Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
S.Arzt E.Bodden A.Bartel J.Klein Y.L.Traon D.Octeau P.McDaniel V.Avdiienko K.Kuznetsov A.Gorla A.Zeller C.Fritz L.Li T.F.Bissyandé
Talks about:
app (3) android (2) sensit (2) flow (2) lifecycl (1) privaci (1) context (1) analysi (1) precis (1) object (1)
Person: Siegfried Rasthofer
DBLP: Rasthofer:Siegfried
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSE-v1-2015-AvdiienkoKGZARB #mining
- Mining Apps for Abnormal Usage of Sensitive Data (VA, KK, AG, AZ, SA, SR, EB), pp. 426–436.
- ICSE-v1-2015-LiBBKTARBOM #android #component #detection #named #privacy
- IccTA: Detecting Inter-Component Privacy Leaks in Android Apps (LL, AB, TFB, JK, YLT, SA, SR, EB, DO, PM), pp. 280–291.
- PLDI-2014-ArztRFBBKTOM #analysis #android #named #precise
- FlowDroid: precise context, flow, field, object-sensitive and lifecycle-aware taint analysis for Android apps (SA, SR, CF, EB, AB, JK, YLT, DO, PM), p. 29.