #algorithm #comparison #distance #metric #using
A Comparison of Junction Tree and Relaxation Algorithms for Point Matching using Different Distance Metrics (TSC, TC, DACB), pp. 124–127.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-ColleP #predict #process
Relaxation Labeling Processes for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (GC, MP), pp. 355–358.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-KuzmenkoZ #network #self
Structure Relaxation Method for Self-Organizing Neural Networks (AK, NZ), pp. 589–592.
KDDKDD-2004-Muslea #machine learning #online #query
Machine learning for online query relaxation (IM), pp. 246–255.
CIKMCIKM-2003-ShanahanR #classification
Boosting support vector machines for text classification through parameter-free threshold relaxation (JGS, NR), pp. 247–254.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2003-MillsteinRC #composition #multi
Relaxed MultiJava: balancing extensibility and modular typechecking (TDM, MR, CC), pp. 224–240.
CIKMCIKM-2002-ChenCA #biology #database #evaluation #on the #performance #query
On the efficient evaluation of relaxed queries in biological databases (YC, DC, KA), pp. 227–236.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-Horiuchi #estimation #image #probability
Estimation of Color for Gray-level Image by Probabilistic Relaxation (TH), pp. 867–870.
ICDARICDAR-2001-BourgeoisEB #comprehension #documentation #probability #using
Document Understanding Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Application on Tables of Contents of Periodicals (FL, HE, SSB), pp. 508–512.
ICDARICDAR-2001-MikheevVF #approximate
High-Quality Polygonal Contour Approximation Based on Relaxation (AM, LV, VF), pp. 361–367.
PODSPODS-2001-Larsen #multi
Relaxed Multi-Way Trees with Group Updates (KSL).
STOCSTOC-2001-FeigeS #on the
On the integrality ratio of semidefinite relaxations of MAX CUT (UF, GS), pp. 433–442.
CAiSECAiSE-2001-DehnertR #process
Relaxed Soundness of Business Processes (JD, PR), pp. 157–170.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-ChabbiP #image
A Generic Relaxation Technique for Hierarchic Stereo Chain Matching of Uncalibrated Images (HC, SP), pp. 1746–1749.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-LerasleDL #clique
Relaxation vs. Maximal Cliques Search for Projected Beams Labeling in a Structured Light Sensor (FL, MD, JML), pp. 1782–1785.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-LiapisST #algorithm #performance #segmentation #using
Color and/or Texture Segmentation Using Deterministic Relaxation and Fast Marching Algorithms (SL, ES, GT), pp. 3621–3624.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-SziranyiC #optimisation #parallel #segmentation #using
Spatio-Temporal Segmentation with Edge Relaxation and Optimization Using Fully Parallel Methods (TS, LC), pp. 4820–4823.
DACDAC-1999-HurL #clustering #framework #linear
Relaxation and Clustering in a Local Search Framework: Application to Linear Placement (SWH, JL), pp. 360–366.
DACDAC-1999-JiangJC #optimisation #performance
Noise-Constrained Performance Optimization by Simultaneous Gate and Wire Sizing Based on Lagrangian Relaxation (IHRJ, JYJ, YWC), pp. 90–95.
ICDARICDAR-1999-NagasakiYN #automation #difference #pattern matching #recognition #using
Relaxation-based Pattern Matching using Automatic Differentiation for Off-line Character Recognition (TN, TY, MN), pp. 229–232.
Group Updates for Relaxed Height-Balanced Trees (LM, ESS), pp. 358–367.
STOCSTOC-1999-Zwick99a #problem #programming
Outward Rotations: A Tool for Rounding Solutions of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations, with Applications to MAX CUT and Other Problems (UZ), pp. 679–687.
HPCAHPCA-1999-CondonHPS #memory management #modelling #using
Using Lamport Clocks to Reason about Relaxed Memory Models (AC, MDH, MP, DJS), pp. 270–278.
DATEDATE-1998-HsiaoC #performance #sequence
State Relaxation Based Subsequence Removal for Fast Static Compaction in Sequential Circuits (MSH, STC), pp. 577–582.
STOCSTOC-1998-BlumKRV #problem
Semi-Definite Relaxations for Minimum Bandwidth and other Vertex-Ordering Problems (AB, GK, RR, SV), pp. 100–105.
FSEFSE-1998-GuptaMS #automation #generative #testing #using
Automated Test Data Generation Using an Iterative Relaxation Method (NG, APM, MLS), pp. 231–244.
ICDARICDAR-1997-HaseSYSM #multi #string
Character String Extraction by Multi-stage Relaxation (HH, TS, MY, MS, HM), pp. 298–302.
ICDARICDAR-1997-NagasakiYN #behaviour #recognition
The Behavior of Dynamic Relaxation in an Elastic Stroke Model for Character Recognition (TN, TY, MN), pp. 16–22.
PPoPPPPoPP-1997-ZhouISLTSHW #consistency #evaluation #performance
Relaxed Consistency and Coherence Granularity in DSM Systems: A Performance Evaluation (YZ, LI, JPS, KL, BRT, IS, MDH, DAW), pp. 193–205.
CAVCAV-1997-KokkarinenPV #partial order #reduction
Relaxed Visibility Enhances Partial Order Reduction (IK, DP, AV), pp. 328–339.
DACDAC-1996-ChenCW #optimisation #performance
Fast Performance-Driven Optimization for Buffered Clock Trees Based on Lagrangian Relaxation (CPC, YWC, DFW), pp. 405–408.
CAiSECAiSE-1996-LahlouM #information retrieval #towards
Relaxing the Instantiation Link: Towards a Content-Based Data Model for Information Retrieval (YL, NM), pp. 540–561.
ICPRICPR-1996-HaddonB #image #sequence
Spatio-temporal relaxation labelling applied to segmented infrared image sequences (JFH, JFB), pp. 171–175.
ICPRICPR-1996-HamkerG #network
Task-relevant relaxation network for visuo-motory systems (FHH, HMG), pp. 406–410.
ICPRICPR-1996-HoriuchiYY #nondeterminism #robust
Robust relaxation method for structural matching under uncertainty (TH, KY, HY), pp. 176–180.
ICPRICPR-1996-LeiteH #algorithm
Iterative spline relaxation with the EM algorithm (JAFL, ERH), pp. 161–165.
ICPRICPR-1996-ParagiosT #algorithm #detection #using
Detection and location of moving objects using deterministic relaxation algorithms (NP, GT), pp. 201–205.
ICPRICPR-1996-PelilloF #learning #network
Autoassociative learning in relaxation labeling networks (MP, AMF), pp. 105–110.
An EM-like relaxation operator (MT, ERH), pp. 166–170.
POPLPOPL-1996-GovindarajanJM #constraints #logic #optimisation
Optimization and Relaxation in Constraint Logic Languages (KG, BJ, SM), pp. 91–103.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-HoriuchiTYY #optimisation #probability #process
Relaxation optimizing processes in extended probabilistic space (TH, KT, KY, HY), pp. 266–269.
VLDBVLDB-1995-GallersdorferN #database #performance
Improving Performance in Replicated Databases through Relaxed Coherency (RG, MN), pp. 445–456.
ICLPILPS-1995-GovindarajanJM #constraints #logic
Relaxation in Constraint Logic Languages (KG, BJ, SM), p. 637.
PODSPODS-1994-AgrawalBAK #approach #transaction
Relative Serializbility: An Approach for Relaxing the Atomicity of Transactions (DA, JLB, AEA, VK), pp. 139–149.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1994-SinghTW #transaction
Relaxed Transaction Processing (MPS, CT, DW), p. 505.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1994-ZhangNBB #flexibility #multi #transaction
Ensuring Relaxed Atomicity for Flexible Transactions in Multidatabase Systems (AZ, MHN, BKB, OAB), pp. 67–78.
ICDARICDAR-1993-HoriuchiTYY #on the #recognition #using
On method of training dictionaries for handwritten character recognition using relaxation matching (TH, KT, KY, HY), pp. 638–641.
ICDARICDAR-1993-YangHT #approximate #automation #identification #using
Automatic seal identification using fluency function approximation and relaxation matching method (YY, TH, KT), pp. 786–789.
DACDAC-1992-JohnsonR #feedback #parallel
Parallel Waveform Relaxation of Circuits with Global Feedback Loops (TAJ, AER), pp. 12–15.
DACDAC-1992-JuS #incremental #simulation #using
Incremental Circuit Simulation Using Waveform Relaxation (YCJ, RAS), pp. 8–11.
PLDIPLDI-1992-HanxledenK #constraints #control flow #using
Relaxing SIMD Control Flow Constraints using Loop Transformations (RvH, KK), pp. 188–199.
ICLPICLP-1991-MontanariR #constraints #logic programming
Perfect Relaxation in Constraint Logic Programming (UM, FR), pp. 223–237.
DACDAC-1990-HungWGS #parallel #simulation #using
Parallel Circuit Simulation Using Hierarchical Relaxation (GGH, YCW, KG, RAS), pp. 394–399.
DACDAC-1989-OdentCM #feedback #implementation #multi #scalability
Feedback Loops and Large Subcircuits in the Multiprocessor Implementation of a Relaxation Based Circuit Simulator (PO, LJMC, HDM), pp. 25–30.
KRKR-1989-RossiM #constraints #linear #network #using
Exact Solution in Linear Time of Networks of Constraints Using Perfect Relaxation (FR, UM), pp. 394–399.
PODSPODS-1987-NurmiSW #concurrent #database
Concurrency Control in Database Structures with Relaxed Balance (ON, ESS, DW), pp. 170–176.
DACDAC-1985-HennionSC #algorithm #generative
A new algorithm for third generation circuit simulators: the one-step relaxation method (BH, PS, DC), pp. 137–143.
Relaxing the Universal Relation Scheme Assumption (JS, DM), pp. 76–84.
DACDAC-1984-DeutschN #implementation #multi #simulation
A multiprocessor implementation of relaxation-based electrical circuit simulation (JTD, ARN), pp. 350–357.
DACDAC-1982-LelarasmeeS #named #scalability
Relax: A new circuit for large scale MOS integrated circuits (EL, ALSV), pp. 682–687.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.