Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
Talks about:
interprocedur (3) analysi (2) variabl (1) revisit (1) resolut (1) pointer (1) increas (1) symbol (1) static (1) induct (1)
Person: Silvian Calman
DBLP: Calman:Silvian
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PASTE-2010-CalmanZ #analysis #induction #information retrieval #interprocedural
- Interprocedural induction variable analysis based on interprocedural SSA form IR (SC, JZ), pp. 37–44.
- SAS-2009-CalmanZ #interprocedural
- Increasing the Scope and Resolution of Interprocedural Static Single Assignment (SC, JZ), pp. 154–170.
- PLDI-2004-ZhuC #analysis #pointer #revisited
- Symbolic pointer analysis revisited (JZ, SC), pp. 145–157.