Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
E.Haghverdi T.Altenkirch P.Dybjer M.Hofmann P.J.Freyd J.Girard A.Scedrov
Talks about:
interact (2) geometri (2) calculus (2) type (2) polymorph (1) coproduct (1) parametr (1) categor (1) toward (1) semant (1)
Person: Philip J. Scott
DBLP: Scott:Philip_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSL-2005-HaghverdiS #geometry #interactive #towards
- Towards a Typed Geometry of Interaction (EH, PJS), pp. 216–231.
- ICALP-2004-HaghverdiS #category theory #geometry #interactive
- A Categorical Model for the Geometry of Interaction (EH, PJS), pp. 708–720.
- LICS-2001-AltenkirchDHS #evaluation #normalisation #λ-calculus
- Normalization by Evaluation for Typed λ Calculus with Coproducts (TA, PD, MH, PJS), pp. 303–310.
- LICS-1988-FreydGSS #parametricity #polymorphism #semantics #λ-calculus
- Semantic Parametricity in Polymorphic λ Calculus (PJF, JYG, AS, PJS), pp. 274–279.