Collaborated with:
S.V.Nguyen T.N.Nguyen Y.Li
Talks about:
code (2) base (2) statement (1) represent (1) statist (1) program (1) network (1) languag (1) context (1) complet (1)
Person: Shaohua Wang 0002
DBLP: 0002:Shaohua_Wang
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ASE-2019-NguyenNLW #program analysis #statistics
- Combining Program Analysis and Statistical Language Model for Code Statement Completion (SVN, TNN, YL, SW0), pp. 710–721.
- OOPSLA-2019-LiWNN #debugging #detection #learning #network #representation
- Improving bug detection via context-based code representation learning and attention-based neural networks (YL, SW0, TNN, SVN), p. 30.