Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Germany
2 × Japan
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
T.Gagie S.Mozes O.Weimann P.K.Nicholson ∅ D.Krieger N.Rampersad J.Shallit A.Kisielewicz J.Kärkkäinen Y.Nekrich S.J.Puglisi
Talks about:
submatrix (2) polynomi (2) regular (2) maximum (2) languag (2) grammar (2) context (2) matric (2) growth (2) queri (2)
Person: Pawel Gawrychowski
DBLP: Gawrychowski:Pawel
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICALP-v1-2015-GawrychowskiMW #matrix #query
- Submatrix Maximum Queries in Monge Matrices Are Equivalent to Predecessor Search (PG, SM, OW), pp. 580–592.
- ICALP-v1-2015-GawrychowskiN #encoding
- Optimal Encodings for Range Top- k k , Selection, and Min-Max (PG, PKN), pp. 593–604.
- ICALP-v1-2014-GawrychowskiMW #matrix #query
- Improved Submatrix Maximum Queries in Monge Matrices (PG, SM, OW), pp. 525–537.
- LATA-2012-GagieGKNP #grammarware #performance #self
- A Faster Grammar-Based Self-index (TG, PG, JK, YN, SJP), pp. 240–251.
- CIAA-2011-Gawrychowski #normalisation
- Chrobak Normal Form Revisited, with Applications (PG), pp. 142–153.
- LATA-2010-GagieG #grammarware #streaming
- Grammar-Based Compression in a Streaming Model (TG, PG), pp. 273–284.
- DLT-2008-GawrychowskiKRS #context-free grammar #polynomial
- Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular of Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 339–358.
- DLT-J-2008-GawrychowskiKRS10 #context-free grammar #polynomial
- Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular or Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 597–618.
- LATA-2008-GawrychowskiK #word
- 2-Synchronizing Words (PG, AK), pp. 221–231.