Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Shankar M.K.Srivas S.Owre J.M.Rushby
Talks about:
check (4) proof (2) model (2) specif (1) integr (1) combin (1) autom (1) pvs (1)
Person: S. Rajan
DBLP: Rajan:S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CAV-1996-OwreRRSS #model checking #named #proving #specification
- PVS: Combining Specification, Proof Checking, and Model Checking (SO, SR, JMR, NS, MKS), pp. 411–414.
- CAV-1995-RajanSS #automation #integration #model checking #proving
- An Integration of Model Checking with Automated Proof Checking (SR, NS, MKS), pp. 84–97.