821 papers:
QoSA-2015-MyllarniemiRM #configuration management #product line #representation #security #variability- Representing and Configuring Security Variability in Software Product Lines (VM, MR, TM), pp. 1–10.
CASE-2015-LennartsonBW #hybrid #optimisation #petri net- Optimization of hybrid Petri nets with shared variables (BL, KB, OW), pp. 1395–1396.
CASE-2015-LiuY #modelling #predict #self- A self-organizing method for predictive modeling with highly-redundant variables (GL, HY), pp. 1084–1089.
DAC-2015-BuiniPG #automation #cyber-physical #design #modelling #physics #variability- Including variability of physical models into the design automation of cyber-physical systems (HMB, SP, TG), p. 6.
DAC-2015-GnadSKRSH #named #variability- Hayat: harnessing dark silicon and variability for aging deceleration and balancing (DG, MS, FK, SR, DS, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-RahimiCMGB #clustering #embedded #hardware #memory management #scheduling #variability- Task scheduling strategies to mitigate hardware variability in embedded shared memory clusters (AR, DC, AM, RKG, LB), p. 6.
DATE-2015-KarageorgosSRRT #multi #variability- Impact of interconnect multiple-patterning variability on SRAMs (IK, MS, PR, JR, ZT, DV, RB, SS, WD), pp. 609–612.
DATE-2015-RustLP #approximate #architecture- QR-decomposition architecture based on two-variable numeric function approximation (JR, FL, SP), pp. 892–895.
DATE-2015-RustP #approximate #design #multi- Design method for multiplier-less two-variable numeric function approximation (JR, SP), pp. 948–953.
DATE-2015-ShafiqueGGH #manycore #variability- Variability-aware dark silicon management in on-chip many-core systems (MS, DG, SG, JH), pp. 387–392.
ESOP-2015-FrielinghausPS #interprocedural- Inter-procedural Two-Variable Herbrand Equalities (SSF, MP, HS), pp. 457–482.
FASE-2015-StruberRCT #approach #model transformation #performance #reuse #variability- A Variability-Based Approach to Reusable and Efficient Model Transformations (DS, JR, MC, GT), pp. 283–298.
FoSSaCS-2015-AntonopoulosHRW #logic #realtime- Three Variables Suffice for Real-Time Logic (TA, PH, SR, JW), pp. 361–374.
SCAM-2015-FenskeSMS #detection #smell #variability- When code smells twice as much: Metric-based detection of variability-aware code smells (WF, SS, DM, GS), pp. 171–180.
FM-2015-0009ZZZ #abstraction #hybrid- Abstraction of Elementary Hybrid Systems by Variable Transformation (JL, NZ, HZ, LZ), pp. 360–377.
SEFM-2015-BeekDGMP #constraints #variability- From Featured Transition Systems to Modal Transition Systems with Variability Constraints (MHtB, FD, SG, FM, LP), pp. 344–359.
CHI-2015-VazquezBDHH #3d- 3D Printing Pneumatic Device Controls with Variable Activation Force Capabilities (MV, EB, RD, CH, SEH), pp. 1295–1304.
DHM-EH-2015-TianLYJCS #analysis #scalability #video- Single-Variable Scenario Analysis of Vehicle-Pedestrian Potential Crash Based on Video Analysis Results of Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Data (RT, LL, KY, FJ, YC, RS), pp. 295–304.
DUXU-UI-2015-MarczalJ #analysis #behaviour #mobile- Behavioural Variables Analysis in Mobile Environments (DM, PTAJ), pp. 118–130.
HIMI-IKD-2015-KotaniIAS #interface #using #variability- Changes in Heart Rate Variability by Using Tactile Thermal Interface Device (KK, SI, TA, SS), pp. 405–411.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ConstantinoTPLR #scheduling- A Variable Neighbourhood Search for Nurse Scheduling with Balanced Preference Satisfaction (AAC, ET, RLP, DLS, WR), pp. 462–470.
ICEIS-v2-2015-BeraOC #component #identification #modelling #representation #variability- Evidence-based SMarty Support for Variability Identification and Representation in Component Models (MHGB, EOJ, TEC), pp. 295–302.
ICEIS-v2-2015-GeraldiOCS #empirical #modelling #variability- Checklist-based Inspection of SMarty Variability Models — Proposal and Empirical Feasibility Study (RTG, EOJ, TC, IS), pp. 268–276.
ICEIS-v3-2015-TiamSM #process- An Operational Model of Variable Business Process (RTT, ADS, RM), pp. 162–172.
ECIR-2015-KotovRAR #microblog #modelling #retrieval- Geographical Latent Variable Models for Microblog Retrieval (AK, VR, EA, CKR), pp. 635–647.
ICML-2015-BachHBG #learning #performance- Paired-Dual Learning for Fast Training of Latent Variable Hinge-Loss MRFs (SHB, BH, JLBG, LG), pp. 381–390.
ICML-2015-RalaivolaA- Entropy-Based Concentration Inequalities for Dependent Variables (LR, MRA), pp. 2436–2444.
SEKE-2015-TerencianiPLC #modelling #process #representation #towards #variability- BPMN* — A Notation for Representation of Variability in Business Process Towards Supporting Business Process Line Modeling (MT, DMBP, GL, MIC), pp. 227–230.
SIGIR-2015-BaileyMST #evaluation #information retrieval #variability- User Variability and IR System Evaluation (PB, AM, FS, PT), pp. 625–634.
ECOOP-2015-DimovskiBW #abstraction #analysis #precise #variability- Variability Abstractions: Trading Precision for Speed in Family-Based Analyses (ASD, CB, AW), pp. 247–270.
GPCE-2015-SeidlSS #design pattern #development #generative #product line #using #variability- Generative software product line development using variability-aware design patterns (CS, SS, IS), pp. 151–160.
SAC-2015-AlmeidaBBCD #variability- Dynamic decision-making based on NFR for managing software variability and configuration selection (AA, NB, TVB, EC, FD), pp. 1376–1382.
SAC-2015-MurguzurTS #evaluation #framework #variability #workflow- Dynamic variability support in workflow-based systems: an evaluation of the LateVa framework (AM, ST, GS), pp. 1641–1643.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenNDKN #detection #execution #semantics #variability- Detecting semantic merge conflicts with variability-aware execution (HVN, MHN, SCD, CK, TNN), pp. 926–929.
ICSE-v1-2015-LiebigJGAL #named #refactoring #variability- Morpheus: Variability-Aware Refactoring in the Wild (JL, AJ, FG, SA, CL), pp. 380–391.
PLEASE-2015-BuchmannBHW #challenge #variability- Robots and their Variability — A Societal Challenge and a Potential Solution (TB, JB, DH, BW), pp. 27–30.
SPLC-2015-AbbasA #adaptation #product line #self #variability- Harnessing variability in product-lines of self-adaptive software systems (NA, JA), pp. 191–200.
SPLC-2015-Beuche #feature model #modelling #variability- Managing variability with feature models (DB), p. 386.
SPLC-2015-DegueuleFBANMGB #design pattern #variability- Tooling support for variability and architectural patterns in systems engineering (TD, JBFF, OB, MA, JLN, SM, GG, GB, OC), pp. 361–364.
SPLC-2015-DomisAB #analysis #modelling #safety #tool support #uml #using #variability- Integrating variability and safety analysis models using commercial UML-based tools (DD, RA, MB), pp. 225–234.
SPLC-2015-EichelbergerS #domain-specific language #ecosystem #named #variability- IVML: a DSL for configuration in variability-rich software ecosystems (HE, KS), pp. 365–369.
SPLC-2015-FontBHC #automation #formal method #product line #variability- Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability language (JF, MB, ØH, CC), pp. 411–418.
SPLC-2015-HotzWRGL #automation #evaluation #multi- Evaluation across multiple views for variable automation systems (LH, YW, MR, OG, JL), pp. 311–315.
SPLC-2015-KassmeyerSS #impact analysis #process #safety #variability- A process to support a systematic change impact analysis of variability and safety in automotive functions (MK, MS, MS), pp. 235–244.
SPLC-2015-LanduytWJ #as a service #middleware #multitenancy #research #roadmap #variability- Variability middleware for multi-tenant SaaS applications: a research roadmap for service lines (DVL, SW, WJ), pp. 211–215.
SPLC-2015-PatelS #as a service #automation #testing #using #variability- Automated testing of software-as-a-service configurations using a variability language (SP, VS), pp. 253–262.
SPLC-2015-SchmidE #ecosystem #named #product line #variability- EASy-Producer: from product lines to variability-rich software ecosystems (KS, HE), pp. 390–391.
SPLC-2015-ValovGC #comparison #empirical #performance #predict #variability- Empirical comparison of regression methods for variability-aware performance prediction (PV, JG, KC), pp. 186–190.
CGO-2015-OanceaR #analysis #induction #scalability- Scalable conditional induction variables (CIV) analysis (CEO, LR), pp. 213–224.
CSL-2015-Charatonik0 #linear #logic #order- Two-variable Logic with Counting and a Linear Order (WC, PW), pp. 631–647.
CSL-2015-GabbayGP- Leaving the Nest: Nominal Techniques for Variables with Interleaving Scopes (MJG, DRG, DP), pp. 374–389.
CSL-2015-Paperman #first-order #logic- Finite-Degree Predicates and Two-Variable First-Order Logic (CP), pp. 616–630.
LICS-2015-KrebsV #bound #logic #refinement- Universal Covers, Color Refinement, and Two-Variable Counting Logic: Lower Bounds for the Depth (AK, OV), pp. 689–700.
SAT-2015-BiereF- Evaluating CDCL Variable Scoring Schemes (AB, AF), pp. 405–422.
CBSE-2014-HorcasPF #architecture #injection #quality #variability- Injecting quality attributes into software architectures with the common variability language (JMH, MP, LF), pp. 35–44.
ASE-2014-AbalBW #analysis #debugging #kernel #linux #variability- 42 variability bugs in the linux kernel: a qualitative analysis (IA, CB, AW), pp. 421–432.
ASE-2014-Angerer #impact analysis #multi #product line #variability- Variability-aware change impact analysis of multi-language product lines (FA), pp. 903–906.
ASE-2014-SeguraSC #analysis #automation #case study #e-commerce #experience #testing #variability- Automated variability analysis and testing of an E-commerce site.: an experience report (SS, ABS, ARC), pp. 139–150.
CASE-2014-KaoCC #performance #variability- Target setting with consideration of target-induced operation variability for performance improvement of semiconductor fabrication (YTK, SCC, CMC), pp. 774–779.
CASE-2014-KosakiS #prototype- A parallel-link robot prototype driven by pneumatic actuators with variable inclination mechanisms (TK, MS), pp. 838–843.
DAC-2014-ShafiqueGHM #challenge #reliability #variability- The EDA Challenges in the Dark Silicon Era: Temperature, Reliability, and Variability Perspectives (MS, SG, JH, DM), p. 6.
DATE-2014-FabrieEVG #design #library #standard #variability- Standard cell library tuning for variability tolerant designs (SF, JDE, MV, JPdG), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KarakonstantisSSAB #analysis #approach #energy #variability- A quality-scalable and energy-efficient approach for spectral analysis of heart rate variability (GK, AS, MMS, DA, AB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-RehmanKSH #compilation #reliability- Compiler-driven dynamic reliability management for on-chip systems under variabilities (SR, FK, MS, JH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-VillenaS #analysis #network #performance #variability- Efficient analysis of variability impact on interconnect lines and resistor networks (JFV, LMS), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-HughesBBA #documentation #generative #summary- Generating summary documents for a variable-quality PDF document collection (JH, DFB, SRB, CEA), pp. 49–52.
ICSME-2014-AlalfiRSSDC #automation #identification #modelling #representation #variability- Semi-automatic Identification and Representation of Subsystem Variability in Simulink Models (MHA, EJR, AS, MS, TRD, JRC), pp. 486–490.
ICSME-2014-KanningS #preprocessor #slicing #variability- Program Slicing in the Presence of Preprocessor Variability (FK, SS), pp. 501–505.
ICSME-2014-LinsbauerAGLPLE #variability- Recovering Feature-to-Code Mappings in Mixed-Variability Software Systems (LL, FA, PG, DL, HP, RELH, AE), pp. 426–430.
CIAA-2014-PittouR #automaton #infinity- Weighted Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (MP, GR), pp. 304–317.
CHI-2014-MullenbachSCP #communication- Exploring affective communication through variable-friction surface haptics (JM, CDS, JEC, AMP), pp. 3963–3972.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-VilarDRNV #artificial reality #case study #using- A Pilot Study Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Effects of Emergency Egress Signs Competing with Environmental Variables on Route Choices (EV, ED, FR, PN, EV), pp. 369–377.
HIMI-AS-2014-Coelho #analysis- Association of CCR and BCC Efficiencies to Market Variables in a Retrospective Two Stage Data Envelope Analysis (DAC), pp. 151–159.
CAiSE-2014-Reinhartz-BergerIW #ontology #product line #semantics #using #variability- Analyzing Variability of Software Product Lines Using Semantic and Ontological Considerations (IRB, NI, YW), pp. 150–164.
ICEIS-v1-2014-HaddadCSM #algorithm #heuristic #named #parallel #problem #scheduling- AIV: A Heuristic Algorithm based on Iterated Local Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Solving the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times (MNH, LPC, MJFS, NM), pp. 376–383.
ICEIS-v2-2014-LangermeierDORB #composition #modelling #ontology #variability- Change and Version Management in Variability Models for Modular Ontologies (ML, TD, HO, PR, BB), pp. 383–390.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MarcolinoOG #approach #diagrams #effectiveness #sequence chart #towards #variability- Towards the Effectiveness of the SMarty Approach for Variability Management at Sequence Diagram Level (AM, EAOJ, IMdSG), pp. 249–256.
CIKM-2014-TakayamaTIOFC #detection #probability- A Word-Scale Probabilistic Latent Variable Model for Detecting Human Values (YT, YT, EI, DWO, KRF, ASC), pp. 1489–1498.
ICML-c1-2014-LethamSS #transaction- Latent Variable Copula Inference for Bundle Pricing from Retail Transaction Data (BL, WS, AS), pp. 217–225.
ICML-c1-2014-RooshenasL #interactive #learning #network- Learning Sum-Product Networks with Direct and Indirect Variable Interactions (AR, DL), pp. 710–718.
ICML-c1-2014-SamdaniCR #clustering #online- A Discriminative Latent Variable Model for Online Clustering (RS, KWC, DR), pp. 1–9.
ICML-c2-2014-AziziAG #composition #learning #network- Learning Modular Structures from Network Data and Node Variables (EA, EA, JEG), pp. 1440–1448.
ICML-c2-2014-ChagantyL #modelling #using #visual notation- Estimating Latent-Variable Graphical Models using Moments and Likelihoods (ATC, PL), pp. 1872–1880.
ICML-c2-2014-MengEH #learning #modelling #visual notation- Learning Latent Variable Gaussian Graphical Models (ZM, BE, AOHI), pp. 1269–1277.
ICML-c2-2014-NiepertD #modelling- Exchangeable Variable Models (MN, PMD), pp. 271–279.
ICML-c2-2014-PingLI- Marginal Structured SVM with Hidden Variables (WP, QL, ATI), pp. 190–198.
ICML-c2-2014-SongADX #estimation #modelling #multi #parametricity- Nonparametric Estimation of Multi-View Latent Variable Models (LS, AA, BD, BX), pp. 640–648.
ICPR-2014-AfkhamEC #framework #modelling- A Topological Framework for Training Latent Variable Models (HMA, CHE, SC), pp. 2471–2476.
ICPR-2014-AlemdarKNME #behaviour #modelling #using- A Unified Model for Human Behavior Modeling Using a Hierarchy with a Variable Number of States (HÖA, TvK, MEN, AM, CE), pp. 3804–3809.
ICPR-2014-VilaltaGM #adaptation #classification- Domain Adaptation under Data Misalignment: An Application to Cepheid Variable Star Classification (RV, KDG, LM), pp. 3660–3665.
ICPR-2014-WangGJ #learning #using- Learning with Hidden Information Using a Max-Margin Latent Variable Model (ZW, TG, QJ), pp. 1389–1394.
KDD-2014-HuHA #e-commerce #modelling #scalability #social- Style in the long tail: discovering unique interests with latent variable models in large scale social E-commerce (DJH, RH, JA), pp. 1640–1649.
KDIR-2014-RodriguesFF #ontology #semantics- Semantic Relatedness with Variable Ontology Density (RR, JF, ALNF), pp. 554–559.
SEKE-2014-NevesV #development #refactoring #variability- Reactive Variability Realization with Test Driven Development and Refactoring (GSN, PV), pp. 100–105.
ECMFA-2014-LogreMCR #approach #variability #visualisation- Sensor Data Visualisation: A Composition-Based Approach to Support Domain Variability (IL, SM, PC, MR), pp. 101–116.
ECMFA-2014-MartinezZKT #identification #variability #visualisation- Identifying and Visualising Commonality and Variability in Model Variants (JM, TZ, JK, YLT), pp. 117–131.
MoDELS-2014-BergerNRACW #industrial #modelling #variability- Three Cases of Feature-Based Variability Modeling in Industry (TB, DN, RR, JMA, KC, AW), pp. 302–319.
MoDELS-2014-BergerNRACW #industrial #modelling #variability- Three Cases of Feature-Based Variability Modeling in Industry (TB, DN, RR, JMA, KC, AW), pp. 302–319.
Onward-2014-WalkingshawKEAB #data type #trade-off #variability- Variational Data Structures: Exploring Tradeoffs in Computing with Variability (EW, CK, ME, SA, EB), pp. 213–226.
RE-2014-RubythonM #implementation #modelling #off the shelf #requirements #variability- The effect of variability modeling on requirements satisfaction for the configuration and implementation of off-the-shelf software packages (AR, NAMM), pp. 394–401.
FSE-2014-BocovichA #feature model #interactive- Variable-specific resolutions for feature interactions (CB, JMA), pp. 553–563.
FSE-2014-DevroeyPCPLS #analysis #mutation testing #variability- A variability perspective of mutation analysis (XD, GP, MC, MP, AL, PYS), pp. 841–844.
ICSE-2014-NguyenKN #execution #testing #variability #web- Exploring variability-aware execution for testing plugin-based web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 907–918.
SPLC-2014-BergerSOHLW #case study #experience #modelling #variability- To connect or not to connect: experiences from modeling topological variability (TB, SS, OØ, ØH, BL, AW), pp. 330–339.
SPLC-2014-BeucheS #feature model #modelling #variability- Managing variability with feature models (DB, MS), p. 364.
SPLC-2014-HellebrandS0ZSS #case study #industrial #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and code: an industrial case study (RH, AS, MB, BZ, KS, JS), pp. 274–283.
SPLC-2014-LanduytbHMJMJBA #design #safety #towards #variability- Towards managing variability in the safety design of an automotive hall effect sensor (DVL, SOdb, AH, SM, WJ, SM, GdJ, OB, MA), pp. 304–309.
SPLC-2014-NobauerSG #standard #variability- Inferring variability from customized standard software products (MN, NS, IG), pp. 284–293.
SPLC-2014-Reinhartz-BergerF #modelling #orthogonal #variability- Comprehensibility of orthogonal variability modeling languages: the cases of CVL and OVM (IRB, KF), pp. 42–51.
SPLC-2014-SeidlSA #product line #variability- Integrated management of variability in space and time in software families (CS, IS, UA), pp. 22–31.
SPLC-2014-SierszeckiSHSB #variability- Extending variability management to the next level (KS, MS, HHH, JS, DB), pp. 320–329.
SPLC-2014-VacchiCCA #automation #component #implementation #model inference #variability- Automating variability model inference for component-based language implementations (EV, WC, BC, MA), pp. 167–176.
SPLC-2014-VillelaSVA #bibliography #variability- A survey on software variability management approaches (KV, AS, TV, ESdA), pp. 147–156.
ICLP-J-2014-BellodiLRCZ #logic programming #probability- Lifted Variable Elimination for Probabilistic Logic Programming (EB, EL, FR, VSC, RZ), pp. 681–695.
ICST-2014-SchwarzlB #test coverage- Model Dependent Test Coverage Variabilities (CS, HB), pp. 253–262.
ISSTA-2014-GalindoAABB #approach #sequence #testing #variability #video- A variability-based testing approach for synthesizing video sequences (JAG, MA, MA, BB, DB), pp. 293–303.
LICS-CSL-2014-DemriD #logic- Expressive completeness of separation logic with two variables and no separating conjunction (SD, MD), p. 10.
SAT-2014-SlivovskyS #dependence- Variable Dependencies and Q-Resolution (FS, SS), pp. 269–284.
ECSA-2013-PascualPF #architecture #runtime #variability- Run-Time Support to Manage Architectural Variability Specified with CVL (GGP, MP, LF), pp. 282–298.
ASE-2013-Garcia-GalanTC #approach #game studies #multi #variability- Multi-user variability configuration: A game theoretic approach (JGG, PT, ARC), pp. 574–579.
ASE-2013-GuoCASW #approach #learning #performance #predict #statistics #variability- Variability-aware performance prediction: A statistical learning approach (JG, KC, SA, NS, AW), pp. 301–311.
ASE-2013-SannierAB #case study #comparison #matrix #variability #wiki- From comparison matrix to Variability Model: The Wikipedia case study (NS, MA, BB), pp. 580–585.
DATE-2013-AyadAMSL #energy #integration #variability- HW-SW integration for energy-efficient/variability-aware computing (GA, AA, EM, BS, RL), pp. 607–611.
DATE-2013-BackesR #reachability #using- Using cubes of non-state variables with property directed reachability (JDB, MDR), pp. 807–810.
DATE-2013-RehmanSAKCH #hardware #reliability- Leveraging variable function resilience for selective software reliability on unreliable hardware (SR, MS, PVA, FK, JJC, JH), pp. 1759–1764.
DocEng-2013-Lumley #documentation #functional- Functional, extensible, svg-based variable documents (JWL), pp. 131–140.
ICDAR-2013-DuH #approach #normalisation #online #recognition #variability- An Irrelevant Variability Normalization Based Discriminative Training Approach for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (JD, QH), pp. 69–73.
FASE-2013-Czarnecki #state of the art #variability- Variability in Software: State of the Art and Future Directions — (Extended Abstract) (KC), pp. 1–5.
FASE-2013-SakamotoTHWF #code generation #integration #named #testing #web- POGen: A Test Code Generator Based on Template Variable Coverage in Gray-Box Integration Testing for Web Applications (KS, KT, DH, HW, YF), pp. 343–358.
FoSSaCS-2013-KrebbersW #control flow #logic- Separation Logic for Non-local Control Flow and Block Scope Variables (RK, FW), pp. 257–272.
CSMR-2013-Lopez-HerrejonE #named #re-engineering #variability #virtual machine- SBSE4VM: Search Based Software Engineering for Variability Management (RELH, AE), pp. 441–444.
MSR-2013-NadiDTHL #how #linux #question #variability #what- Linux variability anomalies: what causes them and how do they get fixed? (SN, CD, RT, RCH, DL), pp. 111–120.
PLDI-2013-ElwazeerAKSB #data type #detection #scalability- Scalable variable and data type detection in a binary rewriter (KE, KA, AK, MS, RB), pp. 51–60.
ICALP-v2-2013-BenaimBCKLMW #complexity #finite #logic- Complexity of Two-Variable Logic on Finite Trees (SB, MB, WC, EK, RL, FM, JW), pp. 74–88.
ICALP-v2-2013-Jez #equation #linear #word- One-Variable Word Equations in Linear Time (AJ), pp. 324–335.
DHM-HB-2013-LiWZYHZ #complexity #variability- Changes in Heart Rate Variability during Manual Controlled Rendezvous and Docking with Task Complexity (PL, BW, YZ, ZY, WH, XZ), pp. 86–92.
DUXU-NTE-2013-VilarRNTDF #question- Are Emergency Egress Signs Strong Enough to Overlap the Influence of the Environmental Variables? (EV, FR, PN, LT, ED, EF), pp. 205–214.
VISSOFT-2013-BeckHDW #embedded #monitoring #source code #visual notation- Visual monitoring of numeric variables embedded in source code (FB, FH, SD, DW), pp. 1–4.
ECIR-2013-ZhouWJL #evaluation #variability- The Impact of Temporal Intent Variability on Diversity Evaluation (KZ, SW, JMJ, ML), pp. 820–823.
ICML-c1-2013-AnandkumarHJK #learning #linear #network- Learning Linear Bayesian Networks with Latent Variables (AA, DH, AJ, SK), pp. 249–257.
ICML-c3-2013-BryanM #interactive #performance- An Efficient Posterior Regularized Latent Variable Model for Interactive Sound Source Separation (NJB, GJM), pp. 208–216.
KEOD-2013-CalegariCM #owl #plugin- Linguistic-variable Definition in OWL 2 — A Protégé Plugin (SC, DC, MM), pp. 269–277.
SEKE-2013-KayaF #identification- Identifying Extract Method Opportunities Based on Variable References (S) (MK, JWF), pp. 153–158.
SEKE-2013-MarcolinoOGM #approach #case study #effectiveness #towards #variability- Towards the Effectiveness of a Variability Management Approach at Use Case Level (AM, EAOJ, IMSG, JCM), pp. 214–219.
SEKE-2013-SilvaVMA #approach #product line- Scrum-based Approach for Analyzing Commonalities and Variabilities in Software Product Lines (IFdS, TV, SRLM, ESdA), pp. 238–243.
MoDELS-2013-AcherCCBLF #composition #modelling #variability- Composing Your Compositions of Variability Models (MA, BC, PC, OB, PL, RBF), pp. 352–369.
MoDELS-2013-AcherCCBLF #composition #modelling #variability- Composing Your Compositions of Variability Models (MA, BC, PC, OB, PL, RBF), pp. 352–369.
POPL-2013-UpadrastaC #scheduling #using- Sub-polyhedral scheduling using (unit-)two-variable-per-inequality polyhedra (RU, AC), pp. 483–496.
ER-BR-2013-HadadD #process #requirements #variability- Introducing Variability in a Client-Oriented Requirements Engineering Process (GDSH, JHD).
SAC-2013-HayashiIN #recommendation #visual notation- A visual analytics tool for system logs adopting variable recommendation and feature-based filtering (AH, TI, SN), pp. 996–998.
ESEC-FSE-2013-LiebigRKADL #analysis #scalability- Scalable analysis of variable software (JL, AvR, CK, SA, JD, CL), pp. 81–91.
ICSE-2013-HeymansLC #assurance #performance #quality #variability- Efficient quality assurance of variability-intensive systems (PH, AL, MC), pp. 1496–1498.
ICSE-2013-Nadi #case study #open source #variability- A study of variability spaces in open source software (SN), pp. 1353–1356.
SLE-2013-VacchiCPC #development #domain-specific language #variability- Variability Support in Domain-Specific Language Development (EV, WC, SP, BC), pp. 76–95.
PLEASE-2013-FangLED #behaviour #challenge #variability- Challenges in managing behavior variability of production control software (MF, GL, CE, JD), pp. 21–24.
PLEASE-2013-PatelGS #feature model #interactive #testing #variability- Feature interaction testing of variability intensive systems (SP, PG, VS), pp. 53–56.
PLEASE-2013-Schmid #ecosystem #variability- Variability support for variability-rich software ecosystems (KS), pp. 5–8.
PLEASE-2013-SimmondsBSQ #industrial #modelling #process #requirements #variability- Variability in software process models: Requirements for adoption in industrial settings (JS, MCB, LS, AQ), pp. 33–36.
PLEASE-2013-Zhang0 #framework #named #reverse engineering #towards #variability- RECoVar: A solution framework towards reverse engineering variability (BZ, MB), pp. 45–48.
SPLC-2013-DumitrescuMSD #experience #modelling #product line #variability- Bridging the gap between product lines and systems engineering: an experience in variability management for automotive model based systems engineering (CD, RM, CS, AD), pp. 254–263.
SPLC-2013-EichelbergerS #analysis #modelling #variability- A systematic analysis of textual variability modeling languages (HE, KS), pp. 12–21.
SPLC-2013-FerrariSd #documentation #mining #natural language- Mining commonalities and variabilities from natural language documents (AF, GOS, FD), pp. 116–120.
SPLC-2013-HaugenWC #named #variability- CVL: common variability language (ØH, AW, KC), p. 277.
SPLC-2013-MyllarniemiSM #case study #performance #product line #variability- Performance variability in software product lines: a case study in the telecommunication domain (VM, JS, TM), pp. 32–41.
SPLC-2013-PassosGTCWB #case study #kernel #linux #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and related artifacts: a case study from the Linux kernel (LTP, JG, LT, KC, AW, PB), pp. 91–100.
SPLC-2013-SchulzeMB #functional #question #safety #variability- Functional safety and variability: can it be brought together? (MS, JM, DB), pp. 236–243.
SPLC-2013-ZhangBPSS #case study #evolution #industrial #product line #variability- Variability evolution and erosion in industrial product lines: a case study (BZ, MB, TP, KS, JES), pp. 168–177.
LCTES-2013-JangKL #algorithm #parallel- Practical speculative parallelization of variable-length decompression algorithms (HJ, CK, JWL), pp. 55–64.
CADE-2013-HoderV- The 481 Ways to Split a Clause and Deal with Propositional Variables (KH, AV), pp. 450–464.
CAV-2013-ArmoniFJ #approach- SVA and PSL Local Variables — A Practical Approach (RA, DF, NJ), pp. 197–212.
CSL-2013-BerkholzKV #bound #logic #quantifier- Bounds for the quantifier depth in finite-variable logics: Alternation hierarchy (CB, AK, OV), pp. 61–80.
CSL-2013-HampsonK #first-order #linear #logic- One-variable first-order linear temporal logics with counting (CH, AK), pp. 348–362.
CSL-2013-ManuelZ #2d #logic- Two-Variable Logic on 2-Dimensional Structures (AM, TZ), pp. 484–499.
CSL-2013-Nishimura #game studies #parallel #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Parallelism with Non-Blocking Synchronization on Shared Variables (SN), pp. 578–596.
ISSTA-2013-BindalBL #bound #concurrent #parallel #source code #testing #thread- Variable and thread bounding for systematic testing of multithreaded programs (SB, SB, AL), pp. 145–155.
LICS-2013-CharatonikW #logic- Two-Variable Logic with Counting and Trees (WC, PW), pp. 73–82.
QoSA-2012-AlebrahimH #design #modelling #quality #variability- Supporting quality-driven design decisions by modeling variability (AA, MH), pp. 43–48.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-GalsterA #enterprise #variability- A Variability Viewpoint for Enterprise Software Systems (MG, PA), pp. 267–271.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-GroherW #architecture #variability- Integrating Variability Management and Software Architecture (IG, RW), pp. 262–266.
CASE-2012-BilykM #heuristic #parallel #problem #search-based- Variable neighborhood search-based subproblem solution procedures for a parallel shifting bottleneck heuristic for complex job shops (AB, LM), pp. 419–424.
CASE-2012-FeiMAL #approach #automaton #finite #scalability- A symbolic approach to large-scale discrete event systems modeled as finite automata with variables (ZF, SM, KÅ, BL), pp. 502–507.
DAC-2012-JungCK #optimisation #variability- Variability-aware, discrete optimization for analog circuits (SJ, YC, JK), pp. 536–541.
DATE-2012-BathenDNG #memory management #named #variability- VaMV: Variability-aware Memory Virtualization (LADB, NDD, AN, PG), pp. 284–287.
DATE-2012-DuVM #latency #performance #reliability- High performance reliable variable latency carry select addition (KD, PJV, KM), pp. 1257–1262.
DATE-2012-JafariJL #analysis #scheduling #worst-case- Worst-case delay analysis of Variable Bit-Rate flows in network-on-chip with aggregate scheduling (FJ, AJ, ZL), pp. 538–541.
DATE-2012-ShafiqueZRKH #adaptation #power management- Power-efficient error-resiliency for H.264/AVC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding (MS, BZ, SR, FK, JH), pp. 697–702.
DATE-2012-SharmaCAHCD #power management #variability- Ultra low power litho friendly local assist circuitry for variability resilient 8T SRAM (VS, SC, MA, JH, FC, WD), pp. 1042–1047.
DRR-2012-Bianne-BernardMLMK #modelling #recognition #word- Variable length and context-dependent HMM letter form models for Arabic handwritten word recognition (ALBB, FM, LLS, CM, CK).
CSMR-2012-NadiH #detection #linux #mining #variability- Mining Kbuild to Detect Variability Anomalies in Linux (SN, RCH), pp. 107–116.
WCRE-2012-HemelK #case study #clone detection #detection #linux #reverse engineering #source code #using #variability- Reverse Engineering Variability in Source Code Using Clone Detection: A Case Study for Linux Variants of Consumer Electronic Devices (AH, RK), pp. 357–366.
WCRE-2012-JanaN #detection #dynamic analysis #precise #using- Precise Detection of Uninitialized Variables Using Dynamic Analysis — Extending to Aggregate and Vector Types (AJ, RN), pp. 197–201.
PEPM-2012-GotoS #approach #functional- An approach to completing variable names for implicitly typed functional languages (TG, IS), pp. 131–140.
PEPM-2012-Lopez-FraguasMR #functional #logic programming- Well-typed narrowing with extra variables in functional-logic programming (FJLF, EMM, JRH), pp. 83–92.
FLOPS-2012-Bouma #declarative #logic #persistent #realtime- Real-Time Persistent Queues and Deques with Logic Variables (Declarative Pearl) (GB), pp. 62–72.
LATA-2012-KaraST #automaton #logic #word- Feasible Automata for Two-Variable Logic with Successor on Data Words (AK, TS, TT), pp. 351–362.
FM-2012-BeekMS #analysis #named #variability- VMC: A Tool for Product Variability Analysis (MHtB, FM, AS), pp. 450–454.
CHI-2012-NakagawaKK #mobile #named #user interface- MimicTile: a variable stiffness deformable user interface for mobile devices (YN, AK, YK), pp. 745–748.
CAiSE-2012-GhaddarTAB #as a service #multitenancy #outsourcing #variability- Variability as a Service: Outsourcing Variability Management in Multi-tenant SaaS Applications (AG, DT, AA, AB), pp. 175–189.
CIKM-2012-CarteretteKY #behaviour #evaluation #variability- Incorporating variability in user behavior into systems based evaluation (BC, EK, EY), pp. 135–144.
CIKM-2012-WeiFLC #canonical #dependence #using- Model the complex dependence structures of financial variables by using canonical vine (WW, XF, JL, LC), pp. 1382–1391.
ECIR-2012-QuattoniCT #ranking #retrieval- A Latent Variable Ranking Model for Content-Based Retrieval (AQ, XC, AT), pp. 340–351.
ICML-2012-ChenCK #optimisation #process- Joint Optimization and Variable Selection of High-dimensional Gaussian Processes (BC, RMC, AK), p. 179.
ICML-2012-KumarPK #learning #modelling #nondeterminism- Modeling Latent Variable Uncertainty for Loss-based Learning (MPK, BP, DK), p. 29.
ICML-2012-SchwingHPU #modelling #performance #predict #visual notation- Efficient Structured Prediction with Latent Variables for General Graphical Models (AGS, TH, MP, RU), p. 216.
ICPR-2012-MotlicekSWMM #authentication #mobile #modelling #using #variability- Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using session variability modelling (PM, LES, RW, CM, SM), pp. 1100–1103.
KR-2012-BordeauxJSM #on the #quantifier- On Unit-Refutation Complete Formulae with Existentially Quantified Variables (LB, MJ, JPMS, PM).
SEKE-2012-JuniorGM #architecture #complexity #empirical #metric #product line #validation #variability- Empirical Validation of Variability-based Complexity Metrics for Software Product Line Architecture (EAdOJ, IMdSG, JCM), pp. 622–627.
SEKE-2012-MedeirosSPM #product line #variability- Optimal Variability Selection in Product Line Engineering (RPM, UdSS, FP, LGPM), pp. 635–640.
SEKE-2012-TanizakiAK #variability- A Variability Management Method for Software Configuration Files (HT, TA, TK), pp. 672–677.
OOPSLA-2012-KastnerOE #variability- A variability-aware module system (CK, KO, SE), pp. 773–792.
RE-2012-SalehiePOAN #adaptation #runtime #security- Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime (MS, LP, IO, RA, BN), pp. 111–120.
SAC-2012-FariaBGC #algorithm #clustering #data type- Improving the offline clustering stage of data stream algorithms in scenarios with variable number of clusters (ERF, RCB, JG, ACPLFC), pp. 829–830.
SAC-2012-ParraRMRDS #adaptation #constraints #optimisation #self #using #variability- Using constraint-based optimization and variability to support continuous self-adaptation (CAP, DR, SM, RR, LD, LS), pp. 486–491.
FSE-2012-MirakhorliMC #design pattern #variability- Variability points and design pattern usage in architectural tactics (MM, PM, JCH), p. 52.
ICSE-2012-Khoshnevis #approach #product line #variability- An approach to variability management in service-oriented product lines (SK), pp. 1483–1486.
PLEASE-2012-Duszynski0 #source code #variability- Recovering variability information from the source code of similar software products (SD, MB), pp. 37–40.
PLEASE-2012-FilhoBBN #modelling #multi #product line #variability- Leveraging variability modeling for multi-dimensional model-driven software product lines (JBFF, OB, BB, JLN), pp. 5–8.
PLEASE-2012-SaratxagaAHEM #product line #variability- Product line tool-chain: variability in critical systems (CLS, CAM, ØH, CE, AM), pp. 57–60.
SPLC-2012-DietrichTSL #approach #linux #robust #variability- A robust approach for variability extraction from the Linux build system (CD, RT, WSP, DL), pp. 21–30.
SPLC-2012-GomezPCBL #documentation #framework #generative #named- DPLfw: a framework for variable content document generation (AG, MdCP, JHC, MRSB, ML), pp. 96–105.
SPLC-2012-HeiderRGL #impact analysis #modelling #testing #using #variability- Using regression testing to analyze the impact of changes to variability models on products (WH, RR, PG, DL), pp. 196–205.
SPLC-2012-LeitnerZTW #identification #variability- Requirement identification for variability management in a co-simulation environment (AL, JZ, PT, DW), pp. 269–274.
SPLC-2012-MyllarniemiRM #bibliography #product line #quality #variability- A systematically conducted literature review: quality attribute variability in software product lines (VM, MR, TM), pp. 41–45.
SPLC-2012-PleussHKB #case study #user interface #variability- A case study on variability in user interfaces (AP, BH, MK, GB), pp. 6–10.
SPLC-2012-SchulzeWB #challenge #development #modelling #variability- Automotive model-driven development and the challenge of variability (MS, JW, DB), pp. 207–214.
CSL-2012-KieronskiM #logic #transitive- Two-Variable Universal Logic with Transitive Closure (EK, JM), pp. 396–410.
ICLP-J-2012-IslamRR #logic programming #probability #random #source code- Inference in probabilistic logic programs with continuous random variables (MAI, CRR, IVR), pp. 505–523.
ICTSS-2012-HervieuBG #execution #experience #industrial #testing #variability- Managing Execution Environment Variability during Software Testing: An Industrial Experience (AH, BB, AG), pp. 24–38.
ICTSS-2012-SantosA #automation #detection #fault #lightweight #monitoring- Lightweight Automatic Error Detection by Monitoring Collar Variables (JS, RA), pp. 215–230.
IJCAR-2012-NikolicS #analysis #reachability- Reachability Analysis of Program Variables (DN, FS), pp. 423–438.
LICS-2012-KieronskiMPT #equivalence #first-order #logic- Two-Variable First-Order Logic with Equivalence Closure (EK, JM, IPH, LT), pp. 431–440.
RTA-2012-Schmidt-Schauss- Matching of Compressed Patterns with Character-Variables (MSS), pp. 272–287.
SAT-2012-BelovIMM #on the #performance- On Efficient Computation of Variable MUSes (AB, AI, AM, JMS), pp. 298–311.
SAT-2012-CrowstonGJRSY #parametricity- Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Satisfying beyond the Number of Variables (RC, GG, MJ, VR, SS, AY), pp. 355–368.
SAT-2012-IserTS #optimisation #order #relational- Optimizing MiniSAT Variable Orderings for the Relational Model Finder Kodkod — (Poster Presentation) (MI, MT, CS), pp. 483–484.
SAT-2012-LiWL #satisfiability- Exploiting Historical Relationships of Clauses and Variables in Local Search for Satisfiability — (Poster Presentation) (CML, WW, YL), pp. 479–480.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-CavalcantiAM #process #quality #variability- Extending the RiPLE-DE process with quality attribute variability realization (RdOC, ESdA, SRLM), pp. 159–164.
WICSA-2011-Abu-MatarG #architecture #variability- Feature Based Variability for Service Oriented Architectures (MAM, HG), pp. 302–309.
WICSA-2011-Bashardoust-TajaliRC #bibliography #challenge #modelling #variability- Challenges of Variability in Model-Driven and Transformational Approaches: A Systematic Survey (SBT, VDR, JPC), pp. 294–301.
WICSA-2011-GalsterA #architecture #problem #variability- Handling Variability in Software Architecture: Problems and Implications (MG, PA), pp. 171–180.
DAC-2011-LiuZXL #clustering #hybrid #in memory #memory management #power management- Power-aware variable partitioning for DSPs with hybrid PRAM and DRAM main memory (TL, YZ, CJX, ML), pp. 405–410.
DAC-2011-WeiP #security #using- Integrated circuit security techniques using variable supply voltage (SW, MP), pp. 248–253.
DATE-2011-BiKVSM #analysis #performance #statistics- Fast statistical analysis of RC nets subject to manufacturing variabilities (YB, KJvdK, JFV, LMS, NvdM), pp. 31–37.
DATE-2011-FuWT #approach #manycore #performance #simulation- A shared-variable-based synchronization approach to efficient cache coherence simulation for multi-core systems (CYF, MHW, RST), pp. 347–352.
DATE-2011-KozhikkottuVRD #analysis #named #performance #variability- VESPA: Variability emulation for System-on-Chip performance analysis (VJK, RV, AR, SD), pp. 2–7.
DATE-2011-MerrettAWZRMRLFA #analysis #modelling #monte carlo #performance #statistics #variability- Modelling circuit performance variations due to statistical variability: Monte Carlo static timing analysis (MM, PA, YW, MZ, DR, CM, SR, ZL, SBF, AA), pp. 1537–1540.
DATE-2011-MirandaZDR #logic #modelling #variability- Variability aware modeling for yield enhancement of SRAM and logic (MM, PZ, PD, PR), pp. 1153–1158.
DATE-2011-WannerBZAGS #embedded #scheduling #variability- Variability-aware duty cycle scheduling in long running embedded sensing systems (LFW, RB, SZ, CA, PG, MBS), pp. 131–136.
DRR-2011-ChengL #parametricity #variability- Parameter calibration for synthesizing realistic-looking variability in offline handwriting (WC, DPL), pp. 1–10.
SIGMOD-2011-AgarwalC- Latent OLAP: data cubes over latent variables (DA, BCC), pp. 877–888.
CSMR-2011-Lopez-HerrejonE #composition #consistency #multi #named #variability- C2MV2: Consistency and Composition for Managing Variability in Multi-view Systems (RELH, AE), pp. 347–350.
ICSM-2011-JiresalCN #cobol #detection #precise #scalability #source code- Precise detection of un-initialized variables in large, real-life COBOL programs in presence of unrealizable paths (RJ, AC, RN), pp. 448–456.
CIAA-2011-CastanoC #approach #satisfiability- Variable and Clause Ordering in an FSA Approach to Propositional Satisfiability (JMC, RC), pp. 76–87.
SFM-2011-ClarkeDHJSSSW #behaviour #modelling #variability- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability with the HATS Abstract Behavioral Modeling Language (DC, ND, RH, EBJ, IS, JS, RS, PYHW), pp. 417–457.
CSCW-2011-JunuzovicD #collaboration #scheduling- Scheduling in variable-core collaborative systems (SJ, PD), pp. 543–552.
CAiSE-2011-WeidlichMW #approach #process #variability- A Foundational Approach for Managing Process Variability (MW, JM, MW), pp. 267–282.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ChakirF #approach #modelling #multi #variability- A Model Driven Approach Supporting Multi-view Services Modeling and Variability Management (BC, MF), pp. 247–252.
CIKM-2011-FlorezD #scalability #similarity- Scalable similarity search of timeseries with variable dimensionality (OUF, CED), pp. 2545–2548.
CIKM-2011-HarveyCRC #collaboration #modelling #predict #rating- Bayesian latent variable models for collaborative item rating prediction (MH, MJC, IR, FC), pp. 699–708.
ECIR-2011-TackstromM #fine-grained #modelling #predict #sentiment- Discovering Fine-Grained Sentiment with Latent Variable Structured Prediction Models (OT, RTM), pp. 368–374.
ICML-2011-HelmboldL #on the- On the Necessity of Irrelevant Variables (DPH, PML), pp. 281–288.
KDD-2011-HsiehD #coordination #matrix #performance- Fast coordinate descent methods with variable selection for non-negative matrix factorization (CJH, ISD), pp. 1064–1072.
KDIR-2011-OlegA #analysis #approach #clustering- Methods for Discovering and Analysis of Regularities Systems — Approach based on Optimal Partitioning of Explanatory Variables Space (OVS, AVK), pp. 423–426.
KMIS-2011-RamosSB #process- A Method for Discovering the Relevance of External Context Variables to Business Processes (ECR, FMS, FAB), pp. 399–408.
MLDM-2011-LahbibBL #learning #multi- Informative Variables Selection for Multi-relational Supervised Learning (DL, MB, DL), pp. 75–87.
SEKE-2011-XueJYPZ #industrial #scalability #variability- Scalability of Variability Management: An Example of Industrial Practice and Some Improvements (YX, SJ, PY, XP, WZ), pp. 705–710.
ECMFA-2011-LudwigFBC #design #runtime #variability- Integrating Design and Runtime Variability Support into a System ADL (ML, NF, JPB, JC), pp. 270–281.
ECMFA-2011-SvendsenHM #semantics #variability- Analyzing Variability: Capturing Semantic Ripple Effects (AS, ØH, BMP), pp. 253–269.
OOPSLA-2011-KastnerGREOB #compilation #metaprogramming #parsing #variability- Variability-aware parsing in the presence of lexical macros and conditional compilation (CK, PGG, TR, SE, KO, TB), pp. 805–824.
RE-2011-GreenwoodCRNFS #adaptation #modelling #requirements #variability- Modelling adaptability and variability in requirements (PG, RC, AR, JN, FF, AS), pp. 343–344.
REFSQ-2011-DhunganaSG #elicitation #modelling #product line #requirements #research #using #variability- Research Preview: Supporting End-User Requirements Elicitation Using Product Line Variability Models (DD, NS, FG), pp. 66–71.
ICSE-2011-Xue #analysis #automation #legacy #product line #re-engineering #variability- Reengineering legacy software products into software product line based on automatic variability analysis (YX), pp. 1114–1117.
SLE-2011-Czarnecki #design #modelling #variability- Designing Variability Modeling Languages (KC), p. 222.
PLEASE-2011-AsirelliBFGM #design #product line #validation #variability- Design and validation of variability in product lines (PA, MHtB, AF, SG, FM), pp. 25–30.
PLEASE-2011-ChastekDM #analysis #variability- Commonality and variability analysis for resource constrained organizations (GJC, PD, JDM), pp. 31–34.
PLEASE-2011-Livengood #evolution #modelling #product line #variability- Issues in software product line evolution: complex changes in variability models (SL), pp. 6–9.
SPLC-2011-Abu-MatarG #architecture #modelling #product line #variability- Variability Modeling for Service Oriented Product Line Architectures (MAM, HG), pp. 110–119.
SPLC-2011-AsirelliBGF #product line #variability- Formal Description of Variability in Product Families (PA, MHtB, SG, AF), pp. 130–139.
SPLC-2011-Boutkova #experience #specification #variability- Experience with Variability Management in Requirement Specifications (EB), pp. 303–312.
SPLC-2011-DhunganaSBRGBG #modelling #multi #product line #variability- Configuration of Multi Product Lines by Bridging Heterogeneous Variability Modeling Approaches (DD, DS, GB, RR, PG, DB, JAG), pp. 120–129.
SPLC-2011-HaberRRSL #architecture #modelling #variability- Hierarchical Variability Modeling for Software Architectures (AH, HR, BR, IS, FvdL), pp. 150–159.
CGO-2011-AnselWCOEA #algorithm #compilation- Language and compiler support for auto-tuning variable-accuracy algorithms (JA, YLW, CPC, MO, AE, SPA), pp. 85–96.
CGO-2011-LiWH #stack- Dynamic register promotion of stack variables (JL, CW, WCH), pp. 21–31.
CAV-2011-DonaldsonKKW #abstraction #concurrent #source code #symmetry- Symmetry-Aware Predicate Abstraction for Shared-Variable Concurrent Programs (AFD, AK, DK, TW), pp. 356–371.
CSL-2011-DurandS #complexity #higher-order #logic #problem #query- Enumeration Complexity of Logical Query Problems with Second-order Variables (AD, YS), pp. 189–202.
CSL-2011-Kieronski #decidability #linear #logic #order- Decidability Issues for Two-Variable Logics with Several Linear Orders (EK), pp. 337–351.
ICST-2011-GoKKL #approach #generative #testing #variability- A Systematic Test Case Generation Approach for Testing Message Length Variability (KG, SK, MK, JL), pp. 397–406.
LICS-2011-Goubault-LarrecqV #random- Continuous Random Variables (JGL, DV), pp. 97–106.
LICS-2011-KontinenKLV #complexity #dependence #logic- Complexity of Two-Variable Dependence Logic and IF-Logic (JK, AK, PL, JV), pp. 289–298.
SAT-2011-KullmannZ #normalisation #on the- On Variables with Few Occurrences in Conjunctive Normal Forms (OK, XZ), pp. 33–46.
SAT-2011-TompkinsBH #heuristic #satisfiability- Captain Jack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT (DADT, AB, HHH), pp. 302–316.
ECSA-2010-Bashroush #automation #modelling #multi #variability- A NUI Based Multiple Perspective Variability Modeling CASE Tool (RB), pp. 523–526.
ASE-2010-BagheriSS #architecture #independence- Architectural style as an independent variable (HB, YS, KJS), pp. 159–162.
ASE-2010-BergerSLWC #modelling #operating system #variability- Variability modeling in the real: a perspective from the operating systems domain (TB, SS, RL, AW, KC), pp. 73–82.
ASE-2010-LawallL #approach #automation #debugging- An automated approach for finding variable-constant pairing bugs (JLL, DL), pp. 103–112.
ASE-2010-VierhauserGERH #consistency #flexibility #modelling #product line #scalability #variability- Flexible and scalable consistency checking on product line variability models (MV, PG, AE, RR, WH), pp. 63–72.
DAC-2010-ChellappaNYHVCCC #variability- In-situ characterization and extraction of SRAM variability (SC, JN, XY, NDH, JV, MC, YC, LTC), pp. 711–716.
DAC-2010-NSRKALPST #problem #question #variability- Who solves the variability problem? (NN, JCR, JK, RCA, CL, VP, AJS, ST), pp. 218–219.
DAC-2010-XieD #predict #variability- Representative path selection for post-silicon timing prediction under variability (LX, AD), pp. 386–391.
DATE-2010-CoskunARBM #3d #architecture #energy- Energy-efficient variable-flow liquid cooling in 3D stacked architectures (AKC, DA, TSR, TB, BM), pp. 111–116.
DATE-2010-GanapathyCGR #estimation #modelling #multi #variability- Circuit propagation delay estimation through multivariate regression-based modeling under spatio-temporal variability (SG, RC, AG, AR), pp. 417–422.
DATE-2010-JaffariA10a #analysis #correlation #performance #variability- Correlation controlled sampling for efficient variability analysis of analog circuits (JJ, MA), pp. 1305–1308.
DATE-2010-MaricauG #complexity #reliability #simulation #variability- Variability-aware reliability simulation of mixed-signal ICs with quasi-linear complexity (EM, GGEG), pp. 1094–1099.
DocEng-2010-Lumley #documentation #functional #invariant #layout- Pre-evaluation of invariant layout in functional variable-data documents (JWL), pp. 251–254.
DocEng-2010-PenadesCBL #documentation #generative #product line #variability- Document product lines: variability-driven document generation (MdCP, JHC, MRSB, ML), pp. 203–206.
PASTE-2010-CalmanZ #analysis #induction #information retrieval #interprocedural- Interprocedural induction variable analysis based on interprocedural SSA form IR (SC, JZ), pp. 37–44.
SAS-2010-AlbertAGPD #analysis #approach- From Object Fields to Local Variables: A Practical Approach to Field-Sensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP, DVRD), pp. 100–116.
SAS-2010-Chapoutot #abstract domain #float- Interval Slopes as a Numerical Abstract Domain for Floating-Point Variables (AC), pp. 184–200.
DLT-2010-BremerF #bound #problem- Inclusion Problems for Patterns with a Bounded Number of Variables (JB, DDF), pp. 100–111.
ICALP-v1-2010-ShpilkaV #on the #polynomial #testing- On the Relation between Polynomial Identity Testing and Finding Variable Disjoint Factors (AS, IV), pp. 408–419.
LATA-2010-GrumbergKS #automaton #infinity- Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (OG, OK, SS), pp. 561–572.
IFM-2010-AsirelliBFG #framework #logic #variability- A Logical Framework to Deal with Variability (PA, MHtB, AF, SG), pp. 43–58.
CAiSE-2010-CastanoFM #semantics #using #variability #web- Dealing with Matching Variability of Semantic Web Data Using Contexts (SC, AF, SM), pp. 194–208.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-AleixoFSK #approach #modelling #process- A Model-driven Approach to Managing and Customizing Software Process Variabilities (FAA, MAF, WCdS, UK), pp. 92–100.
ICEIS-J-2010-AleixoFSK10a #approach #automation #deployment #modelling #process #variability- Automating the Variability Management, Customization and Deployment of Software Processes: A Model-Driven Approach (FAA, MAF, WCdS, UK), pp. 372–387.
ICML-2010-FelzenszwalbGMR #detection #modelling- Discriminative Latent Variable Models for Object Detection (PFF, RBG, DAM, DR), pp. 11–12.
ICML-2010-PoonZCW #clustering #modelling- Variable Selection in Model-Based Clustering: To Do or To Facilitate (LKMP, NLZ, TC, YW), pp. 887–894.
ICPR-2010-CarliBBM #generative #kernel #modelling- Nonlinear Mappings for Generative Kernels on Latent Variable Models (ACC, MB, SB, VM), pp. 2134–2137.
ICPR-2010-KoprinskaSA- Variable Selection for Five-Minute Ahead Electricity Load Forecasting (IK, RS, VGA), pp. 2901–2904.
ICPR-2010-TasdizenH #algorithm #estimation #recursion #video- Recursive Dynamically Variable Step Search Motion Estimation Algorithm for High Definition Video (OT, IH), pp. 2354–2357.
ICPR-2010-TumaIP #classification #kernel #set #using- Hydroacoustic Signal Classification Using Kernel Functions for Variable Feature Sets (MT, CI, MP), pp. 1011–1014.
KR-2010-BagetLM #decidability- Walking the Decidability Line for Rules with Existential Variables (JFB, ML, MLM).
SEKE-2010-Abu-MatarGKE #architecture #feature model #modelling #variability- Feature Modeling for Service Variability Management in Service-Oriented Architectures (MAM, HG, MK, AME), pp. 468–473.
SEKE-2010-SieglGH #modelling #testing #variability- Introduction of Time and Timing Variability in Usage Model based Testing (SS, RG, KSJH), pp. 61–66.
SIGIR-2010-Wang #learning #modelling #retrieval- Learning hidden variable models for blog retrieval (MW), p. 922.
ECMFA-2010-Lopez-HerrejonE #consistency #detection #modelling #multi #nondeterminism #variability- Detecting Inconsistencies in Multi-View Models with Variability (RELH, AE), pp. 217–232.
ECMFA-2010-TrujilloGLMREKS #energy #experience #modelling #variability- Coping with Variability in Model-Based Systems Engineering: An Experience in Green Energy (ST, JMG, RELH, XM, AR, AE, CWK, JDS), pp. 293–304.
MoDELS-v1-2010-Shiraishi #approach #modelling #variability- An AADL-Based Approach to Variability Modeling of Automotive Control Systems (SS), pp. 346–360.
MoDELS-v1-2010-WilkeTW #ocl #variability- Extending Variability for OCL Interpretation (CW, MT, CW), pp. 361–375.
GPCE-2010-SinceroTLS #analysis #performance #variability- Efficient extraction and analysis of preprocessor-based variability (JS, RT, DL, WSP), pp. 33–42.
QAPL-2010-BarsottiW #abstraction #automation #probability #random #verification- Automatic Probabilistic Program Verification through Random Variable Abstraction (DB, NW), pp. 34–47.
SAC-2010-KamalA #design pattern #modelling #variability- Modeling the variability of architectural patterns (AWK, PA), pp. 2344–2351.
SAC-2010-RuggieriM #constraints #linear- Variable ranges in linear constraints (SR, FM), pp. 2061–2065.
SAC-2010-YuRCW #execution #scheduling- Profit and penalty aware (PP-aware) scheduling for tasks with variable task execution time (YY, SR, NC, XW), pp. 334–339.
ICSE-2010-LiebigALKS #analysis #product line #variability- An analysis of the variability in forty preprocessor-based software product lines (JL, SA, CL, CK, MS), pp. 105–114.
PLEASE-2010-KammullerRR #higher-order #variability- Feature link propagation across variability representations with Isabelle/HOL (FK, AR, MOR), pp. 48–53.
SPLC-2010-AzevedoMBR #uml #variability- The UML “extend” Relationship as Support for Software Variability (SA, RJM, AB, HR), pp. 471–475.
SPLC-2010-BelategiSE #embedded #product line #variability- MARTE Mechanisms to Model Variability When Analyzing Embedded Software Product Lines (LB, GS, LE), pp. 466–470.
SPLC-2010-ChenB #challenge #industrial #product line #variability- Variability Management in Software Product Lines: An Investigation of Contemporary Industrial Challenges (LC, MAB), pp. 166–180.
SPLC-2010-Duszynski #diagrams #matrix #variability #visualisation- Visualizing and Analyzing Software Variability with Bar Diagrams and Occurrence Matrices (SD), pp. 481–485.
SPLC-2010-HeuerBKLP #diagrams #process #semantics #syntax #variability- Formal Definition of Syntax and Semantics for Documenting Variability in Activity Diagrams (AH, CJB, SK, KL, KP), pp. 62–76.
SPLC-2010-Jarzabek #product line #variability- Pragmatic Strategies for Variability Management in Product Lines in Small- to Medium-Size Companies (SJ), pp. 503–504.
SPLC-2010-LotufoSBCW #evolution #kernel #linux #variability- Evolution of the Linux Kernel Variability Model (RL, SS, TB, KC, AW), pp. 136–150.
SPLC-2010-Schmid #comparison #development #distributed #modelling #variability- Variability Modeling for Distributed Development — A Comparison with Established Practice (KS), pp. 151–165.
CGO-2010-HanLT #parallel #reduction- Speculative parallelization of partial reduction variables (LH, WL, JT), pp. 141–150.
OSDI-2010-GulatiMV #named #scheduling #throughput #variability- mClock: Handling Throughput Variability for Hypervisor IO Scheduling (AG, AM, PJV), pp. 437–450.
CSL-2010-SchwentickZ #logic #order- Two-Variable Logic with Two Order Relations — (Extended Abstract) (TS, TZ), pp. 499–513.
SAT-2010-MatthewsP #satisfiability- Uniquely Satisfiable k-SAT Instances with Almost Minimal Occurrences of Each Variable (WM, RP), pp. 369–374.
SAT-2010-TompkinsH #satisfiability- Dynamic Scoring Functions with Variable Expressions: New SLS Methods for Solving SAT (DADT, HHH), pp. 278–292.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-BritoRL #architecture #fault tolerance #verification- Verifying architectural variabilities in software fault tolerance techniques (PHSB, CMFR, RdL), pp. 231–240.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-PerezDSG #architecture #component #variability- Plastic Partial Components: A solution to support variability in architectural components (JP, JD, CCS, JG), pp. 221–230.
CASE-2009-KumarWKSS #analysis #fuzzy #predict #using #variability- A fuzzy filtering based system for maximal oxygen uptake prediction using heart rate variability analysis (MK, MW, SK, NS, RS), pp. 604–608.
DAC-2009-ChengGSQH #modelling #variability- Physically justifiable die-level modeling of spatial variation in view of systematic across wafer variability (LC, PG, CJS, KQ, LH), pp. 104–109.
DAC-2009-DrmanacLW #predict #process #variability- Predicting variability in nanoscale lithography processes (DGD, FL, LCW), pp. 545–550.
DAC-2009-YeLCC #analysis #layout #process #variability- Variability analysis under layout pattern-dependent rapid-thermal annealing process (YY, FL, MC, YC), pp. 551–556.
DATE-2009-BaneresCK #design- Variable-latency design by function speculation (DB, JC, MK), pp. 1704–1709.
DATE-2009-GargM #3d #analysis #process #variability- System-level process variability analysis and mitigation for 3D MPSoCs (SG, DM), pp. 604–609.
DATE-2009-MaricauG #performance #reliability #simulation #variability- Efficient reliability simulation of analog ICs including variability and time-varying stress (EM, GGEG), pp. 1238–1241.
DATE-2009-PaciBB #adaptation #bias #communication #effectiveness #variability- Effectiveness of adaptive supply voltage and body bias as post-silicon variability compensation techniques for full-swing and low-swing on-chip communication channels (GP, DB, LB), pp. 1404–1409.
DATE-2009-SathanurPBMM #clustering #design #variability- Physically clustered forward body biasing for variability compensation in nanometer CMOS design (AVS, AP, LB, GDM, EM), pp. 154–159.
DATE-2009-WilsonW #configuration management #variability- Optimal sizing of configurable devices to reduce variability in integrated circuits (PRW, RW), pp. 1385–1390.
ITiCSE-2009-Al-BarakatiA #performance #programming #student #visualisation- The effect of visualizing roles of variables on student performance in an introductory programming course (NMAB, AYAA), pp. 228–232.
ESOP-2009-StricklandTF #morphism #polymorphism- Practical Variable-Arity Polymorphism (TSS, STH, MF), pp. 32–46.
CSMR-2009-RibeiroB #product line- Improving Guidance when Restructuring Variabilities in Software Product Lines (MdMR, PB), pp. 79–88.
ICPC-2009-PetrenkoR #impact analysis #precise- Variable granularity for improving precision of impact analysis (MP, VR), pp. 10–19.
DLT-2009-BehleKR #quantifier #regular expression- Regular Languages Definable by Majority Quantifiers with Two Variables (CB, AK, SR), pp. 91–102.
ICALP-v1-2009-Jansen #constant #scheduling #using- An EPTAS for Scheduling Jobs on Uniform Processors: Using an MILP Relaxation with a Constant Number of Integral Variables (KJ), pp. 562–573.
FM-2009-HasanAATA #random #reasoning- Formal Reasoning about Expectation Properties for Continuous Random Variables (OH, NA, BA, ST, RA), pp. 435–450.
HCD-2009-CausseH #effectiveness #visual notation- The Physiological User’s Response as a Clue to Assess Visual Variables Effectiveness (MC, CH), pp. 167–176.
IDGD-2009-MushtahaT #design- Cross-Culture and Website Design: Cultural Movements and Settled Cultural Variables (AM, ODT), pp. 69–78.
ECIR-2009-Ailon #algorithm #linear #query #ranking #using- A Simple Linear Ranking Algorithm Using Query Dependent Intercept Variables (NA), pp. 685–690.
ICML-2009-FloresGMP- GAODE and HAODE: two proposals based on AODE to deal with continuous variables (MJF, JAG, AMM, JMP), pp. 313–320.
ICML-2009-TrespY #dependence #learning #summary #tutorial- Tutorial summary: Learning with dependencies between several response variables (VT, KY), p. 14.
ICML-2009-YuJ #learning- Learning structural SVMs with latent variables (CNJY, TJ), pp. 1169–1176.
SEKE-2009-Abu-Matar #modelling #product line #variability- Mediation Based Variability Modeling for Service Oriented Software Product Lines (MAM), pp. 291–294.
MoDELS-2009-CengarleGR #modelling #variability- Variability within Modeling Language Definitions (MVC, HG, BR), pp. 670–684.
MoDELS-2009-MorinPLBVJ #metamodelling #variability #weaving- Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels (BM, GP, PL, OB, GV, JMJ), pp. 690–705.
MoDELS-2009-SchwanningerGEL #lifecycle #modelling #product line #variability- Variability Modelling throughout the Product Line Lifecycle (CS, IG, CE, ML), pp. 685–689.
MoDELS-2009-CengarleGR #modelling #variability- Variability within Modeling Language Definitions (MVC, HG, BR), pp. 670–684.
MoDELS-2009-MorinPLBVJ #metamodelling #variability #weaving- Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels (BM, GP, PL, OB, GV, JMJ), pp. 690–705.
MoDELS-2009-SchwanningerGEL #lifecycle #modelling #product line #variability- Variability Modelling throughout the Product Line Lifecycle (CS, IG, CE, ML), pp. 685–689.
SAC-2009-SoaresRCB #declarative #xml- Variable handling in time-based XML declarative languages (LFGS, RFR, RC, SDJB), pp. 1821–1828.
SLE-2009-ZschalerSSARFMAK #product line #variability- VML* — A Family of Languages for Variability Management in Software Product Lines (SZ, PS, JPS, MA, AR, LF, AMDM, JA, UK), pp. 82–102.
SPLC-2009-CetinaHZFP #runtime #variability- Strategies for variability transformation at run-time (CC, ØH, XZ, FF, VP), pp. 61–70.
SPLC-2009-ChenBA #bibliography #perspective #product line #variability- Variability management in software product lines: a systematic review (LC, MAB, NA), pp. 81–90.
SPLC-2009-Jarzabek #product line #variability- Pragmatic strategies for variability management in product lines in small- to medium-size companies (SJ), p. 327.
SPLC-2009-PechKCSH #case study #development #experience #lessons learnt #variability- Variability management in small development organizations: experiences and lessons learned from a case study (DP, JK, RC, CS, DH), pp. 285–294.
CC-2009-Abu-MahmeedMBKRHARK #scheduling- Scheduling Tasks to Maximize Usage of Aggregate Variables in Place (SAM, CM, ZB, KK, KR, KH, PA, SR, JK), pp. 204–219.
ICLP-2009-GuzmanCH #implementation #multi- A Tabling Implementation Based on Variables with Multiple Bindings (PCdG, MC, MVH), pp. 190–204.
ICLP-2009-Li #algorithm #constraints #difference #functional #integer #research #summary- Research Summary: Extending Elimination Algorithms for Functional Constraints to Solve Two Integer Variables per Inequality (CL), pp. 530–531.
LICS-2009-KieronskiT #equivalence #finite #first-order #logic #on the #satisfiability- On Finite Satisfiability of Two-Variable First-Order Logic with Equivalence Relations (EK, LT), pp. 123–132.
RTA-2009-SeidlV #protocol- Flat and One-Variable Clauses for Single Blind Copying Protocols: The XOR Case (HS, KNV), pp. 118–132.
SAT-2009-BelovS #probability #process #satisfiability- Improving Variable Selection Process in Stochastic Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability (AB, ZS), pp. 258–264.
SAT-2009-JohannsenRW #satisfiability #strict- Solving SAT for CNF Formulas with a One-Sided Restriction on Variable Occurrences (DJ, IR, MW), pp. 80–85.
SAT-2009-Traxler #normalisation- Variable Influences in Conjunctive Normal Forms (PT), pp. 101–113.
TAP-2009-Rapin #bound #execution #model checking #symbolic computation- Symbolic Execution Based Model Checking of Open Systems with Unbounded Variables (NR), pp. 137–152.
WICSA-2008-DhunganaNGR #architecture #evolution #product line #variability- Supporting the Evolution of Product Line Architectures with Variability Model Fragments (DD, TN, PG, RR), pp. 327–330.
DAC-2008-AlkabaniMKP #variability- Input vector control for post-silicon leakage current minimization in the presence of manufacturing variability (YA, TM, FK, MP), pp. 606–609.
DAC-2008-HerbertM #multi #variability- Characterizing chip-multiprocessor variability-tolerance (SH, DM), pp. 313–318.
DATE-2008-KeezerMD #injection #multi- Variable Delay of Multi-Gigahertz Digital Signals for Deskew and Jitter-Injection Test Applications (DCK, DM, PD), pp. 1486–1491.
DATE-2008-MarculescuN #architecture #challenge #design #variability- Design Variability: Challenges and Solutions at Microarchitecture-Architecture Level (DM, SRN).
DATE-2008-VermaBI #design #latency #paradigm- Variable Latency Speculative Addition: A New Paradigm for Arithmetic Circuit Design (AKV, PB, PI), pp. 1250–1255.
DATE-2008-ZengC #analysis #polynomial #random- Deep Submicron Interconnect Timing Model with Quadratic Random Variable Analysis (JKZ, CPC), pp. 1091–1094.
DocEng-2008-LumleyGR #configuration management #documentation #editing #xml- Configurable editing of XML-based variable-data documents (JWL, RG, OR), pp. 76–85.
SIGMOD-2008-YangWL #approximate #cost analysis #query #string- Cost-based variable-length-gram selection for string collections to support approximate queries efficiently (XY, BW, CL), pp. 353–364.
VLDB-2008-WongFPHWL #performance #query- Efficient skyline querying with variable user preferences on nominal attributes (RCWW, AWCF, JP, YSH, TW, YL), pp. 1032–1043.
ESOP-2008-Muller-OlmS #interprocedural #performance- Upper Adjoints for Fast Inter-procedural Variable Equalities (MMO, HS), pp. 178–192.
MSR-2008-YoshimuraNHK #analysis #approach #detection #named #product line #variability- FAVE: factor analysis based approach for detecting product line variability from change history (KY, FN, KH, TK), pp. 11–18.
CAiSE-2008-AliDG #information management #mobile #variability- Location-Based Variability for Mobile Information Systems (RA, FD, PG), pp. 575–578.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-BiscarriMLGBM #data mining #mining #variability- A Data Mining Method Based on the Variability of the Customer Consumption — A Special Application on Electric Utility Companies (FB, IM, CL, JIG, JB, RM), pp. 370–374.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-UnemeKO #scheduling- Nurse Scheduling by Cooperative GA with Variable Mutation Operator (SyU, HK, MO), pp. 249–252.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-CabelloR #product line #variability- Variability Management in Software Product Lines for Decision Support Systems Construction (MEC, IR), pp. 49–56.
CIKM-2008-HuangS #markov #query #using- A latent variable model for query expansion using the hidden markov model (QH, DS), pp. 1417–1418.
CIKM-2008-MasudaT #algebra- Nested region algebra extended with variables for tag-annotated text search (KM, JT), pp. 1349–1350.
ECIR-2008-ZhaoST #effectiveness #performance #predict #query #similarity #using #variability- Effective Pre-retrieval Query Performance Prediction Using Similarity and Variability Evidence (YZ, FS, YT), pp. 52–64.
ICML-2008-UrtasunFGPDL #modelling- Topologically-constrained latent variable models (RU, DJF, AG, JP, TD, NDL), pp. 1080–1087.
ICPR-2008-GaoCY #modelling #process- Manifold denoising with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models (YG, KLC, WYY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShafaitBKB #analysis #layout #modelling #statistics #variability- Background variability modeling for statistical layout analysis (FS, JvB, DK, TMB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TsukamotoMW #estimation- Tracking a firefly — a stable likelihood estimation for variable appearance object tracking (YT, YM, TW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-UlkerGK #multi- A multiple model structure for tracking by variable rate particle filters (YÜ, BG, SK), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-IfrimBW #categorisation #n-gram #performance- Fast logistic regression for text categorization with variable-length n-grams (GI, GHB, GW), pp. 354–362.
KR-2008-LeeM #on the- On Loop Formulas with Variables (JL, YM), pp. 444–453.
MoDELS-2008-MorinFBJSDB #approach #aspect-oriented #modelling #variability- An Aspect-Oriented and Model-Driven Approach for Managing Dynamic Variability (BM, FF, NB, JMJ, AS, VD, GSB), pp. 782–796.
MoDELS-2008-MorinVLGBJ #aspect-oriented #complexity #modelling #variability- Managing Variability Complexity in Aspect-Oriented Modeling (BM, GV, PL, AG, OB, JMJ), pp. 797–812.
MoDELS-2008-MorinFBJSDB #approach #aspect-oriented #modelling #variability- An Aspect-Oriented and Model-Driven Approach for Managing Dynamic Variability (BM, FF, NB, JMJ, AS, VD, GSB), pp. 782–796.
MoDELS-2008-MorinVLGBJ #aspect-oriented #complexity #modelling #variability- Managing Variability Complexity in Aspect-Oriented Modeling (BM, GV, PL, AG, OB, JMJ), pp. 797–812.
PPDP-2008-SchulteS- Dynamic variable elimination during propagation solving (CS, PJS), pp. 247–257.
SAC-2008-AlbertAGPZ #bytecode #cost analysis #java- Removing useless variables in cost analysis of Java bytecode (EA, PA, SG, GP, DZ), pp. 368–375.
SAC-2008-AnagnostopoulosAH #adaptation #data type #multi #what- Deciding what to observe next: adaptive variable selection for regression in multivariate data streams (CA, NMA, DJH), pp. 961–965.
SAC-2008-BaveraB #analysis #bytecode #data flow #policy #type system- Type-based information flow analysis for bytecode languages with variable object field policies (FB, EB), pp. 347–351.
SAC-2008-Juarez-MartinezO #named- Énfasis: a model for local variable crosscutting (UJM, JOOA), pp. 261–265.
SAC-2008-RibeiroMB #implementation #product line- A decision model for implementing product lines variabilities (MdMR, PMJ, PB), pp. 276–277.
SAC-2008-ZhangMD #feature model #fuzzy #image #retrieval #set #using- Texture feature extraction and description using fuzzy set of main dominant directions of variable scales in content-based medical image retrieval (GZ, ZMM, LD), pp. 1760–1761.
SPLC-2008-EtxeberriaM #evaluation #product line #quality #variability- Variability Driven Quality Evaluation in Software Product Lines (LE, GSM), pp. 243–252.
SPLC-2008-HartmannT #diagrams #feature model #multi #product line #using #variability- Using Feature Diagrams with Context Variability to Model Multiple Product Lines for Software Supply Chains (HH, TT), pp. 12–21.
SPLC-2008-HaugenMOOS #domain-specific language #standard #variability- Adding Standardized Variability to Domain Specific Languages (ØH, BMP, JO, GKO, AS), pp. 139–148.
SPLC-2008-HubauxHB #challenge #modelling #open source #product line #re-engineering #variability- Variability Modeling Challenges from the Trenches of an Open Source Product Line Re-engineering Project (AH, PH, DB), pp. 55–64.
SPLC-2008-KumarBC #identification #variability- Identifying and Exploiting the Similarities between Rationale Management and Variability Management (AKT, BB, OC), pp. 99–108.
SPLC-2008-NodaK #aspect-oriented #modelling #variability- Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Variability Management (NN, TK), pp. 213–222.
PPoPP-2008-WangYFDWJ #analysis #automation #source code- Automated application-level checkpointing based on live-variable analysis in MPI programs (PW, XY, HF, YD, ZW, JJ), pp. 273–274.
ICLP-2008-SenniPP #algorithm #constraints #logic programming #source code- A Folding Algorithm for Eliminating Existential Variables from Constraint Logic Programs (VS, AP, MP), pp. 284–300.
ICST-2008-BeerM #dependence #generative #performance #testing- Efficient Test Data Generation for Variables with Complex Dependencies (AB, SM), pp. 3–11.
ASE-2007-Gawley #automation #feature model #identification #modelling #variability- Automating the identification of variability realisation techniques from feature models (RG), pp. 555–558.
DAC-2007-LongS #verification- Synthesizing SVA Local Variables for Formal Verification (JL, AS), pp. 75–80.
DAC-2007-SingheeR #performance #statistics- Beyond Low-Order Statistical Response Surfaces: Latent Variable Regression for Efficient, Highly Nonlinear Fitting (AS, RAR), pp. 256–261.
DAC-2007-SuWCM #design #optimisation #performance- An Efficient Mechanism for Performance Optimization of Variable-Latency Designs (YSS, DCW, SCC, MMS), pp. 976–981.
DAC-2007-WangLR #automation #megamodelling #named #parametricity #variability- PV-PPV: Parameter Variability Aware, Automatically Extracted, Nonlinear Time-Shifted Oscillator Macromodels (ZW, XL, JSR), pp. 142–147.
DocEng-2007-BagleyBO #component #documentation #reuse- Extracting reusable document components for variable data printing (SRB, DFB, JAO), pp. 44–52.
DocEng-2007-Giannetti #multi #standard- A multi-format variable data template wrapper extending podis PPML-T standard (FG), pp. 37–43.
DocEng-2007-Giannetti07a #generative #multi- Anvil next generation: a multi-format variable data printtemplate based on PPML-T (FG), pp. 93–94.
ICDAR-2007-KunduHHPG #recognition #using- Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Variable Duration HMM (AK, TH, BH, JP, LVG), pp. 644–648.
PODS-2007-FiliotNTT #polynomial #xpath- Polynomial time fragments of XPath with variables (EF, JN, JMT, ST), pp. 205–214.
VLDB-2007-LiWY #approximate #named #performance #query #string #using- VGRAM: Improving Performance of Approximate Queries on String Collections Using Variable-Length Grams (CL, BW, XY), pp. 303–314.
CSMR-2007-LoeschP #concept analysis #product line #using #variability- Restructuring Variability in Software Product Lines using Concept Analysis of Product Configurations (FL, EP), pp. 159–170.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Calvo-FloresNGF07a #empirical- An Empirical Study of Significant Variables for Trading Strategies (MDCF, JFNN, EGG, CMF), pp. 330–335.
ICML-2007-LawrenceM #modelling #process- Hierarchical Gaussian process latent variable models (NDL, AJM), pp. 481–488.
ICML-2007-UrtasunD #classification #process- Discriminative Gaussian process latent variable model for classification (RU, TD), pp. 927–934.
ICML-2007-ZienBS- Transductive support vector machines for structured variables (AZ, UB, TS), pp. 1183–1190.
MoDELS-2007-LahireMVGBJ #aspect-oriented #modelling #variability- Introducing Variability into Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approaches (PL, BM, GV, AG, OB, JMJ), pp. 498–513.
MoDELS-2007-LahireMVGBJ #aspect-oriented #modelling #variability- Introducing Variability into Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approaches (PL, BM, GV, AG, OB, JMJ), pp. 498–513.
RE-2007-MetzgerHPSS #analysis #automation #documentation #formal method #product line #variability- Disambiguating the Documentation of Variability in Software Product Lines: A Separation of Concerns, Formalization and Automated Analysis (AM, PH, KP, PYS, GS), pp. 243–253.
SPLC-2007-ChangK #adaptation #modelling #variability- A Variability Modeling Method for Adaptable Services in Service-Oriented Computing (SHC, SDK), pp. 261–268.
SPLC-2007-LoeschP #optimisation #product line #variability- Optimization of Variability in Software Product Lines (FL, EP), pp. 151–162.
SPLC-2007-RabiserGD #adaptation #modelling #variability- Supporting Product Derivation by Adapting and Augmenting Variability Models (RR, PG, DD), pp. 141–150.
CGO-2007-OzturkCKK #latency #problem- Compiler-Directed Variable Latency Aware SPM Management to CopeWith Timing Problems (ÖÖ, GC, MTK, MK), pp. 232–243.
HPCA-2007-AnnavaramGR #variability- Implications of Device Timing Variability on Full Chip Timing (MA, EG, PR), pp. 37–45.
SOSP-2007-LuPHMJLPZ #automation #concurrent #correlation #debugging #detection #multi #named #semantics- MUVI: automatically inferring multi-variable access correlations and detecting related semantic and concurrency bugs (SL, SP, CH, XM, WJ, ZL, RAP, YZ), pp. 103–116.
CADE-2007-AntonsenW- A Labelled System for IPL with Variable Splitting (RA, AW), pp. 132–146.
CADE-2007-UrbanBN- Barendregt’s Variable Convention in Rule Inductions (CU, SB, MN), pp. 35–50.
CSL-2007-FiliotTT #logic #satisfiability- Satisfiability of a Spatial Logic with Tree Variables (EF, JMT, ST), pp. 130–145.
CSL-2007-Murawski- Bad Variables Under Control (ASM), pp. 558–572.
ISSTA-2007-TombBV #detection #fault #interprocedural #program analysis #runtime- Variably interprocedural program analysis for runtime error detection (AT, GPB, WV), pp. 97–107.
SAT-2007-PorschenS #algorithm #problem #satisfiability- Algorithms for Variable-Weighted 2-SAT and Dual Problems (SP, ES), pp. 173–186.
SAT-2007-Prestwich #dependence- Variable Dependency in Local Search: Prevention Is Better Than Cure (SDP), pp. 107–120.
VMCAI-2007-BalakrishnanR #bytecode #named- DIVINE: DIscovering Variables IN Executables (GB, TWR), pp. 1–28.
VMCAI-2007-BallK #approximate #source code- Better Under-Approximation of Programs by Hiding Variables (TB, OK), pp. 314–328.
ASE-2006-Dhungana #architecture #modelling #product line #variability- Integrated Variability Modeling of Features and Architecture in Software Product Line Engineering (DD), pp. 327–330.
DAC-2006-DavoodiS #optimisation #variability- Variability driven gate sizing for binning yield optimization (AD, AS), pp. 959–964.
DATE-2006-Liu- A practical method to estimate interconnect responses to variabilities (FL), pp. 545–546.
DATE-2006-LiuI #optimisation #scheduling #using- Test scheduling with thermal optimization for network-on-chip systems using variable-rate on-chip clocking (CL, VI), pp. 652–657.
DATE-2006-PanditKMP #hardware #higher-order #synthesis- High level synthesis of higher order continuous time state variable filters with minimum sensitivity and hardware count (SP, SK, CAM, AP), pp. 1203–1204.
DATE-DF-2006-YehWLW #multi #programmable- A 124.8Msps, 15.6mW field-programmable variable-length codec for multimedia applications (CY, CCW, LCL, JSW), pp. 239–243.
DocEng-2006-LumleyGR #layout- Resolving layout interdependency with presentational variables (JWL, RG, OR), pp. 95–97.
PODS-2006-BojanczykDMSS #logic #reasoning #xml- Two-variable logic on data trees and XML reasoning (MB, CD, AM, TS, LS), pp. 10–19.
SIGMOD-2006-RusuD #estimation #performance #random- Fast range-summable random variables for efficient aggregate estimation (FR, AD), pp. 193–204.
VLDB-2006-DennyF #adaptation #execution- Adaptive Execution of Variable-Accuracy Functions (MD, MJF), pp. 547–558.
ITiCSE-2006-GerdtS #automation #detection- A web-based service for the automatic detection of roles of variables (PG, JS), pp. 178–182.
TACAS-2006-SiminiceanuC #diagrams #metric- New Metrics for Static Variable Ordering in Decision Diagrams (RS, GC), pp. 90–104.
PEPM-2006-LewisJ #analysis #model checking- A dead variable analysis for explicit model checking (ML, MJ), pp. 48–57.
STOC-2006-SamorodnitskyT- Gowers uniformity, influence of variables, and PCPs (AS, LT), pp. 11–20.
FM-2006-JohnstonWBSR #model checking #modelling #order #performance- Model-Based Variable and Transition Orderings for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking (WJ, KW, LvdB, PAS, PJR), pp. 524–540.
CSCW-2006-GueddanaR #communication #video- Pêle-Mêle, a video communication system supporting a variable degree of engagement (SG, NR), pp. 423–426.
ICML-2006-BrefeldS #learning- Semi-supervised learning for structured output variables (UB, TS), pp. 145–152.
ICPR-v1-2006-RaghebH- Reflectance from Surfaces with Layers of Variable Roughness (HR, ERH), pp. 543–546.
ICPR-v1-2006-RiponTKI #algorithm #clustering #multi #search-based #using- Multi-Objective Evolutionary Clustering using Variable-Length Real Jumping Genes Genetic Algorithm (KSNR, CHT, SK, MKI), pp. 1200–1203.
ICPR-v2-2006-QuanHXLL #analysis #online #verification- Spectrum Analysis Based onWindows with Variable Widths for Online Signature Verification (ZHQ, DSH, XLX, MRL, TML), pp. 1122–1125.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuW06a #algorithm- Genetic-based K-means algorithm for selection of feature variables (ZY, HSW), pp. 744–747.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangWKH #probability #using #video- Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using Probability Hypothesis Density (YDW, JKW, AAK, WH), pp. 1127–1130.
ICPR-v3-2006-YoshimuraHM #comparison- Comparison of Structural Variables with Spatio-temporal Variables Concerning the Identifiability of Okuri Class and Player in Japanese Traditional Dancing (MY, KH, YM), pp. 308–311.
KR-2006-LukasiewiczS #logic- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Matchmaking in Description Logics (TL, JS), pp. 164–174.
SEKE-2006-CookeRW #verification- The Evolutionary Role of Variable Assignment and Its Impact on Program Verification (DEC, JNR, RGW), pp. 315–320.
SEKE-2006-KuleszaLAG #aspect-oriented #generative #using- Customizing Aspect-Oriented Variabilities using Generative Techniques (UK, CJPdL, PSCA, AG), pp. 17–22.
RE-2006-LiaskosLYYM #analysis #on the #variability- On Goal-based Variability Acquisition and Analysis (SL, AL, YY, ESKY, JM), pp. 76–85.
SAC-2006-GiannettiFTNRC #performance- High performance XSL-FO rendering for variable data printing (FG, LGF, RT, TN, MR, MBC), pp. 811–817.
ICSE-2006-PohlM #product line #variability- Variability management in software product line engineering (KP, AM), pp. 1049–1050.
SPL-BOOK-2006-BayerGHMMOTTW #modelling #product line #variability- Consolidated Product Line Variability Modeling (JB, SG, ØH, JXM, BMP, JO, PT, JPT, TW), pp. 195–241.
SPLC-2006-BragancaM #case study #metamodelling #specification #uml #variability- Extending UML 2.0 Metamodel for Complementary Usages of the «extend» Relationship within Use Case Variability Specification (AB, RJM), pp. 123–130.
SPLC-2006-GurpS #grid #variability- Service Grid Variability Realization (JvG, JS), pp. 85–94.
SPLC-2006-PohlLM #product line #variability- Software Product Line Variability Management (KP, FvdL, AM), p. 219.
ICLP-2006-AntoyH #functional #logic programming #source code- Overlapping Rules and Logic Variables in Functional Logic Programs (SA, MH), pp. 87–101.
ICLP-2006-PettorossiPS #constraints #logic programming #proving #source code- Proving Properties of Constraint Logic Programs by Eliminating Existential Variables (AP, MP, VS), pp. 179–195.
LICS-2006-BojanczykMSSD #logic #word- Two-Variable Logic on Words with Data (MB, AM, TS, LS, CD), pp. 7–16.
LICS-2006-ParkinsonBC #hoare #logic- Variables as Resource in Hoare Logics (MJP, RB, CC), pp. 137–146.
DAC-2005-CaoC #approach #modelling #performance #process #statistics #towards #variability- Mapping statistical process variations toward circuit performance variability: an analytical modeling approach (YC, LTC), pp. 658–663.
DAC-2005-MarculescuT #architecture #energy #perspective #variability- Variability and energy awareness: a microarchitecture-level perspective (DM, ET), pp. 11–16.
DAC-2005-NagarajBSBNLH #variability- BEOL variability and impact on RC extraction (NSN, TB, AS, CB, UN, VL, AMH), pp. 758–759.
DATE-2005-LiLLPN #modelling #order #parametricity #performance #reduction #using #variability- Modeling Interconnect Variability Using Efficient Parametric Model Order Reduction (PL, FL, XL, LTP, SRN), pp. 958–963.
DATE-2005-VandersteenLJRP #framework #modelling #scalability- Estimating Scalable Common-Denominator Laplace-Domain MIMO Models in an Errors-in-Variables Framework (GV, LDL, SJ, YR, RP), pp. 1076–1081.
DATE-2005-WangMDCM #analysis #embedded #energy #process #variability- Systematic Analysis of Energy and Delay Impact of Very Deep Submicron Process Variability Effects in Embedded SRAM Modules (HW, MM, WD, FC, KM), pp. 914–919.
ICDAR-2005-ChaoL #documentation #layout #reuse- Capturing the Layout of Electronic Documents for Reuse in Variable Data Printing (HC, XL), pp. 940–944.
FASE-2005-HammoudaHPK #using #variability- Managing Variability Using Heterogeneous Feature Variation Patterns (IH, JH, MP, KK), pp. 145–159.
FoSSaCS-2005-EdalatLP #calculus #difference #multi- A Computational Model for Multi-variable Differential Calculus (AE, AL, DP), pp. 505–519.
FoSSaCS-2005-MiculanY- A Unifying Model of Variables and Names (MM, KY), pp. 170–186.
IWPC-2005-SajaniemiN- An Investigation into Professional Programmers’ Mental Representations of Variables (JS, RNP), pp. 55–64.
SAS-2005-NarasamdyaV- Finding Basic Block and Variable Correspondence (IN, AV), pp. 251–267.
ICALP-2005-BraekenBNP #classification #encryption- Classification of Boolean Functions of 6 Variables or Less with Respect to Some Cryptographic Properties (AB, YLB, SN, BP), pp. 324–334.
ICALP-2005-Mislove #random- Discrete Random Variables over Domains (MWM), pp. 1006–1017.
ICALP-2005-TessonT #communication #complexity #strict- Restricted Two-Variable Sentences, Circuits and Communication Complexity (PT, DT), pp. 526–538.
ICML-2005-SilvaS #identification #learning #modelling- New d-separation identification results for learning continuous latent variable models (RBdAeS, RS), pp. 808–815.
KDD-2005-DasguptaKRT #semantics- Variable latent semantic indexing (AD, RK, PR, AT), pp. 13–21.
SEKE-2005-YeS #dependence #modelling #variability- Modelling Feature Variability and Dependency in Two Views (HY, AS), pp. 661–664.
ECOOP-2005-PistoiaFKS #analysis #detection #interprocedural- Interprocedural Analysis for Privileged Code Placement and Tainted Variable Detection (MP, RJF, LK, VCS), pp. 362–386.
OOPSLA-2005-AllanACHKLMSST #aspectj- Adding trace matching with free variables to AspectJ (CA, PA, ASC, LJH, SK, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 345–364.
LOPSTR-2005-AlvezL #algorithm #logic programming #source code- An Algorithm for Local Variable Elimination in Normal Logic Programs (JÁ, PL), pp. 61–79.
RE-2005-BittnerBPRW #requirements #reuse #scalability #variability- Managing Variability and Reuse of Features and Requirements for Large and Complex Organizational Structures (MB, AB, AP, MOR, MW), pp. 469–470.
RE-2005-BuhneLP #modelling #product line #requirements #variability- Modelling Requirements Variability across Product Lines (SB, KL, KP), pp. 41–52.
SAC-2005-FalcoTCG #algorithm #clustering #search-based- A new variable-length genome genetic algorithm for data clustering in semeiotics (IDF, ET, ADC, FG), pp. 923–927.
SAC-2005-WangPSV #ranking- Variable selection and ranking for analyzing automobile traffic accident data (HW, ASP, RKS, SVV), pp. 32–37.
ESEC-FSE-2005-EstublierV #reuse #scalability #variability- Reuse and variability in large software applications (JE, GV), pp. 316–325.
LCTES-2005-Oi #design #hardware #java #on the #virtual machine- On the design of the local variable cache in a hardware translation-based java virtual machine (HO), pp. 87–94.
PPoPP-2005-KejariwalNBP #approach #clustering #novel- A novel approach for partitioning iteration spaces with variable densities (AK, AN, UB, CDP), pp. 120–131.
SAT-J-2004-AnsoteguiM05 #problem- Mapping Problems with Finite-Domain Variables to Problems with Boolean Variables (CA, FM), pp. 1–15.
SAT-J-2004-GummadiNV05 #algorithm #independence #satisfiability #set #using- Algorithms for Satisfiability Using Independent Sets of Variables (RG, NSN, VR), pp. 133–144.
SAT-J-2004-SubbarayanP05 #named #preprocessor #satisfiability- NiVER: Non-increasing Variable Elimination Resolution for Preprocessing SAT Instances (SS, DKP), pp. 276–291.
LICS-2005-KieronskiO #decidability #first-order #logic- Small Substructures and Decidability Issues for First-Order Logic with Two Variables (EK, MO), pp. 448–457.
SAT-2005-DurairajK #constraints #dependence #performance #satisfiability- Variable Ordering for Efficient SAT Search by Analyzing Constraint-Variable Dependencies (VD, PK), pp. 415–422.
SAT-2005-EenB #effectiveness #preprocessor #satisfiability- Effective Preprocessing in SAT Through Variable and Clause Elimination (NE, AB), pp. 61–75.
SAT-2005-Prestwich #random- Random Walk with Continuously Smoothed Variable Weights (SDP), pp. 203–215.
SAT-2005-Wahlstrom #performance #satisfiability- Faster Exact Solving of SAT Formulae with a Low Number of Occurrences per Variable (MW), pp. 309–323.
DAC-2004-RajaramHM #variability- Reducing clock skew variability via cross links (AR, JH, RNM), pp. 18–23.
DAC-2004-RaoDBS #estimation #parametricity #variability- Parametric yield estimation considering leakage variability (RRR, AD, DB, DS), pp. 442–447.
DATE-v1-2004-LiVKI- A Crosstalk Aware Interconnect with Variable Cycle Transmission (LL, NV, MTK, MJI), pp. 102–107.
DATE-v1-2004-WangH #clustering #memory management #multi #power management #scheduling- Power Aware Variable Partitioning and Instruction Scheduling for Multiple Memory Banks (ZW, XSH), pp. 312–317.
DATE-v2-2004-MaxiaguineKT #execution- Workload Characterization Model for Tasks with Variable Execution Demand (AM, SK, LT), pp. 1040–1045.
ITiCSE-2004-Ben-AriS- Roles of variables as seen by CS educators (MBA, JS), pp. 52–56.
ITiCSE-2004-KuittinenS #education #programming- Teaching roles of variables in elementary programming courses (MK, JS), pp. 57–61.
ESOP-2004-CarlierPWK #flexibility #linear #type system- System E: Expansion Variables for Flexible Typing with Linear and Non-linear Types and Intersection Types (SC, JP, JBW, AJK), pp. 294–309.
FoSSaCS-2004-Laird #game studies #semantics- A Game Semantics of Local Names and Good Variables (JL), pp. 289–303.
ICSM-2004-DeelstraSNB #named #product line #variability- COSVAM: A Technique for Assessing Software Variability in Software Product Families (SD, MS, JN, JB), pp. 458–462.
STOC-2004-Feige #bound #graph #independence #on the #random- On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance, and estimating the average degree in a graph (UF), pp. 594–603.
DLT-2004-ChoffrutGL #on the- On the Maximum Coefficients of Rational Formal Series in Commuting Variables (CC, MG, VL), pp. 114–126.
ICALP-2004-DabrowskiP #equation #word- Solving Two-Variable Word Equations (Extended Abstract) (RD, WP), pp. 408–419.
SIGAda-2004-SwardC #ada #re-engineering- Re-engineering global variables in Ada (RES, ATC), pp. 29–34.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Turowska #analysis #nondeterminism- Application of Uncertain Variables to Stability Analysis and Stabilization for ATM ABR Congestion Control Systems (MT), pp. 523–526.
ICEIS-v3-2004-BennasriS #approach #component #requirements #variability- Capturing Requirements Variability into Components: A Goal Driven Approach (SB, CS), pp. 438–443.
ICPR-v3-2004-RexhepiMR #modelling- Sparse, Variable-Representation Active Contour Models (AR, FM, AR), pp. 683–686.
KR-2004-SuLZ #reasoning- Reasoning about Knowledge by Variable Forgetting (KS, GL, YZ), pp. 576–586.
PPDP-2004-CarlierW #type inference- Type inference with expansion variables and intersection types in system E and an exact correspondence with β-reduction (SC, JBW), pp. 132–143.
RE-2004-Gonzalez-BaixauliLM #analysis #modelling #variability #visual notation- Visual Variability Analysis for Goal Models (BGB, JCSdPL, JM), pp. 198–207.
SAC-2004-GuptaCH #constraints #linear- Experiments with UNA for solving linear constraints in real variables (NG, YC, MZH), pp. 1013–1020.
FSE-2004-MeziniO #aspect-oriented #feature model #programming #variability- Variability management with feature-oriented programming and aspects (MM, KO), pp. 127–136.
ICSE-2004-Bosch #variability- Software Variability Management (JB), pp. 720–721.
SPLC-2004-AmericaHIOR #architecture #product line #variability- Scenario-Based Decision Making for Architectural Variability in Product Families (PA, DKH, MTI, JHO, ER), pp. 284–303.
SPLC-2004-Bosch04b #variability- Software Variability Management (JB), pp. 315–316.
SPLC-2004-SinnemaDNB #framework #modelling #named #product line #variability- COVAMOF: A Framework for Modeling Variability in Software Product Families (MS, SD, JN, JB), pp. 197–213.
IJCAR-2004-GodoyT #term rewriting- Deciding Fundamental Properties of Right-(Ground or Variable) Rewrite Systems by Rewrite Closure (GG, AT), pp. 91–106.
IJCAR-2004-LetzS- Generalised Handling of Variables in Disconnection Tableaux (RL, GS), pp. 289–306.
SAT-2004-AnsoteguiM #problem- Mapping Problems with Finite-Domain Variables into Problems with Boolean Variables (CA, FM), pp. 111–119.
SAT-2004-GummadiNV #algorithm #independence #satisfiability #set #using- Algorithms for Satisfiability using Independent Sets of Variables (RG, NSN, VR), pp. 56–63.
SAT-2004-HooryS #satisfiability- Computing Unsatisfiable k-SAT Instances with Few Occurrences per Variable (SH, SS), pp. 86–95.
DAC-2003-ChoiK #design #embedded #layout #memory management #performance- Memory layout techniques for variables utilizing efficient DRAM access modes in embedded system design (YC, TK), pp. 881–886.
DAC-2003-KwonK- Optimal voltage allocation techniques for dynamically variable voltage processors (WCK, TK), pp. 125–130.
ICDAR-2003-ShafieiR #algorithm #markov #modelling #online #segmentation #using #verification- A New On-Line Signature Verification Algorithm Using Variable Length Segmentation and Hidden Markov Models (MMS, HRR), p. 443–?.
FoSSaCS-2003-Kieronski #transitive- The Two-Variable Guarded Fragment with Transitive Guards Is 2EXPTIME-Hard (EK), pp. 299–312.
SOFTVIS-2003-SajaniemiK #animation- Program Animation Based on the Roles of Variables (JS, MK), pp. 7–16.
SEKE-2003-Cebulla #adaptation #architecture #reasoning #using #variability- Reasoning about Variability and structural Adaptation in Sociotechnical Systems Using Dynamic Architectures (MC), pp. 406–413.
LOPSTR-2003-BerghammerM #algorithm #approximate #development #using #verification- Formal Development and Verification of Approximation Algorithms Using Auxiliary Variables (RB, MMO), pp. 59–74.
PPDP-2003-Hamana #algebra #approach #term rewriting- Term rewriting with variable binding: an initial algebra approach (MH), pp. 148–159.
CC-2003-NguyenIAC #automation #detection- Automatic Detection of Uninitialized Variables (TVNN, FI, CA, FC), pp. 217–231.
HPCA-2003-AlameldeenW #architecture #concurrent #multi #simulation #thread #variability- Variability in Architectural Simulations of Multi-Threaded Workloads (ARA, DAW), pp. 7–18.
LCTES-2003-ZhuangLP #embedded #optimisation- Storage assignment optimizations through variable coalescence for embedded processors (XZ, CL, SP), pp. 220–231.
CSL-2003-SatoSKI #calculus- Calculi of Meta-variables (MS, TS, YK, AI), pp. 484–497.
DAC-2002-KrauterW #analysis- Variable frequency crosstalk noise analysis: : a methodology to guarantee functionality from dc to fmax (BK, DW), pp. 665–668.
DATE-2002-Dubrova #composition #order- Composition Trees in Finding Best Variable Orderings for ROBDDs (ED), p. 1084.
DATE-2002-QuanH #energy #scheduling- Minimum Energy Fixed-Priority Scheduling for Variable Voltage Processor (GQ, XH), pp. 782–787.
ITiCSE-2002-WalkerMM #variability- Variability of referees’ ratings of conference papers (HMW, WM, DM), pp. 178–182.
TACAS-2002-ChaH #constraints #distributed #execution #realtime #validation- Validating Timing Constraints of Dependent Jobs with Variable Execution Times in Distributed Real-Time Systems (HC, RH), pp. 83–97.
SCAM-2002-HarmanFHHDW #analysis #dependence #named- VADA: A Transformation-Based System for Variable Dependence Analysis (MH, CF, RMH, LH, SD, JW), pp. 55–64.
ICALP-2002-EpsteinSS #bound #online- New Bounds for Variable-Sized and Resource Augmented Online Bin Packing (LE, SSS, RvS), pp. 306–317.
FME-2002-OheimbN #hoare #logic #revisited- Hoare Logic for NanoJava: Auxiliary Variables, Side Effects, and Virtual Methods Revisited (DvO, TN), pp. 89–105.
AdaEurope-2002-DewarHCW #ada #runtime- Exposing Uninitialized Variables: Strengthening and Extending Run-Time Checks in Ada (RD, OH, DC, PW), pp. 193–204.
ICML-2002-SlonimBFT #feature model #markov #memory management #multi- Discriminative Feature Selection via Multiclass Variable Memory Markov Model (NS, GB, SF, NT), pp. 578–585.
ICML-2002-StracuzziU #random- Randomized Variable Elimination (DJS, PEU), pp. 594–601.
ICPR-v1-2002-ChazalRH #automation #detection #metric #using #variability- Automatic Sleep Apnoea Detection Using Measures of Amplitude and Heart Rate Variability from the Electrocardiogram (PdC, RBR, CH), pp. 775–778.
ICPR-v2-2002-LalondeG #geometry- Variable Neighborhood Search for Geometrically Deformable Templates (ML, LG), pp. 689–692.
ICPR-v3-2002-TakasuA #fault #named #recognition- DVHMM: Variable Length Text Recognition Error Model (AT, KA), pp. 110–114.
ICPR-v4-2002-StephensonMB #automation #network #recognition #speech- Mixed Bayesian Networks with Auxiliary Variables for Automatic Speech Recognition (TAS, MMD, HB), p. 293–?.
KR-2002-LangM #consistency #nondeterminism- Resolving Inconsistencies by Variable Forgetting (JL, PM), pp. 239–250.
SIGIR-2002-NomotoM #modelling #summary #variability- Modeling (in)variability of human judgments for text summarization (TN, YM), pp. 407–408.
OOPSLA-2002-MarellyHK #execution #multi #sequence chart- Multiple instances and symbolic variables in executable sequence charts (RM, DH, HK), pp. 83–100.
LOPSTR-2002-AmatoS #alias #framework #towards- A General Framework for Variable Aliasing: Towards Optimal Operators for Sharing Properties (GA, FS), pp. 52–70.
LOPSTR-2002-SimonKH #abstract domain #difference #linear- Two Variables per Linear Inequality as an Abstract Domain (AS, AK, JMH), pp. 71–89.
SPLC-2002-GeyerB #on the #process #product line- On the Influence of Variabilities on the Application-Engineering Process of a Product Family (LG, MB), pp. 1–14.
SPLC-2002-JaringB #case study #product line #representation #variability- Representing Variability in Software Product Lines: A Case Study (MJ, JB), pp. 15–36.
SPLC-2002-ThielH #architecture #design #integration #product line #variability- Systematic Integration of Variability into Product Line Architecture Design (ST, AH), pp. 130–153.
CC-2002-CilioC #using- Global Variable Promotion: Using Registers to Reduce Cache Power Dissipation (AGMC, HC), pp. 247–260.
CADE-2002-Brown #higher-order #proving #set #theorem proving- Solving for Set Variables in Higher-Order Theorem Proving (CEB), pp. 408–422.
CSL-2002-BerwangerGL #calculus #on the #μ-calculus- On the Variable Hierarchy of the Modal μ-Calculus (DB, EG, GL), pp. 352–366.
LICS-2002-EdalatL #calculus #difference- Domain Theory and Differential Calculus (Functions of one Variable) (AE, AL), pp. 277–286.
WICSA-2001-GurpBS #on the #product line #variability- On the Notion of Variability in Software Product Lines (JvG, JB, MS), pp. 45–54.
ASE-2001-AlurG #diagrams #interactive- Shared Variables Interaction Diagrams (RA, RG), pp. 281–288.
ASE-2001-SyD #automation #float #generative #integer #source code #testing- Automatic Test Data Generation for Programs with Integer and Float Variables (NTS, YD), pp. 13–21.
DAC-2001-QuanH #energy #performance #realtime #scheduling- Energy Efficient Fixed-Priority Scheduling for Real-Time Systems on Variable Voltage Processors (GQ, XH), pp. 828–833.
PLDI-2001-HansonP- Dynamic Variables (DRH, TAP), pp. 264–273.
ICML-2001-BowlingV #convergence #learning- Convergence of Gradient Dynamics with a Variable Learning Rate (MHB, MMV), pp. 27–34.
ICML-2001-SeldinBT #markov #memory management #segmentation #sequence- Unsupervised Sequence Segmentation by a Mixture of Switching Variable Memory Markov Sources (YS, GB, NT), pp. 513–520.
KDD-2001-Webb- Discovering associations with numeric variables (GIW), pp. 383–388.
CC-2001-TiceG #generative #robust- A Practical, Robust Method for Generating Variable Range Tables (CT, SLG), pp. 102–117.
CAV-2001-Arons #consistency #using #verification- Using Timestamping and History Variables to Verify Sequential Consistency (TA), pp. 423–435.
CSL-2001-LutzSW #logic- Modal Logic and the Two-Variable Fragment (CL, US, FW), pp. 247–261.
IJCAR-2001-BoigelotJW #automaton #integer #linear #on the- On the Use of Weak Automata for Deciding Linear Arithmetic with Integer and Real Variables (BB, SJ, PW), pp. 611–625.
IJCAR-2001-CerritoM #logic #quantifier- Free-Variable Tableaux for Constant-Domain Quantified Modal Logics with Rigid and Non-rigid Designation (SC, MCM), pp. 137–151.
IJCAR-2001-Giese #incremental- Incremental Closure of Free Variable Tableaux (MG), pp. 545–560.
IJCAR-2001-NivelleP #similarity- A Resolution-Based Decision Procedure for the Two-Variable Fragment with Equality (HdN, IPH), pp. 211–225.
RTA-2001-VestergaardB #confluence #first-order #proving #using #λ-calculus- A Formalised First-Order Confluence Proof for the λ-Calculus Using One-Sorted Variable Names (RV, JB), pp. 306–321.
DAC-2000-LuJCF #performance #using- Efficient variable ordering using aBDD based sampling (YL, JJ, EMC, MF), pp. 687–692.
PEPM-2000-Kobayashi #type system- Type-Based Useless Variable Elimination (NK), pp. 84–93.
PLDI-2000-RouhtevC #analysis #points-to #scalability- Off-line variable substitution for scaling points-to analysis (AR, SC), pp. 47–56.
STOC-2000-Achlioptas #bound #random #satisfiability- Setting 2 variables at a time yields a new lower bound for random 3-SAT (extended abstract) (DA), pp. 28–37.
ICALP-2000-Libkin #constraints #independence #quantifier- Variable Independence, Quantifier Elimination, and Constraint Representations (LL), pp. 260–271.
ICALP-2000-Seiden #algorithm #bound #online- An Optimal Online Algorithm for Bounded Space Variable-Sized Bin Packing (SSS), pp. 283–295.
WLC-2000-KoshibaH #consistency- A Note on Finding One-Variable Patterns Consistent with Examples and Counterexamples (TK, KH), pp. 253–265.
IFM-2000-Dingel #development #distributed #parallel #source code #towards- Towards a Unified Development Methodology for Shared-Variable Parallel and Distributed Programs (JD), pp. 214–234.
CAiSE-2000-BauerD #distributed #performance #workflow- Efficient Distributed Workflow Management Based on Variable Server Assignments (TB, PD), pp. 94–109.
ICML-2000-MunosM #convergence- Rates of Convergence for Variable Resolution Schemes in Optimal Control (RM, AWM), pp. 647–654.
ICML-2000-WesterdijkW #classification #modelling #multi #using- Classification with Multiple Latent Variable Models using Maximum Entropy Discrimination (MW, WW), pp. 1143–1150.
KDD-2000-Bay #mining #multi #set- Multivariate discretization of continuous variables for set mining (SDB), pp. 315–319.
KR-2000-Massacci #first-order #reduction- Reduction rules and universal variables for first order tableaux and DPLL (FM), pp. 186–197.
CL-2000-Miller #bibliography #perspective #syntax- Abstract Syntax for Variable Binders: An Overview (DM), pp. 239–253.
DAC-1999-GoodmanCD #design #embedded #encryption #implementation #scalability- Design and Implementation of a Scalable Encryption Processor with Embedded Variable DC/DC Converter (JG, AC, APD), pp. 855–860.
DAC-1999-GovindarajuDB #approximate #reachability #using- Improved Approximate Reachability Using Auxiliary State Variables (SGG, DLD, JPB), pp. 312–316.
DATE-1999-MeinelS #model checking #order #performance- Increasing Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking by Accelerating Dynamic Variable Reordering (CM, CS), pp. 760–761.
DATE-1999-ThorntonWDD #diagrams #order #using- Variable Reordering for Shared Binary Decision Diagrams Using Output Probabilities (MAT, JPW, RD, ND), pp. 758–759.
SIGMOD-1999-LakshmananNHP #constraints #optimisation #query #set- Optimization of Constrained Frequent Set Queries with 2-variable Constraints (LVSL, RTN, JH, AP), pp. 157–168.
SAS-1999-BozgaFG #analysis #reduction- State Space Reduction Based on Live Variables Analysis (MB, JCF, LG), pp. 164–178.
SAS-1999-RuthingKS #detection #performance #precise- Detecting Equalities of Variables: Combining Efficiency with Precision (OR, JK, BS), pp. 232–247.
ICALP-1999-KrauseSW #approximate #problem- Approximations by OBDDs and the Variable Ordering Problem (MK, PS, IW), pp. 493–502.
FM-v2-1999-BoerHR #approach #concurrent #paradigm #semantics- Formal Justification of the Rely-Guarantee Paradigm for Shared-Variable Concurrency: A Semantic Approach (FSdB, UH, WPdR), pp. 1245–1265.
PPDP-1999-HolzbaurF #compilation #constraints #prolog- Compiling Constraint Handling Rules into Prolog with Attributed Variables (CH, TWF), pp. 117–133.
POPL-1999-WandS #constraints- Constraint Systems for Useless Variable Elimination (MW, IS), pp. 291–302.
HPCA-1999-InoueKM #logic #memory management- Dynamically Variable Line-Size Cache Exploiting High On-Chip Memory Bandwidth of Merged DRAM/Logic LSIs (KI, KK, KM), pp. 218–222.
LCTES-1999-EcksteinK #low cost- Minimizing Cost of Local Variables Access for DSP-Processors (EE, AK), pp. 20–27.
CADE-1999-Schmidt-SchaussS #decidability #equation- Solvability of Context Equations with Two Context Variables is Decidable (MSS, KUS), pp. 67–81.
LICS-1999-FiorePT #syntax- Abstract Syntax and Variable Binding (MPF, GDP, DT), pp. 193–202.
LICS-1999-GanzingerMV #transitive- The Two-Variable Guarded Fragment with Transitive Relations (HG, CM, MV), pp. 24–34.
LICS-1999-GradelR- Two-Variable Descriptions of Regularity (EG, ER), pp. 14–23.
DAC-1998-HongKQPS #optimisation- Power Optimization of Variable Voltage Core-Based Systems (IH, DK, GQ, MP, MBS), pp. 176–181.
CSMR-1998-KawabeMUO #classification #problem- Variable Classification Technique and Application to the Year 2000 Problem (KK, AM, SU, AO), pp. 44–51.
PLDI-1998-AgesenDM #garbage collection #java #liveness #virtual machine- Garbage Collection and Local Variable Type-Precision and Liveness in Java Virtual Machines (OA, DD, JEBM), pp. 269–279.
STOC-1998-TherienW #quantifier #word- Over Words, Two Variables Are as Powerful as One Quantifier Alternation (DT, TW), pp. 234–240.
ICFP-1998-Odersky #programming- Programming with Variable Functions (MO), pp. 105–116.
CHI-1998-RoweSI #human-computer #interactive #variability- Hear Rate Variability: Indicator of User State as an Aid to Human-Computer Interaction (DWR, JLS, DI), pp. 480–487.
ICML-1998-RamachandranM #network #refinement- Theory Refinement of Bayesian Networks with Hidden Variables (SR, RJM), pp. 454–462.
ICML-1998-SaundersGV #algorithm #learning- Ridge Regression Learning Algorithm in Dual Variables (CS, AG, VV), pp. 515–521.
ICPR-1998-FerriMAS #algorithm #estimation #using- Variable-size block matching algorithm for motion estimation using a perceptual-based splitting criterion (FJF, JM, JVA, JS), pp. 286–288.
ICPR-1998-OkumuraMKYMTIM #automation #detection #image- Automatic detection of lung cancers in chest CT images by variable N-Quoit filter (TO, TM, JiK, SY, MM, YT, TI, TM), pp. 1671–1673.
ICPR-1998-PetersS #realtime- A real-time variable sampling technique: DIEM (MWP, AS), pp. 316–321.
OOPSLA-1998-HarrisS #distributed #internet #lightweight #object-oriented- Lightweight Object-Oriented Shared Variables for Distributed Applications on the Internet (JH, VS), pp. 296–309.
SAC-1998-MachucaM #data mining #database #mining #precise #relational #set- Enhancing the exploitation of data mining in relational database systems via the rough sets theory including precision variables (FM, MM), pp. 70–73.
ASPLOS-1998-StarkEP #branch #predict- Variable Length Path Branch Prediction (JS, ME, YNP), pp. 170–179.
LICS-1998-DawarHS #finite #quantifier- Ordering Finite Variable Types with Generalized Quantifiers (AD, LH, AS), pp. 28–43.
LICS-1998-KolaitisO #bound #first-order #logic #on the #problem- On the Boundedness Problem for Two-Variable First-Order Logic (PGK, MO), pp. 513–524.
RTA-1998-DegtyarevGNVV #decidability- The Decidability of Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification with One Variable (AD, YG, PN, MV, AV), pp. 181–195.
EDTC-1997-ManichF #process- Maximizing the weighted switching activity in combinational CMOS circuits under the variable delay model (SM, JF), pp. 597–602.
EDTC-1997-SchaumontVREB #multi #synthesis- Synthesis of multi-rate and variable rate circuits for high speed telecommunications applications (PS, SV, LR, ME, IB), pp. 542–546.
CSMR-1997-TonellaAFM #analysis #maintenance #precise- Variable Precision Reaching Definitions Analysis for Software Maintenance (PT, GA, RF, EM), pp. 60–67.
ICALP-1997-DrosteG #on the- On Recognizable and Rational Formal Power Series in Partially Commuting Variables (MD, PG), pp. 682–692.
FME-1997-BoerHR #composition #concurrent #proving- A Compositional Proof System for Shared Variable Concurrency (FSdB, UH, WPdR), pp. 515–532.
HCI-CC-1997-AnkrumS #monitoring #variability- Heart Rate Variability in Eye-Level and Low Monitor Conditions (DRA, KS), pp. 571–574.
HCI-CC-1997-RadleBM #performance #variability- The Effects of Task Variability on Mouse Performance (KR, SB, IM), pp. 711–714.
HCI-CC-1997-Suzuki #analysis #development #evaluation #variability- The Application of Heart Rate Variability Analysis on the Evaluation of Mental Strain and its Future Development (KS), pp. 559–562.
HCI-SEC-1997-ZanottiRC- Human Factors Principles for Variable Message Signs Utilized in Intelligent Transportation Systems (AZ, MLR, GC), pp. 339–342.
ICML-1997-Friedman #learning #network- Learning Belief Networks in the Presence of Missing Values and Hidden Variables (NF), pp. 125–133.
KDD-1997-HoS #named- Zeta: A Global Method for Discretization of Continuous Variables (KMH, PDS), pp. 191–194.
ALP-1997-AbdennadherS #constraints #generative #quantifier- Model Generation with Existentially Quantified Variables and Constraints (SA, HS), pp. 256–272.
ICLP-1997-Schachte #logic programming- Global Variables in Logic Programming (PS), pp. 3–17.
LICS-1997-EtessamiVW #first-order #logic- First-Order Logic with Two Variables and Unary Temporal Logic (KE, MYV, TW), pp. 228–235.
LICS-1997-GradelOR #decidability #logic- Two-Variable Logic with Counting is Decidable (EG, MO, ER), pp. 306–317.
LICS-1997-PacholskiST #complexity #logic- Complexity of Two-Variable Logic with Counting (LP, WS, LT), pp. 318–327.
PODS-1996-ChomickiGK #independence- Variable Independence and Aggregation Closure (JC, DQG, GMK), pp. 40–48.
ICALP-1996-BruyereL- Variable-Length Maximal Codes (VB, ML), pp. 24–47.
ICPR-1996-NamuduriRR #algorithm #image #named #segmentation #slicing #using- SVBS: a high-resolution medical image compression algorithm using slicing with variable block size segmentation (KRN, NR, HR), pp. 919–923.
SEKE-1996-FoxvogT #realtime- Variable Depth Resolution for Intelligent Real-Time Systems (DF, TT), pp. 400–407.
ASPLOS-1996-FoxGBA #adaptation #network #on-demand #variability- Adapting to Network and Client Variability via On-Demand Dynamic Distillation (AF, SDG, EAB, EA), pp. 160–170.
CADE-1996-Felty #calculus #proving #set- Proof Search with Set Variable Instantiation in the Calculus of Constructions (APF), pp. 658–672.
CSL-1996-Dziembowski #bound #fixpoint #query- Bounded-Variable Fixpoint Queries are PSPACE-complete (SD), pp. 89–105.
ISSTA-1996-MarxF #approach #data flow #pointer #testing- The Path-Wise Approach to Data Flow Testing with Pointer Variables (DISM, PGF), pp. 135–146.
LICS-1996-KolaitisV #logic #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Variable-Confined Logics (PGK, MYV), pp. 348–359.
LICS-1996-Pitts #logic #reasoning- Reasoning about Local Variables with Operationally-Based Logical Relations (AMP), pp. 152–163.
DAC-1995-WuL- Register Minimization beyond Sharing among Variables (TYW, YLL), pp. 164–169.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GuyonP #design #markov #memory management #modelling #using- Design of a linguistic postprocessor using variable memory length Markov models (IG, FP), pp. 454–457.
PODS-1995-Vardi #bound #complexity #on the #query- On the Complexity of Bounded-Variable Queries (MYV), pp. 266–276.
ICALP-1995-JurgensenK #fault- Variable-Length Codes for Error Correction (HJ, SK), pp. 581–592.
KDD-1995-SpirtesM #learning #network- Learning Bayesian Networks with Discrete Variables from Data (PS, CM), pp. 294–299.
ICLP-1995-Hanus #equation #logic programming #on the- On Extra Variables in (Equational) Logic Programming (MH), pp. 665–679.
ICLP-1995-HermenegildoGC #concurrent #implementation #logic programming #parallel #using- Using Attributed Variables in the Implementation of Concurrent and Parallel Logic Programming Systems (MVH, DCG, MC), pp. 631–645.
LICS-1995-Otto- Ptime Canonization for Two Variables with Counting (MO), pp. 342–352.
RTA-1995-SuzukiMI #term rewriting- Level-Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables in Right-Hand Sides (TS, AM, TI), pp. 179–193.
DAC-1994-AzizTB #finite #state machine- BDD Variable Ordering for Interacting Finite State Machines (AA, ST, RKB), pp. 283–288.
DAC-1994-CabodiCQ #traversal- Auxiliary Variables for Extending Symbolic Traversal Techniques to Data Paths (GC, PC, SQ), pp. 289–293.
DAC-1994-JunH #automation #pipes and filters #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis of Pipeline Structures with Variable Data Initiation Intervals (HSJ, SYH), pp. 537–541.
EDAC-1994-DumasGLP #effectiveness #fault- Effectiveness of a Variable Sampling Time Strategy for Delay Fault Diagnosis (DD, PG, CL, SP), pp. 518–523.
EDAC-1994-MichaelsS #modelling #simulation- Variable Accuracy Device Modeling for Event-Driven Circuit Simulation (KWM, AJS), pp. 557–561.
EDAC-1994-RamachandranGC #algorithm #array #clustering- An Algorithm for Array Variable Clustering (LR, DG, VC), pp. 262–266.
LFP-1994-DzengH #re-engineering- Type Reconstruction for Variable-Arity Procedures (HD, CTH), pp. 239–249.
ALP-1994-Marchiori94a #alias #logic programming #source code- A Logic for Variable Aliasing in Logic Programs (EM), pp. 287–304.
SAC-1994-KucherovR #on the #problem #term rewriting #word- On ground reducibility problem for word rewriting systems with variables (GK, MR), pp. 271–276.
ICLP-1994-Gervet #constraints #finite #named #set- Conjunto: Constraint Propagation over Set Constraints with Finite Set Domain Variables (CG), p. 733.
ICLP-1994-ProiettiP #logic- Completeness of Some Transformation Strategies for Avoiding Unnecessary Logical Variables (MP, AP), pp. 714–729.
ILPS-1994-Imbert #equation #linear- Redundancy, Variable Elimination and Linear Disequations (JLI), pp. 139–153.
DAC-1993-DharchoudhuryK #variability #worst-case- Performance-Constrained Worst-Case Variability Minimization of VLSI Circuits (AD, SMK), pp. 154–158.
PLDI-1993-Adl-TabatabaiG #detection #scheduling- Detection and Recovery of Endangered Variables Caused by Instruction Scheduling (ARAT, TRG), pp. 13–25.
HCI-ACS-1993-SuzukiH #effectiveness #on the #variability- On a Simple and Effective Method to Analyze Heart Rate Variability (KS, YH), pp. 914–919.
INTERCHI-1993-Redmiles #performance #variability- Reducing the variability of programmers’ performance through explained examples (DFR), pp. 67–73.
ICML-1993-Connolly #clustering #concept #network- Constructing Hidden Variables in Bayesian Networks via Conceptual Clustering (DC), pp. 65–72.
PLILP-1993-DarlingtonGK #functional #linear #logic #perspective #programming language- Functional Programming Languages with Logical Variables: A Linear Logic View (JD, YG, MK), pp. 201–219.
POPL-1993-Adl-TabatabaiG #debugging #interactive- Evicted Variables and the Interaction of Global Register Allocation and Symbolic Debugging (ARAT, TRG), pp. 371–383.
POPL-1993-LeeF #multi- Quasi-Static Scoping: Sharing Variable Bindings Across Multiple Lexical Scopes (SDL, DPF), pp. 479–492.
POPL-1993-OHearnT #parametricity #relational- Relational Parametricity and Local Variables (PWO, RDT), pp. 171–184.
ICLP-1993-Imbert #constraints #linear- Variable Elimination for Generalized Linear Constraints (JLI), pp. 499–516.
ILPS-1993-MacdonaldSY- Redundancy of Variables in CLP (R) (ADM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 75–93.
PLDI-1992-Wolfe #induction- Beyond Induction Variables (MW), pp. 162–174.
STOC-1992-BrightwellOW #random- Target Shooting with Programmed Random Variables (GB, TJO, PW), pp. 691–698.
ML-1992-Singh #algorithm #learning #modelling #scalability- Scaling Reinforcement Learning Algorithms by Learning Variable Temporal Resolution Models (SPS), pp. 406–415.
PLILP-1992-Holzbaur #unification- Metastructures versus Attributed Variables in the Context of Extensible Unification (CH), pp. 260–268.
POPL-1992-JagadeesanP #functional #higher-order #logic #semantics- Abstract Semantics for a Higher-Order Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, KP), pp. 355–366.
CC-1992-DuesterwaldGS #approach #pipes and filters- Register Pipelining: An Integrated Approach to Register Allocation for Scalar and Subscripted Variables (ED, RG, MLS), pp. 192–206.
CADE-1992-BeckertH #semantics #similarity- An Improved Method for Adding Equality to Free Variable Semantic Tableaux (BB, RH), pp. 507–521.
CADE-1992-Hines- The Central Variable Strategy of Str+ve (LMH), pp. 35–49.
JICSLP-1992-SundararajanST #analysis #concurrent #logic programming #source code #thread- Variable Threadedness Analysis for Concurrent Logic Programs (RS, AVSS, ET), pp. 493–508.
LICS-1992-MasonT #reasoning- References, Local Variables and Operational Reasoning (IAM, CLT), pp. 186–197.
DAC-1991-ButlerRKM #diagrams #heuristic #order #performance- Heuristics to Compute Variable Orderings for Efficient Manipulation of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (KMB, DER, RK, MRM), pp. 417–420.
PEPM-1991-GomardS- Globalization and Live Variables (CKG, PS), pp. 166–177.
STOC-1991-CohenM #algorithm #difference #linear- Improved Algorithms for Linear Inequalities with Two Variables per Inequality (Extended Abstract) (EC, NM), pp. 145–155.
WSA-1991-Shivers- Useless-Variable Elimination (OS), pp. 197–201.
ICALP-1991-BruyereF- Degree and Decomposability of Variable-Length Codes (VB, CdF), pp. 575–587.
ML-1991-Day #csp #heuristic #learning #problem- Learning Variable Descriptors for Applying Heuristics Across CSP Problems (DSD), pp. 127–131.
ML-1991-MartinB #bias #learning #variability- Variability Bias and Category Learning (JDM, DB), pp. 90–94.
ML-1991-Moore #programming- Variable Resolution Dynamic Programming (AWM), pp. 333–337.
LOPSTR-1991-ProiettiP #automation #logic programming #source code- An Automatic Transfomation Strategy for Avoiding Unnecessary Variables in Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (MP, AP), pp. 126–128.
PLILP-1991-ProiettiP #logic programming #named #order #source code- Unfolding — Definition — Folding, in this Order, for Avaoiding Unnecessary Variables in Logic Programs (MP, AP), pp. 347–358.
POPL-1991-KleinmanMPS #communication #logic- Communication with Directed Logic Variables (AK, YM, AP, EYS), pp. 221–232.
ASPLOS-1991-WolfeS #architecture- A Variable Instruction Stream Extension to the VLIW Architecture (AW, JPS), pp. 2–14.
CSL-1991-Mundici #logic #normalisation- Normal Forms in Infinite-Valued Logic: The Case of One Variable (DM), pp. 272–277.
ICLP-1991-MuthukumarH #abstract interpretation- Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program Variables through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 49–63.
DAC-1990-MaoC #fault #testing- A Variable Observation Time Method for Testing Delay Faults (WM, MDC), pp. 728–731.
VLDB-1990-SudkampL #database- Elimination of View and Redundant Variables in a SQL-like Database Language for Extended NF2 Structures (NS, VL), pp. 302–313.
PLDI-1990-AmmarguellatH #abstract interpretation #automation #induction #recognition- Automatic Recognition of Induction Variables and Recurrence Relations by Abstract Interpretation (ZA, WLHI), pp. 283–295.
PLDI-1990-CallahanCK- Improving Register Allocation for Subscripted Variables (DC, SC, KK), pp. 53–65.
Best-of-PLDI-1990-CallahanCK90a- Improving register allocation for subscripted variables (with retrospective) (DC, SC, KK), pp. 328–342.
CLP-1990-Brogi90- AND-Parallelism without Shared Variables (AB), pp. 306–321.
NACLP-1990-Crammond #implementation #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling and Variable Assignment in the Parallel PARLOG Implementation (JAC), pp. 642–657.
PLDI-1989-HorwitzPR #analysis #dependence #pointer- Dependence Analysis for Pointer Variables (SH, PP, TWR), pp. 28–40.
ICALP-1989-LiV #concurrent #how- How to Share Concurrent Asynchronous Wait-Free Variables (Preliminary Version) (ML, PMBV), pp. 488–505.
FPCA-1989-Sestoft #parametricity- Replacing Function Parameters by Global Variables (PS), pp. 39–53.
LICS-1989-JagadeesanPP #functional #logic #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, PP, KP), pp. 294–303.
NACLP-1989-JacobsL #alias #approximate #logic programming #performance #source code- Accurate and Efficient Approximation of Variable Aliasing in Logic Programs (DJ, AL), pp. 154–165.
NACLP-1989-MuthukumarH #abstract interpretation #dependence- Determination of Variable Dependence Information through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 166–185.
NACLP-1989-Nystrom #concurrent #execution #logic- Variable-Free Execution of Concurrent Logic Languages (SON), pp. 536–552.
RTA-1989-MohanS #logic- Negation with Logical Variables in Conditional Rewriting (CKM, MKS), pp. 292–310.
LFP-1988-DybvigH #interface- A Variable-Arity Procedural Interface (RKD, RH), pp. 106–115.
PLILP-1988-Lindstrom #functional #logic #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis Of Functional Programs With Logic Variables (GL), pp. 1–19.
POPL-1988-AlpernWZ #detection #similarity #source code- Detecting Equality of Variables in Programs (BA, MNW, FKZ), pp. 1–11.
POPL-1988-MeyerS #semantics #towards- Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Local Variables (ARM, KS), pp. 191–203.
PPEALS-1988-GuptaT #parallel #runtime- Exploiting Variable Grain Parallelism at Runtime (AG, AT), pp. 212–221.
JICSCP-1988-WinsboroughW88- Transparent And-Parallelism in the Presence of Shared Free Variables (WHW, AW), pp. 749–764.
DAC-1987-FriedmanS #diagrams- Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams (SJF, KJS), pp. 358–356.
DAC-1987-Ng #design- A “gridless” Variable-Width Channel Router for Marco Cell Design (CHN), pp. 633–636.
FPCA-1987-BellotJ #implementation- A theory for natural modelisation and implementation of functions with variable arity (PB, VJ), pp. 212–233.
HCI-CE-1987-Springer #identification #pretty-printing #retrieval- Retrieval of Information from Complex Alphanumeric Displays: Screen Formatting Variables’ Effects on Target Identification Time (CJS), pp. 375–382.
HCI-SES-1987-RuthG #predict- Examining the Silent Majority: A Current Perspective on Predictive Variables Associated with Managerial and Clerical ADP Users (SRR, EPG), pp. 311–318.
LICS-1987-ImmermanK #bound- Definability with Bounded Number of Bound Variables (NI, DK), pp. 236–244.
DAC-1986-Sasao #generative #multi #named #synthesis #using- MACDAS: multi-level AND-OR circuit synthesis using two-variable function generators (TS), pp. 86–93.
STOC-1986-LuekerMR #difference #linear #programming- Linear Programming with Two Variables per Inequality in Poly-Log Time (Preliminary Version) (GSL, NM, VR), pp. 196–205.
CSCW-1986-Blomberg #process- The variable impact of computer technologies on the organization of work activities (JB), pp. 35–42.
STOC-1985-HastadS #encryption #security- The Cryptographic Security of Truncated Linearly Related Variables (JH, AS), pp. 356–362.
POPL-1985-Lindstrom #functional #logic #programming- Functional Programming and the Logical Variable (GL), pp. 266–280.
SLP-1985-LeviP85 #declarative #logic #semantics- The Declarative Semantics of Logical Read-Only Variables (GL, CP), pp. 128–137.
DAC-1983-SmithNBSW #array #automation #geometry #layout #named- VGAUA: The Variable Geometry Automated Universal Array layout System (DCS, RN, FB, SSS, JCW), pp. 425–429.
POPL-1983-DemersD #equation- Making Variables Abstract: An Equational Theory for Russell (AJD, JED), pp. 59–72.
DAC-1982-Korn #performance- An efficient variable-cost maze router (RKK), pp. 425–431.
LFP-1982-White #bound #constant- Constant Time Interpretation for Shallow-bound Variables in the Presence of Mixed SPECIAL/LOCAL Declarations (JLW), pp. 196–200.
POPL-1982-ReifS #bound #communication #distributed #variability- Unbounded Speed Variability in Distributed Communication Systems (JHR, PGS), pp. 46–56.
DAC-1981-KhokhaniPFSH- Placement of variable size circuits on LSI masterslices (KHK, AMP, WF, JS, DH), pp. 426–434.
STOC-1981-Chew #normalisation #term rewriting- Unique Normal Forms in Term Rewriting Systems with Repeated Variables (PC), pp. 7–18.
ICALP-1981-HeintzS #decidability #polynomial #random- Absolute Primality of Polynomials is Decidable in Random Polynomial Time in the Number of Variables (JH, MS), pp. 16–28.
DAC-1980-TadaYKS #performance #strict- A fast maze router with iterative use of variable search space restriction (FT, KY, TK, TS), pp. 250–254.
LISP-1980-SteeleS #lazy evaluation- The Dream of Lifetime: A Lazy Variable Extent Mechanism (GLSJ, GJS), pp. 163–172.
POPL-1980-Weihl #analysis #data flow #interprocedural #pointer- Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Pointers, Procedure Variables and Label Variables (WEW), pp. 83–94.
CADE-1980-BledsoeH #proving- Variable Elimination and Chaining in a Resolution-based Prover for Inequalities (WWB, LMH), pp. 70–87.
ICALP-1979-Janko- Hierarchic Index Sequential Search with Optimal Variable Block Size and Its Minimal Expected Number of Comparisons (WJ), pp. 304–315.
POPL-1979-Banning #alias #performance- An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.
SOSP-1979-Gehringer #problem- Variable-Length Capabilities as a Solution to the Small-Object Problem (EFG), pp. 131–142.
ICALP-1978-CremersH #using- Mutual Exclusion of N Processors Using an O(N)-Valued Message Variable (Extended Abstract) (ABC, TNH), pp. 165–176.
ICALP-1978-FortuneHS #complexity #equivalence #for free- The Complexity of Equivalence and Containment for Free Single Variable Program Schemes (SF, JEH, EMS), pp. 227–240.
POPL-1978-CousotH #automation #linear- Automatic Discovery of Linear Restraints Among Variables of a Program (PC, NH), pp. 84–96.
POPL-1978-KaplanU #automation- A General Scheme for the Automatic Inference of Variable Types (MAK, JDU), pp. 60–75.
POPL-1976-FongU #induction- Induction Variables in Very High Level Languages (ACF, JDU), pp. 104–112.
SOSP-J-1975-PrieveF76 #algorithm #named- VMIN — An Optimal Variable-Space Page Replacement Algorithm (BGP, RSF), pp. 295–297.
STOC-1974-Lipton #branch- Limitations of Synchronization Primitives with Conditional Branching and Global Variables (RJL), pp. 230–241.
LISP-1963-Yates #analysis #compilation #lisp #source code #word- LISP. Group Analysis programs. Λ LISP Compiler for a variable word machine (Gamma 30 Scientific) (RY), p. 15.