280 papers:
ESOP-2015-SergeyNB #algorithm #concurrent #specification #verification- Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Algorithms with Histories and Subjectivity (IS, AN, AB), pp. 333–358.
SEKE-2015-AbrantesC #exception #monitoring #policy #specification- Specifying and Dynamically Monitoring the Exception Handling Policy (JA, RC), pp. 370–374.
SEKE-2015-BonifacioCFPK #domain-specific language #named #rest #specification- NeoIDL: A Domain-Specific Language for Specifying REST Services (RB, TMC, RF, AP, UK), pp. 613–618.
ICSE-v1-2015-RegisDDA #logic #specification- Specifying Event-Based Systems with a Counting Fluent Temporal Logic (GR, RD, ND, NA), pp. 733–743.
ICSE-v2-2015-DixitLW #effectiveness #integration #modelling #named #testing- FormTester: Effective Integration of Model-Based and Manually Specified Test Cases (RD, CL, GW), pp. 745–748.
SPLC-2015-ChavarriagaRNCJ #case study #configuration management #experience #feature model #modelling #multi #using- Using multiple feature models to specify configuration options for electrical transformers: an experience report (JC, CR, CN, RC, VJ), pp. 216–224.
ECSA-2014-CaraccioloLN #architecture #how #quality #question #requirements #validation- How Do Software Architects Specify and Validate Quality Requirements? (AC, MFL, ON), pp. 374–389.
GRAPHITE-2014-ManskyGG #optimisation #parallel #source code #specification- Specifying and Executing Optimizations for Parallel Programs (WM, DG, ELG), pp. 58–70.
CHI-2014-TanNTNTEW #behaviour #developer #smarttech- The effect of developer-specified explanations for permission requests on smartphone user behavior (JT, KN, MT, HNA, CT, SE, DW), pp. 91–100.
ICEIS-v1-2014-PequenoG #integration #relational #specification- Specifying Complex Correspondences Between Relational Schemas in a Data Integration Environment (VMP, HG), pp. 18–29.
ECIR-2014-KabaryS #gesture #query #retrieval #sketching #specification #using #video- Using Hand Gestures for Specifying Motion Queries in Sketch-Based Video Retrieval (IAK, HS), pp. 733–736.
ICPR-2014-NishimuraOAN #image #modelling #speech #using #web- Selection of Unknown Objects Specified by Speech Using Models Constructed from Web Images (HN, YO, YA, MN), pp. 477–482.
KEOD-2014-MartinB #information management #ontology #parsing #specification- An Ontology for Specifying and Parsing Knowledge Representations Structures and Notations (PM, JB), pp. 96–107.
REFSQ-2014-MaidenLZBAL #approach #case study #experience #specification- A Requirements-Led Approach for Specifying QoS-Aware Service Choreographies: An Experience Report (NAMM, JL, KZ, AB, GDA, FL), pp. 239–253.
SAC-2014-RiveraC #java #source code- Translating event-B to JML-specified Java programs (VR, NC), pp. 1264–1271.
ECSA-2013-ChoualiCM #architecture #component #interface #requirements #specification- Specifying System Architecture from SysML Requirements and Component Interfaces (SC, OC, HM), pp. 348–352.
ECSA-2013-PascualPF #architecture #runtime #variability- Run-Time Support to Manage Architectural Variability Specified with CVL (GGP, MP, LF), pp. 282–298.
ICSM-2013-RoehmBHP #behaviour #identification #specification #towards- Towards Identification of Software Improvements and Specification Updates by Comparing Monitored and Specified End-User Behavior (TR, BB, TMH, BP), pp. 464–467.
PLDI-2013-UdupaRDMMA #named #protocol #specification- TRANSIT: specifying protocols with concolic snippets (AU, AR, JVD, SMH, MMKM, RA), pp. 287–296.
CHI-2013-MonroeLOSPM #approach #challenge #query #specification #visual notation- The challenges of specifying intervals and absences in temporal queries: a graphical language approach (MM, RL, JMdO, BS, CP, JM), pp. 2349–2358.
ICEIS-v2-2013-RibeiroSFO #concept #constraints #ocl #validation- Extending OCL to Specify and Validate Integrity Constraints in UML-GeoFrame Conceptual Data Model (AAdAR, SMS, JLF, ILO), pp. 286–293.
SEKE-2013-WuZG #named #requirements- DOPROPC: a domain property pattern system helping to specify control system requirements (S) (FW, HZ, MG), pp. 695–698.
SAC-2013-CelestiniNT #coordination #specification- Specifying and analysing reputation systems with a coordination language (AC, RDN, FT), pp. 1363–1368.
ASE-2012-Gabmeyer #model transformation #verification- Formal verification techniques for model transformations specified by-demonstration (SG), pp. 390–393.
IFM-2012-GarisPCR #alloy #protocol #specification #state machine #uml- Specifying UML Protocol State Machines in Alloy (AGG, ACRP, AC, DR), pp. 312–326.
KR-2012-ChaudhriS #knowledge base #programming #reasoning #set #specification #using- Specifying and Reasoning with Underspecified Knowledge Bases Using Answer Set Programming (VKC, TCS).
ECMFA-2012-RiekeS #model transformation #refinement #specification- Specifying Refinement Relations in Vertical Model Transformations (JR, OS), pp. 210–225.
SAC-2012-MaamarFLH #implementation #social #specification #using #web #web service- Specifying and implementing social Web services operation using commitments (ZM, NF, ML, SH), pp. 1955–1960.
ECSA-2011-SilvaB #architecture #specification #using- A Model for Specifying Rationale Using an Architecture Description Language (LdS, DB), pp. 319–327.
ASE-2011-WinbladhR #testing- Evaluating test selection strategies for end-user specified flow-based applications (KW, AR), pp. 400–403.
ASE-2011-YuTN #detection #source code #specification- Specifying and detecting meaningful changes in programs (YY, TTT, BN), pp. 273–282.
FM-2011-BanksJ #specification- Specifying Confidentiality in Circus (MJB, JLJ), pp. 215–230.
FM-2011-BoyerGS #configuration management #protocol #specification #verification- Specifying and Verifying the SYNERGY Reconfiguration Protocol with LOTOS NT and CADP (FB, OG, GS), pp. 103–117.
AGTIVE-2011-RungeET #algebra #graph transformation #specification- AGG 2.0 — New Features for Specifying and Analyzing Algebraic Graph Transformations (OR, CE, GT), pp. 81–88.
GPCE-2011-LiNN #diagrams #generative #geometry #source code- Generation of geometric programs specified by diagrams (YL, GSNJ), pp. 63–72.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Ben-DavidCGU #logic #named #specification- CSSL: a logic for specifying conditional scenarios (SBD, MC, AG, SU), pp. 37–47.
ASPLOS-2011-BurnimNS #parallel #semantics #source code #specification #thread- Specifying and checking semantic atomicity for multithreaded programs (JB, GCN, KS), pp. 79–90.
ICTSS-2011-PetrenkoY #adaptation #implementation #nondeterminism #testing- Adaptive Testing of Deterministic Implementations Specified by Nondeterministic FSMs (AP, NY), pp. 162–178.
ECSA-2010-Hock-koonO10a #composition #specification- Specifying Loose Coupling from Existing Service Composition Approaches (AAHk, MO), pp. 464–471.
ECSA-2010-SuYZ #architecture #specification- An ADL-Approach to Specifying and Analyzing Centralized-Mode Architectural Connection (GS, MY, CZ), pp. 8–23.
ASE-2010-HolzerTVS #how #testing- How did you specify your test suite (AH, CS, MT, HV), pp. 407–416.
ICFP-2010-ArnoldHKBS #matrix #specification #verification- Specifying and verifying sparse matrix codes (GA, JH, ASK, RB, MS), pp. 249–260.
GT-VMT-2010-StroblM #editing #generative #interactive #modelling #specification #visual notation- Specifying and Generating Editing Environments for Interactive Animated Visual Models (TS, MM).
MoDELS-v1-2010-GoldsbyC #automation #behaviour #modelling #uml- Automatically Discovering Properties That Specify the Latent Behavior of UML Models (HG, BHCC), pp. 316–330.
OOPSLA-2010-SchaferM #implementation #refactoring #specification- Specifying and implementing refactorings (MS, OdM), pp. 286–301.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-ChristBEGL #approach #framework #metamodelling #specification- A Generic Meta-model-Based Approach for Specifying Framework Functionality and Usage (FC, JCB, GE, CG, ML), pp. 21–40.
GPCE-J-2007-JungH10 #architecture #component #framework #scalability #specification- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures (GJ, JH), pp. 615–637.
REFSQ-2010-ShahrokniF #framework #requirements #robust #specification #towards- Towards a Framework for Specifying Software Robustness Requirements Based on Patterns (AS, RF), pp. 79–84.
LDTA-2010-BrandMSH #case study #domain-specific language #experience- Formally specified type checkers for domain specific languages: experience report (MvdB, APvdM, AS, ATH), p. 12.
LDTA-2010-GiorgettiMTK #case study #java #source code #specification- Specifying generic Java programs: two case studies (AG, CM, ET, OK), p. 8.
ASPLOS-2010-RomanescuLS #consistency #memory management #specification #verification- Specifying and dynamically verifying address translation-aware memory consistency (BFR, ARL, DJS), pp. 323–334.
SEFM-2009-ChandrasekaranM #component #concurrent #coordination #specification- Specifying Interacting Components with Coordinated Concurrent Scenarios (PC, MM), pp. 61–69.
SEFM-2009-KawamataSIH #refinement #specification- Specifying and Checking Refinement Relationships in VDM++ (YK, CS, FI, SH), pp. 220–227.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BazarganF #3d #geometry #representation #specification- Specifying the Representation of Non-geometric Information in 3D Virtual Environments (KB, GF), pp. 773–782.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-EdgeSPC #compilation #policy #specification- Specifying and Compiling High Level Financial Fraud Policies into StreamSQL (MEE, PRFS, OP, MC), pp. 194–199.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-HovsepyanBBJ #domain-specific language #modelling #specification- Specifying and Composing Concerns Expressed in Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (AH, SVB, YB, WJ), pp. 116–135.
REFSQ-2009-HerrmannWP #case study #requirements #specification- Specifying Changes Only — A Case Study on Delta Requirements (AH, AW, BP), pp. 45–58.
SAC-2009-Hurlin #parallel #protocol #specification #thread- Specifying and checking protocols of multithreaded classes (CH), pp. 587–592.
SAC-2009-Mogensen #game studies #specification- Troll, a language for specifying dice-rolls (TÆM), pp. 1910–1915.
ISSTA-2009-BotaschanjanH #fault #hardware #modelling #orthogonal #specification- Specifying the worst case: orthogonal modeling of hardware errors (JB, BH), pp. 273–284.
DAC-2008-GerstlauerPSGNAN #implementation #specification- Specify-explore-refine (SER): from specification to implementation (AG, JP, DS, DG, AN, DA, YN), pp. 586–591.
DAC-2008-PangR #fixpoint #optimisation- Optimizing imprecise fixed-point arithmetic circuits specified by Taylor Series through arithmetic transform (YP, KR), pp. 397–402.
FASE-2008-MohaGMD #algorithm #analysis #design #detection #fault- A Domain Analysis to Specify Design Defects and Generate Detection Algorithms (NM, YGG, AFLM, LD), pp. 276–291.
SEFM-2008-MerayoHN- Extending Stream X-Machines to Specify and Test Systems with Timeouts (MGM, RMH, MN), pp. 201–210.
GT-VMT-2008-BaresiGMM #abstraction #graph transformation #using #verification- Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions (LB, CG, AM, MM).
ICEIS-DISI-2008-MendezPM #testing- Improving Software Test Strategy with a Method to Specify Test Cases (MSTC) (EMM, MAP, LEM), pp. 159–164.
ICPR-2008-SugimotoO #array #image #synthesis #using- Virtual focusing image synthesis for user-specified image region using camera array (SS, MO), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-LiYB #aspect-oriented #owl- Translating OWL Specified Domain Knowledge to Aspect Oriented Model (JL, XY, XB), pp. 203–208.
ICMT-2008-WongG #empirical #on the #specification #visualisation- On Specifying and Visualising Long-Running Empirical Studies (PYHW, JG), pp. 76–90.
MoDELS-2008-RosseboR #composition #policy #specification #uml #using- Specifying Service Composition Using UML 2.x and Composition Policies (JEYR, RKR), pp. 520–536.
MoDELS-2008-RosseboR #composition #policy #specification #uml #using- Specifying Service Composition Using UML 2.x and Composition Policies (JEYR, RKR), pp. 520–536.
SLE-2008-SanchezLFG #process #product line #specification- Engineering Languages for Specifying Product-Derivation Processes in Software Product Lines (PS, NL, LF, AG), pp. 188–207.
TestCom-FATES-2008-BochmannHJJ #automaton #partial order #testing- Testing Systems Specified as Partial Order Input/Output Automata (GvB, SH, CJ, GVJ), pp. 169–183.
ASE-2007-Leino #specification #verification- Specifying and verifying software (KRML), p. 2.
DAC-2007-VytyazLLMMM #parametricity- Parameter Finding Methods for Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency (IV, DCL, SL, AM, UKM, KM), pp. 424–429.
ESOP-2007-BuscemiM #constraints #named #specification- CC-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Specifying Service Level Agreements (MGB, UM), pp. 18–32.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerMM #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Domain-Specific Refactorings for AndroMDA Based on Graph Transformation (GT, DM, TM), pp. 104–119.
HCI-IPT-2007-ZhouYLLXWCS #specification #visual notation- Visual and Auditory Information Specifying an Impending Collision of an Approaching Object (LZ, JY, QL, HL, CX, YW, JLC, HjS), pp. 720–729.
HIMI-MTT-2007-AgarwalP #human-computer #information management- HCI and Information Search: Capturing Task and Searcher Characteristics Through “User Ability to Specify Information Need” (NKA, DCCP), pp. 373–382.
CAiSE-2007-ZachosMZJ #requirements #web #web service- Discovering Web Services to Specify More Complete System Requirements (KZ, NAMM, XZ, SJ), pp. 142–157.
SEKE-2007-ZhouKBSC #framework #requirements #specification- A Framework of Hierarchical Requirements Patterns for Specifying Systems of Interconnected Simulink/Stateflow Modules (CZ, RK, DB, KS, DDC), pp. 179–184.
OOPSLA-2007-ShanerLN #composition #higher-order #source code #verification- Modular verification of higher-order methods with mandatory calls specified by model programs (SMS, GTL, DAN), pp. 351–368.
GPCE-2007-JungH #architecture #component #framework #scalability #specification- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures (GJ, JH), pp. 33–42.
RE-2007-BorgPS #capacity #requirements- Extending the OpenUP/Basic Requirements Discipline to Specify Capacity Requirements (AB, MP, KS), pp. 328–333.
RE-2007-SalifuYN #monitoring #problem #specification- Specifying Monitoring and Switching Problems in Context (MS, YY, BN), pp. 211–220.
SAC-2007-BraghettoFP #control flow #process #specification #using- Using control-flow patterns for specifying business processes in cooperative environments (KRB, JEF, CP), pp. 1234–1241.
COCV-2007-BloemGJPPW #hardware- Specify, Compile, Run: Hardware from PSL (RB, SJG, BJ, NP, AP, MW), pp. 3–16.
ICSM-2006-Hou #constraints #design #source code #using- Using Structural Constraints to Specify and Check Design Intent in Source Code — Ph.D. Dissertation Synopsis (DH), pp. 343–346.
SEFM-2006-MarconiPT #automation #composition #data flow #requirements #specification #web #web service- Specifying Data-Flow Requirements for the Automated Composition of Web Services (AM, MP, PT), pp. 147–156.
IFL-2006-Kozsik #proving #type system- Proving Program Properties Specified with Subtype Marks (TK), pp. 163–180.
EDOC-2006-BookG #enterprise #interface #multi #specification #web- Specifying and Controlling Multi-Channel Web Interfaces for Enterprise Applications (MB, VG), pp. 274–283.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-RoubtsovaR #requirements #reuse- A Feature Computation Tree Model to Specify Requirements and Reuse (EER, SAR), pp. 118–125.
ICPR-v3-2006-QiuXT #clustering #feedback #kernel #performance #using- Efficient Relevance Feedback Using Semi-supervised Kernel-specified K-means Clustering (BQ, CX, QT), pp. 316–319.
SEKE-2006-ShanZ #consistency #constraints #modelling #specification- Specifying Consistency Constraints for Modelling Languages (LS, HZ), pp. 578–583.
MoDELS-2006-MarkovicB #ocl #qvt #semantics- An OCL Semantics Specified with QVT (SM, TB), pp. 661–675.
MoDELS-2006-PonsG #ocl #specification #verification- An OCL-Based Technique for Specifying and Verifying Refinement-Oriented Transformations in MDE (CP, DG), pp. 646–660.
MoDELS-2006-MarkovicB #ocl #qvt #semantics- An OCL Semantics Specified with QVT (SM, TB), pp. 661–675.
MoDELS-2006-PonsG #ocl #specification #verification- An OCL-Based Technique for Specifying and Verifying Refinement-Oriented Transformations in MDE (CP, DG), pp. 646–660.
POPL-2006-OlinskyLR #composition #implementation #specification #staged- Staged allocation: a compositional technique for specifying and implementing procedure calling conventions (RO, CL, NR), pp. 409–421.
POPL-2006-ReisS #c++ #concept #specification- Specifying C++ concepts (GDR, BS), pp. 295–308.
IJCAR-2006-DoughertyFK #policy #reasoning #specification- Specifying and Reasoning About Dynamic Access-Control Policies (DJD, KF, SK), pp. 632–646.
ICDAR-2005-YosefBKD #image #using- Extraction of Specified Objects from Binary Images Using Object Based Erosion Transform: Application to Hebrew Calligraphic Manuscripts (IBY, IB, KK, ID), pp. 878–882.
SCAM-2005-SchordanQ #attribute grammar #sequence #specification- Specifying Transformation Sequences as Computation on Program Fragments with an Abstract Attribute Grammar (MS, DJQ), pp. 97–106.
SEFM-2005-GebremichaelV #automaton #specification- Specifying Urgency in Timed I/O Automata (BG, FWV), pp. 64–74.
EDOC-2005-GannodBT #approach #interactive #specification- An Interactive Approach for Specifying OWL-S Groundings (GCG, RJB, JTET), pp. 251–260.
EDOC-2005-Molina-JimenezSW #contract #interactive #specification- A Method for Specifying Contract Mediated Interactions (CMJ, SKS, JPW), pp. 106–118.
ICEIS-v1-2005-PequenoA #semantics #using- Using Correspondence Assertions to Specify the Semantics of Views in an Object-Relational Data Warehouse (VMP, JNA), pp. 219–225.
ICEIS-v3-2005-KloseKB #integration #modelling #process #specification- Process Modelling for Service Processes — Modelling Methods Extensions for Specifying and Analysing Customer Integration (KK, RK, JB), pp. 260–265.
ICEIS-v5-2005-MasonWL #named #specification- Autojoin: Providing Freedom from Specifying Joins (TM, LW, RL), pp. 31–38.
CIKM-2005-TheodoratosDKG #data flow #query #semantics #using- Semantic querying of tree-structured data sources using partially specified tree patterns (DT, TD, AK, NHG), pp. 712–719.
QAPL-2004-BodeiCDBNNP05 #evaluation #performance #protocol #security- Performance Evaluation of Security Protocols Specified in LySa (CB, MC, PD, MB, FN, HRN, CP), pp. 167–189.
CBSE-2004-KotonyaH #component #specification- Viewpoints for Specifying Component-Based Systems (GK, JH), pp. 114–121.
DAC-2004-WangC #detection #symmetry- Symmetry detection for incompletely specified functions (KHW, JHC), pp. 434–437.
FoSSaCS-2004-GenestMMP #partial order #specification #using #verification- Specifying and Verifying Partial Order Properties Using Template MSCs (BG, MM, AM, DP), pp. 195–210.
SCAM-2004-HouHR #c++ #guidelines #programming #specification- Specifying the Law of Demeter and C++ Programming Guidelines with FCL (DH, HJH, PR), pp. 119–127.
ICGT-2004-BohlenR #concept #graph transformation #specification- Concepts for Specifying Complex Graph Transformation Systems (BB, UR), pp. 96–111.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PicaultBDPT #architecture #information management #specification #standard- Specifying Information System Architectures with DASIBAO — A Standard Based Method (AP, PB, JLD, JP, BT), pp. 254–264.
UML-2004-GeorgRF #specification- Specifying Cross-Cutting Requirement Concerns (GG, RR, RBF), pp. 113–127.
PDCL-2004-LauO #composition #development #logic #specification- Specifying Compositional Units for Correct Program Development in Computational Logic (KKL, MO), pp. 1–29.
RE-2004-OmasreiterM #case study #process #specification- A Context-Driven Use Case Creation Process for Specifying Automotive Driver Assistance Systems (HO, EM), pp. 334–339.
SAC-2004-CombiOQ #approach #constraints #modelling #semistructured data #specification- Specifying temporal data models for semistructured data by a constraint-based approach (CC, BO, EQ), pp. 1103–1108.
ICSE-2004-SoundarajanH #design pattern #specification- Responsibilities and Rewards: Specifying Design Patterns (NS, JOH), pp. 666–675.
FATES-2004-BlomHJP #automaton #generative #specification #testing #using- Specifying and Generating Test Cases Using Observer Automata (JB, AH, BJ, PP), pp. 125–139.
TestCom-2004-HuoP #on the #testing- On Testing Partially Specified IOTS through Lossless Queues (JH, AP), pp. 76–94.
ESOP-2003-YahavRSW #evolution #logic #verification- Verifying Temporal Heap Properties Specified via Evolution Logic (EY, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 204–222.
CIAA-2003-Henzinger #automaton #component #interface #specification- Automata for Specifying Component Interfaces (TAH), pp. 1–2.
AGTIVE-2003-BakewellPR #graph #pointer #reduction #specification- Specifying Pointer Structures by Graph Reduction (AB, DP, CR), pp. 30–44.
AGTIVE-2003-BottoniPT #distributed #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Integrated Refactoring with Distributed Graph Transformations (PB, FPP, GT), pp. 220–235.
AGTIVE-2003-Minas #editing #generative #named #specification #visual notation- VisualDiaGen — A Tool for Visually Specifying and Generating Visual Editors (MM), pp. 398–412.
ICML-2003-ZhangH #learning #taxonomy- Learning from Attribute Value Taxonomies and Partially Specified Instances (JZ, VH), pp. 880–887.
SEKE-2003-BarberL #architecture #framework #specification #using- Specifying and Analyzing Agent Architectures using the Agent Competency Framework (KSB, DNL), pp. 232–239.
SEKE-2003-SongPLGCM #e-commerce #uml #verification- Extending UML to Specify and Verify E-commerce Systems (MAJS, AMP, FL, GG, SVAC, WMJ), pp. 306–313.
GPCE-2003-ConselHRSYP #approach #domain-specific language #named #specification #streaming- Spidle: A DSL Approach to Specifying Streaming Applications (CC, HH, LR, LS, HY, CP), pp. 1–17.
PADL-2003-Mogensen #specification- Roll : A Language for Specifying Die-Rolls (TÆM), pp. 145–159.
RE-2003-CovveyZBCS #health #quality #specification- Formal Structure for Specifying the Content and Quality of the Electronic Health Record (HDC, DZ, DMB, DDC, MAS), pp. 162–168.
RE-2003-FuxmanLPRM #requirements #specification- Specifying and Analyzing Early Requirements: Some Experimental Results (AF, LL, MP, MR, JM), p. 105–?.
RE-2003-Simmons #monitoring #quality #requirements #specification- From Requirements to Release Criteria: Specifying, Monitoring, and Demonstrating Product Quality (ES), p. 286.
SAC-2003-SelfD #design #multi #specification- Designing and Specifying Mobility within the Multiagent Systems Engineering Methodology (ALS, SAD), pp. 50–55.
LICS-2003-Lynch #convergence #graph #random #sequence- Convergence Law for Random Graphs with Specified Degree Sequence (JFL), p. 301–?.
CBSE-2002-LiuR #component #specification- Specifying Component Method Properties for Component State Recovery in RAIC (CL, DJR), p. 9.
CBSE-2003-JrH #architecture #component #constraints #specification- Specifying Architectural Constraints on Components (WDJ, CH), p. 5.
DATE-2002-GorenF #finite #heuristic #named #reduction #state machine- CHESMIN: A Heuristic for State Reduction in Incompletely Specified Finite State Machines (SG, FJF), pp. 248–254.
DocEng-2002-FurutaN #community #documentation #programmable #semantics #web- Applying caT’s programmable browsing semantics to specify world-wide web documents that reflect place, time, reader, and community (RF, JCN), pp. 10–17.
WRLA-2002-StehrT #maude #network #programming language #specification- Plan in Maude: Specifying an Active Network Programming Language (MOS, CLT), pp. 240–260.
PLDI-2002-LeinoPZ #using- Using Data Groups to Specify and Check Side Effects (KRML, APH, YZ), pp. 246–257.
IFM-2002-Smith #concurrent #csp #integration #realtime #specification- An Integration of Real-Time Object-Z and CSP for Specifying Concurrent Real-Time Systems (GS), pp. 267–285.
CHI-2002-TerveenMAH #specification- Specifying preferences based on user history (LGT, JM, BA, WCH), pp. 315–322.
VISSOFT-2002-Francik #algorithm #data flow #specification #visualisation- Specifying Algorithm Visualizations in Terms of Data Flow (JF), p. 110–?.
SEKE-2002-BaresiDMP #debugging- Assertions to better specify the amazon bug (LB, GD, LM, PP), pp. 585–592.
ICSE-2002-RoychoudhuryM #java #parallel #semantics #specification #thread #verification- Specifying multithreaded Java semantics for program verification (AR, TM), pp. 489–499.
TestCom-2002-OgishiHKS #sequence #specification- A TCP Test System Specifying only Exceptional Packet Sequences (TO, TH, TK, KS), pp. 21–38.
FASE-J-1998-GrieskampHD01 #component #embedded #specification- Specifying embedded systems with statecharts and Z: an agenda for cyclic software components (WG, MH, HD), pp. 31–57.
FLOPS-2001-Delzanno #case study #debugging #prolog #protocol #security #specification- Specifying and Debugging Security Protocols via Hereditary Harrop Formulas and λ Prolog — A Case-study (GD), pp. 123–137.
SVIS-2001-DemetrescuFS #algorithm #question #specification #visualisation- Specifying Algorithm Visualizations: Interesting Events or State Mapping? (CD, IF, JTS), pp. 16–30.
ICEIS-v2-2001-JohnsonD #category theory #enterprise #information management #modelling #specification #using- Enterprise Information Systems: Specifying the Links among Project Data Models Using Category Theory (MJ, CNGD), pp. 619–626.
UML-2001-SendallS #behaviour #concurrent #constraints #ocl #specification #uml #using- Specifying Concurrent System Behavior and Timing Constraints Using OCL and UML (SS, AS), pp. 391–405.
PADL-2001-Cirstea #authentication #protocol #specification #using- Specifying Authentication Protocols Using Rewriting and Strategies (HC), pp. 138–152.
RE-2001-GobboM #case study #fault tolerance #re-engineering #requirements #specification- Re-Engineering Fault Tolerance Requirements: A Case Study in Specifying Fault Tolerant Flight Control Systems (DDG, AM), pp. 236–247.
SAC-2001-BaetenBM #internet #specification- Specifying internet applications with DiCons (JCMB, HMAvB, SM), pp. 576–584.
ESEC-FSE-2001-EngelsKHG #behaviour #consistency #modelling #object-oriented #specification- A methodology for specifying and analyzing consistency of object-oriented behavioral models (GE, JMK, RH, LG), pp. 186–195.
ASE-2000-FahmyH #architecture #graph grammar #using- Using Graph Rewriting to Specify Software Architectural Transformations (HF, RCH), pp. 187–196.
DAC-2000-BlaauwPD #graph- Removing user specified false paths from timing graphs (DB, RP, AD), pp. 270–273.
CAiSE-2000-Rein #lifecycle #process #specification- Specifying Processes with Dynamic Life Cycles (RvR), pp. 192–211.
KDD-2000-FeldmanLRSS #approximate #bias #framework #information management #specification- A framework for specifying explicit bias for revision of approximate information extraction rules (RF, YL, BR, YS, JS), pp. 189–197.
TOOLS-USA-2000-BirngruberH #set #specification #using- Using Plans for Specifying Preconfigured Bean Sets (DB, MH), pp. 217–226.
LOPSTR-2000-JahierDR #continuation #modelling #prolog #semantics #specification- Specifying Prolog trace models with a continuation semantics (EJ, MD, OR).
LOPSTR-J-2000-JahierDR #continuation #modelling #prolog #semantics #specification- Specifying Prolog Trace Models with a Continuation Semantics (EJ, MD, OR), pp. 165–182.
SAC-2000-PiresBM #behaviour #communication #database #object-oriented #specification- Mechanisms for Specifying Communication Behavior in Object Oriented Database (PFP, MRFB, MM), pp. 389–397.
ICSE-2000-Bevan #quality #specification #tutorial- Specifying and measuring quality in use (tutorial session) (NB), p. 819.
CL-2000-OliboniT #query #recursion #xml- Querying XML Specified WWW Sites: Links and Recursion in XML-GL (BO, LT), pp. 1167–1181.
DAC-1999-KondratyevCKLY #automation #optimisation #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis and Optimization of Partially Specified Asynchronous Systems (AK, JC, MK, LL, AY), pp. 110–115.
ICDAR-1999-MullerR #database- Searching an Engineering Drawing Database for User-specified Shapes (SM, GR), pp. 697–700.
IFM-1999-DerrickB #component #specification #using- Specifying Component and Context Specification Using Promotion (JD, EAB), pp. 293–312.
IFM-1999-MacCollC #csp #interactive #specification- Specifying Interactive Systems in Object-Z and CSP (IM, DAC), pp. 335–352.
CAiSE-1999-AoumeurS #distributed #information management #petri net #specification #towards #validation- Towards an Object Petri Nets Model for Specifying and Validating Distributed Information Systems (NA, GS), pp. 381–395.
ICEIS-1999-Serrano #constraints #semantics #specification- Marta Jacinto, João Paulo Cunha: Specifying Semantic Constraints for a Healthcare Scheduler (JAVS), pp. 517–524.
OOPSLA-1999-OvlingerW #recursion #specification #traversal- A Language for Specifying Recursive Traversals of Object Structures (JO, MW), pp. 70–81.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Poo #case study #identification #specification- Events in Use Cases as a Basis for Identifying and Specifying Classes and Business Rules (DCCP), pp. 204–213.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Mikhajlova #framework #java #source code #specification #using- Specifying Java Frameworks Using Abstract Programs (AM), p. 136–?.
ICSE-1999-NittoR #architecture #middleware- Exploiting ADLs to Specify Architectural Styles Induced by Middleware Infrastructures (EDN, DSR), pp. 13–22.
FASE-1998-AllenDG #architecture #specification- Specifying and Analyzing Dynamic Software Architectures (RA, RD, DG), pp. 21–37.
FASE-1998-BussowGK #case study #embedded #safety #specification- Specifying Safety-Critical Embedded Systems with Statecharts and Z: A Case Study (RB, RG, MK), pp. 71–87.
FASE-1998-GrieskampHD #component #embedded #specification- Specifying Embedded Systems with Staecharts and Z: An Agenda for Cyclic Software Components (WG, MH, HD), pp. 88–106.
FASE-1998-Heckel #composition #graph transformation #verification- Compositional Verification of Reactive Systems Specified by Graph Transformation (RH), pp. 138–153.
IWPC-1998-CifuentesS #bytecode #semantics #specification- Specifying the Semantics of Machine Instructions (CC, SS), pp. 126–133.
CAiSE-1998-RollandPR #reuse #specification- Specifying the Reuse Context of Scenario Method Chunks (CR, VP, JR), pp. 191–218.
KR-1998-InoueS #abduction #specification #transaction- Specifying Transactions for Extended Abduction (KI, CS), pp. 394–405.
OOPSLA-1998-Leino #specification- Data Groups: Specifying the Modification of Extended State (KRML), pp. 144–153.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-Bosch #design pattern #framework #specification- Specifying Frameworks and Design Patterns as Architectural Fragments (JB), p. 268–?.
TOOLS-USA-1998-ChoMK #approach #protocol #specification- A Protocol Based Approach to Specifying Interoperability between Objects (IHC, JDM, LK), pp. 84–96.
CAV-1998-HeitmeyerKLB #requirements #specification #tool support- SCR*: A Toolset for Specifying and Analyzing Software Requirements (CLH, JK, BGL, RB), pp. 526–531.
IWTCS-1998-BourhfirDAR #consistency #generative #incremental #protocol #testing- A Guided Incremental Test Case Generation Procedure for Conformance Testing for CEFSM Specified Protocols (CB, RD, EMA, NR), pp. 275–290.
LICS-1998-Alfaro #behaviour #how #probability #verification- How to Specify and Verify the Long-Run Average Behavior of Probabilistic Systems (LdA), pp. 454–465.
ASE-1997-FenselS #architecture #knowledge-based #using #verification- Using KIV to Specify and Verify Architectures of Knowledge-Based Systems (DF, AS), p. 71–?.
ASE-1997-WilliamsonH #design #specification- Formally Specifying Engineering Design Rationale (KEW, MH), pp. 317–318.
EDTC-1997-SchollMHM #symmetry- Minimizing ROBDD sizes of incompletely specified Boolean functionsby exploiting strong symmetries (CS, SM, GH, PM), pp. 229–234.
FME-1997-SchonhoffK #explosion #specification #testing- Specifying the Remote Control of Valves in an Explosion Test Environment (MS, MK), pp. 201–220.
SIGIR-1997-HearstK #interactive #interface #named #retrieval #scalability #specification #using- Cat-a-Cone: An Interactive Interface for Specifying Searches and Viewing Retrieval Results using a Large Category Hierarchy (MAH, CK), pp. 246–255.
TOOLS-USA-1997-PeriyasamyA #realtime #specification- Extending Object-Z for Specifying Real-Time Systems (KP, VSA), pp. 163–175.
ICSE-1997-BoscoMM #generative #specification- TINA ACE: An Environment for Specifying, Developing and Generating TINA Services (PGB, GM, CM), pp. 620–621.
ICSE-1997-HeitmeyerKL #requirements #specification #tool support #validation #verification- The SCR Method for Formally Specifying, Verifying, and Validating Requirements: Tool Support (CLH, JK, BGL), pp. 610–611.
ICSE-1997-PezzeY #analysis #modelling #multi #semantics #tool support #using- Constructing Multi-Formalism State-Space Analysis Tools: Using Rules to Specify Dynamic Semantics of Models (MP, MY), pp. 239–249.
DAC-1996-HiguchiM #algorithm #finite #performance #reduction #state machine- A Fast State Reduction Algorithm for Incompletely Specified Finite State Machines (HH, YM), pp. 463–466.
RWLW-1996-OlveczkyM #logic #realtime #specification- Specifying real-time systems in rewriting logic (PCÖ, JM), pp. 284–309.
ICSM-1996-CanforaCL #analysis #specification #tool support- Specifying code analysis tools (GC, AC, ADL), pp. 95–103.
FME-1996-ZwiersHLRS #composition #development #reuse #top-down- Modular Completeness: Integrating the Reuse of Specified Software in Top-down Program Development (JZ, UH, YL, WPdR, FAS), pp. 595–608.
KR-1996-GustafssonD #specification- Embracing Occlusion in Specifying the Indirect Effects of Actions (JG, PD), pp. 87–98.
SEKE-1996-Hurley #identification #requirements #specification- Identifying Language Requirements for Specifying Industrial-Strength Software Agents (WDH), pp. 238–245.
ALP-1996-Nazareth #specification #type system- Specifying Type Systems (DN), pp. 314–329.
ICSE-1996-LiuY #framework #requirements #specification- An Analytic Framework for Specifying and Analyzing Imprecise Requirements (XFL, JY), pp. 60–69.
CC-1996-Assmann #graph grammar #how #program analysis #program transformation #term rewriting- How to Uniformly Specify Program Analysis and Transformation with Graph Rewrite Systems (UA), pp. 121–135.
DAC-1995-WangH- Boolean Matching for Incompletely Specified Functions (KHW, TH), pp. 48–53.
ESEC-1995-Jarzabek #named #specification- PQL: A Language for Specifying Abstract Program Views (SJ), pp. 324–342.
ESEC-1995-MageeDEK #architecture #distributed #specification- Specifying Distributed Software Architectures (JM, ND, SE, JK), pp. 137–153.
FSE-1995-CheungK #analysis #composition #constraints #distributed #finite #reachability- Compositional Reachability Analysis of Finite-State Distributed Systems with User-Specified Constraints (SCC, JK), pp. 140–150.
ASF+SDF-1995-NaidichD #asf+sdf #automation #induction #proving #specification- Specifying an Automated Induction Proof Procedure in ASF+SDF (DN, TBD), pp. 233–254.
ASF+SDF-1995-Uskudarli #specification #syntax #visual notation- Specifying Visual Syntax (SÜ), pp. 143–154.
ASF+SDF-1995-Vigna #asf+sdf #case study #specification #using- Specifying Imp(G) Using ASF+SDF: A Case Study (SV), pp. 65–88.
EDAC-1994-ChangCM #multi- Minimizing ROBDD Size of Incompletely Specified Multiple Output Functions (SCC, DIC, MMS), pp. 620–624.
FME-1994-Evans #concurrent #specification #using #verification- Specifying & Verifying Concurrent Systems Using Z (AE), pp. 366–380.
FME-1994-Gortz #safety #specification- Specifying Safety and Progress Properties with RSL (JG), pp. 567–581.
CAiSE-1994-SaekiW #design #specification- Specifying Software Specification & Design Methods (MS, KW), pp. 353–366.
ICRE-1994-BelkhoucheG #named #prototype- Ripple: a formally specified prototyping system (BB, BJG), pp. 150–153.
ICRE-1994-BucciCNT #object-oriented #specification- An object-oriented dual language for specifying reactive systems (GB, MC, PN, MT), pp. 6–15.
ICDAR-1993-ChenWB #detection #image #keyword #markov #modelling #using- Detecting and locating partially specified keywords in scanned images using hidden Markov models (FC, LW, DSB), pp. 133–138.
SIGMOD-1993-Guting #higher-order #modelling #optimisation #query #specification- Second-Order Signature: A Tool for Specifying Data Models, Query Processing, and Optimization (RHG), pp. 277–286.
VLDB-1993-AttieSSR #dependence #specification- Specifying and Enforcing Intertask Dependencies (PCA, MPS, APS, MR), pp. 134–145.
VLDB-1993-GhandeharizadehHJCELLTZ #database #execution #implementation #modelling #on the #specification- On Implementing a Language for Specifying Active Database Execution Models (SG, RH, DJ, JC, MEM, SHL, JL, CT, GZ), pp. 441–454.
VLDB-1993-ZobelMS #scalability #using- Searching Large Lexicons for Partially Specified Terms using Compressed Inverted Files (JZ, AM, RSD), pp. 290–301.
CSM-1993-Keszenheimer #adaptation #behaviour #evolution #specification- Specifying and Adapting Object Behavior During System Evolution (LMK), pp. 254–261.
FME-1993-Jacky #safety #specification- Specifying a Safety-Critical Control System in Z (JJ), pp. 388–402.
HCI-SHI-1993-GodbertPS #concept #constraints #interface #natural language #specification #using- Natural Language Interfaces: Specifying and Using Conceptual Constraints (EG, RP, PS), pp. 385–390.
INTERCHI-1993-HudsonH #approach #independence #specification- A synergistic approach to specifying simple number independent layouts by example (SEH, CNH), pp. 285–292.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-LingD #comparison #concurrent #object-oriented #paradigm #specification #using- A Comparison of Techniques for Specifying Concurrent Systems Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm (SL, BD), pp. 155–177.
POPL-1993-Wand #analysis #correctness #specification- Specifying the Correctness of Binding-Time Analysis (MW), pp. 137–143.
RE-1993-KentMQ #constraints #fault #specification- Formally specifying temporal constraints and error recovery (SK, TSEM, WJQ), pp. 208–215.
RE-1993-PartridgeGBK #question- Should we specify systems or domain? (DP, DG, DRB, JK), pp. 77–80.
ICSE-1993-KleynB #graph #programming #specification- A High Level Language for Specifying Graph Based Languages and Their Programming Environments (MFK, JCB), pp. 324–335.
ISSTA-1993-Woit #specification- Specifying Operational Profiles for Modules (DMW), pp. 2–10.
HT-ECHT-1992-BuchananZ #behaviour #documentation #hypermedia #specification- Specifying Temporal Behavior in Hypermedia Documents (MCB, PZ), pp. 262–271.
KR-1992-Hanschke #concept #interactive #specification- Specifying Role Interaction in Concept Languages (PH), pp. 318–329.
ECOOP-1992-Holland #component #contract #reuse #specification #using- Specifying Reusable Components Using Contracts (IMH), pp. 287–308.
CAV-1992-RicoBC #model checking #realtime- Model-Checking for Real-Time Systems Specified in Lotos (NR, GvB, OC), pp. 288–301.
JICSLP-1992-Hodas #dependence #logic programming #programming language #semiparsing #specification- Specifying Filler-Gap Dependency Parsers in a Linear-Logic Programming Language (JSH), pp. 622–636.
PLDI-1991-KishonHC #execution #framework #implementation #monitoring #reasoning #semantics #specification- Monitoring Semantics: A Formal Framework for Specifying, Implementing, and Reasoning about Execution Monitors (AK, PH, CC), pp. 338–352.
CHI-1991-Myers #specification #spreadsheet #user interface #visual notation- Graphical techniques in a spreadsheet for specifying user interfaces (BAM), pp. 243–249.
AdaEurope-1991-Guaspari #automation #logic #specification- Formally Specifying the Logic of an Automatic Guidance Controller (DG), pp. 372–383.
PLILP-1991-BorgerD #database #framework #prolog- A Framework to Specify Database Update Views for Prolog (EB, BD), pp. 147–158.
ESEC-1991-GhezziK #named #realtime #specification- ASTRAL: An Assertion Language for Specifying Realtime Systems (CG, RAK), pp. 122–146.
LICS-1991-PeledKP #logic #proving #specification- Specifying and Proving Serializability in Temporal Logic (DP, SK, AP), pp. 232–244.
SIGMOD-1990-ChrysanthisR #behaviour #framework #named #reasoning #specification #transaction- ACTA: A Framework for Specifying and Reasoning about Transaction Structure and Behavior (PKC, KR), pp. 194–203.
VDME-1990-Gotzhein #distributed #specification- Specifying Open Distributed Systems with Z (RG), pp. 319–339.
GG-1990-KaplanLG #concurrent #specification- Specifying Concurrent Languages and Systems with ???-Grammars (SMK, JPL, SKG), pp. 475–489.
SEKE-1990-RizmanR #agile #data flow #knowledge-based #prototype #specification #using- Using Data-flow Description Supported By The Rapid Prototyping Tool For Specifying and Developing of Knowledge-Based System (KR, IR), pp. 58–63.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-HelmHG #behaviour #composition #contract #named #object-oriented #specification- Contracts: Specifying Behavioural Compositions in Object-Oriented Systems (RH, IMH, DG), pp. 169–180.
ICSE-1990-OswaldEM #petri net #specification- An Environment for Specifying and Executing Hierarchical Petri Nets (HO, RE, RM), pp. 164–172.
CLP-1990-SawamuraMYO90 #approach #logic #logic programming #proving #specification- A Logic Programming Approach to Specifying Logics and Constructing Proofs (HS, TM, KY, KO), pp. 405–424.
CHI-1989-Zanden #constraints #specification #visual notation- Constraint grammars-a new model for specifying graphical applications (BTVZ), pp. 325–330.
CADE-1988-FeltyM #higher-order #logic programming #programming language #proving #specification #theorem proving- Specifying Theorem Provers in a Higher-Order Logic Programming Language (APF, DM), pp. 61–80.
CSL-1988-DaneluttoM #approach #concurrent #finite #logic- A temporal Logic Approach to Specify and to Prove Properties of Finite State Concurrent Systems (MD, AM), pp. 63–79.
CSL-1988-SaakeL #database #logic #specification #using- Using Finite-Linear Temporal Logic for Specifying Database Dynamics (GS, UWL), pp. 288–300.
HCI-CE-1987-Tominaga #specification- A Computer Method for Specifying Colors by Means of Color Naming (ST), pp. 131–138.
SIGIR-1987-Eastman #incremental #query- File Organizations and Incrementally Specified Queries (CME), pp. 217–222.
POPL-1987-MoshierR #data type #logic- A Logic for Partially Specified Data Structures (MDM, WCR), pp. 156–167.
ICSE-1987-Roman #distributed #hardware #interactive #specification- Specifying Software/Hardware Interactions in Distributed Systems (GCR), pp. 126–141.
GG-1986-Jackel #graph grammar- ADA-Concurrency specified by Graph Grammars (MJ), pp. 262–279.
CRAI-1986-LuckhamHMBH #ada #distributed #specification- Task Sequencing Languages for Specifying Distributed Ada Systems (DCL, DPH, SM, DLB, MAH), pp. 249–305.
SIGIR-1986-Croft #documentation #retrieval- User-Specified Domain Knowledge for Document Retrieval (WBC), pp. 201–206.
POPL-1985-Lamport #concurrent #specification #what #why- What It Means for a Concurrent Program to Satisfy a Specification: Why No One Has Specified Priority (LL), pp. 78–83.
ICSE-1984-BoehmGS #empirical #multi #prototype #specification- Prototyping vs. Specifying: A Multi-Project Experiment (BWB, TEG, TS), pp. 473–485.
DAC-1982-PayneC #automation #clustering- Automated partitioning of hierarchically specified digital systems (TSP, WMvC), pp. 182–192.
SIGMOD-1982-MaierW #database #specification- Specifying Connections for a Universal Relation Scheme Database (DM, DSW), pp. 1–7.
ILPC-1982-Monteiro82 #concurrent #horn clause #logic #specification- A Horn Clause-like Logic for Specifying Concurrency (LM), pp. 1–8.
ICALP-1981-BergstraT #algebra #hoare #logic #programming- Algebraically Specified Programming Systems and Hoare’s Logic (JAB, JVT), pp. 348–362.
ICSE-1981-RamamrithamK #process #proving #specification- Specifying and Proving Properties of Sentinel Processes (KR, RMK), pp. 374–386.
POPL-1980-Pratt #on the #specification #verification- On Specifying Verifiers (VRP), pp. 106–116.
POPL-1980-Sethi #case study #programming language #semantics #specification- A Case Study in Specifying the Semantics of a Programming Language (RS), pp. 117–130.
POPL-1979-GreifM #programming language #semantics #specification- Specifying Programming Language Semantics (IG, ARM), pp. 180–189.
SOSP-1975-CoffmanM #scheduling- Selecting a Scheduling Rule that Meets Pre-Specified Response Time Demands (EGCJ, IM), pp. 187–191.
SIGIR-1973-BoyceCHK #query #relational #specification- Specifying Queries as Relational Expressions (RFB, DDC, MH, WFKI), pp. 31–47.