Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × India
Collaborated with:
C.L.Heitmeyer S.Sims R.D.Jeffords M.Archer J.Kirby B.G.Labaw
Talks about:
softwar (3) constraint (1) toolset (1) specifi (1) practic (1) develop (1) automat (1) trench (1) theori (1) solver (1)
Person: Ramesh Bharadwaj
DBLP: Bharadwaj:Ramesh
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- RE-2007-HeitmeyerJBA #development #lessons learnt
- RE Theory Meets Software Practice: Lessons from the Software Development Trenches (CLH, RDJ, RB, MA), pp. 265–268.
- TACAS-2000-BharadwajS #automation #constraints #invariant #named #theorem proving
- Salsa: Combining Constraint Solvers with BDDs for Automatic Invariant Checking (RB, SS), pp. 378–394.
- CAV-1998-HeitmeyerKLB #requirements #specification #tool support
- SCR*: A Toolset for Specifying and Analyzing Software Requirements (CLH, JK, BGL, RB), pp. 526–531.