Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
SIGIR, 2002.
address = "Tampere, Finland",
publisher = "{ACM}",
title = "{Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}",
year = 2002,
Contents (107 items)
- SIGIR-2002-Rijsbergen #information retrieval
- Landmarks in information retrieval: the message out of the bottle (CJvR), p. 1.
- SIGIR-2002-AnhM #effectiveness #performance #retrieval #web
- Impact transformation: effective and efficient web retrieval (VNA, AM), pp. 3–10.
- SIGIR-2002-ParkPGK #analysis #documentation
- Analysis of lexical signatures for finding lost or related documents (STP, DMP, CLG, RK), pp. 11–18.
- SIGIR-2002-SiC #using
- Using sampled data and regression to merge search engine results (LS, JPC), pp. 19–26.
- SIGIR-2002-KraaijWH
- The Importance of Prior Probabilities for Entry Page Search (WK, TW, DH), pp. 27–34.
- SIGIR-2002-Hiemstra #approach #information retrieval #modelling #query
- Term-specific smoothing for the language modeling approach to information retrieval: the importance of a query term (DH), pp. 35–41.
- SIGIR-2002-JinHZ #information retrieval
- Title language model for information retrieval (RJ, AGH, CZ), pp. 42–48.
- SIGIR-2002-ZhaiL #information retrieval #modelling
- Two-stage language models for information retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 49–56.
- SIGIR-2002-WhiteRJ #documentation #evaluation #ranking #using
- Finding relevant documents using top ranking sentences: an evaluation of two alternative schemes (RW, IR, JMJ), pp. 57–64.
- SIGIR-2002-ChenLS #predict
- Predicting category accesses for a user in a structured information space (MC, ASL, JPS), pp. 65–72.
- SIGIR-2002-Smith #detection
- Detecting and Browsing Events in Unstructured text (DAS), pp. 73–80.
- SIGIR-2002-ZhangCM #adaptation #detection
- Novelty and redundancy detection in adaptive filtering (YZ, JPC, TPM), pp. 81–88.
- SIGIR-2002-LeuskiA #evaluation #topic
- Improving realism of topic tracking evaluation (AL, JA), pp. 89–96.
- SIGIR-2002-ChaiCN #classification #online
- Bayesian online classifiers for text classification and filtering (KMAC, HLC, HTN), pp. 97–104.
- SIGIR-2002-AminiG #learning #summary #using
- The use of unlabeled data to improve supervised learning for text summarization (MRA, PG), pp. 105–112.
- SIGIR-2002-Zha #clustering #summary #using
- Generic summarization and keyphrase extraction using mutual reinforcement principle and sentence clustering (HZ), pp. 113–120.
- SIGIR-2002-HardySSTZW #classification #concept #summary
- Cross-document summarization by concept classification (HH, NS, TS, TL, XZ, GBW), pp. 121–128.
- SIGIR-2002-SlonimFT #classification #documentation #using
- Unsupervised document classification using sequential information maximization (NS, NF, NT), pp. 129–136.
- SIGIR-2002-Kawatani #categorisation #difference #documentation #set #topic
- Topic difference factor extraction between two document sets and its application to text categorization (TK), pp. 137–144.
- SIGIR-2002-LeeM #classification
- Text genre classification with genre-revealing and subject-revealing features (YBL, SHM), pp. 145–150.
- SIGIR-2002-CrammerS #algorithm #online #product line #ranking
- A new family of online algorithms for category ranking (KC, YS), pp. 151–158.
- SIGIR-2002-McNameeM #query
- Comparing cross-language query expansion techniques by degrading translation resources (PM, JM), pp. 159–166.
- SIGIR-2002-FedericoB #information retrieval #query #statistics #using
- Statistical cross-language information retrieval using n-best query translations (MF, NB), pp. 167–174.
- SIGIR-2002-LavrenkoCC #modelling
- Cross-lingual relevance models (VL, MC, WBC), pp. 175–182.
- SIGIR-2002-GaoZNHC #ambiguity #dependence #query #using
- Resolving query translation ambiguity using a decaying co-occurrence model and syntactic dependence relations (JG, MZ, JYN, HH, WC), pp. 183–190.
- SIGIR-2002-LiuGXZ #clustering #documentation #refinement
- Document clustering with cluster refinement and model selection capabilities (XL, YG, WX, SZ), pp. 191–198.
- SIGIR-2002-PantelL #clustering #documentation
- Document clustering with committees (PP, DL), pp. 199–206.
- SIGIR-2002-BennettDH #classification #modelling #probability #reliability #using
- Probabilistic combination of text classifiers using reliability indicators: models and results (PNB, STD, EH), pp. 207–214.
- SIGIR-2002-BahleWZ #performance #query
- Efficient phrase querying with an auxiliary index (DB, HEW, JZ), pp. 215–221.
- SIGIR-2002-ScholerWYZ #evaluation #performance #query
- Compression of inverted indexes for fast query evaluation (FS, HEW, JY, JZ), pp. 222–229.
- SIGIR-2002-PossasZMR #approach #information retrieval
- Set-based model: a new approach for information retrieval (BP, NZ, WMJ, BARN), pp. 230–237.
- SIGIR-2002-Canny #analysis #collaboration #privacy
- Collaborative filtering with privacy via factor analysis (JFC), pp. 238–245.
- SIGIR-2002-CosterS #algorithm #collaboration
- Inverted file search algorithms for collaborative filtering (RC, MS), pp. 246–252.
- SIGIR-2002-ScheinPUP #metric #recommendation
- Methods and metrics for cold-start recommendations (AIS, AP, LHU, DMP), pp. 253–260.
- SIGIR-2002-DarwishO
- Term selection for searching printed Arabic (KD, DWO), pp. 261–268.
- SIGIR-2002-XuFW #empirical #retrieval
- Empirical studies in strategies for Arabic retrieval (JX, AMF, RMW), pp. 269–274.
- SIGIR-2002-LarkeyBC #analysis #information retrieval
- Improving stemming for Arabic information retrieval: light stemming and co-occurrence analysis (LSL, LB, MEC), pp. 275–282.
- SIGIR-2002-CarmelFPS #automation #information management #query #refinement #using
- Automatic query refinement using lexical affinities with maximal information gain (DC, EF, YP, AS), pp. 283–290.
- SIGIR-2002-DumaisBBLN #question #web
- Web question answering: is more always better? (STD, MB, EB, JJL, AYN), pp. 291–298.
- SIGIR-2002-Cronen-TownsendZC #performance #predict #query
- Predicting query performance (SCT, YZ, WBC), pp. 299–306.
- SIGIR-2002-AllanR #ambiguity #query #using
- Using part-of-speech patterns to reduce query ambiguity (JA, HR), pp. 307–314.
- SIGIR-2002-Koskenniemi #information retrieval #natural language #question
- Is natural language an inconvenience or an opportunity for IR? (KK), p. 315.
- SIGIR-2002-VoorheesB #empirical #fault #retrieval #set #topic
- The effect of topic set size on retrieval experiment error (EMV, CB), pp. 316–323.
- SIGIR-2002-Sormunen #documentation #question
- Liberal relevance criteria of TREC -: counting on negligible documents? (ES), pp. 324–330.
- SIGIR-2002-Shalev-ShwartzDFS #modelling #query #robust
- Robust temporal and spectral modeling for query By melody (SSS, SD, NF, YS), pp. 331–338.
- SIGIR-2002-GravesL #network #retrieval #using #video
- Video retrieval using an MPEG-7 based inference network (AG, ML), pp. 339–346.
- SIGIR-2002-PengHSCR #information retrieval #segmentation #self #using #word
- Using self-supervised word segmentation in Chinese information retrieval (FP, XH, DS, NC, SER), pp. 349–350.
- SIGIR-2002-Wolin #automation #classification
- Automatic classification in product catalogs (BW), pp. 351–352.
- SIGIR-2002-DingHHZS #analysis #framework #rank
- PageRank, HITS and a unified framework for link analysis (CHQD, XH, PH, HZ, HDS), pp. 353–354.
- SIGIR-2002-MurdockC
- Task orientation in question answering (VM, WBC), pp. 355–356.
- SIGIR-2002-DamerauZWI #categorisation
- Experiments in high-dimensional text categorization (FD, TZ, SMW, NI), pp. 357–358.
- SIGIR-2002-YuanBK
- The relationship between ASK and relevance criteria (XJY, NJB, JYK), pp. 359–360.
- SIGIR-2002-BinghamKL #analysis #documentation
- ICA and SOM in text document analysis (EB, JK, KL), pp. 361–362.
- SIGIR-2002-Boyapati #classification #using
- Improving hierarchical text classification using unlabeled data (VB), pp. 363–364.
- SIGIR-2002-DziadoszC #question #web
- Do thumbnail previews help users make better relevance decisions about web search results? (SD, RC), pp. 365–366.
- SIGIR-2002-CiravegnaDWP #adaptation #documentation #information management #named
- Amilcare: adaptive information extraction for document annotation (FC, AD, YW, DP), pp. 367–368.
- SIGIR-2002-ClarkeCLLT #corpus #performance
- The impact of corpus size on question answering performance (CLAC, GVC, ML, TRL, ELT), pp. 369–370.
- SIGIR-2002-ConradYC #effectiveness #locality #performance #retrieval
- Effective collection metasearch in a hierarchical environment: global vs. localized retrieval performance (JGC, CY, JSC), pp. 371–372.
- SIGIR-2002-CrestaniFV #documentation #retrieval #user interface #visual notation
- Experimenting with graphical user interfaces for structured document retrieval (FC, PdlF, JV), pp. 373–374.
- SIGIR-2002-EguchiOIKK #evaluation #retrieval #web
- The web retrieval task and its evaluation in the third NTCIR workshop (KE, KO, EI, KK, NK), pp. 375–376.
- SIGIR-2002-FranzM #how #question
- How Many Bits are Needed to Store Term Frequencies? (MF, JSM), pp. 377–378.
- SIGIR-2002-Gery #web
- Non-linear reading for a structured web indexation (MG), pp. 379–380.
- SIGIR-2002-ChowdhuryMGF #documentation #normalisation #revisited
- Document normalization revisited (AC, MCM, DAG, OF), pp. 381–382.
- SIGIR-2002-HansenPKBS #design #information retrieval #interface
- User-centered interface design for cross-language information retrieval (PH, DP, JK, MB, MS), pp. 383–384.
- SIGIR-2002-HoashiZI #feedback #implementation #music #retrieval
- Implementation of relevance feedback for content-based music retrieval based on user prefences (KH, EZ, NI), pp. 385–386.
- SIGIR-2002-JonesPRSSKW #information retrieval #ontology #overview
- Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project (CBJ, RP, AR, MS, MS, MJvK, RW), pp. 387–388.
- SIGIR-2002-JonesG #analysis #development #topic #visualisation
- A visualisation tool for topic tracking analysis and development (GJFJ, SMG), pp. 389–390.
- SIGIR-2002-KimRL #classification #estimation #multi #naive bayes #parametricity
- A new method of parameter estimation for multinomial naive bayes text classifiers (SBK, HCR, HSL), pp. 391–392.
- SIGIR-2002-KouG #algorithm #classification
- Study of category score algorithms for k-NN classifier (HK, GG), pp. 393–394.
- SIGIR-2002-Kwok #precise #query
- Higher precision for two-word queries (KLK), pp. 395–396.
- SIGIR-2002-LarsenI #documentation #network
- The boomerang effect: retrieving scientific documents via the network of references and citations (BL, PI), pp. 397–398.
- SIGIR-2002-Larson #approach #distributed #information retrieval
- A logistic regression approach to distributed IR (RRL), pp. 399–400.
- SIGIR-2002-LiddyAHCYODMSS #automation #evaluation #generative #metadata
- Automatic metadata generation & evaluation (EDL, EA, SH, SC, OY, NEO, AD, NJM, JS, SAS), pp. 401–402.
- SIGIR-2002-ManmathaFA #cost analysis
- A critical examination of TDT’s cost function (RM, AF, JA), pp. 403–404.
- SIGIR-2002-MayfieldM #online
- Converting on-line bilingual dictionaries from human-readable to machine-readable form (JM, PM), pp. 405–406.
- SIGIR-2002-NomotoM #modelling #summary #variability
- Modeling (in)variability of human judgments for text summarization (TN, YM), pp. 407–408.
- SIGIR-2002-RauberPM #music
- Content-based music indexing and organization (AR, EP, DM), pp. 409–410.
- SIGIR-2002-SakaiR #case study #comparative #information retrieval
- Relative and absolute term selection criteria: a comparative study for English and Japanese IR (TS, SER), pp. 411–412.
- SIGIR-2002-ShouS #data fusion #using
- Experiments on data fusion using headline information (XMS, MS), pp. 413–414.
- SIGIR-2002-LavelliMS #categorisation
- Building thematic lexical resources by term categorization (AL, BM, FS), pp. 415–416.
- SIGIR-2002-EvansSS #modelling #topic
- Topic structure modeling (DAE, JGS, VS), pp. 417–418.
- SIGIR-2002-JinSHC #information retrieval #using
- Language model for IR using collection information (RJ, LS, AGH, JPC), pp. 419–420.
- SIGIR-2002-ChowdhuryS #automation #evaluation #web
- Automatic evaluation of world wide web search services (AC, IS), pp. 421–422.
- SIGIR-2002-Soboroff #question #web
- Does WT10g look like the web? (IS), pp. 423–424.
- SIGIR-2002-SrikanthS #documentation #modelling #retrieval
- Biterm language models for document retrieval (MS, RKS), pp. 425–426.
- SIGIR-2002-TakedaU #adaptation #string #using
- Selecting indexing strings using adaptation (YT, KU), pp. 427–428.
- SIGIR-2002-Tseng #fault
- Error correction in a Chinese OCR test collection (YHT), pp. 429–430.
- SIGIR-2002-TurpinH #user interface
- User interface effects in past batch versus user experiments (AT, WRH), pp. 431–432.
- SIGIR-2002-VermaB #named #performance #query
- K-tree/forest: efficient indexes for boolean queries (RMV, SB), pp. 433–434.
- SIGIR-2002-WangCB
- Example-based phrase translation in Chinese-English CLIR (BW, XC, SB), pp. 435–436.
- SIGIR-2002-Westerveld #multi #probability #retrieval
- Probabilistic multimedia retrieval (TW), pp. 437–438.
- SIGIR-2002-Yang #documentation #keyword #string
- Chinese keyword extraction based on max-duplicated strings of the documents (WY), pp. 439–440.
- SIGIR-2002-FengZP #approach #database #music #query #scalability
- A hierarchical approach: query large music database by acoustic input (YF, YZ, YP), pp. 441–442.
- SIGIR-2002-ZhaJ #correlation #documentation #graph #modelling #multi
- Correlating multilingual documents via bipartite graph modeling (HZ, XJ), pp. 443–444.
- SIGIR-2002-WhiteJR #documentation #feedback #ranking #using #web
- A system using implicit feedback and top ranking sentences to help users find relevant web documents (RW, JMJ, IR), p. 446.
- SIGIR-2002-Hurst #authoring #on the fly
- Indexing, searching, and retrieving of recorded live presentations with the AOF (authoring on the fly) search engine (WH), p. 447.
- SIGIR-2002-KeskustaloHA #framework #query
- UTACLIR -: general query translation framework for several language pairs (HK, TH, EA), p. 448.
- SIGIR-2002-FuhrGG #named #retrieval #xml
- HyREX: hyper-media retrieval engine for XML (NF, NG, KG), p. 449.
- SIGIR-2002-SormunenHKPS #information retrieval #performance #query #research
- Query performance analyser: a web-based tool for IR research and instruction (ES, SH, PK, PP, BS), p. 450.
- SIGIR-2002-CiravegnaDWP02a #adaptation #documentation #information management
- Adaptive information extraction for document annotation in amilcare (FC, AD, YW, DP), p. 451.
- SIGIR-2002-SchmittCS #automation #generative #named
- ExWrap: semi-automatic wrapper generation by example (BS, MC, JS), p. 452.
- SIGIR-2002-Spoerri #flexibility #named
- Souvenir: flexible note-taking tool to pinpoint and share media highlights (AS), p. 453.
- SIGIR-2002-JohoSB #approach
- Hierarchical approach to term suggestion device (HJ, MS, MB), p. 454.
- SIGIR-2002-GeyCBL #information management #multi
- Translingual vocabulary mappings for multilingual information access (FCG, AC, MKB, RRL), pp. 455–456.
- SIGIR-2002-HonkelaT #adaptation #framework #information retrieval
- GS textplorer -: adaptive framework for information retrieval (JH, VHT), p. 456.
- SIGIR-2002-DavulcuMSR #named
- CuTeX: a system for extracting data from text tables (HD, SM, AS, IVR), p. 457.
- SIGIR-2002-ChoudhariDJMMPR #mining #named #ontology #web
- YellowPager: a tool for ontology-based mining of service directories from web sources (PC, HD, AJ, AM, SM, SP, IVR), p. 458.
17 ×#documentation
16 ×#information retrieval
16 ×#using
15 ×#query
11 ×#retrieval
9 ×#classification
9 ×#modelling
9 ×#web
8 ×#performance
7 ×#named
16 ×#information retrieval
16 ×#using
15 ×#query
11 ×#retrieval
9 ×#classification
9 ×#modelling
9 ×#web
8 ×#performance
7 ×#named