74 papers:
FM-2014-HayesM #algebra #invariant #realtime- Invariants, Well-Founded Statements and Real-Time Program Algebra (IJH, LM), pp. 318–334.
KDD-2014-MukherjeeWD #community #health #people- People on drugs: credibility of user statements in health communities (SM, GW, CDNM), pp. 65–74.
KDIR-2014-HaraSOM #automation #information management #towards- Annotating Cohesive Statements of Anatomical Knowledge Toward Semi-automated Information Extraction (KH, IS, KO, IM), pp. 342–347.
ICSE-2014-GopinathKSC #data-driven- Data-guided repair of selection statements (DG, SK, DS, SC), pp. 243–253.
ICSE-2014-Monperrus #automation #bibliography #evaluation #generative #problem- A critical review of “automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches”: essay on the problem statement and the evaluation of automatic software repair (MM), pp. 234–242.
CSMR-2013-SasakiHK #order #readability- Reordering Program Statements for Improving Readability (YS, YH, SK), pp. 361–364.
SEFM-2013-GesellMS #verification- Lifting Verification Results for Preemption Statements (MG, AM, KS), pp. 91–105.
AdaEurope-2013-XueN- Measuring the Odds of Statements Being Faulty (XX, ASN), pp. 109–126.
KEOD-2013-CholewaACR #integration #modelling #multimodal #network- Multimodal Statement Networks for Diagnostic Knowledge Modeling and Integration (WC, MA, PC, TR), pp. 140–147.
ICSE-2013-SantelicesZJCZ #slicing- Quantitative program slicing: separating statements by relevance (RAS, YZ, SJ, HC, YJZ), pp. 1269–1272.
CGO-2013-ChouhanRB #interactive #profiling- Pertinent path profiling: Tracking interactions among relevant statements (RC, SR, SB), p. 12.
ICST-2013-DengOL #empirical #evaluation- Empirical Evaluation of the Statement Deletion Mutation Operator (LD, JO, NL), pp. 84–93.
CIKM-2012-LeongC #web- Supporting factual statements with evidence from the web (CWL, SC), pp. 1153–1162.
REFSQ-2012-GulkeRJA #complexity #development #problem #requirements- High-Level Requirements Management and Complexity Costs in Automotive Development Projects: A Problem Statement (TG, BR, MJ, JA), pp. 94–100.
FSE-2012-ParkHHCGTFX #named #performance- CarFast: achieving higher statement coverage faster (SP, BMMH, IH, CC, MG, KT, CF, QX), p. 35.
CAiSE-2011-QureshiJP #adaptation #ontology #problem #requirements #self- Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: Core Ontology and Problem Statement (NAQ, IJ, AP), pp. 33–47.
ICEIS-v3-2011-Yu11a- A Critique of the Benefits Statement 2006/2007 for the UK NHS National Programme for IT (AGY), pp. 482–487.
CIKM-2011-MetzgerEHS #named- S3K: seeking statement-supporting top-K witnesses (SM, SE, KH, RS), pp. 37–46.
KEOD-2011-Karbe #concept #formal method #implementation #information management #representation- Formalizing and Implementing Knowledge Representation on the Basis of Conceptions — Position Statement (TK), pp. 317–321.
OOPSLA-2011-AndersonG #composition- Composable, nestable, pessimistic atomic statements (ZRA, DG), pp. 865–884.
SCAM-2009-SpaccoW #lightweight- Lightweight Techniques for Tracking Unique Program Statements (JS, CCW), pp. 99–108.
CIKM-2009-NicolaK #generative #query #sql #xml- Generating SQL/XML query and update statements (MN, TK), pp. 1187–1196.
SCAM-2008-BinkleyGHLM #analysis- Evaluating Key Statements Analysis (DB, NG, MH, ZL, KM), pp. 121–130.
WCRE-2008-CleveH #data-driven #dynamic analysis #reverse engineering #sql- Dynamic Analysis of SQL Statements for Data-Intensive Applications Reverse Engineering (AC, JLH), pp. 192–196.
SIGAda-2008-Maurer #ada #problem #source code- Removing backward go-to statements from Ada programs: possibilities and problems (WDM), pp. 105–108.
SIGAda-2008-Taft #ada #implementation- Implementing the extended return statement for Ada 2005 (STT), pp. 97–104.
VLDB-2007-Kraft #component #sequence- A Cost-Estimation Component for Statement Sequences (TK), pp. 1382–1385.
SCAM-2007-Krinke #metric #visualisation- Statement-Level Cohesion Metrics and their Visualization (JK), pp. 37–48.
ICSE-2005-McClureK #sql- SQL DOM: compile time checking of dynamic SQL statements (RAM, IHK), pp. 88–96.
VLDB-2004-BehmRS- Returning Modified Rows — SELECT Statements with Side Effects (AB, SR, RS), pp. 987–997.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Mason #education- Teaching by analogy: the switch statement (JM), pp. 105–107.
WCRE-2004-LakhotiaM #anti #order- Imposing Order on Program Statements to Assist Anti-Virus Scanners (AL, MM), pp. 161–170.
VLDB-2003-KraftSRM #optimisation #sequence #sql- Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences (TK, HS, RR, BM), pp. 488–499.
SCAM-J-2001-ChenXYZ02 #ada #concurrent #detection- Concurrent Ada dead statements detection (ZC, BX, HY, JZ), pp. 733–741.
TestCom-2002-HeikkilaTV #automation #generative #testing- Position Statement: Testing Automation with Computer Aided Test Case Generation (TH, PT, JV), p. 209–?.
TestCom-2002-Sachse #testing- Position Statement: Making TTCN-3 testing a success (WS), pp. 201–208.
IWPC-J-1999-CifuentesE01- Recovery of jump table case statements from binary code (CC, MVE), pp. 171–188.
ICSM-2001-MalenfantAMD #analysis #detection- Flow Analysis to Detect Blocked Statements (BM, GA, EM, MD), p. 62–?.
SCAM-2001-ChenXY #concurrent #detection #source code- Detecting Dead Statements for Concurrent Programs (ZC, BX, HY), pp. 67–74.
SIGAda-2001-ChenBY #adaptation #algorithm #detection #using- Detecting concurrently executed pairs of statements using an adapted MHP algorithm (ZC, BX, HY), pp. 107–114.
KDD-2001-HotzGHNW #analysis #detection #industrial- REVI-MINER, a KDD-environment for deviation detection and analysis of warranty and goodwill cost statements in automotive industry (EH, UG, WH, GN, MW), pp. 432–437.
DATE-2000-ZorianNMLSV #tutorial- Tutorial Statement (YZ, MN, PM, DYL, CWHS, KV), p. 66.
CSMR-2000-Voas- Disposable COTS-Intensive Software Systems (A Position Statement) (JMV), pp. 239–241.
DAC-1999-FallahAD #generative #simulation- Simulation Vector Generation from HDL Descriptions for Observability-Enhanced Statement Coverage (FF, PA, SD), pp. 666–671.
CSEET-1999-Gotterbarn #development- Cleanroom, PSP, and the Software Development Impact Statement: Developing the Right Attitude (DG), p. 80–?.
IWPC-1999-CifuentesE- Recovery of Jump Table Case Statements from Binary Code (CC, MVE), pp. 192–199.
AdaEurope-1999-GarciaV #ada #petri net- Translating Time Petri Net Structures into Ada 95 Statements (FJGI, JLV), pp. 158–169.
TACAS-1998-BrockmeyerW #design #verification- Tamagotchis Need Not Die — Verification of STATEMENT Design (UB, GW), pp. 217–231.
FSE-1998-NaumovichA #algorithm #data flow #detection #parallel- A Conservative Data Flow Algorithm for Detecting All Pairs of Statement That May Happen in Parallel (GN, GSA), pp. 24–34.
DLT-1997-Raeva #ambiguity #logic #semantics- Semantic Interpretation of Ambiguous Statements, Represented in a Logical Form (IR), pp. 529–537.
SAC-1995-BoscLP #flexibility #quantifier #query #relational- Quantified statements in a flexible relational query language (PB, LL, OP), pp. 488–492.
PLDI-1994-Agrawal #on the #slicing #source code- On Slicing Programs with Jump Statements (HA), pp. 302–312.
SAC-1994-Foster #analysis #education #named #using- FRA: using a goal-based scenario to teach financial statement analysis (DAF), pp. 568–572.
CC-1994-BenkerBZ #array #compilation #fortran #interface #performance- Processing Array Statements and Procedure Interfaces in the PREPARE High Performance Fortran Compiler (SB, PB, HPZ), pp. 324–338.
CADE-1992-ChouG #geometry #proving- Proving Geometry Statements of Constructive Type (SCC, XSG), pp. 20–34.
VDME-1991-1-McParlandK #programming language #specification- A Specification of a Complex Programming Language Statement (PM, PK), pp. 658–667.
ICSE-1991-Kishida- Position Statement (KK), p. 151.
ICSE-1990-Bush #re-engineering- Software Re-engineering Position Statement (EB), p. 121.
SEI-1989-LyallA #education #re-engineering- Position Statement: Software Engineering Undergraduate Education (JRL, JGA), pp. 289–293.
VDME-1988-Milne #proving- Proof Rules for VDM Statements (RM), pp. 318–336.
SLP-1986-OhrstromA86 #logic programming- The Logic of Tensed Statements in English — An Application of Logic Programming (PØ, NA), pp. 12–19.
SIGMOD-1985-DemoK #analysis #database #dependence- Analysis of the Context Dependency of CODASYL Find-Statements with Application to Database Program Conversion (GBD, SK), pp. 354–361.
DAC-1981-Dutton #automation #design #perspective #tool support- Position statement — tools for design automation from a university point of view (RWD), p. 333.
DAC-1980-Allen #automation #design- A contemporary perspective on design automation and VLSI in the 80’s (Position Statement) (JA), pp. 338–339.
DAC-1980-Daram- Position statement — CAD for VLSI (SBD), p. 642.
DAC-1980-Gwyn #automation #design #roadmap- Design automation trends for VLSI in the 1980s (Position Statement) (CWG), p. 340.
DAC-1980-Jacobs #automation #design- Design automation and VLSI in the 80’s (Position Statement) (RMJ), p. 341.
DAC-1980-Lee #design #tool support- Design tools for VLSI (Position Statement) (BL), p. 342.
DAC-1980-Newton #challenge #design- The VLSI design challenge of the 80’s (Position Statement) (ARN), pp. 343–344.
DAC-1980-Roberts #challenge #design #named- VLSI — a challenge for system designers (Position Statement) (MBR), p. 345.
DAC-1980-Sapiro #automation- Desisn automation and VLSI in the 80’s (Position Statement) (SS), pp. 346–347.
SIGIR-1980-MazlackF #database #query- Establishing a Basis for Mapping Natural-Language Statements Onto a Database Query Language (LJM, RAF), pp. 192–202.
VLDB-1978-Hsiao- An Opening Statement for the Session in Impact of New Technologies (DKH), p. 70.
POPL-1978-Haraldsson #compilation #lisp- A Partial Evaluator, Its Use for Compiling Iterative Statements in Lisp (AH), pp. 195–202.