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Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × Spain
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Gatos C.Emmanouilidis C.Batsalas P.Stathis E.Kavallieratou K.Zagoris I.Koustoudis
Talks about:
techniqu (4) featur (3) algorithm (2) document (2) reduct (2) neural (2) local (2) fuzzi (2) evalu (2) binar (2)

Person: Nikos Papamarkos

DBLP DBLP: Papamarkos:Nikos

Contributed to:

ICDAR 20092009
ICPR 20082008
MLDM 20072007
DocEng 20012001
ICDAR 20012001
ICPR v3 20002000

Wrote 6 papers:

ICDAR-2009-EmmanouilidisBP #classification #development #evaluation #locality
Development and Evaluation of Text Localization Techniques Based on Structural Texture Features and Neural Classifiers (CE, CB, NP), pp. 1270–1274.
ICPR-2008-StathisKP #algorithm #documentation #evaluation #overview
An evaluation survey of binarization algorithms on historical documents (PS, EK, NP), pp. 1–4.
MLDM-2007-ZagorisPK #algorithm #fuzzy #reduction #self #using
Color Reduction Using the Combination of the Kohonen Self-Organized Feature Map and the Gustafson-Kessel Fuzzy Algorithm (KZ, NP, IK), pp. 703–715.
DocEng-2001-Papamarkos #documentation #fuzzy
A technique for fuzzy document binarization (NP), pp. 152–156.
ICDAR-2001-GatosP #image #performance #segmentation #set
Applying Fast Segmentation Techniques at a Binary Image Represented by a Set of Non-Overlapping Blocks (BG, NP), pp. 1147–1153.
ICPR-v3-2000-Papamarkos #network #reduction #using
Using Local Features in a Neural Network Based Gray-Level Reduction Technique (NP), pp. 7037–7040.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.