Travelled to:
1 × China
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Ramakrishnan M.S.Hossain A.P.Boedihardjo C.A.Miller A.Shah A.R.Butt N.Self P.Saraf W.Wang F.Jin D.Patnaik L.Parida B.J.Keller D.A.Hanauer S.Muthiah R.P.Khandpur J.Cadena A.Vullikanti G.Korkmaz C.J.Kuhlman A.Marathe L.Zhao T.Hua F.Chen C.Lu B.Huang A.Srinivasan K.Trinh L.Getoor G.Katz A.Doyle C.Ackermann I.Zavorin J.Ford K.M.Summers Y.Fayed J.Arredondo D.Gupta D.Mares
Talks about:
news (2) use (2) storytel (1) intellig (1) forecast (1) electron (1) challeng (1) support (1) success (1) sequenc (1)
Person: Patrick Butler
DBLP: Butler:Patrick
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- KDD-2014-RamakrishnanBMSKSWCVKKMZHCLHSTGKDAZFSFAGM #open source #using
- “Beating the news” with EMBERS: forecasting civil unrest using open source indicators (NR, PB, SM, NS, RPK, PS, WW, JC, AV, GK, CJK, AM, LZ, TH, FC, CTL, BH, AS, KT, LG, GK, AD, CA, IZ, JF, KMS, YF, JA, DG, DM), pp. 1799–1808.
- KDD-2013-JinSSBWR #modelling #named #using
- Forex-foreteller: currency trend modeling using news articles (FJ, NS, PS, PB, WW, NR), pp. 1470–1473.
- KDD-2012-HossainBBR #network
- Storytelling in entity networks to support intelligence analysts (MSH, PB, APB, NR), pp. 1375–1383.
- KDD-2011-PatnaikBRPKH #case study #challenge #experience #mining #sequence
- Experiences with mining temporal event sequences from electronic medical records: initial successes and some challenges (DP, PB, NR, LP, BJK, DAH), pp. 360–368.
- HPDC-2007-MillerBSB #named
- PeerStripe: a p2p-based large-file storage for desktop grids (CAM, PB, AS, ARB), pp. 221–222.