436 papers:
CASE-2015-HandokoL #order #performance #privacy- Efficient order sharing with privacy preservation via double auction with split delivery (SDH, HCL), pp. 69–74.
DAC-2015-SadeghiWW #challenge #industrial #internet #privacy #security- Security and privacy challenges in industrial internet of things (ARS, CW, MW), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SonghoriHSK #logic #nearest neighbour #privacy #synthesis #using- Compacting privacy-preserving k-nearest neighbor search using logic synthesis (EMS, SUH, ARS, FK), p. 6.
DATE-2015-KonstantinouKM #encryption #functional #privacy #verification- Privacy-preserving functional IP verification utilizing fully homomorphic encryption (CK, AK, MM), pp. 333–338.
SIGMOD-2015-AllardHMP #clustering #named #privacy- Chiaroscuro: Transparency and Privacy for Massive Personal Time-Series Clustering (TA, GH, FM, EP), pp. 779–794.
SIGMOD-2015-YangSN #correlation #difference #privacy- Bayesian Differential Privacy on Correlated Data (BY, IS, HN), pp. 747–762.
VLDB-2015-GuerraouiKPT #difference #named #privacy #recommendation- D2P: Distance-Based Differential Privacy in Recommenders (RG, AMK, RP, MT), pp. 862–873.
VLDB-2015-HuYYDCYGZ #big data #difference #framework #privacy- Differential Privacy in Telco Big Data Platform (XH, MY, JY, YD, LC, QY, HG, JZ), pp. 1692–1703.
VLDB-2015-RahmanLT0D #database #privacy #ranking- Privacy Implications of Database Ranking (MFR, WL, ST, NZ, GD), pp. 1106–1117.
FM-2015-BringerCML #architecture #design #privacy #reasoning- Privacy by Design in Practice: Reasoning about Privacy Properties of Biometric System Architectures (JB, HC, DLM, RL), pp. 90–107.
CHI-2015-AhmedHCCK #behaviour #people #privacy #visual notation- Privacy Concerns and Behaviors of People with Visual Impairments (TA, RH, KC, DJC, AK), pp. 3523–3532.
CHI-2015-AlmuhimediSSAAG #case study #exclamation #mobile #privacy- Your Location has been Shared 5, 398 Times!: A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging (HA, FS, NMS, IA, AA, JG, LFC, YA), pp. 787–796.
CHI-2015-ClarkSMK #comprehension #image #privacy #quote- “I Saw Images I Didn’t Even Know I Had”: Understanding User Perceptions of Cloud Storage Privacy (JWC, PS, DM, CK), pp. 1641–1644.
CHI-2015-EgelmanKC #crowdsourcing #privacy #ubiquitous- Is This Thing On?: Crowdsourcing Privacy Indicators for Ubiquitous Sensing Platforms (SE, RK, RC), pp. 1669–1678.
CHI-2015-HoyleTACK #analysis #privacy #smarttech- Sensitive Lifelogs: A Privacy Analysis of Photos from Wearable Cameras (RH, RT, DLA, DJC, AK), pp. 1645–1648.
CHI-2015-LaseckiGLLBD #behaviour #crowdsourcing #privacy #trade-off #video- Exploring Privacy and Accuracy Trade-Offs in Crowdsourced Behavioral Video Coding (WSL, MG, WL, EL, JPB, SPD), pp. 1945–1954.
CHI-2015-PatilHSKL #feedback #privacy- Interrupt Now or Inform Later?: Comparing Immediate and Delayed Privacy Feedback (SP, RH, RS, AK, AJL), pp. 1415–1418.
CHI-2015-RenaudM #privacy- Regulating Access to Adult Content (with Privacy Preservation) (KR, JM), pp. 4019–4028.
CHI-2015-ShihLW #privacy #smarttech- Privacy Tipping Points in Smartphones Privacy Preferences (FS, IL, DJW), pp. 807–816.
CHI-2015-WangGXZYB #interactive #named #privacy #using #visualisation- VeilMe: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Privacy Configuration of Using Personality Traits (YW, LG, AX, MXZ, HY, HB), pp. 817–826.
CSCW-2015-JiaWXRC #behaviour #learning #online #privacy #process- Risk-taking as a Learning Process for Shaping Teen’s Online Information Privacy Behaviors (HJ, PJW, HX, MBR, JMC), pp. 583–599.
CSCW-2015-KumarS #facebook #privacy #women- The Modern Day Baby Book: Enacting Good Mothering and Stewarding Privacy on Facebook (PK, SYS), pp. 1302–1312.
CSCW-2015-PapoutsiB #health #privacy- Privacy as Articulation Work in HIV Health Services (CP, IB), pp. 339–348.
CSCW-2015-WisniewskiIKP #network #privacy #social- Give Social Network Users the Privacy They Want (PJW, AKMNI, BPK, SP), pp. 1427–1441.
CSCW-2015-WisniewskiJXRC #behaviour #how #privacy #quote #social #social media- “Preventative” vs. “Reactive”: How Parental Mediation Influences Teens’ Social Media Privacy Behaviors (PJW, HJ, HX, MBR, JMC), pp. 302–316.
ICEIS-v2-2015-SmirnovP #architecture #hybrid #network #peer-to-peer #privacy #recommendation- Privacy-preserving Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Recommendation System Architecture — Locality-Sensitive Hashing in Structured Overlay Network (AVS, AP), pp. 532–542.
ICEIS-v3-2015-RosaZ #mobile #network #privacy #social- Location-sharing Model in Mobile Social Networks with Privacy Guarantee (TAR, SDZ), pp. 44–54.
ICML-2015-KairouzOV #composition #difference #privacy #theorem- The Composition Theorem for Differential Privacy (PK, SO, PV), pp. 1376–1385.
ICML-2015-WangFS #for free #monte carlo #privacy #probability- Privacy for Free: Posterior Sampling and Stochastic Gradient Monte Carlo (YXW, SEF, AJS), pp. 2493–2502.
KDD-2015-KarakasidisKV #privacy #scalability- Scalable Blocking for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage (AK, GK, VSV), pp. 527–536.
KDD-2015-LeeWK #consistency #constraints #difference #privacy- Maximum Likelihood Postprocessing for Differential Privacy under Consistency Constraints (JL, YW, DK), pp. 635–644.
RecSys-2015-BerliozFKBB #difference #matrix #privacy- Applying Differential Privacy to Matrix Factorization (AB, AF, MAK, RB, SB), pp. 107–114.
SIGIR-2015-YangS #information retrieval #privacy #security- Privacy-Preserving IR 2015: When Information Retrieval Meets Privacy and Security (HY, IS), pp. 1157–1158.
POPL-2015-BartheGAHRS #approximate #design #difference #higher-order #privacy #refinement #relational- Higher-Order Approximate Relational Refinement Types for Mechanism Design and Differential Privacy (GB, MG, EJGA, JH, AR, PYS), pp. 55–68.
POPL-2015-EbadiSS #difference #privacy- Differential Privacy: Now it’s Getting Personal (HE, DS, GS), pp. 69–81.
SAC-2015-BarnPB #approach #evaluation #privacy #requirements- An approach to early evaluation of informational privacy requirements (BSB, GP, RB), pp. 1370–1375.
SAC-2015-BassoMJV #architecture #design #evaluation #privacy #requirements #web- Requirements, design and evaluation of a privacy reference architecture for web applications and services (TB, RM, MJ, MV), pp. 1425–1432.
SAC-2015-HuangSZSXD #privacy #pseudo- A source-location privacy protection strategy via pseudo normal distribution-based phantom routing in WSNs (JH, MS, SZ, YS, CCX, QD), pp. 688–694.
SAC-2015-Moawad0FKT #adaptation #privacy #ubiquitous- Adaptive blurring of sensor data to balance privacy and utility for ubiquitous services (AM, TH, FF, JK, YLT), pp. 2271–2278.
ICSE-v1-2015-LiBBKTARBOM #android #component #detection #named #privacy- IccTA: Detecting Inter-Component Privacy Leaks in Android Apps (LL, AB, TFB, JK, YLT, SA, SR, EB, DO, PM), pp. 280–291.
ICSE-v1-2015-PetersML #fault #named #predict #privacy- LACE2: Better Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing for Cross Project Defect Prediction (FP, TM, LL), pp. 801–811.
ICSE-v2-2015-AnthonysamyR #in the large #privacy #re-engineering- Software Engineering for Privacy in-the-Large (PA, AR), pp. 947–948.
LICS-2015-Kifer #privacy- Privacy and the Price of Data (DK), p. 16.
VMCAI-2015-CortesiFPT #mobile #policy #privacy #semantics #verification- Datacentric Semantics for Verification of Privacy Policy Compliance by Mobile Applications (AC, PF, MP, OT), pp. 61–79.
DocEng-2014-DavisonMM #named #privacy #semantics #similarity- P-GTM: privacy-preserving google tri-gram method for semantic text similarity (OD, AM, EEM), pp. 81–84.
HT-2014-SquicciariniCB #image #privacy #web- Analyzing images’ privacy for the modern web (ACS, CC, RB), pp. 136–147.
SIGMOD-2014-Dev14a #community #detection #graph #precise #privacy #social- Privacy preserving social graphs for high precision community detection (HD), pp. 1615–1616.
SIGMOD-2014-HeMD #policy #privacy #trade-off #using- Blowfish privacy: tuning privacy-utility trade-offs using policies (XH, AM, BD), pp. 1447–1458.
VLDB-2014-LiHMW #algorithm #difference #privacy #query- A Data- and Workload-Aware Query Answering Algorithm for Range Queries Under Differential Privacy (CL, MH, GM, YW), pp. 341–352.
VLDB-2014-LiLWB #in the cloud #performance #privacy #query- Fast Range Query Processing with Strong Privacy Protection for Cloud Computing (RL, AXL, ALW, BB), pp. 1953–1964.
VLDB-2014-LiXZJ #named #privacy- DPSynthesizer: Differentially Private Data Synthesizer for Privacy Preserving Data Sharing (HL, LX, LZ, XJ), pp. 1677–1680.
VLDB-2014-ToGS #crowdsourcing #framework #privacy- A Framework for Protecting Worker Location Privacy in Spatial Crowdsourcing (HT, GG, CS), pp. 919–930.
STOC-2014-BunUV #approximate #difference #privacy- Fingerprinting codes and the price of approximate differential privacy (MB, JU, SPV), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2014-DworkTT0 #analysis #bound #component #privacy- Analyze gauss: optimal bounds for privacy-preserving principal component analysis (CD, KT, AT, LZ), pp. 11–20.
SEFM-2014-PardoS #framework #network #policy #privacy #social- A Formal Privacy Policy Framework for Social Networks (RP, GS), pp. 378–392.
CHI-2014-0005LACFS #facebook #privacy- A field trial of privacy nudges for facebook (YW, PGL, AA, LFC, AF, NMS), pp. 2367–2376.
CHI-2014-DaviesLCEFKS #network #personalisation #pervasive #privacy- Personalisation and privacy in future pervasive display networks (ND, ML, SC, IE, AF, TK, BS), pp. 2357–2366.
CHI-2014-DenningDK #artificial reality #privacy- In situ with bystanders of augmented reality glasses: perspectives on recording and privacy-mediating technologies (TD, ZD, TK), pp. 2377–2386.
CHI-2014-HarbachHWS #communication #privacy #security #using- Using personal examples to improve risk communication for security & privacy decisions (MH, MH, SW, MS), pp. 2647–2656.
CHI-2014-KobsaKL #behaviour #personalisation #privacy- Let’s do it at my place instead?: attitudinal and behavioral study of privacy in client-side personalization (AK, BPK, BL), pp. 81–90.
CHI-2014-ShklovskiMSB #mobile #privacy- Leakiness and creepiness in app space: perceptions of privacy and mobile app use (IS, SDM, HHS, HB), pp. 2347–2356.
CSCW-2014-MurphyRX #case study #collaboration #privacy- Privacy practices in collaborative environments: a study of emergency department staff (ARM, MCR, HX), pp. 269–282.
ICEIS-v3-2014-ObsivacBB #performance #privacy #student- Do Desperate Students Trade Their Privacy for a Hope? — An Evidence of the Privacy Settings Influence on the User Performance (TO, HB, MB), pp. 156–161.
CIKM-2014-DongLW #as a service #named #privacy- PraDa: Privacy-preserving Data-Deduplication-as-a-Service (BD, RL, WHW), pp. 1559–1568.
CIKM-2014-SongG #difference #named #privacy #query- Aroma: A New Data Protection Method with Differential Privacy and Accurate Query Answering (CS, TG), pp. 1569–1578.
CIKM-2014-VatsalanC #database #multi #privacy #scalability- Scalable Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage for Multiple Databases (DV, PC), pp. 1795–1798.
CIKM-2014-YeMAG #approach #privacy #visual notation- Negative FaceBlurring: A Privacy-by-Design Approach to Visual Lifelogging with Google Glass (TY, BM, RA, CG), pp. 2036–2038.
ICPR-2014-InaiPFFU #privacy- Selective Concealment of Characters for Privacy Protection (KI, MP, VF, YF, SU), pp. 333–338.
ICPR-2014-ZhangLNT #privacy- Anonymous Camera for Privacy Protection (YZ, YL, HN, RiT), pp. 4170–4175.
KDD-2014-AcsC #case study #privacy- A case study: privacy preserving release of spatio-temporal density in paris (GÁ, CC), pp. 1679–1688.
KDD-2014-LuM #difference #estimation #exponential #graph #privacy #random- Exponential random graph estimation under differential privacy (WL, GM), pp. 921–930.
KDD-2014-RamakrishnanW #privacy #question #social- Does social good justify risking personal privacy? (RR, GIW), p. 1965.
KDD-2014-ZhuXGC #mobile #privacy #recommendation #security- Mobile app recommendations with security and privacy awareness (HZ, HX, YG, EC), pp. 951–960.
KEOD-2014-KruppS0 #mobile #ontology #policy #privacy #security- An Ontology for Enforcing Security and Privacy Policies on Mobile Devices (BK, NS, WZ), pp. 288–295.
SIGIR-2014-SiY #information retrieval #privacy #security- Privacy-preserving IR: when information retrieval meets privacy and security (LS, HY), p. 1295.
RE-2014-Anton #privacy #security- Now more than ever: Privacy and security are required (keynote) (AIA), p. 2.
RE-2014-BreauxS #policy #privacy #requirements #scalability- Scaling requirements extraction to the crowd: Experiments with privacy policies (TDB, FS), pp. 163–172.
SAC-2014-A #authentication #health #mobile #network #privacy #research #student- Student research abstract: a privacy-preserving profile matching based authentication system for mobile health networks (DHA), pp. 196–197.
SAC-2014-BaeLKWP #network #privacy #social- Analyzing network privacy preserving methods: a perspective of social network characteristics (DHB, JML, SWK, YW, YP), pp. 331–332.
SAC-2014-BarbosaBAC #lightweight #privacy- Lightweight privacy for smart metering data by adding noise (PB, AB, HA, SC), pp. 531–538.
SAC-2014-BasuCKMVG0M #feedback #privacy #social- Privacy preserving trusted social feedback (AB, JCC, SK, SM, JV, GG, JZ, YM), pp. 1706–1711.
SAC-2014-LabdaMS #modelling #privacy #process- Modeling of privacy-aware business processes in BPMN to protect personal data (WL, NM, PS), pp. 1399–1405.
SAC-2014-PetrlicLS #privacy- Privacy-preserving reputation management (RP, SL, CS), pp. 1712–1718.
ICSE-2014-ShethKM #case study #privacy #requirements- Us and them: a study of privacy requirements across north america, asia, and europe (SS, GEK, WM), pp. 859–870.
ICSE-2014-ThomasBPN #mobile #privacy #requirements- Distilling privacy requirements for mobile applications (KT, AKB, BAP, BN), pp. 871–882.
CAV-2014-ChowdhuryJGD #monitoring #policy #privacy #runtime- Temporal Mode-Checking for Runtime Monitoring of Privacy Policies (OC, LJ, DG, AD), pp. 131–149.
LICS-CSL-2014-FredriksonJ #approach #privacy #satisfiability- Satisfiability modulo counting: a new approach for analyzing privacy properties (MF, SJ), p. 10.
SIGMOD-2013-BonomiXL #integration #named #privacy- LinkIT: privacy preserving record linkage and integration via transformations (LB, LX, JJL), pp. 1029–1032.
SIGMOD-2013-ChenZ #difference #privacy #recursion #strict #towards- Recursive mechanism: towards node differential privacy and unrestricted joins (SC, SZ), pp. 653–664.
SIGMOD-2013-LinK #estimation #privacy #statistics- Information preservation in statistical privacy and bayesian estimation of unattributed histograms (BRL, DK), pp. 677–688.
VLDB-2013-Bonomi #difference #mining #privacy- Mining Frequent Patterns with Differential Privacy (LB), pp. 1422–1427.
VLDB-2013-KellarisP #difference #privacy- Practical Differential Privacy via Grouping and Smoothing (GK, SP), pp. 301–312.
VLDB-2013-XueZZXYTJZ #named #predict #privacy- DesTeller: A System for Destination Prediction Based on Trajectories with Privacy Protection (AYX, RZ, YZ, XX, JY, YT), pp. 1198–1201.
VLDB-2013-ZhangWYMC #integration #lightweight #peer-to-peer #privacy- Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Peer-to-Peer Data Integration (YZ, WKW, SMY, NM, DWC), pp. 157–168.
STOC-2013-HsuRU #difference #equilibrium #privacy- Differential privacy for the analyst via private equilibrium computation (JH, AR, JU), pp. 341–350.
STOC-2013-NikolovTZ #approximate #difference #geometry #privacy- The geometry of differential privacy: the sparse and approximate cases (AN, KT, LZ), pp. 351–360.
STOC-2013-Ullman #difference #privacy #query- Answering n{2+o(1)} counting queries with differential privacy is hard (JU), pp. 361–370.
ICALP-v2-2013-BartheO #composition #difference #logic #privacy #probability #relational #source code #theorem- Beyond Differential Privacy: Composition Theorems and Relational Logic for f-divergences between Probabilistic Programs (GB, FO), pp. 49–60.
CHI-2013-Egelman #exclamation #facebook #privacy #trade-off #verification- My profile is my password, verify me!: the privacy/convenience tradeoff of facebook connect (SE), pp. 2369–2378.
CHI-2013-KelleyCS #privacy #process- Privacy as part of the app decision-making process (PGK, LFC, NMS), pp. 3393–3402.
CHI-2013-KnijnenburgKJ #privacy #question- Preference-based location sharing: are more privacy options really better? (BPK, AK, HJ), pp. 2667–2676.
CHI-2013-PanjwaniSSJ #comprehension #perspective #privacy #web- Understanding the privacy-personalization dilemma for web search: a user perspective (SP, NS, SS, SJ), pp. 3427–3430.
CHI-2013-SpiliotopoulosO #comprehension #facebook #metric #network #privacy- Understanding motivations for facebook use: usage metrics, network structure, and privacy (TS, IO), pp. 3287–3296.
CSCW-2013-ChenX #comprehension #privacy- Privacy management in dynamic groups: understanding information privacy in medical practices (YC, HX), pp. 541–552.
CSCW-2013-OKaneMT #health #information management #privacy- Non-static nature of patient consent: shifting privacy perspectives in health information sharing (AAO, HMM, ET), pp. 553–562.
CSCW-2013-WangGX #empirical #online #privacy #social- An online experiment of privacy authorization dialogues for social applications (NW, JG, HX), pp. 261–272.
HCI-UC-2013-Acharya #named #privacy- SP-CIP: A Secure and Privacy Aware Patient Centric Information Portal (SA), pp. 3–9.
HCI-UC-2013-HeupelBK #privacy #trust- Trust and Privacy in the di.me Userware (MH, MB, DK), pp. 39–48.
CAiSE-2013-BarhamgiBOCCMT #execution #privacy- Secure and Privacy-Preserving Execution Model for Data Services (MB, DB, SO, NCB, FC, MM, HT), pp. 35–50.
ICEIS-v3-2013-BorgesRMS #facebook #privacy- Who Is This Guy Who Liked My Picture? — Privacy Control Mechanisms on Facebook for Generations X and Y (GB, TR, CM, PCdS), pp. 179–186.
CIKM-2013-BonomiX #algorithm #difference #mining #privacy- A two-phase algorithm for mining sequential patterns with differential privacy (LB, LX), pp. 269–278.
CIKM-2013-TianCZ #approach #database #hybrid #mobile #privacy #query- A hybrid approach for privacy-preserving processing of knn queries in mobile database systems (ST, YC, QZ), pp. 1161–1164.
CIKM-2013-ZhangLL #performance #privacy #robust #streaming- An efficient and robust privacy protection technique for massive streaming choice-based information (JZ, XL, YL), pp. 1169–1172.
ECIR-2013-ArampatzisDE #privacy #web- A Versatile Tool for Privacy-Enhanced Web Search (AA, GD, PSE), pp. 368–379.
KDD-2013-JohnsonS #data analysis #privacy- Privacy-preserving data exploration in genome-wide association studies (AJ, VS), pp. 1079–1087.
KDD-2013-ShenY #difference #graph #mining #privacy- Mining frequent graph patterns with differential privacy (ES, TY), pp. 545–553.
KDD-2013-WuNTWXX #framework #privacy- A privacy preserving framework for managing vehicle data in road pricing systems (HW, WSN, KLT, WW, SX, MX), pp. 1427–1435.
SEKE-2013-MaierS #privacy- Profiles for Convenient Front-end Privacy (RM, JS), pp. 125–130.
QAPL-2013-GazeauMP #difference #privacy #semantics- Preserving differential privacy under finite-precision semantics (IG, DM, CP), pp. 1–18.
POPL-2013-GaboardiHHNP #dependent type #difference #linear #privacy- Linear dependent types for differential privacy (MG, AH, JH, AN, BCP), pp. 357–370.
RE-2013-BreauxR #analysis #formal method #multi #privacy #requirements #specification- Formal analysis of privacy requirements specifications for multi-tier applications (TDB, AR), pp. 14–20.
SAC-2013-DimitriouK #energy #privacy #smarttech- Privacy-friendly tasking and trading of energy in smart grids (TD, GK), pp. 652–659.
SAC-2013-MokarizadehDMB #matrix #privacy #social- Enhancing social matrix factorization with privacy (SM, ND, MM, RB), pp. 277–278.
ICSE-2013-OmoronyiaCSPN #adaptation #privacy #requirements- Engineering adaptive privacy: on the role of privacy awareness requirements (IO, LC, MS, LP, BN), pp. 632–641.
CAV-2013-ChevalCP #how #privacy- Lengths May Break Privacy — Or How to Check for Equivalences with Length (VC, VC, AP), pp. 708–723.
ASE-2012-OmoronyiaPSCDN #adaptation #named #privacy- Caprice: a tool for engineering adaptive privacy (IO, LP, MS, LC, GD, BN), pp. 354–357.
ASE-2012-XiaoTFHM #analysis #privacy- User-aware privacy control via extended static-information-flow analysis (XX, NT, MF, JdH, MM), pp. 80–89.
PODS-2012-ChoromanskiM #algorithm #database #graph #power of #privacy #statistics- The power of the dinur-nissim algorithm: breaking privacy of statistical and graph databases (KC, TM), pp. 65–76.
PODS-2012-KiferM #framework #privacy- A rigorous and customizable framework for privacy (DK, AM), pp. 77–88.
SIGMOD-2012-HuXCY #authentication #privacy- Authenticating location-based services without compromising location privacy (HH, JX, QC, ZY), pp. 301–312.
SIGMOD-2012-MeachamS #named #privacy #sql #transaction- JustMyFriends: full SQL, full transactional amenities, and access privacy (AM, DS), pp. 633–636.
SIGMOD-2012-MohanTSSC #data analysis #named #privacy- GUPT: privacy preserving data analysis made easy (PM, AT, ES, DS, DEC), pp. 349–360.
SIGMOD-2012-PengYZWY #difference #multi #named #privacy- DP-tree: indexing multi-dimensional data under differential privacy (abstract only) (SP, YY, ZZ, MW, YY), p. 864.
SIGMOD-2012-YangZMWX #analysis #difference #privacy- Differential privacy in data publication and analysis (YY, ZZ, GM, MW, XX), pp. 601–606.
VLDB-2012-AgrawalAW #in the cloud #perspective #privacy- Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Services in the Cloud: A Data Centric View (DA, AEA, SW), pp. 2028–2029.
VLDB-2012-CaoK #privacy #robust- Publishing Microdata with a Robust Privacy Guarantee (JC, PK), pp. 1388–1399.
VLDB-2012-LiM #adaptation #difference #privacy #query- An Adaptive Mechanism for Accurate Query Answering under Differential Privacy (CL, GM), pp. 514–525.
VLDB-2012-LiQSC #difference #mining #named #privacy- PrivBasis: Frequent Itemset Mining with Differential Privacy (NL, WHQ, DS, JC), pp. 1340–1351.
VLDB-2012-TerrovitisLMS #privacy- Privacy Preservation by Disassociation (MT, JL, NM, SS), pp. 944–955.
VLDB-2012-YuanZWXYH #difference #optimisation #privacy #query #rank- Low-Rank Mechanism: Optimizing Batch Queries under Differential Privacy (GY, ZZ, MW, XX, YY, ZH), pp. 1352–1363.
VLDB-2012-ZhangZXYW #analysis #difference #functional #privacy- Functional Mechanism: Regression Analysis under Differential Privacy (JZ, ZZ, XX, YY, MW), pp. 1364–1375.
STOC-2012-Li #design #privacy- Design extractors, non-malleable condensers and privacy amplification (XL), pp. 837–854.
CHI-2012-Barkhuus #human-computer #privacy #using- The mismeasurement of privacy: using contextual integrity to reconsider privacy in HCI (LB), pp. 367–376.
CIKM-2012-BonomiXCF #privacy- Frequent grams based embedding for privacy preserving record linkage (LB, LX, RC, BCMF), pp. 1597–1601.
CIKM-2012-DhiaAS #named #network #privacy #social- Primates: a privacy management system for social networks (IBD, TA, MS), pp. 2746–2748.
CIKM-2012-DinhST #network #online #privacy #social- The walls have ears: optimize sharing for visibility and privacy in online social networks (TND, YS, MTT), pp. 1452–1461.
CIKM-2012-FanX #difference #monitoring #privacy #realtime- Real-time aggregate monitoring with differential privacy (LF, LX), pp. 2169–2173.
CIKM-2012-ZerrSH #classification #exclamation #image #privacy #retrieval- PicAlert!: a system for privacy-aware image classification and retrieval (SZ, SS, JSH), pp. 2710–2712.
ICPR-2012-NodariVG #artificial reality #image #privacy- Digital privacy: Replacing pedestrians from Google Street View images (AN, MV, IG), pp. 2889–2893.
ICPR-2012-OGorman #fault #privacy #segmentation #video- Video privacy filters with tolerance to segmentation errors for video conferencing and surveillance (LO), pp. 1835–1838.
SEKE-2012-DoranCG #api #how #network #privacy #social- How Social Network APIs Have Ended the Age of Privacy (DD, SC, SSG), pp. 400–405.
SIGIR-2012-ZerrSHD #classification #image #privacy- Privacy-aware image classification and search (SZ, SS, JSH, ED), pp. 35–44.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-CatanoHR #formal method #named #network #policy #privacy #social- Poporo: A Formal Methods Tool for Fast-Checking of Social Network Privacy Policies (NC, SH, CR), pp. 9–16.
QAPL-2012-PalamidessiS #algebra #bound #constraints #difference #privacy #relational- Differential Privacy for Relational Algebra: Improving the Sensitivity Bounds via Constraint Systems (CP, MS), pp. 92–105.
POPL-2012-BartheKOB #difference #privacy #probability #reasoning #relational- Probabilistic relational reasoning for differential privacy (GB, BK, FO, SZB), pp. 97–110.
POPL-2012-YangYS #automation #policy #privacy- A language for automatically enforcing privacy policies (JY, KY, ASL), pp. 85–96.
RE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements- Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
SAC-2012-BasuVDK #case study #collaboration #performance #privacy- Feasibility of a privacy preserving collaborative filtering scheme on the Google App Engine: a performance case study (AB, JV, TD, HK), pp. 447–452.
SAC-2012-CuellarOR #privacy- Indistinguishable regions in geographic privacy (JC, MO, RR), pp. 1463–1469.
SAC-2012-MannS #android #detection #framework #privacy #static analysis- A framework for static detection of privacy leaks in android applications (CM, AS), pp. 1457–1462.
ICSE-2012-PetersM #fault #predict #privacy- Privacy and utility for defect prediction: Experiments with MORPH (FP, TM), pp. 189–199.
OSDI-2012-DunnLJKSXSW #privacy- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Machine: Protecting Privacy with Ephemeral Channels (AMD, MZL, SJ, SK, MS, YX, VS, EW), pp. 61–75.
OSDI-2012-GiffinLSTMMR #named #privacy #web- Hails: Protecting Data Privacy in Untrusted Web Applications (DBG, AL, DS, DT, DM, JCM, AR), pp. 47–60.
LICS-2012-Feigenbaum #privacy- Privacy, Anonymity, and Accountability in Ad-Supported Services (JF), pp. 9–10.
ICDAR-2011-DuL #identification #privacy- Preservative License Plate De-identification for Privacy Protection (LD, HL), pp. 468–472.
PODS-2011-DavidsonKMPR #privacy- Provenance views for module privacy (SBD, SK, TM, DP, SR), pp. 175–186.
PODS-2011-HeBWN #complexity #on the #privacy- On the complexity of privacy-preserving complex event processing (YH, SB, DW, JFN), pp. 165–174.
SIGMOD-2011-BajajS #database #hardware #named #privacy- TrustedDB: a trusted hardware based database with privacy and data confidentiality (SB, RS), pp. 205–216.
SIGMOD-2011-GaoYJZWY #distance #privacy- Neighborhood-privacy protected shortest distance computing in cloud (JG, JXY, RJ, JZ, TW, DY), pp. 409–420.
SIGMOD-2011-HayLMPT #data transformation #network #privacy- Privacy-aware data management in information networks (MH, KL, GM, JP, ET), pp. 1201–1204.
SIGMOD-2011-KiferM #privacy- No free lunch in data privacy (DK, AM), pp. 193–204.
SIGMOD-2011-XiaoBHG #difference #fault #named #privacy- iReduct: differential privacy with reduced relative errors (XX, GB, MH, JG), pp. 229–240.
VLDB-2011-ChenMFDX #difference #privacy- Publishing Set-Valued Data via Differential Privacy (RC, NM, BCMF, BCD, LX), pp. 1087–1098.
VLDB-2012-LinJZXL11 #performance #privacy #query- A MovingObject Index for Efficient Query Processing with Peer-Wise Location Privacy (DL, CSJ, RZ, LX, JL), pp. 37–48.
STOC-2011-Smith #convergence #estimation #privacy #statistics- Privacy-preserving statistical estimation with optimal convergence rates (AS), pp. 813–822.
ICALP-v2-2011-AlvimACP #data flow #difference #on the #privacy- On the Relation between Differential Privacy and Quantitative Information Flow (MSA, MEA, KC, CP), pp. 60–76.
ICALP-v2-2011-GoodrichM #outsourcing #privacy #ram #simulation- Privacy-Preserving Access of Outsourced Data via Oblivious RAM Simulation (MTG, MM), pp. 576–587.
CHI-2011-AyyavuJ #feedback #heuristic #privacy #security- Integrating user feedback with heuristic security and privacy management systems (PA, CJ), pp. 2305–2314.
CHI-2011-GillVPJ #analysis #privacy #taxonomy- Privacy dictionary: a linguistic taxonomy of privacy for content analysis (AJG, AV, CP, ANJ), pp. 3227–3236.
CHI-2011-NguyenBBH #empirical #privacy #video- Situating the concern for information privacy through an empirical study of responses to video recording (DHN, AB, AGB, GRH), pp. 3207–3216.
CHI-2011-RaijGKS #mobile #privacy #risk management #smarttech- Privacy risks emerging from the adoption of innocuous wearable sensors in the mobile environment (AR, AG, SK, MBS), pp. 11–20.
CSCW-2011-BoltonKV #privacy #scalability- Privacy and sharing information on spherical and large flat displays (JB, KK, RV), pp. 573–574.
CSCW-2011-PatilPK #navigation #privacy #question #social- With a little help from my friends: can social navigation inform interpersonal privacy preferences? (SP, XP, AK), pp. 391–394.
DUXU-v2-2011-CoopamootooA #communication #evaluation #online #privacy- A Systematic Evaluation of the Communicability of Online Privacy Mechanisms with Respect to Communication Privacy Management (PLC, DA), pp. 384–393.
HIMI-v1-2011-Asahi #behaviour #privacy #research #ubiquitous- Privacy Concern in Ubiquitous Society and Research on Consumer Behavior (YA), pp. 291–300.
HIMI-v1-2011-Ibrahim #network #online #perspective #privacy #social- Exploring Informational Privacy Perceptions in the Context of Online Social Networks: A Phenomenology Perspective (ENMI), pp. 330–338.
HIMI-v1-2011-NguyenV #behaviour #online #privacy #question- Does Privacy Information Influence Users’ Online Purchasing Behavior? (JHN, KPLV), pp. 349–358.
OCSC-2011-CarstensG #interface #network #privacy #question #social- Is Your Social Networking Privacy Reliant on Intuitive Interfaces? (DSC, VG), pp. 309–318.
CIKM-2011-BaigLLW #independence #multi #privacy- Cloning for privacy protection in multiple independent data publications (MMB, JL, JL, HW), pp. 885–894.
CIKM-2011-BanerjeeC #distributed #feature model #privacy #using- Privacy preserving feature selection for distributed data using virtual dimension (MB, SC), pp. 2281–2284.
CIKM-2011-HsuC #analysis #component #independence #privacy- Privacy preservation by independent component analysis and variance control (CMH, MSC), pp. 925–930.
CIKM-2011-LiLSG #community #named #online #performance #privacy #recommendation #social- YANA: an efficient privacy-preserving recommender system for online social communities (DL, QL, LS, NG), pp. 2269–2272.
CIKM-2011-MajumdarRIV #information management #privacy #quality- Privacy protected knowledge management in services with emphasis on quality data (DM, RC, SI, KV), pp. 1889–1894.
CIKM-2011-PelekisGVKT #privacy #query- Privacy-aware querying over sensitive trajectory data (NP, AGD, MV, DK, YT), pp. 895–904.
CIKM-2011-TangWLMP #network #privacy- Privacy preserving indexing for eHealth information networks (YT, TW, LL, SM, BP), pp. 905–914.
KDD-2011-Cormode #learning #privacy- Personal privacy vs population privacy: learning to attack anonymization (GC), pp. 1253–1261.
KDD-2011-GundechaBL #network #privacy #social- Exploiting vulnerability to secure user privacy on a social networking site (PG, GB, HL), pp. 511–519.
KDD-2011-LeeOYK #privacy #semantics #using- Protecting location privacy using location semantics (BL, JO, HY, JK), pp. 1289–1297.
KDD-2011-PedarsaniG #network #on the #privacy- On the privacy of anonymized networks (PP, MG), pp. 1235–1243.
KDD-2011-TaiYYC #network #privacy #social- Privacy-preserving social network publication against friendship attacks (CHT, PSY, DNY, MSC), pp. 1262–1270.
KMIS-2011-SaharkhizS #multi #network #privacy #social- A Method for Preserving Privacy in Published Multi-relational Social Networks (AS, HRS), pp. 341–346.
SEKE-2011-KimLZKLS #approach #configuration management #modelling #privacy- A Feature-Based Modeling Approach to Configuring Privacy and Temporality in RBAC (SK, YTL, YZ, DKK, LL, VS), pp. 666–671.
SIGIR-2011-ChenBSCG #named #performance #personalisation #privacy #web- UPS: efficient privacy protection in personalized web search (GC, HB, LS, KC, YG), pp. 615–624.
SAC-2011-AhluwaliaGCY #mining #privacy- Target-based privacy preserving association rule mining (MA, AG, ZC, YY), pp. 962–967.
SAC-2011-RahmanHA11a #named #privacy #quantifier #towards- ProQuPri: towards anonymity protection with privacy quantification for context-aware applications (FR, MEH, SIA), pp. 453–454.
SAC-2011-RayNDF #interactive #privacy #verification- Verification of data pattern for interactive privacy preservation model (SR, MFN, SD, BCMF), pp. 1716–1723.
ESEC-FSE-2011-TanejaGGX #privacy #testing- Testing software in age of data privacy: a balancing act (KT, MG, RG, TX), pp. 201–211.
DATE-2010-BalaschVP #embedded #framework #privacy- An embedded platform for privacy-friendly road charging applications (JB, IV, BP), pp. 867–872.
PODS-2010-GupteS #privacy- Universally optimal privacy mechanisms for minimax agents (MG, MS), pp. 135–146.
PODS-2010-KiferL #axiom #privacy #statistics #towards- Towards an axiomatization of statistical privacy and utility (DK, BRL), pp. 147–158.
PODS-2010-LiHRMM #difference #linear #optimisation #privacy #query- Optimizing linear counting queries under differential privacy (CL, MH, VR, GM, AM), pp. 123–134.
SIGMOD-2010-ChengFL #morphism #named #network #privacy- K-isomorphism: privacy preserving network publication against structural attacks (JC, AWCF, JL), pp. 459–470.
SIGMOD-2010-CurtmolaDRS #community #online #privacy #query- Load-balanced query dissemination in privacy-aware online communities (EC, AD, KKR, DS), pp. 471–482.
SIGMOD-2010-ElmeleegyOEA #integration #peer-to-peer #privacy- Preserving privacy and fairness in peer-to-peer data integration (HE, MO, AKE, AMA), pp. 759–770.
SIGMOD-2010-NabeelSZB #named #privacy- Mask: a system for privacy-preserving policy-based access to published content (MN, NS, JZ, EB), pp. 1239–1242.
SIGMOD-2010-WongMC #privacy- Non-homogeneous generalization in privacy preserving data publishing (WKW, NM, DWLC), pp. 747–758.
VLDB-2010-ChaytorW #privacy- Small Domain Randomization: Same Privacy, More Utility (RC, KW), pp. 608–618.
VLDB-2010-PangDX #privacy #query- Embellishing Text Search Queries To Protect User Privacy (HP, XD, XX), pp. 598–607.
VLDB-2010-PapadopoulosBP #nearest neighbour #privacy- Nearest Neighbor Search with Strong Location Privacy (SP, SB, DP), pp. 619–629.
VLDB-2010-VimercatiFJPS #privacy- Fragments and Loose Associations: Respecting Privacy in Data Publishing (SDCdV, SF, SJ, SP, PS), pp. 1370–1381.
VLDB-2011-YuanCY10 #network #personalisation #privacy #social- Personalized Privacy Protection in Social Networks (MY, LC, PSY), pp. 141–150.
STOC-2010-ChandranKOR #privacy- Privacy amplification with asymptotically optimal entropy loss (NC, BK, RO, LR), pp. 785–794.
STOC-2010-DworkNPR #difference #privacy- Differential privacy under continual observation (CD, MN, TP, GNR), pp. 715–724.
STOC-2010-HardtT #difference #geometry #on the #privacy- On the geometry of differential privacy (MH, KT), pp. 705–714.
STOC-2010-RothR #interactive #privacy- Interactive privacy via the median mechanism (AR, TR), pp. 765–774.
ICALP-v2-2010-BlockiW #complexity #privacy #problem- Resolving the Complexity of Some Data Privacy Problems (JB, RW), pp. 393–404.
ICFP-2010-ReedP #calculus #difference #distance #privacy- Distance makes the types grow stronger: a calculus for differential privacy (JR, BCP), pp. 157–168.
CHI-2010-BesmerL #privacy- Moving beyond untagging: photo privacy in a tagged world (AB, HRL), pp. 1563–1572.
CHI-2010-BirnholtzJ #comprehension #independence #interactive #privacy- Independence and interaction: understanding seniors’ privacy and awareness needs for aging in place (JPB, MJR), pp. 143–152.
CHI-2010-KelleyCBC #approach #online #privacy #standard- Standardizing privacy notices: an online study of the nutrition label approach (PGK, LC, JB, LFC), pp. 1573–1582.
CHI-2010-LipfordWWFR #comparison #interface #policy #privacy #visual notation- Visual vs. compact: a comparison of privacy policy interfaces (HRL, JW, MW, KF, RWR), pp. 1111–1114.
CHI-2010-StutzmanK #behaviour #facebook #privacy- Friends only: examining a privacy-enhancing behavior in facebook (FS, JKD), pp. 1553–1562.
CHI-2010-WilliamsonRSMJB #privacy #social- Social gravity: a virtual elastic tether for casual, privacy-preserving pedestrian rendezvous (JW, SR, CDS, RMS, MJ, SAB), pp. 1485–1494.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-Mital #mobile #privacy- Consumer Privacy Being Raided and Invaded — The Negative Side of Mobile Advertising (MM), pp. 117–123.
CIKM-2010-BonifatiWL #distributed #named #peer-to-peer #privacy #social- SPac: a distributed, peer-to-peer, secure and privacy-aware social space (AB, WHW, RL), pp. 1953–1954.
CIKM-2010-FreniVMBJ #network #privacy- Preserving location and absence privacy in geo-social networks (DF, CRV, SM, CB, CSJ), pp. 309–318.
ICML-2010-SakumaA #online #predict #privacy- Online Prediction with Privacy (JS, HA), pp. 935–942.
KDD-2010-FriedmanS #data mining #difference #mining #privacy- Data mining with differential privacy (AF, AS), pp. 493–502.
KDD-2010-JinZZD #privacy- Versatile publishing for privacy preservation (XJ, MZ, NZ, GD), pp. 353–362.
KDD-2010-LinC #outsourcing #privacy #random- Privacy-preserving outsourcing support vector machines with random transformation (KPL, MSC), pp. 363–372.
KDD-2010-YangNSS #data mining #mining #privacy- Collusion-resistant privacy-preserving data mining (BY, HN, IS, JS), pp. 483–492.
RecSys-2010-BaglioniBBCFVP #lightweight #mobile #privacy #recommendation- A lightweight privacy preserving SMS-based recommendation system for mobile users (EB, LB, LB, UMC, LF, AV, GP), pp. 191–198.
REFSQ-2010-IslamMW #elicitation #framework #privacy #requirements #security #towards- Towards a Framework to Elicit and Manage Security and Privacy Requirements from Laws and Regulations (SI, HM, SW), pp. 255–261.
SAC-2010-ChakrabartiCGM #analysis #linear #privacy- Privacy preserving linear discriminant analysis from perturbed data (SC, ZC, AG, SM), pp. 610–615.
SAC-2010-CuzzocreaB #distributed #framework #multi #privacy #xml- A secure multiparty computation privacy preserving OLAP framework over distributed XML data (AC, EB), pp. 1666–1673.
SAC-2010-DAngeloVZ #privacy #web- Content cloaking: preserving privacy with Google Docs and other web applications (GD, FV, SZ), pp. 826–830.
OSDI-2010-EnckGCCJMS #data flow #monitoring #named #privacy #realtime #smarttech- TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones (WE, PG, BGC, LPC, JJ, PM, AS), pp. 393–407.
PODS-2009-RastogiHMS #privacy #query- Relationship privacy: output perturbation for queries with joins (VR, MH, GM, DS), pp. 107–116.
SIGMOD-2009-DasguptaZDC #database #how #privacy #question #why- Privacy preservation of aggregates in hidden databases: why and how? (AD, NZ, GD, SC), pp. 153–164.
SIGMOD-2009-Kifer #privacy #theorem- Attacks on privacy and deFinetti’s theorem (DK), pp. 127–138.
SIGMOD-2009-McSherry #data analysis #framework #privacy #query- Privacy integrated queries: an extensible platform for privacy-preserving data analysis (FM), pp. 19–30.
SIGMOD-2009-NehmeLBR #approach #data type #named #privacy #security #towards- StreamShield: a stream-centric approach towards security and privacy in data stream environments (RVN, HSL, EB, EAR), pp. 1027–1030.
VLDB-2009-MozafariZ #classification #naive bayes #privacy- Publishing Naive Bayesian Classifiers: Privacy without Accuracy Loss (BM, CZ), pp. 1173–1185.
VLDB-2009-WangL #mobile #network #privacy- Privacy-Aware Mobile Services over Road Networks (TW, LL), pp. 1042–1053.
VLDB-2009-XiaoTC #multi #privacy #random- Optimal Random Perturbation at Multiple Privacy Levels (XX, YT, MC), pp. 814–825.
VLDB-2009-ZouCO09a #framework #morphism #named #network #privacy- K-Automorphism: A General Framework For Privacy Preserving Network Publication (LZ, LC, MTÖ), pp. 946–957.
STOC-2009-DworkL #difference #privacy #robust #statistics- Differential privacy and robust statistics (CD, JL), pp. 371–380.
STOC-2009-GhoshRS #privacy- Universally utility-maximizing privacy mechanisms (AG, TR, MS), pp. 351–360.
FM-2009-TschantzW #formal method #privacy- Formal Methods for Privacy (MCT, JMW), pp. 1–15.
CHI-2009-EgelmanTCA #online #privacy- Timing is everything?: the effects of timing and placement of online privacy indicators (SE, JYT, LFC, AA), pp. 319–328.
CHI-2009-KlasnjaCJGLPW #privacy #quote- “When I am on Wi-Fi, I am fearless”: privacy concerns & practices in everyday Wi-Fi use (PVK, SC, JJ, BG, LL, PP, DW), pp. 1993–2002.
CHI-2009-NovW #privacy #social- Social computing privacy concerns: antecedents and effects (ON, SW), pp. 333–336.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TarasewichNS #mobile #privacy #security- Exploring Employee Perspectives on Information Privacy and Security in the Mobile Environment (PT, BN, MS), pp. 171–180.
HIMI-II-2009-Bunnig #privacy #ubiquitous- Smart Privacy Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (CB), pp. 131–139.
HIMI-II-2009-MinC #approach #generative #personalisation #privacy- An Interactive-Content Technique Based Approach to Generating Personalized Advertisement for Privacy Protection (WHM, YGC), pp. 185–191.
CIKM-2009-Duan #privacy- Privacy without noise (YD), pp. 1517–1520.
CIKM-2009-LeeLLZ #privacy- Navigational path privacy protection: navigational path privacy protection (KCKL, WCL, HVL, BZ), pp. 691–700.
CIKM-2009-Muntes-MuleroN #dataset #privacy #scalability- Privacy and anonymization for very large datasets (VMM, JN), pp. 2117–2118.
KDD-2009-LiL #on the #privacy #trade-off- On the tradeoff between privacy and utility in data publishing (TL, NL), pp. 517–526.
KDD-2009-McSherryM #privacy #recommendation- Differentially Private Recommender Systems: Building Privacy into the Netflix Prize Contenders (FM, IM), pp. 627–636.
KDD-2009-ProvostDHZM #network #online #privacy #social- Audience selection for on-line brand advertising: privacy-friendly social network targeting (FJP, BD, RH, XZ, AM), pp. 707–716.
KDIR-2009-Zhan #collaboration #data mining #mining #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Data Mining (JZ), p. 15.
KEOD-2009-Zhan #collaboration #data mining #mining #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Data Mining (JZ), p. 15.
KMIS-2009-Zhan #collaboration #data mining #mining #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Data Mining (JZ), p. 15.
MLDM-2009-ZhuFF #classification #privacy- Preserving Privacy in Time Series Data Classification by Discretization (YZ, YF, HF), pp. 53–67.
RecSys-2009-ShokriPTH #collaboration #distributed #privacy- Preserving privacy in collaborative filtering through distributed aggregation of offline profiles (RS, PP, GT, JPH), pp. 157–164.
SEKE-2009-Abu-NimehMM #privacy #requirements #security- Integrating Privacy Requirements into Security Requirements Engineering (SAN, SM, NRM), pp. 542–547.
SEKE-2009-ChaoS #clustering #data type #privacy- Privacy-preserving Clustering of Data Streams (CMC, CCS), pp. 530–535.
SAC-2009-FungCDX #privacy- Privacy protection for RFID data (BCMF, MC, BCD, HX), pp. 1528–1535.
SAC-2009-HoqueRA #authentication #privacy #protocol #robust #security #using- Supporting recovery, privacy and security in RFID systems using a robust authentication protocol (MEH, FR, SIA), pp. 1062–1066.
SAC-2009-MonjurA #framework #privacy #towards- Towards a landmark influence framework to protect location privacy (MM, SIA), pp. 219–220.
SAC-2009-Vaidya #linear #privacy #programming- Privacy-preserving linear programming (JV), pp. 2002–2007.
SAC-2009-XuLQ #predict #privacy- Privacy preserving churn prediction (SX, SL, MQ), pp. 1610–1614.
SPLC-2009-HendricksonWHTK #modelling #personalisation #privacy- Modeling PLA variation of privacy-enhancing personalized systems (SAH, YW, AvdH, RNT, AK), pp. 71–80.
PODS-2008-EvfimievskiFW #privacy- Epistemic privacy (AVE, RF, DPW), pp. 171–180.
SIGMOD-2008-ChowMH #monitoring #named #network #privacy- Tinycasper: a privacy-preserving aggregate location monitoring system in wireless sensor networks (CYC, MFM, TH), pp. 1307–1310.
SIGMOD-2008-DuTZ #named #privacy #quantifier- Privacy-MaxEnt: integrating background knowledge in privacy quantification (WD, ZT, ZZ), pp. 459–472.
SIGMOD-2008-LiTX #privacy #proximity- Preservation of proximity privacy in publishing numerical sensitive data (JL, YT, XX), pp. 473–486.
SIGMOD-2008-XiaoT #analysis #privacy #statistics- Dynamic anonymization: accurate statistical analysis with privacy preservation (XX, YT), pp. 107–120.
VLDB-2008-BuFWCL #composition #privacy- Privacy preserving serial data publishing by role composition (YB, AWCF, RCWW, LC, JL), pp. 845–856.
VLDB-2008-TerrovitisMK #privacy- Privacy-preserving anonymization of set-valued data (MT, NM, PK), pp. 115–125.
VLDB-2008-ZerrN #distributed #documentation #framework #privacy- Privacy preserving document indexing infrastructure for a distributed environment (SZ, WN), pp. 1638–1643.
STOC-2008-BlumLR #approach #database #learning #privacy- A learning theory approach to non-interactive database privacy (AB, KL, AR), pp. 609–618.
SEFM-2008-SalasK #modelling #policy #privacy #testing #using- Testing Privacy Policies Using Models (PAPS, PK), pp. 117–126.
CSCW-2008-IgnatPON #collaboration #multi #privacy- Providing awareness in multi-synchronous collaboration without compromising privacy (CLI, SP, GO, MCN), pp. 659–668.
CIKM-2008-JonesKPT #privacy- Vanity fair: privacy in querylog bundles (RJ, RK, BP, AT), pp. 853–862.
CIKM-2008-JurczykX #database #privacy- Privacy-preserving data publishing for horizontally partitioned databases (PJ, LX), pp. 1321–1322.
CIKM-2008-KorolovaMNX #network #privacy #social- Link privacy in social networks (AK, RM, SUN, YX), pp. 289–298.
CIKM-2008-PanXM #mobile #privacy- Protecting location privacy against location-dependent attack in mobile services (XP, JX, XM), pp. 1475–1476.
ICML-2008-SakumaKW #learning #privacy- Privacy-preserving reinforcement learning (JS, SK, RNW), pp. 864–871.
ICPR-2008-MoncrieffVW #privacy #visual notation- Context aware privacy in visual surveillance (SM, SV, GAWW), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-BrickellS #cost analysis #privacy- The cost of privacy: destruction of data-mining utility in anonymized data publishing (JB, VS), pp. 70–78.
KDD-2008-ChowGS #detection #privacy #using- Detecting privacy leaks using corpus-based association rules (RC, PG, JS), pp. 893–901.
KDD-2008-GantaKS #composition #privacy- Composition attacks and auxiliary information in data privacy (SRG, SPK, AS), pp. 265–273.
KDD-2008-YuFRKRDL #analysis #privacy- Privacy-preserving cox regression for survival analysis (SY, GF, RR, SK, RBR, CDO, PL), pp. 1034–1042.
SEKE-2008-Chao #classification #data type #privacy- Privacy-preserving Classification of Data Streams (CMC), pp. 603–606.
SAC-2008-BodorikJW #consistency #privacy #semantics- Consistent privacy preferences (CPP): model, semantics, and properties (PB, DNJ, MXW), pp. 2368–2375.
SAC-2008-GantaA #adaptation #enterprise #privacy- Adaptive data anonymization against information fusion based privacy attacks on enterprise data (SRG, RA), pp. 1075–1076.
SAC-2008-HeSVA #privacy- Privacy-preserving link discovery (XH, BS, JV, NRA), pp. 909–915.
SAC-2008-HuangKV #challenge #privacy- Privacy preservation services: challenges and solutions (DH, VK, MV), pp. 2110–2115.
ASPLOS-2008-CastroCM #debugging #privacy- Better bug reporting with better privacy (MC, MC, JPM), pp. 319–328.
ICLP-2008-BonattiCOS #privacy #security #trust- Policy-Driven Negotiations and Explanations: Exploiting Logic-Programming for Trust Management, Privacy & Security (PAB, JLDC, DO, LS), pp. 779–784.
WICSA-2007-CardosoI #architecture #bibliography #pervasive #privacy- Architecting Pervasive Computing Systems for Privacy: A Survey (RSC, VI), p. 26.
PODS-2007-BarakCDKMT #consistency #privacy- Privacy, accuracy, and consistency too: a holistic solution to contingency table release (BB, KC, CD, SK, FM, KT), pp. 273–282.
SIGMOD-2007-ScannapiecoFBE #privacy- Privacy preserving schema and data matching (MS, IF, EB, AKE), pp. 653–664.
SIGMOD-2007-StahlbergML #analysis #database #forensics #privacy- Threats to privacy in the forensic analysis of database systems (PS, GM, BNL), pp. 91–102.
SIGMOD-2007-XiaoT #dataset #named #privacy #towards- M-invariance: towards privacy preserving re-publication of dynamic datasets (XX, YT), pp. 689–700.
VLDB-2007-ChenRL #multi #privacy- Privacy Skyline: Privacy with Multidimensional Adversarial Knowledge (BCC, RR, KL), pp. 770–781.
VLDB-2007-Liu #algorithm #modelling #privacy- From Data Privacy to Location Privacy: Models and Algorithms (LL), pp. 1429–1430.
VLDB-2007-PapadimitriouLKY #privacy- Time Series Compressibility and Privacy (SP, FL, GK, PSY), pp. 459–470.
VLDB-2007-RastogiHS #bound #privacy- The Boundary Between Privacy and Utility in Data Publishing (VR, SH, DS), pp. 531–542.
VLDB-2007-WongFWP #privacy- Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (RCWW, AWCF, KW, JP), pp. 543–554.
STOC-2007-DworkMT #privacy- The price of privacy and the limits of LP decoding (CD, FM, KT), pp. 85–94.
CHI-2007-AhernEGKNN #mobile #online #privacy- Over-exposed?: privacy patterns and considerations in online and mobile photo sharing (SA, DE, NG, SK, MN, RN), pp. 357–366.
HCI-IPT-2007-CaoE #privacy #towards- Influence of Culture on Attitude Towards Instant Messaging: Balance Between Awareness and Privacy (JC, AE), pp. 236–240.
HCI-MIE-2007-CulenR #design #personalisation #privacy #security- Designing Personalized Media Center with Focus on Ethical Issues of Privacy and Security (ALC, YR), pp. 829–835.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Bhargav-SpantzelSYB #privacy #requirements- Privacy Requirements in Identity Management Solutions (ABS, ACS, MY, EB), pp. 694–702.
HIMI-IIE-2007-DarkM #privacy- Privacy and the Public Educator (MD, CM), pp. 289–298.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KrachinaRT #ontology #perspective #policy #privacy #semantics- Reconciling Privacy Policies and Regulations: Ontological Semantics Perspective (OK, VR, KET), pp. 730–739.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ProctorVA #privacy #specification #usability- Usability of User Agents for Privacy-Preference Specification (RWP, KPLV, MAA), pp. 766–776.
HIMI-IIE-2007-VuCGCSNPP #how #policy #privacy- How Users Read and Comprehend Privacy Policies (KPLV, VC, FPG, BC, JS, DN, RP, RWP), pp. 802–811.
HIMI-IIE-2007-VuGNSCCP #online #privacy #question #what- Examining User Privacy Practices While Shopping Online: What Are Users Looking for? (KPLV, FPG, DN, JS, BC, VC, RWP), pp. 792–801.
CAiSE-2007-HamadiPB #concept #modelling #privacy #protocol #web #web service- Conceptual Modeling of Privacy-Aware Web Service Protocols (RH, HYP, BB), pp. 233–248.
EDOC-2007-Kerschbaum #benchmark #enterprise #metric #privacy- Building a Privacy-Preserving Benchmarking Enterprise System (FK), pp. 87–96.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-NowalczykT #approach #privacy- A policy-based privacy storage approach (JN, FTC), pp. 605–608.
CIKM-2007-JonesKPT #privacy #query #quote #what- “I know what you did last summer”: query logs and user privacy (RJ, RK, BP, AT), pp. 909–914.
KDD-2007-Kleinberg #challenge #mining #network #privacy #process #social- Challenges in mining social network data: processes, privacy, and paradoxes (JMK), pp. 4–5.
KDD-2007-WanNHL #privacy- Privacy-preservation for gradient descent methods (LW, WKN, SH, VCSL), pp. 775–783.
MLDM-2007-TanN #data mining #mining #privacy #probability #re-engineering- Generic Probability Density Function Reconstruction for Randomization in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (VYFT, SKN), pp. 76–90.
RecSys-2007-BerkovskyEKR #collaboration #distributed #privacy- Enhancing privacy and preserving accuracy of a distributed collaborative filtering (SB, YE, TK, FR), pp. 9–16.
SIGIR-2007-JiangSL #privacy- Protecting source privacy in federated search (WJ, LS, JL), pp. 761–762.
SAC-2007-KoralalageRMGC #approach #lifecycle #privacy #security- POP method: an approach to enhance the security and privacy of RFID systems used in product lifecycle with an anonymous ownership transferring mechanism (KHSSK, MRS, JM, YG, JC), pp. 270–275.
SAC-2007-LinL #mining #privacy #transaction- Privacy preserving itemset mining through fake transactions (JLL, JYCL), pp. 375–379.
SAC-2007-LoukidesS #privacy- Capturing data usefulness and privacy protection in K-anonymisation (GL, JS), pp. 370–374.
SAC-2007-PolatD #privacy #using- Effects of inconsistently masked data using RPT on CF with privacy (HP, WD), pp. 649–653.
PODS-2006-MachanavajjhalaG #on the #performance #privacy- On the efficiency of checking perfect privacy (AM, JG), pp. 163–172.
PODS-2006-MishraS #privacy #pseudo #sketching- Privacy via pseudorandom sketches (NM, MS), pp. 143–152.
SIGMOD-2006-XiaoT #personalisation #privacy- Personalized privacy preservation (XX, YT), pp. 229–240.
VLDB-2006-MokbelCA #privacy #query- The New Casper: Query Processing for Location Services without Compromising Privacy (MFM, CYC, WGA), pp. 763–774.
VLDB-2006-XiaoT #effectiveness #named #privacy- Anatomy: Simple and Effective Privacy Preservation (XX, YT), pp. 139–150.
ICALP-v2-2006-Dwork #difference #privacy- Differential Privacy (CD), pp. 1–12.
CHI-2006-HawkeyI #comprehension #privacy- Keeping up appearances: understanding the dimensions of incidental information privacy (KH, KMI), pp. 821–830.
CHI-2006-IachelloTAHS #experience #privacy #prototype #ubiquitous- Prototyping and sampling experience to evaluate ubiquitous computing privacy in the real world (GI, KNT, GDA, GRH, MMS), pp. 1009–1018.
CHI-2006-KaratKBF #authoring #interface #policy #privacy- Evaluating interfaces for privacy policy rule authoring (CMK, JK, CB, JF), pp. 83–92.
CHI-2006-MarchF #privacy #women- Girls, technology and privacy: “is my mother listening?” (WM, CF), pp. 107–110.
CHI-2006-TangKFH #approach #people #privacy- Putting people in their place: an anonymous and privacy-sensitive approach to collecting sensed data in location-based applications (KPT, PK, JF, JIH), pp. 93–102.
CSCW-2006-KhalilC #privacy- Context-aware telephony: privacy preferences and sharing patterns (AK, KC), pp. 469–478.
CIKM-2006-KapoorPTT #database #distributed #mining #privacy- Privacy preserving sequential pattern mining in distributed databases (VK, PP, FT, MT), pp. 758–767.
KDD-2006-AggarwalPZ #data mining #mining #on the #privacy- On privacy preservation against adversarial data mining (CCA, JP, BZ), pp. 510–516.
KDD-2006-WongLFW #privacy- (alpha, k)-anonymity: an enhanced k-anonymity model for privacy preserving data publishing (RCWW, JL, AWCF, KW), pp. 754–759.
SIGIR-2006-FrankowskiCSTR #privacy #risk management #what- You are what you say: privacy risks of public mentions (DF, DC, SS, LGT, JR), pp. 565–572.
SAC-2006-AimeurBFO #privacy- Privacy-preserving demographic filtering (EA, GB, JMF, FSMO), pp. 872–878.
SAC-2006-BaragliaLOSS #privacy #recommendation #web- A privacy preserving web recommender system (RB, CL, SO, MS, FS), pp. 559–563.
SAC-2006-GuoW #data mining #mining #on the #privacy- On the use of spectral filtering for privacy preserving data mining (SG, XW), pp. 622–626.
SAC-2006-YoussefAA #mobile #privacy #semantics- Semantically enhanced enforcement of mobile consumer’s privacy preferences (MY, NRA, VA), pp. 1172–1176.
SAC-2006-YuJV #kernel #privacy #using- Privacy-preserving SVM using nonlinear kernels on horizontally partitioned data (HY, XJ, JV), pp. 603–610.
SPLC-2006-WangKHW #personalisation #privacy #runtime #web- PLA-based Runtime Dynamism in Support of Privacy-Enhanced Web Personalization (YW, AK, AvdH, JW), pp. 151–162.
PODS-2005-BlumDMN #framework #privacy- Practical privacy: the SuLQ framework (AB, CD, FM, KN), pp. 128–138.
PODS-2005-Gehrke #analysis #modelling #privacy #tutorial- Models and methods for privacy-preserving data publishing and analysis: invited tutorial (JG), p. 316.
PODS-2005-ZhongYW #privacy- Privacy-enhancing k-anonymization of customer data (SZ, ZY, RNW), pp. 139–147.
SIGMOD-2005-AgrawalST #privacy- Privacy Preserving OLAP (RA, RS, DT), pp. 251–262.
VLDB-2005-ZhangZ #distributed #information management #privacy- Distributed Privacy Preserving Information Sharing (NZ, WZ), pp. 889–900.
CHI-2005-IachelloA #adaptation #design #evaluation #privacy #ubiquitous- Privacy and proportionality: adapting legal evaluation techniques to inform design in ubiquitous computing (GI, GDA), pp. 91–100.
CHI-2005-PatilL #configuration management #privacy #what- Who gets to know what when: configuring privacy permissions in an awareness application (SP, JL), pp. 101–110.
CIKM-2005-FanLHB #approach #novel #privacy #video- A novel approach for privacy-preserving video sharing (JF, HL, MSH, EB), pp. 609–616.
CIKM-2005-XiongSK #database #learning #multi #privacy- Privacy leakage in multi-relational databases via pattern based semi-supervised learning (HX, MS, VK), pp. 355–356.
KDD-2005-JagannathanW #clustering #distributed #privacy- Privacy-preserving distributed k-means clustering over arbitrarily partitioned data (GJ, RNW), pp. 593–599.
KDD-2005-ZhangWZ #classification #privacy- A new scheme on privacy-preserving data classification (NZ, SW, WZ), pp. 374–383.
SAC-2005-PolatD #collaboration #privacy- SVD-based collaborative filtering with privacy (HP, WD), pp. 791–795.
SAC-2005-ZhangM #learning #privacy- Privacy preserving learning in negotiation (SZ, FM), pp. 821–825.
CADE-2005-DufayFM #data flow #information management #ml #privacy- Privacy-Sensitive Information Flow with JML (GD, APF, SM), pp. 116–130.
TLCA-2005-MatwinFHC #data mining #formal method #mining #privacy #using- Privacy in Data Mining Using Formal Methods (SM, APF, ITH, VC), pp. 278–292.
VLDB-2004-AbiteboulABCFMS #distributed #peer-to-peer #privacy- An Electronic Patient Record “on Steroids”: Distributed, Peer-to-Peer, Secure and Privacy-conscious (SA, BA, OB, BC, IF, TM, AS), pp. 1273–1276.
VLDB-2004-AggarwalBGGKMMSTW #privacy- Vision Paper: Enabling Privacy for the Paranoids (GA, MB, PG, HGM, KK, NM, RM, US, DT, JW, YX), pp. 708–719.
VLDB-2004-HoreMT #privacy #query- A Privacy-Preserving Index for Range Queries (BH, SM, GT), pp. 720–731.
CHI-2004-JensenP #evaluation #online #policy #privacy #tool support- Privacy policies as decision-making tools: an evaluation of online privacy notices (CJ, CP), pp. 471–478.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ZviranNH #internet #privacy- Privacy Concerns in Internet Applications (MZ, SN, DH), pp. 592–595.
ICPR-v4-2004-KitaharaKH #privacy- Stealth Vision for Protecting Privacy (IK, KK, NH), pp. 404–407.
KDD-2004-GilburdSW #distributed #named #privacy #scalability- k-TTP: a new privacy model for large-scale distributed environments (BG, AS, RW), pp. 563–568.
KDD-2004-KantarciogluJC #data mining #mining #privacy #question- When do data mining results violate privacy? (MK, JJ, CC), pp. 599–604.
KDD-2004-SanilKLR #distributed #modelling #privacy- Privacy preserving regression modelling via distributed computation (APS, AFK, XL, JPR), pp. 677–682.
KDD-2004-WrightY #distributed #network #privacy #semistructured data- Privacy-preserving Bayesian network structure computation on distributed heterogeneous data (RNW, ZY), pp. 713–718.
KDD-2004-ZhuL #data mining #mining #privacy- Optimal randomization for privacy preserving data mining (MYZ, LL), pp. 761–766.
SAC-2004-BackesKBS #comparison #enterprise #performance #policy #privacy- Efficient comparison of enterprise privacy policies (MB, GK, WB, MS), pp. 375–382.
SAC-2004-SeigneurJ #privacy #trust #ubiquitous- Trust enhanced ubiquitous payment without too much privacy loss (JMS, CDJ), pp. 1593–1599.
HPDC-2004-GilburdSW #data mining #mining #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Data Mining on Data Grids in the Presence of Malicious Participants (BG, AS, RW), pp. 225–234.
PODS-2003-Agrawal #privacy- Privacy in data systems (RA), p. 37.
PODS-2003-DinurN #privacy- Revealing information while preserving privacy (ID, KN), pp. 202–210.
PODS-2003-EvfimievskiGS #data mining #mining #privacy- Limiting privacy breaches in privacy preserving data mining (AVE, JG, RS), pp. 211–222.
VLDB-2003-BawaBA #documentation #network #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Indexing of Documents on the Network (MB, RJBJ, RA), pp. 922–933.
VLDB-2003-CliftonFHKLS #data transformation #e-commerce #privacy- Privacy-Enhanced Data Management for Next-Generation e-Commerce (CC, IF, RH, BK, DFL, AS), p. 1147.
CHI-2003-GoodK #case study #privacy #usability- Usability and privacy: a study of Kazaa P2P file-sharing (NG, AK), pp. 137–144.
CHI-2003-PalenD #privacy- Unpacking “privacy” for a networked world (LP, PD), pp. 129–136.
KDD-2003-DuZ #data mining #mining #privacy #random #using- Using randomized response techniques for privacy-preserving data mining (WD, JZZ), pp. 505–510.
KDD-2003-VaidyaC #clustering #privacy- Privacy-preserving k-means clustering over vertically partitioned data (JV, CC), pp. 206–215.
REFSQ-J-2002-AntonEC03 #behaviour #policy #privacy #requirements #security- Precluding incongruous behavior by aligning software requirements with security and privacy policies (AIA, JBE, RAC), pp. 967–977.
RE-2003-LiuYM #analysis #privacy #requirements #security #social- Security and Privacy Requirements Analysis within a Social Setting (LL, ESKY, JM), pp. 151–161.
SAC-2003-BodorikJ #architecture #privacy- Architecture for User-Controlled e-Privacy (PB, DNJ), pp. 609–616.
SAC-2003-CazierSL #privacy #trust- Addressing E-Business Privacy Concerns: The Roles of Trust and Value Compatibility (JC, BS, RSL), pp. 617–622.
VLDB-2002-RizviH #maintenance #mining #privacy- Maintaining Data Privacy in Association Rule Mining (SR, JRH), pp. 682–693.
KDD-2002-EvfimievskiSAG #mining #privacy- Privacy preserving mining of association rules (AVE, RS, RA, JG), pp. 217–228.
KDD-2002-Iyengar #constraints #privacy- Transforming data to satisfy privacy constraints (VSI), pp. 279–288.
KDD-2002-VaidyaC #mining #privacy- Privacy preserving association rule mining in vertically partitioned data (JV, CC), pp. 639–644.
SIGIR-2002-Canny #analysis #collaboration #privacy- Collaborative filtering with privacy via factor analysis (JFC), pp. 238–245.
RE-2002-AntonER #privacy #requirements #taxonomy #using- Analyzing Website Privacy Requirements Using a Privacy Goal Taxonomy (AIA, JBE, AR), pp. 23–31.
PODS-2001-AgrawalA #algorithm #data mining #design #mining #on the #privacy #quantifier- On the Design and Quantification of Privacy Preserving Data Mining Algorithms (DA, CCA).
ICEIS-v2-2001-GochenouerT #internet #privacy #trust- Privacy Audits and Trust: The Internet Dilemma (JEG, MLT), pp. 905–909.
ICEIS-v2-2001-GochenouerT01a #internet #privacy- Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, and Privacy on the Internet (JEG, MLT), pp. 910–914.
TOOLS-USA-2001-McClure #how #privacy #security- Hacking = Privacy: How Computer Hacking Can Shore Up Your Defenses and Deliver the Closest Ideal to Security Available (SM), p. 7.
RE-2001-AntonEAP #policy #privacy #requirements- The Role of Policy and Stakeholder Privacy Values in Requirements Engineering (AIA, JBE, TAA, CP), pp. 138–145.
RE-2001-Spafford #privacy #security- The Hidden Meta-Requirements of Security and Privacy (EHS), p. 10.
SIGMOD-2000-AgrawalS #data mining #mining #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (RA, RS), pp. 439–450.
CSCW-2000-BoyleEG #privacy #video- The effects of filtered video on awareness and privacy (MB, CE, SG), pp. 1–10.
CSCW-2000-GodefroidyHJL #approach #automation #privacy #verification- Ensuring privacy in presence awareness: an automated verification approach (PG, JDH, LJJ, DL), pp. 59–68.
KDD-2000-Catlett #data mining #mining #privacy- Among those dark electronic mills: privacy and data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (JC), p. 4.
STOC-1998-GertnerIKM #information retrieval #privacy- Protecting Data Privacy in Private Information Retrieval Schemes (YG, YI, EK, TM), pp. 151–160.
HCI-CC-1997-PaulD #concept #design #multi #privacy- Privacy and Acting in Groups-Key Concepts in Designing Multimedia-Supported Cooperative Work (HP, SD), pp. 281–284.
STOC-1996-KushilevitzOR #linear #privacy- Characterizing Linear Size Circuits in Terms of Privacy (EK, RO, AR), pp. 541–550.
CSCW-1996-HudsonS #privacy #trade-off- Techniques for Addressing Fundamental Privacy and Disruption Tradeoffs in Awareness Support Systems (SEH, IES), pp. 248–257.
STOC-1995-FranklinY #privacy- Secure hypergraphs: privacy from partial broadcast (Extended Abstract) (MKF, MY), pp. 36–44.
STOC-1989-ChorK #privacy- A Zero-One Law for Boolean Privacy (extended abstract) (BC, EK), pp. 62–72.
PODS-1982-ReissPD #privacy- Non-reversible Privacy Transformations (SPR, MJP, TD), pp. 139–146.
VLDB-1978-Davida #privacy #security- Security and Privacy (GID), p. 54.
VLDB-1978-HsiaoKM #database #privacy #security- Privacy and Security of Data Communications and Data Bases (DKH, DSK, SEM), pp. 55–67.
SIGFIDET-1971-Browne #bibliography #perspective #privacy- Data Privacy and Integrity: An Overview (PSB), pp. 237–240.
SIGFIDET-1971-Dean #data transformation #online #privacy #requirements- Data Privacy and Integrity Requirements for Online Data Management Systems (ALDJ), pp. 279–298.