Tag #ad hoc
183 papers:
POPL-2020-JonesME #data type- Partial type constructors: or, making ad hoc datatypes less ad hoc (MPJ, JGM, RAE), p. 28.
ICSME-2019-WangYQJM #named- BARRIERFINDER: Recognizing Ad Hoc Barriers (TW, XY, ZQ, GJ, FM), pp. 323–327.
CoG-2019-CanaanTNM - Diverse Agents for Ad-Hoc Cooperation in Hanabi (RC, JT, AN, SM), pp. 1–8.
ECIR-p2-2019-ImaniVMS #axiom #order #query #retrieval- An Axiomatic Study of Query Terms Order in Ad-Hoc Retrieval (AI, AV, AM, AS), pp. 196–202.
CIKM-2018-BagheriEA #documentation #representation #retrieval- Impact of Document Representation on Neural Ad hoc Retrieval (EB, FE, FAO), pp. 1635–1638.
CIKM-2018-Balaneshinkordan #architecture #documentation #retrieval- Attentive Neural Architecture for Ad-hoc Structured Document Retrieval (SB, AK, FN), pp. 1173–1182.
ECIR-2018-AiOC #documentation #retrieval- A Neural Passage Model for Ad-hoc Document Retrieval (QA, BO, WBC), pp. 537–543.
CSEET-2016-LeppanenLI #student #tool support- Hammer and Nails - Crucial Practices and Tools in Ad Hoc Student Teams (ML, SL, PI), pp. 142–146.
CIKM-2016-GuoFAC #retrieval- A Deep Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval (JG, YF, QA, WBC), pp. 55–64.
ECIR-2016-DeveaudMMS #documentation #evaluation #information retrieval- Informativeness for Adhoc IR Evaluation: A Measure that Prevents Assessing Individual Documents (RD, VM, JM, ES), pp. 818–823.
CIKM-2015-KenterWHR #monitoring- Ad Hoc Monitoring of Vocabulary Shifts over Time (TK, MW, PH, MdR), pp. 1191–1200.
SIGIR-2015-VuurensVBM #online #query- Online News Tracking for Ad-Hoc Queries (JBPV, APdV, RB, PM), pp. 1047–1048.
SIGIR-2015-ZhiltsovKN #dependence #retrieval #web- Fielded Sequential Dependence Model for Ad-Hoc Entity Retrieval in the Web of Data (NZ, AK, FN), pp. 253–262.
OOPSLA-2015-UrecheBSO #automation #data transformation #representation- Automating ad hoc data representation transformations (VU, AB, YS, MO), pp. 801–820.
CASE-2015-CheongSB #automation #optimisation- Ad-hoc automated teller machine failure forecast and field service optimization (MLFC, KPS, BCB), pp. 1427–1433.
HT-2014-Baeza-Yates - The wisdom of ad-hoc crowds (RABY), pp. 1–2.
SIGMOD-2014-ShiCDO #towards- Towards unified ad-hoc data processing (XS, BC, GD, BCO), pp. 1263–1274.
CHI-PLAY-2014-ApkenHM #concept #game studies- Ad hoc genre switching: a concept for generalized parametrizable game mechanics (DA, MH, RM), pp. 401–402.
CHI-2014-Al-AkkadRBRZ #design #evaluation #lightweight #smarttech- Help beacons: design and evaluation of an ad-hoc lightweight s.o.s. system for smartphones (AAA, LR, AB, DWR, AZ), pp. 1485–1494.
CHI-2014-KusunokiSWMZTB #design #multi- Balancing design tensions: iterative display design to support ad hoc and multidisciplinary medical teamwork (DSK, AS, NW, IM, ZZ, GT, RSB), pp. 3777–3786.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MaretLL #community #semantics #web- A Semantic Web Model for Ad Hoc Context-aware Virtual Communities — Application to the Smart Place Scenario (PM, FL, DL), pp. 591–598.
CIKM-2014-BalogKS #evaluation- Head First: Living Labs for Ad-hoc Search Evaluation (KB, LK, AS), pp. 1815–1818.
CIKM-2014-TuLLH #documentation #information retrieval- Log-Bilinear Document Language Model for Ad-hoc Information Retrieval (XT, JL, BL, TH), pp. 1895–1898.
KDIR-2014-Bradford #query- Incorporating Ad Hoc Phrases in LSI Queries (RBB), pp. 61–70.
SAC-2014-LiuCM #approach #composition #mobile #network- A low-latency service composition approach in mobile ad hoc networks (CL, JC, FLM), pp. 509–511.
WRLA-2014-LiuOM #framework #maude #mobile #network #realtime- A Framework for Mobile Ad hoc Networks in Real-Time Maude (SL, PCÖ, JM), pp. 162–177.
SIGMOD-2013-FujiwaraNSMO #performance #personalisation #rank- Efficient ad-hoc search for personalized PageRank (YF, MN, HS, TM, MO), pp. 445–456.
CHI-2013-HoubenBVLC #case study #information management- Activity-centric support for ad hoc knowledge work: a case study of co-activity manager (SH, JEB, JV, KL, KC), pp. 2263–2272.
CHI-2013-XiaoHH13a #agile #interactive #named- WorldKit: rapid and easy creation of ad-hoc interactive applications on everyday surfaces (RX, CH, SEH), pp. 879–888.
CSCW-2013-SchneiderSPD #experience #how #online- Arguments about deletion: how experience improves the acceptability of arguments in ad-hoc online task groups (JS, KS, AP, SD), pp. 1069–1080.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Gyoda #analysis #communication #evaluation #network #performance- Analysis and Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Performance for a Disaster Communication Model and Scenarios (KG), pp. 65–74.
CAiSE-2013-BeheshtiBN #analysis #aspect-oriented #process- Enabling the Analysis of Cross-Cutting Aspects in Ad-Hoc Processes (SMRB, BB, HRMN), pp. 51–67.
CAiSE-2013-KapurugeHCK13a #adaptation #process- Enabling Ad-hoc Business Process Adaptations through Event-Driven Task Decoupling (MK, JH, AC, IK), pp. 384–399.
CIKM-2013-RousseauV #approach #information retrieval- Graph-of-word and TW-IDF: new approach to ad hoc IR (FR, MV), pp. 59–68.
ECIR-2013-PaltoglouB #microblog #realtime- Subjectivity Annotation of the Microblog 2011 Realtime Adhoc Relevance Judgments (GP, KB), pp. 344–355.
SIGIR-2013-RousseauV #composition #information retrieval #normalisation- Composition of TF normalizations: new insights on scoring functions for ad hoc IR (FR, MV), pp. 917–920.
ECMFA-2013-Storrle #declarative #named #query- MOCQL: A Declarative Language for Ad-Hoc Model Querying (HS), pp. 3–19.
SAC-2013-ChoCC #mobile #network #trust- Composite trust-based public key management in mobile ad hoc networks (JHC, KSC, IRC), pp. 1949–1956.
SAC-2013-LiBB #approach #composition #web #web service- Service farming: an ad-hoc and QoS-aware web service composition approach (WL, YB, FB), pp. 750–756.
GT-VMT-2012-MaierM #automation #diagrams #editing #layout- Layout Improvement in Diagram Editors by Automatic Ad-hoc Layout (SM, MM).
CHI-2012-SchwarzKHDW #mobile #scalability #using- Phone as a pixel: enabling ad-hoc, large-scale displays using mobile devices (JS, DK, CH, PD, AW), pp. 2235–2238.
ECIR-2012-NeumayerBN #modelling #on the #web- On the Modeling of Entities for Ad-Hoc Entity Search in the Web of Data (RN, KB, KN), pp. 133–145.
SIGIR-2012-RobertsonK12a #evaluation #on the #realtime #retrieval- On real-time ad-hoc retrieval evaluation (SER, EK), pp. 1119–1120.
SIGIR-2012-TononDC #retrieval- Combining inverted indices and structured search for ad-hoc object retrieval (AT, GD, PCM), pp. 125–134.
SIGIR-2012-YeHM #hybrid #information retrieval- A hybrid model for ad-hoc information retrieval (ZY, JXH, JM), pp. 1025–1026.
PADL-2012-ZhuFW #incremental- LearnPADS + + : Incremental Inference of Ad Hoc Data Formats (KQZ, KF, DW), pp. 168–182.
SAC-2012-MoraisC #detection #distributed #network- A distributed intrusion detection scheme for wireless ad hoc networks (ANPM, ARC), pp. 556–562.
SAC-2012-TreiberSDS #mobile #twitter #workflow- Creating mobile ad hoc workflows with Twitter (MT, DS, SD, CS), pp. 1998–2000.
SIGMOD-2011-HoweCKB #automation #database #query- Automatic example queries for ad hoc databases (BH, GC, NK, LB), pp. 1319–1322.
ITiCSE-2011-KonertRGSB #community #learning- Supporting peer learning with ad-hoc communities (JK, KR, SG, RS, RB), p. 393.
ICALP-v2-2011-ChlebusKPR #communication #distributed #network #performance- Efficient Distributed Communication in Ad-Hoc Radio Networks (BSC, DRK, AP, MAR), pp. 613–624.
ICFP-2011-GonthierZND #automation #how #proving- How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc (GG, BZ, AN, DD), pp. 163–175.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Naderipour #industrial #mining #process #using- Mining of Ad-hoc Business Processes using Microsoft Sharepoint, Nitro & Prom 6.0 — An Industrial Practice (FN), pp. 413–418.
CIKM-2011-DengLPCX #database #graph #predict #query #reachability- Predicting the optimal ad-hoc index for reachability queries on graph databases (JD, FL, YP, BC, JX), pp. 2357–2360.
CIKM-2011-LiBY #architecture #clustering #mobile #network- A cluster based mobile peer to peer architecture in wireless ad hoc networks (HL, KB, JY), pp. 2393–2396.
SIGIR-2011-KrikonK #feedback #retrieval- Utilizing minimal relevance feedback for ad hoc retrieval (EK, OK), pp. 1099–1100.
SIGIR-2011-TrotmanK #information retrieval- Ad hoc IR: not much room for improvement (AT, DK), pp. 1095–1096.
SIGIR-2011-ZhouHH #estimation #probability #using- Enhancing ad-hoc relevance weighting using probability density estimation (XZ, JXH, BH), pp. 175–184.
PADL-2011-MantadelisPJVB #mobile #network- Analysing a Publish/Subscribe System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with ProbLog (TM, KP, GJ, YV, YB), pp. 34–37.
SAC-2011-HuangK #analysis #performance- Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 ad hoc based broadcast (YHH, CYK), pp. 72–73.
DAC-2011-ReviriegoMB #design #fault #memory management #reliability #sequence- Designing ad-hoc scrubbing sequences to improve memory reliability against soft errors (PR, JAM, SB), pp. 700–705.
FoSSaCS-2011-DelzannoSZ #clique #network #on the #power of #verification- On the Power of Cliques in the Parameterized Verification of Ad Hoc Networks (GD, AS, GZ), pp. 441–455.
VLDB-2010-BedathurBDMW #mining- Interesting-Phrase Mining for Ad-Hoc Text Analytics (SJB, KB, JD, NM, GW), pp. 1348–1357.
SEFM-2010-BenettiMV #model checking #network #protocol- Model Checking Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols: ARAN vs. endairA (DB, MM, LV), pp. 191–202.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-ObermeierB #constraints #mobile #network #transaction- Constraint Checking for Non-blocking Transaction Processing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (SO, SB), pp. 166–175.
SEKE-2010-Bouabana-TebibelGM #protocol- Secure ad-hoc routing protocol (TBT, RNG, SM), pp. 771–776.
SIGIR-2010-ClinchantG #information retrieval #modelling- Information-based models for ad hoc IR (SC, ÉG), pp. 234–241.
SIGIR-2010-KarimzadehganZ #estimation #information retrieval #modelling #statistics- Estimation of statistical translation models based on mutual information for ad hoc information retrieval (MK, CZ), pp. 323–330.
SIGIR-2010-KoolenK #revisited- The importance of anchor text for ad hoc search revisited (MK, JK), pp. 122–129.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-CarretonMCM #distributed #mobile #network #programming- Loosely-Coupled Distributed Reactive Programming in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (ALC, SM, TVC, WDM), pp. 41–60.
SAC-2010-MohamedA #framework #network #novel- Novel immune-based framework for securing ad hoc networks (YAM, ABA), pp. 1950–1957.
SAC-2010-NaceraHAM #clustering #network- A new two level hierarchy structuring for node partitioning in ad hoc networks (BN, HG, HA, MM), pp. 719–726.
SAC-2010-WibisonoLZ #collaboration #framework #mobile #network- Collaborative context management framework for mobile ad hoc network environments (WW, SL, ABZ), pp. 558–562.
SAC-2010-ZhouS #energy #network #performance #throughput #towards- Towards higher throughput and energy efficiency in dense wireless ad hoc and sensor networks (WZ, RS), pp. 749–755.
HPDC-2010-JongCLPS #network- Storage deduplication for Virtual Ad Hoc Network testbed by File-level Block Sharing (CHJ, CYJC, TL, AP, CS), pp. 699–706.
OSDI-2010-XiongPZZM #harmful- Ad Hoc Synchronization Considered Harmful (WX, SP, JZ, YZ, ZM), pp. 163–176.
SIGMOD-2009-ChuBCDN #database #keyword #query- Combining keyword search and forms for ad hoc querying of databases (EC, AB, XC, AD, JFN), pp. 349–360.
SIGMOD-2009-JiangYCC #detection #named #query- AIDE: ad-hoc intents detection engine over query logs (YJ, HTY, KCCC, YSC), pp. 1091–1094.
VLDB-2009-SarigolRSA #mobile #network #social- Enabling social networking in ad hoc networks of mobile phones (ES, OR, PS, GA), pp. 1634–1637.
ICALP-v2-2009-KowalskiP #network- Leader Election in Ad Hoc Radio Networks: A Keen Ear Helps (DRK, AP), pp. 521–533.
ICFP-2009-FlattBF #documentation #named #tool support- Scribble: closing the book on ad hoc documentation tools (MF, EB, RBF), pp. 109–120.
CIKM-2009-ArmstrongMWZ #retrieval- Improvements that don’t add up: ad-hoc retrieval results since 1998 (TGA, AM, WW, JZ), pp. 601–610.
SIGIR-2009-ArmstrongMWZ #question #retrieval- Has adhoc retrieval improved since 1994? (TGA, AM, WW, JZ), pp. 692–693.
SIGIR-2009-KapteinKK #category theory #using #wiki- Using wikipedia categories for ad hoc search (RK, MK, JK), pp. 824–825.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoixCVMD #mobile #network- A Leasing Model to Deal with Partial Failures in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (EGB, TVC, JV, WDM, TD), pp. 231–251.
PADL-2009-XiFWZ #ambiguity #problem- Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem (QX, KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 91–106.
PPDP-2009-ZhuDFJMPW #distributed- Language support for processing distributed ad hoc data (KQZ, DSD, KF, LJ, YM, VSP, DW), pp. 243–254.
SAC-2009-BatistaR #framework #middleware #mobile #network #specification- High-level specification of a middleware framework for mobile ad hoc networks: spontaneousware case (VdFB, NSR), pp. 221–222.
SAC-2009-LeePR #mobile #network #realtime- A real-time message scheduler support for dual-sink mobile ad-hoc sensor networks (JL, GLP, SuR), pp. 305–309.
SAC-2009-MendesPDB #execution #named #process #specification #web #web service- WebFlowAH: an environment for ad-hoc specification and execution of web services-based processes (RM, PFP, FCD, TVB), pp. 692–693.
SAC-2009-PhilipA #maintenance #network- Mobility aware path maintenance in ad hoc networks (SJP, VA), pp. 201–206.
SIGMOD-2008-BansalGK - Ad-hoc aggregations of ranked lists in the presence of hierarchies (NB, SG, NK), pp. 67–78.
SIGMOD-2008-FisherWZ #automation #generative #named- LearnPADS: automatic tool generation from ad hoc data (KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 1299–1302.
VLDB-2008-AgrawalCCG #scalability- Scalable ad-hoc entity extraction from text collections (SA, KC, SC, VG), pp. 945–957.
VLDB-2008-LogothetisY #in the cloud- Ad-hoc data processing in the cloud (DL, KY), pp. 1472–1475.
VLDB-2008-SlezakWES #named #query- Brighthouse: an analytic data warehouse for ad-hoc queries (DS, JW, VE, PS), pp. 1337–1345.
IFL-2008-WangG #haskell #library- A Library for Processing Ad hoc Data in Haskell — Embedding a Data Description Language (YW, VG), pp. 174–191.
CHI-2008-JiangWFBKS #collaboration #interactive #named #visual notation- LivOlay: interactive ad-hoc registration and overlapping of applications for collaborative visual exploration (HJ, DW, CF, MB, JK, CS), pp. 1357–1360.
CSCW-2008-CaoMB #case study #game studies #multi- Flashlight jigsaw: an exploratory study of an ad-hoc multi-player game on public displays (XC, MM, RB), pp. 77–86.
CIKM-2008-PickensG #modelling #retrieval- Ranked feature fusion models for ad hoc retrieval (JP, GG), pp. 893–900.
ECIR-2008-AmatiABGG #automation #retrieval- Automatic Construction of an Opinion-Term Vocabulary for Ad Hoc Retrieval (GA, EA, MB, CG, GG), pp. 89–100.
ECIR-2008-LangWJLX #analysis #dependence #evaluation #retrieval- An Evaluation and Analysis of Incorporating Term Dependency for Ad-Hoc Retrieval (HL, BW, GJFJ, JL, YX), pp. 602–606.
RecSys-2008-SchifanellaPGR #collaboration #mobile #named #network #self- MobHinter: epidemic collaborative filtering and self-organization in mobile ad-hoc networks (RS, AP, CG, GR), pp. 27–34.
POPL-2008-FisherWZW #automation #generative- From dirt to shovels: fully automatic tool generation from ad hoc data (KF, DW, KQZ, PW), pp. 421–434.
ASE-2008-HegdeD #collaboration #programming- Connecting Programming Environments to Support Ad-Hoc Collaboration (RH, PD), pp. 178–187.
SAC-2008-RezendeRL #architecture #mobile #network- Publish/subscribe architecture for mobile ad hoc networks (CGR, BPSR, AAFL), pp. 1913–1917.
HPDC-2008-FigueiredoBJW #deployment #network #social- Facilitating the deployment of ad-hoc virtual organizations with integrated social and overlay networks (RJOF, POB, PSJ, DW), pp. 201–204.
TACAS-2008-SaksenaWJ #graph grammar #modelling #protocol #verification- Graph Grammar Modeling and Verification of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols (MS, OW, BJ), pp. 18–32.
SIGMOD-2007-XinHC #ranking- Progressive and selective merge: computing top-k with ad-hoc ranking functions (DX, JH, KCCC), pp. 103–114.
VLDB-2007-DasGKS #data type #query- Ad-hoc Top-k Query Answering for Data Streams (GD, DG, NK, NS), pp. 183–194.
ICALP-2007-CaragiannisFM #energy #exponential #heuristic #network- An Exponential Improvement on the MST Heuristic for Minimum Energy Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (IC, MF, LM), pp. 447–458.
CIG-2007-SeredynskiBK #behaviour #evolution #game studies #modelling #network #using- Modelling the Evolution of Cooperative Behavior in Ad Hoc Networks using a Game Based Model (MS, PB, MAK), pp. 96–103.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShinPCC #energy #human-computer #mobile #network #performance- Energy Efficient Route Discovery for Mobile HCI in Ad-Hoc Networks (KS, KP, MYC, HC), pp. 635–644.
HIMI-MTT-2007-KimK #mobile #network #performance- Distance-Based Bloom Filter for an Efficient Search in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (BK, KK), pp. 471–479.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-EijkKSR #communication #mobile- A WE-Centric Service for Mobile Police Officers to Support Communication in Ad-Hoc Groups (RvE, NdK, MS, ER), pp. 61–67.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-SchallGD #collaboration- Pattern-Based Collaboration in Ad-Hoc Teams Through Message Annotation (DS, RG, SD), pp. 84–91.
CIKM-2007-HeO #parametricity #probability #retrieval- Parameter sensitivity in the probabilistic model for ad-hoc retrieval (BH, IO), pp. 263–272.
ECIR-2007-SkomorowskiV #documentation #retrieval #topic- Ad Hoc Retrieval of Documents with Topical Opinion (JS, OV), pp. 405–417.
ECIR-2007-WeiC #framework #modelling #performance #retrieval- Modeling Term Associations for Ad-Hoc Retrieval Performance Within Language Modeling Framework (XW, WBC), pp. 52–63.
SIGIR-2007-LiLHC #corpus #query #using #wiki- Improving weak ad-hoc queries using wikipedia as external corpus (YL, RWPL, EKSH, KFLC), pp. 797–798.
SAC-2007-JunJ #automation #mobile #network #protocol- Automated routing protocol selection in mobile ad hoc networks (TJ, CJ), pp. 906–913.
SAC-2007-KanzakiHN #mobile #network #performance #protocol- An efficient TDMA slot assignment protocol in mobile ad hoc networks (AK, TH, SN), pp. 891–895.
SAC-2007-LimaC #corba #framework #network- A framework for CORBA interoperability in ad hoc networks (LAPLJ, AC), pp. 930–934.
SAC-2007-MichalariasB #multi #network #query- Multidimensional querying in wireless ad hoc networks (IM, CB), pp. 529–530.
SAC-2007-SawaiSKHN #consistency #network- Quorum-based consistency management among replicas in ad hoc networks with data update (YS, MS, AK, TH, SN), pp. 955–956.
SAC-2007-TetsuyaAHN #generative #network #using- Topology information generation methods using a routing table in ad hoc network applications (TT, AK, TH, SN), pp. 896–900.
SAC-2007-YanWZ #mobile #network #protocol- Dual agreement virtual subnet protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks (KQY, SCW, GYZ), pp. 953–954.
DATE-2007-GburzynskiKO #low cost #network #performance #protocol- A tiny and efficient wireless ad-hoc protocol for low-cost sensor networks (PG, BK, WO), pp. 1557–1562.
FASE-2007-PadbergHEMBE #architecture #consistency #maintenance #mobile #network- Maintaining Consistency in Layered Architectures of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (JP, KH, HE, TM, EB, CE), pp. 383–397.
TestCom-FATES-2007-GrepetM #protocol #self- Nodes Self-similarity to Test Wireless Ad Hoc Routing Protocols (CG, SM), pp. 123–137.
SIGMOD-2006-DalyMWFFGZ #named- PADS: an end-to-end system for processing ad hoc data (MD, YM, DW, MFF, KF, RG, XZ), pp. 727–729.
SIGMOD-2006-LiCI #ranking- Supporting ad-hoc ranking aggregates (CL, KCCC, IFI), pp. 61–72.
SIGIR-2006-ButtcherCL06a #proximity #retrieval #scalability- Term proximity scoring for ad-hoc retrieval on very large text collections (SB, CLAC, BL), pp. 621–622.
SIGIR-2006-WeiC #documentation #modelling #retrieval- LDA-based document models for ad-hoc retrieval (XW, WBC), pp. 178–185.
SAC-2006-BonnetEV #mobile #network #using- Quiescent consensus in mobile ad-hoc networks using eventually storage-free broadcasts (FB, PDE, EV), pp. 670–674.
SAC-2006-CreeseGRX #multi #security- Bootstrapping multi-party ad-hoc security (SC, MG, BR, MX), pp. 369–375.
SAC-2006-LeeYKKK #distributed #mobile #network- Distributed IPv6 addressing technique for mobile ad-hoc networks (DL, JY, HK, KK, KK), pp. 1156–1160.
PDP-2006-HuangJC #approach #distributed #network- A Distributed Approach to Construction of Topology Mismatching Aware P2P Overlays in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (YH, BJ, JC), pp. 340–347.
PDP-2006-WuCYR #mobile #network #protocol- A Hierarchical Consensus Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (WW, JC, JY, MR), pp. 64–72.
IFM-2005-KristensenWN #mobile #modelling #network #protocol #prototype- Model-Based Prototyping of an Interoperability Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (LMK, MW, PCN), pp. 266–286.
SFM-2005-GerlaCLZCYD #network- Dealing with Node Mobility in Ad Hoc Wireless Network (MG, LJC, YZL, BZ, JC, GY, SD), pp. 69–106.
CHI-2005-BirnholtzFHB #chat #distributed #lightweight #scalability- Grounding needs: achieving common ground via lightweight chat in large, distributed, ad-hoc groups (JPB, TAF, DBH, SJB), pp. 21–30.
ICEIS-v4-2005-ShankarSKGO #grid- Dynamic Coalition in Agent Aware Adhoc Virtual P2P Interconnect Grid Computing System — A3PVIGRID (AS, CS, AK, AKG, PO), pp. 170–175.
ICEIS-v4-2005-YiZZ #architecture #detection #mobile #network #using- An Architecture for Intrusion Detection and Active Response Using Autonomous Agents in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (PY, SZ, YZ), pp. 220–226.
CIKM-2005-Diaz #retrieval- Regularizing ad hoc retrieval scores (FD), pp. 672–679.
CIKM-2005-YangH #network- Cooperative caching for k-NN search in ad hoc networks (BY, ARH), pp. 333–334.
CIKM-2005-ZhouC #documentation #modelling #quality #retrieval #web- Document quality models for web ad hoc retrieval (YZ, WBC), pp. 331–332.
SIGIR-2005-ShenZ #feedback #information retrieval- Active feedback in ad hoc information retrieval (XS, CZ), pp. 59–66.
PLDI-2005-FisherG #domain-specific language #named- PADS: a domain-specific language for processing ad hoc data (KF, RG), pp. 295–304.
PLDI-2005-NiKSI #mobile #network #programming- Programming ad-hoc networks of mobile and resource-constrained devices (YN, UK, AS, LI), pp. 249–260.
SAC-2005-BarrettEKMS #multi #network #probability #protocol- Probabilistic multi-path vs. deterministic single-path protocols for dynamic ad-hoc network scenarios (CLB, SE, LK, MVM, JPS), pp. 1166–1173.
SAC-2005-Hara #mobile #network- Location management of data items in mobile ad hoc networks (TH), pp. 1174–1175.
SAC-2005-KanzakiHN #adaptation #network #protocol- An adaptive TDMA slot assignment protocol in ad hoc sensor networks (AK, TH, SN), pp. 1160–1165.
PDP-2005-CalafateMM #interactive #mobile #network #on the #protocol- On the Interaction Between IEEE 802.11e and Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (CMTC, PM, MPM), pp. 110–117.
PDP-2005-Ojeda-GuerraAA #approach #network- A New Approach to Merge Partitions in an Ad Hoc Wireless Network Based on an Updating of DHCP (CNOG, VAH, IGAG), pp. 144–151.
SIGMOD-2004-IdreosKT #named #network #query- P2P-DIET: An Extensible P2P Service that Unifies Ad-hoc and Continuous Querying in Super-Peer Networks (SI, MK, CT), pp. 933–934.
SIGIR-2004-KurlandL #corpus #information retrieval #modelling- Corpus structure, language models, and ad hoc information retrieval (OK, LL), pp. 194–201.
SAC-2004-LosadaDBB #fuzzy #quantifier #retrieval #using- Experiments on using fuzzy quantified sentences in adhoc retrieval (DEL, FDH, AB, SB), pp. 1059–1064.
PDP-2004-CanoM #mobile #network- Group Mobility Impact over TCP and CBR Traffic in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (JCC, PM), pp. 382–389.
DocEng-2003-GuoS #comparison #representation- Context representation, transformation and comparison for ad hoc product data exchange (JG, CS), pp. 121–130.
ICEIS-v2-2003-HashemGH #algorithm #mobile #network #search-based- A Quality-Of-Service-Aware Genetic Algorithm for the Source Routing in Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks (MH, SG, MH), pp. 589–599.
SIGIR-2003-ZaragozaHT #information retrieval- Bayesian extension to the language model for ad hoc information retrieval (HZ, DH, MET), pp. 4–9.
SAC-2003-WombacherMR #classification #modelling #multi #workflow- Classification of Ad hoc Multi-lateral Collaborations Based on Local Workflow Models (AW, BM, TR), pp. 1185–1190.
PDP-2003-SethiB #named #network #security- CRESQ: Providing QoS and Security in Ad hoc Networks (PS, GB), p. 544–?.
ECDL-2002-Heggland #named #ontology #using- OntoLog: Temporal Annotation Using Ad Hoc Ontologies and Application Profiles (JH), pp. 118–128.
ICALP-2002-ChristerssonGL #bound #network- Gossiping with Bounded Size Messages in ad hoc Radio Networks (MC, LG, AL), pp. 377–389.
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