Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
R.Murciano M.Ballesteros ∅ A.Díaz V.Francisco J.Herrera S.Bautista A.D.Esteban A.G.Jiménez J.J.E.Otero J.C.d.Albornoz L.Plaza
Talks about:
depend (4) spanish (3) analysi (3) model (3) use (3) improv (2) pars (2) multilingu (1) sentiment (1) enterpris (1)
Person: Pablo Gervás
DBLP: Gerv=aacute=s:Pablo
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ECIR-2011-Carrillo-de-AlbornozPGD #analysis #mining #overview #rating #sentiment
- A Joint Model of Feature Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Product Review Rating (JCdA, LP, PG, AD), pp. 55–66.
- KDIR-2011-BallesterosFDHG #analysis #dependence #using
- Inferring the Scope of Speculation using Dependency Analysis (MB, VF, AD, JH, PG), pp. 256–261.
- KDIR-2010-BallesterosBG #dependence #parsing #using
- Text Simplification using Dependency Parsing for Spanish (MB, SB, PG), pp. 330–335.
- KDIR-2010-BallesterosHFG #dependence #parsing #using
- Giving Shape to an N-version Dependency Parser — Improving Dependency Parsing Accuracy for Spanish using Maltparser (MB, JH, VF, PG), pp. 336–341.
- ICEIS-2002-EstebanGJ #enterprise #information management #information retrieval #modelling #multi
- Improving Access to Multilingual Enterprise Information Systems with User Modelling Context Enriched Cross-Language IR (ADE, PG, AGJ), pp. 482–487.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-GervasM #generative #modelling
- Modelling the Generation of Customised Poetry in JESS (PG, RM), pp. 543–552.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-EscribanoMG
- From Client’s Dreams to Achievable Projects (JJEO, RM, PG), pp. 833–838.
- CL-2000-Gervas #analysis #logic programming
- A Logic Programming Application for the Analysis of Spanish Verse (PG), pp. 1330–1344.