Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Hungary
1 × Iceland
1 × New Zealand
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
2 × Poland
Collaborated with:
D.Thérien B.Larose L.Egri B.Borchert K.Lange F.Stephan D.Dubé M.Latendresse C.Lautemann J.Raymond
Talks about:
algebra (3) correspond (2) constraint (2) satisfact (2) hierarchi (2) polynomi (2) communic (2) symmetr (2) problem (2) datalog (2)
Person: Pascal Tesson
DBLP: Tesson:Pascal
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- LATA-2012-DubeLT #regular expression
- Conservative Groupoids Recognize Only Regular Languages (DD, ML, PT), pp. 216–227.
- ICALP-B-2008-EgriLT #datalog #symmetry
- Directed st-Connectivity Is Not Expressible in Symmetric Datalog (LE, BL, PT), pp. 172–183.
- ICALP-2007-LaroseT #algebra #constraints #problem
- Universal Algebra and Hardness Results for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BL, PT), pp. 267–278.
- LICS-2007-EgriLT #constraints #datalog #problem #symmetry
- Symmetric Datalog and Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Logspace (LE, BL, PT), pp. 193–202.
- CSL-2006-LautemannTT #algebra
- An Algebraic Point of View on the Crane Beach Property (CL, PT, DT), pp. 426–440.
- ICALP-2005-TessonT #communication #complexity #strict
- Restricted Two-Variable Sentences, Circuits and Communication Complexity (PT, DT), pp. 526–538.
- DLT-2004-BorchertLSTT #polynomial
- The Dot-Depth and the Polynomial Hierarchy Correspond on the Delta Levels (BB, KJL, FS, PT, DT), pp. 89–101.
- DLT-J-2004-BorchertLSTT05 #polynomial
- The dot-depth and the polynomial hierarchies correspond on the delta levels (BB, KJL, FS, PT, DT), pp. 625–644.
- ICALP-1998-RaymondTT #algebra #approach #communication #complexity
- An Algebraic Approach to Communication Complexity (JFR, PT, DT), pp. 29–40.