Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Vegas M.A.Martínez-Prieto J.Adiego F.Crestani C.E.C.Quintero M.Barrio-Solórzano C.E.Cuesta G.Navarro M.M.Martínez J.Derniame Á.Zubizarreta J.M.Cantera M.Arias J.C.Alonso G.G.Bernardo C.Llamas M.E.B.Gutiérrez J.D.Fernández
Talks about:
web (4) architectur (3) structur (3) document (3) graphic (3) dynam (3) use (3) interfac (2) geograph (2) electron (2)
Person: Pablo de la Fuente
DBLP: Fuente:Pablo_de_la
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- ECIR-2009-ZubizarretaFCACGLV #web
- Extracting Geographic Context from the Web: GeoReferencing in MyMoSe (ÁZ, PdlF, JMC, MA, JCA, GGB, CL, JV), pp. 554–561.
- CIKM-2008-ZubizarretaFCACGLV #multi #web
- A georeferencing multistage method for locating geographic context in web search (ÁZ, PdlF, JMC, MA, JCA, GGB, CL, JV), pp. 1485–1486.
- ECDL-2008-FernandezMFVA #agile #development #library #using
- Agile DL: Building a DELOS-ConformedDigital Library Using Agile Software Development (JDF, MAMP, PdlF, JV, JA), pp. 398–399.
- ECDL-2008-Martinez-PrietoFVA
- Covering Heterogeneous Educative Environments with Integrated Editions in the Electronic Work (MAMP, PdlF, JV, JA), pp. 425–426.
- ECDL-2007-Martinez-PrietoFVA #logic #using #xml
- Electronic Work : Building Dynamic Services over Logical Structure Using Aqueducts for XML Processing (MAMP, PdlF, JV, JA), pp. 445–448.
- ECSA-2007-Martinez-PrietoCF #architecture #xml
- Aqueducts : A Layered Pipeline-Based Architecture for XML Processing (MAMP, CEC, PdlF), pp. 313–316.
- ECIR-2003-AdiegoNF #database
- Compressing Semistructured Text Databases (JA, GN, PdlF), pp. 482–490.
- ECIR-2003-VegasFC #named #visual notation #visualisation #web
- WebDocBall: A Graphical Visualization Tool for Web Search Results (JV, PdlF, FC), pp. 351–362.
- ECIR-2002-VegasFC #documentation #retrieval #user interface #visual notation
- A Graphical User Interface for Structured Document Retrieval (JV, PdlF, FC), pp. 268–283.
- SAC-2002-MartinezDF #documentation #evolution #generative
- A method for the dynamic generation of virtual versions of evolving documents (MMM, JCD, PdlF), pp. 476–482.
- SIGIR-2002-CrestaniFV #documentation #retrieval #user interface #visual notation
- Experimenting with graphical user interfaces for structured document retrieval (FC, PdlF, JV), pp. 373–374.
- WICSA-2002-CuestaFBB #architecture
- Introducing Reflection in Architecture Description Languages (CECQ, PdlF, MBS, MEBG), pp. 143–156.
- SAC-2001-CuestaFB #architecture #coordination #using
- Dynamic coordination architecture through the use of reflection (CECQ, PdlF, MBS), pp. 134–140.