Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × Ireland
Collaborated with:
K.McCarthy B.Smyth M.Bennett P.Ferguson N.O'Hare J.Lanagan
Talks about:
twitter (3) use (3) recommend (2) discoveri (2) time (2) term (2) real (2) news (2) microblog (1) investig (1)
Person: Owen Phelan
DBLP: Phelan:Owen
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECIR-2012-FergusonOLPM #microblog #retrieval
- An Investigation of Term Weighting Approaches for Microblog Retrieval (PF, NO, JL, OP, KM), pp. 552–555.
- RecSys-2012-PhelanMS #named #realtime #twitter #using
- Yokie: explorations in curated real-time search & discovery using twitter (OP, KM, BS), pp. 307–308.
- ECIR-2011-PhelanMBS #recommendation #twitter #using
- Terms of a Feather: Content-Based News Recommendation and Discovery Using Twitter (OP, KM, MB, BS), pp. 448–459.
- RecSys-2009-PhelanMS #realtime #recommendation #topic #twitter #using
- Using twitter to recommend real-time topical news (OP, KM, BS), pp. 385–388.