Travelled to:
1 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.J.O.Figueiredo A.Ganguly D.Wolinsky A.Agrawal S.Ritchie I.O'Connell J.Lin P.S.Juste E.Biham M.Boyer T.Mor V.P.Roychowdhury
Talks about:
virtual (4) overlay (4) network (3) workstat (2) integr (2) organ (2) wide (2) area (2) summingbird (1) framework (1)
Person: P. Oscar Boykin
DBLP: Boykin:P=_Oscar
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- VLDB-2014-BoykinROL #framework #named #online #pipes and filters
- Summingbird: A Framework for Integrating Batch and Online MapReduce Computations (POB, SR, IO, JL), pp. 1441–1451.
- HPDC-2008-FigueiredoBJW #ad hoc #deployment #network #social
- Facilitating the deployment of ad-hoc virtual organizations with integrated social and overlay networks (RJOF, POB, PSJ, DW), pp. 201–204.
- HPDC-2008-GangulyBWF
- Improving peer connectivity in wide-area overlays of virtual workstations (AG, POB, DW, RJOF), pp. 129–140.
- HPDC-2006-GangulyABF #named #network #self
- WOW: Self-Organizing Wide Area Overlay Networks of Virtual Workstations (AG, AA, POB, RJOF), pp. 30–42.
- HPDC-2005-AgrawalGBF #grid #network #towards #virtual machine
- Towards P2P-routed IF overlay networks for grid virtual machines (AA, AG, POB, RJOF), pp. 293–294.
- STOC-2000-BihamBBMR #proving #quantum #security
- A proof of the security of quantum key distribution (EB, MB, POB, TM, VPR), pp. 715–724.